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1.9 Server Announcement


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Will our current ranks and Pony Points be saved in the new server?


Ranks and Pony Points are being reworked.  Currently we plan to have new types of ranks, such as monthly and overall.  This gives newer players who haven't been on the server 1000+ hours a chance.  In addition, your current points are being converted into bits.  We're still trying to find a good ratio.  These bits will allow you to actually use your "points" to buy things, like new classes and features.

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Will your overall rank go down if you spend bits, or is the idea for it to be a total number of bits gained regardless of spending? And if it's the latter, will points gained in trades count or will it just be points gained from the big bit bucket in the sky (time, mobs, events, etc)?
I guess, to word it more succinctly, which bit transactions will affect your rank, and how are rank and bits correlated?
Lastly, will rank be displayed upon login still? And if so, which rank(s)?

I'm gonna go ahead and lay claim to all the fish.




Also hai orca!

Edited by DashKetchum
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Will your overall rank go down if you spend bits, or is the idea for it to be a total number of bits gained regardless of spending? And if it's the latter, will points gained in trades count or will it just be points gained from the big bit bucket in the sky (time, mobs, events, etc)?


I guess, to word it more succinctly, which bit transactions will affect your rank, and how are rank and bits correlated?


Lastly, will rank be displayed upon login still? And if so, which rank(s)?





Also hai orca!

I think the rank and pony points are 2 different things, rank only changes by playtime same with pony points, their earned over time by playtime. I'm not sure though, it's a guess

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Will your overall rank go down if you spend bits, or is the idea for it to be a total number of bits gained regardless of spending? And if it's the latter, will points gained in trades count or will it just be points gained from the big bit bucket in the sky (time, mobs, events, etc)?


I guess, to word it more succinctly, which bit transactions will affect your rank, and how are rank and bits correlated?


Lastly, will rank be displayed upon login still? And if so, which rank(s)?





Also hai orca!


Ranks and Points will be different from one another.  If you spend bits, it will not affect your rank at all.  We're still working out the ranking system so I can't provide specifics quite yet.


I think the rank and pony points are 2 different things, rank only changes by playtime same with pony points, their earned over time by playtime. I'm not sure though, it's a guess


Rank is planned to be split into different areas.  Some of them we plan on doing are time played, mobs killed, etc.


So i marked my house i want to move with Glowstone and sign saying this is the house i a moving? is that good?


As long as staff can figure it out, it should be good.  We suggested red wool cause, unless you're living in a mesa, you can see it easily.

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So there have been some things discovered as well as some discussion between a few topics related to build transfers.  Again, all of these changes could be revoked and/or changed once again, but expect the following to apply for build transfers for 1.9 survival:


  • All blocks that were going to be converted into wool will now be converted into air.  I found a few cases where players were just loading their builds to basically obtain ridiculous amounts of wool post transfer.  This will eliminate those cases, since we're still locking down any manner players can use to "jump ahead".  It's supposed to be a fresh start with your prized build able to be saved, not a way to see how you can exploit the system.
  • Build size limits are now established:
    • A solid 1 Million Block limit for any build (This includes all the extra space like terrain and air space
    • Underground builds will not be transferred due to block "fat" causing stress on the server during transfer
    • If your build has a basement, we're limiting it to 10 blocks underground with respect to the surface around it (if you make a hallow upside-down pyramid to try to "get around" this, we'll just use Y=64 or whatever the average surface area is around the biome you're in)
  • Any obvious cases where players are "stockpiling" resources are going to be cut out.  For some reason, players believe there won't be an actual environment on the new server, which is the silliest thing I've heard.  If you're piling wood up in 1 spot, you can get it just as fast by planting trees all around your new area and cutting them down at the same rate they grow.  Do you really save time "preparing for a non-existent apocalypse?  Spoilers:  You don't.


Why are we making these changes?  Well, aside from the points stated above, we're looking for the smoothest transition into the new server as well as our new features.  Players who want a fresh start will still be forced to compete with players who move they over 2 million block (as of last measuring them) builds.  This alone is still unfair for it's respective reasons.  For those who just totally tl;dr'd the opening post, give it a GOOD read.  I'm surprised none of you are that excited for some of the things that are coming, which tells me you all didn't read it.  :|

  • Brohoof 3
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Nuts. The 1m size limit is a little painful. I had a large statute build that was originally green-lit by Tibbers for transfer, but if air space is included in the block count then it doesn't fit, since most of it is hollow. I'm guessing there's nothing I can do about that other than play with the coords and just take half of it? You did say non negotiable...


That being said, I do agree a clean slate is for the best. I'm not the oldest player but I've been here since the end of 1.7. I've gone through everything from the ridiculous resource holes, the ownership transfer from PonyMC to PArc, the 2 weeks when we tried out economy and removed it, and just about everything else in between. I don't mind losing my massive stockpile of stuff because I've never even gotten around to touching them anyways. What I'll miss is the silly mod items, the stuff from old events, because they hold some good memories.


I like the idea of new map generation, if it ends up being feasible. More dungeons and stuff will be super cool. I'd love to see randomly generated dungeons that's more than the vanilla "one room with a spawner and 2 chests".


Dungeon world sounds ridiculously fun. Is it hand crafted? It sounds like you guys are building it block by block or something. I do wonder if it'll be reset periodically or if there's endless number of dungeons through procedural generation. Otherwise early players end up looting everything leaving nothing for future players, which is a problem I've noticed in many other popular heavily-modded servers.


tl;dr words and good times.

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Any idea as to when the server will switch over? I really wanna hop on and play, but of course there isn't much point now if everything is going to get reset. :P

Edited by SpectraDust
  • Brohoof 1


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Nuts. The 1m size limit is a little painful. I had a large statute build that was originally green-lit by Tibbers for transfer, but if air space is included in the block count then it doesn't fit, since most of it is hollow. I'm guessing there's nothing I can do about that other than play with the coords and just take half of it? You did say non negotiable...



I can check it when you get on if you want to be sure ^^

Worst case scenario is that we can copy the majority of it and the rest can be rebuilt



Any idea as to when the server will switch over? I really wanna hop on and play, but of course there isn't much point now if everything is going to get reset. :P

It'll take a bit still, you're fine  :P

We've still got to wait for external plugins to update and fix up some cool stuff of our own 

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Nuts. The 1m size limit is a little painful. I had a large statute build that was originally green-lit by Tibbers for transfer, but if air space is included in the block count then it doesn't fit, since most of it is hollow. I'm guessing there's nothing I can do about that other than play with the coords and just take half of it? You did say non negotiable...


If it's one of those giant pony statues that I'm used to seeing, the easiest way is to cut out the leg space, you'll basically cut it in half, and the legs are super easy to rebuild.


Any idea as to when the server will switch over? I really wanna hop on and play, but of course there isn't much point now if everything is going to get reset. :P


Again, we have no time frame right now; not only are the new features still under development, we're waiting for the actual 1.9 server software to be tested and released.

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I can check it when you get on if you want to be sure ^^

Worst case scenario is that we can copy the majority of it and the rest can be rebuilt

That would be nice. It's over at X=2387, Z=1349. Can't miss it.


If it's one of those giant pony statues that I'm used to seeing, the easiest way is to cut out the leg space, you'll basically cut it in half, and the legs are super easy to rebuild.

Not quite... It's a pretty large Pokemon statue. I've mostly worked out which part to move if I can't move the whole thing, basically as you said take the most difficult part to build. I left coords up top, you should check it out too.

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Honestly, i don't think i will bother with moving my base from one version to another. with the update and reset comes a chance for me to build a new base. and make it way bigger with higher walls.

  • Brohoof 1

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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I have made a biology garden in the college I am transferring which has an impressive assortment of plants. Will I be able to transfer it without it being seen as "hoarding"? It's used mostly for decoration purposes. Thanks again.


Ian Enderbrah :D

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That would be nice. It's over at X=2387, Z=1349. Can't miss it.


Not quite... It's a pretty large Pokemon statue. I've mostly worked out which part to move if I can't move the whole thing, basically as you said take the most difficult part to build. I left coords up top, you should check it out too.

Its definitely too large to copy fully (Around 2 million). However we can definitely take a big chunk of it, can fit around the entire main body + head while leaving the wings/tail. Or whichever part you think would be better to bring round ^^

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so underground builds are not allowed now but basements are? fair enough

my build (the marked bit at least) is pretty much a glorified basement dug into a cave wall. I was planning on finding a new cave, and ask the staff to put it in the wall there as it is now. will that still be possible, since it's just a relatively small hole?

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Its definitely too large to copy fully (Around 2 million). However we can definitely take a big chunk of it, can fit around the entire main body + head while leaving the wings/tail. Or whichever part you think would be better to bring round ^^

I figured lol, My plan is to take the entire lower half except the very end of tail, and height just before the neck. Cause the tail was the most difficult part to build, wings and head were easy by comparison, wings just take a ton of blocks but I can't bring it over either way. Volume clocks in at exactly 999999 units with the coords I've planned xd

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Well i'm not coming back nor ask for any change of the last rules, i just want to stop some rumors that some peoples are spreading about me and about the reasons why i left the server :


- I have NEVER smuggled/hidden diamond blocks inside my townhall, the only diamond blocks i placed here are the two next to the chest containing my diamond in the storage room (which is around 32 diamond blocks, i don't have more).I would appreciate that the one who launched this rumor could come back there and check who placed them with the logs and when it was placed, because it's not me : there is like 10 players having buildings rights in this townhall area, and i'm sure that the one who placed them did it way before the reset announcement. I am not that stupid to think that staff will remove the banned blocks by hand and won't see any blocks hidden inside the build.

I am also not trying to get tons of wool blocks by placing banned blocks, for a simple reason : shearing sheeps is faster than mining wool blocks and uses less durability to the shears.


- I didn't founded the RA (Rehabilitation Association), i was just an active member of it, i was thinking it was a really good idea because it could motivate players to stay on the server after the update and keep us being active until the reset. It was also a way to soften the loss and destructions caused by it. My contribution to it was to talk about it to others players because every RA member can invite another one, to build the stockpile room for construction materials and also i planned to share the current town's storage room to RA members to store the items what will be mined and shared after the update.


- For the stockpile, i didn't encouraged anyone to do that, i just did it and some others players did it too, some because they saw my storage, some did it just by themselves because it's the logical thing to do to not lose the materials. I didn't visited all others stockpiles and i did mine openly because i wasn't seeing it as an exploit of the system, just as a slim compensation to the huge loss : 5 km of road, dozens of buildings, lots of parks, the carnival etc ...

Also i didn't planned to sell any of the items in the stockpile after the reset, my goal is not money, i stored mainly the items that are useful for me and common in builds. The goal of the stockpile was to give to RA members the needed materials when they need it after the update, not one month later because they have to wait until i have rebuilt all the facilities (farm, tree farm etc ...).


- I would have accepted to abandon my stockpiling room, but the new "anti storage room" rules have strong side effect that ruins totally unrelated thing that are too much loss for me :

- The banned blocks converted into air instead of wool cause the loss of every sign that i placed in the chests of my storage room, it also remove every redstone powder leading to no longer know where the wire were, there is tons of redstone circuitry in townhall, it's not to smuggle it to 1.9 or generate wool, it's an actual circuitry that allows me to turn on and off the light in rooms of the townhall.

- The block limit no longer cover my townhall, after a staff member said that transfering my townhall was okay, including garden and basement (which contains the subway station which was a pain in the butt to build).

- The basement limit rule cut off mine, adding more loss.


- To the players saying that i wanted to use that reset to do unfair competition with my town, it's totally false, the ones who knows me also knows how much i was against the reset. I don't build a town to be the first one of the map, i build it because i like having a running town that continously expand and in which i create, improve and test new things. My dream was to have a decently sized modern town, and this need lots of time.


Well, now i will just say Farewell all, just don't spread lies about me.

  • Brohoof 3
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Well i'm not coming back nor ask for any change of the last rules, i just want to stop some rumors that some peoples are spreading about me and about the reasons why i left the server :
- I have NEVER smuggled/hidden diamond blocks inside my townhall, the only diamond blocks i placed here are the two next to the chest containing my diamond in the storage room (which is around 32 diamond blocks, i don't have more).I would appreciate that the one who launched this rumor could come back there and check who placed them with the logs and when it was placed, because it's not me : there is like 10 players having buildings rights in this townhall area, and i'm sure that the one who placed them did it way before the reset announcement. I am not that stupid to think that staff will remove the banned blocks by hand and won't see any blocks hidden inside the build.
I am also not trying to get tons of wool blocks by placing banned blocks, for a simple reason : shearing sheeps is faster than mining wool blocks and uses less durability to the shears.
- I didn't founded the RA (Rehabilitation Association), i was just an active member of it, i was thinking it was a really good idea because it could motivate players to stay on the server after the update and keep us being active until the reset. It was also a way to soften the loss and destructions caused by it. My contribution to it was to talk about it to others players because every RA member can invite another one, to build the stockpile room for construction materials and also i planned to share the current town's storage room to RA members to store the items what will be mined and shared after the update.
- For the stockpile, i didn't encouraged anyone to do that, i just did it and some others players did it too, some because they saw my storage, some did it just by themselves because it's the logical thing to do to not lose the materials. I didn't visited all others stockpiles and i did mine openly because i wasn't seeing it as an exploit of the system, just as a slim compensation to the huge loss : 5 km of road, dozens of buildings, lots of parks, the carnival etc ...
Also i didn't planned to sell any of the items in the stockpile after the reset, my goal is not money, i stored mainly the items that are useful for me and common in builds. The goal of the stockpile was to give to RA members the needed materials when they need it after the update, not one month later because they have to wait until i have rebuilt all the facilities (farm, tree farm etc ...).
- I would have accepted to abandon my stockpiling room, but the new "anti storage room" rules have strong side effect that ruins totally unrelated thing that are too much loss for me :
- The banned blocks converted into air instead of wool cause the loss of every sign that i placed in the chests of my storage room, it also remove every redstone powder leading to no longer know where the wire were, there is tons of redstone circuitry in townhall, it's not to smuggle it to 1.9 or generate wool, it's an actual circuitry that allows me to turn on and off the light in rooms of the townhall.
- The block limit no longer cover my townhall, after a staff member said that transfering my townhall was okay, including garden and basement (which contains the subway station which was a pain in the butt to build).
- The basement limit rule cut off mine, adding more loss.
- To the players saying that i wanted to use that reset to do unfair competition with my town, it's totally false, the ones who knows me also knows how much i was against the reset. I don't build a town to be the first one of the map, i build it because i like having a running town that continously expand and in which i create, improve and test new things. My dream was to have a decently sized modern town, and this need lots of time.
Well, now i will just say Farewell all, just don't spread lies about me.


hey Ga3l its me Muro, i respect your decision as i do with everyone else but i would like to ask of you this one thing, would you just drop in onto the server once in a while to check on us? we all will miss you, i do hope this decision isn't a permenint one. i do hope you reply thanks. ~Your Ever Faith full Friend Murokai

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Well i'm not coming back nor ask for any change of the last rules, i just want to stop some rumors that some peoples are spreading about me and about the reasons why i left the server :
- I have NEVER smuggled/hidden diamond blocks inside my townhall, the only diamond blocks i placed here are the two next to the chest containing my diamond in the storage room (which is around 32 diamond blocks, i don't have more).I would appreciate that the one who launched this rumor could come back there and check who placed them with the logs and when it was placed, because it's not me : there is like 10 players having buildings rights in this townhall area, and i'm sure that the one who placed them did it way before the reset announcement. I am not that stupid to think that staff will remove the banned blocks by hand and won't see any blocks hidden inside the build.
I am also not trying to get tons of wool blocks by placing banned blocks, for a simple reason : shearing sheeps is faster than mining wool blocks and uses less durability to the shears.
- I didn't founded the RA (Rehabilitation Association), i was just an active member of it, i was thinking it was a really good idea because it could motivate players to stay on the server after the update and keep us being active until the reset. It was also a way to soften the loss and destructions caused by it. My contribution to it was to talk about it to others players because every RA member can invite another one, to build the stockpile room for construction materials and also i planned to share the current town's storage room to RA members to store the items what will be mined and shared after the update.
- For the stockpile, i didn't encouraged anyone to do that, i just did it and some others players did it too, some because they saw my storage, some did it just by themselves because it's the logical thing to do to not lose the materials. I didn't visited all others stockpiles and i did mine openly because i wasn't seeing it as an exploit of the system, just as a slim compensation to the huge loss : 5 km of road, dozens of buildings, lots of parks, the carnival etc ...
Also i didn't planned to sell any of the items in the stockpile after the reset, my goal is not money, i stored mainly the items that are useful for me and common in builds. The goal of the stockpile was to give to RA members the needed materials when they need it after the update, not one month later because they have to wait until i have rebuilt all the facilities (farm, tree farm etc ...).
- I would have accepted to abandon my stockpiling room, but the new "anti storage room" rules have strong side effect that ruins totally unrelated thing that are too much loss for me :
- The banned blocks converted into air instead of wool cause the loss of every sign that i placed in the chests of my storage room, it also remove every redstone powder leading to no longer know where the wire were, there is tons of redstone circuitry in townhall, it's not to smuggle it to 1.9 or generate wool, it's an actual circuitry that allows me to turn on and off the light in rooms of the townhall.
- The block limit no longer cover my townhall, after a staff member said that transfering my townhall was okay, including garden and basement (which contains the subway station which was a pain in the butt to build).
- The basement limit rule cut off mine, adding more loss.
- To the players saying that i wanted to use that reset to do unfair competition with my town, it's totally false, the ones who knows me also knows how much i was against the reset. I don't build a town to be the first one of the map, i build it because i like having a running town that continously expand and in which i create, improve and test new things. My dream was to have a decently sized modern town, and this need lots of time.
Well, now i will just say Farewell all, just don't spread lies about me.


I was just sent screens of this conversation, and would like to personally extend an apology.


There was zero reason for any of that to be said, and is honestly the first time I have heard about it.  I know you knew that diamonds wouldn't be transferred, and the updates to the rules were NOT made solely because of you.  I also don't think you were stashing away diamonds, as that would ultimately be silly.


Unfortunately there were a few members of staff that led people to believe this, and I promise it isn't accurate.


Stockpiles were banned as a ton of people started doing it.  The purpose of the 'one build' move was just that, one build.  It wasn't supposed to include any piles of resources, etc.


The limit was set in place due to people wanting to port over some very ludicrous sized builds.  I promise you weren't the only one with a multi million sized building.


The members of staff that were involved with this have been spoken too, and set straight about what actually happened.  I'm worried a lack of communication helped to spread a bunch of lies, and for that, I apologize as well.



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If possible, we're going to try to get 1.10 instead of 1.9, but it still depends on how fast things can update.  For now we're still rolling for 1.9, but would like to get 1.10 if we can.  We also were not expecting Mojang to actually push a release update so quickly (you know, with how long it took them to get to 1.9 to begin with).

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If possible, we're going to try to get 1.10 instead of 1.9, but it still depends on how fast things can update.  For now we're still rolling for 1.9, but would like to get 1.10 if we can.  We also were not expecting Mojang to actually push a release update so quickly (you know, with how long it took them to get to 1.9 to begin with).


if you are using spigot you should be good, I've been told spigot 1.10 is already a thing, and also that 1.10, like 1.8, doesn't differ much from 1.8 plugin-wise.



so underground builds are not allowed now but basements are? fair enough

my build (the marked bit at least) is pretty much a glorified basement dug into a cave wall. I was planning on finding a new cave, and ask the staff to put it in the wall there as it is now. will that still be possible, since it's just a relatively small hole?


bump because no reply. I need to know. I'll happily mark something else, but I'll need to know.

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