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open Fairy Tail Roleplay


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Merri stood up, putting some cloth around her wound along with some bandage to keep it from getting any worse. As more men flooded in, Merri decided to help out Shadow.


"Sand Dragon's Roar!" Merri yelled, releasing a large blast of sand from her mouth, knocking a majority of the men to the ground, leaving the stronger ones for Shadow. "I'm a Dragon Slayer! Have you ever heard of them? We have the power to.. well.. slay dragons! It's pretty awesome, really!" Merri smiled proudly and looked over to Shadow.


"Can you take care of those last guys now? We can talk a bit more after they're down." Merri sat down on the bed, continuing to fix up her wound.




Dawn groaned as Dark went on his speech about his sister this, and Brume deserving it that. She groaned and looked him dead in the eyes. "I'm not going anywhere. You're a cutie, so I don't really want to pound in your face. So I have an alternative." She quickly moved in front of Dark, grabbing him by the shirt, and then attempting to use her magic to bring them back to Starry at a very high speed. 


"If you don't believe me, hear it from your own sister!" She yelled, not being gentle while she attempted to continue her kidnapping. 


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Looking at the sparks coming out of Techno he chuckled some, he tilted his head back and forth cracking his neck "Oh so you don't bleed by normal standards. Good to know you wont bleed out when I'm just beginning to break a sweat." he said seeing the blast on Draco he shrugged a bit not his problem till Techno just walked off. Blinking some he held up his left hand as his right held the sword to the side, he starting moving his fingers out one at a time as he talked aloud to himself "I made insults at him, I attacked him. He acknowledged my attack. Do I smell?" he sniffed himself chuckling a bit "I guess a hot bath couldnt hurt."

As Techno kept walking off to Brume he slowly turned around "Hmm am I missing anything?" he stood there as it seemed he was off in his own world thinking of why someone would just walk away from him "Was I too mean? Not mean enough?" he saw Draco blasting towards Techno. Running a bit he jumped into the air and tossed his link at Draco, catching him he solidified it yelling out at Draco "Going my way big boy?" he was now being dragged along through the air like a Canteen kite "Woo." he could feel sweat starting to come off him as his blood felt like it was starting to boil "Oh damn.." he saw Draco struck down at Techno's head "I'll go low I guess." he said as he moved a thumb up to the blade of the sword slicing his flesh on it "Come here." he used the pledge of Pursuit to increase his strength and speed

As he went over Techno landing before him he shoulder was bleeding as something was sticking from his flesh. A gem as he was gritting his teeth from the pain "I'm gonna end this." he brought the sword back and thrust forward towards Techno's belly hoping to impale him. Now that he and Draco were on either side of him the chain between the two also blocked off the left side a bit

Looking at Leege and Brume she slowly got off the ground holding her arm some. She heard Leege say Dawn wasnt a big meanie and she was judged before for her magic "Dawn is different. I dont care what magic you have...what you do is what I care about and I cant forgive her taking everything from me." she spat to the side some "Dawn will burn in hell and I'll drag her there myself." looking at Techno as he came over she tilted her head some at him "First off metal boy, that is MY draggie." she said keeping in front of Leege and Brume now "And I dont know who you are but, this is hardly the time. We were having a moment." she said before turning to Brume, looking him in the eyes she leaned in kissing him on the lips deeply before breaking the kiss she softly whispered "I'll see you around draggie." bringing her hand up she used her illusions to send out a bright flash of light as she ran off from the field "If we survive long enough...I'll love to see you again Brume the draggie."

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@@Dakcka, @@Arid_Blitz,

Lucius stood there analysing the man as he took his attack head on "Hmm, interesting, it seems you either have an extremely big ego, or you are actually that good." Lucius then smirked as the beams came towards me "Really? beams of dark energy? I honestly thought you would have more, these will be easy to dodge." however just before Lucius went to dodge the beams stopped "Um... was that supposed to happen or are you playing some kind of prank on me, because if you are I feel that you should know th-" it was then that the beams exploded in a form of a flash bang, causing Lucius to recoil, apparently in pain "AH! Oh god AH! my eyes, crap, what the hell man, that's playing dirty!" However before Lucius could continue with his rant the beams came back and shot into him, causing Lucius to go flying back a good few feet; it was there that he collapsed onto his hands and knees "I... I...impossible, I got hit, I never get hit." For what must have been the first time in a very long time, it seemed Lucius had just faced an opponent that could apparently out match him and that distress this caused him was quite apparent on his face.


Although still on his hands and knees and in distress, Lucius listened intently to the man's description of the Galaxy Gem, making mental note from what the man said. After the man had left Lucius climbed to his feet, and looked at Rouen "I do not like him, not one bit. Oh also I took the liberty of removing any mention of the whole killing innocent offenses from all of our files, now as far as the magic council are concerned we never did anything."

  • Brohoof 1

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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(Both Techno and Draco are put in critical condition.)


Just before Draco committed his attack everything slow down in Techno's mind as he made a critical choice...


Well... If he does commit the attack he will for sure learn that doing it will be potentially deadly. I'll disable my primary sheald system but still it will put both of us in a critical state and the same will go for anyone within close range of us but I'm doing this to teach everyone a lesson of not to damage me.


As Draco cut the sord into the back of his head it was forced out as a massive bolt of digital magic lighting exploded out of the back of his head. The blast was so powerful that it sent Techno smashing through a wall at the back of the cell and then coming to a stop when he slammed into a second wall. He didn't see what happened to Draco but he was in a highly damaged state but he was still holding on to staying operational. He then shouted without thinking...


TU: Now do you see what happens when you try to damage me?! Both of us are likely going to die now because of what you've done!!!


Techno had no idea of what happened to Draco...

Edited by Techno Universal


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@@Techno Universal, @@Skylord Nexus, @@Arid_Blitz, @@Dakcka, @@reader8363,

Draco was blasted back quite afew meters away from this metal man but stocked when the chain caused by Canteen to stop him Thanks to Canteen's new blood rage power. Draco stood up slowly as he felt like death was upon him but he looked like he had a maniacal  grin on his face. He was hiding something. And he pulled out a red liquid in a flask from his back pouch full up his potions and other items of worth to him. He popped open the cork and downed it. And just before everyone's eyes his wounds began to heal up. One of his healing potions down 2 more to go well crap. He looked at the tin man who was on the ground thanks to him and Canteen But he sighed to himself as he listened to the tin man yell at him. "Shut up," he stated simply as he rubbed his ribs which felt sore from breaking and knitting themselves back together.


"Phew good thing I had that healer's gift eh Canteen?" Draco asked with a merry tone to his voice now completely ignoring Techno "Hoo that's going to be sore tomorrow," Draco muttered mostly to himself but he looked at Canteen and said "Well I'm not really into whips and chains. Unless you are my friend I'm not judging you,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Arid_Blitz,@@Skylord Nexus, @@dragon4111,


Brume smiled at Elis before becoming very surprised and uncomfortable when she planted a kiss on his lips. "U-uh... See... ya..." Brume sat there, very confused and questioning. "Why did you... okay... See you, Elis. Hopefully on better terms..." He smiled and noticed Leege trying to pull herself up to his face using his shoulders as leverage.


"If she kissed you, I get to too! Pucker up!" Leege pawed at Brume's face like a cat before he lowered her back to the ground.


"Leege, cut it out. We should probably get back to the others? I can smell em' here." Brume smiled and grabbed Leege's hand, pulling her with him back to the main group where Techno was fighting Canteen and Draco. 


"Who's this guy?" Brume tilted his head and looked to Draco, before noticing that he appeared to be fighting in pair with Canteen. "Friend, I'll take it? As long as he's not a foe, it's cool with me." 


Brume was cut off by Taigor flying into his face. "BRUME! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" Taigor cried, clinging to Brume's face tightly. 


"It'd take more than them to kill me off, buddy. But hey, wanna see something cool?" Brume turned to a group of soldiers running towards them. "Poison Water Dragon's Roar!" Brume yelled, as the poison flooded his left eye again and he fired out the giant laser of concentrated magical energy. It was easily able to dispatch the group of men. 


"Hehe... I guess that was eas-yy...." Brume collapsed to the ground, exhausted from using so much power in his fight with Elis and taking out those soldiers. "Hey, Leege... Mind covering me for a second? I need a break.." Brume smiled at her. 




The Man watched the Roar that Brume released as it destroyed the ground around the soldiers, and mountains nearby. He sat down on the building he was watching from and let out a small chuckle, clutching the spot on his body that got injured while fighting Rouen. 


"That group will be the death of me one day... I hope that we meet on better terms next time.." He sighed as he jumped off of the building into the shadows. 




Perpe sighed and walked over to Lucius inside the building. "Hey." She smiled and held out her hand to him. "Need a hand?" Perpe looked backwards. "Brume is alive and kicking, which is great to hear. Maybe now we can actually get back to our lives." She let out an all-too-warm smile for her character. 


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Dark heard the roar and turned around to Brume fall to his knees. He shrugged off Dawn's hand and muttered, "Sorry, duty comes first, then my sister." Then he headed to the others while not showing that he's confused about him being cute. He gripped the knife tightly and said as he started walking towards Brume, "You need to be contained for attacking the army. As for the rest of you, I suggest disbanding and go before I have to take you two in, along with Dawn and the dragon slayer."


Shadow was surprised when Merri unleashed a blast of sand. He turned to her and said, "I've heard of them, but the ones I fought were kinda easy once they were away from their element. These guys are getting boring." His shadow morphed into a cannon and used all the weapons that were discarded and blasted them at a high-speed velocity at the rest of the guards. He turned back to Merri and said, "Shall we get going?" 


Starry and Opus were finishing a run to the Fairy Tail guild and were walking along the river. Starry sat down and said, "How do you think the others are doing. Maybe we should check up on them." Opus nodded and help Starry up, then they started walking to the council. 

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As his dome went up and the man walked through it up to him he smiled some. "Aye, it is a bit of a downer if your opponent doesn't feel physical pain very well. Emotional pain on the other hand." he said as he heard about the gem and his power of killing people "If you wanted to, you could of killed me while I was doing my dome, it does leave me quite vulnerable  unable to move much." he bowed his head as the fire disbanded and so did the man. Hearing Lucis speak of not liking the man one bit along with getting rid of whatever Elis had on them "Come now Lucis, you only dislike him cause he reminds you of yourself. Strong willed and very confident." he smiled as he sighed softly, walking over to where his coat was he grabbed it as his form began to revert back to human form putting his coat back on. "Ugh that...form." he dropped to a knee breathing in softly "Alright out of juice." he said before turning and leaning against some rubble watching as Elis kissed Brume running off

When the attack from Draco to Techno hit and the explosion happened he drove his blade into the ground as an anchor, feeling his arm jet to the side popping his arm out of the socket "Ahh.." he took a big chunk of the attack coughing a bit "Metal man go boom." when Brume was speaking he turned back at him looking at him he smiled gently at him before looking at the link between him and Draco "Oh th...this isnt what it looks like Brume. My chains are for you and you alone." he kissed the air towards him making the link disappear from him and Draco. When it was gone he felt pain still in his shoulder and tore his shirt a bit to see the gem was still there, white in color as he looked at Draco 

"OH MY GOD." he said as he dropped to the ground in a crossed legged fashion "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU HAD A LTD." he shouted at Draco as he picked at the gem in his shoulder  "Out of all the link partners I had you are the first to not tell me you had a contagion I COULD CATCH." he looked at Brume fake tears in his eyes "I am sorry Brume I didnt know."

A man stood at the entrance of the magic council, debris falling from the building as he grumbled looking at the destruction. Walking out into the area where everyone was he stopped sighing a bit. When looked at he stood maybe about 5'9 and weighing close to 160 pounds. His hair was short and spiky, light blue with dark purple tips his eyes were soft blue, wearing a blue leather vest with no shirt under it he showed off his body. Tone abs with his arms being pretty muscular. His pants were just black leather pants as he wore a pair of boots. On the back of his vest was the symbol for the magic council

Walking till he was now in front of everyone he looked at Dark raising his left hand "Stand down. I'll not have any more blood shed." he looked at the group of what he considered misfits "It seems Elis really did it this time." he moved his hands up rubbing at his temples "She was already on thin ice with us after a few fiascos, plus that attack that left many soldiers dead just to take ONE Lousy water dragon slayer to toy with." he stopped rubbing his temples as he breathed softly, snapping his fingers a group of healers came out "Help any that have survived this onslaught." he looked the group over slowly grinning "Do not help them though, they did this pitiful rescue attempt they can suffer the after effects. However I will say this...Get out and do not return, take that dragon slayer with you."


Edited by Arid_Blitz
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@reader8363, @Arid_Blitz,  @Dakcka,@Techno Universal,

"Says the one who used the chain on me," Draco stated simply as he shook his head. "And now your a bvlood rager goody," Draco stated with abit of a sarcastic tone. "Don't pick at it unless you want to pull it out. The gem is there to regulate the magic that is flowing through you. If the gem breaks  well let's just say your blood boiling isn't the only problem you'll have," Draco stated with a laugh. He noticed Brume looking at Draco. "And yeah the metal man did go boom," he stated. "Almost feel sorry for the poor bastard," Draco stated as he rubbed his neck.


"Alright then miss Leege we found your boyfriend can we go now?" Draco asked as he really didn't want to fight anymore today. His ribs breaking was something he didn't like feeling. "To deactivate blood rage Canteen is just to wait it out," Draco explained to Canteen with a grin on his face. Draco walked over to Brume quickly and said "Need some help or do you just need some water?" Draco asked as he pointed to his water skin.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@reader8363,@@Arid_Blitz, @@dragon4111@@Techno Universal@@Skylord Nexus,


Brume blinked when Canteen blew a kiss at him. "No thanks..." He noticed Leege getting riled up. "Leege, stop before you begin." He pet her head a bit more and looked over to the new guy entering the scene. 


"That dude looks so AWESOME!" Brume began fan-boying before smelling him from a distance. "Wait... he smells like... Dragon Slayer Magic.... No way!" He jumped up to his feet but as the man began to talk about how they wouldn't get any help. 


"Rude.. And here I was going to compliment you and make a new Dragon Friend! Tch..." Brume crossed his arms and look down to Leege, whom was still sitting on the dirt. "Stand up, Leege. We've got places to be." He helped her up. 


"I'm going to continue my adventuring, it was great seeing you all again, thanks for the rescu-" Brume was stopped by a sudden hand on his. It was Leege grabbing his hand. 




"Brume! Please! Don't go! I was really sad without you! Stay here, with me and Rouen! I don't know if the others will want to, but maybe you could join Blue Pegasus with us! Hibiki, Jenny, Ichiya, everyone will love you! I guarantee it!" Leege smiled cutely and stood up. 


"Leege.. I'm a member of Fairy Tail... I... the only way I could think of us being in a guild together is if I left to form our own guild... But who would want to join that?" Brume chuckled, as Taigor grabbed his other hand.


"I would join, Brume! A guild together sounds awesome!" He cuddled Brume's hand and he couldn't help but smile. 


Dawn grinned slightly and walked over, patting Dark on the head as she walked away. "Well, if the magic council will drop their beef with me, I'd love to join your guild! Maybe Opus or Starry would want to join too? Ohh~" Dawn clutched her chest dramatically. 


"If my sweet Opus joins it, you need not fret, I'll join too!" Dawn smiled and looked back to Dark. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to listen to your blue haired friend who seems to have the right idea. Just let us leave and we'll be out of your hair for good." Dawn let her smile go, but released a more psychotic smile. 


"Or, if you don't want to stop with this game I can chop you into little pieces." Dawn sighed and began walking away, but walked over to Draco and Canteen. 


"Canteen, how would you like to join? I would certainly love having you around, cupcake." She winked at him before looking to Draco. "I do hope you'll consider too, Draco." Dawn held out her hand to Draco, wanting to help him up. 




Merri turned back to Shadow and smiled at him. "Yup! Thank you so much for saving me!" She gave him a hug before looking around. 


"I smell Dark Days outside... He works for the council too, I doubt he knows the situation if he's fighting them... y'know the one about Elis being a jerk? I also smell Antonio.. He knows about Elis and how bad she is, so I think he'll be easy on the people outside."


She turned and sniffed around a bit. "Want to go outside and meet up with them? You smell like some of them rubbed off on ya... Are they your friends, maybe?" Merri turned, innocently smiling to Shadow.


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Dark nodded and said as he walked to the side of the building to be out of the way, "Yes sir." He placed his dagger in his back pocket and picked up his helmet. He watched as the healers worked on healing the wounded. He turned to the Antonio and said, "Sir, not to intrude and to make sure, when you told them to leave, does that include Dawn as well?"



Shadow jolted a little that it wouldn't be noticed, and said as he calmed down, "You're welcome, I wouldn't call them friends, just some people I ran into and got paid to help out. That will be nice since I don't want to end up in a volcano or in the sea. 



Opus pulled the car over and patted his trumpet that was on the dashboard, he got out and said as he walked up to the others, "Hey, I see it was a success, need a ride, got one running on curse magic."


Starry got out of the car to see her brother standing against the wall. She muttered, "Sorry, but I can't meet right now." She slipped into an alley and took off running away. She can't forgive herself for what she didn't to their parents and she was afraid that Dark blames her for it.

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Techno then realised what was going on finally...


TU: Apparently my CMD did an emergency shutdown back there but it's already restarted automatically. So now let's see the damage...


Techno then checked the CMD for damage and he found out that the only damage delt by Draco was one of the four power wires in the back of his head for his CMD unit had been cut and the internal metal was exposed with the other tree wires that were glowing blue and the layer of metal was a slightly reflective dark navy blue look to it.


TU: I'm actually amazed of how big the explosion was from that one wire being cut and because of that I cannot imagine the explosion size of one of the core cables in my chest being cut but still one of the capacitors exploding would be hundreds possibly thousands of times bigger than that. For now I'll fix that cable and hole in my external skin when I get home but for now I've gotta get back into the battle plus I've gotta set the magic shielding in that damaged area to high priority as if all four of those cables are cut I won't have eany power to my CMD and that's going to be a major issue as I won't be able to perform any magic at all.


Techno then got up and started walking in the direction of the damaged jail cell...

Edited by Techno Universal


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Looking at Leege speaking of Brume joining them he smiled some. Rouen just laid against the rubble nodding his head "Yeah you can join be nice to have you." he heard as Brume spoke of starting his own guild and then Leege jumping on board. Dawn was next to join up as he just moved a hand up to touch the mark on the back of his neck "Leege if you join then I'll join as well. I can't let you leave me behind, we'll need to speak with them about it as well so they know we didn't just leave. They've been too kind to use." he struggled to get up before dropping back down with a thud "Just...gonna sit here."

Looking at the man come out from the council he smirked some as he said no more blood shed. He wouldnt heal them which was fine by him, just as long as no more fighting was to happen.

Canteen scratched at the gem still before punching Draco on the arm hard "Oh great it's not like I DONT HAVE ISSUES WITH MY MENTAL STATE NOW I HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT A GEM FALLING OFF AND KILLING ME. God and it's not even yellow...you sir are gonna fix it or something." he growled out before Dawn said she would like him to join, being her cupcake and all he nodded "Sure I'll join, so will this LTD infecting jerk." he said pointing at Draco "Or I'll latch onto you and smash BOTH of our Gems."


Looking at the people being healed and taken off for more observation Antonio smiled some at the dragon slayer "Ice Devil Slayer but, I suppose that is close enough." he was called rude shaking his head some. Hearing Dark he looked at him some  "Let her go, there has been already so much destruction last we need is her going off in our city. Besides I have a better idea." hearing Brume speak of a guild and how everyone there was gonna join him he had an idea pop into his head

"Ok heal them." he said as a few healers went over healing up Brume, Rouen, Canteen and anyone else that needed it "You."  he pointed at Brume and waved him over to him "Come here we need to talk alone. Seems we can come to an understanding."

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@@Arid_Blitz, @@reader8363, @@Dakcka,

Draco looked at Dawn with a chuckle. "I've got no where else to go so I guess I'll join your guild," Draco stated as he grabbed Dawn's hand as he stood up. He walked over to Canteen as Canteen then punched his arm. "Seriously?" Draco asked slightly with a sigh. "LTD? What the hell is that?" Draco asked slightly as he rubbed his rather sore arm.


"It's not going to fall off it'll. Plus you are the one who latched onto me with your own magic friend," Draco stated with a laugh. "Plus it's not whatever you said it is," Draco stated simply. "Blood rage while common in Draconia it's rare here," Draco stated simply. "Fix what the color of your gem? Oh boy your one of those types," Draco stated to himself as he face palmed. "Listen you don't need to clean it. the color is permanently white since it's the color of your magic," Draco stated as he showed Canteen his deep red gem. "And it's imbedded into your skin so no chance of it falling off. So no big deal there," Draco stated simply with a chuckle. "And didn't you feel stronger when you used Blood Rage?"

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Dakcka, @@dragon4111, @@Arid_Blitz,

Lucius chuckled a bit at Rouen's remark "Well my dear Rouen, while it's true that I can't stand people like myself, for once that isn't the reason... the reason is he scares me, he represents so many questions that I don't have the answer to, for once in my life I have no idea how things are going to turn out, it makes me feel... uneasy." 


Lucius saw Perpe come over and tried to regain his composure a bit "Oh hey there Princess, no thanks I can handle myself; after all I was OBVIOUSLY the one who id the really hero this day, without my noble efforts we would all still be fugitives, you guys are welcome!" Lucius then walk away from Perpe a bit, a solemn look on his face "Well, I'm not sure about back to normal, I think things have just started to get out of hand."


Lucius began rubbing his temples HARD at Brume's reaction to the 'dragon' slayer "Well gees, thank a lot! You know I technically am a dragon slayer myself, sure I was nether taught the magic, nor do I have any of the required skills or knowledge to teach myself, but nether the less it's my birth right. I feel as if you should be fan boying over me." It was then however that Lucius burst out laughing at Brume's idea to form their own guild and how everyone seemed to be on board for it "Oh you have got to be joking right? who easy do you think it is to start your own guild?! it took my five years, ten-million jewels worth of bribery and so many murders It should be considered a massacre. then there's you guys, no money no idea where you want your guild to be, no guild hall and no money, how do you plan to do this I wonder?" 

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@@reader8363,@@Skylord Nexus, @@dragon4111, @@Arid_Blitz,


Brume smiled at everyone openly wanting to join the guild, and made an unamused expression when Lucius was talking about him fanboying over him and how starting a guild is difficult. 


"You're just jealous cause we're gonna have the coolest guild in Fiore!" Brume crossed his arms and grinned. "And because I'm cooler than you." He was stopped by Leege hugging him tightly again. 


"Oh gods mercy please!" Brume cried as his air flow was cut off and he fell over. As Antonio signaled Brume over, he jogged quickly and ended up beside him. 


"Waaah! Brume you just left don't leave again!" Leege started having a tantrum on the ground while Brume walked over to Antonio. 


"Yeah, what do you need?" Brume scratched the back of his head and looked to Antonio. 




Perpe grinned as Lucius talked about being the hero. "Oh? And were you the one who saved Brume? Yeah I don't think so. In that regard I guess Leege is the hero." She chuckled and put her hands behind her head, listening to Brume ramble on about making a guild.


"I'll pass. Once you're with that Dragon Slayer for over 8 years you kinda get tired of him." She grinned and looked over to Leege. "Good luck, kid." Perpe blushed slightly and strolled over to Lucius after Brume had walked away. 


"Sooo.... Maybe... Possibly... Since I haven't participated in Fairy Tail at all... Could I... join your guild if you're not joining with Brume?" Perpe smiled. "It'd be cool being the 'princess' of a guild.." 




Merri skipped outside and pointed to the group. "Look, Shadow! They're making a Guild! Are you in a Guild? I'm not. I wish I was, though." Merri frowned but shook her head. "Hey! Ideaa!! Maybe we could join a Guild together!!" Merri was cut off by Dawn resting her arm on her shoulder, making Merri turn pale from being startled. 


"Hey, you're that dude I hired earlier? Shadow, wasn't it? Wanna join our guild we're making? It'll be fun~" She smiled but then realized who she was talking to. "And you'll get money." 


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Canteen looked at Draco "Yeah stronger and yeah I am one of those types." he grumbled some as he picked at the gem after being healed by the healers running around. "And LTD Is Linkable Transferable Disease. Next time I suggest a glove or no love." he snapped at Draco as he began to move away from him heading over to Leege and the others. Brume was on his way over to talk with Antonio and he was just wanting to sleep for days "Oh it's Lucis see I knew you would show up, you love us you uptight little wannabe."

Nodding his head he looked at Lucis Rouen getting healed up "Aye he does leave many questions unanswered. I've never heard of that gem, his powers are incredible as well. Physically I could take him, magic power I think he would toss us around like playthings." he chuckled sitting there still hearing how Lucis saved the day and how his guild came to be shaking his head some "You know I wouldnt announce that stuff after all you are in front of Magic council member Antonio."

Looking at how loud Lucis was Antonio pointed at him "You, dont leave we have much to discuss of your Bribing and murder to get your guild. After I am done with this dragon slayer you and I are gonna have a very long talk. Leave and well I'll disband your guild and put you Back on file." as Brume was close to him he leaned in to him so only he could hear the conversation "Here is the deal I am offering to you. Dawn is a very dangerous person and if she is willing to join a guild then it gave me an idea." he moved his hand up reaching into his vest to remove a folded up map "If you want to start a guild fine, I'll even fund you some starter money." he began to unfold the map

As he got it out he pointed to a few locations with circles on them "These are locations where a guild used to stand, the facility is there being unused since the members either died or disbanded. If you can keep Dawn under your control you can pick one of these locations to have free of charge. You will work for me directly though." he said as he handed the map to Brume chuckling a bit "You can take any jobs you want and all that fun stuff HOWEVER." he said a sly grin coming over his lips "If I send a job, it is to be dealt with immediately...Dawn is to be kept in check at all times. If she is not then you will suffer for her actions. Unlike Elis I am not a slow torturer, you will be brought to the council, a trail will happen and you shall be executed immediately."

"It is a very good deal if you ask me, if you stay here another 30 minutes I can draw up the contract and guild papers for you. You will need an insignia for it and everyone needs to be remarked with it. I am trying to keep order and if I need to make a deal to keep a maniac like Dawn in check then so be it...what do you say?"

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@Arid_Blitz, @reader8363, @Dakcka, @Skylord Nexus,

Draco chuckled slightly at the man  but heard that grating voice of Lucius. He then heard Antonio speak. He smirked slightly and said mockingly to Lucius "All hail the conquering hero. One who says he saved Brume here and yet you did nothing but go through the bureaucracy. All hail the conquering hero who shed no blood yet still has bloodier hands than we do," Draco was mocking the poor bastard as he walke towards Lucius slowly.


His eyes were a cold crimson. "All hail the conquering hero who sits upon his ivory throne with no one to have around him," Draco stated as he walked infront of Lucius and had a vicious grin on his face. "And yet you're not a conquering hero. Your a sniveling spoiled little piece of shite that I scrape off my boots," Draco stated simply. "Just so you know I am far richer than you think," Draco stated as he then looked at Brume. "I can fund our starting funds my friend," Draco stated simply with a gentle smile. He looked to Leege. "He'll be back Leege,"

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Arid_Blitz,@@dragon4111, @@Skylord Nexus,@@reader8363,


Brume looked to Antonio with a smile, but looked down at the ground. "I'll keep Dawn in check like you ask. But I am not going to submit to your rules. We can fund it ourselves if we have to, but I don't want to be the Council's dog. If you want to submit a job, submit it like everyone else will." He began to walk away and waved at Antonio.


"We want to create our guild with our own blood and sweat, not the handouts of some wealthy councilman. Thanks for the offer, though." He sighed and looked around to everyone.


"Shame that we don't have a way to fund-" Brume was cut off by Draco offering to fund the starting of the guild. "Really?! Yay! Thanks a bunch, guy who I still barely know!" Brume ran over and hugged Draco before turning to Antonio. "We would like to formally register a guild, sir." He suddenly gasped and turned to everyone again.


 "Wait! Who will be the guild master?! We need one to register!" Brume frowned. "Who should be the Guild Master of our guild.. For the name I was thinking Red Rock, but still who should be the master?"


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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"Umm guild master?" Draco asked as he thought over the name. "Azure Dragon?" Draco suggested as he looked at Brume. "Accounting for your water dragon style of magic," Draco stated slightly embarrassed. "Well why not you and I be the guild masters?" Draco asked with a friendly grin on his face slightly. "Or is that not how it works here in Fiore?" Draco asked as he motioned to his badge of office. But it probably meant nothing here.


Draco smiled slightly as he rubbed his head. "So how does these guilds work perchance?" Draco asked as he scratched his head as he was actually blushing. "I'm kinda new here so I haven't gotten a chance to learn the history of this place yet," Draco stated as he looked at Brume with a grin on his face. He shrugged slightly as he looked relaxed but he was still on guard should anything happen to them. He then said "A whole load of crazy stuff happened today to me," Draco stated simply with a roll of his shoulders rubbing them. "Though I have a feeling that because of these guilds this country is run well I take it?"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Dark nodded and passed Antonio into the building. He stopped in an empty hall and pulled out his knife, he hadn't used it in a while, not even in front of the council. He found it a few years ago and kept it. It seemed that he's the only one to use it since the one it was for is gone. When he got it, he swung it a few times and cut a sapling and it grew in a few seconds as if a year went by. He gauged that how long the blade is in something, the more it ages since he barely cut it.


Shadow smiled and said as he gave a short and quick bow to Dawn, "Yes ma'am, and I was thinking of laying...relaxing for a bit. So sure and I might be able to help out with payments and a few of my contacts should be able to help. Maybe I should leave you two get acquainted." Shadow laughed at Brume, but not in a mean way, and said as he walked up to him and Draco, "Maybe I should become Guild Master, but it's up to the people. A guild is for any wizard that wants to join. In my opinion, the name needs a little work, and don't worry Draco, we'll teach you. I've been sneaking into guild to know a lot about them."


Opus smiled and nodded at what Shadow said, and sat down on the hood of the car, he pulled his trumpet out of the band a while ago and it was sitting on his lap

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Brume shook his head when Draco suggested a name. "That sounds super cool and all, but I really like the name Red Rock. It's been stuck in my head since we were attacked in Magnolia and I swooped in to save Leege. When she bit my wrist and drank my blood, it made me think of that name for some reason. It also makes sense since we Rock!" Brume smiled and looked over to Draco.


"I don't think that's quite how it works, but how about this, since I made the guild, I'll be the Master. But since I don't know a darn thing about running a group, you could be my adviser! You could handle everything while I take care of the trivial stuff like meetings and what not." He waved his hands as he talked about meetings, showing how much displeasure he had towards them.


He then looked to Shadow. "I would let you be the Guild Master... But I don't know who you are!" Brume scratched his head before Merri walked up and he suddenly gasped and lunged in front of her. "You smell like-like-LIKE A DRAGON! Don't tell me you are, if so that's AWESOME! Second Dragon friend of the day!" Brume skipped around like an idiot.


"I'm Merri, and YES! I'm a Dragon Slayer, I can smell that you are too! We can be like best friends and stuff!" Merri looked over to the group and thought.


"We need a Guild Mark. How about something like the tail of a scorpion coiled around a rock? It makes sense since things like scorpions often hide near rocks, and because scorpions are AWESOME." Merri jumped into the air and then quickly sat on the ground.


"Unless you people have a better idea." She smiled, looking around.  


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Techno had heard how they needed a guild new leader so he stepped outside to the group...


TU: What about I lead the guild!? You see guys I may have tried to battle you because of the bad things you've done but I have a new outcome of you now. We don't have to go around and kill innocent people as that's wrong on so many levels but we can move away from that because we can change to the good side and that's exactly what the colour blue represents in the core. Plus we can evolutionise the world with the digital magic technology that's in my house right now annoyingly. And even better because you won't be wanted anymore by the magic counsel so basically if you want to go into the future I can get you there as I was sent here by a inter-universal civilisation and I'm only one out of billions possibly trillions of units that are exactly the same as me because they came from the same manufacturing line. Ohh and about the guild mark it'll be like a blue square with circuit paterns running out of it!


Techno then started thinking of plans in his head...


TU: This is it!!! This could be my chance to do what I've always been wanting to do! They could see my futuristic house and see the real technology behind me! Just hopefully they actually release what I'm trying to commit here...

Edited by Techno Universal


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@@Dakcka, @@Techno Universal, @@reader8363, @@Arid_Blitz, @@Skylord Nexus,

Draco looked over at Techno with a bored look and stated plainly "No. Whatever your selling it isn't worth it. Listen 'friend' and listen well you may think that just because your some big hot shot piece of scrap. But to me your trying to sell us on this end all be all magic that you have," Draco stated simply. "All magic has advantages and disadvantages," Draco stated simply as he rubbed his neck. Anyhow I'll be advising Brume here in certain matters," Draco stated simply. "And thank you  Mr. Shadow I appreciate the offer," Draco said with a chuckle. "I'll accept," he stated to Shadow.


Draco stretched slightly as he looked at Antonio. "How much do you want to start up this guild Ser Antonio?" Draco asked as he placed his sword onto his back. He pulled out a rather large coin pouch with a raised eyebrow. He was ready to get this bloody day over with and relax at an inn or something. He rubbed his neck slightly as he just felt sore all over as today was strange but atleast he'll be wanted or rather needed again. He missed that feeling purpose.


He listened to merri and said "Why not a snake they hide under rocks during the night?" Draco asked at the end with a grin on his face. "Though I do like her idea of a scorpion,"

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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As Antonio spoke with Brume his smile faded a bit before nodding his head "Very well it's not like I could force you to do it. As long as Dawn is in check then by all means." he said as the slayer walked off, keeping the map out he set it out on the ground as Dark walked by inside, he wasnt really paying much attention till he was told they would like to officially register a guild "Hmm oh yes of course. Dark while you are in there please bring me may suitcase, it should be nearby it has papers in there we can begin at once for this new guild."

Waiting on that he saw them discussing the guild name and insignia, tilting his head some at the name "Sounds sorta like a drink name to me." he said softly to himself shrugging as it wasnt for him to judge what name or insignia they had. When he heard Techno speaking out quite loudly about being the guild leader he pointed at him after his little speech "You? A leader to a group of misfits who you could barely even handle one or two in a fight? As you claim they killed innocents, did you wonder why?" he said as he shook his head a bit "After investigating it, Elis that traitorous dog used illusions to cause the attack. We found just trace amount of illusion magic as well her calling card...a wooden statue with a note." 

When he heard of the aliens and future house he lived in Antonio shook his head "Plus I think you should be sanctioned in a psychiatric ward and evaluated on whether you are sane or not with your talk of aliens. Now if people are done playing around Brume you are master of this new guild, you." he pointed at Draco "Are willing to pay for it, both of you come here we can discuss terms and maybe if I like what I hear I'll still offer a facility in this. The proceeds will of course go to fix." he pointed around them at the destruction "All of this I do hope you understand. Now then once my suitcase is brought to me we shall begin negotiations."

Sitting on the ground as he let people just go on with all this guild business the moment Canteen heard metal man speaking of being the guild leader he spoke up "If you become the leader or even involved in this guild I'm out. It's bad enough I have to deal with Draco, however I wont deal with you." he said almost venomously at Techno "I'll listen to Brume my sweet little crumpet...you however I'll tear out your vocals."

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