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What did you dream about last night?


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I had quite the nightmare last night. I was in high school only instead of looking funeral ready I looked boring and average. No black. Just average everyday clothes. I looked normal. That’s quite scary

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  • 2 months later...

My family and I went to an Airbnb in the mountains. And Sidon (Legend Of Zelda) was at the Airbnb next to us.

It be an odd night - to go to the mountains, and become Airbnb buddies with a 10-foot sharkman.

Edited by Castle Bleck
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A few nights ago I dreamt I won a Sunny and Izzy plush at one of those scam games you see at fairs and theme parks. First time I can remember dreaming of anything pony related. Rest of the dream was pretty unremarkable.

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I had a dream in which my brother opened his theater with a very odd choice of plays from a generic catalog of choices. The show was a murder mystery taking place in the Hippy era, without anything compelling or original. And the members of the audience kept coming backstage to hang out with the cast and crew like it was just a big party for hanging out. The murder victim, an elderly lady still wearing a blood-stained blouse from her murder in the opening scene, was making refreshments backstage and entertaining anyone who came around. Everyone seemed to have a good time even though it’s not what I would ever imagine happening at the theater in real life.

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  • 1 month later...

Had a dream with my grandparents in it. They passed away many years back, so... yeah. The dream also had a white wolf in it. For some reason we brought the wolf into our home. The wolf was supposed to be "domesticated" as much as a wolf can possibly be, but I was super nervous about that. On the other hand, I think wolves are beautiful so I also found it to be neat. lol

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I had a dream that took place at a shopping mall at night, with a raging rainstorm outside. I came in from the storm to an eatery, and there was a gigantic snake inside, about 20 inches in diameter, dark green and scaly. Someone there took a sword and chopped its head off, so everyone could enjoy their meals. Later, Henry Winkler as The Fonz, came in, wearing his signature Fonz costume, only rearranged; the leather jacket covered half his torso, with the other half re-cut to cover one of his legs to the knee, and his blue jeans conversely came up to cover half his torso. It looked weird. Then another giant snake came in, this one dark grey and scaly, and this time I was the one with the sword; a amalgamation of a samurai sword with a cutlass handle. So I chopped the snake's head off and pinned its head to the floor with the blade while its disconnected body continued to writhe around the room. There wasn’t much story beyond that, but The Fonz was cool and I enjoyed meeting him. This was not a typical dream for me, thank goodness. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last night was the first time I can remember that I actually had one of those infamous 'naked in public' dreams. There was nothing sexy or even interesting about it. To be honest, it was more embarrassing than anything else. I had somehow, over the course of this dream lost my clothing, and spent the rest of the time trying to preserve my modesty and find something to cover up with. There wasn't a lot of staring by others in the dream; it was more a matter of, 'poor girl, she lost her clothes' so it was more sympathetic than a case for ogling. Normally, I'm not that concerned about nudity in its proper time and place, but this was just matter-of-fact nudity and no fun at all.

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4 minutes ago, Dreambiscuit said:

Last night was the first time I can remember that I actually had one of those infamous 'naked in public' dreams. There was nothing sexy or even interesting about it. To be honest, it was more embarrassing than anything else. I had somehow, over the course of this dream lost my clothing, and spent the rest of the time trying to preserve my modesty and find something to cover up with. There wasn't a lot of staring by others in the dream; it was more a matter of, 'poor girl, she lost her clothes' so it was more sympathetic than a case for ogling. Normally, I'm not that concerned about nudity in its proper time and place, but this was just matter-of-fact nudity and no fun at all.

Those dreams happen to me too, Dreamy. :confused:

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My latest dream had Zipp and Pipp in it. I don’t distinctly recall why they were there, they just were I guess. Dream logic. They might’ve been considered IRL royalty in that dream because I do distinctly remember someone calling Pipp “Princess”. Interesting how the only pony related dreams I have seem to be G5 related.

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I had fragments of dreams loosely strung together without much storyline, but one recurring theme took place at a house I once lived in, and there was a mountain lion making a home in the back yard with a litter of cubs. She was so scary but under the circumstances was skittish and afraid for the welfare of her little ones. In the dream I kept forgetting she had taken up residence, so every time I ran through the yard and accidentally upset her, I felt really bad about it. I didn’t want to bother a mommy cat and her cubs. That was all there was to the dream really. 

In reality she probably would have ripped my gizzards out as soon as look at me, especially if she was protecting a litter. 

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I dreamed about making the move that I already made. It was very weird.. Reliving feelings that have now mostly passed. I wish my mind wouldn't do that to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today I had the most interesting and best dream I've had in a while. I flew to the USA. I was in the city center and there I met someone from this forum. We walked around the city and met Biden and Trump. Then I remember that I flew back to my country and then returned to the USA again and met someone from this forum again. We met Biden and Trump again. We all went somewhere together. On the way, Trump recited a poem. We came to the stage, there were a lot of people next to the stage. Trump and Biden began to speak on stage, and we stood next to each other. I don't remember anything further.

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