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gaming Japan's Self-Fulfilling 'Xbox Failure' Prophecy

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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We all know that Xbox, as a brand, is simply not successful in Japan on any levels. The systems do not sell, the games don't either. A lot of people for some reason blame Microsoft for this, saying that the company doesn't focus on Japan at all. I however feel there is a different cause for all of it and that cause is simply Japan itself.
What I mean by that, is that it seems the Japanese actively avoid Xbox. They stay clear of it and prefer the systems made in their own country. I find this to be rather troubling on its own, but it goes further. Recently, the game NEIR was basically confirmed that it will not be coming to Xbox One at all. It was originally thought it would, but the creators said that it won't, because of the absence of Xbox One sales, IN JAPAN. So they are choosing to ignore every other territory because reasons and losing out on a ton of potential sales because of some stubborn pride thing. I respect Japan on many levels, but I cannot deny that in this particular case, they take their pride thing a bit too far. That leads into the main point.
I feel the failure of Xbox in Japan is simply a self-fulfilling prophecy on their part. Japanese devs have stated that they don't make their games for Xbox because Xbox doesn't sell in Japan. The huge problem with that logic, is that there needs to be games for the system for people to buy the system for. So they don't make games for it in the first place, which leads to abysmal system sales and those abysmal system sales then lead to no Japanese games being made for it and the cycle fuels itself endlessly. That is a huge problem. So in the end, it comes across as the Japanese actively avoiding the non-Japanese game system. The Xbox One is fairly successful in many other territories so choosing to not put their games on that system even in those territories is, to me, a dick move. This is in contrast to the Playstation Vita, which only saw major success in, where else, Japan. This lead to that system getting tons of developer support, mostly exclusively in Japan itself, while the system was left to die everywhere else. 
With games like NEIR and Dynasty Warriors 9 apparently abandoning Xbox altogether, even worldwide, it is making me lose a lot respect for Japanese developers. Their viewpoint seems to be so narrow and only focused in Japan and Japan only, which is not only a bad business move in my view, but also a kind of arrogant way to approach this industry. I hate any kind of national pride that leads to arrogance. 
Microsoft has already tried to do a huge Japanese push for the Xbox 360 years ago, with some very solid titles being made for the system, but this did next to nothing for the brand's success there, furthering the point that the Japanese seem to be avoiding all of Xbox like a plague. Apparently Phil Spencer met with a bunch of Japanese development teams recently, and hopefully that helps some things, but it is a shame that it takes the head of Xbox itself going there and talking with them for them to show any interest. 
So there is my view on this subject that I have been increasingly thinking about. Do you all have any opinion's on this? Any thoughts? Like I said, this entire situation is making me lose respect for Japanese devs. They choose to deny me the chance to buy their games because I don't own the Japanese made system. I mean, if they really don't want my money, then fine. Their loss. This whole thing would be like if I actively avoided all Japanese games because they are Japanese made, which would be incredibly stupid. 
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Don't forget about the single biggest driving force behind Xbox in the Japanese market:







^Which was exclusive to the Xbox 360 up until Idolm@ster 2 :o Unfortunately, this series went from being an Xbox exclusive selling more Xbox's in Japan than any other game, to a PS4 exclusive in the form of Idolmaster Platinum Stars -.-  (The "Platinum Collection" on the three above images basically equates to the games selling extremely well; so like Platinum Hits in western territories).

From Wikipedia: "The Xbox 360 port of The Idolmaster sold 25,000 copies in its first week of sale and was the fifteenth best selling console video game in Japan for the time of its release. The port has been credited with making Japan's ratio of sign-ups for Xbox Live compared to the number of consoles sold as the world's highest. Over four times as many Microsoft points were sold on the date of The Idolmaster's Xbox 360 release as on the date before it."

"Live For You! sold 44,000 copies in its first week of release in Japan, and ranked as the fifth best-selling video game in Japan that week"


Aside from Idolm@ster, more recently on Xbox One you have games like Recore and the ill-fated Scalebound. As far as I am aware, Scalebound was canceled by the heads at Xbox, not the actual Japanese developers. They were struggling getting it to run properly on Xbox One, and instead of sinking any more funds into getting Scalebound on Xbox One, they just halted development alltogether, while simultaneously holding onto the liscense so Ps4 couldn't have it either. Very awful business practice, considering how much work was put into developing Scalebound.


I'm not denying Japanese are extremely nationalistic when it comes to the videogame market, but still, they did make an effort however slim, to sell Xbox consoles in Japan

Also, don't forget Nier was originally on the Xbox 360 as well as Ps3. Once again, it was only with the advent of the Ps4/ Xbone that Japan decided to keep a once multiplatform series as exclusive to their own territory's console. NieR:Automata was the best new game I have played in the past 10 years (outside of Xenoblade Chronicles X) btw =^-^=

Edited by K.Rool Addict
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6 hours ago, K.Rool Addict said:

Aside from Idolm@ster, more recently on Xbox One you have games like Recore and the ill-fated Scalebound. As far as I am aware, Scalebound was canceled by the heads at Xbox, not the actual Japanese developers. They were struggling getting it to run properly on Xbox One, and instead of sinking any more funds into getting Scalebound on Xbox One, they just halted development alltogether, while simultaneously holding onto the liscense so Ps4 couldn't have it either. Very awful business practice, considering how much work was put into developing Scalebound.

It's hard to place the blame solely on Microsoft. People seem to forget that video games are a business like everything else. If they're paying a game developer to make a game and the developer cannot meet their obligations in a timely manner then why should they not halt development of the game? I'm pretty sure they could have compromised on getting it to run properly and they chose not to. And why should Microsoft not hold on to the license? It was Microsoft's IP not Platinum Games'. That being said, it was disappointing and I would have liked for the game to be released. 

To be fair, I assumed Nier: Automata wasn't going to be coming to the Xbox One, but I am sure the whole fallout with Platinum Games did not help either. It is disappointing, but it is what it is. I can't say I am a huge fan of Japanese games. I mean, it's always nice to have more games released for your console, but I will live without them...but hey at least we're still getting some games like Valkyria Revolution, right?

This is completely unrelated, but has any one seen the anime Eromanga-Sensei? In one of the episodes they show that the MC's little sister had both an Xbox One(or Y Box) and a PS4 in her room. It made me think that maybe they don't completely hate the Xbox over there. 

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41 minutes ago, joanro said:

It's hard to place the blame solely on Microsoft. People seem to forget that video games are a business like everything else. If they're paying a game developer to make a game and the developer cannot meet their obligations in a timely manner then why should they not halt development of the game? I'm pretty sure they could have compromised on getting it to run properly and they chose not to. And why should Microsoft not hold on to the license? It was Microsoft's IP not Platinum Games'. That being said, it was disappointing and I would have liked for the game to be released. 

To be fair, I assumed Nier: Automata wasn't going to be coming to the Xbox One, but I am sure the whole fallout with Platinum Games did not help either. It is disappointing, but it is what it is. I can't say I am a huge fan of Japanese games. I mean, it's always nice to have more games released for your console, but I will live without them...but hey at least we're still getting some games like Valkyria Revolution, right?

This is completely unrelated, but has any one seen the anime Eromanga-Sensei? In one of the episodes they show that the MC's little sister had both an Xbox One(or Y Box) and a PS4 in her room. It made me think that maybe they don't completely hate the Xbox over there. 


I don't understand why they couldn't just make the game a Project Scorpio exclusive. There would have been zero issue getting it to run on that thing, considering it's hardware's capabilities. I know "Uncle Phil" said something about wanting all Xbox games to run on all iterations of their hardware, with no exclusives for the new console refresh, BUT why just throw away all that work? Personally, I was super excited to play Scalebound, and it was the sole reason I decided to hold on to my Xbox One as long as I did. After hearing about the cancellation, however, it really hit me hard, especially since there are no upcoming Xbox console exclusives that interest me in the least.

The whole thing with NieR:Automata, was that it was supposed to be the Sony Exclusive, while Scalebound functioned as the Microsoft exclusive. That way Platinum had one "AAA" game on each console (also, don't forget Bayonetta 2's exclusivity to the Wii U).

I have no doubt in my mind that Japan in no way "hates" Xbox. They just don't have much interest in the games it offers. Where are all the JRPGs? Playstation 4. Where are all the Japanese fighting games like SFV, Guilty Gear, Tekken7, etc? Playstation 4. Where are all the otaku-bait, omega-kyawaii~ sexual fanservicey games? Playstation 4 and Vita. It follows to reason if Microsoft REALLY wanted Japanese consumers to buy their console, they would entice them by securing exclusivity of these types of games. Phil Spencer has said on multiple occasions that he believes Xbox as a brand is doing perfectly fine. It's not as if Xbox One is bombing worldwide like the Wii U. IIRC Xbox One has sold over 26 million units; a far cry from Wii U's 13 million. Sure Ps4 has sold over 55 million, but that doesn't mean Xbox is failing. So, with Xbox being satisfied with its overall performance sales-wise, it seems as though enticing Japanese consumers is just not in their current agenda. Again, I find this disheartening due to the majority of titles I like being Japanese, but I understand MIcrosoft's position.

There do exist Japanese gamers who prefer more western game design also, so lets not write them out of the equation. Xbox One is great for FPS's and Racing games. Ps4 is better for pretty much everything else.


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Xbox currently struggle to get sales in triple digits 

microsoft has no one but themselves to blame

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4 minutes ago, Whompy Whomperson said:

Xbox currently struggle to get sales in triple digits 

microsoft has no one but themselves to blame


I don't understand how Microsoft thinks they can effectively sell Xbox with all the consoles exclusives going over to PC. What incentive does the consumer have to buy an Xbox if all its games can be played in far superior versions on the PC instead? :o 

It just doesn't make sense. As Xbox stands currently, they are basically only servicing the low-information crowd, or super low budget consumers (I got mine new with Halo 5, Gears Ultimate, Rare Replay, and Ori for only $250 and this was several months before black friday of last year; oh and it was a 1TB version btw).

So I guess I basically just answered my own question xD Super low budget, entry level system for little kids and impoverished families; not exactly the worst position to be in. Although, the Project Scorpio seems to go against that stance completely >.>

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Xbox 1-3 have largely been North American consoles. They've sold worse than PlayStation 1-4 in Europe (except Xbox 360 vs PS4, though PS4 has sold much better than Xbox 360 in Europe). I assume the Xbox is more popular in the USA because it was made by an American company, correct? In the more neutral markets, the Sony consoles have sold better than the Microsoft consoles. One should note that handhelds are really popular in Japan, which is also a factor.

The Xbox consoles have been struggling with getting worthwhile exclusives. Why buy an Xbox when you can buy a PlayStation and get the same multi-platform games and a bunch of exclusives (such as JRPGs, fighting games, and platformers). FPS games are less popular in Japan in general, which makes Halo and Gears of War weak exclusives for the Xbox consoles. 

With that being said, perhaps one of the reasons Xbox is doing poorly is because it's made by an American company. Another reason could be that they're perceived as newcomers: Sony and Nintendo have been making video games for a long time, Microsoft didn't jump in until 2001. I personally don't see the point of Xbox One since you could just get a good PC and a PS4 and have access to more good games than if you got a PC and an Xbox One. The Xbox consoles have been, in my opinion, largely redundant, since PC + PlayStation 2-4 generally covered most of the games (lack of Xbox 1-3 exclusives). I guess it's good to have two mainstream consoles in order to add more competition in the market? If the only consoles were PlayStation and Nintendo consoles then maybe Sony would abuse the situation, I don't know. 

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4 hours ago, K.Rool Addict said:


I don't understand why they couldn't just make the game a Project Scorpio exclusive. There would have been zero issue getting it to run on that thing, considering it's hardware's capabilities. I know "Uncle Phil" said something about wanting all Xbox games to run on all iterations of their hardware, with no exclusives for the new console refresh, BUT why just throw away all that work? Personally, I was super excited to play Scalebound, and it was the sole reason I decided to hold on to my Xbox One as long as I did. After hearing about the cancellation, however, it really hit me hard, especially since there are no upcoming Xbox console exclusives that interest me in the least.

The whole thing with NieR:Automata, was that it was supposed to be the Sony Exclusive, while Scalebound functioned as the Microsoft exclusive. That way Platinum had one "AAA" game on each console (also, don't forget Bayonetta 2's exclusivity to the Wii U).

I have no doubt in my mind that Japan in no way "hates" Xbox. They just don't have much interest in the games it offers. Where are all the JRPGs? Playstation 4. Where are all the Japanese fighting games like SFV, Guilty Gear, Tekken7, etc? Playstation 4. Where are all the otaku-bait, omega-kyawaii~ sexual fanservicey games? Playstation 4 and Vita. It follows to reason if Microsoft REALLY wanted Japanese consumers to buy their console, they would entice them by securing exclusivity of these types of games. Phil Spencer has said on multiple occasions that he believes Xbox as a brand is doing perfectly fine. It's not as if Xbox One is bombing worldwide like the Wii U. IIRC Xbox One has sold over 26 million units; a far cry from Wii U's 13 million. Sure Ps4 has sold over 55 million, but that doesn't mean Xbox is failing. So, with Xbox being satisfied with its overall performance sales-wise, it seems as though enticing Japanese consumers is just not in their current agenda. Again, I find this disheartening due to the majority of titles I like being Japanese, but I understand MIcrosoft's position.

There do exist Japanese gamers who prefer more western game design also, so lets not write them out of the equation. Xbox One is great for FPS's and Racing games. Ps4 is better for pretty much everything else.


I do think Scalebound would have been an awesome game to demonstrate power of the Scorpio, but I am glad they didn't go the route of making it exclusive to Scorpio. I'd rather they avoid doing what Nintendo did with New 3DS where certain games could only be played on New 3DS console and not the previous models. I have a feeling that even if Microsoft went after all these niche Japanese titles people would still buy the PS4 over the Xbox One. It just seems like a lost cause. 

To be fair, a lot of the Japanese fighting games you mentioned are also on PC. Exclusive games that are on the PS4 like the Guilty Gear series and KOF XIV are being ported to PC as well. If you are going to say that games that are on both the Xbox One and PC are not exclusives then it should also to apply to games like Nier: Automata, Street Fighter V, and KOF XIV for the PS4 as those games are also on PC. 



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8 hours ago, joanro said:

It's hard to place the blame solely on Microsoft.

There was a huge effort to get Japanese games on 360, including a few MS published JRPGs like Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey and an exclusive freaking Tales game in Tales of Vesperia(which is often considered one of the best in the series), not to mention, it was really neck and neck with the PS3 in worldwide sales so Japanese devs were willing to invest. While it saw a good bump in the Japanese market, it was still getting it's ass handed to them by the PS3 and Wii. Even overseas, Japanese games still sell a ton better on competing consoles, PC included. 

Whatever effort there was in the 360 generation by and large just isn't there for the Xbox One, and it seems this time most Japanese devs(that aren't major publishers like Capcom or Namco) aren't even gonna bother with it, especially with how much better the PS4 is selling in comparison. And it's not like devs are intentionally sabotaging their games either, so you're mostly getting the same game as others. Unless they're Japanese games with huge western appeal(like MGS, RE, or Dark Souls), I wouldn't expect much Japanese games coming to Xbox consoles in the near future, and I don't blame them for it, I don't even expect Final Fantasy to come on it anymore, nor do I actually expect the Xbox One version to make it

7 hours ago, K.Rool Addict said:

I don't understand how Microsoft thinks they can effectively sell Xbox with all the consoles exclusives going over to PC. What incentive does the consumer have to buy an Xbox if all its games can be played in far superior versions on the PC instead? :o 

It just doesn't make sense. As Xbox stands currently, they are basically only servicing the low-information crowd, or super low budget consumers (I got mine new with Halo 5, Gears Ultimate, Rare Replay, and Ori for only $250 and this was several months before black friday of last year; oh and it was a 1TB version btw).

So I guess I basically just answered my own question xD Super low budget, entry level system for little kids and impoverished families; not exactly the worst position to be in. Although, the Project Scorpio seems to go against that stance completely >.>

I like my Xbox One, but I've pretty much accepted that I'm only keeping it around for BC at this point. I mean, I like the MCC collection and Sunset Overdrive a ton, but there's not much else for me to get especially if I can get their exclusives on PC(not to mention I also have a PS4 so 3rd party games are already set)

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> enters room 

> Reads discussion

> Looks at UAW award and Ford Employee Blue Badge hanging on office wall. 

> Recalls my sixteen automotive conferences and uncountable discussions with Japanese colleagues


To understand the buying habits and trends of a people, you have to understand their culture from a their filter and not yours, including a cultures own ethnocentric tendencies, and that influence buying habits. 

Then understand their economic trends (The Lost Decade to present). 

Then understand any technological evolutions and paradigm shifts that would compliment or clash with a culture. 

I'll drop this here discussing a (very general) yet accurate depiction of Japanese consumer mentality through 2014/2015. I read this at the recommendation from a peer on LinkedIn. 

Here is the McKinsey Quarterly article that the above LinkedIn article references. 

You will find the further you delve into Japanese consumerism that it actually is/was relatively predictable with imported luxury goods of great renown. They are deceptively predictable in other markets. 

All these factors should assist in a macro view of what happened and why, and if it would happen again. I have an advanced degree in Finance, and I'm not qualified to offer any predictive analytics that would suggest a root cause, and a go forward plan for the brand being discussed. That said, since Japan has always broken many well understood behaviors, such as the rule that luxury products with a high income elasticity of demand will suffer during economic downturn, your guess is as good as mine. 




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8 hours ago, Jeric said:

> enters room 

> Reads discussion

> Looks at UAW award and Ford Employee Blue Badge hanging on office wall. 

> Recalls my sixteen automotive conferences and uncountable discussions with Japanese colleagues


To understand the buying habits and trends of a people, you have to understand their culture from a their filter and not yours, including a cultures own ethnocentric tendencies, and that influence buying habits. 

Then understand their economic trends (The Lost Decade to present). 

Then understand any technological evolutions and paradigm shifts that would compliment or clash with a culture. 

I'll drop this here discussing a (very general) yet accurate depiction of Japanese consumer mentality through 2014/2015. I read this at the recommendation from a peer on LinkedIn. 

Here is the McKinsey Quarterly article that the above LinkedIn article references. 

You will find the further you delve into Japanese consumerism that it actually is/was relatively predictable with imported luxury goods of great renown. They are deceptively predictable in other markets. 

All these factors should assist in a macro view of what happened and why, and if it would happen again. I have an advanced degree in Finance, and I'm not qualified to offer any predictive analytics that would suggest a root cause, and a go forward plan for the brand being discussed. That said, since Japan has always broken many well understood behaviors, such as the rule that luxury products with a high income elasticity of demand will suffer during economic downturn, your guess is as good as mine. 


I don't live in Japan, so no, I don't know every specific little detail, I am just going by what I have seen and what I have been able to gather. 

16 hours ago, Whompy Whomperson said:

Xbox currently struggle to get sales in triple digits 

microsoft has no one but themselves to blame


16 hours ago, K.Rool Addict said:


I don't understand how Microsoft thinks they can effectively sell Xbox with all the consoles exclusives going over to PC. What incentive does the consumer have to buy an Xbox if all its games can be played in far superior versions on the PC instead? :o 

It just doesn't make sense. As Xbox stands currently, they are basically only servicing the low-information crowd, or super low budget consumers (I got mine new with Halo 5, Gears Ultimate, Rare Replay, and Ori for only $250 and this was several months before black friday of last year; oh and it was a 1TB version btw).

So I guess I basically just answered my own question xD Super low budget, entry level system for little kids and impoverished families; not exactly the worst position to be in. Although, the Project Scorpio seems to go against that stance completely >.>

This discussion isn't about Microsoft's worldwide sales. While they don't sell as much as Playstation, they do sell enough to be profitable and supported. Japan is the focus here. Seriously, can we please stop bringing up 'Ugh, why would anyone get an Xbox One when you can get a PC instead?' in every Xbox related discussion ever? It is a tired discussion at this point. Then again I might be one of the only people in the world who doesn't base their system purchases on exclusives so, I don't know.


Back on the proper train of thought here, others have pointed out here the massive push Microsoft already tried to do in Japan, and I really do think they tried, they had several great titles produced from that. Even then, it still didn't do anything for them in the sales, only a small push for a small amount of time. The end result was disappointing and I think it is because the Japanese had already bought the PS3 by that point and had no interest in the 360. 


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1 hour ago, Kyoshi said:

This discussion isn't about Microsoft's worldwide sales. While they don't sell as much as Playstation, they do sell enough to be profitable and supported. Japan is the focus here. Seriously, can we please stop bringing up 'Ugh, why would anyone get an Xbox One when you can get a PC instead?' in every Xbox related discussion ever? It is a tired discussion at this point. Then again I might be one of the only people in the world who doesn't base their system purchases on exclusives so, I don't know.


Wii U and Ps4 sales in Japan aren't outstanding. Japanese consumers are all over the handheld side of platforms though. Like 3DS, Vita, and the Switch. But you would be hard pressed to find any "hardcore" Japanese games who consider these devices to fulfill all their gaming needs. If anything, handhelds offer a supplementary gameplay experience, a side dish, if you will. So, what is the main course of the Japanese hardcore gamer? My only guess is P.C. gaming. Where else could these people turn besides pc? They don't want Xbox, most of them don't want Ps4, so where do they get all those triple "A" experiences from? That is the only reason I bring up the Xbox - PC argument.

Ps4 has proven to sell much, much better in territories outside of Japan, like the US, Europe, etc. Just an fyi, lol

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The problem is that Microsoft only cares about the bottom line. They don't understand that good games take time. Scalebound was cancelled because it wouldn't release fast enough for Micro$oft. They're impatient and only care about making money. It is very much their fault. 

16 hours ago, Kyoshi said:

Seriously, can we please stop bringing up 'Ugh, why would anyone get an Xbox One when you can get a PC instead?

If you don't care about exclusives then that's even less reason to have an Xbox One. It has no relevant features over the PS4 or PC plaftorm. 

I'm sorry you're trying to justify a bad purchase, but it is what it is. Stop trying to defend the Xbone and wake up. 

And don't get me started on the Scorpio. If you're really planning to buy it, I feel sorry for you, it's not going to be cheaper than $500-$600. And at that point you might as well just build a budget gaming PC.

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10 hours ago, Celli said:

I'm sorry you're trying to justify a bad purchase, but it is what it is. Stop trying to defend the Xbone and wake up. 

And don't get me started on the Scorpio. If you're really planning to buy it, I feel sorry for you, it's not going to be cheaper than $500-$600. And at that point you might as well just build a budget gaming PC.

Xbox One isn't a bad purchase. If you bought it for the price I did, at least. It is a GREAT entry-level budget console to get into the "AAA" market. 1TB New Xbox One with Halo 5, Gears Ultimate Ed., Rare Replay <--- All new in box, and a download code for Ori and the Blind Forest... all for a measly $250. That simply cannot be beaten by any other gaming platform.

Now, if you spent $500 dollars on a 500 GB version bundled with the useless Kinect at launch... then I completely agree it was an objectively BAD purchase lol.

As for the Scorpio, from what I have seen, the thing will likely compete with a GTX 980-1060-980 Ti in terms of the performance / visuals it pumps out. The thing is beastly.... but unfortunately "Micro$oft" decided to completely skimp on the CPU -.-  2.3 Ghz without overclockability in 2017!?? WTF. So forget about all those awesome 60 fps locked games.... we'll likely be getting similar disappointing 30 fps gameplay for most titles just like Ps4 Pro Q.Q (and here I was dreaming of playing Forza Horizon 3 at 60 fps on console >.< Yes, I will be getting a PC eventually lol).

Still, for the price, I doubt PC can compete with a Scorpio just in terms of raw power, not to mention the "supposed" DX 12 physical implementation within the box itself. You can find my rather.... crestfallen impressions on the Scorpio in detail, here, btw:  https://mlpforums.com/topic/164758-xbox-scorpio-microsofts-belated-april-fools-joke 


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@K.Rool Addict No. The PS4 pro is a better purchase. There is literally no incentive to get an Xbone over PS4 or PC.

Also, no, a $600 PC can compete with the Scorpio. I can build one with a GTX 1060.

I find it funny when some people say "b-but the Scorpio has 6 teraflops!"

They clearly don't understand how computers work. And yes, 2.3 GHz is pathetic. It will probably bottleneck the gpu.

And then if do you want the exclusives, guess what? Those are on Windows! Nice fucking job Microsoft! You eliminated any reason to get your console over the PS4 or PC!

*clap clap*

And then the Scorpio will probably alienate owners of the original Xbone. The PS4 Pro is powerful, but doesn't make the original PS4 pointless.

I'm sorry, I just can't get behind any of MS' boneheaded decisions.

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Scorpio is rumored to be $500-600 too. For what is pretty much a beefed up Xbox One, lol good luck with that

Edited by Whompy Whomperson
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I think I might have this thread locked. I brought up a discussion and already it is devolving into 'Microsoft sucks and is so stupid, nobody has a reason to get an Xbox One, Scorpio is gonna fail hur hur'. No point in keeping the thread open if that's all it is going to be. 

13 hours ago, Celli said:

The problem is that Microsoft only cares about the bottom line. They don't understand that good games take time. Scalebound was cancelled because it wouldn't release fast enough for Micro$oft. They're impatient and only care about making money. It is very much their fault. 

If you don't care about exclusives then that's even less reason to have an Xbox One. It has no relevant features over the PS4 or PC plaftorm. 

I'm sorry you're trying to justify a bad purchase, but it is what it is. Stop trying to defend the Xbone and wake up. 

And don't get me started on the Scorpio. If you're really planning to buy it, I feel sorry for you, it's not going to be cheaper than $500-$600. And at that point you might as well just build a budget gaming PC.

Excuse me? A bad purchase? I will be the judge of that. You know how many games I have for the Xbox One? Not counting the disk games I have yet to install, I have 362 games. The Xbox One, for me, has been fantastic. I don't give FUCK about exclusives or no, the system lets me play all sorts of games, I like the media options, I like the UI and overall, I like the system a lot. 

There is a thing called preference in this world and hell, that could simply be the answer to the Japanese market here. Preference. I don't like PC gaming. It does not interest me. I like console gaming. So my console of choice is Xbox One. Don't like it? Whatever, that's YOU, buddy. It gives you no right to tell me that I made a bad purchase. 


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4 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

I think I might have this thread locked. I brought up a discussion and already it is devolving into 'Microsoft sucks and is so stupid, nobody has a reason to get an Xbox One, Scorpio is gonna fail hur hur'. No point in keeping the thread open if that's all it is going to be. 

Excuse me? A bad purchase? I will be the judge of that. You know how many games I have for the Xbox One? Not counting the disk games I have yet to install, I have 362 games. The Xbox One, for me, has been fantastic. I don't give FUCK about exclusives or no, the system lets me play all sorts of games, I like the media options, I like the UI and overall, I like the system a lot. 

There is a thing called preference in this world and hell, that could simply be the answer to the Japanese market here. Preference. I don't like PC gaming. It does not interest me. I like console gaming. So my console of choice is Xbox One. Don't like it? Whatever, that's YOU, buddy. It gives you no right to tell me that I made a bad purchase. 

362 games that are also on PlayStation and PC.

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Just now, Celli said:

362 games that are also on PlayStation and PC.

And do I give a shit? No. I don't care. I am not some person who has to play some competition about how my gaming machine is sooooo much better than others. I just care about gaming, that's what I do. If you don't, then, well, that's your preference. Seems pretty negative to me but you do what you do. 


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On 2017-05-20 at 1:33 PM, K.Rool Addict said:

My only guess is P.C. gaming. Where else could these people turn besides pc? They don't want Xbox, most of them don't want Ps4, so where do they get all those triple "A" experiences from? That is the only reason I bring up the Xbox - PC argument.

From my understanding, generally speaking, Japanese gamers aren't that interested in AAA titles, or at least less so than Europeans and North Americans. PC gaming is rather niche in Japan overall. So for Japan, the Xbox - PC argument might not actually matter as much. Chances are Japanese people weren't all that interested in Halo/Gears of War/Mass Effect and other games like that. They prefer games like Pokémon, Super Mario, and Final Fantasy (generally speaking, based on sales).

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Lmao,@ Kyoshi and Celli xD 

Xbox One simply is not a bad purchase due to the value proposition I mentioned above. Ps4 Pro was a $400 box I bought which died on me after 2 months -.- Was it cool for those 2 months it worked properly? Sure, it was pretty rad; I played over 8 games to completion some of which being hella awesome experiences. But even then I noticed things that shouldn't have happened. NieR:Automata, which just so happens to be one of my favorite games of all time, ran at one of the UGLIEST stuttery "60fps" locks I have ever seen. The frame pacing was atrocious, it could hardly stay locked at 60 for more than 4 seconds lmao. And the graphics on that game practically looked like a glorified Ps3 game.

So, no, the Ps4 Pro was far from an "amazing" purchase. I simply got one since I had waited that long before dipping my toes into the Ps4 market and "why not" get the slightly beefed up model as opposed to the normal Ps4, at that point? The value proposition it offered over the Ps4 was certainly notable; both double the storage space AND double the GPU power, all for an extra $100. Was pretty much a no brainer to opt for the Pro (just wish the thing lasted a bit longer lol).

Bottom line is this: Both sides have their positive aspects

Ps4 - offers a wide variety of Japanese games as well as generally more varied types of games than Xbox

Xbox - offers games at an EXTREMELY cheap price which generally only run slightly worse than on the Ps4

^So you pick your poison. As a massive weaboo myself, I will always go with the box that lets me play more awesome Japanese games (assuming they are good; I may be a weeb but I still have refined taste >.>). I bought Recore for my Xboner, Was pretty fun at first. I loved the focus on high risk platforming. But soon it just dissolved into a combat-heavy trek through one of the most desolate open worlds i have ever seen >.<  Scalebound looked SOOOOO good though, and I am extremely disappointed to see it go... Woulda been a day one purchase for me :o 

Best games I played on the Ps4 Pro:


The Last Guardian

Horizon Zero Dawn

Uncharted 4


Best games I played on the Xbox One:

Forza Horizon 3

Sunset Overdrive

Halo 5



^Exclusives DO matter a hellava lot to me. Exclusives were the sole reason I bought the Wii U back in 2014. Mario Kart 8, Sm4sh, Pikmin 3, etc. I actually had a bit of buyers' remorse until the absolutely mind-altering Xenoblade Chronicles X dropped in December 2015 for the US. That game was my life for winter break at Uni xD Played it for 250 hours (all on the little 6 inch Wii U tablet too since I had no good monitor nor TV in my dorm). That game stands to this day as my #3 game of all time! If it hadn't been for the exclusivity of that game, my impressions of the Wii U would have been quite poor, to say the least.

I'm not going to claim that exclusives matter to everyone, like Kyoshi here, but for many consumers, exclusives are the very reason to chose one gaming platform over the other. The Vita completely shit on the 3DS in terms of hardware. Crazy awesome OLED screen, like 3x the performance and resolution. But the 3DS demolished the Vita due solely to its exclusive line up being worlds better (yes EVEN for a weaboo like myself) The best Fire Emblem games in the entire franchise hit the 3DS one after another. Pokemon XY and SUn and Moon were awesome. Yokai Watch was immaculately executed and brought back some serious Megaman Battle Network nostalgia xD. The best Vita offered were shitty otaku-bait shovelware and ports of older games we'd already played 1000x over. I think the best game I played on my Vita before I sold it was Sorcery Saga lol (it was a very cute/ charming game, I will admit, but it simply cannot compete with Nintendo's handheld line up)


So yeah, every company has their faults and strengths, stop acting like fanboys >.>


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1 hour ago, K.Rool Addict said:

So yeah, every company has their faults and strengths, stop acting like fanboys >.>

What do you mean stop acting like fanboys? Is that what I am doing? I am not downplaying any particular system here. I legit don't care about exclusives, that is my personal preference. There are problems I have with the Xbox One in some ways, I pretty much have some issues with every platform. Just because I really like the system regardless of 'exclusives' doesn't make me some fanboy. 


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42 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

What do you mean stop acting like fanboys? Is that what I am doing? I am not downplaying any particular system here. I legit don't care about exclusives, that is my personal preference. There are problems I have with the Xbox One in some ways, I pretty much have some issues with every platform. Just because I really like the system regardless of 'exclusives' doesn't make me some fanboy. 


You are getting too defensive! xD I'll admit Cellie is clearly the one antagonizing you, but do not give him the satisfaction lol. You sound like Kid Smoove (this one hilariously entertaining Xbox fanboy on good old Jewtube):

4 hours ago, Kyoshi said:

I think I might have this thread locked. I brought up a discussion and already it is devolving into 'Microsoft sucks and is so stupid, nobody has a reason to get an Xbox One, Scorpio is gonna fail hur hur'. No point in keeping the thread open if that's all it is going to be. 

Excuse me? A bad purchase? I will be the judge of that. You know how many games I have for the Xbox One? Not counting the disk games I have yet to install, I have 362 games. The Xbox One, for me, has been fantastic. I don't give FUCK about exclusives or no, the system lets me play all sorts of games, I like the media options, I like the UI and overall, I like the system a lot. 

There is a thing called preference in this world and hell, that could simply be the answer to the Japanese market here. Preference. I don't like PC gaming. It does not interest me. I like console gaming. So my console of choice is Xbox One. Don't like it? Whatever, that's YOU, buddy. It gives you no right to tell me that I made a bad purchase. 

^Sounds like something straight out of his mouth xD

You gotta understand, people are always gonna be there to insult the Xbox community. The console "wars" are outta control. Sony, Nintendo, and PC gamers will rush to the forefront to tell you how you should be ashamed for purchasing such a "worthless" console like the Xbox One. All it is, is school yard shit flinging. Don't let it get to you lol.


^Still relevant as always /)^3^(\

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@K.Rool Addict

I'll admit I was a bit of a dick and I shouldn't have said you made a bad purchase. I sort of posted without thinking. I apologize for that. 

Anyways, I'm not trying to persuade you to ditch Xbox, was just giving food for thought. 

I like all platforms, and each has strengths and weaknesses. I am no fanboy. I like PC, I've owned a 360 and it was a great system, I like PlayStation, and I like Nintendo.

Again, I was just trying to give you something to think about. If you would rather not, that's fine.

And again I apologize for coming off as antagonistic.

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7 minutes ago, Celli said:


@K.Rool Addict

I'll admit I was a bit of a dick and I shouldn't have said you made a bad purchase. I sort of posted without thinking. I apologize for that. 

Anyways, I'm not trying to persuade you to ditch Xbox, was just giving food for thought. 

I like all platforms, and each has strengths and weaknesses. I am no fanboy. I like PC, I've owned a 360 and it was a great system, I like PlayStation, and I like Nintendo.

Again, I was just trying to give you something to think about. If you would rather not, that's fine.

And again I apologize for coming off as antagonistic.


Aww, what a sweet apology xD

I will be ditching my Xbox One very soon though lol. I intend to get a gaming laptop after I accumulate enough money working part-time for a few months =^-^=


Back on topic tho... Japanese games, Xbox; a match made in hell  D:

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