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open One Punch

Drago Ryder

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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/158217-one-punch-now-taking-applicants/\


The world we live in is balanced between the forces of good and evil. Heroes and monsters battle for control, with humans being caught in the middle at times. This is the way it has been for millennia. Over time, both sides have become more organized, the heroes being a bit more public about it than the monsters they fight. The heroes developed a class system to determine how powerful one is, based on both physical and intellectual attributes. This is the story of the hero association and those that have joined it over the years.



Blitz groaned as he woke to the sound of his alarm clock playing "Everybody wants to rule the world" and knocked it off his bedside table. "Looks like it's time for the hero test. I should be able to make it, though." He thought to himself as he went through his morning routine. The young adult had gone through life without a care in the world and was planning on probably going through college to get a well paid job, at least that was until his powers sprouted. It took him a while for him to develop some semblance of control over his abilities, and even to this day it still seems like they have a mind of their own.


Time:12:00 P.M

Location: The commons area of the hero association's American Branch. (New York, New York)
Weather: Slightly overcast


After running the three blocks it took Blitz to get to his apartment, the only thing that seemed to stand out was the Hero association building. "Well, this seems like the right place." He thought to himself.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Coris perched atop a large building. Staring at the sky, he realized it would soon be time for the hero registration test. He was pretty sure he could pass easily and get into rank B, or maybe even A. He wasn't really sure why he was trying to become an official hero, except that he might find his friend there. Coris truly doubted that his friend would be there, as the whole event and frankly, the association itself went completely against his friend's nature. But still... maybe. 


"Beep," his watch said. Coris glanced down at it. It was time. He leaped off the building, landed with a solid thump, and raced toward the hero association, just a few blocks away.


Time: 12:00 P.M.

Location: Hero Association (American Branch) commons.

Weather: Slightly overcast.


(I am not sure if this last information is what you intended for part of the format of this roleplay.)

It does not matter who I am. Who are you?

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@@Drago Ryder @@Derplight Sperkle @@Acnologia @@rolle @@GreenGreenWhirlWind @@Techno Universal @@Egnis


New York.


Bailey had always contemplated visiting the "City That Never Sleeps", but could never find the funds (or the will) to go.  London was a fun enough place, when you knew where all the fun was.  

However, in recent months, she had finally received her excuse, and she now found herself among skyscrapers and super heroes in the Land of Liberty.  It was every bit as beautiful as she imagined it, but it was hard to take all of it in when the performance anxiety weighed down on her shoulders.  She could imagine it now: herself in a room filled with super humans who could jump over buildings, or crush your head with a thought, or lift up a car like it was feather, and here she was...a mostly normal princess from East London who couldn't do anything like that.


Well, no one ever got that far with that attitude.  Her powers were good in their own way, and she was doing this for all of mankind, right?  Then what was the reason for feeling so down?  Keep your chin up high, radiate confidence, and make those Class A wannabes guess what this police girl was hiding underneath her dress uniform.


She arrived at her destination just after twelve o'clock.  Not bad, really, considering her taxi didn't seem to speak any English.  That or he didn't understand her accent.  Should she be offended?  Or would this become a recurring theme?  Welcome to America.


Bailey paid her driver and stepped out of her taxi.  She watched the front of the building for a few moments, the vestiges of her previous intimidation still weighing on her.  Then she flashed a smile, straightened out her tunic and bonnet, and made her way up the stairs.  Once more, the thought of being the only formally-dressed person in the entire room seemed a bit awkward.  No, it was only awkward because she thought it was awkward.  Instead, she'd be the one laughing at all the people in their tight latex and underwear!


Now there was a thought...

Edited by Hazard Time
  • Brohoof 1

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Techno Universal had fallen asleep in his underground lab in front of his main command console and it was finally time for him to go for his hero test...


CMD/Techno Universal's internal command prompt: AUTO ALARM 9AM


TC: AHH!! Damm I fell asleep on the job AGIN!!! I really need to get on top of that soon before it actually leads to a catastrophic incident occurring. But still FINALLY it's time for my hero test in New York. I'll probably get a S because of my invention of universal energy. It can do anything you think of but it can be extremely dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands. So I used to be a normal human being until I implanted that universal energy computer board into my head. But still I really should get going now.


So he exited his lab and went back up to his huge ultra modern mansion and had breakfast and did his other usual stuff. He then went outside to his garden...


TC: right now how how am I going to get there on time when its 12PM now and I'm all the way in Melbourne Australia. Of course I'm going to teleport there!! But still because I've never teleported there before hopefully the system registers the cords successfully from me just entering the location name.

CMD: TP.DESTINATION-hero association building- New York





And BOOM!! He was in the lobby of the hero association building in a instant. So a few minutes later he went in for his test...


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Ah good ol' New York. Haven't been here in...oh five months? False Shade thought as he overlooked the Hero Association building form a nearby rooftop. His mercenary days were just cutting it out for him anymore. Flights to and fro are getting expensive. Stealing ammo from third world militaries was just getting too boring. The latest targets were just boring accountants. Nobody wanted a good hitman anymore, everybody is all about the hacking. Why get a murder charge when you can ruin someone's life anonymously over the internet? 


Shade tried the Japanese branch earlier this month. But the biggest issue was the fact he couldn't understand them! All those hours binge watching anime didn't prepare Shade for the actual Japanese language. Figures. Plus Yen is terrible. And Japanese defense force wasn't big enough for Shade's gun needs. And they were too short. All and all, very disappointing.


"I really just need a regular paycheck don't I?" Shade muttered to himself. He looked at his watch to confirm the time. 12:01 PM. Gotta be fashionably late!


He dropped down and landed two stories down in a roll. Hearing a small crack from his ankle on impact, Shade winced and walked it off. He let the healing factor heal it back to normal and walked through the front door.


@@Hazard Time,@@Techno Universal,@@Egnis,@@Drago Ryder


Looking around, all Shade saw were people in spandex and a myriad of outfits. "This is the place for the hero association stuff, right?!" he called out to the crowd. "I mean, it could be any other giant non-descript black building in the middle of New York City."

  • Brohoof 1


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

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The city which holds the very symbol of liberty, New York City.


Olerak had not many choices in coming here, since his work. Which payed for the travel as well. Had to move him into a bigger building, which happened to be in New York City. Where the hero association's hero test was currently being held. His luck, that was exactly what he needed to do. No more illegal heroism.


He walked down the streets, looking up at the tall skyscrapers and other kinds of buildings. Quite different than what he was used to, however. One stand different to the others, a building taller than no others. The Hero Association building. He, ever since he awakened his powers way before the association existed. Helped people, ofcourse. It mostly happened by sheer chance and anger that, well. People could die. Anyways, he stopped remembering the old times as to why and saw that quite a lot of people were outside the association building, even more seemed to be inside. Most were in their hero costume it seemed, he who was in his work suit stood out quite a bit. Due to this, he might seem strange to the others, however. He would pay no mind. Rather, this would seem more professional to him. However, the others were not as professional... One was even yelling, asking if this was the right building...

Edited by rolle

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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@Drago Ryder


Kyubi gave a small yawn as she woke up in her apartment. "Looks like I still have some time before the hero test. Let's get this over with." She thought, before she turned her body into electricity and used the electrical grid of New York as her own personal highway. After a few seconds, she jumped out of a power line near the hero association building. She then noticed a man not much older than her and smiled. "Looks like I'm not the only one interested in taking the hero test." She said.

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Bailey stopped once more as she entered the building proper.  Wow, her imagination really wasn't wrong, the Hero Association building really was full of people in colorful spandex.  She bit her lip to keep herself from bursting out in laughter as she focused more on the architecture.  It was like a Halloween party, except you're the only one who didn't get the memo about the theme.


@@Derplight Sperkle


"Normally, I'd say ye," she responded, her dialect heavily tinted with a Cockney accent.  "Though it's not everydai ya see blokes walkin' 'round in their knickahs."  She shrugged.  "Not that I particularly mind, see, but it does clue ya in."


@@Techno Universal


The sudden flash of light and booming sound made her jump as she whirled about to find a new hero had materialized next to her.  Damn, that scared her.  "Cor!  You bloody well stahtled me, ya div!"


When she had managed to recompose herself, she took a deep breath and resumed her smile.  "So, what'ah you two 'ere for?  Cyborg ova 'ere can teleport, it seems, but what about you, bruv?  Got enough guns to wipe out the Tallybahn?"

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TC: well it's actually a universal energy computer board implant and that's why I even decided to join the hero association. I'm even working on a robotics project that will change the world. And believe it or not it's the ponies from MLP!!! But still wasn't I due for my hero test today!?


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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(Just leave out the bit with the time, weather, and location.)




Blitz looked over all of the people in attendance and didn't really see anything interesting about them. "I wonder what they can do." He thought, before looking over his outfit. While it may not have been your standard hero uniform, it was a burgundy shirt with a black overcoat with matching pants. The man then glanced at Kyubi and nodded. "Yeah. I guess that's why we're all here. My name's Blitz, by the way."

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@Drago Ryder


Kyubi nodded and looked around. She had expected a few people to show up, but felt a bit out of place despite what she was capable of. As for clothing, the heroine decided to go wear something a bit more casually, specifically a light purple jacket with an upright collar, a black undershirt, and shorts. She also wore black fingerless gloves and thigh high boots and socks. "Nice to meet you, Blitz. My name is Kyubi. So, what's your ability?"

Edited by Acnologia
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@@Hazard Time


Shade turned to the most unusual person in the crowd. Some girl was in a cop uniform? What was she thinking? Didn't she know that these bodysuits are the highest of fashion of all supers? And why would you want to look like a cop?


"You know these knickahs are very flattering. I could do whatever I-" Shade was relying before he got interrupted by a flash of light.


@@Techno Universal


A pistol was drawn and aimed in the location of the flash to see a weird cyborg. After a second that the being didn't attack the pair, Shade lowered it. "You know people are talking right? Did you have to interrupt this wonderful conversation!" Shade said to the cyborg. After the cyborg had his say, he commented, "MLP? What the hell you talking about?"


"And as for your question, The Taliban got nothin' on me! I stole from them a few times, nice blokes I tell ya. Until you take their AKs..." Shade answered. "As for what I do! Why it takes a nice demonstration to get an idea." Shade pulled one of his knives out of one his holsters.


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Coris meandered along through the commons, slightly amused at some of the things others were wearing. He himself had on what he always did. Loose grass-green pants, a normal white shirt, and an open green jacket.


Then he noticed a group of heroes looking stranger than the rest of them. Coris headed over there and noticed that they seemed very spunky and energetic, for the most part. "Hello...?" he ventured.

Edited by Egnis

It does not matter who I am. Who are you?

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Olerak went through the building, he felt a bit out of place. Being dressed as someone highly important on a company, though. That is how his job was, he walked around until he found someone else who seemed out of place as well, and... some other people. Strange group, but he's not one to judge. They seemed to be enjoying their time and all, he looked at the clothes of the one who stood out the most though. Wearing something he couldn't exactly guess. It certainly wasn't made to actually work out in though! Neither was his own set of clothes, but. He kind of had no choice, at least this time.


@@Derplight Sperkle@@Hazard Time, @@Techno Universal


He decided that he should at least get to know someone in that group since they seemed, well... Just as out of place as he did. So he walked up to them and greeted them "Hello, may I get to know you?" he said this with a gentle smile on his face.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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@@Techno Universal


"Isn't that like My Li'w Pony?" Bailey didn't bother to hide her amusement as she chuckled.  "You watch girws shows, mate?"


Just as quickly, she cleared her throat.  "No, no, I don't judge.  I do not judge."  She totally judged him.


@@Egnis @@Acnologia @@rolle


"Don't be shy, welcome to the 'ale and 'earty!  Don't we look like a right 'andsome group a individuals!"


@@Drago Ryder


"Looks like the gang's all 'ere, gov'na.  Where do we begin?  Gotta warn ya, though, I opt to go last: I'll need an assistant."  For a brief moment, her cheery demeanor showed a crack, only for it to right itself.  What if no one here had any sort of powers that she could use to demonstrate her own?  What if they all refused?  They better well not!

Edited by Hazard Time

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TC: well I was a part of a huge fandom known as bronies on the internet but then they started to drop out of it when 4th generation MLP was ended around 5 years ago. But believe it or not the original show runner of generation 4 actually joined me in the project. If you want to know her name is actually Laren Foust!!

Edited by Techno Universal


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@@Egnis,@@rolle, @@Hazard Time, @@Techno Universal


"Oh look! More the merrier for my demonstration!" Shade looked around at the few heroes gathered. Could he call them heroes? Hell, could he be called a hero? Eh, I don't know.


"So you are all probably wondering what this guy here can do. See these over here," Shade pointed at all his various weapons holstered around his body with his knife. "Are just so I can get my targets faster. I'm pretty fast, but some do get shots at me. If you can believe the walking arsenal talking to you now." 


"For those of you that are new, the name's False Shade. Oh right, you guys are all new," Shade continued his little speech. "There are some occupational hazards that you run into being a mercenary. But I got a trick up my sleeve." Suddenly, Shade stabbed his left hand clear through. "Owwwwww. That will never not be painful." 


Shade removed the knife and cleaned it off his holster before returning it to its place. He lifted his left hand and looked through it at the girl. It was already knitting itself together as he looked through. "That my new friends, is a lovely trick to have. No need for an applause. Though it would be appreciated."


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Blitz gave a light smirk and shook his head. "Sorry, but you'll have to see that for yourself. Besides, I don't exactly want to put anyone here in danger." He said.


@Acnologia @Derplight Sperkle @Techno Universal @Hazard Time @Egnis @rolle


On the opposite side of the room, a door slowly slid open, a cold wind blowing through the room as it did so. An automated message played through the building's speaker system. "All incoming heroes will enter the testing. If you're ability is related to what your opponent is capable of, we have a few B class heroes who have volunteered to be your assistant."


Blitz sighed as he walked forward and through the door. The room before him was like a giant gymnasium, complete with a track, several games, weights, and other devices that would be used to measure ones physical capabilities.

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Coris followed the others into the gymnasium, ready to start the testing. Due to his physical abilities, this part of the overall test should theoretically be pretty easy. And the little group he naturally just tagged along with had some neat abilities as well. 


Then Coris smiled. If his disposition was not right, it might spoil the fun of this whole pantomime.

It does not matter who I am. Who are you?

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So Techno followed the others into the gym reddy to start the testing...


TC: well this should be easy but I may have trouble later in the tests as I'm still working on my CMD's program. It's like I actually can't teleport to other universes yet. It's because the function has to be programmed into the CMD for it to work. Right so let's see how fast I can move this dumbbell up and down.


So he picked it up and was started moving it faster than a car piston.


TC: WOW!! I was able to lift it around 3,452 times every second!! But still it could be a lot faster than that!


So then he moved on to the running track...


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@@Hazard Time@@Derplight Sperkle@@Egnis,



Olerak smiled gently in return to the greetings, before he could say anything in response. A person in the group started a dramatic reveal of his power, sure. He did seem a little full of himself at first, but when he cut his own hand off. Well, that was pretty crazy... Until it grew back and was probably the most disgusting thing to ever see, if the huge amounts of guns didn't disturb the foes he met, certainly that would. The man also gave his name, in return he wanted to tell his own. Incidentally the doors opened at this moment, he wanted to get through with this as fast as possible. He was certain to a degree that his boss, whom agreed to him doing this. In favour, he would spotlight the company. Wanted to know how high he could score, if he was accepted or not. C-rank, S-rank or anything between. They were pretty close outside the job, considering he was one of the twelve employees on his boss' birthday. Besides, his boss surely wouldn't mind having to wait. Either way, he turned around to this new group "Looks like the way to fame opened, metaphorically speaking. Furthermore, to get introductions as our... Well-geared friend here started. My name is Olerak, just Olerak. I do not want to remind myself of my heritage. So, kindly do not delve into it. Anyways, if you have the need to contact me afterwards. Any of you that is, please just call or come by the office. However, calling would be more efficient" he said, in a really formal voice. After finishing he handed out a card to everyone, a buisness card... For a company dealing with, well. Coincidental, but masks. Especially a bright yellow and round smiley mask.


@@Drago Ryder


As he stepped into the gymnasium, at first stunned by the sheer size. However, he needed to start. His first agenda was to know his limit, then to do strength-tests accordingly, endurance tests... They're also gonna be there, however. He is sure to have a lower score on them. Lastly, he'd have to get assistance. To showcase his healing ability.


The time to begin with his schedule started, he found a dumbbell. Which, was at an outrageous weight of 100kg, although. It was stated to be 220lbs. When he had walked up to it some of the other contestants probably thought him crazy, or just someone overestimating themselves. He even heard some of them laugh behind his back, making comments. No need to pay attention to them, they're gonna be some useless bunch of heroes if they do this. Olerak started by using his body manipulation as to move around the core strengths of his body, he didn't pull too much from his legs, neither from the other arm, stomach or other areas. Just enough to make him able to stand, of course. With the weight added, not by himself. He also made it so the areas that were unseen were drained more, as to hide the fact of his strength. Furthermore, he made it so that, while his muscles grew stronger, and even more muscle came there by the manipulation of his body, his arm did not increase very much in it's size. This wasn't an easy task for him at first, but after a while it went smoothly. It took 15 seconds total for him to complete this task. Now, to lift this weight. He didn't want to force his muscles to do something, extreme... Not like he already has, however. He did want to push them slightly. So, he took the dumbbell up, without losing his balance. And thought about how light it is, even though he borrowed strength from all his body... He decided to move away his strength until it became a struggle, in which he did. Before starting, as to not cause any endurance degradation points. So, he started lifting it. He looked at some of the others, copying their actions. Finishing about twenty, before putting it down and almost starting to yawn, he hindered himself as to not land in trouble however. Next in line, was either the running test, or some other strength test. He was unsure at first, but decided upon the running test. Although, he was certain he wanted to do it against certain individuals, so he waited.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Kyubi smiled as she walked into the gym and did a few warm up exercises before moving towards the track. "Might as well stick to my strengths and see how it goes." She thought, before taking her place at the starting line. The hero then basically turned into a bolt of electricity as she flew around the course. "Try to keep up boys."

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As each hero went through their exercises, a hidden camera observed them while a unknown party took notes on each hero's strengths and weaknesses. "Looks like we may have an A rank or two at most." They thought, not really interested.


Blitz watched Kyubi and shrugged. He was impressed by her adaptability and abilities. The young adult then approached the weights and set it so that the weight would equal five tons. "You all may have enhancements or whatever, but this is just my raw power." He thought, before grabbing the metal bar the weights were set on and closing his eyes. A dark blue aura then began to emanate from his body and drift upwards. Blitz then lifted the weights over his head with very little effort. After a few seconds, he basically threw them at the far wall like a discus. When the weights hit, they were firmly planted into the wall.

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@@Drago Ryder




What was she doing here again?


Watching all the other heroes going at their test, a sudden feeling of intense inadequacy swept over Bailey.  She didn't belong here, not with these people.  How could she even compete with...


No!  No, she would not let them best her.  She might not have super strength, but she was still powerful.  She'd show up everyone!


"Erm, excuse me," she called out to Blitz, forcing her anxiety back down beneath a cocky grin.  "I'm going to need one a those B-Class for my power.  Maybe lasah eyes or mental powers."

  • Brohoof 1

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So he tried running on the track and he counted that his legs moved back and forth around 3,452 times every second...


TC: Yup that's definitely just my CMD's maximum tic speed that is 3,452 program tics evry second. I'll need to probably increase that in the future if I want to go extremely fast to the point that time slows down around me. But still what system functions can I test... Uhh maybe I could try the 3D raider interface as its a new addition to my CMD!!! So let's flick this on and... WOW!!! I can literally see everything of the selected category in the system. It's currently on eletric grids mode.


So he continued scrolling through the different modes in his raidar system attracting some attention from the officials.


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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