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@Arid_Blitz,  @Dakcka,

"Galaxy gem?" Draco asked slightly as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Never heard of it," Draco stated as he downed his drink. "Well the two ladies decided to get moving might as well go along with them," Draco muttered as he shook his head slightly as he looked at Canteen. "Well let's go," Draco stated simply as he rubbed his neck once more atleast until one of the barmaid brought Draco his steak. He grinned as he devoured the steak whole. "Thank you," he said with a charming smile he quickly started to follow the women. He stopped and waited for Canteen. "Well you coming?" he asked with a raised eye.


But something felt off to him. Time seemed to have slowed around him turning slightly grey. He looked around as he saw the queen of Draconia standing there. "My lady," Draco stated as he bowed his head. "at ease captain. your doing the right thing aren't you?" she asked slightly as she shook her head slightly at him. "That nobility will get you killed one of these days. To help those less fortunate tan yourself or to help clear people's name. That's why you were banished from the den of our home a man was to be executed yet you showed up with evidence to exonerate him," The queen said as she looked at Canteen slightly as time began to flow normally again. "Try and not to get too much into politics like last time my old friend," she stated gently as she disappeared.


Draco just sighed and muttered "Blasted queen sending a magical hologram to me," Draco shook his head as he looked around slightly. He looked t Canteen and asked with a steely voice "You saw her didn't you?" Draco asked slightly as he placed a hand onto the pommel of his blade.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Brume was being a little more difficult then she thought he would be, he went down fairly easy to her. A simple knee to the face and he was out like a light now, his side torn open and taunting her to poison him. She walked off to the side grabbing what appeared to be a liquor bottle. Walking back she uncorked it tossing the cork to the floor "Poison you? Very well though I will make a deal with you. While you are dealing with this, you are free to do as you like. No magic though." she began to lean the bottle over "We could be friends you know...heck you are really cute actually. Just you had to befriend that treacherous witch Dawn." she began to pour the liquid into his wound snapping her fingers "Fix his boo boo but, not his poison." she had poured about half the bottle into his open wound as the wound was being sealed up via the healer's magic

After it was healed up Elis undid the chain keeping the shackles together. The cuffs were still on him keeping his magic sealed off but, his arms were now free to move around "There..now that wasnt so bad was it draggie waggie?" she stood up as she went to put the bottle away

Looking at the child running off Rouen chuckled some as Perpe asked if it was too harsh "Of course not miss Perpe, sometimes kids need a firm hand to keep in line." he said as he bowed his head to the gentleman he was talking with. He stood next to Perpe and smiled some at her "I heard something, apparently, guards that were stationed here and a few other places working for the magic council were called out to deal with us. Could explain why they were there so fast." he looked around as he saw different shops "Shall we go to the clothing store?"

Standing up slowly with his drink he finished it off as Dawn ran off to catch Leege. Hearing Draco Canteen waved him off "Shhh. I'll get going when there is something to do." he said, a few seconds later he was asked if he saw someone by Draco shrugging some "Sorry but, I dont play pretend. Melio nor I saw anyone not like I care you like to pretend woman actually want to talk to you." coming outside he saw Draco holding the hommel of his blade rolling his eyes "Can we go before you go full on mental and hurt someone?"

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Techno then arrived at the magic counsel HQ...


TU: Okay I got here faster than I expected. I thought I would take like 10 hours to get here but I for sure got here faster than that but I don't know how long it took as I forgot to time that trip annoyingly. I actually should save a TP waypoint here as I'll probably be doing lots of trips between here and home when I'm moving my computer equipment here.


Techno then quickly saved a TP waypoint and walked through the front doors and leaned his elbow on the front reception desk as there was nobody there...


TU: There's nobody here at the moment. It's probably because their occupied with dealing with Brume in the back somewhere. I'm actually pretty excited about this as this would be an opportunity for further experimentation with digital magic as I'm going to attempt to create a program for my computers that can access and modify other people in the format of a file system arrangement. But still I wonder what they're doing with Brume back there...


Techno was now waiting for someone to turn up to the receptionist's desk...


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@@Techno Universal,


Upon hearing Techno at the counter, a lady quickly jogged out. "Um.. Hi! Sorry sir, we're not taking any visitors to the prisoners right now.. " She was very beautiful, had short blonde hair that had long bangs covering one of her bright yellow eyes. "Ms. Elis told me not to let anyone in or she would tell everyone that I'm in love with my brother, which I'm NOT, but she would tell them that the reason he left is because he didn't want to get in trouble!"


The receptionist whom Techno had literally JUST MET was now breaking down into tears and crying into her cute little glasses. "I miss my brother and I don't want to get in trouble! I couldn't keep it in! I'm sorry!" She bopped her head down on her desk. "Stupid.. Stupid... I should have stayed quiet... You're an idiot, Merri!" She looked up at him. 


"J-just don't go in! She's a real meanie! Maybe if you REALLY wanted to help her out you could go-" The two were interrupted by a sudden explosion that rattled the entire room. "W-wah! Okay! You can go in! I was never here, kay?!" Merri quickly got up and ran out.





Leege happily frolicked to the entrance to Era. It wasn't their MAIN entrance, but it was the hidden building in which they kept prisoners being interrogated. Leege could smell the blood from a distance,  this had to be the place.


"I'll save you, Bru-" She was cut off by Dawn resting her arm on Leege's head.


"Here's how this'll go down. I'm 100x stronger than you, and Canteen and this Draco guy are pretty freakin' powerful too. So how about you, Rouen and Perpe sneak in to the other entrance. Not that they're weak, baby, but they need to be there to save you."  Dawn cracked her knuckles. "Come out to play, whydon'tcha? I can sense you there." 


On cue, a group of elite assassins made themselves present from the shadows and immediately rushed the group, Dawn brought her leg up in a very swift manor and knocked the sword out of one of their hands and impaled him through the stomach with a beam of light. "Go! Before I stick you on these tough guys. Draco, Canteen, these guys are tough, don't let your guard down. You two handle the magic users while I take on these sword using brutes." 


Dawn flung her leg up and kicked the assassin down. 


"You're an idiot... Fine..." Perpe said breathlessly as her and Rouen caught up. "Leege, let's go. I guess it's only fitting that they distract while we actually save Brume." She began to drag Leege by the arm and ran around a corner to where a familiar hooded figure, but now with armor was standing by the hidden entrance. 


"Don't tell me... No way..." She muttered to herself, looking to Rouen and Leege. "You here for violence this time? That look on your face is different than the previous one." Perpe growled, knowing this time they would have to fight this loser. 


"Stand down. I don't want to have to fight any of you.. Believe me... I don't... But if it comes down to it I will have to. Leave your friend here, as morbid as it sounds it's the only way! Elis will capture the rest of you, and to stop that from happening I'm going to have to resort to violence." He raised his hood up further, Perpe noting his scar was still on his cheek. 


Suddenly an explosion came from inside the building, and flames flew out. "Damn it... Brume! We'll have to worry about him after.. For now this jerk is in our way." 




Brume grunted as he felt the poison going in. He wasn't going to die, not here, not now. She had foolishly given him more freedom, so while acting like he was losing consciousness he quickly leaped off the ground with his chair and hit Elis in the face with his head. "Oh god... If this doesn't work..." He quickly leaned down, tearing back at his wound with his teeth. 


"Ow!" Brume grunted, as he then started to consume his own blood and the poison. Not the way a normal human was, he was eating it as a Dragon Slayer. "I'm sorry... Perpe..." 


Brume collapsed to the ground, remembering all of the times Perpe had helped him in the past. "If I can't... Save myself once... Perpe..." Brume was on the doorstep of death, before suddenly his brain flashed to his memories with Leege, as short as they were. 


"Leege... So innocent... Taigor... I won't let... you see me this way...." Brume's eyes started to fill with the purple color of Perpe's poison and suddenly the shackles began to disintegrate. "I'LL SAVE MYSELF!" Brume looked up and let out a ear piercing roar, firing out water and poison, blasting the roof open and causing a fireball to shoot out of the roof. 


"Let's see what this 'draggie' can do now..." Brume wiped the poison off his mouth and got battle-ready. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@Arid_Blitz,  @Dakcka,

Draco looked at the magic users. He pulled out his blade and began to concentrate on his sword.As he concentrated a large head of a ethereal dragon sprung out. Draco thrusts forward with his sword The dragon's head chopped down upon the poor casters. Draco then pulled back his swords as his body began to feel like new. He glowed slightly as the undiluted mana resuscitated him.  Pure mana flowed from his blade as the dragon head rescinded and into Draco's right shoulder blade. As Draco did that the casters felt slightly weaker in their magic capability.


Draco grinned and said "Your mine," he ran at the casters as he began to fight them. Blocking their magical fire or lighting. He was getting singed but he kept on fighting. He was like a berserker. Never stopping not until his enemy was dead. But he had a idea. He would finish this quickly and thanks to that boost in his magical reserves. With his blade Draco used a sign he was fond of using Tiwaz. "Blood rager secret art MAGNA CHROME!" Draco yelled out as he slashed the symbol sending out a huge laser like magical blast towards the casters. And towards the castle to damage it. He looked tired but he still felt fine.

(Look in my signature for the runes which says nice runes)

Edited by dragon4111
  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Shadow got bored laying around the guild with the others. He opened a portal and stepped through. When he stepped out, he looked around to see that he was in a cell. He sighed and sat down on an old bed, kicking a chair into the opposite wall, making it shatter and echo throughout the walls. He laid down and thought about his portals trying to figure out why they didn't work with him, but it works with inanimate objects.


Starry looked around and said to Opus, "I'm wondering about the town after we left. Are they fine, what about the families?" Opus stopped playing and suggested that they walk to the town to help out. She smiled and nodded. She grabbed her cloak and mask, placed them on, and followed Opus out the door. 


Opus stopped playing his trumpet and said as he set it down, "The town might still be grieving over the loss of the loved ones. I'm thinking of heading there and helping out the families. You can come if you want." Starry nodded and grabbed her stuff as Opus left a trumpet behind in the guild with a note saying, "Take good care of it, half my life in on the line." Then he led Starry out the door. 

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Rouen looked at Dawn as she was now taking on elite guards, Draco and Canteen were gonna stay back as Leege, Perpe, and himself went in another way. As they came to a stop in front of Dawn's brother he tilted his head some "Well it seems you are trying to help in your own way." he stood in front of Leege and Perpe "However gonna have to decline your offer, I dont want to hurt you but, I will if need be." he looked over his shoulder at Leege and Perpe "Go get him if that explosion came from the cells then he needs you two now." Starting to remove his jacket he tossed it off to the side "I'll handle this one personally." his eyes flashed at the hooded guy as he brought his fists up to a boxer stance "When it comes to you I will not hold back."

The ground shook some from the aftermath of the explosion making Rouen grin, he dashed forward not fast like one of the others "Let's get this over with." he said sending a left jab towards the man's cheek, his right ready for whatever this man had coming at him


Watching the fighting Dawn was doing and getting an order he grinned a bit, a few people surrounded him as Draco was dealing with his own people. "Oh I guess I'll play with you, been thinking about this for a bit." he raised his hands up as his link chains began to appear on both of his wrists. Sending them out he grabbed two people and before they could do anything was snagged "Ohh..." he dropped to his knees holding his head some "It...h...h..hurts."  his mind flooded from two separate magics. shaking as he held his head the people tried to get the links off as the others prepared spells

The spells flew at him his eyes opened chuckling a bit he let them hit him as the elements used on him began to swirl around his body. Standing up slowly he moved a hand over his face pushing his hair from his face "That's it...I get it now." putting his hands together he focused before sending his hands out flinging the spells off of him and off in random directions not caring who was hit. "This is so much...more fun." he brought his hand up making the ground raise up sending a few spell casters flying "Everything is so clear." he began to shoot his left hand out sending electricity out arcing it between people


Feeling the headbutt to her face Elis stumbled back as she licked her lips some. Raising the bottle up she tossed it to the side "Interesting reaction. You became more powerful with my little concoction." holding her ears as the roar was let out and the hole in the ceiling happened thanks to the mix of powers "Aww thank you I always wanted a sky light." she said as the healer fled from the cell "I guess it's just us." she stood there as Brume got into a fighting stance as his shackles melted off "Going to say I dont like my odds at all. My little illusions against a big mean ole draggie." she said making a pout face at Brume. Slowly she walked towards him

As she walked she held her hands up in front of her face "Amazing is it not?" she said stopping a foot in front of him "Had it not been for this you would of never gained this." she closed her eyes some licking along her lips "The power coming off of you is immense, far more then what you previously had." she opened her eyes looking him in the eyes "Let me explain the possibilities to you. Magic council position. Records wiped clean."

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Techno had a then had a memory flashback from before he was made into a robot When she mentioned about losing her bother. It was something about it him having a sister who was killed in some sort of invasion that took place the day before he was made into what he is now. He then uncontrollably jolted out of it and put on alert when a massive explosion rocked the building...


TU: This has to be a brake out attempt and it's most likely the gang from the castle earlier trying to brake out Brume. I need to get over there NOW!!!


Techno then jumped through the roof and landed down in the hole that was blasted out earlier by the gang. He slowly lifted his head up to them with his eyes already glowing red.


TU: It's not going to be that easy to get away with Brume there. You'll need to get past me to do that and your dealing with a real powerful machine here. Seriously we can end this if you hand yourselves down to us so I suggest you all surrender before I get started on you. Trust me you're going to have a real hard time trying to destroy me.

Edited by Techno Universal
  • Brohoof 1


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Lucius and Alexander arrived at the magic council's headquarters just in time to see Techno jump through the roof, inspite of this however Lucius continued walking unfazed "You know Alexander, I always thought they should install a skylight there, really brings the room together." Alexander bowed his head in agreement and followed behind Lucius like a loyal dog "Yes sir, it would seem that your friends have already arrived and are beginning there rescue attempt." Lucius gave a spiteful laugh in response "Honestly you'd think they would trust my judgement a little more and listen to me, I'm pretty sure they're going to die." After a little more walking through some corridors, Lucius and Alexander reached a set of large doors and proceeded to open them, only for Lucius to find some kind of phial chucked into his hands "Huh? What the-" It was at this moment that the phial began glowing and  shaking violently, causing Lucius quite a bit of distress and for him to chuck it into the apparent Libraries stack of book, where it quickly exploded "VANDERBILT! What the hell are you doing?!" At the name a man in his mid to late thirties peered his head above a wall may of books "Vhat? Oh Herrn Lucius vhat an unexpected surprise, I vasn't expecting you today, I thought you were one of those attackers yar?" Vanderbilt's apparent German accent extremely apparent Lucius gave a loud and annoyed sigh, however a smile came on his face "No, but I do know them unfortunately, I am however here on business. You know about my latest felony I assume?" Vanderbilt peered up immediately pulling out a file, hit long curly silver hair waving a bit, he then quickly read the name on it through his circular spectacles to ensure that it was indeed Lucius' "Yar, indeed I have Herrn Lucius, one account of attacking innocents, however if was reported by Lady Elis, so I was rather apprehensive." Lucius nodded "Yep sounds about right, do you have the files on the other people involved?" Vanderbilt got a curious look on his face "Vell yar, though I am afraid i'm not sure vhy you would want them, non the less, they are vight there." Vanderbilt pointed to a pile of folders on a worn table. Lucius quickly went over to them and began routing through all of them and pulling pieces of paper out of them, but only one out of Dawns, which seemed to be quite a bit bigger than the others (I am just assuming, if i'm wrong please say so) and then ignited them in his hand and chucked them on the floor "There, now that never happened, if anyone asks Vanderbilt just tell them they were never there ok?" in typical style purple lines appeared on the back of Vanderbilt's head as he looked to the ground and he sighed "Yar Herrn Lucius."



Sorry for possibly offensive German impression

  • Brohoof 1

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@@Arid_Blitz@@Skylord Nexus,


The Man allowed the first hit from Rouen to land, and it knocked him back. He was strong. More so than any average person. Maybe his size was partially to blame. As he brought up his right fist to deflect whatever counter attack he'd had planned, he just didn't react.


"Are we fighting without magic? I never agreed to such terms.. So if you'll excuse me.... Eclipse..." He muttered 'Eclipse' as a black aura surrounded him, it wasn't simple manipulation of shadows or the dark.. This seemed to be more. Not simply the existence of dark, but the straight up absence of light. Before the thought could process, the man vanished, or better put he moved at a speed that would put someone like Dawn to shame. He quickly appeared behind Rouen, aiming an obviously non-lethal strike for his back. 


As he turned, he quickly brought his leg up to deflect the oncoming Perpe, who'd only pretended to enter the building. "Rouen! I'll save ya! Let me at em!" Perpe quickly brought her hand up and put it to the man's face. "Poison God's Acidic Rain!" She released small droplets of purple poison out at the man, he responded by blocking it with his cape, which dissolved the cloth and burned bits of his skin that touched it. 


"Tch.." He only made a slight noise before bringing his fist into her face fully, knocking her back into the wall creating a shockwave. "I decide to not attack lethally to you and you respond with such an obvious attempt at murder? Hmph... You still have much to learn in the ways of combat. That applies to both of you." He brought his hand up and sent a giant blast of darkness out at Rouen to keep him back. 


"Listen to me.. This fight will lead to both of your deaths. Your energy would be better spent taking on that mechanical gentleman. He just entered the fray near Dawn, Draco and Canteen. I know for a fact that any of them could stand up to him, but he still has much unknown power. You'd best assist them." He pulled his cape up and kept his mask on, looking back at them. 


"May the next time we meet be on better terms..." 


The man wandered into a room where Lucius and Alexander happened to be leaving as a man from the Magic Council was hidden back. "Did I intrude on something? Damn it..." He rubbed his cheek. "That Rouen... My fight with him went less effectively than I'd hoped it would but I believe I got the point across.." 



@@Techno Universal,@@dragon4111,


Dawn slashed her sword, deflecting one of the men, and quickly stomping on his face. "Does this feel nice? Mortals deserve to be at my feet anyways, I'll even grant you the gift of life. What a benevolent god I am." She stopped stomping on the man's face and looked over to Techno, who'd just landed. 


"Ugh.. You..." She grunted, making a face of disgust. "Canteen? Honey? Would you mind dealing with him for the time-being? He doesn't understand the situation, so it would be a shame to end his life without at least explaining that we're not the ones who he should be fighting." She smiled and looked back to Draco. "Could you help me deal with the group of elite guards that are about to emerge to our left-" She was cut off by the group of men in full armor with magic weapons running out. 


Dawn gave a cute smile to Draco. "Well?" 




Brume gave no further warning before quickly lunging at Elis, swinging his fists in a craze. There was NO WAY he would be able to hit her at this rate, as she was much faster than he was and obviously more experienced. "Slow down and let me KILL YOU!" Brume swung his fist, landing it in the wall. He tried to pull it out before getting a better idea. He turned his head to face Elis. 


"Poison Water Dragon's ROAR!" He let out the strongest attack he's ever made in his life, it was a sharp purple water-dragon's roar that was able to tear clean through the wall and fire off further into the hills before exploding. 


"So... powerful..." Brume realized that the leverage he'd used for that attack was strong enough momentum to push him through the wall and give him and Elis a bigger playing field. 


"If there was a better time to win than now, I don't know when it could be." Brume grabbed his wrist, ready for whatever attack she could muster up. 





Merri, the Receptionist, ran through the halls sobbing. "Waaaah! I can't do anything right!" She cried as she noticed one cell with a man sitting inside. Merri stopped and tilted her head, perplexed as to who this man could be. She unlocked the cell and wandered inside.


"H-hi! My name is Merri... Who are you? I promise I'm not here to hurt you! I-It's just dangerous... and I want to make sure you're okay!" Merri teared up a bit and held out her hand to Shadow. "What's your name?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@Arid_Blitz,  @Dakcka,

"I can help you with them," Draco stated as he got back into his stance to devour his enemies. This time though his ethereal dragon's head was larger which required more time for him to concentrate but by the time they came closer to him and Dawn. The dragon chomped down onto the men as he pulled back on his sword. He felt overwhelming mana surge into him filling his magical reserves to the brim. And beyond it. While also weakening the armored people. Draco placed a hand onto Dawn's shoulder and whispered slightly "Blood rager secret art mana transfer," Draco transferred the excess of his mana into Dawn causing her to glow slightly.


Draco walked forward towards the armored army. "Look beside me what do you see?" Draco asked as he chuckled to himself as he stated "Your men unconcious. And I'm full on my mana," Draco stated as he cracked his neck. He drew Tiwaz in the air once more. And said "MAGNA CHROME!" he yelled out as he slashed his blade threw the symbol once more sending out a metalic colored looking laser like blast. This one was far larger than the last one but it felt like he exhausted most of that excess mana with that damnable blast but he couldn't see through the smoke. Did he get them? He hoped he got half of them.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Shadow looked to see a woman standing there. He got up and said as he gave a quick little bow, "Shadow Beast, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm fine, just a little trouble with my magic, I didn't quite catch your name, and do you know where this Elis is by any chance." He used the shadows to hide a few barbed shadows in case something goes wrong, but he didn't want to kill the woman, but he will if he has to in order to keep himself alive. 



Dark walked through the town, looking at everyone, they watched him with curiosity and wonder. He saw a bar, walked through the entrance and looked around to see a group of people fighting the guards. He sighed and said as he picked one of the discarded weapons and made a few slow swings with it, "I come to this place for answers to my questions on my day off and I find idiots that pick a fight with the council. Guess I have to take all of you in." He stared through his helmet with only his eyes showing. He swung the sword at Dawn, letting the poison on the sword fly in an arc, hissing where it hit.

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Feeling his jab hit a smile came to Rouen's face before he heard the other "I was trying to be courteous." the darkness came up his eyes darting back and forth for where the hooded man went.feeling the hit to his back he stumbled forward a bit before turning to see Perpe in the fray of things. As her attack hit the cape, before she was punched hard enough to send her flying. Using magic to strengthen his own shortcomings with his physical limits. That man was not gonna get away yet "Perpe thanks for the assist. I think Leege will nee.." his words were cut off as another attack from below threw him off his train of thought "Please Leege go find her she will run right into the danger protect her."

The moment Dawn's brother ran off he brought his hands up grabbing hold of chest. "Sorry but, they can handle themselves." his heart rate went up as his eyes closed "vetitum anima mea Form 2." he said that as fire shot up from under him engulfing him as the flames were purple in color, sending off waves of s class monster aura. The fire burned away his clothing baptizing his flesh in fire his head went back letting out a scream, bursts of fire shot from his mouth. The fire seemed to be alive as it coiled up around Rouen a hiss sound could be heard from nearby water evaporating fast

As the fire went over him it slowly formed clothing turning solid after it was done, his arms now adorned royal purple scales that went down to his fingers turning to talons. The end of the talons were bright red in color, going along his upper body the fire turned into a white leather coat coming down to his waist. The buttons on it were made with fire topaz as along the collar were red and purple feathers. He was shirtless under it as his pants turned into a pair of black leather pants with a purple snake of fire wrapped around his right leg. Wearing a pair of boots he looked to where Dawn's brother ran off to his hair was now different being purple, short and spiky like flames. "We are not done yet." he took off leaving a trail of fire behind him, he could see Lucis and Alexander were in the room as well "Come here we haven't finished our conversation I have so much more to talk to you about."

Dropping the link to the spell casters he watched as they ran off, the fire display of Rouen did catch his eye as it was sorta hard to miss. When he heard Dawn speak of Techno he yawned a bit "Yeah yeah." he put his hands up behind his head in a very relaxed manner walking towards Techno. He could see Draco was dealing with quite a few and seemed to be expending most of his stamina "Fool." he said softly before stepping before Techno tilting his head "Aww look at you. Do you want to be a real boy Huh?" he said mocking the other he chuckled some looking him over with his eyes "I'm gonna see what makes you tick tock metal man."

With that he rushed forward his left hand coming out sending one of his link chains to Techno aiming to latch onto him, he didnt care if he could or not he was gonna break this tin man and send him back to oz or where ever he came from. "If you want to know this is for my own amusement."

Well that failed as Elis began to dodge nimbly between the punches Brume was throwing at her "Woah easy there draggie." she chuckled as her head was barely missed by the last punch as he was now stuck. Cartwheeling away from him she saw him preparing another attack, as he let it go she brought her arms together "Flash." she said that using her illusions to send a bright light out so he couldnt track her with the attack. It did hit somewhat as she held her arm and saw the wall was now gone. More room to play and get him to perhaps join her. As the light began to fade she jumped outside "Come find me sweetie. If you do I'll kiss you." she sent out illusions of herself, even disguising herself as Merri the receptionist.

"I..should get out of here." she said to herself as she looked at her arm, it was almost useless just dead from the attack "You should know why I hate that Dawn. Perhaps you will see I am not the bad guy."


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@@reader8363, @Arid_Blitz,  @Dakcka,@@Techno Universal,

Draco heard the new person coming but he couldn't be sure atleast until he took the arcing poison to his brand new shirt which began to eat away at it. He quickly took off his shirt. On his back was what looked like a jewel implanted into his skin. "Darnit," Draco stated as he shook his head. He looked to the two new people who entered the fray. The closer one he had to guess was the one who shot a acidic poison at Dawn. He then looked at the metal man and sighed to himself. It was one of those days for poor Draco O'Malley.


Draco pointed his longsword at the man who threw the poison. "You owe me a new shirt," Draco stated as he looked deadly serious. "200 gold coins made from the finest of silks," Draco stated with a glare at the man as he felt his blood boiling. This man destroyed one of his more pricey shirts meant for traveling these lands of Fiore. He cracked his neck as he readied his long sword. He then pointed the tip of his blade to the metal man. "Tell me metal boy do you know what fear is like?" Draco asked with sarcasm.

Edited by dragon4111
  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Techno herd what Canteen said and turned his head to him...


TU: Well shore you can try to dismantle me if you want but it would be certain death for you if you did do that as you would get shocked with digital magic that would kill you if your system isn't based off it.


Techno then felt a chain that attached itself to him and broke when it was pulled on. Techno looked over to see that it was Brume and narrowed his eyes on him...


TU: Could you please put that on hold for a minute buddy as I'm already busy on this very important call!!!


He then turned his head to Draco and narrowed his eyes at him...


TU: You don't know anything about me don't you? I'm in fact a lot more than a tin man as I'm a specially designed human-bot unit and I was sent here by a inter-universal race known as the Troneon empire and currently they are based in several another universes. They designed me to take advantage of the environment in this world and we primary have no fear for anything. If you want to get me started on you trust me. You really will have a hard time trying to destroy me plus I could take on more than one of you quite easily unless you find my system's weak spot of course.


Techno the all of a sudden went really happy and started behaving like he was a host on a game show...


So you do you really want to win some cash there buddy?! Then CONGRATULATIONS!!! You've won A BILION GOLD JOINS!!! You've been extremely lucky today to win the top prize in SUPER GIGAWATT EXTREME!!! We only ever offer this grand prize only twice a year and your the lucky guy that has been chosen for the grand prize!!! And you will now receive your MEGA BIG PAY CHECK!!!


What Draco didn't know was this was the beginning of his grand attack...

Edited by Techno Universal


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@@Arid_Blitz@@Skylord Nexus


The Man glanced over as Rouen quickly approached. "Ugh... Do you not understand the point of my warning? Fighting me will get you nowhere.. Don't say I didn't warn you though." He grunted and grabbed his head. "N-no... Mavi-" He felt the force of an attack drive him backwards into the wall. "GAAH!" He clutched his head. 


"What the hell is happening to me!? This never happens! Never! Why?!" He was crying through his mask, before he stood up and wobbled back onto his feet. "Ugh... I need to get out of here and process what just happened. Let's get this fight over with..." 


He kicked a chunk of the wall out and sent large stones flying at Rouen to block his vision before using Eclipse again to move in behind him, this time changing it up by running around him quickly at a speed too fast for the human eye. With Rouen's Satan Soul he was sure he could see him, but that didn't matter for his plan. 


"Hell's Wake." The Man slid to a halt and pointed his hand towards Rouen before the black lines he'd made around him erupted into black energy and closed in. "Keep up the pressure, Rouen. I know it'll take more than that to put you down, but that's not my intention.. I just want to test my limits..." He closed his fist and looked to Lucius. 


"Lucius. Assist Rouen in fighting me. A two on one seems like the perfect way to test me, no?" He didn't smile like Dawn would, it's obvious that he was doing this for pure intentions as opposed to Dawn's malicious ones she seems to carry. 





"My name is Merri! Nice to meet you, Shadow! We should probably get out of here.. I can hear Lady Elis and that Dragon talking, I can hear a group of intruders fighting with Techno.. I can hear a conflict beginning to ensue between people inside here... This place is going to crumble soon for sure!" Merri suddenly gasped and fell forward as she was stabbed through the back with a sword, a non-lethal attack, but it would definitely be enough to subdue her.


Above her stood an elite guard, holding his sword down about to finish her before looking up to Shadow. "Well it seems I have two worms to kill." He spun his sword about to bring it down on Merri.


"Shadow! Run!" Merri cried out, struggling to get up as the guard kicked her back down and more guards flooded the cell.



@@dragon4111, @@Techno Universal,


Dawn felt the acid hit her back. "Kuh... Ow..." She felt the skin on her back dissolve a bit. "It's not NICE to throw ACID at people." Dawn was enveloped in light and appeared behind Dark Days. "Who are you, why did you throw that at me and give me one good reason not to tear your head from your body." She placed her hand on his throat.


"Draco and Canteen, you two might need to team up to take on that metal-head. If you look like you're in trouble I'll jump in." She looked back to Dark Days. "Now, who are you, hon?" 




Brume stopped his attack for a second. Walking through the illusions, not bothering to attack any of them, knowing all of them were false. "Why do you hate Dawn? There has to be a reason to it and I'm sure your reason is a better outcome then your attack on me." He looked to the real Elis, dead in the eyes.


"A dragon slayer's nose never lies. Now, explain. I promise I won't attack you unless your reason is stupid." The poison faded from his eye, meaning he was done combat for the time being.


Suddenly, Leege jumped out from the building and grabbed onto Elis' leg. "Waah! Don't hurt Brume! He didn't do anything! Don't be a meanie!" She sobbed.


"Leege, I'm fine. Let her go so she can explain herself." Brume smiled at Leege, which made her tear up with joy.


"BRUME!" Leege ran at him, hugging him tightly cutting off his circulation. "Leege.. too tight.... tooo.... tigght...." He pet her head gently. "Now, Elis, care to explain?" 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Shadow watched the whole thing and smiled, not because she was injured, but for the enjoyment of revenge for someone. He said as he opened a portal and threw his coat into it. "Sorry, I can't obey that." A tentacle embedded itself into the guard's arms, that was standing over Merri, a tentacle wrapped around the sword and held it against the wall. He pulled two daggers shaped as carnivore teeth, and plunged into the guards, swinging, deflecting, and stabbing his way through them.


Dark wasn't really surprised about Dawn appearing behind him. He grabbed the finger and pried them off a little so he could breathe. He said as he swapped hands with the poison sword and flipped it down, "If you must know. My name is Dark Days, and if I had to take a guess, you're Dawn. Quite a reputation." He stabbed Dawn in the arm that was holding him. He added, "I can since I wouldn't be able to take you to jail if you were able to fight at your full strength. You won't kill me since you would have to find my sis and tell her that you killed me and I'm the only chance you have to survive the poison.

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@@Dakcka, @@Arid_Blitz,

Lucius watched as 'the man' walked in "Ah, we meet again, I assume that this time we may not be talking under such civil terms, yes?" Vanderbilt quickly made a b-line for his little wall of books "Um... Herrn Lucius? I think it my be prudent for me to leave and get out of the vay, yar." As the fighting between Rouen and this mysterious person began again Lucius nodded "Yes I guess I can't have you getting hurt now can I? Alexander, if you would please escort Sir Vanderbilt out of the building, preferably before it collapses would be good." Alexander bowed to Lucius "As you wish sir. Sir Vanderbilt, if you would please come with me, I shall escort you to safety." Lucius smiled and shook his head a little as Alexander left the room, Vanderbilt gripping onto him for dear life despite no immediate danger "Honestly, you really wouldn't expect a man almost twice my age to act like that would you?"


A look of annoyance spread on Lucius' face as he heard 'the an' speak "I assist no-one, if I must I shall attack you, but I will not help Rouen, and I don't want help from him, understood?" It seemed Lucius was talking to both by the end of his sentence, nether the less he just stood there for a second taking in his surrounding, before getting to work "Dark flame!" Balls of dark purple fire then appeared around Lucius and when flying towards the man. Lucius then put a little weight onto the ground, it seemed that Lucius' tactic was exactly the same one he had used to fight Canteen the previous day, this was most likely what Lucius always did when faced with a new enemy in order to gauge their power, reflexes and fighting style.

  • Brohoof 1

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@reader8363, @Arid_Blitz,  @Dakcka,@Techno Universal,

Draco sighed to himself as what tipped him off on the whole game show host act was he said joins. He shook his head as he kicked up a discarded spear and then threw it at the tin man. It was more of a distraction as he looked around for more people and yet it's civilians. "Shall we take this to the castle? less civilians hurt in the ensuing chaos," Draco stated with a charming grin on his face. but it looks like this tin man wasn't listening to him.


Draco was walking towards the tin man with a slow steady gate. "Would you rather not deal damage to the civilians around here?" Draco asked as he looked around seeing the poor people. His heart ached for them it really did. "But I wonder who is really in the wrong here you or us? your about to launch a big attack I can see through your act boy," Draco stated simply. "And a big attack means  explosions," Draco stated simply as he shook his head "So who's the bigger villian here you or i?" Draco asked as he chuckled to himself.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Skylord Nexus,@@Arid_Blitz,


The Man watched as the fire approached him, knowing this wasn't a serious attack he just let it hit him. He used his arm to blow it away after it sat for a moment. "No matter how you fight, with or without Rouen, this is still two on one, so you're helping me either way." He raised his hand up and shot a few dark beams out, each fired at Lucius before stopping an inch in front of his face and exploding as a sort of flashbang. He glanced over to Rouen and made sure he had enough time to attack Lucius again before Rouen attacked.


"Void's Curse" The Man muttered as he raised his hand up, as if on cue the dark beams reappeared in their previous location and fired into Lucius. Not enough to kill him obviously, but the Man hoped this would be enough to knock him back a bit.


"Your turn, Lucius and Rouen." 





Merri teared up a bit as Shadow began to dispatch the men around her. "I-I can fight too! L-Let me assist you! Please!" Merri cried out, not wanting Shadow to get overwhelmed.





Dawn grinned at Dark's statement. "Your sister? I'd assume you meant Starry, no? You do look rather similar now that I get a close look at'cha." She leaned in until their noses were almost touching. 


"Your poison means nothing to me. Alas, I'm cursed with immortality. I've lived over 400 years now, getting poisoned was a daily for me around 300 years ago. My heart could explode and I could still fight on. As The Black Wizard Zeref put it, if I were decapitated then my life wouldn't end. Not that there aren't loopholes, I just feel as if you don't have the requirements to pull it off." She poked his nose. 


"Listen, you must have the situation jumbled. The Magic Council kidnapped my 'ally' and were torturing him in that building. We came here for a rescue, but this robot man seems to want to interfere. Could I burden you with assisting us? You seem to be a guard, no? It would make sense for you to be hostile toward me, but don't soldiers fight for the people? Under Elis' lead you aren't benefiting anyone. Now, if you would like to assist us in rescuing our friend and getting Elis removed from the Magic Council then by all means be my guest. I would even be willing to bring you to your sister." Dawn smiled, getting tired of having to play nice. 


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Seeing the link shrugged off he chuckled some. "No living flesh huh?" he said making his links disappear. Moving his foot over he kicked up a sword to his hands. "Guess I'll do this the ole fashioned way...with a can opener." he heard Draco talked of moving the fight so innocents were spared he scoffed a bit "If he was worried of them he wouldn't be preparing an attack like this." he saw the spear tossed at Techno "If you want Draco help point him another way instead of being a lazy wanna be." he rushed at Techno, zig zagging his way over to him "Come here metal man I wanna see if you bleed oil or blood."

As he got close to him Canteen jumped up high enough to clear Techno's reach, He twisted in the air till he landed behind techno facing away from him "Wonder if I can sell your pieces to a black smith." he said twisting fast swinging the sword in a fast slice at his back from right to left

Rouen watched as the block of concrete came at him "I heard your warning however we have to chat." as the stones came at him he began to punch them shattering them. When he heard eclipse he grabbed the last piece of wall at him and turned fast just in time for the attack "You are still fast but, if you are gonna try that again." he saw the attack come at him using the wall as almost a shield it was still enough to shatter it and send him flying back, hitting the wall it collapsed atop of him

Under the rubble he could hear stuff still happening around him. Energy swirled around him before exploding the rubble from him as he started to stand up "Lucis..as much as you have helped me. You can stay out of this fight if you wish." he looked at the hooded man and smiled some "I love testing out my limits, it lets me know what I need to improve on. Now then tell me about this gem you spoke of early." fire formed around his feet before he used it to propel himself forward like a jet

As he was getting close to the other the flames surrounded him till he landed in front of him "Dodge this." he said before the fire erupted in a dome over the area "Molten dome." he said as the fire went out further till it was a dome encasing a 10 by 10 foot orb "Tell me why you hurt so much as well." he said softly mostly to himself. If it was anything Rouen always could empath people's emotions and he could feel it coming off in waves from this man "Tell me why I feel so much hurt." he said to himself

Elis meeped some as she was found faster then she wanted, turning back to herself she felt Leege grab hold of her and yelling of not hurting him. "Dawn that monster. My village was wiped off the map because of her and her crazed ways. I used to have a life, friends and family. My eyes used to be emerald green." she moved her good arm up making an illusion of her village in mini form on the ground. "Dawn came there when I was young...she had no reasoning behind it just began to kill people. Before we knew it." she made little people running as the middle of the city exploded out engulfing the place and leaving a crater. "I survived because my father put a defense around me. After it all was over I tried to attack that witch and she blasted me in the face, telling me I was to live because it was more Torture to me knowing I lost everything." she snapped her fingers making the illusion disappear "While you go along with her...look how many died. Soldiers, people...now this full on assault."

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(The battle begins between Techno and Draco.)


The spear bounced straight off him like if it hit a solid concrete wall. He then got his attack started on Draco. He then got cut by Canteen behind him and then blue energy was sparking out of the cut like lightning because he had also cut a number of micro energy wires in his back.


TU: Canteen do you see now what will happen if you damage me any further? If you continue doing that the energy arching out will be a lot worse than that plus it's highly dangerous to beings that don't use digital magic. No if you would excuse me I have a fun game show to continue!


Techno then turned his attention to Draco...


TU: Why did you do that buddy because you almost lost your prize! By the way lucky I've got it right here so HERE'S YOUR PRIZE!!!


Techno then pointed his arm at Draco and blasted a blue laser beam at him that blasted him out trough the already existent hole sending Draco outside. Techno then shouted out at him...


TU: Ohh I forgot to mention that the prize was actually a billion gigawatts of digital magic!!! Now that's gotta hurt real bad!!!


Techno then turned his attention to Brume...


TU: Alright I think I know how to fix this. There's something I've been waiting to do for a while now and that's trying to access somebody in the format of a file system on my digital magic computers. And you could be the first test subject as if it's successful I'll be able to modify your abilities or even make your abilities system work in the same way as me. Plus you don't have to be the bad guy anymore as I could simply remove that in your system plus I could do the same with your friends if that makes you feel better.


Techno was still a highly alert just incase Draco came back at him...

Edited by Techno Universal


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@@Arid_Blitz, @@Skylord Nexus,


The Man halted his fighting as Rouen muttered "Dodge this". "If you insist." The man pulled his cape over himself and put his hand over his small masquerade as he looked up, focusing around this Molten Dome. "You want advice? Here it is.. Your Molten Dome is very solid.. A powerful attack that nobody could even dare to escape.."


He stood up and walked through the Molten Dome, not unscathed, but obviously unphased by the pain. "You expect your opponent to feel pain.. Although I definitely feel pain, maybe even more than most average humans, determination can be an amazing thing. The adrenaline running through my body combines with my magic to make me a killing machine.." 


The Man walked over to Rouen, looking him in the eyes through his masquerade. "It's all about what I choose to do with my power.. My power is meant to kill.. But I refuse to use it for such brutish reasons..." He began to walk away, completely fed up with fighting before he turned to look at Lucius and Rouen, giving a serious look. 


"The Galaxy Crystal is a small gem... it's created to destroy humanity by absorbing magic and creating a supreme being from that magic. The more sacrifices the Gem has, the more power it gains. I don't know where it is, nor do I think it will be easy to find. But whoever possesses it must die. The magic can rub off on it's holder, using them as a host to sap power from." He looked back forward. "Sorry we didn't get to fight more, Lucius. I'm sure we will be able to more some day."


The Man pulled his hood up and turned into darkness before vanishing. 




Leege turned, still hugging Brume to listen to Elis' story. She didn't understand much of it.. But it made sense to her. It's similar to her story, but Dawn didn't destroy her village. 


"Dawn isn't that much of a meanie... I see why you wouldn't like her, but maybe if you got to know her she could have reasons!" Leege looked at the ground. "People are quick to judge me because of my magic.. So I know what it's like to be blindly hated on-" She paused as Brume resumed petting her. 


"Elis. This could go one of two ways, but I think our fighting here is done. We don't need to fight anymore, and if we did fight it wouldn't be in your favor." He walked over to her and held his hand out. 


"It would be great if you'd come along with us. We can all be outlaws together, cause I'm pretty sure you won't get out of here without the Magic Council rethinking your position.." He smiled warmly, and Leege giggled in response. 


When Techno started speaking Brume made an unamused face and was pulled behind Elis with Leege.


"Stranger danger... I don't know you..." Leege muttered under her breath, clinging to Elis. 


"Friend of yours, Elis?" Brume glanced over at her. 


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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@@Techno Universal,



Draco looked like he was sizzling from the blast. But he barely moved an inch but it did hurt like a son of a gun. "Yeah I don't think so," Draco stated as he looked at the man. "changing someone to suit your needs. Humph playing at being a god eh?" Draco said with a snort. "Too bad," Draco stated as he quickly got right up to Techno using his speed. "To me there is no such thing as gods," he stated simply as he used a helm breaker by using the momentum of his sword to bring the sharpened edge down upon the so called man from another universe's head. His blade had a red aura for use in aiding the cutting power in his blade.


Well since he had a rest while they were walking he could have used his blood rage but he couldn't fulfill any pledges atleast not yet anyway. For now he would need to keep up the pressure on this glorified can opener. He grinned slightly as he was fighting Techno he was having fun. But this fools arrogance was going to be his down falll and Draco was going to be his grim  mother hubbing reaper.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Shadow pushed the guard down and said as he listened to the whole building, "It's fine, This is every day for me, but it's usually a guild member or monster. If you can stand, we should get that wound dressed, even if it's non-life threatening." Tentacle grabbed the guards that were surrounding him and tossed them down the hall into the others. He put out the lights to make a darker area on the wall and made a reflective portal between them and the guards. 


Dark took a step back and said if a smile, "Knowing the council, they have a good reason to take you ally in, and I think you will be a good access to find my sister if you didn't kill her. I'm taking you in a cell and locking your magic away, then you're telling me where she is and how you know about her. I know my sister and she's not strong on her own." He dropped the sword on the ground where is slowly melted the ground underneath it until it ran out, and reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small black knife. He took off his helmet and charged at Dawn. 

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