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open Ask Any Pony on a Date, Mod-set 3.0

Octavia's Bow

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Link to the OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/140783-ask-anypony-on-a-date/

*Please read before joining.*


It's a beautiful day in Equestria. The birds are probably singing, the sun is shinning somewhere, and you are right in the thick of it. One might say a beautiful day to ask somepony on a date. Will you?


... good luck. 



  • Brohoof 5


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"I look terrible."


Script watched the pony in the mirror frown, then sigh.  He tried to toss his mop of a black mane at a jaunty angle across his head.  It seemed to wilt, instead.  The pony closed his eyes and for a moment, they both disappeared.  It's a bad mane day, he tried to remind himself.  Not the end of the world.


The truth was:  It was far too beautiful a day for the world to end, anyway.  Through his window, the sunshine streamed inward in fine rays of brilliance.  Tiny motes of dust played within the cascade of illumination, seeming to dance weightlessly to the songs of the birds perched into the boughs of the trees outside.  He imagined them in a beautiful panoply of colors.  In his part of Chicoltgo, where he'd lived only three days ago, all you usually saw were crows with feathers the exact color of his floppy, vexing mane.


Another sigh.  Then, he straightened a bit.  Ponyville might as well be a million miles away from his former home.  The sunshine, the birds, were enough to remind him as much.  It was a new day.


He was determined to make the most of it.


He wove his way through his small home until he found the front door.  He grabbed his bags, tossed them over the arch of his back, slipped through its frame and closed it behind him.  Just outside, the birds in the tree were blue and red and green, just like he'd imagined them.  They made him smile.  When he'd come into town, it had been night.  He hadn't left his house since.


That was changing today.  Today, he decided, he was going to explore Ponyville.


And maybe his mane didn't look half as bad as he'd told himself it did.

  • Brohoof 2

Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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Paradox slowly walked, taking one of the roads that led to the outer edges of town, one that led to the odd, two-tone house of Ponyville's resident musicians. His legs were shaking, and his heart was racing, but he wouldn't let that get to him. Not today. For today was the day he would finally ask her out. Octavia, one of the most beautiful mares he had seen. He had been too nervous to ever speak to her, but he finally worked up the courage, and decided that this was the day. Not only that, but he had an ace up his metaphorical sleeve, at least one that would help him in introducing himself to her: He personally knew her roommate, Vinyl Scratch. Not a very talkative pony herself, she usually told her emotions through music. But she somehow might be able to help him express his feelings. After a bit more walking, he came upon the house. He knocked on the door, hoping that Vinyl was home to assist him.

  • Brohoof 1


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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In the end, he decided it was the air.


It wouldn't have been easy for him to pick and choose all the differences between the two.  There were just too many.  So, as he walked through the wide and open streets of the small town, he focused on the single thing that struck him as being the most different between Ponyville and Chicoltgo.  Back home, the lake was everpresent.  You could smell it on the wind, taste it in the rain and in the snow, when the seasons were right.  Here, it was different.  The air seemed dryer, but not in an altogether unpleasant way.  Ponyville's air was fresh and clean, like there were invisible pegasi scrubbing it when he wasn't looking, hiding behind the clouds when he turned his head in their direction.  He decided it might not have been a stretch, noticing a lazy blue winged pony snoozing on a cloud in the distance.  The sight of her and her long rainbow locks made him smile.


He had to quit thinking of Chicoltgo as home.  Ponyville was home, now.  With its clean air and wide, empty streets.


Nobody -- mercifully -- had recognized him, during his walk.  He wondered if they even sold his book in the small town.  Back ho...in Chicoltgo, it had been easy enough to be anonymous.  There were so many ponies there, unless you were truly famous, you just blended into the masses.  He'd wondered if it might be different, here.  He had his answer.


Script found himself walking along the length of a wooden fence.  It bounded what looked to him like a school from the street.  Beyond, it was recess.  Dozens of little ponies played in the large field at the back of the small brick building.  Four or five of them, he noticed had hockey sticks.  They were knocking a small red ball back and forth between one another, laughing, whooping.  He could feel the smile spread across his face.


Script stood against the fence and watched the ponies playing.  None of them were especially good.  It didn't matter a whit.  They were having a blast.  It reminded him of when he'd been small, playing the game with his friends for the first time.  There was magic in those days and just watching them brought it all back in glittering reverie in the corners of his memory.


Not far from where he stood, he noticed a larger pony.  The mare stood over by the building, watching over the children, just as he did.  A teacher, he decided.  Her coat was a gentle mauve, which verged up to a glorious pink mane, shot through with brilliant waves of lighter hue.  Her tail was long and luxurious.  She had the most beautiful green eyes he'd ever seen in his life.


Eyes that were looking right back at him.


Script's mouth suddenly went dry.


He started in her direction in a casual lope.  Her cutie mark was adorable:  A cluster of tiny daisies with smiley-faces in their centers.  She was incredible.  He tried to make it seem like his heart wasn't suddenly running breakaway in his chest.  He wasn't sure he was dong too good a job at it.


He tried on a smile as he arrived near her, the fence intervening between the two of them.  "Hey," he greeted her.  "They look like they're having a good time, huh?"


Instantly, felt like the biggest loser on four hooves.


A writer, Script.  You're a writer.


And that's the best you can do?!?!

  • Brohoof 1

Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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BANG! Smoke​​ began to fill the small warehouse on the outskirts of ponyville and out of it stumbled Ticktock "*cough* Note to self: forget about oil as propellant it does not work well... or maybe it works too well, may have to look further into it." Ticktock mumbled to himself. Once the smoke had gone Ticktock stepped back into the building and looked upon a mechanical pair of batpony wings seeming to be made out of clockwork. Ticktock then began to tighten some bolts on it remembering what will happen if they worked 'He could be Rainbow Dash's new flying buddy', however that was wishful thinking, after all he was only a member of Rainbow's fan club.


After Ticktock had finished he had decided that he would go find Rainbow Dash, the first place he went was Sugar Cube Corner. Ticktock knew that one of Rainbows friends worked there so it was one of the best places for him to start. He opened the door to the small shop, walked in and began surveying the room for any sign of Rainbow Dash. 

Edited by Skylord Nexus
  • Brohoof 2

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Shamrock woke up in her room that she booked at an inn in Ponyville. She got into the small town two days ago from her home in the bog city of Manehattan. The reason she was into was to do a little training camp in the country, thinking the fresh air and open spaces would help her better then the crowded city. After getting out of bed Shammy wandered into the bathroom, still half asleep, to help wake herself up with a very cold shower.


After a slightly loud yelp and a few minutes later she dried herself off and got on her track suit that would help her sweat more. It was clashing dark green sweatpants along with a neon orange hoodie. That and along with her trademark brown drivers hat. She didn't much care about what she wore as long as it was comfortable. When she felt ready she head outside and began her morning run. She didn't really plan out her rout, she mostly ran aimlessly till it was time to head back and start the next part of her training.


So far she's past the town hall, the castle belonging to princess Twilight, the sweet shop. She couldn't really remember the name of the place. Being on a strict diet meant he had to stay far away from sweets or her sweet tooth will start to ache.  But she liked to run by it to catch a whiff or two. After that she ran past the local spa and then a clothing store that looked like it belong in Canterlot. She looked though one of the windows as she ran by it. Everything inside seemed to be well made.


But she didn't really have an interest in fashion,  which showed by what she was wearing. 

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"One week... One week so far. So far so good. Nothing went wrong. Finally going to ask her... No. don't do it. You'll look like a creep and she is way out of your league. But she's so beautiful and kind. What if she doesn't even like mares? Maybe just befriend her first and then ask her out. Yes, that's a good idea. but how? By Luna! Why is this so hard?'' Trivy yelled to herself as she walked around the street. She looked up, realizing she had said it all out loud when she noticed the strange looks others were giving her.


Seven days ago, Trivia had arrived at Ponyville after a long exhausting trip to nowhere in particular, just straight ahead, like always. So why stay here so long? The summer morning she had arrived into town, she had seen ponies going in and outside a gorgeous castle. She had read the sign. Castle Summer Tour. 12:30 to 15:10. Last day. Next tour: in three months. A tour, nothing for her. Yet, the mystery and the satisfied smiles of the ponies walking out had draw her in. She walked after a group of tourist unnoticed, admiring the beautiful decor. She had found her way to the library, most ponies had walked in an out in 5 minutes. Trivy, however, had her eyes locked on one of the StarSwirl's early original novels but especially the pony reading it. She had gazed at her for several minutes out of the corner of her eye before she realized she must come across as a creep. She quickly made her out the castle, heart pounding.


The next day, she returned, the castle tour was over but the library section was made a public place, as the beautiful purple shimmer had decided it would be illogical not to. Days past, Trivy spend her time reading books while looking over the pages to the friendly smile of a princess. She had passed her many times through the hallways, greeted her a few times with a shy wave but nothing more.


Now the day had finally come. Trivia had fueled her legs with courage, fear and adrenaline towards the castle grounds. She was finally going to ask her... or at least try to start a conversation. She walked into the tall hallway, hoofsteps echoing against the crystal walls as she made her way to the place of books, hoping she would find the young Sparkle there.

Edited by Pucksterv
  • Brohoof 1
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He can't seem to remember why he thought this was a good idea. Slipping the guards at night had been easy: their louder movements, and clumsier actions did not lend them any bonuses to catching a bat at night. Especially since, you know, bat ponies have fairly darker colors. However, this balcony was moonlit, very high, and cold enough to remind him of home. Still, he was ready. Especially since, well, the probability of him making it out of this without some form of punishment was astronomical. He smiled at the stars and watched the moon hang in the sky. Chances were, Luna would come around if a pony was on her balcony.


I don't intend to break-and-enter here. Tresspassing is enough of an offense. Hopefully this time the other prisoners won't try to break my fangs.


He sighed at the memory; last time he'd been caught he'd spent an overnight stay in the dungeon express, and the other 'normal' prisoners weren't so happy about it. Reguardless, he inspected his sign. It was.... pretty basic. In fact, it was just 'Luna is Best Princess.' He sighed a bit but raised it up like a picket skyward and waited to feel the fires of retribution.

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There were a surprisingly large amount of myths and legends that existed that had some connection to the Everfree Forest and the creatures that lived within its boarders, but very little in the way of what could be considered solid facts. At least, not in the traditional sense of the word. Strong Copper had learned a long time ago that if you cross referenced enough versions of the same myth or legend it was possible to get some idea of what at least some of the core facts of the legend truly were. This method had provided him with insights that had proved vital in the past, but it was by no means the greatest way to find information or even the most reliable. Sometimes the only way to get the answers you wanted was to go into the field and hope for the best.


The latter was why Strong Copper was currently wandering along one of the overgrown paths of the Everfree. The hood on his hoodie was currently down in order to provide the unicorn with as wide a vision as possible, as well as call upon some of his more... aggressive spells without the risk of hindrance if it came down to it. Even if his destination in mind was relatively close to the edge of the forest, the Everfree was still a wild place with its fair share of highly dangerous creatures and it just because the journey was short and on a clearly pony made track didn't mean that it was safe. 


Ponyville's history of monster attacks had long been a siren's call to Strong Copper, but it was only recently that he had moved into the area in order to scout out the situation for himself. Like any good hunter, he wanted to get a good idea of what he would potentially be dealing with in the future and that required a working knowledge of what exactly lived in the Everfree Forest and some of the other wild areas around central Equestria... Sadly for the most part, local knowledge of the Everfree seemed to be limited to the knowledge that the Everfree was a wild, dangerous forest full of monsters that was best avoided. Not helpful to say the least...


However, he did discover that there was a zebra mare that actually lived within the forest itself. The ponies he had talked to didn't actually know her name, but they did know the path that she exited and entered the forest from. The way Strong Copper figured it, if anypony in the area knew anything about what actually lived in the Everfree, it was going to be the mysterious zebra mare that actually lived inside of it. 


He didn't actually know how far in the mare in question lived, but Strong Copper stayed alert to the sounds that the forest was making all around him as he followed the path that was before him to what would hopefully be the right destination... hopefully the mare would be home.

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((Continued from last date on the old page.))

Octavia's Bow, on 19 Jul 2015 - 01:17 AM, said:snapback.png


Wilhelm bowed to the Princess deferentially as she landed, a brief flick of the gaze towards the new star the only evidence to show that he had noticed it. At her comment, he laughed, a sincere and bright sound. "My stars? Your Majesty.." He paused for a moment, thinking, and then continued. "Luna... I merely have the distinct pleasure of observing the work of a master artist on a ever-changing canvas. Every night, I look to the sky, and though I arguably spend the most time staring at it, I can't own the objects present in the sky in any way more than I may own a Van Gogh, though I daresay it's more beautiful by far." At the conclusion of his remark, his cheeks turned the faintest shade more red.


At her next words, however, Wilhelm stayed quiet for a moment, and if anypony listened hard enough, they could probably hear the whirring of the veritable supercomputer in his head turning the problem over and attempting to find a response that wouldn't make him look like.. a idiot? No, that wasn't it. He was technically beyond that now. A.. a what? He sectioned off the ongoing discussion of putting words to the feeling and paused for a moment more, taking off his glasses and polishing them with a self-conscious air. Slipping them back on, he spoke, hesitantly at first, but then growing into a more self-assured tone. "My lady, I either may be worse than I've ever been or far better than I have any right to be. I'm not sure yet."


At this cryptic remark, Wilhelm half-smiled and turned to the carefully-planned tableau, touching a match to the candle at the center of the blanket. The wick flared and settled to a warm blaze, lighting up the surrounding area. Over his shoulder, Wilhelm said "So, what would you like to do first? I could offer you a drink, or.. well, you choose." After some rummaging in the basket, Wilhelm came up with two thin-stemmed wineglasses and a bottle of Southern Equestrian red.


She laughs, “A work drink? My my, thou art an infallible knight of the court.” She grins and nods to the glasses, “Go ahead and pour.


“As for the stars being mine… That is not so true. Some ponies buy stars. And I believe that you were given one by your mother. If I remember correctly… that one.” She points at a small star of in the distance, “I am, however, responsible for letting them out.” She suddenly looks pleased, “We are getting the hang of this newer posh variation of speech!”



"Indeed, milady." Wilhelm nods and pours into two glasses, taking a preemptive sip from his own and hoofing the other to Luna in one wing. "I was with your sister a few days after you came back to Equestria, during your official court introduction; Celestia had asked us to give you privacy while you acclimated. Nevertheless, I remember your voice..." Wilhelm cleared his throat, adopting a more posh accent, similar to that of the oldest lineages of Canterlot gentry. "Wherefore couldst We ev'r forgeteth the compliment extern of such a fine mare?"


He laughed, and a small smile flashed across his face. Perhaps thanks to the wine - Wilhelm had an exceptionally low alcohol tolerance - or, more likely, to the fact that Luna hadn't rejected him outright yet, Wilhelm was letting down a bit of his guard, some of the stiffness removing itself from his posture. To her next sentence, however, he made a point of pausing to think. "Perhaps, but is responsibility not enough to claim ownership? Then again, a mare does not so much own her child, no matter the part she's played in raising it. But no matter! Away from such philosophy. After all, it's not every day that a Princess of the Realm accepts one's invitation to a da-" 


Wilhelm corrected himself mid-word. "To dinner, I mean." He chuckled awkwardly, and it was clear that he was still uncomfortable around Luna for some reason. It was also clear he had run out of subjects to speak about; the words having fled his mind in the moment they were most needed. Besides, a niggling thought tapped at Wilhelm's consciousness, whispering that Luna wouldn't want practiced words anyway, words said in front of a mirror so many times they appeared casual.

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'Okay... this message... just a normal delivery... from the capital... well.... a bit more than that.... but no need to overthink it. Come on dude, you get a late message to that douche Guard Captain... and all was fine... this is nothing, just givinng a letter from the palace to a mare... with beautiful blue eyes... totally gorgeous mane... and possibly awsome magic as well.... oah... step out of it... ok, gotta do this right? I mean... its noting like I have to lose anything... now is there? Only if that Chaos theory is right.... bah! STOP! Ok... walk to her, deliver the message and ask out? Yeah... good plan stupid.... anyway... better than nothing I guess'


Lordav was behind a corner and peaking around it from time to time to catch a glimse of a pale-orange coloured mare with a red & yellow mane. He made sure his Royal Messenger uniform was clean and looked ina window as a mirror. He licked his teeth to make sure they were clean and arranged his mane. 


Chest front, back straight... and confidence...


It was time. He took a deep long breath an d exhaled to calm down. Taking the message, carrying a red seal, from his bag he started trotting towards the mare. He soon stopped behind her and gasped in air,

"Greeting miss Sunset Shimmer, I bare message for you from Canterlot..."


Just as he got ready to start reading it, he stopped;

My, isnt she gorgeous... 


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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@@Comet Tail


Ezekiel stepped off of the bus,


"God haven't been on one of those since grade school." He thought. The young man wore a traditional tai chi uniform, white but with black for the lace and cuffs. He carried a backpack one strap and held a note in his other hand telling him where his class was.


He entered Canterlot high, ready to start at a new school though understandably nervous about not knowing anyone. His fears were somewhat assuaged when it appeared that no one knew each other, or at least didn't seem to want to know one another. Glares, whispered insults, and declarations of superiority greeted him rather than warm smiles and welcomes.

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Script Dangles, on 27 Oct 2015 - 09:29 AM, said:

"I look terrible."


Script watched the pony in the mirror frown, then sigh. He tried to toss his mop of a black mane at a jaunty angle across his head. It seemed to wilt, instead. The pony closed his eyes and for a moment, they both disappeared. It's a bad mane day, he tried to remind himself. Not the end of the world.


The truth was: It was far too beautiful a day for the world to end, anyway. Through his window, the sunshine streamed inward in fine rays of brilliance. Tiny motes of dust played within the cascade of illumination, seeming to dance weightlessly to the songs of the birds perched into the boughs of the trees outside. He imagined them in a beautiful panoply of colors. In his part of Chicoltgo, where he'd lived only three days ago, all you usually saw were crows with feathers the exact color of his floppy, vexing mane.


Another sigh. Then, he straightened a bit. Ponyville might as well be a million miles away from his former home. The sunshine, the birds, were enough to remind him as much. It was a new day.


He was determined to make the most of it.


He wove his way through his small home until he found the front door. He grabbed his bags, tossed them over the arch of his back, slipped through its frame and closed it behind him. Just outside, the birds in the tree were blue and red and green, just like he'd imagined them. They made him smile. When he'd come into town, it had been night. He hadn't left his house since.


That was changing today. Today, he decided, he was going to explore Ponyville.


And maybe his mane didn't look half as bad as he'd told himself it did.




In the end, he decided it was the air.


It wouldn't have been easy for him to pick and choose all the differences between the two. There were just too many. So, as he walked through the wide and open streets of the small town, he focused on the single thing that struck him as being the most different between Ponyville and Chicoltgo. Back home, the lake was everpresent. You could smell it on the wind, taste it in the rain and in the snow, when the seasons were right. Here, it was different. The air seemed dryer, but not in an altogether unpleasant way. Ponyville's air was fresh and clean, like there were invisible pegasi scrubbing it when he wasn't looking, hiding behind the clouds when he turned his head in their direction. He decided it might not have been a stretch, noticing a lazy blue winged pony snoozing on a cloud in the distance. The sight of her and her long rainbow locks made him smile.


He had to quit thinking of Chicoltgo as home. Ponyville was home, now. With its clean air and wide, empty streets.


Nobody -- mercifully -- had recognized him, during his walk. He wondered if they even sold his book in the small town. Back ho...in Chicoltgo, it had been easy enough to be anonymous. There were so many ponies there, unless you were truly famous, you just blended into the masses. He'd wondered if it might be different, here. He had his answer.


Script found himself walking along the length of a wooden fence. It bounded what looked to him like a school from the street. Beyond, it was recess. Dozens of little ponies played in the large field at the back of the small brick building. Four or five of them, he noticed had hockey sticks. They were knocking a small red ball back and forth between one another, laughing, whooping. He could feel the smile spread across his face.


Script stood against the fence and watched the ponies playing. None of them were especially good. It didn't matter a whit. They were having a blast. It reminded him of when he'd been small, playing the game with his friends for the first time. There was magic in those days and just watching them brought it all back in glittering reverie in the corners of his memory.


Not far from where he stood, he noticed a larger pony. The mare stood over by the building, watching over the children, just as he did. A teacher, he decided. Her coat was a gentle mauve, which verged up to a glorious pink mane, shot through with brilliant waves of lighter hue. Her tail was long and luxurious. She had the most beautiful green eyes he'd ever seen in his life.


Eyes that were looking right back at him.


Script's mouth suddenly went dry.


He started in her direction in a casual lope. Her cutie mark was adorable: A cluster of tiny daisies with smiley-faces in their centers. She was incredible. He tried to make it seem like his heart wasn't suddenly running breakaway in his chest. He wasn't sure he was dong too good a job at it.


He tried on a smile as he arrived near her, the fence intervening between the two of them. "Hey," he greeted her. "They look like they're having a good time, huh?"


Instantly, felt like the biggest loser on four hooves.


A writer, Script. You're a writer.


And that's the best you can do?!?!


Cheerilee blinks and nods, “Yes. This is a fun time for them, as it is recess. May I help you Mr. …?” She offers a warm, if somewhat cautious smile. What will you do?


Count Paradox, on 27 Oct 2015 - 09:52 AM, said:

Paradox slowly walked, taking one of the roads that led to the outer edges of town, one that led to the odd, two-tone house of Ponyville's resident musicians. His legs were shaking, and his heart was racing, but he wouldn't let that get to him. Not today. For today was the day he would finally ask her out. Octavia, one of the most beautiful mares he had seen. He had been too nervous to ever speak to her, but he finally worked up the courage, and decided that this was the day. Not only that, but he had an ace up his metaphorical sleeve, at least one that would help him in introducing himself to her: He personally knew her roommate, Vinyl Scratch. Not a very talkative pony herself, she usually told her emotions through music. But she somehow might be able to help him express his feelings. After a bit more walking, he came upon the house. He knocked on the door, hoping that Vinyl was home to assist him.


The door opened a bit, and you realize something very, very quickly; Vinyl won’t be helping you. She’s in her corner and, now that the door is open, you can hear the small electronic percussion noises through her headphones… from across the room. However, a confident-looking grey mare with a bow tie and a pretty slick haircut is standing at the door. “Hello. You’re Vinyl’s friend right? She mentioned you might come by today. Would you like to come in?”




Gloomfury, on 27 Oct 2015 - 12:20 PM, said:

Shamrock woke up in her room that she booked at an inn in Ponyville. She got into the small town two days ago from her home in the bog city of Manehattan. The reason she was into was to do a little training camp in the country, thinking the fresh air and open spaces would help her better then the crowded city. After getting out of bed Shammy wandered into the bathroom, still half asleep, to help wake herself up with a very cold shower.


After a slightly loud yelp and a few minutes later she dried herself off and got on her track suit that would help her sweat more. It was clashing dark green sweatpants along with a neon orange hoodie. That and along with her trademark brown drivers hat. She didn't much care about what she wore as long as it was comfortable. When she felt ready she head outside and began her morning run. She didn't really plan out her rout, she mostly ran aimlessly till it was time to head back and start the next part of her training.


So far she's past the town hall, the castle belonging to princess Twilight, the sweet shop. She couldn't really remember the name of the place. Being on a strict diet meant he had to stay far away from sweets or her sweet tooth will start to ache. But she liked to run by it to catch a whiff or two. After that she ran past the local spa and then a clothing store that looked like it belong in Canterlot. She looked though one of the windows as she ran by it. Everything inside seemed to be well made.


But she didn't really have an interest in fashion, which showed by what she was wearing.



Rarity was working away at a new dress line. You can tell this because she’s exercising… a little bit of unlady-like creative frustration. By that, I mean she’s repeatedly stabbing a fabric line with an abnormally large needle. She hasn’t really noticed you though, because your in the window.






Pucksterv, on 27 Oct 2015 - 5:45 PM, said:

"One week... One week so far. So far so good. Nothing went wrong. Finally going to ask her... No. don't do it. You'll look like a creep and she is way out of your league. But she's so beautiful and kind. What if she doesn't even like mares? Maybe just befriend her first and then ask her out. Yes, that's a good idea. but how? By Luna! Why is this so hard?'' Trivy yelled to herself as she walked around the street. She looked up, realizing she had said it all out loud when she noticed the strange looks others were giving her.


Seven days ago, Trivia had arrived at Ponyville after a long exhausting trip to nowhere in particular, just straight ahead, like always. So why stay here so long? The summer morning she had arrived into town, she had seen ponies going in and outside a gorgeous castle. She had read the sign. Castle Summer Tour. 12:30 to 15:10. Last day. Next tour: in three months. A tour, nothing for her. Yet, the mystery and the satisfied smiles of the ponies walking out had draw her in. She walked after a group of tourist unnoticed, admiring the beautiful decor. She had found her way to the library, most ponies had walked in an out in 5 minutes. Trivy, however, had her eyes locked on one of the StarSwirl's early original novels but especially the pony reading it. She had gazed at her for several minutes out of the corner of her eye before she realized she must come across as a creep. She quickly made her out the castle, heart pounding.


The next day, she returned, the castle tour was over but the library section was made a public place, as the beautiful purple shimmer had decided it would be illogical not to. Days past, Trivy spend her time reading books while looking over the pages to the friendly smile of a princess. She had passed her many times through the hallways, greeted her a few times with a shy wave but nothing more.


Now the day had finally come. Trivia had fueled her legs with courage, fear and adrenaline towards the castle grounds. She was finally going to ask her... or at least try to start a conversation. She walked into the tall hallway, hoofsteps echoing against the crystal walls as she made her way to the place of books, hoping she would find the young Sparkle there.



You enter the library to find Twilight at on of the tables with her head between two stacks of books. When Spike asks her what’s wrong, she says, “I’m bored! I’ve already read these books 5 times.” She notices you and waves, offering a smile. She does, however, look like she’d rather do pretty much anything other than sit in a pile of books right now.



Strong Copper, on 29 Oct 2015 - 06:53 AM, said:

There were a surprisingly large amount of myths and legends that existed that had some connection to the Everfree Forest and the creatures that lived within its boarders, but very little in the way of what could be considered solid facts. At least, not in the traditional sense of the word. Strong Copper had learned a long time ago that if you cross referenced enough versions of the same myth or legend it was possible to get some idea of what at least some of the core facts of the legend truly were. This method had provided him with insights that had proved vital in the past, but it was by no means the greatest way to find information or even the most reliable. Sometimes the only way to get the answers you wanted was to go into the field and hope for the best.


The latter was why Strong Copper was currently wandering along one of the overgrown paths of the Everfree. The hood on his hoodie was currently down in order to provide the unicorn with as wide a vision as possible, as well as call upon some of his more... aggressive spells without the risk of hindrance if it came down to it. Even if his destination in mind was relatively close to the edge of the forest, the Everfree was still a wild place with its fair share of highly dangerous creatures and it just because the journey was short and on a clearly pony made track didn't mean that it was safe.


Ponyville's history of monster attacks had long been a siren's call to Strong Copper, but it was only recently that he had moved into the area in order to scout out the situation for himself. Like any good hunter, he wanted to get a good idea of what he would potentially be dealing with in the future and that required a working knowledge of what exactly lived in the Everfree Forest and some of the other wild areas around central Equestria... Sadly for the most part, local knowledge of the Everfree seemed to be limited to the knowledge that the Everfree was a wild, dangerous forest full of monsters that was best avoided. Not helpful to say the least...


However, he did discover that there was a zebra mare that actually lived within the forest itself. The ponies he had talked to didn't actually know her name, but they did know the path that she exited and entered the forest from. The way Strong Copper figured it, if anypony in the area knew anything about what actually lived in the Everfree, it was going to be the mysterious zebra mare that actually lived inside of it.


He didn't actually know how far in the mare in question lived, but Strong Copper stayed alert to the sounds that the forest was making all around him as he followed the path that was before him to what would hopefully be the right destination... hopefully the mare would be home.


Following your intuition takes a surprising amount of time, but you do happen along a clearing with a large tree-hut. A zebra is sitting at the side of a small pool in front of that house. Quickly noticing you, she waves, “A pony emerges from the woods. Perhaps you are here to shop for goods?” A quick look through the window tells you exactly what she means: she think your here for a potion.


Comet Tail, on 04 Oct 2015 - 06:50 AM, said:

"I'm afraid I don't really know any off the top of my head - I was kind of thinking more along the lines of reading a nice little story book of some kind. Something like Olive, the Other Reindeer..." As I think about it, I start to remember that story actually had some fighting in it, dognapping, truckers... "Well, maybe something even a bit more low-key, when it comes time to relax for sleep, something like..." The most friendly, relaxing, wonderful tale comes to mind, Woah, woah, am I really about to say this? Yeah, both of us are pretty relaxed right now, who doesn't like a little something soft? People putting up pretenses, that's who. I'm gonna say it! "-'Goodnight, Moon'. That's a classic."



I yawn, taking note of the beautiful night outside (whatever weather it is, it's almost always beautiful outside the window in my opinion. Either the view itself is relaxing and beautiful, or the frightening weather outside makes it ever more cozy inside). I take another sip from the hot cocoa, now running low. I telekinetically set it down somewhere safe for now. "...But come to think of it, I don't really know that one off the top of my head, either, heheh" my ears flop down, slightly embarrassed at not having a single tale to tale. "I was so nervous about this mission I don't think I packed any nice winter tales. Did you, perchance? I could get it out for you. Or we could make up our own. Or just reminisce about the beautiful starry sky," I add, the stars outside the window catching my eye. "Your call. Ever had anything you wonder about out there that you'd like to reminisce about with a fellow thinker?"


I yawn again, relaxing a bit more into the bench. This is going to be a very nice train ride. I'm sure if we fall asleep we'll wake up at Canterlot... Boy am I tired, though.


For a brief moment, I wonder how appropriate it'd be if I wrapped my hoof around her. Then it dawns on me: We... We just kissed. We just kissed! My heart flutters. I return her leaning with my own slight lean, relaxing into her, put my hoof around her shoulders, and nuzzle in a little.


[Note, you now have permission to make me fall asleep. I'd give it a 10-80% of happening depending on if Twilight does something that urges us to stay up, or something really relaxing, or decides trainride is a good time for a late-night pre-hotel nap. I'd stay awake if I'm reading her something, but might fade out if we're both tired and wax deep and relaxed about stars. Also if she's got energy that'd give me a bit more. I might just pass out if it's raining, though, heheh. I think I'm being influenced by the fact that IRL I'm in about the same situation right now, buuuuuut, it works rather well in the RP since it's implied to be rather late by now and in a train and all.]


She convinces her to read to her, one of the warmer and simpler stories mind you, and leans in close. Laying against your shoulder, you quickly find that she has actually fallen asleep on you. You must make a fairly decent teddy bear, with a chocolate voice. Pretty slick for a speed demon. Soon, you also fall asleep.


After what feels like a solid two seconds, you find yourself lightly shaken awake. And not on a train. In fact, you are now standing in a rather disorganized library, filled with dust. By standing, I mean you are being carried in levitation with most of your baggage. Twilight's looking a little… discouraged at the sight of her former home

Edited by Octavia's Bow
  • Brohoof 2


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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BANG! Smoke​​ began to fill the small warehouse on the outskirts of ponyville and out of it stumbled Ticktock "*cough* Note to self: forget about oil as propellant it does not work well... or maybe it works too well, may have to look further into it." Ticktock mumbled to himself. Once the smoke had gone Ticktock stepped back into the building and looked upon a mechanical pair of batpony wings seeming to be made out of clockwork. Ticktock then began to tighten some bolts on it remembering what will happen if they worked 'He could be Rainbow Dash's new flying buddy', however that was wishful thinking, after all he was only a member of Rainbow's fan club.


After Ticktock had finished he had decided that he would go find Rainbow Dash, the first place he went was Sugar Cube Corner. Ticktock knew that one of Rainbows friends worked there so it was one of the best places for him to start. He opened the door to the small shop, walked in and began surveying the room for any sign of Rainbow Dash. 


As you approach Sugarcube corner, you hear indistinct talking from inside. As you enter, you're able to understand a few words in a southern accent, "...sure about that, sugarcube?" Then turning, you see this.




Dash's breathing is strained. The pink pony is stifling laughter, and the other doesn't seem to be doing anything. (Does your character know who those other two ponies are? How does he react?)


[And don't worry - I'm not going to kill Rainbow Dash, this isn't that kind of RP. But your character does't know that!

So take it easy, don't stress over how to respond, just do the first thing that comes to mind - 'cause your character will either freeze there wondering how to respond, or do something immediately, he won't have a lot of time to think of how to respond before AJ or Pinkie say something to you, so yeah, just whatever comes to mind.]





He can't seem to remember why he thought this was a good idea. Slipping the guards at night had been easy: their louder movements, and clumsier actions did not lend them any bonuses to catching a bat at night. Especially since, you know, bat ponies have fairly darker colors. However, this balcony was moonlit, very high, and cold enough to remind him of home. Still, he was ready. Especially since, well, the probability of him making it out of this without some form of punishment was astronomical. He smiled at the stars and watched the moon hang in the sky. Chances were, Luna would come around if a pony was on her balcony.


I don't intend to break-and-enter here. Tresspassing is enough of an offense. Hopefully this time the other prisoners won't try to break my fangs.


He sighed at the memory; last time he'd been caught he'd spent an overnight stay in the dungeon express, and the other 'normal' prisoners weren't so happy about it. Reguardless, he inspected his sign. It was.... pretty basic. In fact, it was just 'Luna is Best Princess.' He sighed a bit but raised it up like a picket skyward and waited to feel the fires of retribution.


Movement catches your attention out of the corner of your eye. Two flying figures in the distance seem to be circling the castle. If they’re searching, they’ll doubtlessly see you, silhouetted against the sky on the balcony, as you are.
Now is your chance to take whatever evasive action you will.


[see OOC thread - we need to talk chronology]


((Continued from last date on the old page.))

Octavia's Bow, on 19 Jul 2015 - 01:17 AM, said:sig-4204241.sig-4195664.snapback.png


"Indeed, milady." Wilhelm nods and pours into two glasses, taking a preemptive sip from his own and hoofing the other to Luna in one wing. "I was with your sister a few days after you came back to Equestria, during your official court introduction; Celestia had asked us to give you privacy while you acclimated. Nevertheless, I remember your voice..." Wilhelm cleared his throat, adopting a more posh accent, similar to that of the oldest lineages of Canterlot gentry. "Wherefore couldst We ev'r forgeteth the compliment extern of such a fine mare?"


He laughed, and a small smile flashed across his face. Perhaps thanks to the wine - Wilhelm had an exceptionally low alcohol tolerance - or, more likely, to the fact that Luna hadn't rejected him outright yet, Wilhelm was letting down a bit of his guard, some of the stiffness removing itself from his posture. To her next sentence, however, he made a point of pausing to think. "Perhaps, but is responsibility not enough to claim ownership? Then again, a mare does not so much own her child, no matter the part she's played in raising it. But no matter! Away from such philosophy. After all, it's not every day that a Princess of the Realm accepts one's invitation to a da-" 


Wilhelm corrected himself mid-word. "To dinner, I mean." He chuckled awkwardly, and it was clear that he was still uncomfortable around Luna for some reason. It was also clear he had run out of subjects to speak about; the words having fled his mind in the moment they were most needed. Besides, a niggling thought tapped at Wilhelm's consciousness, whispering that Luna wouldn't want practiced words anyway, words said in front of a mirror so many times they appeared casual.


Luna accepts the glass with a hoof, holding it, then taking a small, modest sip while you finish your last sentence.
“Neither is it every day that a friend ‘of the Realm’ has the courage to invite a Princess of the Realm to a ‘dae-’dinner,” she replies knowingly with a sly smile.



“Now, you say you are unsure whether you are at thine best or worst…” She remarks thoughtfully.


“How is it that you are confused so?” she asks, although her tone would suggest the question is really meant for your benefit more than her curiosity. Indeed, she seems rather knowing and confident about the whole situation in general.



[see OOC thread - we need to talk chronology]


'Okay... this message... just a normal delivery... from the capital... well.... a bit more than that.... but no need to overthink it. Come on dude, you get a late message to that douche Guard Captain... and all was fine... this is nothing, just givinng a letter from the palace to a mare... with beautiful blue eyes... totally gorgeous mane... and possibly awsome magic as well.... oah... step out of it... ok, gotta do this right? I mean... its noting like I have to lose anything... now is there? Only if that Chaos theory is right.... bah! STOP! Ok... walk to her, deliver the message and ask out? Yeah... good plan stupid.... anyway... better than nothing I guess'


Lordav was behind a corner and peaking around it from time to time to catch a glimse of a pale-orange coloured mare with a red & yellow mane. He made sure his Royal Messenger uniform was clean and looked ina window as a mirror. He licked his teeth to make sure they were clean and arranged his mane. 


Chest front, back straight... and confidence...


It was time. He took a deep long breath an d exhaled to calm down. Taking the message, carrying a red seal, from his bag he started trotting towards the mare. He soon stopped behind her and gasped in air,

"Greeting miss Sunset Shimmer, I bare message for you from Canterlot..."


Just as he got ready to start reading it, he stopped;

My, isnt she gorgeous... 


She turns around at the mention of her name, eyes somewhat wide with surprise. She perks an eyebrow at “I bare message,” and gives you a blank stare, waiting for the message, eyebrow still perked.
IF you don’t say anything for a few seconds, she will hesitantly start, “So… you have a message for me? Are you going to read it, or?...” She lifts a hoof in a shrug, “Aren’t messages normally delivered in sealed envelopes - or, scrolls, I guess, here?” Her tone makes it clear she’s not implying anything so much as legitimately confused, but willing to accept whatever you tell her.


@@Comet Tail


Ezekiel stepped off of the bus,


"God haven't been on one of those since grade school." He thought. The young man wore a traditional tai chi uniform, white but with black for the lace and cuffs. He carried a backpack one strap and held a note in his other hand telling him where his class was.


He entered Canterlot high, ready to start at a new school though understandably nervous about not knowing anyone. His fears were somewhat assuaged when it appeared that no one knew each other, or at least didn't seem to want to know one another. Glares, whispered insults, and declarations of superiority greeted him rather than warm smiles and welcomes.


The bus had delivered you a full two hours before your class - eleven o’clock - you had been asked to come at this time for a tour of the school, then to join the students for lunch before the class. The instructions also mentioned you were going to take the tour with three other students, all supposed to meet at the front of the school’s lobby.
The lobby itself was as impressive as it was large, well decorated with various trophy cases, banners, and large staircases at each side.
Sure enough, a cluster of three spikely-dressed girls were assembled by the front doors, along with a fourth woman: an adult wearing a collared shirt with a blue moon printed on it, long blue hair, and holding a clipboard, talking to the three teenagers.
The three were an odd sight; the one furthest had stars keeping her purple hair in a ponytail, and torn sleeves, along with a gratuitous supply of armbands that seemed to suggest some sort of impending armband shortage she feared. The one in the middle, and a step forward from the other two, had such volumous orange hair she made you wonder if she were born in a pumpkin patch, and just as her friend seemed to fear an armband shortage, she similarly appeared to fear an impending spike shortage, judging by her headband, belt, and shoe… belts? The third looked the most normal, with blue hair, though inwardly bending knees and a pinky in her smile made her look something less than a rocket scientist.
They all wore red jewel pendants attached with thick black necklaces, and clothes that seemed to indicate they had just moved in from Transylvania four hundred years ago, but had also joined a rock band.
Edited by Comet Tail
  • Brohoof 1

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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@Octavia's Bow


Dox's face went red, and he stuttered. "Oh, u-uh, yes, thank you, miss... O-Octavia, correct? I believe we've met a few times, if I'm not mistaken..." He stepped inside, nervous as to the fact that his plan seemed to be crumbling. He attempted to get Vinyl's attention without attracting Octavia's, but to no avail. 'Well, I guess it's time for plan B...' "Um, miss Octavia, there may be another reason why I came here... I've, uh, always admired you any time I was able to get any time with you while hanging out with Vinyl, and, well... I actually came to ask you if you would possibly go on a date with me? I know we don't know each other very well, and this is really sudden, but... Would you be willing to give me a chance?"


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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@@Comet Tail,


To be fair, Ezekiel looked like he had stepped off the set of a Kung Fu movie so the third person narration has no right to throw stones there.


Ezekiel did count his lucky stars that his adjoining classmates were three women, but they already seemed to be friends. Much harder to try and establish a connection with one in a group. He shook his head and threw out his id thinking, holding a hand to his chest while breathing in, then pushing his hand outward on the out breath, he cleared his mind. Ezekiel would simply follow the vice principal or whatever her title was and let a connection with these three be established on it's own . . . or not at all.


Even with his superego more in charge, he had to admit, the ring leader who's name escaped him at the moment did have something that caught his eye. Long hair, they all had it but with her it was very pronounced and 80's style. Ezekiel always did have an attraction to exaggerated examples of the most prominent aspect of femininity. He smiled as his eyes glanced at her.

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@@Octavia's Bow,


Cheerilee blinks and nods, “Yes. This is a fun time for them, as it is recess. May I help you Mr. …?” She offers a warm, if somewhat cautious smile. What will you do?


That smile, he thought.  It was enough to bowl a pony right over.


He extended a hoof.  "I'm Script," he said.  "Script Dangles."  He wondered if she'd hear of him, maybe read something he'd written.  Normally, he wasn't the kind of pony especially preoccupied with his celebrity status, as minor as it was.  He was finding this to be one of the very rare exceptions to that sentiment.


He glanced back at the ponies at play for moment.  "It reminds me of when I used to be their age," he mused.  "I used to love horse hockey."  For a moment, the beautiful mare next to him was forgotten.  Script smiled at the memories.


But the moment fled as quickly as it had come on.  And there she was again.  His nerves returned.  "You're their teacher, I suppose," he said.  "Ms...?"


He hoped she didn't correct him.  Mrs. was the last thing he wanted to hear.

Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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@@Octavia's Bow,


The journey through the Forest lasted a little longer then Strong Copper might have liked, but it was better then getting lost. In the end, slow and steady won out and he arrived at his destination.


If he was being completely honest with himself he hadn't actually known what he had expected to find when the terms 'Zebra Witch' and 'Zebra Shaman' had been brought up back in Ponyville; The zebra mare that was resting beside a pond next to what could only be assumed to be her home wasn't the mental picture that he had, but she was a major improvement. Much easier on the eyes to start with. She was beautiful in a rather primal way... the kind of natural beauty that you normally had to leave pony controlled environments and head out into the much more dangerous wilds in order to find. 


Approaching the mare, he did his best to make it look like he wasn't checking her out as he answered "I'm not actually here to shop... at least not in the conventional sense. You see, my name is Strong Copper and I've recently moved to Ponyville because of my profession." Coming to a stop a respectful distance away from the mare and waiting for her to give her permission before he considered taking a seat next to the pond himself. He offered her a small smile as he continued "See, for lack of a better word I'm a monster hunter. I specialize in beasts and supernatural creatures that are highly dangerous and identifying them, providing information on how to handle the situation and trying to bring about the best possible outcome for all parties."


"I asked around town to see who I should ask in order to get an understanding of the creatures that actually live in the Everfree and a fair few ponies pointed me in your direction. Would this be a bad time to ask you about some of the fauna that lives in the Forest with you?" He asked politely. He didn't want to bother her if she was busy after all.

  • Brohoof 1
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You enter the library to find Twilight at one of the tables with her head between two stacks of books. When Spike asks her what’s wrong, she says, “I’m bored! I’ve already read these books 5 times.” She notices you and waves, offering a smile. She does, however, look like she’d rather do pretty much anything other than sit in a pile of books right now.

Trivy felt her cheeks turning red at the sight of Twilight's beautiful soft smile. The fact that her coat was colored cinnamon did not help to hide her deep blush. At least the redness of it all colored nice with her mane. But nothing could beat the absolute refinement and beauty of the purple and blue combo that was laying with her head between the books. Only thing missing were her reading glasses. She didn't wear them often, which was unfortunate because she looked so charming, adorable wearing them.


Trivia took a deep breath, swallowing her pride and confidence down her throat as she stepped towards Twilight. She had prepared a whole speech on her way to the castle but it seemed her mind had abandoned her in this moment. She tried to gather the right words into her head. "Hey Twilight.'' Those were the first words that came to her. ''I know you don't know me very well and all but if you are feeling bored, not that I was listening in on your conversation, if you don't have anything important to do, I mean I can imagine being a princess keeps you occupied, but if you could, if you want... uhm.'' Her nerves shut down her mouth, she was unable to think any further. There was a small moment of silence coming from the nervous mare as she collected her thoughts. 


''Would you like to hang out? You seem like a nice mare and I would like to get to know you." She said finally. She stood there, expecting the worse answer possible. Who am I kidding? She's never going to fall for somepony like me. Trivy looked at the princess, studying her face for any expression that would confirm the rejection she was expecting.

Edited by Pucksterv
  • Brohoof 1
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@@Comet Tail

(Trying to add some ontext behind.... why she would be in EQ... without actually.... doing something =p)




He gestures a bit  to his throught and lets out a cough,

"Sorry, miss... mam..."

He clears his throught,

"Dear Sunset Shimmer,

I am extremly sorry to inform you that a very important matter has interfered with my ability to meet you today, I have sent this via royal curier to procure a witness for the reason of my absence. I trust you wil be able to fill your time until I will be able to see you,


Princess Celestia"


He handed the letter over and put on a cheesy smile.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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@@Comet Tail,

Ticktock then heard a western voice from inside and smiled as the chances of finding Rainbow Dash went up at the prospect of her friend AppleJack being there, so he walked into the store.


Ticktock jumped back at the sight of Rainbow Dash on the floor ,seemingly suffocating, "By Celestia!" yelled Ticktock as he ran over to Rainbow Dash, AJ  and Pinkie "Is she ok?" Ticktock asked half nervous and half scared, mostly from wanting to help but not wanting to make things worse.


(Just in case you hadn't guessed I treated this as a continuation of my last post :)

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Hacktune wake up from his sleep, the time was 8.00 am. He slept on the table again while writing a new song, The song was for making an electro music with Vinyl. Hacktune then goes to the bathroom and sees himself in the mirror "Damn... I looked like i just falled from Clousdale and got revived 2 times" He took a shower and then styled his mane. After the shower, he wear his hoodie and grabbed his headphones, song sheet, and a couple of bits. "Today shall be the day, It Have to be the DAY, Just remember to breathe." Then he walked out from his house, he put on his hood and headphones.


He set off a course to Vinyl&Octavia house. The distance from his house and to hers was a little bit far. On the way there, He took a stop at a cafe and bought 2 cups coffee. Then he continued his way there. When Hacktune finally arrived he put off his headphones and he looks at the door,Before knocking He thought to himself *Breath in...count to 4....breath out..count to 4, you can do this.* He knocked on the door while the coffee levitating behind him.

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Rarity was working away at a new dress line. You can tell this because she’s exercising… a little bit of unlady-like creative frustration. By that, I mean she’s repeatedly stabbing a fabric line with an abnormally large needle. She hasn’t really noticed you though, because your in the window.


 After sprinting for a few miles, Shamrock decided to switch to jogging for the rest of the way. As she passed the same places she looked though the window of the dress shop again. Inside she could see a beautiful alabaster unicorn mare. Witch just made Shamrock stop in her tracks.


She stared at her a little. Watching her do whatever she was doing with that large needle. Forgetting about her training for a bit, she head towards the shop and walked inside. Just so she could meet this mare. When she open the door the small bell on the top of it jingled.

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 On Heart and Hooves Day of the art showcase, Veiled Spike left passes for both Applejack and Big Mac at the will call booth just in case she forgets. After the morning business is taken care of, she opened her art show to both fans and non-fans alike to attend. Every pony was warned before entering. So far, the majority of the spectators at the art show created a good feedback response despite the few dramatic incidents. There was a protest outside of the art show by the conservative ponies who deemed the event as offensive. The shenanigans had kept the crew and fans nervous as more security measures are put in place until the protest dies down. After 6 pm in the afternoon, Veiled Spike waits near the backstage hallway for Big Mac and Applejack to attend dinner with her. During her wait, she stressed over whether or not Big Mac and Applejack are going to make it on time in the midst of the situation outside of the venue. 

Edited by crisahys
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@@Comet Tail,


Ugg... where I come from, we just trade icicles and sweet words. My icicle melted and, well, she's a princess. In fact, I'm relatively certain that that receptionist I kept talking to just through my requests into the trash. Having hidden in the roof overhang, he listened to the beat of the pegasi's wings fly by and ruminates on that lovely event.


Three times. A quick up-down and a boot out the door... Once with the guards. It kinda sucks, like, a lot. Especially since it was just an up-down. I mean, all I wanted to do is meet the person responsible for making things beautiful at night. And tell her how much I appreciate that.  Now I'm skulking outside her room... like a stalker. Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. I... really need to start thinking these things through.


Maybe I should turn myself in... I can't imagine things going well from here. Tresspass isn't the most endearing of criminal offenses. It gets me back in the jail cell with the ponies who like to try breaking my teeth. I need those to drain fruit, dang it!


He sighed softly; those first couple of days in town had been pretty bad. Things were much different in the world-cave.

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