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The two found a nice little spot away from most other people. I was still a little crowded, but on days like today, they didn't have a choice but to get over it and move on. Setting two towels down onto the beach and placing a smaller Parasol in the middle of them, large enough to cover most of the towel, small enough to not obscure anyone else. The two sat down as the confetti marked the soon to be beginning of an event. Swimming by the looks of it. Neither of them are strong swimmers, so they decided to pass on it.


"Alright Shizuko. Now we're here, you no what we need to put on."


"I'm a fox. I don't need to wear that cold cream."


"Be that as it may, our type of fox has human skin and we must care for it as human skin. We don't have a coat protecting us from the sun like most other Kitsune. I promise I won't get any in your tail."


Shizuko scrunched up her nose, making a pouty face at her brother, a last ditch attempt to avoid the sun block. Ryo simply shook his head and Shizuko gave in, moving over and sitting next to Ryo. (Riveting story about applying sun block goes here).


"Done. Now go and enjoy yourself. Don't wonder about too far, you know you get too terrified to be near anyone when I'm not about for a certain amount of time."


"And you turn into a blabbering moron, incapable of forming a sentence."


"Fair point. Just remember, if you start to lose track of my scent. Come right back here at once. We need to be able to find each other easily, particularly in this crowd."


With words exchanged, Shizuko gave Ryo a large hug and rushed away into the crowds, heading towards the food stands. The smell of it all enticing her young nose. Particularly what she could only think was deep fried Ice Cream. When she arrived at the stand, she could only look at what it served. She didn't know if she needed money or not and this swimsuit didn't exactly have any pockets.

Edited by Child Of Darkness
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Mary giggled at the thought of making their own ice cream. It sounded fun, but a tad unhealthy. ​"I think we'd probably get fat and huge after a while. It wouldn't be good to eat this all the time. But it sounds yummy."


Another loud confetti popper was shot into the air. The swimming contest was about to begin.


​"Ooh, Denny! You wanna go watch?"


"Yeah, but damn if it wouldn't be worth it, huh?" Denise snickered, gently nudging her friend.


She jumped as the confetti popper went off again, and she shook her head. "Why've they gotta be so loud...?"


She grinned and nodded. "Sure! Some of us rats are made for swimming, y'know." She smirked and started walking alongside her.


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@@Child Of Darkness


Shizuko would hear a now becoming familiar voice behind her. "Well fancy seeing you hear little one, so how are you finding the festival?" She walked closer up to the little Kitsune. "I have to say you take great care of your tail it looks wonderful." She was now standing behind her.  

Edited by Mentis Soliloquy

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"Yeah, but damn if it wouldn't be worth it, huh?" Denise snickered, gently nudging her friend.


She jumped as the confetti popper went off again, and she shook her head. "Why've they gotta be so loud...?"


She grinned and nodded. "Sure! Some of us rats are made for swimming, y'know." She smirked and started walking alongside her.

Mary nodded and ran near the shoreline where the swimming contest was about to begin.  ​"You know us dogs are practically built for swimming? I mean, hello? Where do you think the doggy-paddle stroke came from?"


JR was at the starting line, waiting for the contest to begin as he prepared himself. He seemed to be the only cat there, which was somewhat ironic since most cats hate water.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Mary nodded and ran near the shoreline where the swimming contest was about to begin.  ​"You know us dogs are practically built for swimming? I mean, hello? Where do you think the doggy-paddle stroke came from?"


JR was at the starting line, waiting for the contest to begin as he prepared himself. He seemed to be the only cat there, which was somewhat ironic since most cats hate water.


"Yeah, but we rats are natural sailors," Denise snorted, flicking her thin tail, "Where d'ya think 'bilge rat' comes from? Y'know, as crappy as that term is. Not like we choose to go through trash, y'know? We'd eat healthier if we could."


She blinked and stared at the horizon, standing next to Mary by the shoreline.


"Where was I going with that?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Blitz glanced at the cat next to him and gave a slight nod. "Yeah. I'm here because a friend asked me to come, so I figured I might as well try to enjoy myself." He said, his face showing no emotion. The dragon then glanced out at to where the buoys ended and gave a slight smirk. He wouldn't have any problem with this.

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@@Drago Ryder, @@Unicorncob,
​JR nodded, looking out to the horizon as the contest was about to start. ​"Well good luck, dude." ​He prepared to get in his position. The event would start in a matter of moments.

Mary hugged her friend. ​"Don't worry yourself about it. I know what you meant. Why don't you compete then, hm?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Mary hugged her friend. ​"Don't worry yourself about it. I know what you meant. Why don't you compete then, hm?"


Denise grinned and hugged her friend back, ruffling her hair.


She blinked at her suggestion, with a small blush on her face. "Compete?" She glanced aside, looking a bit... shy? "I dunno, swimming's not really my thing. Or getting into a bikini... in public. Y'know how it is."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Mentis Soliloquy, Shizuko turned to face the voice she was getting more comfortable hearing, Bass. "Oh hi Bass. We've only just got here. I had to put on some of that horrible sun block cream because I have skin and not a coat. These Ice Creams are the first thing that caught my nose. The thing I though, I don't know if I need money or not, I'm nervous to ask and this swimsuit doesn't exactly hold pockets. Thanks for the compliments on my tail. I work hard to keep it nice a clean. It's really not as easy as it seems." She took a quick moment to look at the swim wear Crystal had bought, and quickly thought of a way that may wind her brother up a little. "I may be wrong, but I think Ryo will really like that swimsuit of yours. in fact, I think that seeing you in one was one of the reasons he agreed to bring me here in the first place." She turned her head slightly away with a small evil grin and a small giggle. 'Bro is either going to love me or hate me for that.'

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@@Child Of Darkness,


"Are you trying to get your brother to like me? You are a sly one Shi thanks about the suit I thought a nice contrast to my coat would go well suppose I have a good eye." She walked just past her to the stall, then turned back to her. "I can ask if you want? Also try keeping a coat clean, you've got skin that's easy I got the whole shabang."  

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@@Mentis Soliloquy"I can guarantee that Bro would say the same thing about the contrast of colours making it appear vibrant and allowing you to stand out." Shizuko was going to make some more sarcastic remarks, but her eyes lit up when Bass made her an offer? "Would you ask for me please? And if they're free, could you get me one? If not, I left some money back with Ryo. Please?" Her usual cool an sarcastic attitude seemingly completely vanished, replaced with one of a lot more energy, she was acting much more like a child her age would.

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@@Child Of Darkness,


"Well I think we'll find out I suppose, but yes I'll ask for you Shi." Crystal turns and walks to the little store and talk to the bunny serving and comes back with a ice cream, handing it to Shizuko. "There we are, they are giving them out for free for now, hope you like vanilla?" 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy"Thank you Bass." Shizuko happily took the Ice Cream and started nibbling on it as she normally does. Wagging her tail and twitching her ears to show her happiness. "This has a really strange taste to it. A combination I never thought possible. Ice Cream. Deep fried. The concept doesn't work in my mind yet here I am eating it in front of me. This defies everything I ever thought about Ice Cream and thermal energy. But I don't care. It tastes good. I need to pester Ryo to get me more of these later. Anyway, it looks like the swimming contest will being soon. You feeling like watching it or would you rather not?"

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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@@Child Of Darkness,


"Sure I am up for watching I can sun bathe any old time not like this Summer thingy happens all that often? And yeah deep fried anything sweet really dose not work in ones head but then we eat it and we want more...um whats your brother wearing just so I know what to expect?" Her last bit sounded differently from the rest of her sentence.  

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Denise grinned and hugged her friend back, ruffling her hair.


She blinked at her suggestion, with a small blush on her face. "Compete?" She glanced aside, looking a bit... shy? "I dunno, swimming's not really my thing. Or getting into a bikini... in public. Y'know how it is."

Mary gave a nod. She herself knew what it was like to be very shy around others, so she didn't press the issue any further. ​"I see. Well if you ever did wanna compete, I know you'd be amazing out there and show them who's boss! I mean, you're already very awesome as it is."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Mary gave a nod. She herself knew what it was like to be very shy around others, so she didn't press the issue any further. ​"I see. Well if you ever did wanna compete, I know you'd be amazing out there and show them who's boss! I mean, you're already very awesome as it is."


Denise couldn't help but smile at Mary's compliments, and gently ruffled her hair. "Heh, thanks... you're alright, y'know?"


"Eh, I'm not that awesome," she shrugged, and looked over the shore, "I'm not really a fast swimmer... though, if you ever wanted to go swimming sometime, I'd be down to join you. Y'know, if you need someone to keep you company." She grinned.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Mentis Soliloquy, Shizuko could notice a slight change in her voice, while she wanted to play on it, she settled for a smirk. "Bro is not wearing anything special. He couldn't really pull off anything like what most of the guys are wearing. So just some long shorts and a T-shirt. Were you hoping for something a bit? *giggle* Anyway, let's get closer to the water. I want to have a good view, well who wouldn't? Maybe I'll get special treatment because I'm only kid and be allowed a front row seat. Being young has its benefits. Come on." Shizuko started to walk through the crowds, slipping in between the people as she made her way closer to the front.


Ryo, much further back, decided that he was as well watch the contest. He should do festival things at a festival after all. Standing close to were he had been sitting, he could get a decent view. Not the best but at least he could see. "Should be interesting to say the least."

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@@Child Of Darkness,


"Hey come on now Shi where are you going?"  Crystal just managed to get through the crowd in order to stand behind her looking inwards. "So all these people are here to see what exactly?" She had a rough idea as to what but was not sure there was no announcement of any kind that she'd heard of.

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Kerrigan had donned a more conservative outfit for the actual festival itself, though it still left most of her back exposed so she could at least soak up some sun while she supervised the goings on. Not that she actually volunteered to manage this unbridled frivolity- while she was no doubt capable of it, she lacked any real desire to do so. Besides, that rabbit woman had things running surprisingly smoothly.


After glaring and snorting smoke at a trio of meatheads who who picking on the young man who worked in the cafe, Kerrigan made her way across the beach, relishing the feel of the sun on her back and wings, which- not that she was not shoulder to shoulder with mammals- she gladly spread. No sign of Blitz or his lady friend yet, though there was no way anyone in town would be missing this. For now, her chief concern was making sure nobody tried anything indecent- there were children present at the festivities, after all.

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@Chip Circuit


(I'm just going to skip to when Apep's meeting back up with Malfoy.)


It didn't take long for Apep to get ready for the bikini contest, and it took her even less time to find Malfoy. "Hey. Gemma's still getting ready, but she should be here in a bit." She said. The snake herself was wearing a purple top with orange markings that also had a scale design. Considering the that that she had no legs, Apep simply wrapped a orange cloth around her waist. "So, ummm, how do I look?"




Blitz nodded and did the same. It seemed like they were the only two who were interested in actually participating in the event, but he could see a crowd beginning to form behind them.

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Scarlet exited the bathrooms wearing a two piece black bikini with a lining made of her own feathers and noticed a dragoness that seemed to be overseeing the festival. An idea then came to mind as to how she would interact with the dragoness, and she walked towards her. "Hey, I'm looking for a friend of mind. He's a dragon with blue markings. Have you seen him?" She asked when she was close enough.



Nero sighed as he watched the festivities progress. He hadn't exactly interacted with anyone, but he did eat a bit of the available food. As he moved around, the snake also kept a close eye on the rabbit that was tending the festival, not really trusting the motives of those from the city.

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@@Mentis Soliloquy, "The ones who are here now and looking in this direction are hoping to see a swimming competition. A small race basically to see who's the best swimmer. Though I do think that both participators and on lookers have ulterior motives than Enjoying the sport." Shizuko scoffed, looking back over the water. It was taking much longer to start than she had originally thought. She continued to eat the ice cream while she waited.

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Denise couldn't help but smile at Mary's compliments, and gently ruffled her hair. "Heh, thanks... you're alright, y'know?"


"Eh, I'm not that awesome," she shrugged, and looked over the shore, "I'm not really a fast swimmer... though, if you ever wanted to go swimming sometime, I'd be down to join you. Y'know, if you need someone to keep you company." She grinned.

Mary smiled at the thought of having a friend when she went swimming. It felt very comforting to her to have someone to have fun with. ​"Ok! I mean, I'd love that. It'd be fun to go swimming with you sometime." ​She simply watched and waited. The swimming contest would begin in 3.....2.....



@@Drago Ryder,



​With another loud ass confetti blaster, the contestants were already in the water, swimming as fast as they could through the water. JR was no exception, as he was stroking as fast as he could through the water. He was doing alright, having been swimming a few times before, but wasn't exactly the best either.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Blitz dove into the water as soon as the signal to start was sent. His physical build made it easy for him to swim through the current going into the beach and he began to pass the other contestants. The only things that could actually slow him down were his wings, and those were pressed as close to his body as possible.

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Mary smiled at the thought of having a friend when she went swimming. It felt very comforting to her to have someone to have fun with. ​"Ok! I mean, I'd love that. It'd be fun to go swimming with you sometime." ​She simply watched and waited. The swimming contest would begin in 3.....2.....


Denise grinned back at Mary and nodded. "Sweet, it's on then." She waited for the race to--



​With another loud ass confetti blaster



"GOOD GOD!" She yelped, her fur on end and tail erect, "Do they have to make those frigging things so loud?!"


She shook her head and smoothed down her fur again. "Geez, don't they have better things to do than give people a heart attack?"


Signature by @J.R.

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