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Why do people treat unicorns as master race? Are they right?


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People think unicorns are the master race because they can basically do what both earth ponies and pegasi can do with just magic. Starlight Glimmer shows that some unicorns can levitate themselves to "fly" like the pegasi and unlike earth ponies can carry heavy things with levitation as well instead of carrying them with their mouths.

  • Brohoof 3
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They can use magic and you can do literllay everthing when you can use magic. °-°


Well only if you're a VERY powerful unicorn. And very FEW unicorns are that strong. Outside of basic spells like levitation and illumination, most unicorns only use spells related to their talents.

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They can use magic and you can do literllay everthing when you can use magic. °-°

Pegasi can use magic, Earth ponies can use mgic, Alicorns can use magic, Breezies have magic, Centaurs like Tirek can also use magiv

So unicorns ate NOT master race just becaus magic. Everyone has magic.

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They can walk on clouds with magic, go back in time, and create temporary wings, aka changing the race of another or themselves temporarily. Unicorns can also learn how to sap the natural magic of others most likely, you know, the kind that gives pegasi the ability to walk on clouds and earth ponies their additional strength, meaning they could potentially become all powerful if they study the right spells. Heck, it's been proven in show with Flutterbat that a unicorn can cause a legitimate race/species change in another pony. They are practically all powerful.


Ah, and the thing is... they can actively tap into and use their own magic. They've got more than others by default too.

Edited by Sooshi
  • Brohoof 1
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Unicorns may seem all-powerful, but they aren't. They need pegasi and earth ponies to grow food, control weather, etc. They can't do that themselves.


Basically, compare unicorns to bankers and scientists.

They can't do anything without other people who aren't bankers and scientists.

If everyone was a banker, then the world would not be fun-land.


That's why unicorns aren't master-race, because alone, they can't do nothing. (I know, double negative, but I don't care. It sounds funny.)


On the other hand...

Unicorns do have super cool magic, so they do win the competition of who-beats-who-in-a-cage-battle-of-doom-fight.



Pegasi can use magic, Earth ponies can use mgic, Alicorns can use magic, Breezies have magic, Centaurs like Tirek can also use magiv
So unicorns ate NOT master race just becaus magic. Everyone has magic.

Sure, they have magic, but they don't all have the same magic. Their magic differs a lot. Can pegasi use spells? Didn't think so.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well...they are. They are earth pony, pegasus and unicorn combined xD

No they're not. Check Celestia, Luna and Cadance. Twilight is the only competent alicorn and she still causes big problems.

Edited by cider float
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Well, generally speaking, people tend to view magic as means to do practically everything, and since Unicorns are the only pony race (excluding Alicorns, naturally) capable of conciously appying their innate magical power through spells, it makes them the "Master Race" in many people's eyes.


Unfortunately, the show itself showers the audience with awe inspiring shows of magical prowess, while the boring bit of learning magic is overlooked. We know that most "regular" unicorns have little juice inside them, and don't really pursue any magical abilities besides the mighty useful psychokinesis, and some spells corresponding to their cutie mark or vocation - these are called "natural" spells, either learned spontaniously or academically, but with great ease. All Unicorns can learn other, non-natural spells, but the amount and complexity depends on their inborn magical prowess. Take Rarity for example - Her Cutie Mark represents her natural magical ability to find gems, because she learned a complicated spell out of thin air, but other than that, she uses mostly psychokinesis to levitate objects, more often than not dozens at a time, or sew with a needle rather than sewing machine.

There are also, special cases - Unicorns with more raw power than average. These, with dedicated tuitition, could become adepts of magic in various areas, much like sciencists actually. If you read between the lines, the show's canon implies that advanced magic is more akin to a branch of science than universally accessible method of doing things. And if it takes an Einstein (or Twilight Sparkle, since she's one of the most powerful and magically educated Unicorns in canon) to transform an apple into an orange, then I see no reason to blow the horn for Unicorn racial superiority - they have the most powerful individuals, but as a race, they depend on other ponies. The racial interdependence of Equestria is to be cherished, rather than shunned, in my opinion.

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Because they keep thinking of Twilight, Star Swirl, Sombra, Sunset, and Starlight.


Despite them only being about 1% (and Twilight being the Element Of Magic and Sombra being an Eldritch Abomination anyway) versus the approximately 99% who can only use a few specific spells.

Edited by A.V.
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It's the magic. We unicorns have the magic, though I don't consider them better than the other races, that is just my theory to why they might be considered such by others, Having direct magic like that is a fairly powerful force and that does most likely make the unicorns the most powerful of the 3, but all races are equally important in their own ways. 

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 Twilight is the only competent alicorn and she still causes big problems.

Yes, I gotta admit this. '-'


But if you see look on the fact that they have the abilities of earth ponies, pegasi AND unicorns, they are. :I

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Well, unicorns can potentially do a lot of amazing things with magic and the other races have had fewer awe inspiring moments in the show or spinoff media. On the other hand, it's highly doubtful that the average unicorn is that powerful. Twilight and Starlight have spent a great deal of time studying magic, and I think even Rarity is well above average in her levitation ability, which I think she honed for the sake of making her job easier. I judge levitation ability by how many objects one can levitate and how heavy the objects are, and I somehow doubt most can do more than maybe lift a tea set with their magic. So, I think the average specimen of each race has their strengths over the average specimen of another. Besides, call me when a unicorn creates an Equestria shattering Sonic Rainboom or can actually move a house. I have yet to see levitation magic do the latter.

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Sombra was actually according to the comics not even a pony in the first place anyways, that's why he doesn't have a mark. He's an Umbrum and his mother is literally just a red crystal.

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They absolutely are. They have the potential to do anything the other 2 races can do, but that doesn't go the other way. Fortunately, unlike the real world, Equestria tries to be equal opportunity, because if they weren't, Unicorns would take over the world.

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Not the "Master Race" at all, there is definitely potential for them to be more powerful and perform the same duties as the other races, however that would not be something that would not come anytime soon. At the current moment powerful unicorns are very rare and even then, their efficiency in a task may not be as efficient as another race.


Alicorns are the only real "Master Race", despite what we sometimes see in the show we know all 4 Alicorns are extremely powerful and possess abilities of every other pony race. Does this mean they are superior to the individual? Most certainly not, however they are the most powerful of all 4 pony races.


Each race excels in a particular area and will continue to do so unless certain evolutionary changes were to occur 1000's of years down the line(Speculation of course, this is a cartoon after all).

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