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books I Want To Talk About Warriors!


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So, I've been getting to know these books over the past few years. So much so that I could not get enough of them. I enjoyed them all from the adventures the cats of ThunderClan had. Their rivalries with their neighbors RiverClan, WindClan and ShadowClan. All leading across 5 "seasons" from Firestars childhood to his tragic yet noble demise. I am sorry if I'm spoiling this for anyone. However to my understanding since starting these books. I am the LAST to know. How do you share the hope, the drama and tragedy of these worlds. 


  So before I left for The Grand Canyon a week ago I had finished the fatefull finale of Warriors all the way up from Season 1 Into The Woods. Or as the timeline calls it. "The Prophecies Begin". I saw life after life and entire generations rise and fall in the end as the forces of Darkness battled with the forces of Light and also the living too.

I had come to think this is the end and I'll never read another Warriors. But there's a world of them still needing to be read. The past, the future and everything in between. In fact I thought I should start The Dawn series and whatever of those single books that the books told of between novels. Bluestar, Yellowfang, Crookedstar, Tallstar, Skyclan and also Firestar too. In a way, to bridge the gaps between or before that first book of a playful kittypet that chose to run wild with a cloud of cats. Living, hunting and fighting to survive in the wild outside. 


    As I write this I had just finished a few of them. A few of those Dawn books. I have to wait for some to resurface. I don't recall having to wait for any of the books? Anywho I thought while I waited to check out some that wouldn't hurt my progress too much. Just some anthology book with 3 tales. It's categorized under the little books Novellas like the super editions these target a few cats and their stories. Didn't care much for Ravepaw's Farfewell as he had a manga series and now a novella of his own. I had just thought the series wrote him off after ThunderClan and the other left. Why are the comics called "Manga" if they weren't written in Japan? Anywho uh so I got Bramblestar's Storm which I hoped to wait until I had caught up to everything before and during Firestar's story.


      Well this is all I know I couldn't talk to anyone about what I've read and seen because, I am the last to read all these books. Even the forums I used to visit forgot about them and chose to distance themselves from Warriors. 


But here maybe we can start a new... Tell me, if you've read or know Warriors then I wanna talk to you about it. If nothing to get other's thoughts and feelings about them. The saga is far from over because there's a new series I'm gonna tackle after Bramblestar's book. However, it looks like that will happen in no specific order. So uh come on then. I wanna talk about Warriors!

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I read a few of them but that was a while back now.  I guess I lost interest half way through, I don't read often and this was one of the only book series that I actually read through partially.  Firehart dies though?  Dang.  I honestly don't remember all that much sadly.

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Because this thread is discussing a book series, I have gone ahead and moved it to Media Discussion.

Thanks where would I know where to put these things without you guys :)

I read those books before, they are really good. If you want to talk about it, you can ask me :)

Well, at first I began watching short films on Youtube. I happened upon Warrior Cats via that one SSS animated series that was never finished. I watched some of it via Youtubers like TribbleofDoom. I became hooked as I wanted to see more. Others adapted into animated series. Some had segments animated but never finished too. I knew if I wanted to get anywhere. It looks like I'd have some reading to do. I even stumbled upon the Warrior Cats forums however once I got there the place then was ancient and everybody had already read most of them if not all of them by the time I came along. I look at the publish date on the book and Into The Woods traces all the way back to 2003. Idk where I was then or why I've never heard of Warriors... It's better late than never.


     So over the span of a few years and 6 seasons. I journeyed with these cats. Laughed with them. fought alongside them and shared their pain whenever tragedy struck. Especially losing a beloved character that's been around since book 1. We all know it was coming everyone has to die. Even immortals seeing generations of cats whom only live one life for them. my heart pounded when Firestar charges into battle alongside his cats, Sandstorm fearing for his life. He, who was now like them had only one life to give for Thunderclan. The Battle Theme of ThunderClan drums in my head as I read these few pages. That's just like what a great leader would do... The good ones anyway.


      (By The Way) To you dogs lovers Sheid your eyes...) I've come to hate dogs. They have been a nusiance and a menace to cats. Other words. They make cats cry and I grew to despise them and their ilk. Anytime the cats encounter a dog. Tigerclaw used them to try and destroy ThundeClan. Bluestar died leaping on one to save Fireheart from them, but she went into the water with the slobbering, clumbsy brutes. She's drowning! I don't know why she never learned how to swim given she had a RiverClan lover. Fireheart tries to help her but she was pulled from the river by the now Mistystar and her late brother, Smokefur. Giving the two RiverClan cats a chance to reconcile their estranged relationships to the dying ThunderClan leader, their mother. Bluestar may not be most people's favorite but seeing her die like that was like if I lost my own mother. Ya see, Bluestar was wise, and nurturing to young Firepaw I couldn't help but think of Tsunade and Naruto kinda that wise mature woman teaching her young student. As she dies she thought of Fireheart as her own son... He gets that a lot from she cats that know him, like Yellowfang. As for the scourge of dogs. I know they "humanize" them when you learn dogs = twolegs which means me. They're just doing their uh job? Am I to think I, a twoleg who loves cats that tend to distrust and avoid us twolegs? Am I the master of dogs that hurt cats and make them cry or hold keys to the monsters that haunt their dreams? I supposed to a cat they would seem like monsters to them. I know it's all just fantasy but their world is like our own we have wild cats, woods, dogs and thunderpaths that our "monsters" hunt on. But hey, let's move on. More infractions. The dogs killed Flower, who was young and pretty, and later they killed somecat in the yard. Tore him to pieces and tossed him around like a piece of prey. That was partially cringey. I know how brutal and savage dogs can be. I once saw one shred a little lizard in two. That bit with the dogs in the yard was due to Sol's misguided methods but still. but by then my limits and tolerance for the dogs was increasing. I was at my limit when dogs would always be a means for drama and peril for cats Current and even the Dawn cats. Now I prefer cats so much more than dogs now. Do not think me a monster but I see while cats live trying to avoid them loud, annoying beasts who tend to give them a run for their lives only to be dealt with by luck or if a twoleg's nearby. So I cannot see dogs any other way than a tool of menace and peril... For cats.


     With all that said. I had thought differently because I haven't seen what other libraries held. Ya see I got a job and I shortly recently transferred to a new place and thankfully their Library has Warriors. Albeit a few incomplete sections but at least my adventures with cats. Cats that I've always loved even before picking up Into The Woods. As of today I've read 3 books of Dawn of the Clans. I'd like to begin reading about the warriors before and between in terms of them Super Editions that I think I have missed chances to read. I am glad that it is not over even after The Last Hope. We still have the next generation to think about. I have some blank spaces that need filling in and I almost avoid Warriors and Youtube due to spoiler territory. I almost can't see anything without some minor spoilers involved. Many videos are about Warrior facts and others A lot deal with the cats' deaths. Those would be Major spoilers BTW. Anyways I've got today and tomorrow off so I'll be available to discuss Cats more. After then I may not be as free. I work a late shift and it will likely change but the night claims my days. To put it delicately. Did I not mention that I got a job and had to move and thus change libraries that may or may not have Warriors???


Before I go I wanna say, "How is the prey running?"

They're fun.  They're largely what got me into fantasy, world building, and character creation.  Not to mention my love of cats.

The fact I've always liked cats even before reading about this world of cats who live together very peacefully and go on huge adventures and sometimes vat quests. I can definitely see the J.R.R. Tolkien inspirations. I couldn't help but think of other literature like The Warriors. which also involves a group in feuds with other groups trekking through rival territory to get to home ground. Or The Outsiders. Another story about feuding clans. This only features 2 though. The ragtag greasers and the uptight, smug Socs. Or if you wanna trace further. West Side Story. with The Jets facing off with Sharks and they have a story about members from rival gangs falling in love. Many of the theme of Warriors make me think of groups of gangs scraping it up once in a while and with the rival love stories. Romeo and Juliet and like them the cats often deal with tragic results. However everything I mentioned is good too. Idk why people think Romeo and Juliet is a loving, romantic story. if you know anything about Shakespeare. He likes screwing up lives. In Warriors; There was only a few instances, but many resemble the "star crossed lovers". In almost every one of them met with either persecution or each other having to betray the other or they have kits that they have to hide. With Mapleshade she was just banished and rejected by everyone why she's such a mean she cat of course it involved a cat from another clan. The fact that this is a method to create drama, (and very juvenile drama at that) is just plain ridiculous. Even the Everything Wrong With Warriors videos that I saw that I hoped wouldn't be as spoier as others but by then I had already read up to the end of the battle with the Dark World cats. The Dark vs the Light. Living against the dead. Anyways they mention that rival clan relationships to make drama is stupid.


    As for Romeo and Juliet. He was 15 yrs old and she was 13 and their whole "relationship" took place from meeting to when they take their lives was only about a week. or was it a weekend? Book is freaking short that much is sure. As sure as time passed but in film, they don't transition so well. So, Getting off topic. People doubt that it is possible for anyone to fall in love much less after just meeting them. That's all I'm gonna say about that. Idk if I'm gonna get to the manga novels of the guides or much of the single novellas they got for some cats. I want to try some but as for the mangas (Why do they call them "manga" if they're not published in Japan?) They don't seem as important but I have kinda seen the Rise of Scourge which might be somewhat important but I don't think I care about what Greystripe did when he was away and met Millie or whatever "questionable" relationship Ravenpaw and Barley had while he was staying at the barn. That was pretty much answered for me in the 3rd story of a book called "Shadow of The Clans". The first "mini episode" was about Mapleshade. That's how I read about her... See, evil is not born. It is grown from seeds planted later on. Sure she had it coming because what good could come from lying or deception? She seemed nice for the most part it also seemed the world had done her over. As for other stories I may never get to. Nor even the one they had for Tigerclaw and Sasha? of all the she cats he's potentially raped why a book about them? I suppose that question would be answered if I read them but alas I haven't seen much on the "manga". I wouldn't be as avoided about the guides as I wouldn't mind knowing more about these worlds outside what the novels have told me this far. Did you know that, they say anyways that Brightheart had a crush on Swiftpaw before he died when those dogs attacked? Oh hey and uh more or the dog hate. They hurt Brightheart scarring her for life and killed her potential boyfriend. It was said if he went with her and she died he would likely want to die with her so they could be together. Or did you know that there may be a few "mixed breeding" going on in Thunderclan? I forget which cats was also their uncle or half brother but yeah that was a thing now. What does "twice removed" mean anyway?



    I am glad to know that there's another season of books in "A vision of Shadow" which I think comes after Bramblestar's Storm. I hope nobody gets the urge to help me learn these out before I get to them myself? There's still much to see...

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I really enjoyed the Warriors Series.

Or at least the very first one featuring Firestar's journey.

After that, I lost track due to the billions of sequels and prequels and not knowing what order to read the books in.


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This was one of my favorite book series as a kid. I read everything from the first three "Seasons" to most of the Super edition books, the field guides, the Manga, etc. Sorta lost interest part of the way through the 4th season though. It wasn't bad, but I was just having more and more trouble keeping up with it all at the time, plus I was finding new interests.


 I've thought about getting back into it, but I feel like I'd have to reread it all from the beginning, and that's a real daunting task these days with just how much of it there is now.

Twilight is best pony.


Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to?


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This was one of my favorite book series as a kid. I read everything from the first three "Seasons" to most of the Super edition books, the field guides, the Manga, etc. Sorta lost interest part of the way through the 4th season though. It wasn't bad, but I was just having more and more trouble keeping up with it all at the time, plus I was finding new interests.


 I've thought about getting back into it, but I feel like I'd have to reread it all from the beginning, and that's a real daunting task these days with just how much of it there is now.

       I wouldn't mind reading them over again. At least some of them, at some point... I don't know if I would, I don't know many books that I've re-read? There were some things in the books over the course of 6 seasons that I wouldn't mind revisiting... If I had to maybe if I bought them and had them to own forever maybe. Yeah, it sucks that Firestar, the chosen hero and central focus of the entire series to follow from Prophecies Begin to Omen of The Stars that tend to less focus on him and more his children and their children, leading up to the final battle in Omens. Where Firestar made his BIGGEST contribution. I felt the dark forest battle coming for a while. At least since some of the prologues which had Tigerstar plotting somethign in the darkness. The way he latches on to Brambleclaw to train him in secret with his other son Hawkfrost and the whole thing during training clan cats and making Starclan nervous. It had me thinking. If a dead cats dies again, does he/she go back to that realm of Darkness or... They answered that and I won't spoil that for anyone but it turns that forgotten cats can fade away with time if they are forgotten. Even cats of Starclan for that matter? I had imagined that Starclan was like our own Heaven where you lived your spirit alive and healthy. The burdens and pains and wounds of your life gone forever and always. I didn't understand why Starclan still needed to hunt or why Runningnose was still sickly and Yellowfang had bad breath and matted fur? Or even how the spirit realms could cross into the realm of the living and how they can start war with live cats? All of this came to be because of things the cats of Starclan caused when they were alive. I'm still piecing things together but no clan is perfect it seems. Each clan has their skeletons and that's not just from having relations with cats from other clans. I know about most of Yellowfang because of what she told in the books. Yellowfangs secret feels like a more in depth explanation. Beginning from kithood it seems. Same as Bluestar and other I guess. These are THEIR stories. All these stand alone books tell us their lives focusing on them instead of the cats from the perspective of Thunderclan. I am pretty sure Dawns is focusing on the constant rivalry between Thunderclan and Windclan with one leaning on the open moor lands while another leans on the forest. I've felt a connection between Shadow and Riverclan but we're getting there. I don't know what else I should say without revealing things to those who have not seen them for themselves. Ya see I hate Spoilers and even more causing them by chance or saying too much. Everyone must go in like everyone else. Never knowing anything about it... Fresh as a newborn kit. 


     So getting back... Those mysteries and conspiracies, the plotting and the cursing from the entire saga was done, over. It was as if all the trouble that the cats made, or had since before Firestar to when Firestar dies killing the "undead" Tigerstar. That was all over and now belongs to the next generation. That's why Warriors MUST go on! I am excited to try A Vision of Shadow once I see it on shelves, but I am more interested in revisiting the between and the past and finishing Dawn of The Clans. There are some cats back there that I've gotten to know. That 3rd one though (Without Spoilers) stuff got real. I've learned a lot over the past few days. More than that I've blown thru many of them because I haven't worked out my TV or games to entertain me, not yet anyways. It is a process for now, but I have had more time to read. So I blew thru much of Dawns and a lot made me sad. It's always tough to read about that and this with these cats' lives. You journey with them. Live with them and get to know them and from the point you first know them to the time they have their "time". It often comes out of the blue and is very tough to read. The point to create tragedy and peril mostly to drive home that the wild is a harsh and difficult existence. The books hold these cats up, giving the "choice cats" hopes and dreams to strive for and it's like watching any of AMC's The Walking Dead show... No one is safe. Anyone, or any cat can die.

    I was reading throughout the little bits at the ends of Omen's series and it was describing how to play the Warriors game RPG. It mentioned at one point that it is always hard when a beloved character dies but hey you can always create a new one... Sounds monotonous if you ask me? I know that sounded a bit insensitive. So uh while waiting to finish up Dawns. I've been reading other Warriors books. the latest being Bramblestar's Storm, rather against my will and timing as I had planned out to read them middle books. The Super Editions in order to bridge some of the gaps and fill in points that the main books that I mentioned, may have left out. Certainly a more in depth look. What kind of a cat was Bluestar in her youth or Snowfur? Were they close as sisters or had they disagreed a lot? Did Snowfur have a Tom cat in her life and if it was Thistleclaw? What kind of cat was he? Many of these stories dredge up thoughts. Like Blustar and Snowfur's mother. Why did she have to die when the kits were so young? Why does any queen have to die and leave her young kits to the wild unknowns. To be picked up my cats or unpredicteble threats. In other terms What kind of a cat was Oakheart the Riverclan tom from the Prologue in Into The Woods? See these are some things that would be answered. I heard Snowfur meets a terrible fate. There are a lot that I wish I never knew. As I said I pretty much avoid further revelation with Warriors and Youtube. All these questions and more like. Why was it made an offense punishable by exile or demotion for medicine cats to have a mate and kits? Surely having kits should not interfere with their duties? That's something to look out for maybe. When a cat was made leader who started the Deputy/clan successor when his time was up?


      In relation to the Super Editions. I had especially resisted Bluestar's Prophecy. Not that I'm not interested, but more not knowing when to read it, but even after she "left" I didn't. I kept on going. I had asked about when it would be best to try reading them, however, it was suggested to me to keep reading. Since starting the whole thing. But after missing so many and eventually coming to the end, landing on Omens. I decided to read them then. Bringing the main books and their storied full circle. I missed the chance I could have but forgot to check out Firestar's Quest. I read the "cast list" and it was dated around when he first started out, it seems. The medicine cat was still Cinderpelt. I guessed it must've been after Into the Woods ended when he was made leader and did that whole battle with Scourge, Tigerstar and his cats. Somehow before The Power of Three. Maybe somewhere between The New Prophecy. A cliff note summary tells of an uncertain Firestar in his leader ship of Thunderclan. One story was about that anyways. He encounters his old friend Smudge from his days as a Kittypet. That sends the young Thunderclan leader to question if he made the right choice. I don't know why he would be uncertain or question his role in Thunderclan. I won't know for certain until I do read it. Another story I happened upon was during Ravenpaw's Farewell when he spoke of Firestar and Sandstorm going on a mission to help Skyclan. I don't know if that's related but it made me think to Firestar's Quest or Skyclan's Destiny. I don't even know when Ravenpaw's Farewell was? I do know it was after the Clans left on the Great Journey to find the new territories during The New Prophecy...


     That being said, These books are supposed to be an escape. Kinda like MLP is for some. A ways away from the real world stuff we all face. I'm sorry, but I probably won't read that one again. That all being said. The library here doesn't have all the books available so I don't know if I'll get to every Warrior's tale without going somewhere and buying the books myself... At least they'd be available. I don't remember having to wait for any of the books. When there was a book that was unavailable, I had made a request to have them call to some of the local libraries in the area in which case means the county or whatever. They sent it in and I'd get a call that it has arrived. I read the book then they send it back to the library it came from. End of story. The particular library I have doesn't have that option. However, there are ways of filling in the gaps here as it were. They just order them or something... Libraries get their books some how.


 Anyways I've rambled on enough for today. Check back later. Starclan be with you and light your path... Or whatever. I got work to do in a little bit so I have to get going. 

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I haven't read all of them, and I'm pretty sure I read them when I was eight years old. My memory is a bit fuzzy on the subject. I've considered re-reading them and finishing the whole saga.

Enter the Forest...

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Some may recall Warriors from long ago. I know they're kinda old. And that they're still making them thank StarClan Idk what else to read right now until I've gone thru just about everything. Or whatever's available at my local library. Ya know to buy any book. In the US they're ranged around $17 approximately for Hard copies it's a little different for paper backs that I've seen. The last 5 seasons were hard copies though some Warriors books are available in paper back. I don't know if I like paper back that much. The way I hold books their spines take a toll over time. I don't fold it all the way out but I hold it pretty much flat out to see it. Anyway those books range around $7.99 to $8.99 US. This one I got now Bramblestar's Storm is set at about that much. I think that hard copies like a lot of the Warriors series and Super Editions were hard copies costs more to make? Idk the value of books or their versions all I know is that the price tags on hard backs and little paper backs are different. I'm not a big book guy. It's like wondering the difference in price for a DVD of a film and its Blu-Ray copy. One suggests Blu-Rays cost more because of the tech needed and what's used DVD usually are inexpensive because they don't require a laser or whatever to work. Just a good lens to read. Blu Ray implies that a laser in the machine is used. However Blue Ray players are capable of playing standard DVD discs. Oh by the way it's Labor Day so I got work but a lot of places like the Library would be closed today so the only reference to the books' prices are one paper back I have in my possession and the other a hard copy of one of them Super Editions. I don't think it's vital to the timeline but it's gonna hold me over until I could get more Warriors.


    Anyways uh I don't intend to quit and I hope Erin Hunter and them guys as I think Erin Hunter is a bunch of writers and illustrators. Erin Hunter is a pen name. FYI? Anywho I hope they still have many stories to tell as They could have ended it when Firestar became Leader after The Darkest Hour or even yet when Firestar met his death killing Tigerstar at the end of Omens. The point is. The show must go on as the demands that supplies it. A series goes with more to tell as long as there is story to tell and the audience that occupies them. Well I gotta go now, I'll check back later with more Warriors talk.


  Before I go... Tell me, readers do you love cats? Did you always love them or did you come across an appreciation for felines after you found Warriors? As for me I've always loved cats. Always been around cats and this Warriors stuff only made me like them enough that I can't imagine my life without cats. Heck it made me hold them higher than dogs in general. Cat rule and dogs drool. Cats are less drooly and are indifferent too they can look after themselves or we can take care of them equally. Cats show the same love and devotion that a dog might but a cat would happily let you settle in after a long day out when dogs waste no time in welcoming you home. It's kinda of needy and I do like that cats would let me settle in and relax before coming to welcome me in. Ya know.  

So I'm reading through Bramblestar's Storm. I noted a couple times that Jayfeather, Lionblaze and even Dovewing have lost their special talents... It puzzled me as I was thinking "Why did they lose their 'power'?" A purpose served doesn't mean you've done what you were supposed to use them for. Since Power of Three and Omen of The Stars these were cats living in a world where cats have strange abilities. Clan leaders are granted 9 lives. The old saying that cats have 9 lives making some sense... Some of the time. They quite literally live 9 times before the final and after they are like every other cat. I keep going and The Medicine cats even Jayfeather's ability to converse with spirits in their dreams and Jayfeather's amplified ability to walk in other cats' dreams. Now all they do is complain and more so than in Power or Omens than usual. But now it's because they feel unextraordinary like every other cat it seems. They feel they've lost their use in their clan. Dovewing wandering around feeling like blind, deaf unlike a cat who is blind or deaf. I think that will be explained more in Dovewing's Silence. As I think it is loosely about the moments she's coping with losing her power. Lionblaze is not so indestructible as now he can be hurt like every other cat. And he is pissed off that he can't go as strong or as endearing as he had been. And he got together with Cinderheart after all and she has to keep reminding him all the time. And Jayfeather is just plain grumpy. Though not an elder cat the way he speaks and behaves like a grouch at Leafpool or Bramblestar is wearing on other cats. He has not mentioned his losing his ability to cross into other cats' dreams but now he's just a blind cat. He still is like the Clan shaman in that he gets omens. But not as potent or Earth moving as before. The thing with the stick and the scratch on the paw as a sign of danger. 


   And the whole thing is about this massive flood that came in from the sea somehow flowing into the lake and rivers increasing the flows. Of what I've read to now. The cats are all coping with the flood and even taken in kittypets who are also affected by the flood. What does this mean that a flood can nearly drown a house? I've heard of hurricanes and mudslides covering whole properties but nothing so serious as to entirely drown a forest or neighborhood... Such things should not be and I've never heard of a sea giving access water to flood those rivers and streams but I suppose that's why damns and resevoirs are built.


     Furthermore to add. The cats do not know what to do with themselves. Jessy is an utter she cat "flirting" on Bramblestar and Squirrelflight is JELLY. She's so jell that when she looks at Bramblestar and Jessy comes along to ask to go out with Bramblstar exploring and whatever she has to GLARE at Bramblestar. She's clearly feeling threatened by Jessy and Bramblestar doesn't have a clue. Because when does a boy ever know when a girl is hitting on him or when another girl is aware and is offput by the attention. When I was reading about Turtle Tail and her feelings for Grey Wing before they reconciled. Grey Wing meets a young silver tabby she cat and he starts to crush on her. From then Turtle Tail huffs off and every cat is like. "Grey Wing, you're hopeless.". Grey Wing was oblivious as he pursued Storm as her name was. Turns out she developed a crush on her brother Clear Sky. He had even mated with her resulting in Thunder coming along. Thunder, born of Storm. Clever wording right? Anyways back to Bramblestar's Storm. HAHA I GET IT Bramblestar's Storm is not relating to the flood. Hell he's gonna have to balance keeping his clans' spirit up while avoiding piercing green glares from Squirrelflight as he deals with this she cat Jessy who may be crushing on him. Hell he saved her life but he saved Minty and Frankie too and you don't see them trying to cozy up to Bramblestar. Only Jessy has tried mostly to be around him and ask him to show her around. And everytime suspicion arises in Squirrelflight, her eyes unsure to the she cat's intention. She plays innocent at times. Giving me an impression she's got something there.


   Anyway I won't know anything for sure but I suspect Bramblestar has caught on that Squirrelflgiht doesn't like Jessy very much. I doubt Bramblestar has noticed Jessy's feeling cause he's been busy showing her how to hunt as well as the rising pressure from all this flood and Shadow Clan is always up to something. It's like after those group evernt when the Clans unite for one common moment the borders vanish but once peace returns after the threat is resolved. The clans go back to being bitter and causing trouble for each other. Whoever starts it, never matters what does is that it always reminds me how brittle and fickle the alliances are and that they almost forget the ties that bound them in the first place. The Starclan's claim that the silly border's and petty fights are ridiculous to them seeing as how there are much bigger things to worry about than boundaries, prey and patrols. Those all come right back in waves after the big threat. ShadowClan and WindClan are always up to something. We never really see the world from their perspective when the books always base around ThunderClan than the rest. Eh, I'm sure it's just that.

     Cats are no different from people in that way. The way handle things. Under all their civilized, organization as much as one could say for a bunch of cats living in large groups and every cat gets along with every cat within those groups. We call cease fires and truces when there are times to call them when that is necessary, but as soon as we all part ways. Shortly, those go away as quickly as one calls them and we go right back to before the truces and cease firing. For cats, that's called the Gathering for us we go a United Nation with reps from all nations gather under one building, but even then tensions are high and sometimes a fight can break out. WHICH is NOT allowed on this hallowed ground correct? In the cat's relation anyway. The UN guys seem pretty well behaved for what I've seen. Still, sometimes cats can't leave their baggage at the door to be there as can us humans too. We sometimes turn it into a court house situation rather than a collection of temporal harmony. When they confront each other there on whatever issue is happening. Ya see where I'm going with this? 



So what do you think about all this? What are your thoughts on this discussion? I'd be happy to share more once I know more.

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