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Do you know the Pony Pokey?


Is that the one with the weird rhyme? "And you turn yourself around" or something?

I'm not the one to ask about that, I bet Pinkie knows all the lyrics.



Why is it that whenever I ask Lyra a question, she starts swearing at me incessantly?


That's odd...she's pretty nice to me. Maybe she just doesn't like you.


I'm not surprised. dry.png



Who is your special somepony, Rainbow Dash?


I, umm...I don't have one.

Don't need one, neither!








I can tell you some of your own traits by looking at your own handwriting. Yeah, it's not magic either!


Hah, that's baloney. What does it say about me?



Howdy Miss Dash. Ah got a prank Ah want you t'play on AJ, t'get her back for what she did to mah closet.

Nothin' nasty, jus', whenever it's fine fer you, go an' jus' soak her with some rain on a sunny day.



*snicker* Well, sure, I'm up for that. Although it probably means she'd be ignoring me for the rest of the day...



Where do you come in?



Is there a checklist out for the series 2 mlp trading card pack yet?


Trading whatnow?


Where art thou, Dashie?


Right here! Hello??




How soft are clouds c:?


More awesome than the pillows in Canterlot Castle. The soft kind, not the crappy ones.



Yo Rainbow! What exactly were you up to with those two Wonderbolts at the end of the Best Young Flyer competition?


Got them to give me a flying lesson. After begging for like, half an hour.


How fast can you fly? How many miles per hour?


Pfft. Convert Mach Five to whatever units you like.

Edited by Aureity
  • Brohoof 1
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Kay guess I didn't remember that part of the episode where you said that but it's come back to me now. Yeah it was Mach 5.


Hmmm let's see...How much did you start enjoying books after Twilight showed you that one book?

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That's odd...she's pretty nice to me. Maybe she just doesn't like you.


I'm not surprised. img-1456259-1-dry.png

Why not?




*Sudden realization*


Oh damn. I've been nothing but a nuisance ever since I have came here,


And I know just how to rectify that. Do you know where I can get plates?

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Rainbow Dash you so much better than the wonderbolts...Why don't you just start up your own flying team? That would be AWESOME!!!laugh.png 

  • Brohoof 1
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Hello, Dashie, do you like AC/DC and Led Zeppelin?


Those are, uhh....bands, right? Hehe, yeah, I knew that all along. They're cool!



Kay guess I didn't remember that part of the episode where you said that but it's come back to me now. Yeah it was Mach 5.


Hmmm let's see...How much did you start enjoying books after Twilight showed you that one book?


Well, I still don't read *too* much. Flying's still so much cooler. Only time I pick one up nowadays is if they come out with a new Daring Do.



Why not?




*Sudden realization*


Oh damn. I've been nothing but a nuisance ever since I have came here,


And I know just how to rectify that. Do you know where I can get plates?


Yeah...like, anywhere. Just go to the general store or something.



Pfffffthhhbbbppphth! (Hello!)


How's it going, fluff ball?




Um...can this robopony get a big hug from you? ^///^


Err, I guess. Long as you don't go Transformer on me.



Rainbow dash,

Your an awesome flyer.


Want an autograph, kid? I've got plenty to give out.



Rainbow Dash you so much better than the wonderbolts...Why don't you just start up your own flying team? That would be AWESOME!!!img-1466251-1-laugh.png


My OWN team?


...huh. Well...I've never thought about it like that. Hmm.

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Those are, uhh....bands, right? Hehe, yeah, I knew that all along. They're cool!




Well, I still don't read *too* much. Flying's still so much cooler. Only time I pick one up nowadays is if they come out with a new Daring Do.




Yeah...like, anywhere. Just go to the general store or something.




How's it going, fluff ball?





Err, I guess. Long as you don't go Transformer on me.




Want an autograph, kid? I've got plenty to give out.

Yes please,



My OWN team?


...huh. Well...I've never thought about it like that. Hmm.

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