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open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)


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Even after the ringing in her one ear had died off, the static in her other had persisted, despite her best efforts to restart the device. Instead choosing to shut it off completely, the noise finally stopped as her ear was completely deaf without the implant. As such, Foray had only managed to catch the tail end of the conversation, and while she wasn't able to make out any words, she could discern large amounts of shouting.


It seemed to her that the flashbang attack was causing the other members of her group to panic, but she couldn't be sure. Still in a daze, she slumped against the rock, taking cover from what she anticipated was a barrage of attacks coming from whatever threw the stun grenade.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Uhhh, can I say no to that? I didn't mean to offend you, you've just wanted to kill me since you first laid eyes on me. So if you don't mind, COULD YOU PLEASE PUT THE BUCKING GUN DOWN?!?!?! AND STOP CALLING ME STABLE DWELLER!!! I MEAN COME ON, I WAS ONLY CONSIOUS THERE FOR A FEW HOURS!!! SO IF YOU DONT MIND, I'LL BE TAKING MY GUN BACK AND LEAVING!!!

Kronos had the unicorn by the neck and raised him until his rear hooves dangled from his body. "You'll get your gun back as soon as we learn to trust you, got it, punk?" Kronos growled at him. His head jerked around with audible snaps at his neck and said maniacally, "Go ahead. Try me. Hahahahaha---GAH!!" Kronos let go of the unicorn and started beating his own head with the rifle. "STOP. BEING. IN. MY. DAMN. HEAD!!!" He shouted as he hit his own head. Edited by Kronos
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Hazelnut was confronted by a gritty looking unicorn with a shotgun strapped to his battlesaddle and a face that showed no fear. He asked Hazelnut's intention in a brief and gruff manner with a weapon aimed at the ranger. The usual wastelander greeting, Hazelnut thought to himself. "You are currently traveling with a pony who has an artifact that peaked my interest. I simply wish to consult with this pony and retrieve the artifact in a peaceful manner. if you aid me in securing this artifact you would only benefit I assure." Hazelnut proposed.


   "Due note what I'm about to do is a safety precaution and in order to further insure you won't pursue any hostile actions that would leave me at a disadvantage this will be necessary." Hazelnut calmly stated before the unicorn could respond with an answer. The ranger then grabbed the flash bang grenade he dispensed earlier, pulled the pin, and threw it past the rocks flanking the unicorn. Activating his helmet's enchantments the ranger was spared the ear bleeding and eye blinding effects of the metallic cylinder. After a few seconds Hazelnut returned his senses and quickly stormed his way past the unicorn with his weapons primed.


    What Hazelnut's eyes were greeted with was a sight to behold indeed, even a bit humorous if that was a word ponykind understood these days. A stabledweller screaming his heart out at a cybernetic earth pony(who was also shouting like a maniac) as the latter picked him up off the ground like a father would to his foal. There was one pony just standing there in shock and finally a mare slumped against a rock looking as dazed as a punk on chems. The sight was so bizarre and comical that Hazelnut didn't even know how to request anything from the bunch let alone demand. "It seems to me that both parties require some explaining to do," the ranger stated as he awkwardly stood in front of the wastelanders.

Edited by Ranger22
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Hazelnut was confronted by a gritty looking unicorn with a shotgun strapped to his battlesaddle and a face that showed no fear. Not satisfied with just the unicorn's appearance and response to his threat Hazelnut pulled the pin off his flashbang and threw it slightly past the rocks ahead of him. He shuttered his visor and deafened his ears with his helmet enchantments. After a few seconds he let his senses return to him and heard shouting from the ponies behind the natural cover. What irked Hazelnut was the shouting seemed to sound like an argument instead of the usual agony. "Okay, now my intentions are officially benevolent. I pinkie promise," Hazelnut said to the group's watchpony as he shoved past him interested in the peculiar conversation ahead of him.


What Hazelnut saw next was a sight to behold indeed, even a bit humorous if that was a word ponykind understood these days. A stabledweller screaming his heart out at a cybernetic earth pony(who was also shouting like a maniac) as the latter picked him up off the ground like a father would to his foal. There was one pony just standing there in shock and finally a mare slumped against a rock looking as dazed as a punk on chems. The sight was so bizarre and comical that Hazelnut didn't even notice his own laughing. "Oh this is even more of a mess than I'd expected from a bunch of savages like you. Okay real talk, is there anypony here with a functioning brain that I can talk to?" Hazelnut said out loud as he tried to recover from his laughing fit.


Lupus hit the ground with a dull thud, trying to breathe again. Then responded to the power armor clad pony's question. "I was just minding my own business when these guys jumped me, and that guy over there." He said pointing at Kronos. "Almost killed me! Though your little flash-bang caused more chaos here than Discord himself. Please don't ever do that again." Then flopped down on his side and just lay there, looking the power-armor clad pony in (what he thought was) the eyes, still breathing heavily. Not caring if his head got blown off anymore. "Look, I don't know what you want. But please, just spit it out already."

Edited by DamienBolt8592

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Hazelnut was confronted by a gritty looking unicorn with a shotgun strapped to his battlesaddle and a face that showed no fear. He asked Hazelnut's intention in a brief and gruff manner with a weapon aimed at the ranger. The usual wastelander greeting, Hazelnut thought to himself. "You are currently traveling with a pony who has an artifact that peaked my interest. I simply wish to consult with this pony and retrieve the artifact in a peaceful manner. if you aid me in securing this artifact you would only benefit I assure." Hazelnut proposed.


   "Due note what I'm about to do is a safety precaution and in order to further insure you won't pursue any hostile actions that would leave me at a disadvantage this will be necessary." Hazelnut calmly stated before the unicorn could respond with an answer. The ranger then grabbed the flash bang grenade he dispensed earlier, pulled the pin, and threw it past the rocks flanking the unicorn. Activating his helmet's enchantments the ranger was spared the ear bleeding and eye blinding effects of the metallic cylinder. After a few seconds Hazelnut returned his senses and quickly stormed his way past the unicorn with his weapons primed.


    What Hazelnut's eyes were greeted with was a sight to behold indeed, even a bit humorous if that was a word ponykind understood these days. A stabledweller screaming his heart out at a cybernetic earth pony(who was also shouting like a maniac) as the latter picked him up off the ground like a father would to his foal. There was one pony just standing there in shock and finally a mare slumped against a rock looking as dazed as a punk on chems. The sight was so bizarre and comical that Hazelnut didn't even know how to request anything from the bunch let alone demand. "It seems to me that both parties require some explaining to do," the ranger stated as he awkwardly stood in front of the wastelanders.

"You're not getting your crummy hooves on MY tech, you Brotherhood thrall," Kronos replied, assuming the armor-clad pony was talking to him and thinking about the tech-hoarding cliche of all Brotherhood soldiers, "Besides, if you take my tech, it's prototype. You'll never figure out how to refine it. If you want it..." He popped out his battle claws again and sharpened them, "You'll have to pry it from my cold, dead, automated body." He made a challenging gesture towards the armored pony. "You plan on keeping that armor, by the way?"

  • Brohoof 1
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"You're not getting your crummy hooves on MY tech, you Brotherhood thrall," Kronos replied, assuming the armor-clad pony was talking to him and thinking about the tech-hoarding cliche of all Brotherhood soldiers, "Besides, if you take my tech, it's prototype. You'll never figure out how to refine it. If you want it..." He popped out his battle claws again and sharpened them, "You'll have to pry it from my cold, dead, automated body." He made a challenging gesture towards the armored pony. "You plan on keeping that armor, by the way?"

Lupus' head shot up when he heard what Kronos said. "Wait you're here for our tech? Not happening!!!" He then grabbed his AR, and then started backing up slowly with his gun pointed at the armor clad pony. "Sorry, but my tech isn't going anywhere. I spent too long building this stuff to have somepony else just take it!"

Edited by DamienBolt8592

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Hazelnut was confronted by a gritty looking unicorn with a shotgun strapped to his battlesaddle and a face that showed no fear. He asked Hazelnut's intention in a brief and gruff manner with a weapon aimed at the ranger. The usual wastelander greeting, Hazelnut thought to himself. "You are currently traveling with a pony who has an artifact that peaked my interest. I simply wish to consult with this pony and retrieve the artifact in a peaceful manner. if you aid me in securing this artifact you would only benefit I assure." Hazelnut proposed.


   "Due note what I'm about to do is a safety precaution and in order to further insure you won't pursue any hostile actions that would leave me at a disadvantage this will be necessary." Hazelnut calmly stated before the unicorn could respond with an answer. The ranger then grabbed the flash bang grenade he dispensed earlier, pulled the pin, and threw it past the rocks flanking the unicorn. Activating his helmet's enchantments the ranger was spared the ear bleeding and eye blinding effects of the metallic cylinder. After a few seconds Hazelnut returned his senses and quickly stormed his way past the unicorn with his weapons primed.


    What Hazelnut's eyes were greeted with was a sight to behold indeed, even a bit humorous if that was a word ponykind understood these days. A stabledweller screaming his heart out at a cybernetic earth pony(who was also shouting like a maniac) as the latter picked him up off the ground like a father would to his foal. There was one pony just standing there in shock and finally a mare slumped against a rock looking as dazed as a punk on chems. The sight was so bizarre and comical that Hazelnut didn't even know how to request anything from the bunch let alone demand. "It seems to me that both parties require some explaining to do," the ranger stated as he awkwardly stood in front of the wastelanders.


Crackshot's eyes widened from seeing the flash grenade, and dived onto the dirt and covered his ears as it went off. His eyes scrunched shut as he faced away.


When the light died down, he scrambled to his hooves and sprinted after the Ranger, grabbing his shotgun in his magic.

He skidded to a stop and aimed the rifle up at the armoured stallion, who was holding up the Stable dweller.


"Boy," he snarled, "you done goofed now."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The earthpony and unicorn that were barking at each other just a few moments ago wee now aiming their threats towards Hazelnut. Quite a bipolar bunch, the ranger thought to himself. Both of their responses were fairly reasonable given the circumstances and the infamy of the steel rangers. But a pony keeping tech away from a ranger usually didn't live long and Hazelnut didn't want to break tradition. However if he killed them now the noise would probably attract unwanted attention and the location of the stable would remain a mystery. But what truly intrigued Hazelnut at the moment was the earthpony's claim of technology not adaptable by the Rangers(ignoring the comment about the suit he had for 27 years).


   "You're barking up the wrong tree bloodknight. If you want to stroke your own ego do it in your own time and not in front of my face, it's just damn pathetic. Whatever tech you have would just be another challenge for the scribes, celestia knows they need one," Hazelnut said coldly to the bloodknight cyborg in front of him. Hazelnut wasn't going to lie to himself, what the cyborg said peaked his interest and probably would have done the same to his elder. But Hazelnut wasn't going to take action and waste precious resources on a possible bluff, he already had a mission and a more credible pony in front of him.


    "Put that rifle down boy, if you had any common sense you'd know my armor was created especially to protect against your weapon. All I want is your pipbuck, if not that the location of your stable. Do this for me and I'll get out of your hair," Hazelnut stated calmly as he turned to the unicorn in front of him. Hazelnut knew that the other unicorn was behind him and a strange noise almost sounding like music was getting progressively louder. Hazelnut readied himself for the probable retaliation and took a deep breath.

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What is taking them so long? They should be at least in my field of view by now. Something's not right. White took some a vantage point atop of Trixie's shack and took the sniper scope out of his bags. Looking down the roads back the way he came, he spotted the scouts moving along at a brisk pace, detouring away from the road a little though, had they seen something? Continuing his survey, he just managed to spot the group on the very edge of his field of vision. That's when White got a cold shiver down his spine. A Brotherhood Paladin. A Star Paladin from the looks of his armour. This wasn't going to be pretty, a Cyberpony would be a field day for those scribes, and Paladins are aggressive and hit headed. "Damn it. I can't lose those mercs to a stupid Paladin. One of them needs to have a brain. Remove the damn fusion core with Telekinetics. That or fill it with bullets.  Do something." White grinned and laughed  a little to himself as he thought of possible outcomes for this situation. "Or better yet, do nothing. Let him piss me off, I could always use some more Tags to add to my collection."

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After finally getting her implant to work again, Foray had simply been changing her pistol mags with armor-piercing rounds, just in case she needed a takedown of the heavily-armored Paladin. She'd never seen any sort of power armor like his before, being more accustomed to the Leviathan-class Knights of the Domain, but as far as she was concerned, anyone in a suit of armor who wasn't a Levi was a hot-headed raider punk.


Having filled all five of her assortment of pistols, two 10mm pistols, two .44 magnums, and even a scoped long-barrel silenced pistol that resembled a miniature sniper, with armor-piercing rounds she simply levitated all five of them towards the Paladin's head. Since she was already leaning on a massive rock that she could easily dart behind, she was in position just in case the situation went sour.


Appearing completely relaxed and calm, she called, "Yo. Big metal turtle. Over here." Admittedly she wasn't a very formidable sight, since wastelanders didn't generally carry heavily souped-up pistols as she did, but this usually played to her advantage, since her opponents would tend to underestimate her.


Getting up from her leaning position, she continued, "I'm not sure what exactly it is you think you are, or who paid you to be such a jerk, but you can drop the whole 'Oh look at me I'm so tough' act. Because, for one, you're not a Levi, so you're just as good as a raider in my book. Secondly, you're acting tough because of an armored suit. An armored suit, mind you, that can be penetrated, exploded, disabled with an EMP, run out of fuel, and makes you too heavy to swim. And third... one prissy knight in shining armor talking down to four ponies just looks dumb. So does your armor, by the way. So really, drop the act, get on our level, and talk like you don't have anything to hide."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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The earthpony and unicorn that were barking at each other just a few moments ago wee now aiming their threats towards Hazelnut. Quite a bipolar bunch, the ranger thought to himself. Both of their responses were fairly reasonable given the circumstances and the infamy of the steel rangers. But a pony keeping tech away from a ranger usually didn't live long and Hazelnut didn't want to break tradition. However if he killed them now the noise would probably attract unwanted attention and the location of the stable would remain a mystery. But what truly intrigued Hazelnut at the moment was the earthpony's claim of technology not adaptable by the Rangers(ignoring the comment about the suit he had for 27 years).


"You're barking up the wrong tree bloodknight. If you want to stroke your own ego do it in your own time and not in front of my face, it's just damn pathetic. Whatever tech you have would just be another challenge for the scribes, celestia knows they need one," Hazelnut said coldly to the bloodknight cyborg in front of him. Hazelnut wasn't going to lie to himself, what the cyborg said peaked his interest and probably would have done the same to his elder. But Hazelnut wasn't going to take action and waste precious resources on a possible bluff, he already had a mission and a more credible pony in front of him.


"Put that rifle down boy, if you had any common sense you'd know my armor was created especially to protect against your weapon. All I want is your pipbuck, if not that the location of your stable. Do this for me and I'll get out of your hair," Hazelnut stated calmly as he turned to the unicorn in front of him. Hazelnut knew that the other unicorn was behind him and a strange noise almost sounding like music was getting progressively louder. Hazelnut readied himself for the probable retaliation and took a deep breath.

When Kronos heard the paladin's comment on his being of a bloodknight, he held out his claws and dug them partly into his chest and pulled them across, causing himself to bleed. He gave a sinister chuckle and breathed the scent of freshly shed blood into his nostrils. He snapped his head side to side again. His eyes turned blood red and his smile went from cheek to cheek. "Hehehehe," he Kronos laughed, "I'm.....HUNGRY!!" He took his blood-stained claws and licked them clean. "Mmm, delicious. What does YOUR blood taste like, Paladin Hazelnut? I've always wondered what Bortherhood blood would taste like." He inched closer and closer to Hazeltnut, his bloody claw extended outward, reaching for the paladin's neck. Edited by Kronos
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 "Put that rifle down boy, if you had any common sense you'd know my armor was created especially to protect against your weapon. All I want is your pipbuck, if not that the location of your stable. Do this for me and I'll get out of your hair," Hazelnut stated calmly as he turned to the unicorn in front of him. Hazelnut knew that the other unicorn was behind him and a strange noise almost sounding like music was getting progressively louder. Hazelnut readied himself for the probable retaliation and took a deep breath.


"How about you put him down and then we'll talk?" Crackshot snarled, narrowing his eyes as he cocked the shotgun, "Or I could pry that tin can open and scoop out the insides."


He was often told he was a rather intimidating pony, so perhaps his threat, empty or not, might work.



When Kronos heard the paladin's comment on his being of a bloodknight, he held out his claws and dug them partly into his chest and pulled them across, causing himself to bleed. He gave a sinister chuckle and breathed the scent of freshly shed blood into his nostrils. He snapped his head side to side again. His eyes turned blood red and his smile went from cheek to cheek. "Hehehehe," he Kronos laughed, "I'm.....HUNGRY!!" He took his blood-stained claws and licked them clean. "Mmm, delicious. What does YOUR blood taste like, Paladin Hazelnut? I've always wondered what Bortherhood blood would taste like." He inched closer and closer to Hazeltnut, his bloody claw extended outward, reaching for the paladin's neck.


He turned his head and saw Kronos begin to act... strange. He'd seen that look in the cyberpony's eyes before - a bloodlust that could only come from a raider, or a creature.


He swung his shotgun over to the stallion, pushing the barrel against his chest to ease him off.

"Steady, man," he murmured.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"How about you put him down and then we'll talk?" Crackshot snarled, narrowing his eyes as he cocked the shotgun, "Or I could pry that tin can open and scoop out the insides."


He was often told he was a rather intimidating pony, so perhaps his threat, empty or not, might work.





He turned his head and saw Kronos begin to act... strange. He'd seen that look in the cyberpony's eyes before - a bloodlust that could only come from a raider, or a creature.


He swung his shotgun over to the stallion, pushing the barrel against his chest to ease him off.

"Steady, man," he murmured.

"BACK OFF!!!" Kronos shouted as he shoved Crackshot's gun to the side, "This bastard is MINE!!!" When he got almost close enough to the paladin, Kronos told him, "You should know better than to fuck with a soldier descending from the Reaver clan. Especially one of royal Ragnarokian descent. I hail from some of the strongest soldiers Equestria's ever seen. I am the epitemy of combat perfection. You. Can't. Kill. Me. Ah-hahahahahahaha!" Edited by Kronos
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"BACK OFF!!!" Kronos shouted as he shoved Crackshot's gun to the side, "This bastard is MINE!!!" When he got almost close enough to the paladin, Kronos told him, "You should know better than to fuck with a soldier descending from the Reaver clan. Especially one of royal Ragnarokian descent. I hail from some of the strongest soldiers Equestria's ever seen. I am the epitemy of combat perfection. You. Can't. Kill. Me. Ah-hahahahahahaha!"


Foray simply rolled her eyes. She wanted to tell Crackshot, "See, this is what happens when you allow freaks to join our group," but highly doubted he'd be in the mood for a lecture right now. Simply letting her statements hang in the air, although she was probably being completely ignored right now, she kept her pistols cocked and loaded, ready to turn on either Kronos or the Paladin, whichever made a move towards her first.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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The earthpony and unicorn that were barking at each other just a few moments ago wee now aiming their threats towards Hazelnut. Quite a bipolar bunch, the ranger thought to himself. Both of their responses were fairly reasonable given the circumstances and the infamy of the steel rangers. But a pony keeping tech away from a ranger usually didn't live long and Hazelnut didn't want to break tradition. However if he killed them now the noise would probably attract unwanted attention and the location of the stable would remain a mystery. But what truly intrigued Hazelnut at the moment was the earthpony's claim of technology not adaptable by the Rangers(ignoring the comment about the suit he had for 27 years).


"You're barking up the wrong tree bloodknight. If you want to stroke your own ego do it in your own time and not in front of my face, it's just damn pathetic. Whatever tech you have would just be another challenge for the scribes, celestia knows they need one," Hazelnut said coldly to the bloodknight cyborg in front of him. Hazelnut wasn't going to lie to himself, what the cyborg said peaked his interest and probably would have done the same to his elder. But Hazelnut wasn't going to take action and waste precious resources on a possible bluff, he already had a mission and a more credible pony in front of him.


"Put that rifle down boy, if you had any common sense you'd know my armor was created especially to protect against your weapon. All I want is your pipbuck, if not that the location of your stable. Do this for me and I'll get out of your hair," Hazelnut stated calmly as he turned to the unicorn in front of him. Hazelnut knew that the other unicorn was behind him and a strange noise almost sounding like music was getting progressively louder. Hazelnut readied himself for the probable retaliation and took a deep breath.


"Sorry pal, but my PipBuck isn't going anywhere. I spent too long coding my A.I. to give it to some pony inside a tin can. Sorry guys but I'm afraid this is where we part ways." He said as he pulled a smoke bomb out of his saddle bag, pulled the pin, threw it on the ground, and ran off.

Edited by DamienBolt8592

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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"Sorry pal, but my PipBuck isn't going anywhere. I spent too long coding my A.I. to give it to some pony inside a tin can." Then a medium sized off road vehicle crested the hill and came to a stop next to Lupus. "Sorry guys but I'm afraid this is where we part ways."

Kronos pulled out his pistol and searched everywhere for the unicorn, but with no avail. He went off to some location well beyond his weapon's effective range. "Hmph, good riddance," Kronos snorted before he turned towards the paladin, "Now, where were we?" He cracked at his claws and snapped his neck around again. He resumed advancing towards the paladin.

Edited by Kronos
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Crackshot halted as Foray announced she was going to 'take care of some business'. She had an awareness in her eyes, as if she'd just noticed something.


"Hold up," he ordered the group, and levitated his shotgun from his back, "Might be something back there. Get ready for an attack."


Yet another guest. It seems every major or relatively important event that I've seen has converged around this group. It's like they attract madness. Or maybe this place is like this all over, in which case I should find a place to settle and hide there.


He dispenses a flash bang grenade from his pack and took a heavy breath as he always did before combat. He activates his helmets microphone enchantment and began to speak. "I am Paladin Hazelnut of the Steelrangers! Or most recently known as the Brotherhood of steel," Hazelnut said with a noticeable tone of disgust when referring to the second part of his statement. "Whether or not we engage each other right now is entirely up to you, but let it be known if I had intentions to kill you I wouldn't have thought twice to turn you blacker than a zebra's stripes and fill you with shrapnel instead of walking up to you and talking." He said pointing to his weapons on his military grade battlesaddle. "My intentions are benevolent enough and I only wish to converse in a civilized manner. If you choose otherwise I can assure you either I leave this area alive or we all die in a large explosion when I scuttle my suit." He said hoping he got his point across, however he had his doubts whether or not the savages could comprehend his intentions.


Oh look, yet another idiot in this wasteland that thinks they are the best. I mean, at least they have some tech that is of a high level. I was beginning to think the most advanced things in this wasteland were my flanks.


He kept his shotgun pointed at the Ranger as he slowly approached, and stopped a few meters away.

"What do you want?" He demanded, not sounding the least bit intimidated.


Ballsy, I'll give you that. But that armor looks bulletproof. So maybe not a good idea.



Crackshot's eyes widened from seeing the flash grenade, and dived onto the dirt and covered his ears as it went off. His eyes scrunched shut as he faced away.


When the light died down, he scrambled to his hooves and sprinted after the Ranger, grabbing his shotgun in his magic.

He skidded to a stop and aimed the rifle up at the armoured stallion, who was holding up the Stable dweller.


"Boy," he snarled, "you done goofed now."


Is that what I think it is? The flashbang detonated, and my thoughts turned into a land of profanity. Holy fuck my eyes! Why does this hurt so much! Within a moment, the effects of the flashback were gone and the area around my hooves had a slight blue glow. Curious.


"Put that rifle down boy, if you had any common sense you'd know my armor was created especially to protect against your weapon. All I want is your pipbuck, if not that the location of your stable. Do this for me and I'll get out of your hair," Hazelnut stated calmly as he turned to the unicorn in front of him. Hazelnut knew that the other unicorn was behind him and a strange noise almost sounding like music was getting progressively louder. Hazelnut readied himself for the probable retaliation and took a deep breath.


Oh hey, it is bullet proof! What do you know, I was right. As usual.


"Sorry pal, but my PipBuck isn't going anywhere. I spent too long coding my A.I. to give it to some pony inside a tin can." Then a medium sized off road vehicle crested the hill and came to a stop next to Lupus. "Sorry guys but I'm afraid this is where we part ways." He said as he jumped into the back of the Puma. "Sayonara suckers!!!" He yelled as the Puma drove off with no one in the front seat...


Uhh, what? what the fuck just happened? At this point the dirt I had covered myself in was slowly falling off in a weird energy, leaving expanding patched of pristing clean fur exactly the way it was when I arrived in this world.

Edited by Ethan Sawyer


Art by DoeKitty

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Crackshot just blinked and watched as the Stable dweller drove the off-road cart off into the distance.




This has to be the weirdest freaking day of my life.


His anger forgotten for the moment, he turned and looked back at Hazelnut. "Looks like you've got no more reason to bug us. So either help with dealing with the raiders or piss off."



Kronos pulled out his pistol and fired at the unicorn and his Puma as it drove off, but with no avail. He drove off beyond his wepon's effective range. "Hmph, good ridance," Kronos snorted before he turned towards the paladin, "Now, where were we?" He cracked at his claws and snapped his neck around again. He resumed advancing towards the paladin.


He lifted his shotgun in his magic and shoved the barrel into Kronos's chest, glaring daggers right in the cyberpony's eyes.


"I'm warning you." He just growled.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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He lifted his shotgun in his magic and shoved the barrel into Kronos's chest, glaring daggers right in the cyberpony's eyes.


"I'm warning you." He just growled.

"Warning me what, Potshot?" Kronos asked back angrily, "That I shouldnt even try to do something for this damn group. In case you didnt notice, that sunuvabich had somehing that the armor-clad asshole wanted. Now, he's gone." He took a few deep breaths. "I'm sorry," he sighed, "I guess I'm just a little but overagitated over what tue fuck just happened in like a few seconds."
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"Warning me what, Potshot?" Kronos asked back angrily, "That I shouldnt even try to do something for this damn group. In case you didnt notice, that sunuvabich had somehing that the armor-clad asshole wanted. Now, he's gone." He took a few deep breaths. "I'm sorry," he sighed, "I guess I'm just a little but overagitated over what tue fuck just happened in like a few seconds."

Lupus just kept running. This reminded him of when he was young, running away from the school bullies, they were always so mean... If they could see me now, he thought. They'd run away from me with my gun. But they're all dead by now, just memories in my head, of a time that was lost long ago. He heard the shots ring out behind him and bolted off the path, crashing through the foliage. "Sheila bring up a map of the area, I need to know where I'm going." 'Here is a map sir.' His AI responded in an electronic voice. 'My suggested path is down through that gullie and hide there.' Lupus thought about it for a moment, then decided it would be best to hide and hope that they wouldn't find him. And if they did, he could escape through the back of the gullie and start running again. "All I do is run." He said to himself. "My entire life all I've done is run, but I ran to stay alive, fight another day. I wish that would change..."

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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The cyborg in front of Hazelnut began to enter a rage like state, one he'd only seen in drugged up raiders and wasteland monsters. The berserker of a pony alternated between attempting to attack him and arguing with his companions; all while boasting about being the greatest soldier in equestria. Being a steelrangers his hit a nerve in Hazelnut, the cyborg was acting like a deranged barbarian and not a disciplined soldier. However he choose not to respond due to a high probability of a unintelligent response.


    Before Hazelnut could speak an arsenal of pistols suddenly levitated over the ranger with their muzzles pointed towards his armored head. The mare who Hazelut presumed owned the guns began a grandiose speech about Hazelnut's disposition. He would have considered her words if he hadn't heard the same thing from every wastelander for the past two decades. He instead focused on the threat she posed with her pistols. Two with smaller rounds, two with magnum rounds, and another he presumed used rifle rounds, all of which were probably chambered with armor piercing rounds. Hazelnut had complete confidence in his body armor, though his helmet was another story. While distracted by the Mare's weaponry the stable dweller took the opportunity to run off. Alarmed, the ranger almost took off after him before remembering the guns pointed at his forehead. The ranger clenched his teeth as he lost a possible treasure trove of technology.


    Hazelnut sighed accepting the loss as he focused his attention back on his original mission, which coincidentally enough could use the likes of these wastelanders. "On the same level? I don't have five guns pointed at somepony just cause I didn't like their attitude lady. I'll spare you my speech as I highly doubt you'd be swayed by my what I have to say, and if you're looking for raiders I bet your cyborg over there would make a better one than me.


    "Okay look, we got off the wrong hoof and a flash bang wasn't exactly the nicest hello. I apologize for misconduct but what's done is done and there seems to be a more prominent problem at our doorstep. The White stings as they call them seem quite large for the either of us. I propose a temporary truce, at least until these savages are out of the way. What do you say?" The ranger calmly explained. "If you need another reason to agree to this partnership I must remind you a missile launcher is practically a guaranteed kill if it hits, just ask the enclave and applejack rangers."

Edited by Ranger22
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The cyborg in front of Hazelnut began to enter a rage like state, one he'd only seen in drugged up raiders and wasteland monsters. The berserker of a pony alternated between attempting to attack him and arguing with his companions; all while boasting about being the greatest soldier in equestria. Being a steelrangers his hit a nerve in Hazelnut, the cyborg was acting like a deranged barbarian and not a disciplined soldier. However he choose not to respond due to a high probability of a unintelligent response. Before Hazelnut could speak an arsenal of pistols suddenly levitated over the ranger with their muzzles pointed towards his armored head. The mare who Hazelut presumed owned the guns began a grandiose speech about Hazelnut's disposition. He would have considered her words if the ranger hadn't heard the same from every wastelander for the past two decades. He instead focused on the threat she posed with her pistols. Two with smaller rounds, two with magnum rounds, and another he presumed used rifle rounds, all of which were probably chambered with armor piercing rounds. Hazelnut had complete confidence in his body armor, his helmet was another story. While distracted by the guns the stable dweller ran off. Alarmed, the ranger almost took off after him before remembering the guns pointed at him. The ranger clenched his teeth as he lost a possible treasure trove of technology. Hazelnut sighed accepting the loss as he focused his attention back on his mission, which coincidentally enough could use the likes of these wastelanders. "I'll spare you my speech as I highly doubt you'd be swayed by my what I have to say, and if you're looking for raiders I bet your cyborg over there would make a better one than me. Look, we got off the wrong hoof and a flash bang wasn't exactly the nicest hello. But what's done is done and there seems to be a more prominent problem at our doorstep. The White stings as they call them seem quite large for either of us. I propose a temporary truce, at least until these savages are out of the way. What do you say?" The ranger calmly explained.


Foray squinted at the armored stallion, surveying him and pondering his words carefully. Whatever he was after had already left, so aside from the stupid flashbang -- which had still caused her much discomfort and probably damaged her ear implant -- they didn't have much of a quarrel. Sighing in both relief and disgust, she pulled her pistols back, four of them flying into her saddlebag and one landing snugly in her holster.


"Ugh, do we meet anypony who doesn't want to join this little kerfuffle? Sheesh..." she grunted annoyedly, her eyes shooting this expression to Crackshot briefly, before focusing again on the armored knight. "Look, if you don't want to fight, that's fine. But judging from the size of our group..." She nodded towards the ponies who had gathered around, as well as another group of about five a short distance away, she continued, "I don't think that's such a bright idea. At least, not for me... don't ask me, I'm not the leader."


Adding somewhat of a disgruntled tone to her voice, she mumbled, "Kinda wish I was though..."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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White was tired of waiting around for his plan to take effect. Too much effort wasted because of a Ranger. Well, these things happen sometimes. Opting not to move under cloak this time, White equipped a heavily customised .44 Revolver from his bag. Advance chamber for greater damage and armour penetration, smooth grip for increased recoil control, not that it would do much good while being used by magic and a Red Dot sight in case he was ever caught with SATS down. Since her understood how SATS worked, he had a little plan to mess with the Paladin. By having his intentions set on attacking the Paladin, he would appear as red on his EFS, but he could simply choose not to shoot him at all, leaving him as red while not actually being hostile to him. He hoped this would cause some confusion. That an White was all but ready to greatly injure the Paladin if her tried to make a move. With his little test set, White left Trixie's shack and moved back down the road towards the merc group, .44 ready in his telekenetic grip. "Time to truly have some fun."

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Crackshot just blinked and watched as the Stable dweller drove the off-road cart off into the distance.




This has to be the weirdest freaking day of my life.


His anger forgotten for the moment, he turned and looked back at Hazelnut. "Looks like you've got no more reason to bug us. So either help with dealing with the raiders or piss off."




He lifted his shotgun in his magic and shoved the barrel into Kronos's chest, glaring daggers right in the cyberpony's eyes.


"I'm warning you." He just growled.


That may be armor, but no armor is bulletproof. Especially not from that range, with that kind of weapon. Then again, who knows what is different.


I stepped a little closer to get almost beside Crackshot and said "I'm confused, what's going on here?" My now clean ears twitched for a second. Why do I feel like more gunfire is going to occur.


Art by DoeKitty

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"Warning me what, Potshot?" Kronos asked back angrily, "That I shouldnt even try to do something for this damn group. In case you didnt notice, that sunuvabich had somehing that the armor-clad asshole wanted. Now, he's gone." He took a few deep breaths. "I'm sorry," he sighed, "I guess I'm just a little but overagitated over what tue fuck just happened in like a few seconds."


"We all are," Crackshot grunted, lowering his shotgun away from Kronos upon seeing him start to calm down, "Keep your temper in check. The last thing I want is blood spilt for no reason."



Hazelnut sighed accepting the loss as he focused his attention back on his original mission, which coincidentally enough could use the likes of these wastelanders. "On the same level? I don't have five guns pointed at somepony just cause I didn't like their attitude lady. I'll spare you my speech as I highly doubt you'd be swayed by my what I have to say, and if you're looking for raiders I bet your cyborg over there would make a better one than me.


    Okay look, we got off the wrong hoof and a flash bang wasn't exactly the nicest hello. I apologize for misconduct but what's done is done and there seems to be a more prominent problem at our doorstep. The White stings as they call them seem quite large for the either of us. I propose a temporary truce, at least until these savages are out of the way. What do you say?" The ranger calmly explained. "If you need another reason to agree to this

partnership I must remind you a missile launcher is practically a guaranteed kill if it hits, just ask the enclave and applejack rangers."


He seemed to relax a bit upon hearing Hazelnut was going to be cooperative, but he kept his shotgun aimed up at him as a precaution. He'd met a few Steel Rangers before, and they weren't exactly the friendliest ponies.



"Ugh, do we meet anypony who doesn't want to join this little kerfuffle? Sheesh..." she grunted annoyedly, her eyes shooting this expression to Crackshot briefly, before focusing again on the armored knight. "Look, if you don't want to fight, that's fine. But judging from the size of our group..." She nodded towards the ponies who had gathered around, as well as another group of about five a short distance away, she continued, "I don't think that's such a bright idea. At least, not for me... don't ask me, I'm not the leader."


Adding somewhat of a disgruntled tone to her voice, she mumbled, "Kinda wish I was though..."


He had to fight back an amused snort from hearing how annoyed Foray was getting at the size of the group. It seemed he wasn't the only one.



That may be armor, but no armor is bulletproof. Especially not from that range, with that kind of weapon. Then again, who knows what is different.


I stepped a little closer to get almost beside Crackshot and said "I'm confused, what's going on here?" My now clean ears twitched for a second. Why do I feel like more gunfire is going to occur.


"I'll tell you what's going on," he murmured, then narrowed his eyes at the Steel Ranger's helmet, "Soldier boy here's gonna help us take care of the raiders in the mountains."


His eyes scanned across the group as he added, "And we're all gonna keep civil and avoid shooting each other in the head. At least until this is all over."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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