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Team Fortress 2 Subclasses


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We all know there are 9 classes, but there are numerous subclasses that change how you play the game.


The Scout


- The Pester Scout

Typical Weapons: Shortstop, Mad Milk, Sandman


Generally is the most irritating subclass of all, using their Mad Milk and Sandman stun to disorient enemies. Will use the Shortstop at any range, despite it ding less damage than the



When confronted, will either use their Sandman stun or flee.



The Soldier


- The HP Whore

Typical Weapons: Black Box, Chonceror, Half-Zatoichi


The HP Whore Soldier is a hard subclass to kill, as their weapons heal the user as they deal damage / kills.

Lack of a Shotgun means that Pyros skilled at airblasting should be able to take a HP Whore down, as the Black Box heals the Pyro when he scores damage with a reflected







- The Blaster

Typical Weapons: Degreaser, Reserve Shooter, Axtinguisher


The Blaster will primarily use their airblast coupled with their reserve shooter or axtinguisher to quickly kill opponents.

This subclass is also good at killing enemy Pyros, as they retain their shotgun.


- The Pyromaniac

Typical Weapons: Backburner, Flaregun, Axtinguisher


The Pyromaniac relies on dealing a lot of fire damage, so keep your medics alive. Snipers need to be cautious as well, as the flaregun will crit burning targets.

The Pyromaniac is ill-equipped to counter enemy pyros, but the panic they can cause to an enemy team makes up for this.





- The Dakka Heavy

Typical Weapons: Tomislav, Family Business, Eviction Notice


Excels at extended firefights, as the Tomislav uses less ammunition. Relies on surprise with his fast and silent spinup.

Has a hard time killing enemy Heavies, especially if they have an enemy medic backing them up.


- The Defensive heavy

Typical Weapons: Brass Beast, Sandvich, K.G.B


Can and will grind anything else in the game into dust. Unless you are a Spy or a Sniper, avoid this heavy at all costs. Makes for an excellent medic buddy.

Their slow movement speed makes them prime targets for Spies and Snipers. You can sometimes catch him snacking on a sandvich, if so kill him quickly.





- The Medieval Demoknight / The Demopirate

Typical Weapons: Eyelander (And derivatives), Chargin' Targe, Bootlegger


usually only carries a melee weapon, but gains strength as he kills players. The health at maximum heads is 225, so can be quite a damage sponge.

Strong against Pyros, Soldiers and other Demomen due to the Targe's resistances, kill him at range. Dead Ringer Spies should avoid this subclass like the plague, as the Dead Ringers


feign counts as a head towards their total.


- The Arabian Demoknight

Typical Weapons: Persian Persuader, Splendid Screen, Ali Baba's Wee Booties


This Demoknight is more deadly iniially, but is more vulnerable to fire and explosives. Will attempt to use the Screen to make quick kills, as the charge bounces enemies into the air


and makes them prime targets.

Once they've used their Charge, they will often retreat. Try and catch them but don't let him lead you into enemy nests, or charge you a second time.


- The Suicide Bomber

Typical Weapons: Boots / Loch 'n' Load, Shield, Ullapool Caber


Possibly the most dangerous of the Demoman subclasses, as he will not retreat until either he has killed someone or killed himself.

Will either use the Loch 'n' load to weaken enemies before closing in, or use Boots for the health boost they provide. Their charge 'reloads' faster than the Medieval Demoknight, so


use caution.





- The Agressor

Typical Weapons: Frontier Justice, Pistol, Gunslinger


Will place a Mini-Sentry to get a kill then use his Frontier Justice revenge bonus to help his team push forward. The sentry doesn't do as much damage and has lower health, but go for


the Engineer first unless you hve the element of surprise. Watch for the glowing shotgun and try and make him miss.

This subcalss is pitiful on defence, as the Mini-Sentry cannot be upgraded. Kill the Dispenser as fast as you can, to deny his teammates health and ammo.


- The Cyborg Engie

Typical Weapons: Pompson, Short Circuit, Gunslinger







- The Uber Budd(ies)

Typical Weapons: Butsauger, Medigun, Ubersaw


Always come in pairs. Rare, but dangerous. Will constantly try and uber each other, one will be using his Ubersaw to build up before the second Medic's uber finishes.

Rely totally on melee combat, but beware their syringe guns. Pyros are excellent at killing or stalling the pair.


- The Medieval Medic

Typical Weapons: Crusader's Crossbow, Medigun, Amputator


More agressive and slightly harder to kill due to their regeneration bonus, also capable of healing multiple teammates at once with the Amputator taunt. Most often seen on Medieval



Kill them quickly, and don't be afraid to engage them at closer ranges. Remember that the Crossbow does less damage the closer you get, but beware the Amputator.

Poses a threat to Snipers, as a long rage shot can deal up to 150 damage.





- The Huntsman

Typical Weapons: Huntsman, Jarate, Bushwhacka


Will often be seen at the front lines, using his Huntsman. Sometimes you will see them at longer ranges. When cornered, will use his Jarate then the Bushwhacka to quickly kill



Typically lacks an SMG, and using the huntsman still slows him down. He also cannot quick-scope as easily.


A variation is the Karate Sniper, who usually won't use the Huntsman at all, instead trying to score kills with a buffed Bushwhacka.


- The Croc-O-Sniper

Typical Weapons: Sydney Sleeper, Darwin's Danger Shield, Bushwhacka, Ol' Snaggletooth


Will frequently be seen at longer ranges, as they have less to fear from enemy snipers. Immune to headshots, so a fully charged bodyshot is required to kill him. He is an excellent


support to his team, as he can long-range Harate people, though will fire much slower than a regular sniper as he has to wait for his charge.

Very weak at close range, due to the lack of Jarate or SMG, though he has more health than your average sniper.





- The Sniping Spy

Typical Weapons: Ambassador, Butterfly Knife, Cloak & Dagger


Usually sits in dark or hard to reach places, attempting to headshot enemy players. Uses the Cloak & Dagger to remain in one spot without being detected.

Use the same tactics as dealing with a Sniper, though watch for trickstab attempts. Not as dangerous as a Sniper at long range, so getting a friendly Sniper to kill him is also


viable tactic. The Sniping Spy can be dangerous if left unattended.


- Dr. Enforcicle

Typical Weapons: Enforcer, Spycicle, Dead Ringer


Most effective 'Battle-Spy', though his low health still makes him the weakest of all 9 classes. Beware the Enforcer, as it does obnoxiously large amounts of damage. The Dead Ringer


and the Spycicle allow him to escape Pyros easily, though he will be unable to use the Spycicle for 15 seconds.

Kill him as quickly as possible, as he can still be a major pain to your team, just like any other Spy. Their backstabs have no kill icon, so watch for the ice statues.





- The Fat Scout / Hipster Hoovy

Primary weapons are too 'uber mainstream' for the Hipster Hoovy, so he only ever uses the Shotgun and his fists.

The Fat Scout is the same, yet is using the Shotgun fr a different reason (to annoy his teammates).


- The M1 + W Pyro

Either a new player who doesn't yet know how to play a Pyro effectively or someone who has forgotten that Pyros can airblast.


- The Spycrab

A very rare and elusive wild animal in Team Fortress 2. Appears in red and blue varieties, and seems to be totally immune to gunfire, explosives and the Pyro's flamethrower of the team he is coloured. Often mercilessly hunted down and killed in order to obtain their 'crabkits'.

Not much is known about Spycrabs, except that they have many natural predators. Trains, Sawblades, Gravity and the Horseless Headless Horsemann are but a few of the Spycrab's natural predators.




What other 'subclasses' have you seen around the place. What kind of weapons/tactics do they use? What are their strengths and what is the best way to go around killing them?


Post your replies and I will update the list if others agree.

Edited by Raptor_a22
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  • "Fat Scout" - Heavy: Just runs around with Shotgun, nothing else.
  • "Karate Sniper" - Sniper: Jarate and Bushwacka only. Usually Jarates crowds and swings wildly.
  • "Sniping Spy" - Spy: Spy who chills around corners and in the background with an Ambassador only trying for headhots. Also uses the Cloak and Dagger for more annoying purposes.
  • "Trolldier" - Soldier: Rocket Jumper, Mantreads, Market Gardner. ONLY Rocket Jumps and lands on people heads and melees at the same time. KILLING nearly every class instantly.

AH, here is another one.

  • "Pester Scout" - Scout: Shortstop, Madmilk, Sandman. I find that these scouts are the most annoying out of all of them. They run around, shoot you from ANY distance with that dumb pistol, throw milk on ANYTHING, and just hit balls everywhere...Hate 'em.
  • "Quad-Jump Scout" - Scout: Force-A-Nature, any secondary, Atomizer. Triple-jump with the Atomizer, then aim down quickly and fire your shotgun to quad jump. I hardly see these guys outside of Saxton Hale mode but, Damn they are annoying.
Edited by Chigens

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I fail to see the logic in the fat scout? Not that there was much logic in this subject to begin with though...

What about the melee heavy? They still exist right?


I got Fat Scout all the time. Fun times for all!


People get mad at you on your team!

People on the other team laugh!


I hardly see any melee Heavies anymore unfortunately...Except in Trading Servers.

My signature broke


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Theres the HPWhore Soldier: Black Box, Concheror, Half-Zatoichi


the ever famous M1+W Pyro or Engi butt buddy: BackBurner/Phlogistinator, Maul/Homewrecker


Nest Camping Engi: Mostly Jag/Southern Hospitality, Short circut, Widowmaker/ Pomson 6000


and one I like to use just to screw around

Cyborg engi: Pomson 6000, Gunslinger, short circuit (Gotta admit it's funny when you get a kill with this XD)

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I got Fat Scout all the time. Fun times for all!


People get mad at you on your team!

People on the other team laugh!


I hardly see any melee Heavies anymore unfortunately...Except in Trading Servers.


I almost never see Fat Scouts...


You forgot one kind

Posted Image


Not very useful, but can be very entertaining (for the enemy) :P


Ah, the ever present Spycrab. He's not really a subclass though, more like the endangered fauna of TF2.


Theres the HPWhore Soldier: Black Box, Concheror, Half-Zatoichi


the ever famous M1+W Pyro or Engi butt buddy: BackBurner/Phlogistinator, Maul/Homewrecker


Nest Camping Engi: Mostly Jag/Southern Hospitality, Short circut, Widowmaker/ Pomson 6000


and one I like to use just to screw around

Cyborg engi: Pomson 6000, Gunslinger, short circuit (Gotta admit it's funny when you get a kill with this XD)


Yes but what are their strengths/weaknesses? What tactics do they use?

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  • "Fat Scout" - Heavy: Just runs around with Shotgun, nothing else.

Filly please! thats the Hipster Hoovy! because primary weapons are so totally über mainstream.


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Yes but what are their strengths/weaknesses? What tactics do they use?


HP whore soldier is great for Beginning rush on matches that are objective oriented, and for defence when the enemy team is try to cap/push the objective.


M1+W pyro is pretty much the noob pyro you seen when they just run at people not even touching any other weapon or M2. Put its also useful when there's spy's trying to get at an Engi's nest, that's where the Flames and Homewrecker come in handy.


Nest engi is great for Beginning matches and late game matches. Southern hospitality for keeping spy's at bay or Jag for slightly faster builds, Widow maker because you'll be standing near your dispenser(Which should be level3) for practically infinite ammo, and the shortcircut for when a demo/soldier shoots at you from a far off ways.

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I don't have a name for the setup but I think of it as "High-gain low drag" Engineering. Shotgun, Pistol, Gunslinger. Using the Gunslinger's health bonus as well as the mini-sentry as a front-line unconventional passive weapon (compared to a stationary defensive weapon) makes you have a rather surprising amount of damage output. The danger is that you don't have movement bonuses. So basically I take pleasure in being an unpredicted presence on the front line and otherwise act like a traditional engineer when away from it.

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