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Warhammer 40k/30k

Custos Umbra

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Still painting 40K. Got different armies like Chaos Marines, Daemons (most of the time for Fantasy), Space Wolves, Deathwatch styled Marines, Some Eldar/Tyranid stuff and Mechanicus.

  • Brohoof 2

Japan, where Yo-Kai Watch's second movie has more success than The Force Awakens :umad:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Through the dark art of Magi Bioligis, rise, you condemned thread!


Time to try to revive it, so I'll make an attempt to start discussion about strong and weak sides of different factions of Warhammer 30-40k.

Let's start with Legiones Astartes from Horus Heresy.
It's very versatile faction with lots of options,but is limited due to high point costs. Currently it has 16 Legions + Blackshield faction to chose from:
-Dark Engels
-Emperor's Children
-Iron Warrioirs
-White Scars
-Imperial Fists
-Night Lords
-Blood Angels
-Iron Hands
-World Eaters
-Death Guard
-Thousand Sons
-Sons of Horus
-Word Bearers
-Raven Guard
-Alpha Legion

All Legions, while mostly having same units and gear, have different rules which dictate their playstyle. If you're interested in some particular Legion - respond.
For now let's end with basic pros and cons.

Pros: Rites of War which further change your playstyle, Large Squads and upgrades with fixed "to squad" cost, Sergeants in Artificer Armour, Availability of Jetbikes. huge customization of your HQ.

Cons: Lack of Combat Squads and special weapons for Tacticals, lack of ATSKNF, costly units, lack of any Eternal Warrior options.

If you want that kind of information... you know what to do.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@@Custos Umbra do you mostly play 30k or 40k?

Do you prefer one vs the other?

I play 30k Mechanicum against both 30k and 40k, preferring 30k as opponents.

Playing agaist local 40k players just isn't fun most of the time, since they try to build as broken rosters as they can, no matter how boring or stupid (fluff-wise) they are.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I chosen, I have 2 tactical squads awaiting paint.

They shall become crusader squads for the Black Templars.

That is the chapter I have picked.

I may post pictures when I am done.

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Playing agaist local 40k players just isn't fun most of the time, since they try to build as broken rosters as they can, no matter how boring or stupid (fluff-wise) they are.


I have the same issue (sort of.)


It's the formations that particularly annoy me - they add more special rules, meaning that you get more value for your points, and too many of them don't have any meaningful limitations. The Tau ghostkeel / stealth suit formation that always hits the rear armour of vehicles is a particularly annoying one for my guardsmen, as I just love the infantry wave with tank support army (never mind how effective it is against any given opponent, it just feels right to throw over 100 men and three tanks at an objective.)


I suppose it was never particularly well balanced, but the formations seem to give the more competitive players a sufficient advantage that my 10-minute, low-planning 'oh, about 1500 points of tanks and guardsman will be fine' lists just don't win at all. It's more about finding matching players.

  • Brohoof 1

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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I have the same issue (sort of.)


It's the formations that particularly annoy me - they add more special rules, meaning that you get more value for your points, and too many of them don't have any meaningful limitations. The Tau ghostkeel / stealth suit formation that always hits the rear armour of vehicles is a particularly annoying one for my guardsmen, as I just love the infantry wave with tank support army (never mind how effective it is against any given opponent, it just feels right to throw over 100 men and three tanks at an objective.)


I suppose it was never particularly well balanced, but the formations seem to give the more competitive players a sufficient advantage that my 10-minute, low-planning 'oh, about 1500 points of tanks and guardsman will be fine' lists just don't win at all. It's more about finding matching players.

Same thing with Librarian Conclave and Skyhammer.

That's why I prefer Horus Heresy. It's harder to break the balance here. No completely broken units, no formations and huge variety of viable playstyles. That's my choice.


I chosen, I have 2 tactical squads awaiting paint.

They shall become crusader squads for the Black Templars.

That is the chapter I have picked.

I may post pictures when I am done.

Black Templars? You've won my respect =D

How do you like these guys? They are what Black Templars used to be back in the 30k =)


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Black Templars? You've won my respect =D

How do you like these guys? They are what Black Templars used to be back in the 30k =)


Of course, the Imperial Fists. I do like the Black Templars color scheme more than the Imperial Fists, the bright yellow is ok but it's almost too flashy.

I do also like the Mark IV armor a bit more than the other versions.




If I do a 30k Army, it will be smurfs though.

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If I do a 30k Army, it will be smurfs though.

They do have a nice ruleset, great special units and named characters in HH. 

Their Invictarus Suzerains are simply the most detailed and beutiful SM unit I've ever seen. Not sure if I like Roboute Guilliman's model, though.

Edited by Custos Umbra
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First Crusader Squad, without any Black Templars "bling" from the upgrade box.

Not the best paintjob but not horrible.

-1 Sword Brother for 24 points

-9 initiates with standard bolt guns at 14 points each for a total of 126.

-Comes out to a nice round 150.

Was a bit reluctant to put any heavy or special weapons on these guys as they are my first squad. 






I'll get that box to put on the second crusader squad and then mix some of the models around for a bit of variety.

Also have some terminators that I am waiting to put together until I have said upgrade box.

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I have been playing Tau since 4th edition and Eldar since 5th edition.  Warhammer is a fun game, although its seems that each edition involves less actual tactics and more over the top power list (fortunately I have Eldar so I can play over the top power list if that is what is required).




That's why I prefer Horus Heresy. It's harder to break the balance here. No completely broken units, no formations and huge variety of viable playstyles. That's my choice.


You could just switch back to an older edition.  Formations weren't a thing until 6th edition.  Personally, I wouldn't mind trying Horus Heresy myself except for the obvious problem that it excludes xenos factions entirely. 

Edited by Twilight Dirac
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I have played a few of the RPGs (Dark Heresy, Deathwatch, and Black Crusade). Also in the process of building a Necron army for the tabletop. I got some funny moments from those RPGs that I can share later

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I have played a few of the RPGs (Dark Heresy, Deathwatch, and Black Crusade). Also in the process of building a Necron army for the tabletop. I got some funny moments from those RPGs that I can share later


The RPGs are cracking good fun - I've played Rogue Trader and run Only War (and a little bit of Black Crusade.)


Playing as a discipline-heavy, straight-laced, honest-to-the-Emperor Guard officer advising an eccentric and ignorant Rogue Trader was most amusing at times:


"...would we be able to build stronger servitors out of greenskin bodies?"

"That would be heresy, sir."

"What? Really? Heresy? I won't stand for heresy on my ship!"

"No, sir."

"Have whoever planted the idea of such an insidious course of action executed immediately."

"Yes sir."


We got through a lot of junior advisers...

Edited by Once In A Blue Moon
  • Brohoof 1

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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You could just switch back to an older edition.  Formations weren't a thing until 6th edition.  Personally, I wouldn't mind trying Horus Heresy myself except for the obvious problem that it excludes xenos factions entirely. 

I'd like to switch to some older edition, but I'll be the only one playing it around here. Playing against yourself is kind'a close to insanity, unless it's a simple testing.

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Long time ago I hated WH... cuz it's silly XD

You know all that stuff like space knights are fighting space orkz and space demos (also elves, undeads etc...)


But then I got that I shouldn't take it seriously, it's just funny )


Me personally is too lazy to collect own army, but I played tabbletop game with starter pack of friend and some proxy armies.


So I'm just enjoying with the universe playing vidya games and readin books.


Talking about factions prefferenses, Raven Guards and Imperial Fists are cool... And blood for Blood God of course 9_9



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General question, has anyone played an Apocalypse game? 

Are they as fun as they look? 


Thinking ahead here a bit, perhaps after Black Templars I would do Imperial Guard, they'd be allies in the larger games. 

Imperial Guard would have Yarick, it would be a bit of narrative spinning of the 3rd war for Armageddon. 






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General question, has anyone played an Apocalypse game?  Are they as fun as they look? 


My experience is of quite a lot of set-up, a couple of turns of big guns and then we'd run out of time. Having several players on each side (usually necessary to reach these kinds of points) also slows things down a lot ("Ok, so I'll have First Squad of First Platoon shoot at them. Then Second Squad, then Third, then we'll start with Second Platoon...")

  • Brohoof 2

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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General question, has anyone played an Apocalypse game?  Are they as fun as they look? 


Apocalypse games can be a lot of fun, but they can also be absolute disasters.  It depends on the planning that goes into them and the attitude and maturity of the players involved.  If you want to play an Apocalypse be aware of the following:


-Apocalypse games take time and will probably be an all day affair.  Make sure you schedule a full day for an Apocalypse game.


-5000 points is the absolute maximum a single player can manage in a reasonable amount of time, even accounting for large superheavy units.  While it can be tempting to field everything you own, don't, you will never actually finish the game.  5000 is the absolute maximum a single player can field.  Granted if running teams of players than each side will have more than 5000 points.


-Warhammer 40k has never been known for its game balance and this goes double for Apocalypse.  If you set out to break the game using rules exploits and broken combos or formations, you will succeed at breaking the game.  Don't do this, and make sure other players understand not to do this as well.


-As there is no force org chart it can be tempting to run minimum size squads of everything because that tends to be more advantageous for the points, but 5000 points of minimum size squads can slow the game to a crawl.  Bring squads of reasonable sizes.


-Beware of broken stratagems.  Many are reasonable, but some can ruin the game.  Stratagems to watch out for include Flank March and the one that eliminates deepstrike scatter.  And just ban Signal Jammers outright, take my word on this one.


-It is often tempting to run thematic Apocalypse games such a Imperium vs. Orkz, but be advised that the combined forces of the Imperium comprising approximately half the codices and the game and enjoying enormous forgeworld support will overpower the other individual factions with the possible exception of Eldar.  Either restrict the Imperium to a single faction or face them off against a coalition of other codices that also get to enjoy the battle brothers or at least allies of convenience rules.  


-If you are about to start a game and it looks like one side has the overwhelming advantage, switch up the teams and factions until it looks like the sides of even.  It is very easy for one side to steamroll the other immediately if you are not careful.


-Remember to be a good sport and have fun.

Edited by Twilight Dirac
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  • 1 month later...

Does anyone else think of the Imperium of Man as Medieval Europe with a bit of Ancient Rome?


That's more or less exactly what it is, the 40K universe was basically a port of the Warhammer Fantasy universe into a science fiction setting.  In Warhammer Fantasy, the Empire was essentially medieval Germany, and the rough 'flavour' of it was loosely carried over to the Imperium of 40K.  Obviously there have been lots of changes made since its introduction, after all, GW struggle to stick to the same lore for more than a few years at a time before retconning everything in later iterations of their franchises.

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That's more or less exactly what it is, the 40K universe was basically a port of the Warhammer Fantasy universe into a science fiction setting.  In Warhammer Fantasy, the Empire was essentially medieval Germany, and the rough 'flavour' of it was loosely carried over to the Imperium of 40K.  Obviously there have been lots of changes made since its introduction, after all, GW struggle to stick to the same lore for more than a few years at a time before retconning everything in later iterations of their franchises.

Yeah. They even retconned a faction called the Squats. Heck, they don't even like talking about the Squats.

If the Imperium is Medieval Europe, then that probably makes the Space Marines the knights, and the Imperial Guard and PDF'S the regular men-at-arms and peasant levies, basically your average Medieval soldier.

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