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S05:E17 - Brotherhooves Social


S05:E17 - Brotherhooves Social  

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<p>Hello! I'm new to these forums, as you can see!</p>

<p>This was a good episode- it finally showed the meaning of the relationship between Applebloom and BigMacintosh. Applebloom was kind of a jerk, but I still loved it!</p>

Edited by Sugar Sprinkles

WHAZ UP! I'm Sugar Sprinkles, or Ticklefeather. Just cause. Well, no.

Because,                                                      Vampire!


                                                        ~Friendship is Witchcraft- Lunar Slander


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<p>Hello! I'm new to these forums, as you can see!</p>

<p>This was a good episode- it finally showed the meaning of the relationship between Applebloom and BigMacintosh. Applebloom was kind of a jerk, but I still loved it!</p>


Uhh, here on the forums we use BBCode for posts. Not HTML.


Art by DoeKitty

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This episode was so heartwarming, not to mention hilarious!

I loved the part at  the end where big mac spoke to apple bloom about his feelings. I admit, that was wonderful. 


Signature made by Odyssey (Sawk) 



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  • 1 month later...

There are a few things that I would like to say about this episode:


I fully sympathize with Big Macintosh, and I understand that he wants to be a hero just like his sister. There are 4 things I would like to say about this.


1. If there is one thing that Applejack values, it's the strength of the bond of the Apple Family.And strengthening individual relationships between family members such as Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom. And although the bond between Applejack and Apple Bloom is about as close as two sisters can get. I imagine that Applejack would say to Apple Bloom sometime after the ending: "Now Sugarcube. I understand and appreciate that you look up to me like nopony else. But what would REALLY make me happy is if you show Big Mac the same love and appreciation that you would with me." Or something like that.


2. Somehow I feel that had Big Macintosh admitted his desired to be a hero to Applejack, she'd be quite understanding. I think that she'd also say "Big Mac, I didn't choose to be the hero of the family! I never asked for any of the glory that came with my heroic deeds. And, I DON'T flaunt my heroic status at everypony else....unlike Rainbow Dash (giggle). But the reason why I wound up the hero of the Apple family is because the Element of Honesty chose me to represent it. The same goes Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow and Fluttershy and their respective elements. All 6 of us go out there and defend Equestria because it's our duty to do so. Not only that. All the heroic things I do are to benefit You, Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, the rest of the Apple family, and everypony else. I'm a the hero of the family not because I want to be, but because I have to be."


3. But that's not to say that there isn't going to be any further development for Big Macintosh's character in future episodes. Who knows, maybe at some point in season 6, Applejack would be unable to do her duties and it would be up to Big Macintosh to carry the Element of Honesty in her place. Do you think that could happen?


Finally. I would just like to ask if it is possible if they change the "Sisterhooves Social" into the "Siblinghooves Social"? That way, stallions and colts can participate, and there are ways to accommodate for families with more than 2 siblings?


I thought this was a great episode by the way.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Watched this first time ever tonight, so while it's still fresh in my mind...


Big Mac in drag! Yikes! :o



But quite funny and surprisingly not too cringe-making. No mean feat.



The sunset scene at the end steals the show. Bwaah!! crysmiley1.gif



Deffo needs another viewing soon.....


EDIT: 'course this follows after Made In Manehattan and is what's going on at home while Applejack and Rarity are away, so a nice bit of continuity.

Edited by Tropical Melody
  • Brohoof 2


REDWINGS HORSE SANCTUARY  www.redwings.org.uk

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  • 1 year later...
9 minutes ago, Nye said:

The best part was the “cousin’s” appearance.

Voice actors must have had so much fun in the recording sessions. I almoust felled from my chair during first " I do declare " :D Funny episode, but also very sweet and heartwarming

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I really love this episode. Not only is it hilarious throughout, but it's one of the few season 5 episodes to be emotional in a good way. There's no emotional manipulation, no butchering a moral, and there's no making a character out of character just for sympathy. It's just wonderful.

Score: 10/10


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  • 3 months later...

What a heartwarming episode. I loved it! Big Mac dressing up as a woman was funny as well. His acting was actually really good, and I was surprised. This must have been quite a task for the voice actor, but I think he nailed it. :mlp_icwudt:


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  • 3 weeks later...

That was a fun episode. I feel like the show is poking a bit of fun at the “dressing in drag is hilarious” cliches. Big Mac putting on shoes (Did Apple Bloom say they were high heals? Yikes!) for no good reason, and quickly losing them. That everyone knew who he was, but they didn’t care. I also sort of love that nobody told him, “Hey Big Mac, you don’t have to do that.”

The episode was also great in acknowledging how it would feel to be sibling to a hero. Big Mac just wants to be a hero to his youngest sister again. Aww. 

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I do think it's an issue that the jokes in this episode are mostly about how bad Big Mac's disguise is, but it's worth nothing that this gives him a lot of dialogue, all of which makes him sound very enthusiastic. Peter New's performance makes up for a lot: he never sounds like he considers Big Mac's crossdressing to be a joke. And the animators, to their credit, made him look nice in his outfit, if a bit like a Southern U.S. stereotype. But then again, so does Applejack. 

But it still trips up a lot: the Adam's apple thing is the most obvious example, but Rainbow Dash saying she won't go easy on him because he's a stallion has the same effect, and the one creepy judge borders on judgmental in a way that the best moments here so delightfully avoid. Get it? It's funny because Big Mac is a stallion! Stuff like that just falls into the same problem that crossdressing stories in cartoons so often do: they make it seem like there's something wrong with Big Mac crossdressing, instead of just that he's being way too aggressive about the competition. There's a sweetness underlying enough of this that I don't think it's terrible, but I think it's telling that it needs to reiterate the "no, we don't care that Big Mac is a stallion" thing at the end, even though that was set up pretty early on. I don't doubt they had good intentions, but they fall back on easy jokes which undermine the episode's point. There's a sensitivity and gentleness to how this handles Big Mac's feelings that isn't extended to the crossdressing stuff. The ending is still great; I just wish the rest of it stayed on point. 

Entertainment: 6/10
Characters: 8/10
Themes: 7/10
Story: 5/10
Overall: 65/100


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  • 2 months later...

It's refreshing to see this show using its secondary characters. Slice of Life also used characters who weren't part of the main cast, but that episode split its focus between a ton of background characters. This episode is solely focused on exploring one side character and it's nice to see. That is, when it's not doing a bunch of simple crossdressing jokes. I think the episode stagnates when the social starts. It's not bad (I like that there is underlying emotion behind the jokes), but the jokes often distract from the emotion of the episode. The ending is nice and some of the jokes are funny, but it's not as good as it could've been.

Score: 7/10

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  • 2 months later...

One of the funniest episodes in the show in my opinion, with an emotional and sweet ending. Big macs acting skills are underrated, he really got into that role. Scootaloo and RDs "sisterhood" was adorable and the fact that they won in the end feels so right. It was fun to see the reaction to big macs dressing, how each one of them(except that one judge, I hope) realized it but let it slide. 9\10. Can't believe they really did it...    This episode showed big mac in a different light, he finally got an episode revolving around him.  

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Just rewatched this episode again and still have tears in my eyes. Probably my favourite season 5 episode. Big Mac deserved some screen time.

The guy's shyer than Fluttershy except when he's in his alter ego :mellow:

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  • 1 year later...

Southern Belle Drag Queen Big Mac is Best Pony.

(this is the second time we've seem him go drag when he didn't have to, if you count Alicorn Princess Big Mac)  :mellow:

I also love that nopony was fooled my Big Mac's disguise, but they let it go. He only gets in trouble when he cheats to win. 

"Laughs don't come in barrels. They come from inside you as a response to delight." 

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  • 7 months later...

A real funny episode. It has some good lessons and I really like hearing Big Mac talk. I quite enjoyed it. The ending was emotional, rather deep considering the tone of the rest of the episode.



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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  • 1 month later...

This guy would do literally any- and everything for his little sister. Really heartwarming especially with this ending which also gave the character of BigMac even more depth. We see this character for such a long time now and I really appreciate to give him more depths.

At he same time, this episode is also really funny and for once we see Big Mac talk a lot .. I mean like a lot :mellow:

A really emotional and good episode :catface:



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  • 1 year later...

I find this episode pretty funny anytime I see that episode I always laugh everytime I see BIG Mac in that dress I know he was doing this for Applebloom but I still want too know what would be Applejack's thought on what happened at the sister hooves social to bad we wouldn't  see that episode and where did he even get that dress did he gone to Rarity's  shop and borrowed it

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