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private Fender's completely super-serious RP for not-casual people!


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She sat there for a second, then she started to laugh. "I'm glad we are friends. I could do this every day if we had the chance. I like you Sky, you are special you know. Much more than you give yourself credit." She lost her sense of embarrassment and pretty much gave up trying to act normal. He knew who she was and he accepted her. She laid her head on his shoulder. Yeah, this... I like this. She thought. 


"Here, take this." She handed him one of the ear buds of her headphones. "I grabbed my iPon on the way out when I shut off the stereo, music is always good, no matter where you are or what your doing." She flipped it on and put the other ear bud in her ear.



Say - started to play.  

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@Melted Dog

"It's fine," Raze said. "I know it probably bothers you a lot, yeah? Falling asleep when you're too calm? I'd have a hard time talking about it too..."


He looked up. The sun was already going down.


"Wow, that day went by quick!" he said, looking around. And to think it feels like I just got out of my house..." He stood.


"Well, I'll walk you home. Where do you live?"

  • Brohoof 1

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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She sat there for a second, then she started to laugh. "I'm glad we are friends. I could do this every day if we had the chance. I like you Sky, you are special you know. Much more than you give yourself credit." She lost her sense of embarrassment and pretty much gave up trying to act normal. He knew who she was and he accepted her. She laid her head on his shoulder. Yeah, this... I like this. She thought. 


"Here, take this." She handed him one of the ear buds of her headphones. "I grabbed my iPon on the way out when I shut off the stereo, music is always good, no matter where you are or what your doing." She flipped it on and put the other ear bud in her ear.




Say - started to play.


"Clever girl." he chuckled. The stallion hesitated, but then leaned his head against hers. He relaxed and enjoyed the music. He couldn't help but stare down at the top of her head since it was right there. There were almost black and blue hairs in his mouth and nose, but he was not deterred. The mare's naturally messy mane still seemed to glisten in the night. It was...things. Skyjumper couldn't quite pick a word. "Lovely." He mistakenly said out loud. He slapped a hoof to his mouth.

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"Indeed." She replied. As the song came to an end she sighed. "Even my iPon wants me to 'Say' what I need to say." She rolled her eyes at the darn device.


"Soon." She let the music play and she unknowingly made herself a bit more comfortable and nuzzled onto Skyjumper's chest.


The Stallion had no idea what exactly was happening and no idea how to handle it. His heart started pounding. He decided to take a chance, even though it made him beyond nervous, "I-I- I meant you. Your mane. Is lovely..." he trailed off again, not knowing how to continue.

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"Oh, oh. Well thank you." She chuckled. "Don't let me keep you up too late, I probably won't be able to make it all night but this is my normal time to be up. I don't want you to fall asleep on your roof and accidentally fall off."


"Tell me something about you. Anything, no favorites, but just anything." she said. 

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"Oh, oh. Well thank you." She chuckled. "Don't let me keep you up too late, I probably won't be able to make it all night but this is my normal time to be up. I don't want you to fall asleep on your roof and accidentally fall off."


"Tell me something about you. Anything, no favorites, but just anything." she said.


The stallion somewhat relaxed again. He chuckled at some memories, "Well..." he thought some more. "...I got kicked out of Cloudsdale when I was young for sneaking into flight camp." He laughed. "I uhhh, I got away with it for a little while." The stallion just grinned. "Good times, that."

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"No, really? You did. Oh man. My mom always wanted me to go to flight camp. She would sign me up every year and I would get accepted but I would never show up. My dad would tell them to excuse me due to other activities and my mom would never be the wiser." She thought for a second.


"You know, if I had gone, maybe I would have met you sooner." she said.  

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"No, really? You did. Oh man. My mom always wanted me to go to flight camp. She would sign me up every year and I would get accepted but I would never show up. My dad would tell them to excuse me due to other activities and my mom would never be the wiser." She thought for a second.


"You know, if I had gone, maybe I would have met you sooner." she said.


He smiled at her story. "Maybe, but I guarantee I was far less interesting. Didn't even know I could sing back then. Maybe it's better that everything happened the way it did or we wouldn't be here right now." He stretched his legs, shifting the blanket a bit.

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She smiled. "True, things seemed to play out pretty well." The songs continued to play until her iPon went dead. "Well... that's what I get for not charging it last night." She sat up and started to put it away. "Hmm.. the stars are really beginning to shine now, all the lights in the shops and homes are out." She looked to her left, "Oh, wow, look at the moon." Her eyes grew large as she gazed upon it.  

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@Melted Dog

"It's fine," Raze said. "I know it probably bothers you a lot, yeah? Falling asleep when you're too calm? I'd have a hard time talking about it too..."


He looked up. The sun was already going down.


"Wow, that day went by quick!" he said, looking around. And to think it feels like I just got out of my house..." He stood.


"Well, I'll walk you home. Where do you live?"

"It's near the edge of the Everfree Forest," Hollow replied. "Don't worry about plants or getting lost or anything, I cleared out the path long ago."

She led Raze to her house - a cozy looking cottage, with a lemon tree growing in the front yard. "Not much, I know." She gave a half-smile.

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@Melted Dog

Raze glanced at the cottage.

"It's not that bad. It's got that, uh, simplistic charm to it." he said. "Trust me when I say this, this looks like a mansion compared to some of the places I've seen on the job." He looked up at the sky. The moon was already well above them now.

"Hmm..." he said. "I wonder if I'll make it back safely at this hour..."

  • Brohoof 1

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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As Dynamo was enjoying his cupcakes and milkshake, he noticed a pony sitting by themselves in the shop. Gaining a bit of confidence from his earlier meeting with Quinty, he decided to give it a try. Pulling the last two cupcakes and milkshake in his levitation spell, he walked over to where the unicorn sat. "H-Hey there. Is this seat taken? Is it okay if I can join you?" He asked hoping he wasn't disturbing the white furred unicorn.

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Tinker was reading his book while enjoying his breakfast of muffins and a milkshake. Hearing a stallion walking over and talking to him, he looked up with a raised brow. He didn't get to ta with other ponies much when outside, being a pretty reserved pony. "Nope. Feel free to take a seat... Are you new around town?" While he didn't talk to many ponies around Ponyville, he got a hunch that this blue unicorn was a newcomer in the town as he hadn't seen him before at all.

  • Brohoof 2

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

Check out my TF2 Anarchy RP!

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Tinker was reading his book while enjoying his breakfast of muffins and a milkshake. Hearing a stallion walking over and talking to him, he looked up with a raised brow. He didn't get to ta with other ponies much when outside, being a pretty reserved pony. "Nope. Feel free to take a seat... Are you new around town?" While he didn't talk to many ponies around Ponyville, he got a hunch that this blue unicorn was a newcomer in the town as he hadn't seen him before at all.

Dynamo smiled when he was allowed to join the other unicorn. He set his treats and drink down and sat across from him. "Thank you. Also yes I'm new around here. This is my first time here in Ponyville, if you can believe that. I just got registered today and I'm looking to find my way around town. I originally came from Fillydelphia. Oh, I'm sorry where are my manners. My name is Dynamo Pad, but you can call me Dynamo. It's nice to meet you." Dynamo said while extending his hoof out to the pony sitting across from him.

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@Melted Dog

Raze glanced at the cottage.

"It's not that bad. It's got that, uh, simplistic charm to it." he said. "Trust me when I say this, this looks like a mansion compared to some of the places I've seen on the job." He looked up at the sky. The moon was already well above them now.

"Hmm..." he said. "I wonder if I'll make it back safely at this hour..."

"I'd rather not take the risk if I were you, Raze. I know the edges of the forest like the back of my hoof and I still don't walk out at night." Hollow said, a shiver running down her spine. In her sleepless nights, she had often heard the howling of timberwolves near her house. "Perhaps you could, uh, spend the night here?" she asked, then blushed. "Not like that! It's just that I'm concerned for your safety, after all that trouble you took walking me here."

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@Melted Dog

"Hmm..." Raze said, contrmplating her offer. "You're right, it is pretty dangerous... and I did leave my sword at the house... sure, why not? I'll stay the night." He smiled at her.


He saw her blush a little, and was a bit concerned. "You alright?" he asked. "Your face is looking a bit red..."

Edited by The Sad Manikin Mask
  • Brohoof 1

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Quinty watched Dynamo walking away and waved to him. then she looked at the marked again and sighed 'Chees, this is boring.' She said and stared at the ponies that were walking past her stall. She kept herself occupied by listening to other ponies conversations, maybe she could learn how to do a real conversation too so she wouldn't make a fool of herself this afternoon when she would go out to see the town with Dynamo.

Some time passed and Quinty got even more bored. Everytime somepony would come in her direction she hoped it would be a new customer but they never bought something. Then she saw a rather unusual pony comming towards her stall, he came from a gryphon.



Good morrow and bless, How fare you and your journey?

Quinty tried not to growl in frustration, what the hay is he saying?! what a weirdo she tought, She never heard anypony speak in a way like that. Of course she didn't fully know how those things worked but she was fairly sure this was not how ponies usually talked. 'Eeeehm... Good morrow to you too?' she said really slow and hesitantly and she made it almost sound like a question. But then she got back to her normal way of speaking, cocky with a sense of annoyance 'How can I help you?' she said with a sweet tone but she said the word 'help' very sharply.

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Dynamo smiled when he was allowed to join the other unicorn. He set his treats and drink down and sat across from him. "Thank you. Also yes I'm new around here. This is my first time here in Ponyville, if you can believe that. I just got registered today and I'm looking to find my way around town. I originally came from Fillydelphia. Oh, I'm sorry where are my manners. My name is Dynamo Pad, but you can call me Dynamo. It's nice to meet you." Dynamo said while extending his hoof out to the pony sitting across from him.

"Fillydelphia, huh? Quite a long way to Ponyville. Name's Thunder Tinker. Tinker for short. Nice to meet you too." The white unicorn smiled and took the offered hoof, shaking it gently a couple of times before levitating his shake over to him to take a sip. "What got you to move here if you don't mind me asking?" He asked curiously, taking a huge bite out of one of his muffins.

  • Brohoof 2

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

Check out my TF2 Anarchy RP!

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"Fillydelphia, huh? Quite a long way to Ponyville. Name's Thunder Tinker. Tinker for short. Nice to meet you too." The white unicorn smiled and took the offered hoof, shaking it gently a couple of times before levitating his shake over to him to take a sip. "What got you to move here if you don't mind me asking?" He asked curiously, taking a huge bite out of one of his muffins.

Dynamo smiled and took a drink from his shake before answering. "Well my boss from Fillydelphia told me there were video game tournaments all around Equestria. Ponyville was considered the epicenter of it all and it piqued my curiosity a little. His name is Pinball Wizard and I learned a lot from him when it came to games and such. Hearing about that and that he lived in Ponyville himself a long time ago, I decided to come here. I've always wanted to become a professional video game player one day and I thought coming to Ponyville was a good start." He said while brushing a hoof through his mane while grinning.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@Melted Dog

"Hmm..." Raze said, contrmplating her offer. "You're right, it is pretty dangerous... and I did leave my sword at the house... sure, why not? I'll stay the night." He smiled at her.


He saw her blush a little, and was a bit concerned. "You alright?" he asked. "Your face is looking a bit red..."

"Oh, nothing." she replied, the blush fading from her face. "I have a guest bedroom." She pointed to a closed door next to her bedroom. "Feel free to ask me if you need anything." Hollow retreated to her own room, giving Raze a glimpse of a wooden floor littered with books and letters. However, the bed was very neat.


((Hollow has anti-theft measures ;) ))

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@Melted Dog

Raze looked around. He didn't mind cleaning up the scattered books and letters; might as well try and be a courteous guest. He looked out of the window of the room. He could barely see a thing.


Yeah... it would have been a bad idea to try and walk home, he thought. He looked at one of the books he picked up, appearing to be a mystery novel of some sort. He sat down on the bed and began to read it.

@Melted Dog

((Hey, I'm just gonna initiate the timberwolf break-in if you don't mind))


While he was reading, Raze heard a howl outside. Hollow was right, there were Timberwolves out in this part of the forest. He put the book down, and looked out the window. He saw a pair of glowing, yellow eyes in the distance, slowly coming towards him. He then heard scratching coming from the front door.


There's two of them?! he thought, slowly backing away from the window, and heading to Hollow's room. He opened the door.


"Hey," he said to her. "We might have a problem..."

  • Brohoof 1

Check out Kyoshi's sig thread here.

My OC: Raze
"The world ends at your horizons."-Sanae Hanekoma

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Dynamo smiled and took a drink from his shake before answering. "Well my boss from Fillydelphia told me there were video game tournaments all around Equestria. Ponyville was considered the epicenter of it all and it piqued my curiosity a little. His name is Pinball Wizard and I learned a lot from him when it came to games and such. Hearing about that and that he lived in Ponyville himself a long time ago, I decided to come here. I've always wanted to become a professional video game player one day and I thought coming to Ponyville was a good start." He said while brushing a hoof through his mane while grinning.

"Videogames... Hm. There are tournaments on and off here. I personally only play casually, but I can see why other ponies enjoy competitive gaming." He ate the rest of his muffin when he finished talking, moving onto his second one. "Favorite genre?" Tinker asked curiously again, raising a brow at Dynamo.

  • Brohoof 2

Signature Banner made by @A Jewel of Rarity
OCs: Arcing Storm Thunder Tinker

Check out my TF2 Anarchy RP!

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"Videogames... Hm. There are tournaments on and off here. I personally only play casually, but I can see why other ponies enjoy competitive gaming." He ate the rest of his muffin when he finished talking, moving onto his second one. "Favorite genre?" Tinker asked curiously again, raising a brow at Dynamo.

"That's good to hear. I was told there were tournaments throughout Equestria and that Ponyville was close to each destination. I have a few favorite genre's, but I mostly love fighting games. I don't know why, but it gives you that sense of adrenaline rush every time you play. I also like playing some shooters and some RPG's. How about you Tinker? Any game genre's you like and how long have you been in Ponyville?" He asked while raising an eyebrow of his own while putting the cupcakes off to the side.

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@Melted Dog

Raze looked around. He didn't mind cleaning up the scattered books and letters; might as well try and be a courteous guest. He looked out of the window of the room. He could barely see a thing.


Yeah... it would have been a bad idea to try and walk home, he thought. He looked at one of the books he picked up, appearing to be a mystery novel of some sort. He sat down on the bed and began to read it.

@Melted Dog

((Hey, I'm just gonna initiate the timberwolf break-in if you don't mind))


While he was reading, Raze heard a howl outside. Hollow was right, there were Timberwolves out in this part of the forest. He put the book down, and looked out the window. He saw a pair of glowing, yellow eyes in the distance, slowly coming towards him. He then heard scratching coming from the front door.


There's two of them?! he thought, slowly backing away from the window, and heading to Hollow's room. He opened the door.


"Hey," he said to her. "We might have a problem..."

((Thanks! Wasn't sure how to do this.))

"What happened?" Hollow asked. She trotted over to the peephole in her front door and saw a pair of yellow eyes staring back at her. Dear Celestiashe thought,  there are timberwolves at my front door!


"Well, we probably should get ourselves armed. A door like this is no match for one, let alone two, timberwolves." Sleepy Hollow went into the kitchen, then returned with two knives and an unlit torch. She handed one of the knives to Raze, not bothering to conceal her shaking. "You know," she said, "they've never been this hostile - or this close to my house - before. Wonder what happened to them."


Just then, the front door burst into splinters and the two ponies came face-to-face with a pair of timberwolves.

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