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open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)


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@@Ethan Sawyer, "I can make no promises about your head being in one piece. Depends on the situation. I joke of course. I'm going to take every chance I can get to shoot you in the head. That might be a joke."


Turning back the direction of the bunker, White started walking again. "No more breaks from here. Start moving or you'll get left behind to die out here."


@, When returning from the mountains to the bunker, the little eyebot called EDEN spotted a very odd pony trying to get inside, a Stable Dweller was the conclusion EDEN came to about him due to the outfit. Security protocols of emergency lockdown on Master 16-Digit code was in place, but EDEN didn't know what to do at this point, so it decided to make itself known to the Dweller. EDEN hovered over behind the Dweller and made a series of mechanical beeps and static noises, saying something undecipherable.

The strange robot startled Lupus and he jumped back. "Whoa! What is that thing? And why is it beeping at me?" He then thought for a moment about what he was doing and put 2 and 2 together. "Oh, your owner must live here and you're wondering what I'm doing huh, well I'm just trying to hide from those other ponies down there because one of them wants my PipBuck and I think I made the rest of them mad." Shiela then started communicating with the robot. 'Hello there, my name is Shiela. An advanced AI created by Lupus, the pony who's wrist I'm attached to. May we become acquainted?'

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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The blue energy that Scarlett produced was much faster than White had anticipated. Near instantaneous in fact. The force it carried was about the same as what he had expected, but he didn't have time to prepare for the impact, causing him to be knocked off of his hooves and sent several feet away. It was very painful, if his Ribs were still made of bone, we was sure he would have some heavy internal damaging, his neck would be killing him for a few days and a headache was bound to come up sooner or later. Despite all this, his quickly picked himself up off of the ground, half laughing, half cheering.

@@Ethan Sawyer

"I knew it! I fucking knew it! You can't die, in fact you can't get hurt.I wonder how far this ability stretches. Does it affect you mental capacity? Can retain new information and skills like this? Does it wipe your memory of the feeling of dying? Can it still leave mental scarring or are they also cured from this power? So many questions so much I want to know. You right here might be the single most interesting person in the entire Wasteland. And I know some people, take that as a compliment."

Hmm? Kronos thought, The red pony has an inherent regeneration ability? Fascinating. I must get a sample of DNA from her. It doesn't matter what it even is; it can be hair, skin or blood. I just need a little piece of her and I can easily gene-splice the fuck out of her and find that inherent regeneration ability. I wonder if it's any faster than the regeneration ability I gained after I accidentally set off a megaspell in an attempt to defuse it. Ah well, no need to ponder for long. This one just became a pony of interest. There's just a few factors to consider: speed and capacity of regeneration. I've heard of ponies that had a regenerative mutation in their cells like I do, but their regeneration was restrictive in a way that all you needed to do to kill them was to destroy their heart or brain or straight up decapitate them. Mine, however, is special because of my cyborg characteristics. At least I can easily remove my head and reattach it. I can also channel my memories into storage drives inside of my cybernetic hard drives located in my arms, thus restricting the risk of memory loss should my head get shot up. Heh, glad I'm not saying this out loud, otherwise these frocks would toss me into the raider encampment without even a second thought. I can easily take on a balefire egg to the face and still tear apart everything in sight. However, I would like to see if anyone else is capable. This one shows much promise. Why is it the mares that seem to be gaining my favor? Who cares?

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Having continued on without stopping to see what the commotion was, Foray had taken the lead of the group, and had reached the summit of the hill first. Keeping an eye and an ear out for any snipers or otherwise, she turned her head to see that the ponies were still following, albeit distracted with a "healing ability" or some such nonsense. She'd heard the gunshot, but she had also overheard a good portion of the conversation and knew what had happened, so she was able to remain completely calm.


Plopping down onto what was once grass, she panted heavily as she waited for the others to follow.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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"So," Kronos told Foray as he quickly caught up to her, "What do you reckon we do? And before you ask, I wasn't talking to them about that red unicorn's regeneration ability. I have that, too. I was just wondering how powerful her regeneration is." He patted his friend's shoulder as a gesture of goodwill and friendship, although he wasn't sure if this was the right thing to do considering this is the first time in too long a time since he did such a gesture to a mare by themselves. This gesture used to mean something to me when it was to a mare, Kronos thought, But with her, it's....different. It's not unconventional affection or sympathy. Rather, it's.......compassion? Friendliness? What's happening to me? Are these ponies healing my psyche again? Suddenly, he gave a slight embrace to Foray, almost squeezing her. "Thank you." he whispered to her.

Edited by Kronos
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Foray glared at Kronos as he patted her shoulder, slightly cringing at the feeling it gave her, but still proceeded to answer his question. "Well, if what White said is true, the bunker should be at the bottom of the hill somewhere." She turned her head that way and squinted. "Can't see it though... it'd better be there, or I'mma-"


She was cut short as she was dragged into Kronos' hug. Shocked for but a moment, she quickly and rather forcefully pushed him away. "Woah, woah! Back it up!" she retorted, quickly scrambling a few feet away from him. "What the hell are you doing?!"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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As the unicorn with the shotgun began considering my advice and pondered how we could deal with the threat of the snipers. Before Hazelnut could add anything else to the unicorn's plan a loud BANG rang into his ear; causing the Paladin to drop what was left of his apples. Hazelnut grunted in annoyance as the proximity of the shot sent powerful vibrations into his ear causing no small amount of pain. Trying to ignore the ringing in his ear the Paladin looked around to find the source of the shot, and Hazelnut had a good feeling he knew who did it. As the ringing started to fade away Hazelnut began to hear the distinct voice of the unicorn with the shotgun. Looking towards the unicorn's Hazelnut saw the remains of one of the mares in the group, the middle of her forehead bearing a large messy hole. Looking back up the paladin saw the pipbuck wielding stallion magically levitating a revolver with a distinct face of curiosity.


    Hazelnut clenched his teeth in anger as the stallion had murdered another pony, the ranger deaths were bad enough, but the fact he murdered a pony on the team in front of him was beyond the paladin's tolerance level for the day. Before Hazelnut could unload multiple 40mm grenades into the stallion, the unicorn with the shotgun practically had his weapon's muzzle directly at the others face. But before a shotgun blast put down the murderous stallion a sudden wave of force emitted from the corpse and slammed into the group. And in one miraculous moment the hole in the mare's head sealed itself back together leaving no trace of the large bullet hole in her head. The mare, like a zombie from the pre-war flicks rose back up from the dead, but instead of trying to eat our brains she was just as alive as she was a few moments ago. 


    Just like that the conflict dissipated from the air, the animosity however would probably last the duration of the mission maybe even after the raiders were dealt with. Hazelnut was left with his mouth agape, the paladin had heard of miraculous regeneration before, but the paladin had never seen it himself. The closest thing the Ranger had seen to regeneration like that was alicorns and ghouls being healed by magical radiation, but they never came back from the dead like the mare in front of him. "Ignoring the zebra like necromancy I've just witnessed, I believe it would be for the best if we get going," the ranger said as he put his helmet back on. At this point the ranger simply wanted to be done with the group, he could only handle so much annoyance. After Hazelnut packed away all of his things he followed the pipbuck wielding unicorn to his bunker.

Edited by Ranger22
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"I can make no promises about your head being in one piece. Depends on the situation. I joke of course. I'm going to take every chance I can get to shoot you in the head. That might be a joke."


You know, I probably should have expected a response like that. I simply glared at him.


Turning back the direction of the bunker, White started walking again. "No more breaks from here. Start moving or you'll get left behind to die out here."

Get left behind to die. That's a thought. If I die of starvation or dehydration, if I can even die from that, would I still revert?


"Ignoring the zebra like necromancy I've just witnessed, I believe it would be for the best if we get going," the ranger said as he put his helmet back on.


"Well, if it works how I think it does, it's not really necromancy. Nor is it bringing me back. It reverts me to a point in which I was still alive, and then changes the timeline to one in which I didn't die. If I'm right, the 'explosion' as you all call it is most likely the dispersion of the time energy left behind."


Art by DoeKitty

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"Ignoring the zebra like necromancy I've just witnessed, I believe it would be for the best if we get going," the ranger said as he put his helmet back on. At this point the ranger simply wanted to be done with the group, he could only handle so much annoyance. After Hazelnut packed away all of his things he followed the pipbuck wielding unicorn to his bunker.


Deciding it was the best piece of advice he'd heard all day, Crackshot regarded Hazelnut with a nod, and looked back at the red mare. He couldn't help but feel some concern, considering how much she had been attacked already today.

"Remind me to teach you how to use a gun," he murmured, "you can't keep going through the wasteland getting shot without fighting back."


With one last, ice-cold, rusty-dagger glare of warning to White, he trudged to the front of the group and kept moving onward.

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Foray glared at Kronos as he patted her shoulder, slightly cringing at the feeling it gave her, but still proceeded to answer his question. "Well, if what White said is true, the bunker should be at the bottom of the hill somewhere." She turned her head that way and squinted. "Can't see it though... it'd better be there, or I'mma-"


She was cut short as she was dragged into Kronos' hug. Shocked for but a moment, she quickly and rather forcefully pushed him away. "Woah, woah! Back it up!" she retorted, quickly scrambling a few feet away from him. "What the hell are you doing?!"

Kronos just gave Foray a smile. "This group has become my new clique of friends and I just want to thank you, first of all ponies here. I hope that you didnt take that gesture the wrong way. Trust me, I'm currently trying to figure out how I feel about everyone in the group and I believe we've both esablished what we are, Foray. Out relationship is what I'd call a master-servant relationship, but one that is still symbiotically nurturing and caring towards one another." He pointed at Foray and said, "Master," then pointed at himself saying, "servant. Do you get what I'm saying?"
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"No, I don't get what you're saying," she retorted bluntly, still giving him a cold glare. "You don't know a thing about me, and I don't really care enough to get to know about you. We're not friends here, we're just a band of rag-tags doing a mission together, and once we finish, I'll likely take my share and head back to the Domain."


Leaving her words to hang in the air for a second, she turned away and added, "I'm not a 'master' either; Crackshot and White are leading this expedition, go hug them."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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"No, I don't get what you're saying," she retorted bluntly, still giving him a cold glare. "You don't know a thing about me, and I don't really care enough to get to know about you. We're not friends here, we're just a band of rag-tags doing a mission together, and once we finish, I'll likely take my share and head back to the Domain."


Leaving her words to hang in the air for a second, she turned away and added, "I'm not a 'master' either; Crackshot and White are leading this expedition, go hug them."

"That may be true," Kronos replied, "But I still hold a much higher regard to strong mares instead of strong colts. But, I understand what you are saying. I get it." Hmm, he thought to himself, I'm a little disappointed. I thought for sure this one would be different. I guess i was wrong about her. He checked his amulet and told Foray, "Our dropship is here with the supplies, however, to ensure the safety of the ship and its crew, we'll have to clear the area of hostiles before they drop off the supplies to us."
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Foray's ears twitched as she turned her head to survey the area. "I don't hear or see anyone, and we should be out of sniping range from the base. That being said, there could just be some random raider gang around, but I don't think any group that small would pose a significant threat to your 'oh so mighty' ship."


Shrugging, she started her way down the hill and mumbled, "Besides, it's just a jacket or something anyways, right? Not something we can't live without."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@, "Alright creeper, get up, back the fuck up. Okay what you did was just not okay. What you're doing here made me feel sick and violated just watching and listening as a woman." (Remember, White is disguised as a middle aged mare.) "How the fuck would you feel if a cybernetic creature that is barely a pony any more, who you've known for only a few hours in a post apocalyptic wasteland came up to you, hugged you and called your relationship a master-servant relationship? It felt like I was listening to the start of damn rape scene and that makes me feel sick. Maybe you should actually know someone before making this kind of advancement. For the record never tell a girl you want a master servant relationship with them, that's just fucking creepy. Get some manners for crying out loud." White took the lead of the group again a started leading them down the hill. It should only be a few minutes until they arrive now. But he stopped as soon as he was talking about a ship, what ship? "Hold on, back the fuck up? Did you say drop ship? No chance that is setting down around here, as soon as that things makes itself visible over the mountains the entire base will know about us you fuckwit. No supply drops around my home. You want to drop some supplies, do it 20 miles north of here. I will not have something that risky over my home."


@, The presence of another machine, an AI was a surprise to EDEN, but this wasn't going to change his choice. The AI could most likely understand his voice ​"You are trespassing on territory that you should not be. Leave the area at once before the owner of this place returns. And She'll not be pleased with the knowledge that you have discovered something she has kept secret for over 10 years. Leave!"

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@, The presence of another machine, an AI was a surprise to EDEN, but this wasn't going to change his choice. The AI could most likely understand his voice ​"You are trespassing on territory that you should not be. Leave the area at once before the owner of this place returns. And She'll not be pleased with the knowledge that you have discovered something she has kept secret for over 10 years. Leave!"

'Lupus,' Sheila said. 'We are trespassing on somepony else's property and need to leave, NOW!' Lupus then said, "Alright then, we'll be on our way then. But, where to go Sheila? We don't really have anywhere else to go to, so I guess we're back to square one. Wandering around until we find somewhere..." Edited by DamienBolt8592

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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@, "Alright creeper, get up, back the fuck up. Okay what you did was just not okay. What you're doing here made me feel sick and violated just watching and listening as a woman." (Remember, White is disguised as a middle aged mare.) "How the fuck would you feel if a cybernetic creature that is barely a pony any more, who you've known for only a few hours in a post apocalyptic wasteland came up to you, hugged you and called your relationship a master-servant relationship? It felt like I was listening to the start of damn rape scene and that makes me feel sick. Maybe you should actually know someone before making this kind of advancement. For the record never tell a girl you want a master servant relationship with them, that's just fucking creepy. Get some manners for crying out loud." White took the lead of the group again a started leading them down the hill. It should only be a few minutes until they arrive now. But he stopped as soon as he was talking about a ship, what ship? "Hold on, back the fuck up? Did you say drop ship? No chance that is setting down around here, as soon as that things makes itself visible over the mountains the entire base will know about us you fuckwit. No supply drops around my home. You want to drop some supplies, do it 20 miles north of here. I will not have something that risky over my home."


@, The presence of another machine, an AI was a surprise to EDEN, but this wasn't going to change his choice. The AI could most likely understand his voice ​"You are trespassing on territory that you should not be. Leave the area at once before the owner of this place returns. And She'll not be pleased with the knowledge that you have discovered something she has kept secret for over 10 years. Leave!"

"The dropship is already set at a predetermined course by yours truly," Kronos retorted sternly, "Plus, there's a surplus of supplies in there. To change it's destination I'll have to recommunicate with them. But, so be it. When that damn ship gets here, I get first pick on supplies. Then you, Crackpot and that asshole paladin get your chance at some supplies then everyone else gets their share of whatever the fuck is left, okay, MA'AM!?" Kronos took a deep breath, "Let's just get this over with. It's clear that no one wanted me here anyways." He pulled out his communicator and responded with the ship, "Hey, guys, change of plans."


"Yes, sir?"


"Deliver the supplies 20 miles north of my current position. Her majesty wishes the supplies rather be here now than after the area is clear of hostiles. I need these supplies YESTERDAY, DAMMIT!! Doubletime your asses over here."


"Yes sir. Accelerating."


After he hung up, Kronos turned to Foray and said, "Once that damn ship is here and I get my shit together, dont expect me to haul your sorry ass whenever you're in danger, m'kay? That's how you want this to be, that's how it'll be. I'll respect and uphold what you've just told me. I'll only listen to Crackshot and White from this point on." He fell back to the rest of the group to report to them of a supply cache he called in and its arrival time.

Edited by Kronos
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@, "I swear I am two ticks away from introducing you to a little thing called Wasteland Justice. And it amazes me how you miss out on sarcasm. One person sees this ship of yours, soon enough everyone will be talking about it. Its a simple concept, if you're going to transport goods long distance, do it by land. People are still shaken from the Enclave incident. Last thing they want is more stories of flying ships. So do me a favour and shut the fuck up. And if you want to be the one to walk twenty miles north, grab some supplies and walk all the way back here with them, leaving what ever you can't carry behind for scavengers, be my guest. You're the only one who loses and we finally get to be rid of your wining, moaning, split personality, creepy mind for at least a good day. Oh, and that's if you can find the bunker, you wanna get those supplies you speak so highly of, better start walking now. 20 miles is no short distance for someone as old, physically and mentally crippled as you are." God this pony was really getting on his nerves now, originally he had little issues with him, the longer he sticks around though the more he turns to hating him. 'Can't wait for these ponies to walk right into the trap I have planned.' White thought to himself as he walked further down the hills.

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Deciding it was the best piece of advice he'd heard all day, Crackshot regarded Hazelnut with a nod, and looked back at the red mare. He couldn't help but feel some concern, considering how much she had been attacked already today.

"Remind me to teach you how to use a gun," he murmured, "you can't keep going through the wasteland getting shot without fighting back."


With one last, ice-cold, rusty-dagger glare of warning to White, he trudged to the front of the group and kept moving onward.


I replied "I don't need to be taught how to use a gun! It's as simple as point and shoot. Besides, I've read the manual. It doesn't look too hard at all!" at which point I quickly walked to be just behind him and to the left. You're the only one that seems to make sense around here.


Art by DoeKitty

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@, "I swear I am two ticks away from introducing you to a little thing called Wasteland Justice. And it amazes me how you miss out on sarcasm. One person sees this ship of yours, soon enough everyone will be talking about it. Its a simple concept, if you're going to transport goods long distance, do it by land. People are still shaken from the Enclave incident. Last thing they want is more stories of flying ships. So do me a favour and shut the fuck up. And if you want to be the one to walk twenty miles north, grab some supplies and walk all the way back here with them, leaving what ever you can't carry behind for scavengers, be my guest. You're the only one who loses and we finally get to be rid of your wining, moaning, split personality, creepy mind for at least a good day. Oh, and that's if you can find the bunker, you wanna get those supplies you speak so highly of, better start walking now. 20 miles is no short distance for someone as old, physically and mentally crippled as you are." God this pony was really getting on his nerves now, originally he had little issues with him, the longer he sticks around though the more he turns to hating him. 'Can't wait for these ponies to walk right into the trap I have planned.' White thought to himself as he walked further down the hills.

"Two words: Active Camoflague." Kronos replied, "Ragnarokian ships are fitted with basic stealth gear like hidden heat emissions and photoreflective panels. Plus, since it's engaged in stealth mode, its engine should be silent. Plus, no need to worry about me getting lost," As if they care, he thought before continuing, "cuz my device homes in on the drop ship as it passes by. So, if there's no further comments, sayonara, fuckers." With that last comment, he took off into the cold harsh mountains, following his ship's homing beacon. Edited by Kronos
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I replied "I don't need to be taught how to use a gun! It's as simple as point and shoot. Besides, I've read the manual. It doesn't look too hard at all!" at which point I quickly walked to be just behind him and to the left. You're the only one that seems to make sense around here.


Crackshot let out an amused snort, and glanced over his shoulder to the mare. "It's that simple, is it? Wait till we get you a gun, you can show me just how simple it is, kid."


He kept walking near White, just behind her. He had to admit, that red mare was starting to grow on him a bit. He liked her fire. The fact she was one of the few ponies out here to not piss him off was a plus.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@@Child Of Darkness,



Again White had inserted himself into a situation that Foray didn't think involved him, and again it just raised tensions and annoyed the crap out of her even more. Spitting at the ground in pure frustration, she turned towards Kronos and retorted, "Do I look like somepony who needs their 'sorry ass' hauled? I don't know what it is you're after -- if it's a relationship, forget it, if it's caps, it'd better be a damn good offer -- but stop being creepy, and stop being rude, or your head's gonna take a vacation from your neck. Savvy?"


Turning away and neither waiting for nor listening to his answer, she simply continued trudging down the hill. "Let's just get to the damn bunker before I blow someone's head off," she muttered.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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As Kronos walked along the trail following his ship, he said to himself, "Bitch. I was just fine on my own, but I just HAD to meet some new ponies to work along with. What a load of shit."


See? What'd I tell you? the voice in his head said again, It'll just end the same exact way. No one wants you around. Look at you. You're a 1500 year old geezer who knows nothing but fighting and flirting. Who do you think wants to travel with someone with that much mental baggage on them?


Hey, he at least gave them a chance, the other voice said, Plus, he made it clear to that mare that he was just trying to look out for her. He tried showing he cared about her like a daughter.


"Yeah, well she doesnt need any help!" Kronos yelled at himself, "she said it herself. Then that bitch White said that they dont need us. Hell, they never wanted us around them to begin with. You remeber what Crackshot thought when he first saw us, right? The look was all in his face. Yup, that damn face he made was that face of frustration. Even he didnt want us to join his little ragtag group."


But think about what good friends you were making.


They didnt care. They were all just mercenaries, like us.


Dont worry, sweetheart. You'll get over this and come back to them. You know you've grown too attached to them to just up and leave them.


Athena, this is exactly what you said to him about his previous groups and look where we are now. We're back to square one.


Well, Ulysses, do you have any better ideas to get our child to remain calm and sane?


"Mother, no offense," Kronos replied, "But Father's right. Every time I try joining a group, this same cycle of pain and depression starts over again. Maybe it's best if I went solo. I dont need them. I've lasted this long without any company, I'll last even longer without them."


Think what you want, son. But remember, you made a solemn vow of allegiance to that colt, so you have to come back to them. Or do you wish to disgrace your family and values.


"Ugh, fine," Kronos groaned in defeat, "I'll go back to them as soon as I--" He heard the drop ship fly above him. He ran after the ship as it flew over his head. "Hey!! I'm right here!! Just drop the supplies off here!!"

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Comet was....curious, to say the least, observing the group from high above, like an eagle stalking its prey. Only this prey was very talkative. Loud too. Even from the perch that the pegasus had taken on a small cloud of dull grey tones, his ears twitched as voice after voice rose up from the path below. 


So much bickering, so much talking in general... He thought to himself, smacking his dry lips and rolling his eyes. You would think a group of ponies that large would at least try to mask themselves. They're a big enough target as it is, especially with that steel thing pounding around.



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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A short distance down from top of the hill, coming up alongside the main mountain. White stood proud as he turned to face the group. "We're here." He gestured around himself, but from what everyone could see it looked like he was out of his mind. "Don't go doubting what I said now. It's here." Taking a few short steps behind some rocks, White stomped on the ground, which rang at a low metallic noise. "Hidden, isn't it? Now, where is that bot with the password? *whistle*"


From a hole further up the hill, the eyebot was in one of it's hiding spots, completely blending in with the background. Upon hearing White call, it came out of the ground from behind the group and rushed to White, attempting to mimic nuzzling. It proceeded to say a series of fast inaudible sounds, White managing to keep up with what I was saying thanks to his enhancements. "Wait, someone hacked you? I'll have the firewalls looked at later. No one was around here, good. No breaches. New intel? Nice. You have the password? Give it to me. Alright here we go." White sat on the ground on connected his pipbuck into the connection port that bunker had, input the password and the door opened. "Head down first and put the lights on please? Thanks." The eyebot rushed inside.


"Well, here we are. It's a big decent, so no messing around. I think you be surprised with how nice it is in here. And spacious. I'll see you all inside. And be quick please. I want to get this sealed up ASAP." White got on the ladder and started to make his way down.

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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"Here are your supplies, sir." The supply ship pilot said, "one designated Juggernaut Mk. 1 Power Armor, various guns and ammo to boot, and lots of food, fresh water and medical supplies. Sir?"


Kronos stood there, thinking to himself. Suddenly, he looked up and replied, "Huh? Oh, yeah, thanks. Umm, can I ask you something?"


"Anything sir."


"Can you guys help me deliver all of these supplies over to my group? I kinda promised them that I'll give some of this to them."


"Certainly sir. Just take what you wish first and foremost."


"Thank you." Kronos told the pilot. He went on to wear his special Power Armor. "Goodbye, my dear friends." He whispered to himself before entering he power armor. When he entered his armor, his character completely went the other direction. He went on to equip his explosive minigun and explosive shotgun. He also gathered as many stimpaks, radaways and food as he could carry with his power armor on. He also got a special, quad barreled, hair-trigger rocket launcher. "C'mon, maggots!" He ordered the pilots in a deep, gruff tone of voice "Let's get in the air to bring the rest if these supplies to the group." He got into the ship and it took off as Kronos was on the lookout for his group.

Edited by Kronos
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@@Child Of Darkness


Foray nodded, standing beside the bunker and using her magic to keep the heavy bunker door open. "You heard her, everypony inside," she called out, nodding towards the hatch, before turning her eyes and ears skyward. She was sure she'd heard a clap of thunder, and as there was a thick layer of clouds above them, she was rather sure a storm was coming. Odd timing, considering it's been overcast all day.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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