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Ask Aether Crimson

Arylett Charnoa

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Why do you like the color red so much?I never see you participate in any RPs, why is that?Why does a pony need to wear glasses?o3o

I actually don't know. I have liked it since I was a filly. Its vivid colour appeals to my eyes. So flashy, it brings attention to everything! I suppose I'm an attention horse.


A few months ago, I did participate and create a few. But they died. Then I went on break from this site for a while because I was fighting that manticore, and well, yeah. I'm trying to get back into it though! It's not right to be the head mod of RP World and just kind of sit around doing nothing. Everypony will think I'm all talk about being an RPer. And then I'd have to kick them upside the head.


Because I have bad eye sight, duh! Someponies, you see, can't see so well. There aren't any known spells yet to completely cure bad eye sight, so my glasses are enchanted with special lenses that let me see like an ordinary pony!


Why did you change your name? And if you are a sorceress what are your powers? Can you give us a demonstration?

The answer is simple. I'm a unicorn, aren't I? I can use magicks! Thus, I thought technically, this makes me a sorceress. Also, I felt like it. Because sorceresses are awesome. It has a nice ring, doesn't it? I also kept the name of my human OC Arylett. Sounds better than Sorceress Artsy!


...Actually, I like the ring of that. Hmm.


My magic, like any other unicorn, is related to my special talent. Which nobody EVER knows what it is! I can make illusions from my imagination though, and also some standard telekinesis. (Though I'm not too good at that. Shhush!) Sometimes, if I focus hard enough, I can make them real! Then that makes them conjurations, which is a more advanced form. But only for a short time. I mostly like to make fire illusions and flower illusions. The fire lily I always wear is conjured up by me everyday. It usually fades away by the end of the day. I've gotten really rather good at that spell.

Edited by Sorceress Arylett
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Is that your Gala dress? Did Rarity design it? Who styled your hair? Do you believe unicorns are the superior race?


My, we have a lot of questions. Good.


That is not my Grand Galloping Gala (triple g's, yo) dress, no. If you are referring to the avatar which is from a photograph of Jack and I. Good guess though! This is my Gala dress. That's my wedding dress, which I did have designed by that mare from Carousel Boutique. She's Rarity, yes? I never asked her name. Lovely designs. It's a shame I can't afford it yet. I was trying it on on one of her stages.


I styled my own hair! It's not too difficult, really. I just put a little fancy band in it if you're talking about the photograph.


As for your unicorn question, it would be foolish of me to say that unicorns are the superior race. Because it's obvious that we totally are. No, no, I'm just kidding. I'm evidence that unicorns are definitely NOT superior. Sure, magic is cool and all, but when you barely know how to use it like me besides a spell to conjure a flower... I think I'd do better as an earth pony sometimes.

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Would you like to join me in my quest to conquer the galaxy?


Posted Image


There will be sandwiches


Hmm... an interesting prospect. It depends on what I would have to gain from conquering the galaxy. Do I get ownership of all chocolate and medieval torture weapons in the galaxy? If so, I will agree. If not, then take your offer and peddle it to that blue pony who always kisses me all the time!


...Hey ponies, don't be shy. Ask me anything, any questions you want! :)

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Hmm... an interesting prospect. It depends on what I would have to gain from conquering the galaxy. Do I get ownership of all chocolate and medieval torture weapons in the galaxy? If so, I will agree. If not, then take your offer and peddle it to that blue pony who always kisses me all the time!


Sorry to inform you, but the ownership of all things that maim and kill belongs to my friend, Weyland.


Anyway, do you have any idea where to buy any dead Gryphon? I need the carcasses to resurrect someone I love

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Are you related in any way to the Russian trance DJ, Arty?


No relation. What's Russian trance? I think... trance rhymes with dance... and enchantress... so is this pony an evil enchantress who does evil dances?! That's no good. I've heard of one zebra who lives in Everfree Forest and heard rumors about her. Is she Russian trance? I figured she was foreign. Oh man, and she's a DJ too... no wonder I hear all that musical chanting coming out of the forest sometimes!


Sorry to inform you, but the ownership of all things that maim and kill belongs to my friend, Weyland.


Anyway, do you have any idea where to buy any dead Gryphon? I need the carcasses to resurrect someone I love


This is quite disconcerting. I will have to decline.


No, I don't! I'm not a necromancy unicorn. What kind of shady connections do you think I have?! Do I LOOK like that kind of pony?! Hmph. You have insulted me. Go peddle your question to somepony shadey! (Though don't come to my house and kill me please. I... rather like living, thank you.)

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You was an acquaintance of Feld0, am I correct? The last time I check he got at least a dozen of necromancers on his command. Are you sure you're not one of them?

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You was an acquaintance of Feld0, am I correct? The last time I check he got at least a dozen of necromancers on his command. Are you sure you're not one of them?


Ah yes, Feld0... strange pony he is. Well. No, I don't have connections with his weird shady friends! Nor am I a necromancer. Seriously, LOOK at my cutie mark? Does that LOOK like a necromancy cutie mark?!


Posted Image


...Well, technically, you could argue it looks like anything. Since nopony knows what it is. But nevermind that! No, it is not one.


So you're more of an artist, I see...


Have you even written anything before, and what do you think was your greatest creation?


What else would I be besides an artist? A fippinjippin? I don't even know what that is. Doesn't sound like me though.


Well, yes. But I never finish any of my stories and work. I am more of a roleplaying type! (As moderator and grand unicorn princess of RP World) So if you count roleplaying, that's something I've written. My greatest creation though, would have to be my creation of Arylettopia! Which is a universe of mine. Very detailed, very crazy, and it features my humansona, Arylett, as its main character. Other ponies say it's weird though, and that I should stop living in daydreams.

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What is the secret password to get into Feld0's hideout?


1. Why are you my favorite mod? (this is the truth)

2. Would you rather be good-looking or rich?

3. Would you like to spend the rest of your life in prison or executed?


I had nothing to ask so I came up with these...

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Okay, I'm in a good mood today, so I give you the nickname: Scarlet Princess, what do you think?


I approve this nickname! It now has my stamp of approval. STAMP! It may even make its way into my title one day. :P


Though I wonder why someone would ONLY hand out nicknames when in a good mood. Why not hand them out in everymood? I know I do. You now have the nickname... Narius Falpius!


Who are you and what did you do to Artsy D:


If you're talking about my avatar...


It's a character I have created. It's my other 'sona! Like my humansona, but more awesome. It's an unfinished drawing that I'll be adding more shading to and finishing soon. I worked very hard on it though! Very very hard. It's a piece I'm quite proud of. And I would really not appreciate any rude comments about it. Otherwise, I might have to stick my horn in a very uncomfortable place because it's very personal to me! No using magic or anything, no. And you really wouldn't like that, I don't think.


If not, well, I sure feel stupid! But nothing's been done to me... unless you're talking about the Feldian Changelings... NO I AM NOT A CHANGELING WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT


What is the secret password to get into Feld0's hideout?


1. Why are you my favorite mod? (this is the truth)

2. Would you rather be good-looking or rich?

3. Would you like to spend the rest of your life in prison or executed?


I had nothing to ask so I came up with these...




1. Nicolas Quill (you may know him as Nico) is my favorite mod! He's my big brother and he hoofsmacks the mean ponies who used to make fun of me. Other than him, it's Scatcoal! You guys know him as Scootacool. Scatcoal is really smart, and awesome. He uses his Scatmagicks even though he's an earth pony. Not quite sure how he does that.


2. Rich because I'm already not that bad looking. Just average. Then I could have the money to... well, what do you do with all that money? I'm not really sure. Uh... I'd buy a chocolate emporium?


3. Executed... what a heavy question in comparison to the ones I usually receive. But why would you want to live a miserable life like that where you can never be free? It's better off to just take the fast way out. That and you won't have to deal with... creepy prison ponies.

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More questions to come! (sorry about third question. ^^ Don't know what to ask when it comes to theses things)


1. What type of music do you like?

2. Would you like to conquer the universe?

3. Why are you so awsome?

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There's also the fact that now my BOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAT is missing too, along with my canoeboat that was attached to the side. Mr. String was also kidnapped, so we also desperately need to save him! PLEASE, WE HAVE NO TIME TO WASTE! YOU MUST ASSIST ME IN FINDING WHAT HAS BEEN LOST!

Edited by Skyman
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More questions to come! (sorry about third question. ^^ Don't know what to ask when it comes to theses things)


1. What type of music do you like?

2. Would you like to conquer the universe?

3. Why are you so awsome?


It is no problem at all. I do not dislike a good question that makes you think.


1. Hmm. I like instrumental music from video games. That is to say, music without words. I also like piano music especially.


2. No! That's too much responsibility and I'd probably make everyone sick from CHOCOGASMS! Then I would make it so that everyone must wear red all the time all the days everywhere and everything would be painted red and I think some pony's eyes cannot handle that. Mine can handle excessive assaults on the red receptors in my corneas. Then I'd make Banana Day a holiday, put all meanies in a gigantic holding cell of broccoli and stanky pizza, and then force them to tap dance to moonish music on the third of every Friday of the week. It'd be chaos!


3. Why, silly. My awesomeness is a matter of opinion. It may be of yours, and several others. Though I do not believe it myself, as my self-esteem is kind of low. But! I will answer this using what I believe to be the factors that make me quite awesome in the eyes of other ponies. Note, I don't mean this to be arrogant:

  • My eccentricity and odd lack of control with certain spells can be thought of as fun, exciting, and amusing.
  • My shy persona in reality can be thought of as adorable.
  • I mostly seem sensible to others and have an ability to express myself adequately with words, minus when I'm turning my boyfriend's mustache into a banana.
  • I am a unicorn. Some ponies are fond of our magic.
  • My curly mane appears well-liked in spite of its complexity and difficulty to manage. >< (Seriously, it's difficult.)
  • Some may believe the flower in my mane to be "pretty" or cute, mostly of the stallion variety.
  • I wear glasses. Glasses can be seen as a sign of intelligence or attractiveness in the right light.
  • I am a moderator of this site, which means that I am either feared or well-known and appreciated because people want to get in my good graces.
I like your questions. Very good ones! Interesting to answer.


A normal pony shouldn't even know what a changeling is. Which hive do you come from?

I'm not a Changeling, I said! I just know about them from... from... reading! Yeah. Yeah... books! You know, those exist? I read them sometimes! Maybe... yes? STOP PRESSURING ME!


Awesome! I like the nickname, thanks!

I am glad you like it!


WE HAVE A CRISIS ON OUR HANDS! MY STACHE IS GONE! GONE, I SAY, GONE! WE MUST FIND IT BEFORE THIS CRISIS CAN ESCALATE TO ALSO INCLUDE MY BEARD AS WELL! There's also the fact that now my BOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAT is missing too, along with my canoeboat that was attached to the side. Mr. String was also kidnapped, so we also desperately need to save him! PLEASE, WE HAVE NO TIME TO WASTE! YOU MUST ASSIST ME IN FINDING WHAT HAS BEEN LOST!



How... how... in the... just... damn this terrible day! Your boat AND CANOEBOAT?! And Mr. String? No... no...


But sadly, I cannot answer your troubles. Because this is not a question. Read the sign, dear. You ditz! It says ASK Artsy. I see no question mark in there.

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
Forgot a question.
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For some reason, i'm just so intrigued by you...I don't know what it is... *gazes intently* You're...so...pretty....


*snaps out of it* Anyway, on to the question...um...


You have such an unique style, it's beyond becoming of you...um...how did you create such a look for yourself?

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DAMN IT MARE, THIS IS AN EMERGENCY AND WE HAVE NO TIME TO WASTE! But fine, if you insist I will ask the question: Will you please assist me in finding my stache, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAT, canoeboat, and Mr. String?


...Oh Celestia. M-m-my beard...IT'S GONE TOO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. We have now reached crisis level fish! It has never been this high before! PLEASE! WE REALLY HAVE NO TIME TO WASTE! Will you assist in finding what has now been lost?!




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  • 3 weeks later...

For some reason, i'm just so intrigued by you...I don't know what it is... *gazes intently* You're...so...pretty....


*snaps out of it* Anyway, on to the question...um...


You have such an unique style, it's beyond becoming of you...um...how did you create such a look for yourself?


Um... thank you? That's... nice of you to say.


My style? Well, basically, I used to be very tomcoltish as a filly to hide myself. It was silly, and the opposite of me! But then one day, I realized... I wanted to show the true beauty inside of me. I am no tomcolt. So I decided to stop using magics to fake my mane, and stop dressing in such a stallionesque manner. I simply went natural. Natural involving my flower and my necklace. And several saddles! Boy do I love a good saddle, and a skirt!


DAMN IT MARE, THIS IS AN EMERGENCY AND WE HAVE NO TIME TO WASTE! But fine, if you insist I will ask the question: Will you please assist me in finding my stache, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAT, canoeboat, and Mr. String?


...Oh Celestia. M-m-my beard...IT'S GONE TOO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. We have now reached crisis level fish! It has never been this high before! PLEASE! WE REALLY HAVE NO TIME TO WASTE! Will you assist in finding what has now been lost?!





A state of emergency, you say? Hmm... well, I'm rather comfortable in this chair... and watching you run around right now in front of me in our little cot. In fact, even though it is a sin against all pony kind for you to NOT be a freaking blue unicorn with a mustache and a beard... it is... quite amusing to me. Crisis level fish though? I suppose that won't do! Seriously, I don't LIKE fish! They're nasty, they smell bad, and they're ugly. And also, sometimes they create unholy sea ponies, that terrible myth nopony wishes to forget.


Yes, I will assist you! I will find the BOOOOOOAT, the canoeboat, (seriously, why do we have so much seacraft if I hate fish? We never even go into the water! Or use the flying rocket jet function on them) and Mr. String. We must make haste! Meet me at the Wafflehouse with a rubber chicken, three of your hairs, the essence of Nico's fail, three hornacopters, and a severed soup carker. I will explain their functions in detail there. It is... not safe here! The security of the forums depends on it!


Liiiiive. LIVE THREAD!


I'm not finished answering questions, you guys know. :)

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
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