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Into Darkness: A RWBY RP

Drago Ryder

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@dragon4111@Ranger22@Drago Ryder

Yuki nodded slightly and looked over the entries a second time. There was still something lurking in the back of her mind, a question that they should've been asking, but she didn't even know what it was. Either way, the fox faunus decided it would be hest to turn her attention back to Ghalan and Vince. "So, what do we do with all of this?" She asked, gesturing towards the still open journal. 

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

"Honestly if you want my opinion he needs to sck it up," Ghalan stated with a grin on his face as he finally got his lunch His tail wagged faster with joy as he ate his steak. "Maybe that's just me but hey my parents are dead," he stated simply as he rubbed his wrists slightly. "But this meteorite sounds interesting. my sword," Ghalan said as he pulled it out. It's white blade shown with a magnificent shine. "Is of a safer metal but is harder to break. My father called it... Mithrandier, I just call it Mithril. It's able to heat up to very high temperatures. "I think I took some ingots from home maybe...Hmm," Ghalan said as he pursed his lips thinking should he? he had 20 ingots in his locker. more than enough to reforge his friends' weapons making them lighter and remake Vince's hard. he was looking at the two of them back and forth measuring their statures. his tail slowed slightly as he looked like he was deep in thought.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Roman Torchwick watched as the dragon faunus knocked his hired help around like they were nothing. The entire plan to steal dust had been going accordingly, up until that night. When the last man was thrown against a lamppost, the master criminal shook his head. "You know Scales, tonight has been really interesting. Unfortuneltly, I have to run." Roman then fired a bust round at the dragon faunus, which exploded when it was only a few feet from him. He then used the distraction to run to a building and climbed it via ladder.

Draco was about to charge at Roman when his vision was clouded by smoke. It didn't take long for it to disperse and the next thing he saw was a bullhead with Roman Torchwick in the passenger seat flying off into the distance. "Looks like they're heading west." He thought to himself, eyes narrowed.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

"He already got over his parent's deaths when he was a kid, you don't see him brooding over it now do ya?," Vince stated as he finished the last bits of his cherry drink, much to his discomfort. Though it seemed Ghalan had already changed the topic by mentioning the meteorite in the story, pulling out his sword in the middle of the lunchroom much to Vince's annoyance. It seemed Ghalan had confidence in his equipment and the materials used to create it, his so called mithril. Vince had no idea such a material existed, only knowing about the most basic of metals and the man made materials found in Atlas. "Why do you still have your weapon on you? Put the thing in your locker before something happens." Vince stated in flat reminder of the school rules. Vince wondered why mithrandier wasn't more common if it was so effective, maybe it was rare or even a secret. If so why was Ghalan so open about it and why did he have so many ingots of said material. Questions Vince doubted he could reliably get answered, though he always had hope for such things. What Vince wondered was what was Ghalan eyeing him and Yuki for, judging by his sentence cut off he was definitely planning to use his mithril on them. Leaving Ghalan to his thoughts Vince looked back to Yuki. "Either way, I think we should pack up the journal and just leave it back somewhere in our room, with a little extra effort to hide it or something." Vince said in response to Yuki's question, with no doubt in his mind that the entries had pulled her heartstrings just a little.Vince had remembered that Draco had his bag on him when he left Glynda's class. Assuming Ghalan hadn't snatched the book from their dorm, they would have to wait till Draco comes back in order to sufficiently return it without notice. "Hey, do you guys got classes left? We can head and do something if you don't."


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@Ranger22@dragon4111@Drago Ryder

Yuki had meant what they should do conerning Draco, but what Vince had said was just as good. The last thing they heeded was their leader to be angry at them. That would just cause unneeded drama."No. I don't think I have anything else planned for the day." She said. "What did you have in mind?" The fox faunus had also noticed Ghalan's recent pattern of behavior and was curious as to what he was planning.

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan breathed in and out as he saw the question biting at his buddies faces and he said "Mithril is very very rare my family mined it up before the white fang came and took it from them," he explained with a grin on his face. "And well here's a question for you both do you want your weapons to be lighter and tougher?" he asked as he looked at the two. he felt his heart hammering in both ears as he was nervous for their replies. "I can reforge them. My hmm papa taught me his craft before well the incident" Ghalan stated simply. "All I ask is to place my family's symbol onto them," Ghalan said with a quiet tone of voice. Ghalan pulled out his coat to reveal a Mithril chain shirt. the Silvery white chain links glittered in the sun which shown in from the windows. "Beautiful is it not?"


A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Draco sighed as he sat on the roof of a building not too far from the dust shop that had just been robbed. The local police had arrived a few minutes after he left, and while he would love to see the looks on their face when they learned a faunus had done their job for them, he honestly didn't want to take the chance that they would blame the whole thing on him. "I guess the only good thing is that they didn't get any dust, or at least as much as they wanted." He thought to himself. That being said, the dragon faunus made sure to store the boxes of dust crystals he had bought in his own bag.

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@Drago Ryder@Ranger22@dragon4111

Yuki looked over the thin layer of armor that Ghalan wore and couldn't help but wag her tail in excitement. "That is certainly something." She said, before she thought over Ghalan's offer. Aside from the fact that his emblem would be on her weapon, which wasn't even that big of a deal in her mind, there wasn't really much risk with having her lance reforged. "As for Lunar Spure, I don't see why she shouldn't get an upgrade." The fox faunus. then gave Ghalan a cheeky smirk.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

Vince began wondering the possible places him and his team could go, though finding Draco was his first priority. Before Vince could say anything Ghalan excitedly continued his talk about Mithril, this time sounding like a sales pitch. Though on second thought Vince considered his initial comparison rude and instead dubbed it a friendly offer based on good faith. After all, if Mitrhil was as rare as Vince thought such a gesture was highly commendable and worth thanks. Judging from Ghalan's demeanor Vince could tell crafting was very important to his teammate, especially if it meant spreading his family's symbol, a form of respect and symbolism of his clan's skill and product. Vince then saw Ghalan produce a thin mail shirt, gleaming with brightness and an essence of grandeur. Vince couldn't help but be impressed with the armor Ghalan protected himself with. Honestly, Vince heavily considered the option, always looking for a chance to better his arsenal. He looked over to Yuki, seeing if her decision could possibly sway his opinion. Though it seemed she wanted her weapon reforged, Vince had finally decided to decline. "I'm fine thank you, your offer is generous but I have to decline." Vince had preferred his equipment to have weight to them, it tested his endurance and overtime grew his strength. Plus he had gotten used to handling the weight of his equipment, believing his performance would lessen if he had altered it in any way. Getting up, Vince put away his tray before returning to his teammate's table. "C'mon, lets go back to our dorm and decide what to do from there," Vince said before he began walking back to the team's dorm.


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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan's ears drooped slightly as he heard Vince decline. "Alright then and Yuki heh you won't regret this," he stated with a grin on his face. he placed down a notepad infront of her. "Tell me the features you want on it and I'll see if I can add it," he stated with a grin on his face as his tail was wagging excitedly. He was going to ply his craft here in the school. "Vince your armor could be lighter so that you wouldn't be overheating on the battlefield like you were in the forest," he stated with a chuckle. "But I under stand my friend,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Ranger22@Drago Ryder@Ranger22[/b]

Yuki gave a nodded slightly. "Ok. I'll get the specs to you by the end of the day, maybe tomorrow at the latest." She said. The fox faunus was a weapon nut, so she would have to make it reasonable so as not to use up all of Ghalan's metal. With that said, the faunus began to head back to their dorm room.

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After Draco had secured the dust in his bag, the dragon faunus figured it'd be best to get back to his dorm room and drop his bag off, before he met up with his team. Thankfully, he didn't have to wait long for the bullhead that would take him to Beacon. "Now, do I tell my team about the dust robbery?" He thought to himself. He didn't exactly want to get them involved, but there was the chance that he would need their help if he decided to pursue this.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

Vince kept a straight face as he heard what he interpreted as a last ditch effort to change his mind about Ghalan's offer, which was ended with a statment that gave off the impression of understanding, it was really the only way to interpret it any how. "I'll come to you if I change my mind Ghalan, I'm quite satisfied with my armor's composition." Vince simply stated as he continued to walk back to the dormitory. Overhearing Yuki's attempts to cooperate with Ghalan in order to help him reforge her weapon, at least that's how he saw it. Vince walked past students and teachers alike, who were either by themselves or in similarly sized groups. It didn't take too long to get back, the door left closed as the way they left it. Opening the door it seemed that Draco hadn't returned from whatever trip he was currently on, it had also appeared that the toom hadn't been altered in anyway. Looking back for a moment to see his teammates he walked into the dorm and sat himself on his bed, a bit ragged from the school day. "It seems that Draco hasn't returned yet, wanna wait for him here? Or do you fellas just wanna get out of Beacon?" Vince asked Ghalan and Yuki, curious on what they wanted to do for the rest of the day. 

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@Drago Ryder@Ranger22@dragon4111

Yuki glanced at Vince and thought for a few seconds. There weren't many places thqt the dragon faunus could've gone to, and he most likely had his scroll on him. The fox faunus then pulled out her own and noticed that his contact information was already programed into it. "Huh. That's conveniant." She muttered, before typing out a quick message. Yuki then turned her attemtion to Vince. "I guess we can do either."

To Draco: Where are you?

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Draco felt something vibrate against his leg and pulled his scroll out of his pocket as he walked out onto the bullhead landing platform. "Good thing I brought this." He thought to himself as he looked over the displayed message. If it weren't for the fact that the id didn't display Yuki's name, he would've simply deleted it. That being said, he decided to type up a response.

To Yuki: Just got done with shopping for supplies. Heading to dorm now.

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan was bringing out his forging hammer. He was smiling as a  song was heard from him humming.It was from one of his favorite movies as he lifted it to the fading like as it shone silvery white just like the ingots he was pulling out of his locker. 20 of them ingots of silvery white mithril. "I have enough to make afew dozen swords or lances," Ghalan stated with a grin on his face. He traces his family's symbol on the hammer gently as his ears drooped slightly.  He shook his head as he pulled out his scroll and sent a messages to Draco to come to the dorm rooms and had an offer to his teammate. Ghalan sighed to himself as he looked at the ingots in a neat littl pile. these ingots was what he had left of his family. This was hard for him to do but...

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

Vince gave a quick glance as Yuki pulled out her scroll, she probably has Draco's contact information he thought to himself. Not soon after Yuki gave her response, which to Vince's inconvenience didn't help decide on anything nor give any information to boot. With a quiet sigh he looked over to Ghalan in hope for an answer, though it seemed he was to enamored with his work and tools for the trade. He closed is eyes as he delved into thought, and eventually came to the conclusion that it was better that he had not worried about it. it wasn't like there was anything life threatening occurring so why had Vince needed to bother? With a sigh Vince simply blamed his fairly fatigued state due to the sparring match. Normally Vince had expected himself to last longer than he had, though the trial in the forest had probably explained why. He was trying his hardest not to fall asleep, difficult considering he was laying on a bed. "Yuki, is Draco coming here now?" Vince had finally bothered with a direct question, though he still naturally asked in a polite tone. He looked towards Ghalan, seeing how the faunus had eyed his work. What's up with that? Vince mentally asked himself, merely seeking a distraction till Draco had arrived. 


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@Drago Ryder@Ranger22@dragon4111

Yuki mentally facepalmed at as soon as she realized what she had just said, "Sorry. I wasn't really thinking that through." She said, blushing slight ly from embarassment, "Anyway, yes. He said he'd be here soon. He said he was also shopping for supplies, but that shouldn't be to much of a concern."

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After Draco had replied to Yuki's message, he put his scroll back in his pocket as the aircraft landed. Of course, if he had looked a bit closer at his alerts, he would've seen that there was already news coverage on the dust robbery he had stopped. Of course, the news report didn't reference him by name, but only as a faunus that looked to be an experianced fighter. The only eye witness was the shop owner, and he had dubbed the faunus as Zero. Either way, he began to make his way towards the student dorms. "If I'm lucky, then training shouldn't be to complicated. It's just a matter on finding where they can improve and building on what they know." He thought, ideas already forming in his head. Of course, there were areas where he wanted to improve as well, but he could do that on his own time.

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@Drago Ryder@Ranger22@dragon4111

Yuki was just about to put her scroll away when she noticed a news bulletin. When she read it in detail, her eyes widened slightly in surprise. "Looks like there was another dust robbery. The only difference was that this one was stopped." She said, glancing at her two teammates.

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@Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Acnologia

Vince's ears perked up as he heard the news about the dust robbery from Yuki. "Now that is some interesting news. Dust robberies have been pretty frequent around this area if you've been paying attention to the news. You here about one dust robbery you heard em all, but I don't recall one ever being stopped recently." Vince rose from his bed, turning to face Yuki. "You think it was a huntsman that stopped the robbery?" Vince asked, the words coming out of his mouth bringing up a possibility that intrigued him. "You said Draco was shopping around for supplies right? In town where that robbery just happened?" Vince asked Yuki rather inquisitively for an answer he probably already knew. Though school supplies would come to mind when shopping was mentioned by a student, a huntsman in training would correlate to dust instead of measly old pencils and paper. Running into a dust robbery would only make sense if one was shopping for dust. Pulling out his scroll he began looking for news on the robbery, which to no surprise popped up rather quickly. Faunus huh? Vince thought to himself as he read about the mysterious savior. With this one word Vince had taken total faith in the idea of Draco being that mystery hero. 

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After a few minutes of walking around, Draco finally made it to his dorm. When he walked into the room itself, he noticed the other members of his team were already there. "Sorry to keep you guys waiting. Traffic was a pain." He said, giving a light chuckle as he set his bag on the floor behind the couch. "Oh, and I got your message earlier, Ghalan. Did you need me for something?" His voice held a curious tone as he tried to think of a scenario.

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@Drago Ryder , @Acnologia , @Ranger22

Ghalan grinned and asked "Any piece of equipment you want to be reforged?" he stood up as he pointed to a large pile of silvery white ingots. "I can reforge you some armor," he smirked slightly as his tail swayed. He had looked upon his scroll. He found out that this school did have a forge he was happy yet he seemed apprehensive was he going to do this? He steeled his resolve no doubts it ruined the process of forging making the metal brittle. This was his craft after all forging weapons of old into something new.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Drago Ryder@Ranger22@dragon4111

Yuki glanced at Vince and nodded slightly. "Yeah. I don't think that's a coincidence, either." She said, though she didn't know how to feel about it. When the fox faunus heard her team leader enter the room, she hid his journal under her seat. The last thing they needed was for him not to trust them. 

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Draco raised a brow, and if he had a beard, he'd be stroking it. He hadn't really thought about getting a second weapon, considering his skill with Hakumei, but he didn't exactly have to get rid of the blade. He just needed something to compliment the sword. As for armor, he didn't exactly know how it would react with his electrocity, but experimentation never hurt anyone. "Sure. I don't want anything too big in design, though. Maybe something I could wear under a shirt. I'm not really picky so long as it doesn't weigh me down to much. As for a weapon, do you think you could make a shield that could shift into a chakram?"

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