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open [Still accepting new characters!]Strifes of Pandora


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  On 2016-11-25 at 1:30 AM, genessee said:



As Lance waited for his doom, he noticed another mare staggering nearby. What would a mare like her be doing out here, no armor, not weapons... To his horror, Lance noticed a severed leg bleeding from the mare's drooling mouth. Oh. A cannibal. Gee, what a great addition to my day. Not only will I be killed by the mare with the gun, my corpse will be eaten by a cannibal. The cannibalistic mare settled down nearby, similar to a vulture waiting for roadkill. On second thought, she resembles a zombie more than a human cannibal... Lance shuddered. Great. Just great.


Blood Drops blinked at the stallion, She finished off her leg and tossed the hoof parts away, she didn't like the hoof parts. She then stared at the stallion, she could have room for desert. She waited for him to do something stupid, hopefully he would either kill that mare, or get himself killed. Then she could have a snack. She became inpatient and snorted, maybe she needed to attract the mare's attention to the underside of the vehicle. She put her riffle onto the floor and pointed it at the rear tire, she then fired. Shooting the rear tire out. She then backed off slightly, she didn't want to have pot shots taken at her. 

Edited by BloodDrops
  • Brohoof 1






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@@BloodDrops and @@Hazard Time


Lance was dumbfounded. The bullet hole near him told him one of two things: either the zombie had attempted to kill him, or the zombie was... Lances eyes widened and slowly, a single thought came to him: He was bucked. He knew that the zombie had attracted attention to him, he was a goner for sure. Welp, you had a good run. On second thought, not really. But fate happens, I guess... well, it's only a matter of time. Lance settled into his damp, uncomfortable spot under the buggy. Well, in a few seconds I'll be found out. Then I'll be dead, and eaten. Great way to die, huh? And if I hadn't wanted to be a hero, I'll bet I could've been in my nice, warm tent on the hill. Not dead. Not a worry in the world. Sigh... Lance turned to glare at the zombie mare one last time. She had backed up. Anger shot through Lance's veins. If it weren't for YOU, I might've made it. But no, you had to attract attention. Well, I hope you're happy. Tears fought to escape Lance's eyes, but he brushed them away violently. You were always a crybaby, don't let your last moments be crying.

  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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Following down the junk littered hills and following what heap of a path he found Haven just in its distance. Surrounded only by Junk, Junk and more junk. Fantastic, just like this rock planet. Back to a brisk jog, he approached to the northwestern gate, seemed locked tight. He pressed on the intercom. 


"Oh ho! Why hey! SO umm.. Yeah the door's broken uhh you need to walk to the front gate. Like... yeah." A rather casual pre-recorded message played. 


"Well then." Fall gave an unamused expression beginning his extended trip toward the front gate, oh what a time waste.


With only the crunch of his boots his audible que with the echoing fans blazing on the other side of the wall he zoned out slightly till a buzz to his Echo pulled him. Oh lookie that commander fellow just in orbit.


"Fallskir, Maliwan employee vehicle access doesn't reach out to this section of space. You'll also need to apply with New-U on a Hyperion Spawn station-" Fallskir soon interupted him.


"Yes yes. I'll handle it. Better leave before one of those Hyperion laddies notice you. They'd shoot you down rather quick." Fallskir replied as he approached the gate passing about through and toward the New U station just by the small garage shacks.


"Alright then. Corvo-Serria will be making departure. It's a one way stop. Have a good one." The ship commander gave his final sayings and departed. 

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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I kept eyeballing the sides of the rock formations as I walked, and looked back over my flank at the griffon's question.


"Well... I used to be about... what, maybe twenty summers?  I think.  But that was a while back; not exactly sure, to be honest."


There were at least six new cameras in place since the last time I checked, and that had admittedly been quite a while ago... like, years.  Still, the old familiar ones were there; still clicking and humming away.  But it was the ones that made even the slightest noise that you really had to search for.  


Yep, there's that old paranoia creeping up on me.  That, or gas.


Either way, there was a helluva bombshell on its way to being dropped... and I was riding that thing all the way to the end, just like Dr. Strangehoof.  Whether or not it would do any good would be up to how well a walking sunburn, some big-shot merc and... well, whatever HER problem turned out to be.  Everypony had one.


And I was as far from exception as you could get.


"Now a lotta the stuff you'll see here is gonna LOOK like standard tech and even junk - but keep in mind that some REALLY freaky wireheads have been ALL OVER these things... and there's not a single thing in there that's what it looks to be.  I wouldn't even trust the water fountains."


It... had been a while since I'd had any semblance of another pony's company - let alone two - so... I guess I was blabbing on a bit.  Maybe I should just shut my yap and enjoy (ha. ha.) the scenery, right?


After all, we were out among some of the colored mesas in the farther reaches of the nothing that surrounded that hellhole of Haven;  they'd been originally dyed with the different sands that had layered due to the tiny magnetic force most dirt carries with it, plus the affect of gravity on the... the...


I sighed and shook my head in wonder; when I got turned into a fried raisin, I sorta gave up on my scientific work... but sometimes, old habits die hard.  

=====  ( 0=====


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Even water fountains were unsafe?  Dusk Rose spent a moment trying to list all the ways a normal piece of technology could be made lethal.  Poisonous water, tin can bombs, microwaves with toxic gas inside, closets one would do very well to get the living hell out of, robots that released venomous snakes-


Wait, was she indirectly thinking about her new corrosive rounds?  Oh come on, now's not the time!


Deep breath, few moments hesitation, and,"Can any of these devices see through invisibility spells?"

  • Brohoof 2


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Vampira stays quiet and follows but keeps ahold of her gun with her magic in case someone tries to mess with them again she smiles at nightlight when he tells her she is capable of taking care of her self and nods then helps carry him to the doctor. She nods at Kronos

"Ok that's a good idea, let's go." She walks with him and looks back at nightlight

"take care of yourself.dont get into any trouble we'll see you later" she smiles and then continues on with Kronos.

Hello I am Vampira heart queen of all batponies! I love meeting all kinds of different ponies defiantly if your kind and looking for a friend :pinkie::wacko::derp: I am someone you can talk to if you ever need to :rarity::catface: but I love making friends! :fluttershy: so add me as your friend if you like! :kindness:


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"Right then," Kronos said to NIghtlight before turning towards Vampira, "Now, let's try and get our arses outta here before some of those damn wankers try and get a hold of our heads. Me and Nightlight here were already attacked by a drone from one of them, who knows how many more can be out here. C'mon, love, let's get to the truck."

Edited by Kronos the Revenant
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So around his late twenties and an egghead to boot, plus whatever freaky power he used when the drone got involved. This stallion was full of surprises and Whitetip was enjoying every bit of it. The stallion's combat capabilities seemed more developed than one would expect out of a scientist, but Pandora had a way of weeding out the weak in a short period of time. The griffon simply nodded his head in response to the stallion's response. After a bit of walking and silence the stallion spoke up a brought up some new information about the facility and its inhabitants. It was to say the least peculiar, whatever the scientist underground were up to they seemed to have had enough free time to make some wacky stuff.


"So these guys like taking menial crap and turning it into weird and dangerous new technologies? Man these guys have got a lot of time on their hands. I honestly expect no less from scientist on a planet like Pandora, everyone here is fricking crazy. Eitherway, I doubt any of us will be using any of their faculties so you don't gotta worry about that one bit." Whitetip would of stayed quiet after saying his peace but Rose's question and look of worry made the griffon feel some doubt about the bravery of his companion, though on second thought a cyborg army would turn many individuals away.


"On top of her question do ya mind telling us what type of weaponry these goons are armed with? Judging from what you've told me I have a fair idea of what we'll be facing but if there is anything more you can tell us we'll have a better chance of taking down whatever meets us underground." The most technologically advanced opponents Whitetip had faced were top of the line robots/turrets and agents equipped with expensive gizmos funded by corporations. Considering the fellas underground were cut off from the large sums of money their parent company Whitetip assumed they had nothing too out of this world. Limited resources grew creativity however and whatever they had guarding the base would probably be fairly unorthodox. However, the griffon was not discouraged at the thought, he was more focused on how he'd benefit from the results of the assault.

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Reaching his hand out he allowed the scanner to take note of his biometric signature. 

"ID Recognized. Do you wish to apply for Hyperion New-U Station services?" The automated machine spoke.


"Yes." He said with little tone. 


"User ID registered with Maliwan Corp Bounty Service! Nice to meet you rival scum!" The female machine mocked.


"Fuck you." Fallskir again replied. 


"Well somepony has very little humor. Registration authorized. As a gift your first spawn will be waivered for free. Have a nice day.... scum!" The machine added with a scoffing finish. Fallskir just raised his eyebrow and turned about heading toward the a drink stand just ahead near the Town Offices. 

The mixture of ponies and other creatures that sit by at the open street drink bar look to Fallskir with intrigue as he hoped onto his seat. The griffon tender approached.

"Just came from orbit?" He asked.

"Water please." Fallkskir gave his order.

"Well then.." Came the reply. With a fresh poured bottle from under the counter he hands it to him. "Pay please?" The griffon asked.


Nodding he reached behind him into his little zipper pouch near his waist showing his digital wallet. With the griffons Pay Scanner ready he swipes at it charging him for the drink.

"Spas Dikim*." Fallskir gave thanks, the dark brown griffon gave a smile as he adjusted his neck scarf.


*Spas Dikim: Thank you.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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  On 2016-11-25 at 2:14 AM, genessee said:

@@BloodDrops and @@Hazard Time


Lance was dumbfounded. The bullet hole near him told him one of two things: either the zombie had attempted to kill him, or the zombie was... Lances eyes widened and slowly, a single thought came to him: He was bucked. He knew that the zombie had attracted attention to him, he was a goner for sure. Welp, you had a good run. On second thought, not really. But fate happens, I guess... well, it's only a matter of time. Lance settled into his damp, uncomfortable spot under the buggy. Well, in a few seconds I'll be found out. Then I'll be dead, and eaten. Great way to die, huh? And if I hadn't wanted to be a hero, I'll bet I could've been in my nice, warm tent on the hill. Not dead. Not a worry in the world. Sigh... Lance turned to glare at the zombie mare one last time. She had backed up. Anger shot through Lance's veins. If it weren't for YOU, I might've made it. But no, you had to attract attention. Well, I hope you're happy. Tears fought to escape Lance's eyes, but he brushed them away violently. You were always a crybaby, don't let your last moments be crying.


Blood Drops had gotten bored, she needed entertaining, she crept towards the possible meal on legs. It could entertain her before she ate it, she had decided. She carried the stripped leg bone over to him and dropped it several meters away from him. She then nudged it forwards towards him, the meaning was clear, she wanted him to throw the bone. She showed off her sharp teeth, she blinked at him realizing he was stuck, she had done that. She snorted, this problem was easily fixed. She used her head and picked up the buggy tossing it onto its side, sheltering them from the hunter mare.


She then pushes the bone forward, then waited.






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@@genessee @@BloodDrops


Just as Bronze was about to move around to the back, a sudden bullet zipped by her and pierced her wheel.  Instinctively, she swung around her Dahl assault rifle and pointed it in the general direction the shot had come from.  She bit down on the trigger bit and fired wildly off into the distance, the tat-tat-tat-tat of the verdantly camouflaged weapon echoing amongst the badlands.  She emptied about a quarter of her magazine before she came back to her senses.  There was nopony there?  Then where had it come from?


Masked bandits were quick to appear on the walls, their guns pointing in every direction, including Bronze's.  "What're you doin' here, little filly?  Come to play patty-cake with Dead Hoof?" one of the bandits yelled.


"Some merchant bankah just shot me tire out!" she yelled back, cycling out her weapon's magazine.  "I'm 'ere to speak to Dead 'oof, I got a bounty for 'im."  Bronze walked back around and untied the unicorn from the car, dragging him around to the side.


"'bout time you got back!" the gatekeeper shouted.  "He was about to think you'd made off with his collection, too!"  The bandit mare slammed her hoof against a button and the main entrance rose up.  Bronze gave one last look at her car.  She'd leave it here, it was useless now.  At least there was a Catch-A-Ride station nearby, the only problem was it was a nice fifteen minute walk from here across bandit-infested desert, and the Dead Hooves weren't the only gang in these parts.


Bronze walked through the gate, and the other ponies came down off the wall.  The portcullis would remain open for a short while before somepony would finally remember to close it.

  • Brohoof 1

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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Questions were to be expected, I knew that... but these weren't stupid questions.  Glad to hear it, as they were gonna be the ones following me into a living Tartarus like parasprites to an oompah horn.  At least they had some foresight as to find out ahead of time, right?


But how was I gonna describe what they'd been doing down there?


"Devices seeing through Inviso-magic?  I don't think so, no... but that isn't the case with some of the bigger troubles."


Maybe I could keep it simple... not 'cause I thought they wouldn't get it, but because I didn't need to spend the next several hours going into details.


"The stuff my 'study group' was supposed to be looking into?  It's called Eridium... and it does some REALLY NASTY STUFF when you introduce different kinds of energy to it - particularly elemental energy.  The one we were looking into was... well... dark energy, for lack of wanting to explain more than I should.  The upshot was ME... and you can kinda see how I turned out."


I couldn't help but give a slight sigh as I continued.


"Well, there were all SORTS of resources available to the labs at one point - not now, of course - but they've been screwing with it since my... uhm, 'incarceration', let's call it.  By the time I got out, it'd been a good bit of time they'd had to play with their new toys - by now, even longer still.  Might even be stuff in there that I don't know about, to be honest."


"But imagine if you were a colt - or, what, a birdling? - stuck in a small room, and the ONLY thing you had to play with was a box of crayons, right?  Well, consider the idea of exactly HOW MUCH YOU'D DO with said crayons during your time there, especially after a few years.  Remember: no contact with the outside world, no distractions, no one over your shoulder telling you to slow down, or even stop you..."


I turned to give a pointed look.  "Yeah, the scientists have gone technicolor vomit in their little room - and the picture they've painted is SCARY."


Turning back, I stepped a little lighter.  "Now, as for prep for this fiasco, I've already put together a nice little 'care package' for 'em - which is part of the reason we're going in on hoof.  After all, I originally expected to be doing this alone; the fact you're here simply means you two get some gifts from me before we sally forth."


The griffon probably had more than enough to deal with a number of issues, but a bit extra wouldn't hurt, I suppose... but that mare was gonna need all the help she could get.


"But it's gonna be important to remember that there's gonna be a LOT of elemental damage flying about, and I'm pretty sure that there's gonna be some magic involved as well.  ATLUS weaponry might've been their goal, once upon a time... but currently?  I'd say we'll be looking at a jury-rigged mishmash of a NUMBER of different things, actually..."


I shivered just a bit.


"... because Doc Skinner's all about splicing and dicing, I promise you that."


I was waiting to see which one of the two would try to look up ol' Skinny's profile first - because they'd never find it.  Skinner had been one of those employees at ATLUS who'd been allowed to do whatever he wanted; the first thing he'd wanted was ALL of his personal information transferred directly to hard copy, with anything electronic being deleted with extreme prejudice.  Only reason I'd known about that was because my science team'd drawn a blank hacking for info themselves.


Doc Skinner technically didn't exist... which was how he'd wanted it.  Soon, if the Fates were kind to me, he REALLY wouldn't exist.


Because HE was the reason I'd gotten to be like this.  HE was the bastard behind the glass smiling as he watched the thing in me tear apart my teammates.  HE giggled like a schoolfilly when he saw I hadn't died like the others.  And HE was the one who'd taken so much pride and enjoyment out of the torturous things he'd done to the two of us.


Now, HE was my priority; my life be damned as long as I got him.


Of course, I couldn't let the other two with me catch on that I wasn't planning on making it out alive - better to let 'em simply follow along.  If they got killed, they got killed... if not, let 'em loot the place, for all I cared.  Whatever Fate had in store for them, I gave not a single rut.


"Should be plenty of stuff to take outta there - if you survive, you could both be rich.  Or at least well-damn-armed."


I began turning towards the direction the crate was buried in; wouldn't be long before we got to it, and then we were lab-bound.


Luna help us.

=====  ( 0=====


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@@Hazard Time @@BloodDrops


Lance's jaw dropped. First she sells me out. Then she wants me to play FETCH? Lance wrinkled his nose in disgust. And, of course, she wants me to throw a severed leg. Lance stayed put. He could hear shouts around him. The voices sounded like thugs, and then there was the mare's voice. The undead pony seemed oblivious to the commotion. Lance decided to focus on the voices right now, it may help him in the future. If there is one. Lance reminded himself. More yelling and talk of this 'Dead 'oof', but the thugs called him Dead Hoof. The mare must have an accent, or something. He could hear the prisoner being lifted from the buggy, and the thugs and mare leaving. Well, it's just me and the undead pony now. Lance slowly crept out from under the buggy and was face to face with the zombified mare. Hopefully if I throw the leg she'll leave me alone... oh, god. This is going to scar me for life, I know it. Lance picked up the remains of the severed leg and threw it as far away as possible, then furiously rubbed his hooves that had touched the legs on the dirt below him. I may never look at my hooves the same way again... Lance examined his surroundings. He immediately noticed a portcullis open behind him. Two voices began fighting in his head. One screamed RUN! YOU'RE LUCKY TO BE ALIVE! DON'T BE THE HERO! but, the second said What is in there, after all? You came all this way and you're gonna pretend it never happened? Plus, you don't know the way back. Lance had to agree with the second one. He didn't know the way back. Also, if he ran the undead pony might find him. If he walked through the gate, if he does get caught, he'll only be shot to death, not eaten. Stupid curiosity, why must you do this to me?.. Lance slunk into the gate.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@@Hazard Time, @@genessee,



Blood Drops ran after the bone, he was the first actual pony to throw it, she had to eat the others for not participating, it was just basic rudeness if you refused to play fetch with a zombie. She picked the bone up and gave it a nibble, she turned around and realized the bone tossing pony had disappeared. She blinked confused, before spotting him ducking under some sort of gate. She frowned, she hadn't actually got that close to that place before, though she had to return the bone, since its was rude otherwise. She continued to nibble on it and followed him. 


She passed under the gate and glanced at the portcullis, there was a circle with other larger sticks attached to it. She dropped her severed leg and grabbed one of the wooden sticks, since it was bigger then the one she already had. She tugged the stick out of the hole which caused the portcullis to slam shut, she jumped backwards at the sudden noise, and began to sniff the air for her stick throwing pony. She detected his scent and began to follow it, she eventually bumped into his flank, she dropped the larger stick at his hooves.


Her ear twitched, she heard voices coming this way. She blinked at him and nudged the stick towards him more urgently. Maybe he wanted to play with the other ponies coming, it was a possibility. She blinked at him waiting.






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@@genessee @@BloodDrops


Bronze followed the bandits through the center of the fort, her eyes looking wearily about her.  Just because they weren't shooting at her didn't mean that she felt safe here.  She could feel all the eyes on her, especially her hooves.  Just what this gang's fetish for hooves was, she couldn't rightly identify, but it all seemed to stem from their leader, the one who set their agenda.  If she had a choice, she wouldn't have anything to do with these psychos, except she owed them a favor.  Well, hopefully it was just one.


The bandit leading the group stopped at the largest of the shacks and pulled back the sheet covering the doorway.  She turned to look at the bounty hunter and cocked her head towards the door.  Bronze gulped and entered into the large room, and came face to face with the king of the psychos, himself.


"Well, well, if it ain't my little princess from Coltney," Dead Hoof announced, jumping up from his makeshift throne upon a pile of junk.  "And I see you got me my stallion!  I'll keep him for later.  In the mean time, I think you're lookin' for a reward."

As the other bandits dragged the thief away, Bronze kept her eyes focused on the warlord before her.  "Exactly.  I was promised five hundred bits and me freedom, if you can remembah correctly."


"Oh yeah, I'll get right to that, but before I do...git her, boys!"  Suddenly, the bounty hunter found herself tackled and pinned to the ground by a couple of bandits who held her legs out at her sides.


"What the-...What's the meanin' of this, Dead 'oof!  I did what you wanted, now let me go, you plonka!"


"Y'know, I've been thinkin' on this fer a while, now, been thinkin' 'bout your hooves.  They're just the cutest li'l things I ever did see, and wanted 'em so badly.  I'm also a pony of my word, so I reconciled it by simply treating myself to just one of 'em.  That ain't so bad, just one of your hooves.  You could get it replaced with...somethin', I don't know!  Just one!"


"'ow about no, you bloody feavah pluckah!"  Bronze took in as deep a breath as she could and gave one last desperate cry for help.  It was worth it, right?  Even if she was in a bandit camp, surrounded by enemies and miles from the nearest settlement, somepony good had to hear her, right?

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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  On 2016-11-27 at 7:47 PM, Hazard Time said:

@@genessee @@BloodDrops


Bronze followed the bandits through the center of the fort, her eyes looking wearily about her.  Just because they weren't shooting at her didn't mean that she felt safe here.  She could feel all the eyes on her, especially her hooves.  Just what this gang's fetish for hooves was, she couldn't rightly identify, but it all seemed to stem from their leader, the one who set their agenda.  If she had a choice, she wouldn't have anything to do with these psychos, except she owed them a favor.  Well, hopefully it was just one.


The bandit leading the group stopped at the largest of the shacks and pulled back the sheet covering the doorway.  She turned to look at the bounty hunter and cocked her head towards the door.  Bronze gulped and entered into the large room, and came face to face with the king of the psychos, himself.


"Well, well, if it ain't my little princess from Coltney," Dead Hoof announced, jumping up from his makeshift throne upon a pile of junk.  "And I see you got me my stallion!  I'll keep him for later.  In the mean time, I think you're lookin' for a reward."


As the other bandits dragged the thief away, Bronze kept her eyes focused on the warlord before her.  "Exactly.  I was promised five hundred bits and me freedom, if you can remembah correctly."


"Oh yeah, I'll get right to that, but before I do...git her, boys!"  Suddenly, the bounty hunter found herself tackled and pinned to the ground by a couple of bandits who held her legs out at her sides.


"What the-...What's the meanin' of this, Dead 'oof!  I did what you wanted, now let me go, you plonka!"


"Y'know, I've been thinkin' on this fer a while, now, been thinkin' 'bout your hooves.  They're just the cutest li'l things I ever did see, and wanted 'em so badly.  I'm also a pony of my word, so I reconciled it by simply treating myself to just one of 'em.  That ain't so bad, just one of your hooves.  You could get it replaced with...somethin', I don't know!  Just one!"


"'ow about no, you bloody feavah pluckah!"  Bronze took in as deep a breath as she could and gave one last desperate cry for help.  It was worth it, right?  Even if she was in a bandit camp, surrounded by enemies and miles from the nearest settlement, somepony good had to hear her, right?


Blood Drops ear twitched, she detected a scream. She snorted at the stick thrower to follow her and she picked up her stick and quickly trotted towards its source, screaming meant food, and food was more important that playing, it was also away from the ponies coming this way. So she moved towards it, she came to a small shack with the door open, you shouldn't really leave the doors open, any pony could just wonder in. Which is exactly what happened Blood Drops trotted in, and glanced at the scene in-front of her, still carrying her stick.


She blinked at the hunter mare pinned to the floor, screaming. Blood Drops snorted, she glanced at the stallions pinning her, that was very disrespectful indeed. If you wanted to play, you didn't gang up on one member of the herd. She blinked at them and then gave them a sort and a low growl, a sign of her disapproval, they could play that odd game, she would play with the lead stallion instead, he wasn't busy, so he could play nudge the stick. She frowned at the groups before turning her attention onto the lead stallion, she blinked twice at him to get his attention, she then flicked her tail a sign of her saying hello. 


She blinked at him, the standard Zombie response for 'I'm talking to you' and then dropped her stick to the ground, she then nudged it towards him. She waited for him to pick it up, she kept her eyes on the lesser herd members, if they interfered then she would deal with them accordingly. Same with the lead stallion, if he ignored her then she wouldn't be too impressed either. While she waited she let out a yawn, her first warning and final warning to the group.






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@@Hazard Time @@BloodDrops


Lance had just gotten into a fort of some kind. He was able to stick to the shadows and none of the thugs could see him. Idiots. Heh, it's fun to call someone else an idiot and it to be true. Suddenly, Lance felt a nudge at his flank. "AG-- oh." It was just the zombie pony. She placed a large stick in front of Lance. Oh, hey. It's not a leg this time. Awesome. Lance picked up the stick and prepared to toss it away from the fort, when he noted that they would see him [and kill him]. He decided to keep the stick and throw it later. Lance patted the undead mare's head and whispered in his best talking-to-a-puppy voice, "We'll keep this for later, won't we?" Lance took a few steps forward, both eyes on the thugs [Who hadn't heard the commotion at all] when a cry came from a large shack deep inside the camp. That sounded like the mare! Uh, the alive one. Lance wanted to be a hero. Desperately. But there's no way I could get inside the fort without anybody seeing me, and I'm unarmed! Or am I?.. Lance examined the large stick the zombie had given him. I have no idea how to fight, and chances are this stick is going to break as soon as I hit someone with it... Lance looked towards where the plead for help had come. Lance, listen. If you don't get your flank out there and fight, she is going to die. Even if you fail on your way to the shack, you will die knowing that you tried. Lance looked at the undead pony next to him., only to see it had left. Welp. That's no companion to help me, I guess. Lance then slowly walked towards the nearest group of thugs. One of them chuckled. "Didja hear that, Y'all? That Bronze bastard is gonna get her hooves on Dead 'oofs shelf!" The stallion cackled. Wow, that was a lot of information in one sentence... so the mare's name is Bronze? Cool. She's gonna get her hooves on Dead Hoof's shelf? Well, not nearly as cool. Hopefully mine don't end up on there as well. The thug sipped a mug of beer. Lance crept up behind him, and whispered in his ear, "Surprise!" before bludgeoning him with the stick. A loud CRACK! echoed through the camp. The thug stood still for a second, then collapsed. What happened next was chaos. Lance managed to grab a rifle off of the thug and began firing away into the crowds, all the while moving towards the large shack. Bullets whizzed past his head. "EAT LEAD, YOU MURDERERS!" Lance bellowed as his rifle fired bullet after bullet. After what seemed like decades, Lance made his way inside the shack. He slammed the door behind him and barricaded it with his rifle. Lance turned around, ash and blood on his entire body. He uttered, "Hey, Dead Hoof. Lets make you true to your name: Dead."

Edited by genessee

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@@genessee @@BloodDrops


Dead Hoof glared at the new pony entering the shack, and Bronze looked up as well, terror written in her eyes.  "Hey!  Wait your turn outside," the chieftain growled.  "Everypony here'll get their turn later."  Just as he was about to reach for the cleaver beside him, he stopped.  "Wait a minute, who're you, and how'd get in here?"


Before his question could be answered, the gunfire from outside confirmed the stallion's fears as he ran back behind his throne.  The two bandits pinning Bronze both shifted themselves to reach for their weapons, and this gave the pegasus mare all she needed to wrench her wings free, cradle both of their heads, and then smash them together.  After shoving the unconscious bodies off of her, the mare picked up her rifle and nodded towards the strange green pony who had saved her.


"I 'aven't a daring 'o you are, but you 'ave me fanks, mate."


When the stallion charged in, Bronze raised her rifle but held her fire.  He didn't look like a bandit, and his rallying cry identified him as an ally.  "Save your breath," she growled.  "I don't 'ave time for this, and if you wanna live, you'll come wif me, too."


Suddenly, from out of the corner of her eye, Bronze saw movement.  Turning back towards the throne, she saw Dead Hoof, holding a shotgun in his mouth.  The yellow paint job with black and white checkers made her eyes go wide with recognition.  "Bloody 'ell, 'e's got a Torgue!"  The psycho stallion bit down on the trigger bit and a dozen rocket-propelled explosive charges shot from out of the barrel towards the heroes.  The pegasus dove for cover just in time as they impacted the wall, exploding and blowing the entire panel out.


"Go!  Move!" she bellowed, diving out through the new hole.


"When I'm done with y'all, I'm gonna play house in your chest cavities!"




    Protip: Run

Edited by Hazard Time
  • Brohoof 1

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Hazard Time @@BloodDrops


Bronze was free and didn't look like she was in any danger. In fact, she was pointing a rifle at Lance. There were two unconscious bandits on the floor nearby, and.. Wow, I have a big showoff, and I come in here guns ablazin', and the zombie pony somehow got here first. Lance was about to comment on the thugs behind Bronze, but was cut off by a gunshot, and an explosion on the shack's wall. When the dust cleared, Bronze and the zombie mare [Lance wanted to catch the zombie's name if she had one, he was getting annoyed at not knowing anything] began to escape out the new hole in the wall. Lance followed after grabbing his new rifle from barricading the door. On his way out, he managed to grab a round of ammo. Dead Hoof shouted threats after him as Lance staggered back out into the badlands and caught up with the others. What now? I mean, Dead Hoof and his cronies are going to chase us down, and they'll probably have cars and buggies and more guns. Man, I need to be optimistic more often.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@@Randimaxis, @@Ranger22,  


Being an artist, Dusk Rose was tempted to say that she would've tried to draw some stuff to sell later.  Of course, she had a feeling it wouldn't be pretty waterfalls and sunsets on the walls.  The first thing that came to mind were walls covered in messages and symbols dripping down into crimson pools on the floor.


Anyways, with that jolly image out of the way, she couldn't help but sigh in relief.  That meant her preferred method of fighting wasn't going to be useless down there, at least for the most part.  Plus, she could probably sneak in and swipe anything that looked promising in terms of information.  Papers, flash drives, anything.  Of course, she couldn't just get anything.  Trying to get anything in sight would be like stealing a whole library section of DIY books hoping at least one of them is the one on brewing coffee.  Besides, keeping something like an employee manifest or a list of contracts on herself would make her a target for all sorts of trouble already.


Tainting this brief flash of relief was the mention of heavy use of elemental damage and magic.  She might be able to make use of the augmentation magic and other stuff in the codex (though with her special talent, it would take quite a while), but she was no student of magic, no matter how her mother tried to make her one.  All of that though, wasn't what started to fill her with dread.  The very mention of there being folks in the lab using magic was enough to make her look visibly scared for about a fleeting five seconds.  Her only comfort was in seeing Mr. Mummy shiver, though she suspected it wasn't for the same exact reasons she was.


On the plus side though, hey, more useful stuff!


"...By any chance, do you know where they keep records?  Of, say, who's working for them, their pony experiments, all of that?  That's why I'm here."  And because I'm suspecting something I don't want to admit to myself even though with this new revelation, all the evidence is starting to point here now.  Of course, they didn't have to know all that.

Edited by Light of Night
  • Brohoof 3


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"Practically everyone knows about Eridium on Pandora, has a market for it back in New Haven as I'm sure you know. It works wonders as an energy source as Hyperion proved, and weapons using it are powerful and even more powerful. How this group of yours got away with enough Eridium to fuel their experiments without Hyperion sending orbital bombardments on their asses is beyond me. But whatever they got going down there ain't CEO approved and I plan to get some bonus pay from some yellow striped chumps. If these guys got new ways to tinker with Hyperion's favorite mineral I'll see to it that they learn to share." The griffon in had no particular loyalties to Hyperion, they weren't exactly the safest company to work under. But if there was room for more money he'd take it, if Hyperion tried to pull a fast one he'd simply just kill whoever is sent to deal with him and wear some spiffy new yellow armor. 


Whitetip had gotten over the groups logical existence in the amount of time the group had been walking, but with every tidbit of information given the griffon had more annoying questions come to mind. Like, how the hell did Hyperion let some up start company they owned do unapproved research behind their back and divert precious Eridium resources on Pandora? If one thing could be said about the bastards it'll be that they destroyed anything that could possibly undercut them with brutal efficiency, yet these psychos were sitting pretty eating glue and crayons! Back when he was serving Dahl things were simple. Guard the VIP, control riots, or take out the insurgents before they do too much damage. The reasoning for so were simple and made sense. But as soon as he flew his feathered ass into space and went freelance almost everything he had dealt with afterwards was bizarre or unnecessarily intricate. Truth be told the merc liked that about his job, but sometimes a taste of normalcy was required to keep ones sanity.


With a sigh the griffon once again took the information given to him and stored it for future use. He did a quick equipment check as habit permitted as he followed the stallion and Rose. Elemental weapons were a common enough sight, and weren't a problem if the user was killed quickly. The dahl power armor he had on his body was protection enough. His rifle would do well in putting down pony sized threats, and his elemental weapon would help whittle down anything bigger. If things got hairy a rocket launcher and grenades were ready to be digitized and used. The griffon felt a sense of confidence in his arsenal, one had to in order to succeed in these types of missions. What stuck in the griffon's mind however was Rose, what brand what her hat? The griffon simply smirked and kept silent as he followed the stallion, he felt that wherever they were heading was close.

Edited by Ranger22
  • Brohoof 2
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Deciding to take in the scenary he looked around in his swivel stool. Just down to his left seeing the flashing rundown sign of the gun store. His next stop. Beyond he noted the little CL4TPT tinkering about with the bounty board with its holosign flickering about in short bursts. To his right ignoring the odd looks by the locals close to him he looked back to the garage and gate entrance. Beyond there an opening gap led outward back to the path roads. 


Not the biggest settlement. He'd have to take a brief look around.


With drink in tow he headed left walking past the gunshop. His Echo gave off a notification. 


"Um hello? Hey ya! Down on the surface?" A digitally distorted voice spoke. 

"Who is this?" Fallskir replied stopping off the side of the path.

"I'm MW-3-01. 3 oh 1 is my usually nickname. I'm a low orbit Maliwan Patrol Satellite. I see you have yourself a former employee ID." 301 spoke.

"I'm not employeed." Fallskir replied. 

"Righty. I noticed that. So, I got nothing better do. How's about I tag along with you and give you some nifty info around here? You checked the latest bounties? There's a good price on someponies heads." The satellite replied in a gleeful tone.


Fallskir paused shrugging about with little interest. 


"I'll look at it later." He said.


"Give me a Sit-Rep around here." He commanded.

"Ohh superficial ehy? So you're on Pandora yeah. Lotta things happened sometime ago. Lotsa Eridium deposits are springing up all over the place! Here some small independent mines are starting. Dahl seems to not have a care much since their last gig didn't end well." 301 gave out his exposition. Fallskir listened intently.


"Hyperion and bunch of other companies got some schemes about. I've been detecting some movement about from them especially near Elpis. The moon." 301 added.


Fallksir nodded and approached into the Gun store noting at the vending machine. The display appearing on his Echo as he accessed the inventory. 


"Guns Guns Guns!!" An automated and rather hearty voice spoke up. 


"I've noticed you gave yourself a rather limited cash..." 301 spoke. 

"I've drained most of my account. I shared it to my family." He said.

"Well aren't you the generious type? Expecting an early obituary?" 301 commented.

"Possibly. Will all written out. " The canine spoke selecting on a Vladof Worker's Marksman Deluxe sniper rifle ((http://media-titanium.cursecdn.com/attachments/43/615/vladof_sr.png))


With it materializing into his paws he holds it up examining it with intrigue. Needed some kind of long range weapon figured he'd get something simple. Make it a little fair for his hapless future victims, it wouldn't matter. He snickered a little.


Pulling back on the charge he chambered his round. He liked the heft to it. Felt like a true rifle. Maliwan weapons are fine and all. It was his go to. But never matched the good aesthetic of traditional weapons like from Dahl, Vladof or Jakobs. Switching out his rifle disappated and his Umbrage SMG appeared in his paws.  

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@genessee @@BloodDrops


Bullets pinged all around her as Bronze dove behind a metal barricade.  For a split second, she peaked her muzzle around the corner and glanced towards the door from which they'd entered from, initially.  Not only was it closed, but it was also behind over a dozen hooting and hollering bandit raiders, shooting wildly in in their general direction.  If there was one thing the pegasus could be thankful for, it was that their percent chance of hitting a stationary target at fifty yards was proportional to the number of brain cells between them.


Time was ticking, and it was only a matter of time before they were surrounded and slaughtered.  There had to be another way out of here.  If they could drive out of here, maybe they could...




Bronze's eyes were immediately drawn to open ground behind them, wherein sat a rather beat-up but probably still-functioning buzzard.  A part of her wished that this was the only one Dead Hoof had, though it would suck if she couldn't get it off the ground.


"Leg it to the buzzard, you pillocks!" Bronze bellowed, raising her rifle and sighting in.  The Dahl weapon automatically changed to burst fire, and the mare swept her forward 90 degrees with deadly accurate four round bursts.  Several of the bandits ducked for cover in time, but a few were still caught out in the open, and only two of them had shields that were able to sustain her withering fire.  With the enemy suppressed, the pegasus galloped like mad for the flying machine and jumped in the pilot's seat.


"Cover me while I hardwire it!"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Hazard Time @@BloodDrops


Lance cowered behind a small boulder near his allies, bullets whizzing above him. Suddenly, Bronze shouted for someone to cover her and she darted out into the open, and fired into the crowds of criminals. Lance quickly loaded his stolen rifle and joined the fight. What's she going for, anyway? Lance glanced behind him to see Bronze galloping towards a small plane of some kind. "You sure we'll all fit in there?!" Lance shouted over the gunfire. In the time he had his attention elsewhere, a stray bullet drove into his front left leg. Lance cried out in pain and slid behind the barricade Bronze had ran from and collapsed. "I'll hold them off, try to get the plane working!" Lance shouted in Bronzes direction. Lance fired from behind his barricade, but missed almost all of his shots. Blood oozed from Lance's injured leg, and he looked at the undead pony. "My leg is not your snack. If you bite it, I'll... I'll..." Lance trailed off. I have no idea how I'm going to get to the plane if Bronze can get it working. If she could bring it closer, maybe I could limp to it, but I'm going to have to have even MORE luck than I already have had...

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@@Hazard Time@@genessee,


Blood blinked at the lead male and at the weapon. She frowned, she nudged him over before he could touch it. She was the lead female now. She then blinked at the strange new mare and back at the stick thrower. She followed him out who was following the other mare. She sat down when they sat at the metal barrier and she snorted at the loud noises.


She glanced at the stick thrower as he began making noises, Blood blinked at him and at the blood running down his leg, she sniffed it. She then glanced at the bad ponies that were currently rudely shooting them. She rummaged in her bag and brought out her toy, a large Frisbee. She tossed it at the nearest raider that had unsuccessfully tried to sneak up on them, you don't simply sneak up on a zombie. The raiders head came off and the Frisbee returned back to Blood. She jumped and caught it, taking a bullet in her shoulder for her trouble.


She frowned and chewed on the Frisbee making it begin to blink, she then tossed it at the group of hiding ponies, there was suddenly a blast of heat and then loads of rubble around some tempting smelling corpses. She blinked, she liked that Frisbee, she pulled out her ball which turned out to be a grenade and tossed that at the smell of the lead male (dead hoof). She then grabbed the inured stick thrower and put him on her back. Then she trotted towards the freed female who was in some sort of plane.


His leg did smell rather nice, maybe he would let her nibble on it later.

Edited by BloodDrops
  • Brohoof 1






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