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So after doing some research, I realized that it was not Bloodthirsters that I was thinking of.  Actually, it was more the Bloodletters, which are considerably weaker.  With that in mind, should I still keep the Bloodthirster, even if it's as powerful as the Bloodwyrm, or trade it for a few Bloodletters?

  • Brohoof 2

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So after doing some research, I realized that it was not Bloodthirsters that I was thinking of.  Actually, it was more the Bloodletters, which are considerably weaker.  With that in mind, should I still keep the Bloodthirster, even if it's as powerful as the Bloodwyrm, or trade it for a few Bloodletters?


Okay, the OOC absolutely blew up while I was out today.

As a WH40K lore guy, I'm going to say two Bloodletters is enough. Apparently, their weapons can cut through any armor mortal-forged, and that right there is rather OP in its own right. Yes, 'letters are considerably weaker than a 'thirster, but they are daemons in their own right, and as such are kind of OP when facing ponies who are traveling swordsponies or low-level cryomancers or Royal Astronomers. 


Teal deer: Restrict it to two and you should be fine.


(Has Carnelian ever considered the consequences of communing with the daemons of Khorne? Nobody -- and nopony -- has ever lived for long after trying that. She'll end up at Khorne's throne one way or another -- as a daemon herself after her bloody death, or as part of the throne.

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Okay, the OOC absolutely blew up while I was out today.

As a WH40K lore guy, I'm going to say two Bloodletters is enough. Apparently, their weapons can cut through any armor mortal-forged, and that right there is rather OP in its own right. Yes, 'letters are considerably weaker than a 'thirster, but they are daemons in their own right, and as such are kind of OP when facing ponies who are traveling swordsponies or low-level cryomancers or Royal Astronomers. 


Teal deer: Restrict it to two and you should be fine.


(Has Carnelian ever considered the consequences of communing with the daemons of Khorne? Nobody -- and nopony -- has ever lived for long after trying that. She'll end up at Khorne's throne one way or another -- as a daemon herself after her bloody death, or as part of the throne.


Ehhh...Don't crucify me for this, but I mostly just used bloodthirsters and bloodletters because I'm a closet Warhammer fan and I needed a name to call the demons that she has the ability to summon.  :umad:


However, that does exactly define her situation.  The whole lore behind her powers comes from the Pathfinder Sorcerer bloodlines, in which Carnelian has an infernal bloodline that grants her and all direct descendants of her 25-times-great-grandfather the powers of influence and blood-bending.  Of course, as payment for this...Clout...their souls are claimed by the archdemon whose name roughly translates to "It That Should Not Be", and whose symbol/popular form is the lindwyrm on the Koroundio coat of arms.

Edited by hazardtime
  • Brohoof 1

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Ehhh...Don't crucify me for this, but I mostly just used bloodthirsters and bloodletters because I'm a closet Warhammer fan and I needed a name to call the demons that she has the ability to summon.  :umad:


However, that does exactly define her situation.  The whole lore behind her powers comes from the Pathfinder Sorcerer bloodlines, in which Carnelian has an infernal bloodline that grants her and all direct descendants of her 25-times-great-grandfather the powers of influence and blood-bending.  Of course, as payment for this...Clout...their souls are claimed by the archdemon whose name roughly translates to "It That Should Not Be", and whose symbol/popular form is the lindwyrm on the Koroundio coat of arms.


Interesting. I wonder if there's ever been a Koroundio who didn't want the power and never used it, but whose soul was taken on birth anyway? That does bring up some ethical issues with the nature of the pact; sure, there's quite a bit of daemonic ability given, but sacrificing the souls of your bloodline descendants in perpetuity all because one stallion twenty-five generations ago wanted power?

What a guy.

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Interesting. I wonder if there's ever been a Koroundio who didn't want the power and never used it, but whose soul was taken on birth anyway? That does bring up some ethical issues with the nature of the pact; sure, there's quite a bit of daemonic ability given, but sacrificing the souls of your bloodline descendants in perpetuity all because one stallion twenty-five generations ago wanted power?

What a guy.


He ensured the eternal dominance of his house, and all it required was his soul and the souls of all of his descendants.  Honestly, I'm pretty sure that he and any other noble who might have discovered this considered the entire deal a steal! XD


But yeah, he was a serious douche nozzle and Carnelian's bound to burn with him in It's realm for all eternity along with all of their relatives, past and future, willing or not.

Also, @@J.R., we're waiting on you to reply to @ :P




Nevermind me XP

Edited by hazardtime

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If you missed my post with Ivory Star and Lektra, it was in the last post I quoted you in. Sorry; thought double quotes would be redundant.
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Should mention that if we're going to find Cadence, our next step naturally will involve Tacoma. Don't know where she is, for obvious reasons. :P

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I wonder why people always find demons favorable or just that "cooler"?

Im starting to see them left and right, no matter what anime/cartoon/universe. O-O



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I wonder why people always find demons favorable or just that "cooler"?

Im starting to see them left and right, no matter what anime/cartoon/universe. O-O


Because a human can only go so far before becoming silly, and the concept of aliens, especially in a more medieval setting, tends to be silly and laughable right out the gate. Devils and demons can literally be any monstrosity, any combination of mental, physical, and emotional chaos, and they tend to be tougher and possess magical powers, as well as originate from either The Place Man Was Not Meant To Know or the equivalent of the universe's high security prisons.


Technically, if referring to things like that, I prefer the term 'devils' for the diabolical, 'Let's make a deal you'll come to regret,' style, and demons as either a catch-all term or for the chaotic, 'Rampage through your streets and DESTROY EVERYTHING one way or another.'

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alright so what happened...? lots of posts. XD

As far as where Caliber is, just our characters explaining their backstories. Nothing strange there, except Ivory Star claimed herself Master of Magical Affairs ar Celestia's School...


In general, Ice's and Ivory's match has concluded, and the Baroness and the lich are running around, stirring garbage up, and just generally being awesome. XD

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@@Fractured,@@J.R., @


Let's not be hasty please. Denim i an experienced RPer who can be persuaded to make edits and isn't stubborn. Just tell him what is needed?




Sorry, but it's a pretty unanimous vote, at this point. Unfortunately, we won't be able to accept this OC here.


So no pony else has directly replied on the changes I've made. What would you guys like to see to make her a more reasonable character ability wise in this game. I'm willing to hear you out. 

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@@Fractured,@@J.R., @







So no pony else has directly replied on the changes I've made. What would you guys like to see to make her a more reasonable character ability wise in this game. I'm willing to hear you out. 


While I'm not involved, and neither do I have any specific ideas on how to improve her for the RP, I do have some general ideas for you.


Your character is obviously designed to fight with characters equal to her in power, namely Twilight Sparkle who, in your RP, sounds like a bit of a god.  As a result, a good place to start would be to balance your character to fight against others much weaker than her.  Remove the anti-tank weapons, dumb down her senses, weaken her armor, and maybe reform her personality so that it actually impedes her.

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@Fractured,@J.R.@Magos Amphrose@@bronislav84



So it seems to actually fight regular characters, Luster has to be...more or less nerfed.


She'll be entering in her Mk.4 incarnation, the most ponylike aside from her Mk.7. Identical Twilybot, except she's repainted her mane gold w/ silver & copper streaks, scraped off most of her lavender coat, and recolored her LED optics amber, as well as retaining her white starburst ion a gold gear cutiemark.


Carbon steel bones under an aluminum chassis, which can have a 50,000 volt current running through it (equivalent to a taser). Powered by twin hydrogen fuel cells, w/ lithium ion battery backups in case of damage.  Can still fly at mach 3 and run at over mach 1. Has max lifting capabilities of 200 tons.  Retains her magnetic field & ability to control ferrous metals. Still has her infrared, ultraviolet, heat, night & x-ray visions, sensitive hearing. She also radar, but with range only going 3000 ft (comparable to a radar gun).


She still has her tactical computing abilities and her thousands of years worth of martial arts & combat knowledge, plus her ability analyze & adjust on the fly between milliseconds. But everything inside her head are the only weapons she possess. The Mk.4 isn't armed. No munitions, energy arrays or melee weapons. Outside of what she can manipulate with her magnetism or what she can hack into, she is a close range hoof to hoof combatant. She also lacks any anti-magical defenses. Any unicorn could transmute or transfigure her, crush her, or tear her apart rivet by rivet. And she wouldn't be able to get though any barriers or escape from any telekinetic grip. 


She is still quick to anger, enjoys fighting a bit too much, to the point of overlooking important details. Stubborn and proud enough to make both a mule and Prince Blueblood respectively blush, refusing to surrender even under dire circumstances, overconfident in her abilities to somehow win and refusing to give up and evaluate her circumstances, even while challenging vastly superior foes.

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Well, it's certainly better and less wacked out than what it was before. I like it, but we'll need the opinion of other RP players before we consider. Great job. :D


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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I'm actually pretty ok with this. I agree with Bron on both points, though; 200 tons of force is a bit too strong, and don't be afraid to have some counter to unicorns. Though, to be honest, telekinesis and transmutation etc. aren't used all that often, by the few unicorns that we have here, so it's not an absolute setback. Just toss us what you want to do before we go ahead with this. :P

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@@Hazard Time,


Just out of curiosity, does the demon take the members of their bloodline's soul at birth, or do they get claimed by the demon at death? Because there's a difference between a corrupted soul and being soulless, especially since Agririon's stuff works off of the basis of the target having a soul- if she's completely soulless, he won't be able to wallhack her.



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@@Hazard Time,


Just out of curiosity, does the demon take the members of their bloodline's soul at birth, or do they get claimed by the demon at death? Because there's a difference between a corrupted soul and being soulless, especially since Agririon's stuff works off of the basis of the target having a soul- if she's completely soulless, he won't be able to wallhack her.



It takes their souls at birth. What effects that has upon their mortal selves, I can't say, but it certainly has an affect in their next life XP

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@@Denim&Venom, @@Fractured,

Pretty much what these guys said. Nix the 200ton force and electro body to nerf her a bit more up close, make it to where not everything is perfectly detectable, and give it a bit of an at least a defense against unicorns. Give us your thoughts on this, and get back to us whenever you can. Overall, so far it's looking much better than it did before.

  • Brohoof 1


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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