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What did you dream about last night?


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I wish I could remember it much at all. I remember when I first woke up I was quite disturbed by it. It seemed to be kinda Doctor Who-ish in nature (might have featured the character, but IDK). IIRC, it felt like I (and some others) were either shifting to different realities or going back in time trying to escape some kind of force/phenomenon that was engulfing the world in darkness. It was a dream of escaping and thinking/desperately hoping that this time we would be safe, but then we weren't. It was a nightmare, pretty scary. Wish I remembered it in more detail, because this dream seemed a bit more coherent  than others.

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  • 2 months later...

It was from the other night but I can’t stop thinking about it. So currently I’m really into this actor Joey Brooks idk why I found him so attractive. But anyway, I dreamed that I was in my old house and all the sudden he came over at my house. He was wearing just casual nice attire and standing by the front step of the house. I didn’t came to the front to open the door for him. Since I was kinda shock how in the world he knows where I live. And I recalled in my dream that we only met in the convention at the booth. 

I stood by the window inside my home and looking down at him, he looked up, smiled at me kindly and with a soft tone, he asks if I wanted to go Hogwarts at the universal California with him. Except it wasn’t like an amusement park Hogwarts, it was an actual Hogwarts. And I was wondering if we’re going on a broom or on train for our transportation. My heart almost skipped a beat and his presence was so calm and comforting too. I turned over to my family to them know since I always let them know where I’m going for. But there was a sense of control or being restrained so in my thought was “ah fuck it!” And I turned back to him and I was about to say “yes” but I woke up from there. 

I did had a dream about him before this but he was as the character he played as in the movie I watched. My sister and I was visiting NY westpoint, relevant from the movie we watched. To visit the cadets there. We were volunteers and I was asked to grill some BBQ for them. While I was cooking up some hot dog, the guy who my sister have a crush on came up and took a bite of the hotdog that wasn’t ready to be served. He was very rude and I was shocked but didn’t wanted to say anything because I sense I bit of a threat from him. From that I was going through lots of stress and anxiety making these hot dogs for them- except the guy Joey, who was as his character stepped up and say he will be happy to take that half eaten hot dog from his friend. Because he doesn’t like food being wasted. He has the same calm and solitude presence too. With that, I was shocked by such kindness from him but I felt that all my stress and anxiety want away. 

As crazy as it may sound but while I already felt drawn by the actor before these dream, I can’t help it but feel more towards him after it. I think it just not him in general but the idea of having someone to be able to read my situation and without asking “how I’m doing”, just come up to me or reach out to me and tried to make me feel better or just wanted to make me feel happy. Instead of having me reaching out to others or trying to make other happy. It was that “for once “ time feeling. He gave me the presence and the attention of instead of expecting me to give or do what the other or himself wants, it’s more “what do I want”. What makes me happy? Those simplest things in my dreams where a person could do actually made me feel like I’m the happiest person. 

I didn’t feel comfortable sharing this to anyone like my family or my sister since she seems not comfortable hearing my interests towards guys specifically this actor.. or that kind of talk of that matter..but it was nice writing all this out because I felt good about this dream.

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Last dream, I dreamed about being at my old house again. Specifically facing towards my 2nd older sister old room. Which She moved out long ago from. Inside that room I can see my favorite aunt and she was excited about something. With her was my grandma in her younger version of herself and another woman I don’t recognize. But I assumed she must be some old passed relative I never met. All the sudden my aunt wanted me to stay with her in that room like a sleep over but I refused idk why. I think it was because her odd behavior scared me a little. 

She then want over and tried to take my puppy away with her. I got mad at her for trying to take my puppy away and took it away from her. She was crying and said something to me and want back to the room.

My favorite aunt is still alive but I can’t help it to feel uneasy about this dream. Despite of my favorite aunt living in different state she was one family I could feel like a ‘normal’ kid without any of those dysfunctional things happening in back. Despite of it being normalized in my term. My puppy, Willy was the only comfort I have with me. I feel that room with my passed grandma and that other relative who also passed might have mean something as my Aunt was trying to tell me something. Overall I feel a great  sense of “loss” from this dream. Idk why I was so reluctant towards her.. it’s probably because at the moment I was just upset that things can’t the same as it used to be anymore between her and me along with her husband who was also my favorite uncle. It’s not her but me.


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I dream a ton, but most of the dreams I have are kind of nonsensical. For example. Last night I had a dream where the DaVinki twins and I were chilling at a campfire talking. I don't know why they specifically were in the dream, but they were. And they were in character the entire time and the whole dream kinda plays out how you would expect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Odd dream. Last night I watched one of the twilight zone episode about a man who can make his character creation come to life if he can describes them word for word. Apparently my dream took that and I dream about my sister and I creating our Hogwarts Legacy character based from a movie of the two actors. Except it was creating an actual human like A.I and we have to input what they should look like and giving them a personality. 

Like most AI they have to learn and grow through going experience like normal people would. My sister made her celebrity crush, we are going go by the name of Randy. And I made mine based on mine’s celebrity crush, Joey. I made him to be someone who is kind, honest, sorta like a pinocchio type of personality. While my sister made Randy to be loyal to her and rebellious. My sister is much more clingy to her partner while I only see Joey as a friend to have.

For some reason we have to attend to this school. This was good opportunity for them to learn and grow. I trusted Joey to go on his own way learn and explore. My sister is bit more cautious about Randy. She gave him a bomber jacket and say that she loves and only one for her. She doesn’t trust him by himself as she might fear he will be seeing someone or forgets about her. she asked me to keep a tab on Randy for her.

I agree despite that I think she should learn to trust him. Randy started off like a nice person, but he begin to become more of a rebellious and party animal around everyone he meets. I even saw he started to flirt with a girl. I was going to tell my sister about it but knowing Randy, he will be always devoted to her and he was  just having fun and have zero interest in a girl he was flirting. So I didn’t say anything. Randy begin to be a bully and a those type of rough boy who actually devoted to only few people in his circle his friend; Joey and my sister.


Joey on the other hand, have more people around him. But I feel that I was so focused on keeping my eyes out for Randy for my sister that I didn’t give much attention to him. Even though he grow and learn quickly to become a good ideal person, it was the reason why I wasn’t too worrying about him. However I feel bad for making him too kind as most people would come to him and fear they will take advantage of his kindness. So I made him befriended with Randy to keep him in check. I remember Joey coming to me to ask me to hung out and spending more time with me. But I keep pushing him away telling he needs to go and be with people to learn and grow. Because I know I trust him that he will always be mine. But I don’t want to chain him. Or so I thought.


Later on, I saw the Joey was with this blond girl who is perfect as a queencard and they are going out. The whole school would say they’re the cutest couple. I can’t help it but to feel betrayed. Fear that my only friend will forget me and move on with someone else. I also loved him but don’t know how to express it. On that moment Joey didn’t bother to acknowledge me. 

Randy begin to act not like himself. Like he’s going through some identity crisis break down. Me and Joey tried to see what’s wrong but no reply. My sister came over and asked instead. He responded to her, saying he’s having a headache. She was there comforting him. 

My dream begin to shift but still at the same school setting. My old crush from my workplace was there and she was somehow know and good friend of my mom. But I avoided her completely because I didn’t want to do anything with my mom or whoever befriended with her. As I feared of her knowing my true self.


My dream ended from there. I feel the dream was displayed differently how my sister and I display how we handle relationships.  My sister of course have trust issues and prefer be more possessive fearing he will leave her. Which eventually breaks him. Despite of that Randy and her were at least a couple and have each other. Mine was more like better to avoid Joey because I feel I don’t deserve him. Like I’m going to destroy him with my toxicity. But at the same time I was giving him space, knowing he will go back to me always. Unfortunately for me, pushing him away and trying to balance the trust and build on it, didn’t work out the way I wanted


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It was a weird quick one. I dreamt like I was around but the 1890s and I was just resting in my home till the police came over at my place and just walk in. They’re planning to arrest me for a murder or a bank robbery (I don’t remember which) but it was for something very serious. My mom want out from the kitchen and look at me. She looks rather disappointed and I could tell she was furious.

Then within a second her expression changed to more like “not surprised posh” expression. I tried to give the police an explanation and then started begging that I’m not a criminal. I was clearly in denial since I do recall that I did actually committed the crime but didn’t want to get hang for it. I look at my mom hoping she will at least back me up. But instead she scoffed at me and turned to the police and said “Yes my son did committed these crime and you can take him away to be hang.” Not once after she didn’t bother to look at me. I was devastated that the fact my own mom would turn her own son away to be killed. The police took me away. 

It felt like a month has passed and the trial for my crime was over.  It was the day when I’m going to be sentenced to death. As I head out, my mom was there and she insisted that i should put on some nice attire. Saying that I should put it on so the people here at the “party” can like me. It was expensive nevertheless but I tried to tell her I do not want to. She made me wear it anyway. After getting dressed the police took me to a guy who’s supposedly be the one in charge for my execution. His mother was with him. Without thinking or acted out of impulse- I take his mother by the face and give her a passionate kiss on the cheek. I then tried to insist her to get in bed with me while grabbing her arm and trying to kiss her again. I was being hysterical and I did so as a mockery. Her son got furious and order the police to take me away to get the execution over with. The dream ending with me standing, ready for my final hour.

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It was weird I don’t remember all of it but i remover I was sight seeing or a bus type thing and we stoped at this one place kinda dersert like and some guy had these gaunt tic things that looked like the thing from half life on both hands and his hands where huge and black like rotting and the I had the tics on my hand’s except one was blue and other white and glowing and everyone was telling me how cool but then one of my hands started turning black then we went to this restaurant and there were floating tables over top the ones on the floor and we sat there I took the tics off then it was night and we were in some kind of hospital but I had to go to the bathroom and there where tons of people needing to use it but the ladies didn’t have any toilets then we went to see if the men’s had something and we waited in this crazy long line… then I woke up and had to per really bad . :muffins:

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I dreamed that I was in a shopping mall. A crime happened there, the nature of which wasn't specified in my dream. Either way, I wasn't involved in it, of course, but I freaked out nevertheless. The mall had apparently been locked down for some reason and I was just wanting to escape and get away from it all. I saw an anchor department store that was seemingly out of business but was still accessible somehow and I made my exit there.. Only to run into someone who turned me into the authorities for trying to run away or something, and apparently that got me in trouble even though I didn't do the crime... Weird dream.

Then I had a college dream where I was scared to look at my grades because I had a class I neglected. This is a recurring theme in my dreams and I hate it. Pretty sure it's all thanks to my mistakes in early college, but that was FIFTEEN YEARS AGO. Give it a break, brain!!

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I recently had a dream where I was in bookstore, and purchased many books because they were being sold at an absurd discount of over 90% off. I recall most of the books being on metaphysics, religion and traditions more generally. Some of them were by René Guénon (or rather books presumably written by him but non-existent in reality), and other books were included as part of a box set that included ritualistic items and traditional symbols (I recall some containing sets of candles, incense and various small statues of Buddha). It was a lovely dream.

Edited by Luna the Great of all the Russias
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From what I remember:
I was in Japan and was at some huge marketplace checking out a handful of shops. As I was leaving I ended up talking with these two guys who spoke English and we talked about Japanese history and culture compared to American culture, how intertwined America and Japan have been since World War 2, how World War 2 bombings leveled a lot of historical architecture in Japan. It was pretty cool honestly.

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I don't remember. But oh my gosh, I remember a forum dream I had once where I woke up from it and giggled at how ridiculous it was and thought to myself, "oh man, I can't wait to log on to tell everyone how ridiculous what they were doing was and how it made perfect sense at the time!" Then, I went back to sleep. Woke up. And forgot what it was or what was even so funny. :sealed:

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My latest dream had me buying my grandma’s old house she had while I was growing up and moving into it. That was pretty much the gist of the dream, just moving into the house and then towards the end the neighbors came over and brought some food for us to eat. Pretty normal dream 8/10.

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  • 5 weeks later...

It was... 2parts? The latter was so abstract and unusual I was afraid realizing what it means.

The first part.... I was in a construction site. Some of the structure collapsed below me but I clung on to something and I swung back and forth. Also I was in the sky now for some reason, trying to avoid a bunch of people doing those parachute formations.

The second part I was with some kids (I think I was just an observer). There were.... 8 pages or something we were randomly looking for... throughout time. Also at some point to earn a page, there was some computer game that took place in.... heck (or hey, it resembled one of those Bowser castle maps with all the fire). Looking at the pages apparently wasn't pleasant (why? I don't know) The final part of the dream they/we're all older, the 8 pages have been found (lol this ain't slenderman!) and we're climbing up this long series of stairs in what looks like a big, building with giant windows (like a mall..). Takes a while. The dream ends with us being presumably at the top, we look at the bottom (something is there) and.... at that point the dream ends. I don't know what I saw. It was something shocking. A figure? Somebody died via jumping off? It was just my imagination and yeah sometimes what you think is a dream is just you imagining what you think would be there.

Yeah I feel like I understand somewhat what the dream is saying.

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The demon Andras wanted me to do a painting of him. Said he’d give me something in return if I did. 

To be fair it’s understandable I had this sort of dream because I was actually looking up demons  and creatures to do artwork on earlier that day. I love doing art of mythological creatures, gods, goddesses and demons. I’m almost done the one I did of Vassago.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I dreamt about me and my family visiting this odd store- mixed of variety and vintage. The store was really huge and each room was filled with different things. It was very organized. I was shopping around trying to find something unique for me to wear. My sister was there with me and she said maybe look for a hat since you like collecting them. So we went around and found a section of hats. I looked around and most of them are top hats, bowlers, newspaper cap, and fedoras. Of course these are my favorite hats but I have so many of them that it’s not unique enough. I remember the store have another older vintage hat section around the store and decided to ask this one Asian man in his 40s. 

He was quite rude and I didn’t like his poor attitude when I asked him where is the hat section. He told me the hat section is located in H-29. Hence how the sections of the rooms are being organized. I looked around and check every room there and see no hats. I asked him again and this time he was getting very impatient with me and repeat. I was getting little angry by his rudeness but, I kept myself composed and try to be polite. I didn’t want to bother him and finally I managed to find it. All the older vintage hats was in a glass case. Pile up like people dump it there. It was all used. At top of these hats was one not like the other. It was happen to be a military cap. A SS to be made specific, except it doesn’t have the symbol at the front as it seems like it was missing. 

I told my sister this is the one I wanted. It was my hat.  I asked the man if he can open the case because I wish to make a purchase. He looked at me and becoming bitter. He was saying something to me like get it yourself. I tried to explain to him nicely I can’t, it’s locked. He refused. So I asked him for his manager and so without saying else, the man just took off. A woman supposedly the manager, came in and said to me “sorry about that but you must understand that this man have gone through a lot in the past week- there has been an accident.” She was explaining about his situation and that someone he knows died. 

But I was too upset to even care because In my thought, it was like “oh you’re trying to make me feel like the bad guy now?” I tried to explain to her politely that I wanted to make a purchase because the hat was mine and it doesn’t not give the man the excuse to be rude. But as I tried to explain my voice begin to trailing off like I’m losing my voice to speak out on my defense. The lady started to turned at the small boy who was looking at the same case of hats and want buy one a hat from there. It was a newspaper cap. The lady smile and said of course and literally ignoring me like I was invisible. My sister ignored me too and focus on the boy and complimenting his hat. 

I tried to speak out and the feeling begin to feel heavy. Like I was angry but not because of I was unable to get my hat, but at the fact that they are ignoring  my frustration and pain. That I’m not the bad guy here. I almost felt like I was pleading for their attention to hear me out and understand my situation. At the end, I did felt bad not taking the time to understand the man because of my own desire so it was a karma for me. 

 I went ahead and do some researching about hats in dream and reading this part seem pretty accurate to my current lifestyle 


If you happen to see a hat in a dream, but no one wears it, it symbolizes secrets. It may represent secrets you hide and are especially unwilling to share.

You seek for a way to bury them, to hide them; perhaps, even from yourself.

The hat is an opportunity to hide the secrets. It could also reflect your suspicion about other people hiding things from you.

If you see many hats around you in a dream, it indicates that you are surrounded with fake friends, people who pretend to be what they were not. If all the hats are black, it suggests these people around you are not only hiding their true faces, but their intentions towards you are not the best.

It could also mean that you feel exposed in certain environment and feel as if you do not know how to play bay their rules.

If those hats came in many colors, it means you really have no idea whom to trust in waking life.

All offer rather interesting ideas, but you are suspicious of whose intentions are good and whose are not.

This dream indicates you are insecure and easily seduced by attractive suggestions. You do not think by your own head, but surrender to others’ influence.


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I've been having pretty intense dreams recently. Had one that was an entire adventure time episode. Finn dressed up in a costume for a mission, Marceline didn't realize it was him and accidentally bit him, giving him vampirism. Caused him to go partly crazy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dreamed that I and my classmates flew to the Moon or Venus (I don't remember exactly). We found a base there and entered it. A few minutes later, a powerful explosion occurred. The entrance to the base was filled with stones and there was dust everywhere. When we got out, we walked away from the base and looked at the sky. It turned out that the Earth had exploded. Then I just walked. We were without spacesuits all this time.

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My dream was cut into bits by bits but it’s actually made all sense once I done some digging what these dreams meant for me. 

My first dream was me at the train station. It was around in the 40s and it was dark. It was definitely busy nevertheless, as if everyone was rushing to get to the train. It was a bit  chaotic. I was either a soldier there being stationed there to enforce transportation or a train conductor- I don’t remember but I was wearing a uniform. There’s a lady, very old lady who’s a nun come up to me saying something like don’t put me in the train because of the a “dead woman”  there. I was confused at first what she meant by that. She then reach out to me and grab my hand. On that split moment, it felt like I was flashed in her point of view. Except I wasn’t here. It felt like I was standing there on a train with her. Another split moment I wasn’t sure what happened but I saw a dead woman in there. That dead woman was the same old Nun that was at the train station. I was taken back where I started and staring at the old nun. She didn’t want to get on the train because of the “dead woman”.  I remember feeling conflicted what to do. The dream shifted to something else afterward. 

The symbol of the dream when it comes to being at the train station.

”Perhaps your dream has you standing at the station while multiple trains come and go, while you never catch any of them?

You might need to make an essential decision in your waking life, but you can’t bring yourself to take the plunge.

Instead of striking out on a new path, you are dithering at the station and avoiding making the necessary choices.”


“Dream about both “Dead” and “Nun” means self-reliance, stability, tactfulness and careful forethought. You are trying to rationalize your emotions. You are unable to speak about some unimportant situation. This dream is a clue for turning issues or conditions around you. You are lacking initiative. Dream about dead nun symbolises dietary balance. You are a non-conformist. You are sucking in the life energy of others for your own selfish benefit. This dream is a clue for the need to hold some situation or relationship together. You will find closure to those unresolved issues.”


My dream shifted and I was again back in that old vintage store that I have dreamt about while back. There’s a small pond and we were told if you jump in you will find yourself in your future. I hesitate at first because the pond was musky and dark. Eventually I decided to make a jump. I stated to sink and everything was calm and quiet. Just as I hit the bottom- my vision came to me and I was at my old home. I was kneeling and had a knife with me. Without thinking I stabbed myself, killing myself in progress. I came back to the surface after witnessed my future self. My dream ended after that. 

Again, I went ahead and did some digging what this dream is trying to tell me. 

“Suicide dreams have notoriously been connected with a poor self-image. It indicates that one needs to change but the metaphor of such a dream is associated with the end of something. It is not uncommon for these types of dreams to appear when one has been addicted to either drugs or cigarettes. Yes, this is easy to do when we are struggling with things in life. Maybe you are just feeling that things are too much stress. Maybe you feel that no matter how much you try you never get anywhere. The dream of suicide is about "acceptance" that we need to learn from what we are thrown at in life.

Sometimes, in life we suffer from immense depression, this is only natural. We all have challenges and difficulties in life and sometimes we do feel that we need a way out. Being mentally unstable in the dream suggests that “life in general” has taken its toll. It could be that you are having suicidal thoughts in waking life and this is why the dream has appeared. It indicates that you are focused on radically changing, in essence, ending whatever it is that is causing you concern. When we look at suicide we are also associating the dream with how you used to be in the past and how you are now in the future.

Suicide in dreams symbolizes your need for power. Another aspect of such a dream refers to giving a solution to a problem by killing a part of it. Suicide is associated with self-destructive tendencies which you probably must give up. You should ask yourself what side of your personality should you follow and what is it that you want to be more involved in. Dreaming of suicide could foretell that a project or a business might come to an end.

Spiritually speaking, a dream of suicide suggests that something old in your life needs to be unleashed. It can mean that you could give up a negative passion of yours. This dream could also be a warning of a change coming your way. Committing suicide in a dream indicates that a failure could happen. If others commit suicide, this foretells that people you don’t know will have a strong influence on you. A lover committing suicide in your dream means that you will be disappointed in him or her and worry about his or her infidelity.“


Dirty Pond 

“This dream represents your life’s equilibrium or lack thereof. Something that has been brewing for some time is about to be revealed because you’ve hit a snag on your way to achieving your objectives. 

Besides, your dream is a sign that you are disregarding a situation in your life or might be overextending yourself. Unfortunately, a dirty pond dream is a warning sign of masculine or animalistic hostility. 

Alternatively, this could indicate a lack of self-esteem or confidence. In your dream, what you’re saying is unclear.”


I feel as though overall to have a lot of conflicting feelings and overbearing emotions and at the end I need to figure or rediscover myself again as I have let my conflicting situations blinded me.


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  • 1 month later...

My last dream was yet again a strange but an interesting one. For the first time ever, the dream was taken during the Medieval time. As a pauper, I was taken to a castle to be trained to be a squire. Although there were certain duties to be taken before I could earn my spot as one. Which was helping around the castle and cleaning. I was a diligent worker in helping around the castle. The kingdom was only ruled by a Queen and her daughter. I was 14 and the princess was 18. I fell in love with the princess and wanted to be with her. 

One night I snuck up to the Queen and the Princess’s private room and when I got there, the Princess was a sleep. She definitely looked like a sleeping beauty. The room was just as beautiful as she is. The ceiling doesn’t have a roof, as it was covered in leaves instead. It was like walking in a magical garden of Greece. The room was so relaxing so I sat on the floor across where the princess was sleeping peacefully. I can feel my body relaxing as I just realized that I haven’t gotten a break since I have been so focused on working hard so that I could worthy enough to be a squire. 

I fell asleep and my dream self begin to dream. It was a dream within a dream. My dream self dreamt about going through a timeskips of his life as well as the next life and so forth. I don’t remember these events specifically but it was a bit chaotic. The last dream which I actually do remember, was  my ‘dream-self’s” dream was taken in during WW2. I was standing on the sidewalk, young and watching the German soldiers marching. It felt like being in a movie, I was mesmerized, in awe. Of all the dreams I dreamed about wars, this moment felt like a good memory to my dream self. My dream-self last thought, before he woke up was “one day I will be one of them.”

My dream self finally woke up and I was back in the room. I felt a little disoriented but before I could get myself up, I heard the Queen coming. The room has two hallways leading to two exits. The Queen was coming from the right, so I quickly got up and ran to the left to avoid her seeing me. Since if I was caught, it would cost my chance of becoming a squire or worse. I can hear the Queen coming in as I run. She knows someone was in the room since she can hear my footsteps running down the hallway. But luckily the room was kinda dark so she couldn't see it was me. I quickly reach the door and open it. 

Unfortunately for me there were guards standing by and I closed the door back. I saw a closet on my left side and before I could reach it to hide, the Queen already caught up to me and cornered me. My heart literally sank and I could find myself unable to breathe. It caught me off guard that I fell down backwards. I push myself against the wall in fear. Her wrath was overwhelming and no word  to express how mad she looked. But I can remember how furious she was by judging how her face glowed red. She was shouting and insulting something at me but I couldn’t make out what she was saying.But all I remember was her saying something like “you little bastard”. 

She grabbed me by my ear and pulled me up and dragged me to the bathroom and began to shout at me again. She took out a stick and told me if I want to keep my position I mustn’t cry whenever she lands a hit on me. I nod in agreement. She raises her stick at me and begins to strike me hard several times. The pain was definitely real as I can actually feel it coursing through my whole body, it felt like a burning stinger in each hit. She was grabbing me by my hair as she continued to hit. I tried my best not to cry, and fortunately I did succeed in holding back my cries. After that, she grabbed me up and tossed me out to the guards. She was going to throw me to the dungeon for a week without food and water as my punishment. I woke up afterward. But I froze for a moment as that dream was very traumatic for me

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