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spoiler Spoiler: new episode synopsis confirmed/out

Unlikeable Pony

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Most of these sound good. Looks like Starlight Glimmer will finally get another appearance. And we're due for a FlutterJack episode. Closest we ever got was Bats!, but that bait n' switch

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HA, i was faster then everybody else, making that reference. *Sticks forked tongue out* :P

  • Brohoof 1
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Most of these sound good. Looks like Starlight Glimmer will finally get another appearance. And we're due for a FlutterJack episode. Closest we ever got was Bats!, but that bait n' switch

Going to be honest, the "another starlight glimmer episode" is my least favorite part of these synopsis.

  • Brohoof 1
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So, lets see: premier two parter revolving around starlight, 3 slice of life episodes for her (If she doesn't get another before the finale) and the finale will almost certainly revolve around her again.

so 7/26 episodes this season will have been starlight glimmer episodes.



now how many has fluttershy had this season? Applejack? Yeah, not happy.

  • Brohoof 1
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So, lets see: premier two parter revolving around starlight, 3 slice of life episodes for her (If she doesn't get another before the finale) and the finale will almost certainly revolve around her again.

so 7/26 episodes this season will have been starlight glimmer episodes.



now how many has fluttershy had this season? Applejack? Yeah, not happy.

I bet in the finale, Starlight is gonna be all, "MUH PAST", and have to learn to let go of the past, like Luna did. 

  • Brohoof 4
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Every Little Thing She Does could hopefully have some minor characters get some screentime since it’s about Starlight trying to fix a ton of friendship problems, rather than making new one shot characters.

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Do we really have to paint the devil on the wall, everytime a Starlight episode is coming around?


It's a bit tireing to be honest.

  • Brohoof 3
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Going to be honest, not really happy to hear about the flim flam brothers returning.

I just don't get their appeal; they honestly are REALLY one note characters who more or less do the same thing everytime they show up: sing a song and pull a blatant con.

I know them and AJ have the honesty/dishonesty thing going on, but still. I really think they're being overused at this point.


I bet in the finale, Starlight is gonna be all, "MUH PAST", and have to learn to let go of the past, like Luna did. 


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So, looks like we have our confirmed synopsis for the upcoming episodes.



Hmm, not sure what to expect from Applejack and Rainbow Dash in Buckball Season... do they push their stars too hard and end up caring about winning more than having fun? I hope that's not the case; it sounds like a bit of a cliche moral to me. But it's one that kids need to learn, so I guess I can't complain.


I believe we already knew about The Fault In Our Cutie Marks so that synopsis isn't really a surprise. Nice to see a CMC episode where they actually continue their post-cutie mark arc.


So Flim and Flam are returning? Something tells me they are going to be reformed in this episode if the Cutie Map is sending them. Maybe it's an episode centered around forgiveness... perhaps Applejack holds a grudge against them for almost taking her farm off the map. She will show up with Fluttershy trying to find a friendship problem, until Applejack realizes that she is the friendship problem.


Finally, another Starlight episode! Something tells me it'll be her version of Lesson Zero, though... but at least we're actually getting to see the character again. She has really only had 3 episodes if you count both parts of the premiere as a single episode. Her arc has kind of been put on the sidelines... I don't think A Hearth's Warming Tail counts as a full Starlight episode because most of it features her in character as somepony else.

  • Brohoof 1
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So basically September is the Fluttershy and Applejack month.


So, lets see: premier two parter revolving around starlight, 3 slice of life episodes for her (If she doesn't get another before the finale) and the finale will almost certainly revolve around her again.

so 7/26 episodes this season will have been starlight glimmer episodes.



now how many has fluttershy had this season? Applejack? Yeah, not happy.


Applejack will probably finish the season with 5 episodes where she stars or co-stars if "Where the Apple Lies" is indeed about her. Same number as Dash will probably end up with. That's actually an above average total, yeah it's lower than Rarity's probable 7 but still pretty damn high.


Fluttershy will end with 3, and no major supporting roles. So yeah, okay she got a bit screwed over for the second season in a row. As has Twilight.



For my part from these synopsis's I just want another Flim Flam brothers song.

Edited by M'gann M'orzz
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AJ could really use some good appearances, she hasn't had a good S6 so far


I mean, Newbie Dash was soul crushing but at least RD has Flutter Brutter and STFF to fall back on, AJ was really dumb in ADO and REALLY bad in TCBTP, and I mean 10 times worse. I mean, RD and Rarity were ignorant jerks(though it works for the episode), but it felt like AJ was outright hostile towards Applebloom in that episode

  • Brohoof 1
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"Buckball Season" could go either way. Not a whole lot immediately promising about the premise except for the Pinkie Pie/Fluttershy team up.


"The Fault in Our Cutie Marks" is really damn promising. I hope the griffin is cute! I also hope they don't screw up the canon about cutie marks...


"Viva Las Pegasus" might be fun. I enjoy the Flim Flam brothers, and putting them in Las Vegas has some potential. Hopefully the setting isn't wasted.


"Every Little Thing She Does" is interesting. Has a lot of potential just based on continuing Starlight's arc, but I wonder if they're gonna go for Starlight merely developing and becoming better at friendship, or the "No Second Prances" idea where she doesn't consider how her actions affect others. She has the potential to be really complex.

  • Brohoof 1
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AJ could really use some good appearances, she hasn't had a good S6 so far


I mean, Newbie Dash was soul crushing but at least RD has Flutter Brutter and STFF to fall back on, AJ was really dumb in ADO and REALLY bad in TCBTP, and I mean 10 times worse. I mean, RD and Rarity were ignorant jerks(though it works for the episode), but it felt like AJ was outright hostile towards Applebloom in that episode

I think more than that, Rarity and Rainbow were actually funny throughout, like Rarity was hamming it up and devouring all scenery in her path every time she opened her mouth and you know, watching Rarity go all out ham is always fun, plus they set her up as kind of trying to make up for her childhood loss vicariously through Sweetie Belle, and from Rainbow especially with her big ego you kinda expect her to get so caught up in WINNING that she'd miss Scootaloo's feelings. Applejack wasn't funny past the first scene Apple Bloom talks to her, and she doesn't really have any motivation beyond "because I say so" so she came out looking a lot worse than the others.


But yeah Applejack really does need some episodes this season that paint her in a positive light, it kinda feels like the writers are trying to make up for the difficulties AJ has with being a protagonist sometimes by just throwing flaws at her and seeing what works. 

  • Brohoof 2
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AJ could really use some good appearances, she hasn't had a good S6 so far


I mean, Newbie Dash was soul crushing but at least RD has Flutter Brutter and STFF to fall back on, AJ was really dumb in ADO and REALLY bad in TCBTP, and I mean 10 times worse. I mean, RD and Rarity were ignorant jerks(though it works for the episode), but it felt like AJ was outright hostile towards Applebloom in that episode

plus we have top bolt to look forward too... however it is.

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I think more than that, Rarity and Rainbow were actually funny throughout, like Rarity was hamming it up and devouring all scenery in her path every time she opened her mouth and you know, watching Rarity go all out ham is always fun, plus they set her up as kind of trying to make up for her childhood loss vicariously through Sweetie Belle, and from Rainbow especially with her big ego you kinda expect her to get so caught up in WINNING that she'd miss Scootaloo's feelings. Applejack wasn't funny past the first scene Apple Bloom talks to her, and she doesn't really have any motivation beyond "because I say so" so she came out looking a lot worse than the others.


But yeah Applejack really does need some episodes this season that paint her in a positive light, it kinda feels like the writers are trying to make up for the difficulties AJ has with being a protagonist sometimes by just throwing flaws at her and seeing what works. 

Yeah, I had no problem with how Rares and RD were portrayed. I mean they were jerks but it makes sense and they were jerks in a believable way that suits their character and they still had their moments. But the way AJ was portrayed with her being stubborn about tradition, and how she was hostile towards AB vs RD and Rarity who were just tuning out SB and Scootaloo, she looks noticeably worse




I really hope Top Bolt gives us some more history on the Wonderbolts.


Like @@M'gann M'orzz said, I'm positive it's gonna be Dash and Twilight's Map episode. Really hoping it finally addresses the problems with the WBs. They need to have some good appearances if they're gonna keep using them

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I really hope Top Bolt gives us some more history on the Wonderbolts. 

what's strange is, I thought a the con they said fluttershy would be going with them to the academy.


but Fluttershy ALREADY has a map episode...?

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what's strange is, I thought a the con they said fluttershy would be going with them to the academy.


but Fluttershy ALREADY has a map episode...?

at Comic Con Tara said Twilight was going, it was in some Magazine(and EQD)that said both Twilight an Fluttershy would be appearing.


I'm almost certain it was a mistake however as the same mag also said only AJ went to Las Pegasus, which is obviously not the case anymore

Edited by Megas
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at Comic Con Tara said Twilight was going, it was in some Magazine(and EQD)that said Twilight an Fluttershy would be appearing.


I'm almost certain it was a mistake however as the same mag also said only AJ went to Las Pegasus, which is obviously not the case anymore



Hoping for a good showing from top bolt, RD and twilight have REALLY good chemistry. (Then again, RD has good chemistry with EVERYPONY. Not being just a fan here, she really works the best out of the six with any of the others)

  • Brohoof 1
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Judging by both Starlight and Spike having episodes that involve making friends with someone unlikely, and both Spike and Starlight's parts in the premiere, you think that both of those types of episodes might be one arc, and they're both gonna be doing something major in the finale? I know it's mostly gonna have Starlight doing something major in the finale, but perhaps Spike playing as big of a role as Discord was in Twilight's Kingdom? Like what he affects might lead to Starlight knowing exactly what to do in the finale?

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