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@@genessee @@BloodDrops


Barely a few paces outside the limits of the town, Bronze finally turned around.  Her eyes went wide with horror at the scene, her hoof cradling her gun.


"What the bleedin' 'ell are you doin'?" she slurred, doing her best to keep her eyes on the two of them.  "Did you make 'im a zombie when I wasn't lookin'?"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@BloodDrops @@Hazard Time


Lance was too busy gagging and rustling through Blood's bag for any liquid (Which he had snatched in his crazed attempts to get the taste of the leg out of his mouth) to answer. Finally, after his searches came to no avail, he looked up and saw Bronze staring at him. Oh. Great. Lance tried to wheeze out an explanation, but instead he said, "All I want to do right now is forget that ever happened, but my throat doesn't want to..." Lance continued coughing and eventually had to lean against the gate to New Haven to keep from falling over. He put his hoof up and said, "Okay, before I say anything, let me point out that was grossest thing I have ever eaten. Okay, so--" Lance started into another coughing fit. "--Ew. Anyway, no, I'm not infected. I'm probably going to die after eating that. But I'm just as horrified as you are right now." Lance then turned to Blood and said, "Why would you make me eat a LEG?"

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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"Bonding, Zombies share food, with there special some pony don't you know" she remarked. She then yawned. "Well if you don't like it, i won't force you to eat the others" she remarked. She put the half eaten leg on the floor, she didn't eat scraps. "So you need any supply's in this place? What's it called again?" she asked. She glanced at her bag, "I could use with some more ammo, and possibly some water storage box" she added grinning at Lance, "I've got no money but i suppose you can buy me stuff? Rather then I eat the shop keeper and get us all in trouble" she giggled.

Edited by BloodDrops
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@@BloodDrops @@Hazard Time


"Yeah, don't make me eat leg again. Please." Lance glanced over at Bronze, the look of horror still frozen on her face. "You okay, Bronze?" ​Obviously not, but I can't think of anything else to ask. "This is called New Haven, and yes I do have a little bit of money. Not enough for the stuff you needed. And please don't eat the shopkeeper." Lance told Blood. He couldn't take his gaze off of Bronze's face. He waved his hoof in front of her. "Hello? I can see why you're so stunned but we need to get going. And I need to go finish throwing up somewhere in peace." Lance began walking into New Haven with Blood. 

Edited by genessee

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@@genessee @@BloodDrops


The headache was getting worse, damn concussion.  This scene, however, was too much for the mare to handle.  She was already starting to see things, like that zombie pony tearing apart apart another pony that she didn't remember being there a moment ago.


Finally, she could handle the pain any more and doubled over.  She began to retch from the vertigo and stress, her endurance completely bested.


"Grab a quack," she mumbled before the contents of her last meal ended up on the ground before her as well.

  • Brohoof 1

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His shield drained as he rushed ahead. He had enough of these blasted shenanigans. It certainly startled the next unicorn ahead of him as he lept forward overhead of his barricade cover to 180 with his Umbrage fired at blank range. Time for a barbecue. The bullets whizzed and pinged off of him with little shield life now left. The Bruiser was closing as his equine comrade fell back. Fallksir double backed over the barricade. 


Braced against his new found haven the short seconds passed as his shield returned and he faced his foe, now within in hand distance. With his paws raised up he took the sudden blow from the Bruisers hefty swing of his rifle butt. Didn't knock him too far though. 


With his Umbrage raised back his fired his entirety clip, soon equipping with his Phobia shock pistol now in paws. It was a frenzy of unloading with wild breath and adrenaline pumping. But it was hard not to miss at such close distances. Each shot striking and welping at the hunking mass of fur and muscle.


"Ahhhh!! I'm dying here!!" The bruiser cried in pain but still invigorated with rage he charged ahead wielding only his claws. He brought up his fists waded and slammed into a haymaker but with such short height he was able to dodge in time considering the brief distance of the two's tallness. Baton at ready now he swiped low at his ankles causing the brute to stagger and kneel. Turning to orientate himself he was greeted with a swift strike to his noggin. Effectively ending this nuisance.


Standing back upright and facing the lone adversary he glared at the equine with Phobia in paw.


"Fuck this!" He squealed and galloped in flee toward the next corner. 


Fallskir just smirked. He'd let you you live... for now. 

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@Hazard Time @@BloodDrops


Lance grimaced as Bronze puked out her food as Lance had just moments ago. He rushed to Bronze's side as the last of her meal splattered onto the dirt. "Blood! Go get some food and water." Lance tossed some spare currency at Blood. "Just buy what you can and go, don't eat anypony, we really don't need that added onto the drama that's already happening." Lance pulled the last of his water that he had from the New Haven bar, which he had bought before he hitchhiked onto Bronze's buggy. "Alright, here you go. When you get done vomiting, this will probably help." Lance took a swig himself to wash away the taste of charred meat from his throat and then placed the remnants of the bottle next to Bronze. "Now, I'm gonna go finish up vomiting the leg that I ate, I'll be back in a few minutes. Stay strong." Lance helped Bronze into a sitting position and then he darted behind some nearby debris. He could feel the meat traveling up his throat, and then the liquid splattered out of his mouth onto Pandora. Gross. 

Edited by genessee

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@@genessee @@BloodDrops


After a few more dry heaves, Bronze began to gain more control over herself.  She needed a doctor now, but so did Lance.  Seeing his form, she hooked her foreleg around his and began leading him into town.  Hopefully her memory served her right and the nearest Doctor Zed vending machine was less than a hundred meters away.  A single syringe stab and they'd be back on their hooves.

  • Brohoof 1

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"If the most quietest method you have to take care of that guard is to fire your pistol, then I think it would be better for us to simply just wait until he passes again then hurry our way towards our friend." Whitetip had whispered to Rose as he kept most of his body concealed and out of sight from the patrolling guard. If these guys wanted presence, they certainly know how to make a first impression, Whitetip had thought to himself. The mercenary wondered if there was a way to take out the guard quietly, as long as the hallways didn't echo with gunfire the group shouldn't really worry about a rapid response team gunning after our heads. Even if he did take that course of action, Whitetip didn't know how quickly he could kill the cyborg with his kabar without letting it firing off its stupid head. With a sigh, Whitetip simply chose to sit and wait for the guard to pass by, hoping his team would be patient enough to wait it out. If there was one thing Whitetip learned from his time in Dahl, it would be knowing how to wait.


"Yeah, I think it would be best for us to wait," Whitetip whispered to Rose as he kept his back to the wall, looking back every so often to check on the guard. After about a minute of listening to the heavy hoofsteps of metallic feet it had eventually dissipated into a more subtle and faint sound. Whitetip had took one more look and found the hallway empty. The griffon gave a signal to Rose and began moving towards the stallion's position quite quickly. Luckily for Whitetip, the rustling of his armor seemed to mesh well with the noise of his cyborg buddy further down the hall. Whitetip had eventually made his to the stallion's position, letting off a quick sigh. "Where to next?"

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Hazard Time @@BloodDrops


Lance staggered along with Bronze as they headed into New Haven. We look like a couple of drunks, to be honest. All of Lance's food was no longer in his body, so the only thing he was able to do on the way was to mumble "Thanks..." to Bronze and hold onto her when he felt he was going to collapse. A Doctor Zed machine stood a little ways off. Lance could see Bronze was heading in the direction of the medical supplies, so Lance followed as fast as he could. Which wasn't very fast, unfortunately. Finally, the two reached the Zed machines. Lance realised he had given his money to Blood for supplies, so he couldn't afford anything from the Zed machines. Lance looked over in desperation towards Bronze.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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contents of her last meal ended up on the ground


Blood instantly went for it, she licked up the contents. After all she ate what she could when could. That's what zombies did, they were scavengers. She then licked her lips, if they didn't want it then she would eat it. She felt something hit her flank.




tossed some spare currency at Blood


Blood trotted off quickly to the town, getting odd looks from every pony, even the guards tensed at seeing her, she was a zombie after all. She saw a fountain in the middle of the town and began drinking from it, she blinked as she drank her fill, the rest of the town grew eerily quiet. She finished drinking and filled up the water bottles from the same fountain. She then rolled around in the fountain getting a good wash as well as a drink. She glanced around looking at the shops, she smiled and moved towards the food shop. She nudged her nose into the shop, silently getting followed by several guards.


The shop keeper glanced at her and backed away slightly. Blood grabbed several large bundles of food and put all the money down. When the shop keeper replied it wasn't enough she growled at him, he didn't repeat that again. She then quickly trotted back over to the group, she found them all gathered by several odd looking machines. 




Zed machines


Blood trotted over to the machine and walked into it. She blinked and growled at it, she continued to growl at it until she kicked the change slot. Breaking it, several coins came out. She trotted off to the next zed machine, there was a poster on the side that looked alot like her, along with 'No Admittance' She pushed the machine over causing it to short circuit, then she began kicking the outer casing leaving a large dent in it. She finally got her teeth around the metal and pulled, ripping the case off, exposing the prizes.


Blood picked up a blood bag and began eating it. This is how she healed. She then blinked as a net came down from above and trapped her. She snorted as several security ponies appeared. She was trapped.

  • Brohoof 1






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@@BloodDrops @@Hazard Time


Lance hadn't grabbed a medical syringe from the Zed Machine yet when the net came over Blood, so he was useless to stop her captors. The most he could do was mumble, "Hey, stop..." before a group of burly-looking stallions came and began to move the net and Blood, careful not to get bitten. By the time he was able to inject the medicine into himself, Blood was gone. Lance looked over at Bronze, and said, "We're going to go and save Blood, right?" Lance sighed and added, "That was fast."

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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Kneeling down near the bruiser he noted at the lot dropped before him. 


Examining he noted the following: Vladof - Basic Peasant's Rifle 



Above average fire rate, a decent damage and a standard magazine capacity. Not as elegant as some weapons but he was familiar with the platform. Vladof was a heavy supplier of weapons for his country back home. Perhaps they still are? Wasn't uncommon to consistently change supply contracts to diversify your weaponry. 


Accepting it, it dematerialized and entered into his data pack. Noting next was even better. This grenade mod looked awfully like an old stick design. Picking it up he noted at the details.

Bandit Mirv MRV Something BOOM - explodes into smaller grenades for wide damage range. 


Nice, he placed that onto his side, connected the small ring rest onto a loop on his jacket, readying for the case he needed one. 


"Looks like our occupants from the crash are in a bit of hastle." 30-1 spoke up. 

"I was kinda getting worried you left me." Fallskir smirked as he walked about, deciding to take a short breather as he continued. 

"The town guards seem to be investigating them. I'll get a fix on ID. Keep them in mind." The satellite focused its advanced optics hanging in low orbit. With access to the New-U line update catalog he rummaged about through the piles of data.


"I've got two of them. Send you a data pack?" He asked.

"No thanks. I'm kinda busy." Fallskir replied crouching about as he flattened against steel away hunkered to the side as hoofsteps approach.


"Dem boys are getting shot at- gotta make sure they ain't busting another. Get going boys!" Another nomdaic unicorn ordered to the lower lowley bandits as they trudged out from the makeshift entrance of their little camp. A narrow crate container having been held in place by the debris around. Seemed like the only way in and out of this little camp. 

The small patrol had past Fallskir. He made his way forward to see what was what?

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Dusk Rose internally sighed in relief as Whitetip decided to just avoid the guard.  She had a feeling he was itching for a fight (or maybe it was Mr. Mummy), and that just wouldn't go over well at all.  Not against some THING with a missile launcher.  Nodding to Whitetip, she chose the corrosive pistol and prepared to draw it out the moment the guard spotted him as he made a run for the mummy's position.


She could just about tell the sounds Whitetip's armor was making from the guards' hoof-steps.  She waited a few seconds, half-expecting the guard to come galloping through towards him.  But when he was across, she turned on her invisibility and swiftly but silently made her way towards where the rest of the team was.


When she got there, she dispelled her spell as she walked past the two, not wishing to startle them with the illusion of a disembodied voice or her apparent disappearance.  She turned to face them and paused, noticing something black in the darkness past them.  Maybe it was just the darkness, but she couldn't see any other numbers on the wall.  Was it put there just recently?  Did he know about them?


Looking over in the stallion's direction, she cocked her head and asked in a low, quiet voice,"How long has it been since you've been here?"

Edited by Light of Night
  • Brohoof 2


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On the other side of the crate- he made sure to close the lid container and attaching the lock latch- he examined before him the crumy shanty town. Not bad for a bandit hideout. With resident housings seperated into four sections, a fourway intersecting walk way sat in the middle. Looks like a center barrel fire was set in place of the intersection. With tents, tarp overhangs, barrels and crates lined about all over the place and a cooking spit just to the right.


But despite the organzied approach, twas still very sloppy and unhygenic.


It was dead quiet. Fallskir moved up quickly gonna take the oppritunity to have a straight shot to hitting this bandit king.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Blood blinked as she got dragged off back into the town she had just been, she felt one of the ponies prod her with a stick and she growled. The end of the net was tied to a pole in the middle. She glared at the town mayor that was inspecting her.


"Yep that's her, the one that decided to help herself to our meat storage." the mayor snorted, he then promptly tapped Blood on the head several times, "Now zombie, you will be staying here for awhile, We might even be putting you to do some nice hard work, to work off all that meat you decided to eat" he remarked. He continued to tap the top of Bloods head with the stick proving his point.

  • Brohoof 1






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"... well, we have options, believe it or not.  We can try to circumvent security by heading towards the Generator Facilities - those're far enough underground that the freaks here see little reason to guard 'em; we get to 'em - lights out."


"Or, we could head to the armory - might be kinda guarded, but I can almost guarantee that we'll find a decent chunk of weapon stock... not to mention explosives big and bad enough to take this place down for good."


"Then, there's always the possibility of making our way to the central Security office; every camera and listening device in this place routes to there, so we'd have all the eyes and ears we'd need to finish this."


"And last, but not least, we can just say 'buck it', and head straight for Skinner's lab directly.  The central mainframe's in the room next to the Doc's personal facilities, and he's likely to have the better weapons in his own office... and you two are free to loot and scoot as you want.  Heck, take it all, if you can... but leave Skinner to me.  I owe him BIG."


They might understand... if they cared to.  But mercs on Pandora tended to care about one thing - The Bottom Line.  Profit.  Payola.  And who was I to think that they saw this any differently?  The griffon and the mare both didn't know me OR owe me; as far as they were concerned, I was pretty much a walking map and compass... and that was all.


I really should stop thinking that I'm meant to live past this...


@Light of Night


Dammit, if she didn't ask me the question that had been burning in my skull not two minutes ago!  I tried my best to keep the irritation and frustration from my voice as I turned to face her.


"I TOLD you - it's been A WHILE."


I ran my eyes over the shelving in here, canisters in neat rows along the way, lining the walls and the shelves thet lie between us and the door.  I made sure it was secured, as doors like this are usually flush against the walls and floors - when the ights came on, nopone outside would be the wiser.


"I was brought here with the rest of my research group, and we'd stayed here for all of a week when... well, when I got my cosmetic makeover, let's call it.  From there, I was kept here for a year, with my own cozy cage in Skinner's lab.  Then, I escaped... and that was... some time ago..."


Again, my brain reeled when I tried to calculate the timeframe; it did that every time I tried to consider it.  As I walked to the light switch, I gave a frustrated sigh.


"Look, the important part is that this gets DONE, one way or another.  The stuff in here are biological horrors that Pandora isn't ready to handle, and it'll be up to the three of us to see to it that this is where it ENDS."


I casually flipped the switch, and started to explain a bit more about that... but when the lights came on, it revealed that the rows of cans on the shelves were NOT cans... but jars.


They were separated out by which body part was contained within them; pony legs along one wall, eyeballs on another, what looked to be sets of lungs and kidneys sharing shelf-space, and of course an entire wall dedicated to brains, some of which weren't even pony.  One shelf held tongues, while another had pegasus wings, and the one next to THAT had a collection of what appeared to be pony ears.  All clean and surgically cut, ready for attaching.


Apparently, while I was gone, they'd refashioned the old locker room into a living replacement parts warehouse.  Imagine that.

=====  ( 0=====


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@@BloodDrops @@Hazard Time


After Lance had finished panicking over how they would find Blood in all of Pandora, he heard an unmistakable growl near the middle of New Haven, just out of sight. Peeking over a corner revealed Blood, trapped inside a large bag, being poked by some town guards and Helena Pierce, the mayor of New Haven, supervising it all. Great. Just great. Lance looked over at Bronze and grunted, "Never mind. I found Blood, but..." Lance glanced back at Blood being poked and prodded. "Well, come see for yourself, and you can decide what we do." Lance motioned to Bronze to come and look over the corner.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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Just ahead his minimap pointed forward to a large wall construct, spanning just as tall as this cavern itself. Looked like the remnants of a Dahl operation? 


Ahead the garage door began to sputter to life as a shadow casted out to envelope the canine combatant. The large bulky biceps, the outlines of horns upon the cranium and a fully display of pure...


The lights faded revealing the.. rather disappointing and lacking height of the midget minotaur that stood before the bounty hunter. 

"Oh YEAH! I'm the ALL powerful!" The gruff slightly high pitched tone of the minotaur spoke. 

"The warren OF the TETANUS! I am the MASTER of these cavern coves!" He continued with his monologue flexing his athletic biceps.

"Time to meet your MAKER!" He spoke with his back facing to Fallskir giving another flex.


WARREN KING WEE WEE- Time for a Flex!-


Without sudden warning  a booted foot is planted into the back of head, properly punting him in the cranium. The minotaur kings lauches feet ahead of him. The dog was having none of this nonsense. 

"All this way for a fucking midget."


He approached slowly with baton in hold. The minotaur staggered to his feet rearing his head in a loud cry before a swift smack to his head caused him to fall. This was just brutal now. 

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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The mare groggily selected the items she wanted from the vending machine, and it automatically detected the echo device on her.  Her total credit balance was corrected and a syringe popped out.  Bronze gripped it and slammed it into her flank, grunting from the instantaneous pain but relaxing as the pain-relievers and rejuvenating chemicals flooded her bloodstream.  In a few seconds, her head was suddenly clear and all traces of nausea were gone.


"Good to be back," she said, tossing the used syringe in a pile of refuse.




"She's fine," the mare said, barely concealing her joy at the other mare's departure.  Creepy little bugger, wasn't she?


"Anyway, I fink I owe you a drink.  Whaddya say we go for a gold watch and cheesy chips?"  Without waiting for a response, Bronze hooked a foreleg around Lance's and began dragging him towards the nearest watering hole.

Edited by Hazard Time
  • Brohoof 1

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@@BloodDrops @@Hazard Time


"Wha--" Before Lance could protest, Bronze had grabbed his leg and was bringing him towards a watering hole. No matter how hard Lance tried to escape Bronze's grip, he wasn't able to free himself. We're running out of time! If we don't save Blood soon, she'll be gone! Lance stared at Bronze and noticed that she was smiling. Oh. Lance frowned and let himself be pulled towards the water. "We can stay at the watering hole for a minute, but we still have to save Blood. I don't think she can take on that many stallions and the mayor alone." Lance thought for a moment as the hole came closer and closer. "You can't just abandon a teammate. At least, that's how it worked on my planet." Lance could hear the stallions laughing as they poked at Blood. It made Lance furious. He almost pulled out his rifle [Which he had 'borrowed' from one of Dead Hoof's thugs] and fired towards the sounds before common sense willed him to wait. Lance grunted and tried to ignore the sounds for now.

Edited by genessee

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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Again and again with a toss and a kick and a strike with each motion. Not even getting this sorry excuse of a "king" to get himself upright. 


And as early as it had begun it seemed over. The minotaur midget laid about in a motionless heap and unmoving. He examined him for several seconds kneeling down- expecting something. Anything. This supposed feared leader with command of this entire underground community of brigands and slobs. So much to warrant a high bounty price- well actually that's pretty low compared to other prices. But it was a starting mission. 


"You're pathetic." Fallskir muttered under his breath. Confirming his suspicions the bovine laid dead. No more- just loot and disappointment.


Umbrage in paw he approached to the  open quarters department. Completely cleared of its original layout of bunks and lockers. Only awaiting was a rather decently constructed form of a metallic throne. Quite crafty actually he admired. Just at its feet he noted at the chest. Low behold- his anticipation arose. Ahead of it now he pressed upon the opening mechanism and the swivel arms folded outward to reveal-




What!?- accompanied by a loud beeping- No time to waste! Fallskir 180'd high tailing it away out the quarters and away past the steel gates. Had to get away!


@@Hazard Time,@@genessee


Just outside from amidst their own comotion a sudden rumble shook at the town. With curious eyes looking about- a sudden display of fire and smoke erupted just southward away still close enough within eyesight as junk and debris fly about into the air. It was indeed- a decent display of fireworks at the least for some viewers. 

Edited by IllusivePony
  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@ @@Hazard Time @@BloodDrops  (Thats a lot of people)


A large explosion shot up near New Haven. Lance saw it and he went slackjawed. His legs firmly planted themselves on the ground and refused to move, even with Bronze pulling him. Lance slowly turned his head towards Bronze. "Are you still interested in the watering hole?" Lance inquired. He was confident that he knew the answer. 

  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@@genessee @@BloodDrops


Her patience was reaching its end, and before the two could make their way to the bar, Bronze released her grip.  "Fine, you wanna save that nuh'er?  Be my guest.  I could not care le-"




With the sudden explosion rocking the town, Bronze's patience reached its end.  "PISS OFF, WANKER!" she shouted above the din, raising her hoof in a vulgar gesture directed at the growing mushroom cloud before she stomped off to the bar.  She was NOT in the mood to deal with any more of this bull today, not without 750 cc's of scotch in her first.

Edited by Hazard Time
  • Brohoof 1

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@@Hazard Time @@BloodDrops @


Lance put his hoofs up and said, "You know what? I suddenly feel like we should go to the bar." He smiled weakly and eyed Bronze's dahl rifle, which was not unholstered. Yet. Lance acted as if nothing had happened and there was no big explosion behind them or a teammate that was captured. He could not keep the thought of either from nagging him, though. So he just hid it and went along with Bronze. Hopefully after Bronze had drank some she could go check out the explosion. Well, I'm glad I don't drink. Heh. 

  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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