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Ask Aether Crimson

Arylett Charnoa

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Do you have something against fluffy chests??? I'll have you know I love chest fluff :3 But anyways, Artsy...


What if I offered my services to build you a house made of special white chocolate that won't melt from the sun's heat?


:DYay, you love my torch-houndy chest fluff!


...I would ask what AWE-INSPIRING sum I must pay for these services that are quite literally heavenly delight in my eyes. Then I'd dance, and eat my house within three business days. I'm not sure how long a business day is, actually. But if it's 12 hours, then that's how much I'd eat it in.



Take your time!

Hey, do you like Star Wars Episode I or the band Skillet?


I've never heard of Skillet. Are they ponies who dress up as gigantic steaks in a frying pan and do the hoopy doopy dance and sing? Because if that's the case, then maybe I'm in that band! Because I do that every Tuesday. It's fun, you should try it.


Therefore, I like Star Wars. Because like Skillet, I also like to go AGROOOOOOOO like that one fluffy monster guy. Also, I want the Millenium Falcon. Maybe I could ask Electrobolt to make one out of white chocolate... flying through the galaxy! In style. Perhaps he could also install a hot chocolate tub!


LURPY said he wanted some Arylett Juice... Y U NO give him Arylett juice?


Because he's a stanky sludgepony and I do not approve of them drinking the juice of my human OC! Arylett is very sensitive, like I am. She doesn't like having her floofs squeezed by sludgey hoofs.


What do you dislike the most?


Sludge ponies. :unsure:


Just joking. I dislike mean people and bullies. I'm not sure if it's something I dislike THE MOST, but I think it's pretty close. People (or ponies since everyone seems to think that being a pony isn't being a person for some odd reason) who disrespect the basic rules of niceness and etiquette. I think they're called trolls here on the internet. Or parasprites. Cruel people who don't care about the feelings of others, which is just awful. Also, if those bullies happened to be sludge ponies, well, that just makes it EVEN WORSE.


Do you like cheesecake?

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Yes! But it needs more chocolate. Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
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Now, officially, I proclaim you insane. :P

No offense. :P

Is this your internet self, or are you ACTUALLY writing this as yourself (or your human), Artsy?

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:DYay, you love my torch-houndy chest fluff!


...I would ask what AWE-INSPIRING sum I must pay for these services that are quite literally heavenly delight in my eyes. Then I'd dance, and eat my house within three business days. I'm not sure how long a business day is, actually. But if it's 12 hours, then that's how much I'd eat it in.


Therefore, I like Star Wars. Because like Skillet, I also like to go AGROOOOOOOO like that one fluffy monster guy. Also, I want the Millenium Falcon. Maybe I could ask Electrobolt to make one out of white chocolate... flying through the galaxy! In style. Perhaps he could also install a hot chocolate tub!


Of course I like chest fluff, I just adore it :3 I just wish I had chest fluff though,,, Anyways... The white chocolate building is over there... Two-hundred miles high and one-hundred miles long and wide. I even had enough leftover to make you a mini sculpture of yourself!!!


And a white chocolate Millennium Falcon...? Looks like more work to be done... And more white chocolate mix to be purchased... And another visit to Twilight to make it melt-proof...

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Now, officially, I proclaim you insane. :P

No offense. :P

Is this your internet self, or are you ACTUALLY writing this as yourself (or your human), Artsy?


None taken. I was once called "certifiably insane" long ago.


I will admit; I'm a lot shyer in real life. So technically, yes, this zaniness is my internet persona. But my internet persona more resembles the real me than the actual me in flesh. Flesh is stinky and boring. It's fun to be a virtual faceless presence that leaves messages and then flies away. Makes me feel mystical. Whoooo~



Alright! Chocolate Cheesecake, coming up!


Posted Image


That will be twenty bits. The water is free


...I love you almost as much as Jack. HOW DELICIOUS! I... kind of already ate it without paying though. Is that... okay? Eheheehe...


Of course I like chest fluff, I just adore it :3 I just wish I had chest fluff though,,, Anyways... The white chocolate building is over there... Two-hundred miles high and one-hundred miles long and wide. I even had enough leftover to make you a mini sculpture of yourself!!!


And a white chocolate Millennium Falcon...? Looks like more work to be done... And more white chocolate mix to be purchased... And another visit to Twilight to make it melt-proof...


Fluffety fluffy fluff. Then should I make a thread as my torch-houndy fluffy-chested self? When I'm that, I'm 60% more floofy! Being a pony doesn't lend much to floofy.


OH MY GAWD You, sir, have won my other heart. I have two. Jack has one, and you have the other now. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go gorge myself until I explode twice (yes, you can do that!) and turn into a chocolate-covered version of myself. Dibs on choco-me's horn.


Out of all the Lunatics in the forums (mostly me...) who do you think is best Lunatic?

(Don't you dare say Lunatic....)


Zoop. Because he's bald and his head reflects the moonlight. That makes him a MASSIVE lunatic. He blinded me once. It wasn't fun. I told him to stop buffing it to be so shiny.




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Oh Artsy... You're making me blush x///3 Anyways, I'll be getting right to work on your white chocolate Millennium Falcon, alright? Oh yes, and the hot chocolate tub too! And now... I GO!!!
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None taken. I was once called "certifiably insane" long ago.


I will admit; I'm a lot shyer in real life. So technically, yes, this zaniness is my internet persona. But my internet persona more resembles the real me than the actual me in flesh. Flesh is stinky and boring. It's fun to be a virtual faceless presence that leaves messages and then flies away. Makes me feel mystical. Whoooo~


I agree... the internet is awesome...

Do you want me to ask more questions, or bother some pony else? :P

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Oh Artsy... You're making me blush x///3 Anyways, I'll be getting right to work on your white chocolate Millennium Falcon, alright? Oh yes, and the hot chocolate tub too! And now... I GO!!!


Yes, work on it QUICKLY. I demand you have it made in five seconds. You have three left by the end of this sentence. GO! (By the way, that go wasted another second. And this is wasting another. You have one second.)


I agree... the internet is awesome...

Do you want me to ask more questions, or bother some pony else? :P


It sure is.


Feel free to ask as many as you like. This is an ASK thread, after all. It's not a "talk to Artsy about ridiculous things until she gives you ridiculous answers and then the chocolate cake pony strippers come and do a dance even though we ponies don't usually wear clothes (I think they put on clothes and then take it off) and then bring in the dancing lobsters because I have no idea what I'm talking about, I've gotten waaay off track."


Artsy, do a Barrel ROLL!


Only if you ask nicely. This is an ask thread, not a... oh, you saw what I said above.


(I can't even perform one anyways, I'm not a pegasus. Unless I get my chocolate Millennium Falcon.)

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*sigh* Sorry for the wait... But it's finally done... *slowly pulls a giant platform with the white chocolate Millennium Falcon* As I said, it's finally done... And the hot chocolate tub is inside too... Took me longer than expected... And to make up for this, I made a full-scale white chocolate statue of yourself, along with two mini statues. I hope they're to your liking...?
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*sigh* Sorry for the wait... But it's finally done... *slowly pulls a giant platform with the white chocolate Millennium Falcon* As I said, it's finally done... And the hot chocolate tub is inside too... Took me longer than expected... And to make up for this, I made a full-scale white chocolate statue of yourself, along with two mini statues. I hope they're to your liking...?


Very much so. You get fifty Awesome Points!


...Now if you'll excuse me, I have to stop restraining my chocogasms, go play with my chocolate ship, do some barrel rolls, and eat, eat, eat because I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse. (No, cannibalism! Um... so hungry I could eat some hay?)



Next question: Your thoughts on the idea of a Arylett fanfic?


Also, who is your favorite user? :blush:


Only I may write a fanfic about my humansona! It'd be a bit odd if anypony else did... considering only I know her personality. Then again, it's almost exactly like mine! But she's less crazy and more spends most of her time sleeping and accidentally making spells blow up in her sleep... she's a bit boring. (Considering I do that awake AND asleep) Who would want to write a fanfic about a sleeping human?


This guy.

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If you have to pick one among the users in this forum to die this day, or else your beloved one will be killed by a demon, which one will you choose?


In order to prevent any harm cause to any members because of this post, I shall direct her aim towards myself in the easiest way possible.


Such a cute wittle Awylett!!! /)^3^(


Anyways... so what's it like being so cute? :D

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Do you know where my TNT has gone? It was removed from my Stache without my knowledge, and it's not telling me who took it. So I'm asking you: where is it?


Also, my canoeboat has disappeared as well. I'm not sure if it has run off on its own again or if my Stache has hidden it somewhere, so if you could tell me which one it is I would appreciate it. Mr. String is also curious too, as he in all of his stringy glory was interested in going for a canoeboat race.

Edited by Skyman
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Oh... hopes gone again. :blush::(


Anyway, what about a fanfic of Artsy?


Once again, only I may write a fic about myself! Nopony can quite get the proper characterization except me. I was thinking about it and discussing it with Jack Stache. I think I will someday.


If you have to pick one among the users in this forum to die this day, or else your beloved one will be killed by a demon, which one will you choose?


I would pick LRP because he's a dirty sludge pony and those don't deserve to live because they're all stanky and icky. I'd rather a sludge pony die than my beloved one! Then I couldn't eat his stache by turning it into various fruits... and that is a damn shame. Because it's rather tasty as a banana. Not quite sure how it always manages to magically grow back afterwards... wait, I just answered myself! Magic.


You can't eat a sludgestache. It'd make you all sick and vomitty.


In order to prevent any harm cause to any members because of this post, I shall direct her aim towards myself in the easiest way possible.


Such a cute wittle Awylett!!! /)^3^(


Anyways... so what's it like being so cute? :D


I wouldn't know, because I am Artsy at the moment. Not my humansona Arylett. Though if I were to get into character for a moment, I would tell you that you're going to get punched in the face with my human fist for asking that, and I am not cute.


Also, LRP is much more favorable of a sacrifice. So thus, he is gone.


Do you know where my TNT has gone? It was removed from my Stache without my knowledge, and it's not telling me who took it. So I'm asking you: where is it?


Also, my canoeboat has disappeared as well. I'm not sure if it has run off on its own again or if my Stache has hidden it somewhere, so if you could tell me which one it is I would appreciate it. Mr. String is also curious too, as he in all of his stringy glory was interested in going for a canoeboat race.


Oh hello, dear. Weren't you listening? I was doing some house-cleaning in your stache and I took it out temporarily because I was afraid it might explode whilst I used the vacuum cleaner. Your stache probably ain't telling you because it always seems so embarrassed after I decide to clean it. It told me that cleaning it made it feel like a cat's whiskers! Then was all sulky and surly... I think your stache needs to grow up, no offense.


Anyways, it's on the kitchen sink underneath our kit to build a hornacopter.


Oh and your canoeboat... well, you see... I... ehehehe... a spell went wrong and I kind of made it grow wings. And there was an entire adventure involving Nico, and having a race with an angry rainbow that put us prisoner was made sentient by your mustache's sulking powers. (See?! This is why your stache needs counselling! It makes things sentient out of control like that!) I blame Nico for the entire incident. You know it was his fault.


Your stache didn't tell you because even though it's usually a douche, I think it has a soft spot for Nico and didn't want him to be blamed.

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
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Le bump


Question. Let's say, if there's a HUGE manticore attacked you in the middle of your lunch date with Skyman, what will you do?


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He's here to take away your chocolate milkshake

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  • 1 month later...

Le bump


Question. Let's say, if there's a HUGE manticore attacked you in the middle of your lunch date with Skyman, what will you do?


Posted Image

He's here to take away your chocolate milkshake

Feel the BUMP! Massive bump.


I apologize, everypony, as myself and Jack (who is my boyfriend again, remember!) were too busy dealing with a massive manticore who attacked us on our lunch date! It took several weeks for us to get rid of the beast. It kept following us around and trying to... GASP... take away my CHOCOLATE MILKSHAKE. Seriously! Of course, whilst Jack attempted to show what a manly protective stallion he was, he tripped over a rock and bashed his head into the ground, being knocked unconscious and conveniently without concussion somehow. I presume it's because his horn protected his head from the blow, but I don't want to test that out. Anyway, following this vicious and epic confrontation, I, feeling the ABSOLUTE FURY IN MY SOUL FROM THIS HORRENDOUS DESECRATION OF MY CHOCOLATE MILKSHAKE...


...Ran away. I'm not THAT stupid to face a manticore.


It chased me though, so I doodled on his face a mustache and called him ugly. The manticore cried tears, and then left to go to his mother for reassurance. Poor dear. Sometimes, I can be so cruel... I really should apologize, but I think it's best I stay away to prevent both of us to prevent the pain. I'm pretty sure he hates me now.


Anyway, you had questions? I'm still accepting them. :)

Edited by Sorceress Arylett
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