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Into Darkness: A RWBY RP

Drago Ryder

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@Ranger22@dragon4111@Drago Ryder

Kyubi was glad that Draco didn't seem to bothered by what happened, and that in of itself help her to relax. She didn't exactly know what the others would think if they knew, but she didn't want to find out. Thankfully, she didn't really hurt anything as a result of her fall. The fox faunus then noticed Vince in front of a store and gave a light smile. "Sorry about bolting on you guys earlier." She said.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

After looking up for what he believed to be the fifth time, Vince eventually found his two teammates there instead of thin air and strangers. Vince walked up to them and responded to their greetings with a smile and a wave of his hand. "Waiting always feels longer than it really is for me so no worries, I'm just glad that the wait is over." Vince said as he stretched out his legs. "Also, no worries Yuki. It was an understandable course of action considering the unique and out of the blue scenario you were faced with. Shame it had to take something special away, but what's done is done. So, you guys got anything on your shopping list? Cause I was planning on window shopping till something caught my eye and budget." Vince was honestly still annoyed by the whole issue, but thinking it best not to bother with it he decided to focus on shopping. Otherwise, Vince wouldn't know what he would do to the stupid dog. "Got any interesting books on your minds? Other than sci fi novels I don't really have a preference."

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Draco thought for a moment on what he could possibly get. He had saved a bit of lien from odd jobs and hunts, but he had spent most of it on dust. "Maybe that wasn't the best idea." He thought, before shrugging. It wasn't like he could stop his past self for doing that now. Besides, he had saved a man's livelihood, so that was still a good thing. The dragon faunus then turned his attention back to the conversation at hand. "I'll see what I can find. As for literature, I'm thinking a mix of philosophy and mythology/fantasy."

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@Drago Ryder@Ranger22@dragon4111

Yuki nodded slightly, before giving a slight smile. "I think I'll be able to bear him. Draco gave me a bit of advice, but it was a bit too aggressive." She said. Besides, it wasn't like what Ghalan did counted. At the very least, that line of thought helped to calm her. The fox faunus then recalled what happened a few minutes ago with the dragon faunus and a slight blush formed on her cheeks. Did he think that she did the same to him? She'd have to talk to him about that later. Yuki then listened to Draco's response to Vince's question and remembered what she had read in his journal. After a few moments, she figured that she might as well give her answer. "I actually brought an ocarina from home, so I may get a few music books."

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

"Being honest with you guys, I just listed sci fi cause that was the first genre that came to mind. I don't exactly do too much reading, at least when it comes to books specifically. You fellas listed genres too, so I'm assuming you don't exactly have a wishlist for the main product sold here huh?" Vince stated as he opened the door to the bookstore, a faint little bell welcoming him and his teammates. The store itself had a small town feel to it, the colors of the interior giving Vince a vibe of minor comfort, though Vince could give credit to the air conditioning as well. There were multiple shelves and racks layered with a wide variety of books, each separated by genres and other forms of identification. No one appeared to be in the store besides Vince and his teammates. Paying it no mind Vince simply assumed that the owner of the store was just in the back of the building. Spotting a little rack with accessories related to a videogame he had been playing, Vince walked over with peeked interest. "Don't mind me."

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Draco was a bit caught off guard when Yuki said she played the ocarina. To be honest, he didn't have much experience when it came to music. Despite that glaring fact, however, he simply decided to make a quick remark as they headed into the store. "I wouldn't mind listening to you play." He said. The dragon faunus then shoved his hands into his pockets before looking over what was available. As he did so, he felt a slight feeling of lightheadedness. It wasn't enough that he would pass out, but it was noticeable.

A few seconds after the three entered the store, a bearded man with black hair came out from a back room and noticed the new customers. "Oh, my apologies. I didn't hear you come in. Feel free to ask if you need anything." He said, taking his place behind the counter. Considering the way he acted and the fact that he had come from a different part of the store that wouldn't normally be available to the public, there was little doubt that the man was Tuckson.

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@Drago Ryder@Ranger22@dragon4111

Yuki seemed to relax when Draco voiced his interest in her music. "I'll see what I can do." She said, before following the two into the store. The fox faunus then noticed the store owner's sudden apperance, but didn't think to much of it. With that beong said, it took her a few minutes for her to find a book of songs meant to be played on the ocarina. They were from a videogame involving time travel, so they were nostalgic to say the least. "Wonder what else I can get." She thought to herself.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

Vince found himself a little bit more invested into little keychains and little figurines than he initially believed he would. Though he wasn't so invested that he be oblivious to the environment around him. The once empty customer service desk was now occupied by a well fit and bearded man, whom Vince assumed was the owner of the store. Vince gave a nod of appreciation to the man's simple yet respectful service etiquette. Regardless, Vince wasn't particularly interested in anything specific so it seemed that the man's offer would fall to deaf ears, at least to Vince. Despite his seemingly distracted mannerism Vince payed enough attention to his surroundings to get a feel of what was happening. Eyeing the book Yuki had in her hand Vince found it quite refreshing to find she liked to play music. Moving to other isles Vince found a diverse array of books that he didn't recognize, the majority actually. Being a simple man, Vince took interest in the books with interesting titles and cover art.

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After a few minutes, Draco figured that he had a good haul of books. Specifically, he had gotten one on philosophy associated with Mistral and a book of what might be considered horror stories. "Looks like I'll be busy for the next few days." He thought to himself as he laid the books on the counter and paid for them. Of course, he ould wait for his teammates to finish up. 

Tuckson seemed a bit tense when Draco approached, but he continued on with his transaction. "Sun Zhu's Art of War. I didn't think anyone would be interested in that one." He said. "Anyway, that'll be twenty lien."

The dragon faunus nodded and handed the shop owner the required amount of money. "I heard it's a good read, so I figured I'md see if I could learn anything." He said, waiting for the others to finish up

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@Ranger22@dragon4111@Drago Ryder

Aside from the book on ocarina music, Yuki had also gotten a few figurines for her side table. After paying for the items, she glanced at Draco. "This was a good idea." She said, smiling lightly. 

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Draco nodded slightly and grabbed the bags containing their respective purchases. "I hope so.You were the one to come up with it, after all." He said, giving a slight smirk. After the three had left the bookstore, they soon that most of the shops had essentially closed for the night, forcing them to return to their dorm room.

The next few weeks proceeded in relative peace. Draco had developed a schedule in which his team would go to their respective classes for the day, do whatever extra work was assigned to them, and go to a relatively isolated location in order to hone their skills, both individually and as a team. Draco also did some training of his own in secret, at least as far as any other student outside his team was concerned. He had found that the mithril his new shield was composed of was highly magnetic after he put the thing halfway through the door leading into the hallway when he ran a electrical current through it via his electricity. It had taken some time, but he had managed to at least to get some control over that ability. As for the technique that he wanted to teach the other members of Team DARC, progress on that front was glacial at best. He had the relative theory of it down, but he couldn't replicate it at all. Thankfully, he wasn't one to give up easily. Whether it was insanity or persistence was up for debate.

Of course, that wasn't the end of his problems. A week or two into the semester, Vince had been forced to return home due to personal matters, leaving only himself,Ghalan, and Yuki within the confines of their dorm room until they either returned or another half of a team was found that could keep up and put up with the three faunus. So far, none had passed either requirement, leaving the three of them with a room meant for four. This led to a few awkward moments, but they managed to push through.That being said, they did have a few acquaintances outside of their little circle, the most notable of these being team ESER (Esper). The seven had met during lunch, and they didn't exactly detest each other after a few minutes of conversation, so that was as good a sign as any that they might as well spend time with each other in the future. It didn't take long for the two teams to figure out that their rooms were across the hall from each other, as well. Draco also noticed that the only faunus on their team, a snake variant, acted a bit weird around him, but he didn't pay much attention to that detail.

With all this in mind, it was no surprise when the now dubbed team DRC and ESER found themselves on a bullhead heading for the Forever Fall forest. It was part of some extra credit work that Glynda had signed them up for as a means of inter-team bonding. The free grade was also nice, but they had yet to be informed on what they would actually be doing. As for Draco specifically, his head was firmly planted on a window, his eyes shut. His gentle breathing was the only indication that the sleeping dragon was still alive.

Rei honestly felt a bit tense. She had yet to inform her teammates of her past, and now someone from it was sitting across from her on an aircraft bound for a forest infested with grimm. The only positive thing from all of this was the fact that he had yet to remember who she actually was, and the last thing she wanted to do was jinx that. 

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@Drago Ryder


(Shian is a wild fauness, just putting that out there...I thought I specified it...a lot, but no worries)

Euca looked at Rei,

"You're tense again, are you sure you are ok, you've been...rather quiet theses past few days," he said, his hands in his pockets. He sighed and looked up, his little mission a few weeks ago was a success and so far nobody had suspected anything yet, so he was good.

Shian perked his wolf ears when Euca spoke, but his gaze traveled over to the sleeping Draco, who he had met not too long ago...curious about him, Shian moved close to him,

"So...what's going on at your neck of the woods," he asked.

Edited by silvermoon15000
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@rolle@Drago Ryder@Silvermoon

Kyubi sighed as she checked to make sure that her weapon was in working order. The last thing she needed was for it to malfunction. The training she did with Draco had mainly focused on combat traiining and semblance use, both of which had improved her abilities as time went on. At this point, she could hit a beowulf with an arrow from a distance of eighty yards and her semblance could drain the aura of her opponents from a distance equal to the length of her weapon in it's lance configuration. As for the rate of the drain, that decreased proportionately with distance.  While she didn't show it, however,the fox faunus was worried about the remaining member of her team. Ghalan and Vince would probably be fine,where ever they were, but she could tell that the dragon faunus was having trouble sleeping on most nights and she didn't exactly know how to help him. The mixed feelings she had when it came to him were also something she needed to figure out. The fox faunus then glanced at Etherius and figured that she might as well talk to him to pass the time. "So, what's your team like?" She asked.

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@Acnologia@Drago Ryder@silvermoon15000

(Also gonna list what kind of training they'd probably end up doing. I can alter it if you request to do so.)

Etherius was calmly observing the body physique of the opposite team trying to figure out where they excelled without their semblance. He took note of the only... awake person on their team as she was in the middle of doing maintenance. That made him remember their own training and maintenance. He had first proposed that they were going to do some of his training routines so that their physique would gradually improve... They all shot that down saying that it sounded like what you'd do as a punishment. He had decided that they all should have a similar routine focusing on their main points instead, keeping his own routine to do.

The routines he made consisted of various parts. He made Rei train her reaction speed, flexibility as well as speed by combining his own semblance training. This was achieved by making her dodge his modified claws, they were more like small clubs and would probably just sting a bit if they had hit her, which Etherius often stopped before they actually did. He had Euca and Shian do mock battles while Euca was using his semblance. This would make them improve step by step in various regions. He had also gotten complaints that there weren't many fun activities so he decided they'd play Tag to improve speed, as well as to relieve stress. The last thirty minutes of their training was a two on two mock battle, to learn more about how the others fight and how to work together with it, as well as to improve on fields they were lacking in against opponents that were similar to their teammates.

He snapped out of thinking about their training as the fox faunus asked about their team "Well, we're pretty much like any other team I guess, or were you referring to some other specific kind of like?" he said calmly back to her, he wasn't quite sure how to respond exactly to such a question after all.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Draco gave a low growl as he woke up to the sound of Shian's voice. If it had been anyone else and had they been alone, his reaction might've been a bit more caustic. With that being said, he decided to go for a simple response. "Considering the fact that one fourth our team left, We haven't exactly done much. The only annoying part is having to deal with the other members Ozpin tries to assign to my team every other day. They either quit an hour into training, or I throw them out the door because they do something stupid." He said, glancing at the wolf faunus. "I guess it could be worse, though."

Rei looked at Euca and sighed. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to worry you." She said. The snake faunus then leaned against the wall of the aircraft and looked at the ceiling. 

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1 hour ago, Drago Ryder said:


Draco gave a low growl as he woke up to the sound of Shian's voice. If it had been anyone else and had they been alone, his reaction might've been a bit more caustic. With that being said, he decided to go for a simple response. "Considering the fact that half our team left, Yuki and I haven't exactly done much. The only annoying part is having to deal with the two random students Ozpin tries to assign to my team every other day. They either quit an hour into training, or I throw them out the door because they do something stupid." He said, glancing at the wolf faunus. "I guess it could be worse,though."

Rei looked at Euca and sighed. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to worry you." She said. The snake faunus then leaned against the wall of the aircraft and looked at the ceiling. 

@Drago Ryder

"Yeah it could be...at least you don't have someone who sneaks off some nights," he looked back at Euca.


Euca looked back down at the fauness,

"You know you could tell me or the team whats going on, maybe we can help with situation..." He replied with a smile.

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@rolle@Drago Ryder@silvermoon15000

Yuki was caught off guard by Etherius's response, but quickly recovered. "Right, that makes sense." She said, nervously chuckling as she rubbed the back of her head. "So, what do you think we'll be doing out here?"

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Draco gave a slight shrug. "I would say that I do, but Yuki and Ghalan already know where I'm going." He said. The dragon faunus then noticed Shian glance at his teammate and narrowed his eyes. He would ask where Euca was going, but he figured that could be saved for another day. "Speaking of which, I noticed the snake faunus on your team has been acting a bit weird around me. Got Any ideas as to why?"

Rei nodded slightly, but knew that now wouldn't be the best time to reveal her secrets. "Ok. After we get back to the dorm room, I'll tell you." She said.

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@rolle@Drago Ryder@silvermoon15000

Yuki looked over the students within the bullhead, before responding to Etherius. "Given how many students we have, it probably won't be that tedious of a task." She said. That being said, the relative skill of the students meant that they'd probably be encountering grimm. The fox faunus then sighed as she put her weapon down.

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Rei gave a nervous chuckle and blushed slightly. She didn't exactly want to talk about her past, but it was better that they find out from her rather than an alternate source. "It just took me a little longer to work up the courage, I guess." She said. The snake faunus then lightly tapped the human on the nose and smiled, her fangs poking out of her mouth slightly. 

Draco shrugged slightly and leaned back against his seat. He could respect wanting to hide or forget about one's path. That's what he had done for so long, after all. "I see. I'll have to ask her about that, then." He said, before checking to make sure that his sword and shield were still there, not wanting to get caught in a fight with only his semblance, tail, and claws. "Anything else you wanted to talk about?"

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@Drago Ryder @rolle @Acnologia

Euca moved his head back and went cross eyed. He scrunched up his nose and rubbed it,

"Well you pressed a button," he said, smiling at the fauness. He then looked at Shian and then Etherius who were talking to the other team,

"It seems we have made some friends, I wonder what the rest of their team was like, don't you," he said


Shian looked at Draco and shrugged,

"Not really, I can only guess we are arriving soon though," he replied,

"Might as well go talk to my team, nice talking to you Draco," he then turned and waved as he walked up to Euca and Rei,


"So any ideas on what this mission is about," he asked the two.

"Not really, but it can't be too dangerous right?" Euca said.

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@rolle@Drago Ryder@silvermoon15000

Ghalan looked tired. arguing with Vince was something he was used to but Vince leaving well that sucked. He looked at the other wolf faunus and said "Well been awhile since I've seen a wolf faunus. And from the silvery hair I'm guessing arctic wolf," he stated as he looked the the snake faunus with a raised eyebrow. He shrugged as he looked at Yuki and asked "How are the modifications on your weapon treating you?" he asked with a grin on his face. Ghalan began to tap out a beat with his sword's sheath. He began to softly sing to himself. This mission was to promote team unity with another team. his timber wolf ears was standing tall and proud his tail sway slowly. this bullhead flight was alittle rough.


  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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3 hours ago, dragon4111 said:

@rolle@Drago Ryder@silvermoon15000

Ghalan looked tired. arguing with Vince was something he was used to but Vince leaving well that sucked. He looked at the other wolf faunus and said "Well been awhile since I've seen a wolf faunus. And from the silvery hair I'm guessing arctic wolf," he stated as he looked the the snake faunus with a raised eyebrow. He shrugged as he looked at Yuki and asked "How are the modifications on your weapon treating you?" he asked with a grin on his face. Ghalan began to tap out a beat with his sword's sheath. He began to softly sing to himself. This mission was to promote team unity with another team. his timber wolf ears was standing tall and proud his tail sway slowly. this bullhead flight was alittle rough.


Shian nodded, he thought it was actually cool that another wolf fauness was around, but seeing as their team was talking he had went over to his team and asked the question (previous question at the end of my last post)

Euca sighed,

"I should really stop saying something can't be too dangerous, we are going to be huntsmen so I should stop,"

He looked at Rei and smiled.

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