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Are bronies furries? What are your thoughts?


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From my understanding a furry is a person who's sexually attracted to anthropomorphic fictional animals. That would make clopping a sub-culture of furry, but not all bronies are cloppers, thus, not all bronies are furries   -_-

  • Brohoof 1


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From my understanding a furry is a person who's sexually attracted to anthropomorphic fictional animals. That would make clopping a sub-culture of furry, but not all bronies are cloppers, thus, not all bronies are furries   -_-

Clopper equivalent for Furries is Yiffer; being a Furry doesn't mean one who is sexually attracted to anthropomorphic animals.

  • Brohoof 3

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Some bronies may be furries.

Some furries may be bronies.


But being one does not necessarily make you the other. You can enjoy ponies without having a penchant for anthropomorphic animals, and you can enjoy anthro-critters without liking ponies.


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It's probably unfair of me, but I've never been a big fan of furries. I probably feel the same way about them as normies feel about bronies. It's just too weird for my tastes. At least bronies have something at the center of their fandom, namely the show, but furries have nothing. It's just fat dudes in fur suits, barking at each other.It's weirdness without a reason to be weird.

Edited by EquestriaGuy
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Bronys are just fans of mlp and furrys are just fans of anthropomorphic animal's nothing more. The first part of being in a fandom is identifying you're self as part of it so even if they are considerably part of it their not, second you must "participate" in the fandom. Considering the brony fandom only relates only to liking the show its not inherently a furry fandom.


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A brony is a person who is male who likes the my little pony series. 


A furry is a person who likes to dress up in an animal costume and perform sexual acts with other adults in animal costumes. 

Or someone who likes hentai that is exclusively animal characters. 



  • Brohoof 1
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Clopper equivalent for Furries is Yiffer; being a Furry doesn't mean one who is sexually attracted to anthropomorphic animals.

Oh, OK, I had read the term yiff a handful of times, but I've never knew what that meant 


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Bronies: people who like the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Furries: Obsession with animals and other such things


No, bronies are not furries. Some people don't understand that we watch the show not because there's horses in it, but we think it it good for a whole slew or reasons. Now, a guy who's obsessed with IRL horses and dresses up like them and watches MLP for the horse, he can be classified as a furry. 

  • Brohoof 1



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The term "Bronies" has kind of...changed. I mean, it originally just meant "dudes who watch mlp". Now it has this whole subculture behind it...


But to answer your question, no. I don't think mlp fans are necessarily "furries". I'm sure not.

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Some bronies are furries. I'm a furry for example. NO! I DON'T DRESS AS ANIMALS FOR SEXUAL PLEASURE! 


Most bronies are not furries though and would probably still watch the show if the ponies were humans, assuming a lot of the things stay the same...


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I think there is a very big difference!  Furries like anthropomorphic animals, right?  My Little Pony isn't really that, it is highly stylized cartoon horses (or in the case of Equestria Girls, oddly colored humans and).  I think this distinction is important. I don't really like the way anthropomorphic animals look. Something about an animal head on a human body creeps me out a little (no offense furries).  I'll be honest, if My Little Pony switched to that look I would not watch it anymore.


BTW, when in Equestria Girls they grow pony ears I don't count that as anthropomorphic animals because they still have human faces.

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It depends on why the brony likes MLP. If a brony is a fan of MLP because there are anthropomorphic horses in the show, then that brony is a furry(of course it doesn't have to be the only reason, it just have to be a reason). If a brony is a fan of MLP, and the show having anthropomorphic horses is not a reason why he/she likes MLP, that brony isn't a furry. Since a furry is someone who likes anthropomorphic animals, then it depends on if the anthropomorphic characters are a draw to the show or not. I've noticed there are a couple of misconceptions that have made their way to the MLP forums. As someone who is both a furry and a brony, I figured I'd get them out of the way.

1. Most furries don't "dress as animals for sexual pleasure". That is often known as yiff, which is essentially the furry equivalent of clop. Both sub-groups that don't make up the majority, just a small amount that outsiders like to focus on. If you believe that all furries yiff because you saw the episode of CSI(which is what really fueled that belief), then you might as well believe that the bronies interviewed on the Howard Stern Show represent all bronies. If you believe that because of what some interent comment said, you might as well ask an anti-brony to tell you what a brony is.

2. The amount of furries that own a fursuit isn't even a majority of them. In fact, no more than 20% of furries own a fursuit. This is because fursuits can be pretty expensive(the average price is $1,500). I myself would be interested in making a pony fursuit, but of course I don't represent everyone in either fandom.

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Though these 2 communites blend sometimes they also have very different distinct actions and views, Such as The Furries becoming a Persona and kind of making a character. While bronies usally cosplay as all ready made characters.

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There is a bit of overlap. Like it or not, MLP ponies are anthropomorphized to a degree. And that would make all bronies fans of Antrho media. However, I do note a difference between anthro-fans, and Furries. Anthro fans can like, as mentioned, Tom & Jerry, Looney Toons, or any show that has talking animals in it or animals acting human in some capacity. In a broad capacity, any kid watching anything from Yogi the Bear to Ninja Turtles to Regular Show, and liking it, is an anthro fan. 


Furries differ in the regard that they also like comics, artwork, stories, discussions, social gatherings and dressing up in relation to anthro characters. They pursue their interests in regards to anthro animals the same way we Bronies do for ponies. I wouldn't consider a casual fan who just watches the show and nothing else to be a Brony, just an anthro fan. Same as how someone who likes Sonic the Hedgehog, but doesn't peruse it outside of the games or shows isn't a Furry. 


But in the end, it all comes down to what you self identify as. If your fine with watching the show and being called a Brony, so be it. If you like watching Road Rovers or Swat Cats and are fine being called a Furry for it, so be it. 


In short, Bronies and Furries are branches on the same tree: a fandom for anthropomorphised characters. But it is all null and void. What matters is how you think of yourself. 


And I think of myself as both a Brony and a Furry. 


But if you want more discussion on the topic, why don't' you give a listen to another Brony's/Furry's opinion on the matter with Dr.Wolf. 


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Bronies are not furries, not even by definition. The differences vastly overshadow the similarities, and these "similarities" are merely common traits of how a typical fandom would function.


Seriously, can't people just enjoy a fucking TV show without having labels forced upon them via an army of technicalities?

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The thing is that, in a very high amount of movies, television shows and videogames they are furry characters in it.


But only because i like those movies,shows and videogames doesnt make me a furry.

Maybe im just accepting this furry characters, or just think they are cute. But that doesnt mean that im automatically obsessed with them or part of a fandom.


I mean a lot of us have watched kids shows, which featured furrys and we didnt even care, because we didnt even know what a furry was.

So just to assume, that if we watch something with furrys, that we are part of the furry fandom, is just stupid.


Only because in the Jak and Daxter games, there is that one Ottsel in it, doesnt mean im a Furry. Only because Once upon a time in Wonderland has a talking rabbit in it, also doesnt mean im a Furry, because apart from that, the show has nothing to do with Furrys at all.


Only because Furrys Creatures are in our shows, doesnt make us a complete Furry fan.

If that was the truth, pretty much every Marvel Fan who watched Guardians of the Galaxy could be called a Furry, which makes no sense.


On the other hand, if someone would say something like " But at least you seem to be fans of Furrys Creatures " than yes, thats kinda true.

I mean the My Little Ponys are technical some sort of Furrys. Yeah i like them.

But the fact that they are talking animals, isnt the only reason i watch it. And that also doesnt mean im now walking around in a furry suite, have a fursona and go to furry conventions, or that i only watch furry stuff from now on  :lol:  ( not that all furrys do that...i mean i am a furry and dont do any of those things )


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  • 2 weeks later...

Furry is a very devious term it could be anything. Just like the term Hipster, if you do something unordinary, you like some weird stuff, dress like a hobo then you'll be labeled as hipster. Any little thing that is out of ordinary will make you seem like a hipster to some people, the same thing with furries.

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Bronies are not necessarily furries and vica versa a brony as we all know is a fan of MLP (normally FiM) a furry is someone who has an interest in anthropomorphic animals, Star fox and Dust An Elysian tale are my only two examples. There would be i assume a lot of crossover between the two as both fandom's/communities are very accepting and come very close together both having to do with animals of sorts.


That's how i see it at least it all comes down to the labels people want to wear and i want to wear both but i'm not at all active in the furry community.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I'm not mistaken:


Furries: People who are sexually attracted to anthropomorphic animals (or just animals in general. Typically not real animals).

Bronies: Anyone other than a little girl who enjoys MLP.


Please explain the similarities there.

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