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"Woah cool." Amber examined the sludge that was on her hoof, bringing it up to eye level and examining it closely. "This stuff's fascinating and...goopy." She tried to scrape it off on the floor, to little avail. She turned to Scarlett, panic suddenly setting in her eyes. "Wait, I didn't break something by scraping it all up, did I? Because it sounds like something I would probably do by accident."



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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"Ewwww," Solar muttered, seeing the sludge stain on Amber's wing, "Why do you do these things to yourself, girl?"


She shielded herself with a foreleg when she tried shaking it off. "Watch the spit!"


She brought herself close to Amber's hoof to see the sludge, and nodded.

"It's obvious what we have here," she explained, nodding sagely, "It's a rare kind of space goop!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"You know what, maybe I should come down there. Actually, I am going to come down there"


Scarlett then walked through the corridors to find the mess on the floor. Levitating a pencil out of her saddlebag she dipped it in and scooped a little out to get a closer look at. "This must be the residue from whatever 'magical' substance the Ancients used to filter air."

Specter was quietly enjoying the show from the sides, it was humours for him to see such a simple job become such a hassle. But then again he needed them to survive so maybe watching wasn't the best of ideas. Following Scarlett down to engineering, he came out of his stealth and inspected the tar-like substance.


"I think you guess is as accurate as they can get Scarlett. This is a residue left from the chemicals in the air filtration system. This should be filtered out, so it's say to say that this is causing a clogging. We should drain the filters of the chemicals. Once that is done I'll mess about with the controls and try and get the backup systems working."

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@@Ethan Sawyer


Sapphire was giving directions and answers the best she could give, she took out her radio all she got was static, right they don't work right now. Sapphire made her way back to the room Scarlet was in her nervousness was gone she was on another mission, she tapped her on the shoulder, "Scarlet, I need to know the layout on the ship I can't have 70 odd ponies just in one room I need to know things I know we are fixing the air but the panic level is rising and can you work my radio? it won't work on this ship."  

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Panic level was indeed rising, even with the medical personnel administering relieve, it was just not enough to reduce the stress all were having -- what would you expect, a death defying moment would surely put one on edge, it was a miracle no pony snapped after it, or this was going to be one of those books involving deep space induced paranoia. So, Dust intended to speak to somepony in charge, hoping he could get some good news. Then one mare caught his eyes -- the one with a loud and strict attitude -- seemingly going back and forth between the room he was in and who knows where in this ship. Even though the mare was way off, he trailed her closely from behind, relying the sound from her steps to guide him through the winding corridors. Eventually he arrived -- with absolute luck that he didn't get lost -- at a room and saw several others in the room. Dust knocked on the metal entryway frame asking a rather obvious question, "Uh... are you guys in charge?" whilst keeping his distance, because the look of the armaments some of them were packing was rather unnerving. 

Edited by DustJacket


OC              "I live for the story."              dA

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@@Ethan Sawyer,@@DustJacket,


"just one moment, Scarlet see they are starting to wonder I need a map and a working radio and very soon." She went back to the pony grey pony at the door. "can I help you? We are rather busy I know I dont have all the answers but I'm getting there but yes I am in charge if were wondering, are you ok? Are you security staff?" 

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"Yes, well, funny you should ask" Dust gave a nervous chuckle and continued, "I'm actually just a writer... long story. But more importantly, the medics almost patched up all of the injured, but..." apparently he had forgotten what it was that he wanted to say. A moment of silence him and the mare occurred, then he noticed the group was working on the vents, "Oh, air vents," then the particular scene made him to remember a familiar scene, one that spelled badly. His tone changed for a bit, "Let me guess, air filters' not working."  


OC              "I live for the story."              dA

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"I don't know you'd have to ask Scarlet technology escapes me I'm afraid I can work a radio and turn on a TV but other than that I just don't get it really." Sapphire half turned and pointed out Scarlet, "she's the head engineer so she would be able to tell you it's a just jibberish to me."   

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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"I think you guess is as accurate as they can get Scarlett. This is a residue left from the chemicals in the air filtration system. This should be filtered out, so it's say to say that this is causing a clogging. We should drain the filters of the chemicals. Once that is done I'll mess about with the controls and try and get the backup systems working."

"I don't think that's quite it, this stuff is filled with CO2 and everything else a filtration system would filter out. Ancient systems were relatively more simple when this ship was created I think this is what happens when you leave an air filtration system running for multi-thousand years. We're going to have to get something new. Let's hope there'll be something useful in there."



"I don't know you'd have to ask Scarlet technology escapes me I'm afraid I can work a radio and turn on a TV but other than that I just don't get it really." Sapphire half turned and pointed out Scarlet, "she's the head engineer so she would be able to tell you it's a just jibberish to me."

"Pass me you're radio, I'll fix it if I can. Actually, could you have everyone leave their radios inside the engineering room at the side."


Art by DoeKitty

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@@DustJacket,@@Ethan Sawyer,


"I'll do that then," Sapphire puts her radio down at the 'side', "I'll go find the others, well the security staff and tell them to bring their radio's here aswell, now if you excuse me I need to stop any crazy panic the other may be working themselves into." With that said Sapphire again left to the main gate room, she then set to the task of calming everypony down.

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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As the mare left to return to the gate room. Dust had a thought of returning there himself, "I should -- I'll just, go back with her," thinking that there were nothing else that he could do other than helping the injured. But he couldn't help to pass along an idea, "Before I go, did you check the oxidation catalyst?" then again, this being a ship of Ancient origins, does the air filtration system work like the ones back home? He thought, although, he did hear the red unicorn's statement who seemed to be well acquainted with all things Ancient, so he became positive on the idea he gave. "I mean, if what you stated is right," referring to the red coated unicorn, "it's worth looking" he shrugged for a little bit in the end of his sentence.


OC              "I live for the story."              dA

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"I think we just need another filtration substance. On our ships we tend to use Sodium Calcite for the filtration, there's always a chance that we can find some." She turned back to the other ponies in the room "Leave it for now, we need to look and see that supplies we have with us from Icarus. I'll look for information on the consoles."


Art by DoeKitty

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Solar watched as everypony ignored what she said, and just puffed out her cheeks in a pout.

"Fine," she mumbled, "I'll just keep my space goop discovery to myself. Since nopony cares."


She saw as a new stallion emerged into existence, but already got talking to Sapphire and Scarlett before she got a chance to introduce herself.


She just sighed and looked down at her hooves. "Why am I even here...?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Amber was watching from the sidelines for the whole conversation. She didn't understand any of the science-y stuff they were talking about, although she did retain a smug grin after being able to get every last drop of the sticky substance off of her wing. She peered round at each of the ponies in turn, but couldn't help but notice Solar seeming...distant. Compared to earlier, the otherwise exuberant mare seemed off, staring down at her hooves away from everypony as the conversation was fueled onwards by the arrival of a new stallion into the mix.


She decided to lift herself up onto her hooves again, and Amber trotted quietly over to where Solar was stood with her back to her. 


"Hey, I know you were joking about the whole therapy thing earlier..." Amber whispered in her ear slowly. "But do you want to talk? You're looking a bit down to say the least."



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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Amber was watching from the sidelines for the whole conversation. She didn't understand any of the science-y stuff they were talking about, although she did retain a smug grin after being able to get every last drop of the sticky substance off of her wing. She peered round at each of the ponies in turn, but couldn't help but notice Solar seeming...distant. Compared to earlier, the otherwise exuberant mare seemed off, staring down at her hooves away from everypony as the conversation was fueled onwards by the arrival of a new stallion into the mix.


She decided to lift herself up onto her hooves again, and Amber trotted quietly over to where Solar was stood with her back to her. 


"Hey, I know you were joking about the whole therapy thing earlier..." Amber whispered in her ear slowly. "But do you want to talk? You're looking a bit down to say the least."


Solar's ears flicked up a bit from hearing Amber whisper to her, and she slightly turned her head to look at her.


At least somepony's talking to me. She thought bitterly.


"Nah, I'm alright," she lied, brushing a hoof against the floor, "Well... I'm just starting to wonder what good I'm going to do around here. I'm not a scientific genius like everypony else here, and my chance to prove I can be useful, or at least trusted, was shot down because she--" She nodded toward Scarlett, "--decided to come down here and take a look herself."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Solar's ears flicked up a bit from hearing Amber whisper to her, and she slightly turned her head to look at her.


At least somepony's talking to me. She thought bitterly.


"Nah, I'm alright," she lied, brushing a hoof against the floor, "Well... I'm just starting to wonder what good I'm going to do around here. I'm not a scientific genius like everypony else here, and my chance to prove I can be useful, or at least trusted, was shot down because she--" She nodded toward Scarlett, "--decided to come down here and take a look herself."


Amber's gaze trailed downwards as she searched her mind for what to say, but the answers she needed were easy to find as many of Solar's thoughts reflected her own. She took a look at the other ponies and grimaced. Sure, she loved technology and all...but she knew very little in comparison to those around her and did little but act as a nuisance for them. She paused briefly to chew on the flurry of ideas that ate at her sub-conscience.


"Well, you know, there's more ways we can help that don't involve science-y stuff and technical know how." Amber pointed out. "I'm sure there's a lot of ship left to scout out or evacuees that could do with some assistance." She smiled warmly. "You know, side quest sort of things if you catch my drift."



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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Scarlett, still thinking of where they could get some Calcite, began to sense a feeling of almost betrayal. Uselessness? Something around that area, but then she did something that she had never done before. She ignored it. Not to be malicious, but because if she didn't find a way to fix this problem they'd all be dead.


Suddenly, the ship dropped out of FTL and the usual blue light and annoying noise sounded. This ship was damn old. She quickly said "We can't do anything else here for now, let's get to the engineering room and see where we are!"


Art by DoeKitty

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Amber's gaze trailed downwards as she searched her mind for what to say, but the answers she needed were easy to find as many of Solar's thoughts reflected her own. She took a look at the other ponies and grimaced. Sure, she loved technology and all...but she knew very little in comparison to those around her and did little but act as a nuisance for them. She paused briefly to chew on the flurry of ideas that ate at her sub-conscience.


"Well, you know, there's more ways we can help that don't involve science-y stuff and technical know how." Amber pointed out. "I'm sure there's a lot of ship left to scout out or evacuees that could do with some assistance." She smiled warmly. "You know, side quest sort of things if you catch my drift."


"I'm sure Scarlett has a plan for scouting out the ship or fixing the evacuees," Solar muttered bitterly, just loud enough for Amber to hear, then just sighed, "but, yeah, I guess... thanks..."


The mare had never felt so inadequate before in her life. She assumed it was because she always worked alone, and wasn't used to being in a team.


Though, she didn't exactly feel like a teammate. More like a tagger-on.



Scarlett, still thinking of where they could get some Calcite, began to sense a feeling of almost betrayal. Uselessness? Something around that area, but then she did something that she had never done before. She ignored it. Not to be malicious, but because if she didn't find a way to fix this problem they'd all be dead.


Suddenly, the ship dropped out of FTL and the usual blue light and annoying noise sounded. This ship was damn old. She quickly said "We can't do anything else here for now, let's get to the engineering room and see where we are!"


"Oh joy," she continued, smirking deprecatingly beneath her helmet, "Somewhere else to be made to stand around and watch everypony else do the work."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"I'm sure Scarlett has a plan for scouting out the ship or fixing the evacuees," Solar muttered bitterly, just loud enough for Amber to hear, then just sighed, "but, yeah, I guess... thanks..."   The mare had never felt so inadequate before in her life. She assumed it was because she always worked alone, and wasn't used to being in a team.   Though, she didn't exactly feel like a teammate. More like a tagger-on.


"Hey come on now." Amber grinned. "It doesn't matter what Scarlett was planning on doing, because we'll plan it out ourselves. It'll be OUR scouting mission, yeah? You have to stop thinking she's somehow better than you are girl! We all have our own roles to fill. Scarlett....just happened to find hers first, but there's still so much to do. And I'm pretty sure Scarlett can't do all of it, so that's where we come in. Sure we aren't the main characters running the show, but that's rarely the case anyway." She paused to take a breath, struggling to find any words when Solar's anxieties matched her own so well. And she certainly wasn't getting over them easily either. "Look, it's gonna be hard no matter what way you look at it. After being a solo player for so long, you can easily forget what it's like being part of a larger team. You just gotta slow it all down, take a deep breath and be patient." She gave Solar a small hug, chuckling. "But if you're anything like me, you're less than patient, and just wanna break something. So wanna go find some trouble?"

  • Brohoof 1



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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"Hey come on now." Amber grinned. "It doesn't matter what Scarlett was planning on doing, because we'll plan it out ourselves. It'll be OUR scouting mission, yeah? You have to stop thinking she's somehow better than you are girl! We all have our own roles to fill. Scarlett....just happened to find hers first, but there's still so much to do. And I'm pretty sure Scarlett can't do all of it, so that's where we come in. Sure we aren't the main characters running the show, but that's rarely the case anyway." She paused to take a breath, struggling to find any words when Solar's anxieties matched her own so well. And she certainly wasn't getting over them easily either. "Look, it's gonna be hard no matter what way you look at it. After being a solo player for so long, you can easily forget what it's like being part of a larger team. You just gotta slow it all down, take a deep breath and be patient." She gave Solar a small hug, chuckling. "But if you're anything like me, you're less than patient, and just wanna break something. So wanna go find some trouble?"


Solar opened her mouth to argue Amber's assumptions, but... she couldn't. She was totally right. She had no idea how, but she was spot-on. She really wasn't used to being in a team, but she was just hoping her skills would come to, at least, some use.


She couldn't help but notice the hesitations Amber made as well. Was it possible that she felt the same way?


She blinked from the hug, not expecting to get one from the other mare, but accepted it. In fact, she wrapped her forelegs around her to return the hug.

"Yeah," she said quietly, starting to smile under her helmet, "Trouble sounds fun. Let's do that."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Solar opened her mouth to argue Amber's assumptions, but... she couldn't. She was totally right. She had no idea how, but she was spot-on. She really wasn't used to being in a team, but she was just hoping her skills would come to, at least, some use.


She couldn't help but notice the hesitations Amber made as well. Was it possible that she felt the same way?


She blinked from the hug, not expecting to get one from the other mare, but accepted it. In fact, she wrapped her forelegs around her to return the hug.

"Yeah," she said quietly, starting to smile under her helmet, "Trouble sounds fun. Let's do that."


"Yay!" Amber squee'd and grabbed Solar. "Alright let's bust out of this place and see what mess we can make. I found a really cool observation corridor down-" She vaguely pointed her hoof to the south. "-somewhere that way. I'm sure we can find something interesting stuff down that way if anything. I mean this IS an ancient-ass ship."



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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"Yay!" Amber squee'd and grabbed Solar. "Alright let's bust out of this place and see what mess we can make. I found a really cool observation corridor down-" She vaguely pointed her hoof to the south. "-somewhere that way. I'm sure we can find something interesting stuff down that way if anything. I mean this IS an ancient-ass ship."


Solar smirked under her helmet, and lifted the visor to show her blue eyes.

"Damn right it is," She snickered, trotting after Amber, "Let's go observe us some aliens or something!"


She didn't admit it out loud, but she was beginning to really like Amber. She might just be her first friend on this ship.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Solar smirked under her helmet, and lifted the visor to show her blue eyes.

"Damn right it is," She snickered, trotting after Amber, "Let's go observe us some aliens or something!"


She didn't admit it out loud, but she was beginning to really like Amber. She might just be her first friend on this ship.


"Then follow me!" She gestured for Solar to follow her, sneaking out from behind the rest of the group and scampering off down the corridor, her hooves echoing loudly. She tried to remember the route she initially took and skirted around multiple corridors, humming to herself happily. It was definitely nice having a pony for company as she explored deeper into the ship. They eventually came to the corridor, the massive glass window stretched for metres down the entire hallway, with views into the deep abyss of space. "I didn't see any aliens last time I was here, but who knows?" Amber said happily. "We might get lucky and a flying space monkey will come our way."



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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"Then follow me!" She gestured for Solar to follow her, sneaking out from behind the rest of the group and scampering off down the corridor, her hooves echoing loudly. She tried to remember the route she initially took and skirted around multiple corridors, humming to herself happily. It was definitely nice having a pony for company as she explored deeper into the ship. They eventually came to the corridor, the massive glass window stretched for metres down the entire hallway, with views into the deep abyss of space. "I didn't see any aliens last time I was here, but who knows?" Amber said happily. "We might get lucky and a flying space monkey will come our way."


"Sweet, my favourite kind of monkey!" Solar chirped, grinning as she followed Amber into the observation corridor. She stared out at the stars, trying to spot any planets nearby.


"...hey," she spoke up, after a few moments of silence, "Do you think we can go to explore planets? This ship might have little space fliers or something."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Sweet, my favourite kind of monkey!" Solar chirped, grinning as she followed Amber into the observation corridor. She stared out at the stars, trying to spot any planets nearby.


"...hey," she spoke up, after a few moments of silence, "Do you think we can go to explore planets? This ship might have little space fliers or something."


"Well the Ancients seem like pretty cool guys, I'm sure there's probably some ships or something somewhere around here." She joined the search for planets, believing she could pick out one or two amongst the sea of stars before her. She paused for a moment and sighed. "I would love to see new planets." She rested her hooves on the glass and her head hung low. "All the new sights and sounds would be breathtaking. Maybe even find a couple of cannibalistic natives or something insane." She laughed quietly, but she mostly remained in deep thought at all the possibilities before them. "Maybe we could even run in there and steal some food."



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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