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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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Feather was on the offensive, striking repeatedly with his wooden sword, giving Patch no large opportunity to counter. The fight between Feather and Patch continued an a disorienting manner. The way Patch moved made the whole thing difficult to watch. The way Patch dodged seemed to be giving Feather a hard time as well. He was shifting randomly between moving fast and jagged to slow and smooth in a manner that was straining on the eyes.


Eventually, Patch saw an opportunity to strike back. He ducked under the wooden sword as Feather swung horizontally, then struck him in the lower chest with his front hoof. As Patch extended himself, Feather struck Patch across the side of the head with the blunt end of his blade. Both fighters flew backwards, landing across from each other on their backs.


Feather was shocked by how hard the small pony was able to hit. His insides felt like they had been twisted up by the force of the punch. He was certain that his lower ribs were broken. Patch was in worse shape though. He lay on his back, barely conscious from the blow to the head.


Feather slowly stood up, clenching his belly in pain and using his sword as a crutch. "You... Had best show yourself now.." He huffed.


Patch's eyelids seemed heavy. Every time he opened them, they slowly started to close. He was battling his body to stay awake, trying with every fiber of his being not to lose consciousness. He tried to lift himself up, but fell back down after expending all his energy. "What... do you-" He started to say before being cut off.


"I knew it was you from the moment you killed Garnet. I could practically feel your evil presence!" Feather exclaimed, readying his blade despite his injuries.

Patch struggled to get off one last sentence before falling unconscious. "I didn't... Kill any... any.." He said before closing his eyes, leaving a look of confusion on Feather's face.


"Winner: Feather Weave." Tricis said, unfazed.

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Feather was on the offensive, striking repeatedly with his wooden sword, giving Patch no large opportunity to counter. The fight between Feather and Patch continued an a disorienting manner. The way Patch moved made the whole thing difficult to watch. The way Patch dodged seemed to be giving Feather a hard time as well. He was shifting randomly between moving fast and jagged to slow and smooth in a manner that was straining on the eyes.


Eventually, Patch saw an opportunity to strike back. He ducked under the wooden sword as Feather swung horizontally, then struck him in the lower chest with his front hoof. As Patch extended himself, Feather struck Patch across the side of the head with the blunt end of his blade. Both fighters flew backwards, landing across from each other on their backs.


Feather was shocked by how hard the small pony was able to hit. His insides felt like they had been twisted up by the force of the punch. He was certain that his lower ribs were broken. Patch was in worse shape though. He lay on his back, barely conscious from the blow to the head.


Feather slowly stood up, clenching his belly in pain and using his sword as a crutch. "You... Had best show yourself now.." He huffed.


Patch's eyelids seemed heavy. Every time he opened them, they slowly started to close. He was battling his body to stay awake, trying with every fiber of his being not to lose consciousness. He tried to lift himself up, but fell back down after expending all his energy. "What... do you-" He started to say before being cut off.


"I knew it was you from the moment you killed Garnet. I could practically feel your evil presence!" Feather exclaimed, readying his blade despite his injuries.


Patch struggled to get off one last sentence before falling unconscious. "I didn't... Kill any... any.." He said before closing his eyes, leaving a look of confusion on Feather's face.


"Winner: Feather Weave." Tricis said, unfazed.


Jade leaned forward as she watched the fight with severe interest. The way Patch was dodging Feather's attacks was difficult to keep track of, even to her trained eye, but her curiosity kept her glued to the action.


Her eyes widened as she heard the chatter between the two fighters. Was Patch truly the creature Feather warned her of?

But the younger fighter seemed to have no idea of what he was being accused of.


She swallowed as she was left wondering what was next, as well as taking a glance toward her inevitable opponent.

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“Tch…” Fuse glared at the pegasus soldier through the flames with frustration and annoyance. The water from the emergency showers, evaporated near instant it touched Fuse. There was always one wasn’t there? One annoying punk that refused to burn with the rest. Fuse purposely neglected to answer the soldier’s inquiry, the pyrokinetic didn’t see a point. Not only did he not wish to give out his name freely. Fuse was almost completely certain that ‘asking nicely’ would get him nowhere in terms of his mission. With that in mind if this stallion didn’t know why he was here that might prove advantageous to Fuse. Instead of speaking, Fuse stepped forwards, the flames in front of him appeared to part on their own for him. Bringing his right hoof up; he swung it outwards towards the desk Flash was hiding under. “Get lost.’


The flames around Fuse shifted and suddenly launched themselves towards the desk. He might as well use these flames; before the showers quelled them.

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Yuki thought hard for a moment. She wasn't really used to something like that, but she was confident, "I could probably do it, yeah."


After a moment, she came out, bringing a whole plate of donuts, cookies, and sweet rolls, putting them on the coffee table, "For you, or the little one?" She asked as she sat down in a chair next to the couch.

zenru actually grinned. "perfect. ill need two pairs made, one for me, and one for yrel, for formal occasions." he brightened up further, at the cookies. "and to answer your question, its for--"


yrel had made a lunge for the cookies on the table, but it had almost...'disappeared' into zenru's outstretched wing. 


"...both of us.


yrel pouted a bit, hovering in the air, upon discovering the fact her attack failed. "awwww..."


Xiang threw up a hoof to block the punch, smirking and holding the block long enough to respond.

"I haven't had such a challenge from a young rip like you in a long time, myself."


Using the block as a platform, he threw up a hind hoof to attempt delivering a roundhouse kick to her temple.

she bounced back, feeling his outstretched limb pass centimeters from her face, doing a few somersaults backwards. 


looking at him, she grinned. "i can almost hear myself telling me to forfeit this match." she called out, standing up again. "you radiate 'that' kind of power." 




dashing at him again, throwing the weight off her foreleg halfway there at him. as it sped towards him, she would leap into the air, trying to bring an ax kick down on him that could put a crack in boulders. "iv been in this situation before, and i dont plan on losing this spar!"


Frostfall slapped herself in the head in a "D'OH!" fashion, laughing at her literal-mindedness.  "Oh, sorry.  The name's Frostfall." 


She quickly cut her laughter short, beginning to look past Caliber.  "I suppose I'm here as a fighter.  It'd definitely keep myself sharp.  But by any chance, have you seen an orange unicorn stallion with a red mane and a flame-spear cutie mark around here?"


In turn, one may notice that Frostfall's hooves were scarred by frostbites.  Her vest was trimmed with wool, a white bandage peeked out from under the sleeve of her long-sleeve shirt, and she seemed to carry no weapons.

he cocked his head. "orange, yeah. red mane? definitely. flame-spear cutie-mark? nah...though im sure he'd be either in the training arena, or in the bar. im sure the bar hasn't exploded this week, yet, so why dont we go check to see if he's there?" 


he looked her over once. "bare-hoof fighter, eh?" he asked, starting to walk.

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Frostfall's hopes began to swell, a check, then a check, then a nail to drive into the balloon that was her hope.  The guess that he was maybe at the bar made her feel a bit better, but doubt was still on her mind.  She nodded and was only too thankful when Caliber shifted his attention to her fighting style.


"Nope.  Staff," she replied, smiling mischievously.

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Yuki giggled in her hoof at Yrel's actions. She had listened to Zenru's request, and wrote it down on a notepad. She then stuck the pencil in between her ear, and looked at Zenru, "Alright...." She then measure Zenru and Yrel's wings in random ways, "How soon would you like it made?" She asked with the measuring tape in her mouth which muffled her speech.

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she bounced back, feeling his outstretched limb pass centimeters from her face, doing a few somersaults backwards. 


looking at him, she grinned. "i can almost hear myself telling me to forfeit this match." she called out, standing up again. "you radiate 'that' kind of power." 




dashing at him again, throwing the weight off her foreleg halfway there at him. as it sped towards him, she would leap into the air, trying to bring an ax kick down on him that could put a crack in boulders. "iv been in this situation before, and i dont plan on losing this spar!"


Xiang smirked at Violet's attitude, appreciating such honesty and confidence. Especially from one as young as her.


As his opponent brought her leg down for an axe kick, he crossed his forelegs toward it so the kick would collide, delivering a smaller amount of pain and causing the earth to indent beneath him.

"You have quite a power inside yourself as well," He admitted, smirking up at the young mare, "But I am also far from finished."


He jumped, attempting a kick while flipping backward.

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Frostfall's hopes began to swell, a check, then a check, then a nail to drive into the balloon that was her hope.  The guess that he was maybe at the bar made her feel a bit better, but doubt was still on her mind.  She nodded and was only too thankful when Caliber shifted his attention to her fighting style.


"Nope.  Staff," she replied, smiling mischievously.

caliber blinked. "staff? like a bo-staff? ill admit, i dont see a lot of those..." he grinned. "how fancy are you with it?" he asked, walking along towards the bar. 


Yuki giggled in her hoof at Yrel's actions. She had listened to Zenru's request, and wrote it down on a notepad. She then stuck the pencil in between her ear, and looked at Zenru, "Alright...." She then measure Zenru and Yrel's wings in random ways, "How soon would you like it made?" She asked with the measuring tape in her mouth which muffled her speech.

zenru had taken a bite of a cookie, setting the plate down so yrel could take some. "i would like it made before the end of the week, ma'am. i have to give a report to princess celestia at that time, and its always good to have something for formal occasions."


yrel blinked. "we're going to meet ce-le-sti-ah?" she voiced out every syllable. 


Xiang smirked at Violet's attitude, appreciating such honesty and confidence. Especially from one as young as her.


As his opponent brought her leg down for an axe kick, he crossed his forelegs toward it so the kick would collide, delivering a smaller amount of pain and causing the earth to indent beneath him.

"You have quite a power inside yourself as well," He admitted, smirking up at the young mare, "But I am also far from finished."


He jumped, attempting a kick while flipping backward.

she blinked, before starting to try and fly backwards...but the blow caught her chin, spinning her back a bit before she caught herself in the air. but as quickly as she was knocked back, she bounced forward again, lunging for a hook, followed by a sweep.

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Yuki looked at her calendar; it was Thursday. That was almost too much time for her to complete the job, "Pssh. Child's play, sweetie. I'll have them done for you by the end of the day. Sooner if I'm lucky."


She smirked. he was very skilled in her craft, so there was no shortage of confidence when it came to what she did for a living.

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she blinked, before starting to try and fly backwards...but the blow caught her chin, spinning her back a bit before she caught herself in the air. but as quickly as she was knocked back, she bounced forward again, lunging for a hook, followed by a sweep.


Xiang smirked as he landed on his hind hooves, confident knowing his attack had struck. A flicker of surprise crossed his eyes as Violet came speeding right back. He couldn't help but admire her determination.


He held up a forehoof to block the hook, but her sweep struck his legs and caused him to spin sideward. He used the vantage to land on his forehooves and attempt a buck at her chest.

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Cloud sat and watched as Lightning tied up the muggers, and blinked in thought as she tried to think if she saw a guard station somewhere.


As fortune would have it, a trio of guards had burst in the door. "What's going on? We could see fighting through the window!"


"Just a few muggers," Cloud explained, "But the two of us took care of 'em. Self-defence, of course."


"Hm, well, thank you for your assistance then," the guard nodded, "We'll question the staff about them."


Lightning let the guards haul the criminals away.  As they were about to leave, Lightning stopped them and asked them a question.


"Wait, before you go...my name is First Lieutenant Lightning Blade of the Canterlot Royal Guard.  Soldier, would you happen to know if Captain Shining Armor was around here?  HQ told me that while I was here that I was to find him."

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Lightning let the guards haul the criminals away.  As they were about to leave, Lightning stopped them and asked them a question.


"Wait, before you go...my name is First Lieutenant Lightning Blade of the Canterlot Royal Guard.  Soldier, would you happen to know if Captain Shining Armor was around here?  HQ told me that while I was here that I was to find him."


"Oh, Lieutenant!" The guard yelped, he and the other guards giving Lightning a hasty salute, "My apologies sir, I didn't recognise you out of uniform. Yes sir, Captain Shining Armour is in the city. He's investigating some kind of magical anomaly, though I'm afraid I don't know his exact whereabouts."


Cloud's eyes widened at hearing Lightning's introduction to the guards. "You're a bigshot in the Royal Guard?!"

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@The Down Trotten

Luna's eyebrow raised sharply at Rhetoric's comment, and slightly more at the nervousness in his actions, finally shifting angles into a full downward dark and downward crease as he turned around and bolted towards one room in particular. Celestia's room. She crossed through the shadows in an instant, arriving in her sister's room around the same time that he did. The state of her sister made her take a step forward, then an involuntary one backward in order to compose herself.


"Terra, listen to me carefully..." Celestia coughed as she finally stood to her feet; she hadn't felt pain like this in a while. Green energy still sparked off of her body occasionally, illuminating the room in an eerie glow as she spoke.


"For the sake of everyone, you must give up seeking your old memories, and return the horn."


"What?!" Terra took an involuntary step back from the tone in Celestia's voice, in fear, but also in anger. The two emotions sat like a weight on her heart, and she didn't know which to choose from.




@The Down Trotten

"No, I don't want any more incidents; you can leave freely." Heartthrob disappeared out from under Bowie in a flash of light as Glory teleported her out, appearing right next to Anette. She stepped to the side, giving Bowie clear passage out of the house.


"I'm glad no one got hurt; i'm just sorry things couldn't be any different."




@Star Saber

One chance... as he heard the roar of the flames, Flash Sentry made a sudden dash over the left side of the desk. His feathers almost immediately began to crinkle and burn, but he put his focus on what he had been looking from the start of the fight; the fire extinguisher hanging on the nearby wall. With an almost a roar of effort, he tossed the spear forward, breaking through the glass and impaling it in the side. He was rewarded with a rush of foam that covered him, extinguishing the flames that had already started to creep onto him; he ignored the stinging bits of metal that had also dug into his skin as he made his way to the back room. At the very least, the coolant would block the remaining flames, and give him time to think, if the intruder came back there.





Sleight Mist stepped onto the field, lazily cracking her back as she sized up the area. Flat ground, little to no room to hide, solid packed earth... great. She checked the water in the air as well, drawing on her magical connections. Well, at least she had something to go on there.


"So, Falza..." Sleight Mist sighed, and cracked her back again. "Can we get this over with? I have air magic to study, and its been going really badly..."

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Stared at Sleight ever so plainly, standing on the field ready "......."


Seemingly his opponent doesn't look like the fast and aggressive type, so he cant promise a quick duel. He waits for the announcements to start the fight, while raising his dense dark aura getting warmed up.

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"Starlight...I already have." Twilight gave a small smile, which quickly faded again on her face. Perhaps it may have come as a surprise Starlight her, but Twilight had always been the one to forgive. Sometimes, to her great dismay, to a fault, but she couldn't help but put her faith in those around her.


"But the most important pony that you need to forgive... is you. Or you'll never get past this."





"Attention, ponies! The match is now about to begin! Our contestants: Sleight Mist, the Sapphire Wanderer! vs Falza, the Dark Sentinel!" A collective roar went up in the audience, mixed cheers erupting for both contestants. "The location is the rocky field..."


Sleight Mist's muscles tensed.


"Begin!" As soon as the call went off, Sleight Mist reacted. Horn glowing, she locked the molecules of the water in front of her, conjuring up six icy pillars in a wide circular pattern around her.

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"Starlight...I already have." Twilight gave a small smile, which quickly faded again on her face. Perhaps it may have come as a surprise Starlight her, but Twilight had always been the one to forgive. Sometimes, to her great dismay, to a fault, but she couldn't help but put her faith in those around her.


"But the most important pony that you need to forgive... is you. Or you'll never get past this."


Starlight scoffed, not in insult to Twilight but in doubt to herself. She doubted she had much chance of forgiveness, but if Twilight could see she had a chance to start over...then perhaps...?


"It's going to take some time for me to forgive myself, Twilight," she admitted, shaking her head, "So many confrontations to face, so many ponies to find forgiveness in..."

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"...." a simple barrier was formed around Sleight.... "basically she is preparing for some kind of plan Behind that ice" ​Falza calmly thought to himself.


He walked forward firing a small Blaster ​shot at one ice pillar infront to collapse it, seeing what would happen next.

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"What?!" Terra took an involuntary step back from the tone in Celestia's voice, in fear, but also in anger. The two emotions sat like a weight on her heart, and she didn't know which to choose from.  

​Rhetoric  was far more quick to jump to anger. "What?! Princess, you can't be serious! You can't just leave her hanging like that. She gets nothing out of this, expect more questions." in his passionate high like state he took a few steps forward 


"What is this you so fear? Your suppose to be the princess of the sun, so illuminate the situation!" With the demanding deamonr in his voice, one would think he had the issues of immortally. He didn't care if there was two Princesses in the room, this utter lack of answers was ridiculous 

"...If you can't give her anything I hope you know you ask an awfully lot of a mare whose been hurt beyond repair..." he was fully aware he was being somewhat manipulative, playing to Celestia's mercy and kindness

Unlike the immortals in the room, he wasn't as refined and his emotions often times fueled his very being . he had restrained himself long enough and at this point he felt nothing short of a banishment would cool him down.




"I'm glad no one got hurt; i'm just sorry things couldn't be any different."  

The dog began to walk out. not saying anything. As far as he was concerned his business was done here. but as he left he glanced aside to Anette and her various... dolls

Well if your going to linger. Give your crowd a bit more then what they came for. For pity's sake, I never taught you to be rude, stupid dog, you'll make me look bad! 


Groaning as he got the door, he turned around "ugh... Why's it always the dames..." he emptied his pockets of the jewels and put them on the ground "buy yourself some protection or something, eh?... Think I'll keep this one though" he held up a small garnet, not excatly worth a whole lot, but it was pretty 

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Yuki looked at her calendar; it was Thursday. That was almost too much time for her to complete the job, "Pssh. Child's play, sweetie. I'll have them done for you by the end of the day. Sooner if I'm lucky."


She smirked. he was very skilled in her craft, so there was no shortage of confidence when it came to what she did for a living.

zenru smiled, seeing her confidence. "perfect. ill need them to be silver, with a sapphire and ruby crests. ruby for yrel, sapphire for me."


putting a piece of paper on the table, with the family crest drawn on it. "and how much is it going to cost?"


Xiang smirked as he landed on his hind hooves, confident knowing his attack had struck. A flicker of surprise crossed his eyes as Violet came speeding right back. He couldn't help but admire her determination.


He held up a forehoof to block the hook, but her sweep struck his legs and caused him to spin sideward. He used the vantage to land on his forehooves and attempt a buck at her chest.

she let out a yelp as the buck connected, almost instinctively bouncing away. she grit her teeth, and gripped one of the legs that had kicked her.


she tried flipping xiang around, to put him in a leg bar. hoping to go for an end-game move, and pin him.


Frostfall regarded Caliber with a tilted head and a raised brow.  She wondered what a bo staff was, wondering if it was some foreign thing she hadn't heard about. 


"Not a lot of folks have called me fancy or anything similar to it, but I'm pretty good at it," she said.  

"pretty good? i might test that claim later..." he gestured at his sword, "im a blade user, myself."


he kept walking, assuming she's following. "so, why do you need to meet this guy so much? from the sound of it, he's either your friend, someone your supposed to fight here, or both."

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With a crash, the ice pillar collapse from in front of Sleight Mist, but she was already in the air, rising up on one of her own. She used the momentum like a spring, and bounced up onto one of the ice pillars that hadn't been knocked over. With a sharp shlick, her feet froze at the bottom, giving her traction on the ice, and she begin to move. Throwing herself through the air, she began to raise ice pillar after ice pillar to catch her fall, building up terrain while moving around the field with the speed and skill of a gymnast. Sleight Mist smirked to herself; she'd certainly had enough practice out in the woods.




@The Down Trotten

"Rhetoric..." With a rush of air, Celestia sighed; the stallion was right. An explanation of some kind was owed, at least. Though what she had seen...


"Tia, I have not been here long myself. But I believe he is correct. If you have made a bargain or deal of some sort, it would be on the honor of a princess to uphold that bargain. Despite the costs, she is now part of whatever circle you have put her in." 


"I know." The green sparks had stopped, but the room still had a dark and eerie pall to it, even in the morning light. Celestia could feel it clinging to her skin like a stain. And she was about to share it.


"Terra. When I delved into your mind, I discovered two things behind the final barrier. A terrifying amount of magic, sealed away inside you... and a voice."


Terra snapped into clarity at the sound of the last word. "A voice? Like the one from before?"

"Yes, the one from before. But listen to me. I did not unseal either; I only had a brief conversation with it, but I learned enough to know that it's evil. And will settle for nothing less than the destruction of ponykind, no matter the costs." Celestia's eyes contained an absolute seriousness. Terra was left with little doubt that she was speaking the truth.




Anette didn't quite feel up to her usual smiling self. But, she still managed to put on the ghost of one as she nodded silently at Bowie. "Thanks. But, I don't need any more protection than I already have. My dolls... my friends... I trust them, whether it's helping me out of a tight spot, or just being there for me. I know they'll always be with me." Anette's smile had returned in full. No matter what, one thing would always remain the same; her and her dolls would be inseparable.





Cadence nodded softly to Ice Blizzard, silently shuffling back under the covers. Within minutes, she was fast asleep.


A few minutes more, and the door to the opening of the hospital room roughly turned. Shining Armor entered, placing his blue plumed helmet on the desk next to him before trotting in softly.


"I combed the woods, but I couldn't find hide or hair of her." He stomped the ground roughly, only softening up before ground cracking impact at the behest of his wife's presence. "Damn it!"





"So start slow. You have nothing but free time right now; use it. Build up to the pony you want to be, and when you think you're ready, then you go out and try to help. Fix yourself, before you fix others." Twilight smiled, even as she winced slightly; she had learned that particular lesson from a particular non-pony in a very convoluted fashion, but the lesson still applied.

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If that guard was smart, he’d stay there underneath the foam. Fuse approached Nightingale; the flames around them seemed to recede, giving the two of them more room. Fuse grimaced before he spoke while nudging the pegasus with his hoof, “I really hope I don’t have to carry you out of here.”

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"Yes, the one from before. But listen to me. I did not unseal either; I only had a brief conversation with it, but I learned enough to know that it's evil. And will settle for nothing less than the destruction of ponykind, no matter the costs." Celestia's eyes contained an absolute seriousness. Terra was left with little doubt that she was speaking the truth.


 Rhetoric blinked, opened his mouth and blinked again "You've got to be kidding me..." there was little more that he could do put to take his hoof and smack himself a few times on the forehead "Your telling us that some freaking ancient evil entity is inside Terra!? With plans to destroy ponykind no less! That-.. that doesn't even make any sense! Well what are you waiting for? Call over the elements of harmony and banish this bad boy, do some magical rigmarole!" he had sort of forgotten he was nearly barking orders to the two most powerful ponies in the Kingdom 


"...wait, maybe not, these sorts of thing always go arye when you try to jump the wagon on em.... Well rotting rutabaga's... Whats to be done?" he had paced about the room and now his heated thought process was over he looked up 


'Terra...how do you feel about all this, you ok?" 



Anette didn't quite feel up to her usual smiling self. But, she still managed to put on the ghost of one as she nodded silently at Bowie. "Thanks. But, I don't need any more protection than I already have. My dolls... my friends... I trust them, whether it's helping me out of a tight spot, or just being there for me. I know they'll always be with me." Anette's smile had returned in full. No matter what, one thing would always remain the same; her and her dolls would be inseparable.



Bowie just smiled a little cocky "Sure, if thats what floats your boat.... So I guess I'll be going...say what did a nice dame like you do to piss some guys off that they'll pay a lot of shiny coins of transaction value for your head?" 

Edited by The Down Trotten
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she let out a yelp as the buck connected, almost instinctively bouncing away. she grit her teeth, and gripped one of the legs that had kicked her.


she tried flipping xiang around, to put him in a leg bar. hoping to go for an end-game move, and pin him.


Xiang grunted as he was caught in the leg lock; a popular move in wrestling, he had learned in his travels. His other leg was trapped beneath him, and with Violet's strength, it would be near impossible to get it out.


Instead, he attempted to use his hind hooves to punch at her back, to try and make her loosen her grip.



"So start slow. You have nothing but free time right now; use it. Build up to the pony you want to be, and when you think you're ready, then you go out and try to help. Fix yourself, before you fix others." Twilight smiled, even as she winced slightly; she had learned that particular lesson from a particular non-pony in a very convoluted fashion, but the lesson still applied.


Starlight sighed, and looked back up at Twilight. "Maybe..."


Wait, am I seriously taking advice from the pony who ruined my life? She suddenly thought, eyes widening with realisation, What am I thinking?!




That she might be right?


She felt her head being pulled in two different directions, and squinted her eyes shut.

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