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If the Mane 6 were to be placed into 3 closest friend pairs what would they be?


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While of course all of the Mane 6 are equally best friends of each other, I was just wondering what the 3 closest friend pairings between them would be. This is probably more of a subjective question, as there could be many logical sets of best friend pairings - but I'm asking which makes the most sense to you all.




Here's what I think:



Applejack and Rarity - Although they sometimes clash, they always make up in the end. They were brought together very early in the show with the sleepover at Twilight's. And throughout the duration of the show they've had many times together as a duo, using their differences (and setting aside their stubbornness) to come together in the end to make ends meet in a manner that can suit either's needs. Furthermore, they are both dedicated to sticking to tradition, despite each others traditions being different. I would call them the duo of traditions.


Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash - Another perfect example of seemingly clashing personalities that wind up actually bettering each other in the end. Both ponies are also definitely the most immature ponies of the bunch (though I don't mean that in a bad way). The best example of this is how they both love pranks. Furthermore, these two ponies are the quickest to show overboard kinds of emotion (hyperness, happiness, intenseness, and so on).  Plus, when it comes to partying, although they have their own styles of doing it, they both party the hardest and get crunk. I would call them the duo of energy.


Twilight and Fluttershy - In this case, rather than like the two above where conflicting personalities ironically combine to make a perfect duo, Twilight and Fluttershy share complimentary personality types.  When things are going good and swell, both ponies are calm and collected, and seem to show the emotion of being content. When duty calls but there is no apparent danger, they progress and run at a medium, focused pace. But, when things are going wrong, both ponies seem to be the first to crack - they go nuts and can't figure out what to do until somepony else can calm them down and get them back to their wits. I would call them the duo of geeks.


  • Brohoof 1



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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None of those pairings are closer than Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy


Personally that pair is closer than any other in the show

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, pairings will always be different in every season. In fact, the closest friend pairings in my opinion for each season are:


Season 1: Rarity/Fluttershy

Season 2: Rainbow/Fluttershy

Season 3: Hard to tell, but I'll say Pinkie/Rainbow

Season 4: Pinkie/Applejack

Season 5: Rainbow/Rarity

Season 6: Pinkie/Rarity

Season 7: NEEDS to be Pinkie/Fluttershy


And, as a bonus lol:


Worst excuse: Rarity/Applejack

  • Brohoof 1
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Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are the only ones to have a a history together as friends before the events of the pilot, so they seem to be the closet with each other.

But for the other two pairs, I can't really think of any.


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Applejack and Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, but lately you have seen more of Pinkie and Rarity as well.... I think they try to do a good job at letting the characters spend time with each other one for different plot dynamics, and two just because there are so many fans for individual ponies that they are giving them all screen time. Twilight doesnt appear to have any stand out moments with the ponies separated, haha Spike, but you know what I am saying... we are due for a Pinkie and Fluttershy episode though, some counter dynamics...

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Rainbow and Fluttershy

Twilight and Rarity

Pinkie Pie and all the others

Apple Jack and an apple




Rainbow and Rarity

Pinkie and Fluttershy

Apple Jack and Twilight

Edited by Hierok

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

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It's really hard to pair Rarity with anyone because she'd become obsessed with something and gleefully throw them under the bus in pursuit of it


You'd then have to beat her over the head with a Friendship Lesson to get her to snap out of it

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While I would like to pair up those who had a history together when they were younger (Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy and Applejack/Rarity), the truth is they are too unlike each other to be best friends, even though they share some common traits, so my ideas are:


Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie - Both have a joie de vivre and share a love of pranking, which makes these two a natural together.


Rarity and Fluttershy - These two have a great deal in common, due to Rarity's fashion knowledge and Fluttershy's "freaky knowledge of sewing". They also share a lot of down-time activities as well. They seem the best matchup for each other.


Twilight Sparkle and Applejack - Okay, there's a little bit of the Country Mouse and the City Mouse going on with these two, but at their core, both are sensible, no-nonsense ponies who like nothing better than to get a job done and done well. They compliment each other far more often than not.

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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Well, I'm a Raridash shipper because Rarity and Applejack seem to have a chemistry like no other pairing, and of course there's Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy who have a history together and a closeness to boot, so that leaves only Pinkie and Twilight, who would be the mismates of the group if we had to split them all into three pairings. Eh...Pinkie and Twilight kind of work as a pair, so sure, let's go with that.

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