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gaming Super Smash Bros. Thread

Fear Moonscar

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I have bad news img-1568045-1-sad.png I just found out that Smash won't be cross compatible, it makes sense because the games shares some different stages. I'll be picking up the 3DS version first because I have a 3DS and have (as of now) no interest in getting a wii U.

Just hope, pray and wish the online is decent. img-1568045-2-sad.png


To be honest, I was expecting this. I have never actually heard of a game that used cross-platform play. (Unless Team Fortress 2 does it) It also makes sense since there are console-exclusive stages.


I still haven't decided which version I'll get first. I already have a 3DS, which I'm thinking of upgrading to an XL. I don't have a Wii U yet, but I'm planning to get one when summer starts.

Edited by Artemis
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I have bad news img-1568207-1-sad.png I just found out that Smash won't be cross compatible, it makes sense because the games shares some different stages. I'll be picking up the 3DS version first because I have a 3DS and have (as of now) no interest in getting a wii U.

Just hope, pray and wish the online is decent. img-1568207-2-sad.png



I'm not surprised after finding out about the versions having some exclusive stages.



To be honest, I was expecting this. I have never actually heard of a game that used cross-platform play. (Unless Team Fortress 2 does it) It also makes sense since there are console-exclusive stages.

Off the top of my head, I know that Playstation Allstars Battle Royale (Yes, the "Smash Clone") does cross play. They also did a cross buy promotion so you got the ps3 game and the vita game for the price of one. 



now, what veterans do you expect to see again in this game? we have major franchises in the trailer, super mario, zelda, metroid, keirby, kid icarus, pokemon and donkey kong? but what about yoshi? why he didn't was introduced in the trailer if he has been a default all the time? this gave me the idea that yoshi won't have the same moveset and they will make him more truthfull to his own franchise, which is really cool.




Pretty much all of them except ROB, Lucario and Toon Link. I feel that Nintendo might continue their pattern of replacing the "extra" pokemon rep with the next popular one. I think there is a decent chance he'll remain but I wouldn't be surprised if they replaced him with Victini... 

Edited by Artemis
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now, what veterans do you expect to see again in this game? we have major franchises in the trailer, super mario, zelda, metroid, keirby, kid icarus, pokemon and donkey kong? but what about yoshi? why he didn't was introduced in the trailer if he has been a default all the time? this gave me the idea that yoshi won't have the same moveset and they will make him more truthfull to his own franchise, which is really cool.


I'm pretty confident Yoshi will be back, Wario will return, Zero suit samus!, Zelda, Mr. Game & Watch, Olimar, Ice Climbers, from Kirby, I'm sure Meta Knight and King Dedede will return, from Fire Emblem, obviously Marth, but as a hidden character, but I think I don't have many hopes for Ike, maybe he will be replaced with some other swordsman, and another one from Fire Emblem that plays very different, maybe a magic using character.

From DK, I'm not so sure about Diddy, but I think he will join, and also I think we would get another DK character, being King K Rool and big favorite, but at the same time I think, we would get a DK 64 character like Lanky kong lol, these DK's friends were so memorable!

From Super Mario, we have Mario and Bowser already, Peach and Luigi will return obviously! but I have the feeling that Luigi will have a slight change of gameplay making him look like the Luigi of Luigi's Mansion, heck, I even think he'll be his own franchise XD...I think we might get more Super Mario characters, maybe 2 more, I'm crossing my fingers for Daisy!


Earthbound and F-Zero are 2 franchises that always worries me, I really don't know if C. Falcon, Ness and Lucas would be back, I feel like ness would be back, but not Lucas. also I'm not sure if Lucario, R.O.B, Jigglypuff and Toon Link would be back, being Toon Link the worst case.


I would like Lucario and R.O.B out, and for 3rd party, it's confirmed that Megaman is not the only 3rd party character, I think sonic will be back but not snake, I dunno, what if.... hmmm he gets replaced by Bayonetta since Bayonetta 2 is like REALLY CLOSE to Nintendo now....

I expect most of the characters to comeback, and I don't want anyone to get cut. But if I had to, my money's on Falco, Toon Link, Lucario and Jigglypuff....What? You think Snakes getting cut too? NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE I'M NOT LISTENING LALALALALALALALALALA!!!!!!!!


Yeah, unfortunatly I don't see Snake coming back either. He'll probably be replaced with a new 3rd party, or someone who can inherit their skills

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My theory is that every character that appeared in the original N64 game will remain in every Smash, which includes characters like Yoshi, Ness, Capt. Falcon and Jigglypuff.


Brawl characters I assume will go will be Ike, Lucario, Snake, Lucas and R.O.B. Ike and Lucario will be replaced by another Fire Emblem character and recent-generation Pokemon. (My bets are on Zoroark)

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I just wanna see Ghirahim as a newcomer, I mean.. He looks so bloody awesome and he has a good arsenal of skills fit for a SSB game.





And I really don't.


Sakurai has already confirmed that the roster is going to be limited this time around due to keeping the rosters the same between the 3DS and the Wii U (which is a very dumb decision, if you ask me). A one-off character like Ghirahim won't cut it. The Zelda series already has its full representation, if you ask me... Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, and Toon Link. Give Toon Link a unique moveset and I'd be perfectly content. Although I'm now doubting that Toon Link will return.

Edited by Envy

Everything needs more woodwind!

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You're bringing up an entirely different game to back yourself up? I'm pretty sure that's not the way to go.


Because comparing two games in the same genre is not reasonable. Especially when Street Fighter codified the fighting game clone. See the end of my post for more.



Wolf's blaster only fires said projectile, Kirby does a sword uppercut, then fires said projectile. Nothing too identical. However, Wolf's blaster doesn't exactly function like Fox's and Falco's, so I'll leave that as it is.


...Wolf's blaster cuts the opponent with his bayonet, then fires the projectile. Have you even used it?


I can't believe you think attack names, animations and effects are enough to give the impression that an attack isn't a clone of another. Wolf's "Wolf Shoot" functions just like the Fire Fox; use attack, pick a direction, then launch in said direction. They're exactly the same other than a different range and possible speed.


Their function is not identical. They are similar, but so is Lucario's. And Bowser's and DK's are as much clones as these two moves are. It's a drill kick with several hits that drags the enemy along. Both function AND properties are different.


Isn't that exactly what you were doing in that last quote?


Except, you know, not at all.



By the way, you know what character is closer to being a Fox Clone than Wolf?



Kirby. He shares more moves with closer properties(and the main difference is really just the same that Toon Link has to Link- size).





"A common feature in the Street Fighter games, a character "Clone" describes two characters with near exact movesets and special attacks. From the developer's perspective, a given character's model can be used as a base template from which to build another, and it is usually evident which one is the original and which is the clone. Clones in fighting games technically started in the original Street Fighter with Ryu and Ken. In Street Fighter II, they were both clones again, and later down the entire series"



Gouken has the same specials as Ryu. He's not a clone. Neither is Sakura.



Again, only Toon Link really qualifies as a clone, because Dorf has about 10 unique moves out of 25- making him a semi-clone at best... and all other "clones" in Smash are less cloney than him.


Wolf is no more a clone of Fox than Sheik is off Samus, because both share the same number of moves.

Edited by Artemis

"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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I hope they do make Kirby's shared moves with Fox different, as well as Jiggs shared moves with Kirby. Also, no Zelda character deserves the spot more than Tingle... though he should arguably rep his own series.

Edited by Artemis

"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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Brawl characters I assume will go will be Ike, Lucario, Snake, Lucas and R.O.B. Ike and Lucario will be replaced by another Fire Emblem character and recent-generation Pokemon. (My bets are on Zoroark)


Oh, right, Zoroark. I forgot about Zoroark. I don't find anything particularly interesting about Zoroark and would prefer Victini (the Victory pokemon) but I know Zoroark is pretty popular. That and Victini is more of a mew pokemon and might end up as pokeball only.

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Smash Bros.?

First thing to say Melee>Brawl IMO


and Smash 4 is lookin' good! I hope it's a mix of melee and Brawl. I don't have Brawl, it's just a little inferior to the big and mighty Melee.

  • Brohoof 1



Best pony is obviously Pinkie Pie followed by Fluttershy.

BTW ponies rock and so does the series.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Meh, Brawl was fine to me because of the fact that I can play with more characters like Pit, Snake, and Sonic.  However, Brawl is just not as fun to play competitive 1v1 battles.  At the same time though, Fox, Falco, Marth, and Jigglypuff are the ones that dominate the competitive scene of Melee.


If anybody is interested, there is a special mod for Brawl called Project M or Project Melee as it is called.  It plays with the same physics and techs as Melee such as Wavedashes, dash dancing, and L-Canceling.  All characters are revamped and balanced with Melee in mind.




Also, I apologize if this has been shown here in the topic, but I was lazy to check all the replies. :P  Anyways, be sure to check it out.  It even works on Wifi as long as you and your opponents have the Wifi safe set.

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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we finally have a new update on the site. The veteran Olimar & Pikmin was confirmed as a returning playable character, I'm honestly not surpised, because he was pretty popular with an inovative gameplay and Pinkim 3 is gonna be released soon as well. Nice addition to the roster!


official site: http://www.smashbros.com/us/characters/pikmin.html

Edited by Motion Spark
  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Meh, Brawl was fine to me because of the fact that I can play with more characters like Pit, Snake, and Sonic.  However, Brawl is just not as fun to play competitive 1v1 battles.  At the same time though, Fox, Falco, Marth, and Jigglypuff are the ones that dominate the competitive scene of Melee.


Marth has sorta fallen out of favor, and more and more people are following Armada's lead and using Peach.



Also, EVO 2013 Stream:



  • Brohoof 1

"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
We have to take the good with the bad. We created the nuclear bomb, but we also created penicillin."


Max Lundgren, Author, 1981         (Translated from Swedish)

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Marth has sorta fallen out of favor, and more and more people are following Armada's lead and using Peach.



Also, EVO 2013 Stream:



Meh, I'm watching EVO 2013 off of Twitch. :D  Also, I have noticed that people learn more from Peach as it seems like Marth is a character that helps carry the amateur players of Melee.  I've always Project M to enjoy and get better with.  :catface:



we finally have a new update on the site. The veteran Olimar & Pikmin was confirmed as a returning playable character, I'm honestly not surpised, because he was pretty popular with an inovative gameplay and Pinkim 3 is gonna be released soon as well. Nice addition to the roster!


official site: http://www.smashbros.com/us/characters/pikmin.html


Also, holy moley!...  Still a bit more hyped about Mega Man though. :P  Although I dread how much Mew2King will want to play as Mega Man.  :unsure:

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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  • 2 months later...

I don't know if you guys have been checking the smash site regularly but I am so happy to see Princess Peach making her debut, now in these versions for wiiU and 3DS :D



I know that it may not be a surprise to ser her back, but I am so nervouxcited to ser back, she's my absolute favorite character of SSB. :) 







Now, this is the moment when I notice this smash color adjustments, I think her dress looks too bright and without the details of her much more elaborated vintage dress that she was wearing in brawl, I'm more of a fan of the brawl colors TBH. I kind of did not like that, her face seems the same though. 



Technically speaking, in one of the screen shots she seems like she's performing what it seems to be her new usmash, which looks really cool! her usmash is known for having barely no lateral hitboxes, so this one looks like it will hit on both sides but I kinda have the feeling that with these ribbons she would do multiple hits, it's just speculations though :)




My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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Maybe isolated, I'd like Peach's dress in brawl more, but since the colors of her new one fit with colors of the new game I like it just the same. 


Anyway, Peach was always a fun character to play. I'm glad to see her back, even though I had no doubt she would return. 

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I was expecting Peach to come back, I'd be surprised if they didn't.


On another note, I'm surprised no one posted this, but a while ago Sakurai posted this in a tweet



Will Xenoblade be getting some representation in Super Smash Bros?

  • Brohoof 2
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i own it and it is a fantasticly great game. i mostly just play as pikachu (green) and Kirby (white). i just want to say thanks to my old friend jack who introduced me to the game. i remember the triumph we felt after beating the storyline together. :lol:


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I was expecting Peach to come back, I'd be surprised if they didn't.


On another note, I'm surprised no one posted this, but a while ago Sakurai posted this in a tweet



Will Xenoblade be getting some representation in Super Smash Bros?


Sakurai, the master of subtlety.  Honestly, I don't know if Sakurai and the team are going to include Xenoblade in some kind of fashion.  Still waiting for that Sonic announcement...   :comeatus:  Meanwhile, the Smash Bros community websites all over the internet are still getting hit by the DDos attacks.

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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  • 3 weeks later...

So in other news, both Sonic and  Toon Link are returning.





I'm not suprised that Sonic is back. I was a little iffy on whether Toon Link would come back or not, but I like Toon Link so I'm okay with this.


Still waiting to see a new character. These updates feel so slow... The screen shots just aren't really working for me.

  • Brohoof 2
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Sonic was one of my mains in Brawl, so I'm very excited to see him back. His character model is infinitely better than the last one. I do hope we'll see at least one more Sonic series character, perhaps Tails or Shadow maybe? I'd hope for Tails, personally. Nice to see Toon Link as well.


Now I just need Marth and the Ice Climbers to be confirmed and I will have all of my favorites from the last game. :)

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Okay I don't really know about you guys but man I swear to god if they DARE HAPPEN TO TAKE OUT JIGGLYPUFF, who is my main character in Brawl and Melee, I am going to be so freaking angry KUbAnTY.png

  • Brohoof 3

Gonna be honest, don't take anything you see from me seriously on here. I don't go by the Lord Bababa username on anything anymore because of so many reasons including me being a jerk from time to time. This is the very condensed version of it but I'm not the same person now, I'm better. Not gonna post anymore on here so yeah.

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So far the only returning character reveal so far that surprised me was Toon Link(and tbh, I was kinda hoping he would get cut), I mean who didn't think Sonic was returning?

  • Brohoof 1
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My main characters are Pikachu and Jigglypuff, and seriously, I'm a beast with them, it's horrible.

One of my friend have the wii u, I might try to play with him, if it still have jiggly. (horrible controler omg)

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Okay I don't really know about you guys but man I swear to god if they DARE HAPPEN TO TAKE OUT JIGGLYPUFF, who is my main character in Brawl and Melee, I am going to be so freaking angry img-1897583-1-KUbAnTY.png

She'll be fine. :)  Jiggs has too much popularity to be taken out.  Although as far as I'm concerned, I could care less who they put in next now that Sonic is officially returning for Smash Bros 3DS/Wii U.  I knew he was, but I was wrong before so this announcement pleases me.  Mega Man vs Sonic...  Now, it will come to fruition.


Also, I saw a video of Turbo Mario for Project M and I just couldn't contain my happiness. I wish Project M 3.0 would come out sooooooon.

Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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So in other news, both Sonic and  Toon Link are returning.



attachicon.giftoon link.jpg


I'm not suprised that Sonic is back. I was a little iffy on whether Toon Link would come back or not, but I like Toon Link so I'm okay with this.


Still waiting to see a new character. These updates feel so slow... The screen shots just aren't really working for me.


Oh my god, all of my prayers have just been answered...


But now that Sonic is returning, hopefully that means more Sonic characters will possibly make an appearance? My hopes are on Tails.

Edited by Mars Brownie
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