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Starlight's progression as a character, going forward?


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Is it just me, or is anyone else getting mixed signals with this show? Its been stressed several times that ponies don’t want SG using magic, across multiple episodes, yet even still, it seems the writers don’t know where to take her.


“No Second Prances”

Mrs Cake: “Howza Wowza! Are you trying to put me out of business with your fancy magical ability-whatzit cake?” (No Second Prances)

Starlight Glimmer: (look of rejection and regret) “Sorry”


Starlight Glimmer: (uses magic to make Big Mac speak)

Apple Jack: (angry Glare)

Starlight Glimmer: -and I guess my first instinct shouldn’t be to magically command ponies to act the way I want them to?''


Starlight Glimmer: (smugly) “when it comes to magic, I don’t make mistakes”



“Every Little Thing She Does”

Twilight: “I have to admit- your skills with magic really are nothing short of amazing. I’m very impressed.”

Starlight: (smugly) “I’ve always been something of a natural”


Starlight: “I can handle this. It’s just magic. And I know magic!”


Starlight: Well, it was the first time I cast that spell, and I didn’t fully think it through..I bet if I had reversed-”

Twilight: “I think you might be missing the point here.”

Spike: “Told ya”

Twilight: “What made you think that casting a spell on your friends to get them to do your bidding was remotely even a good idea?!”


Starlight: “I REALLY messed up. I cast the spell because I was nervous about working with you on the friendship lessons.”

Rainbow Dash: “Well HERE’s a friendship lesson for you- DON’T CAST SPELLS ON YOUR FRIENDS!!!”

Starlight: “Believe me. I know. What I did was wrong, and I can’t take it back. You’re right to be upset, and I hope one day I can make it up to you. But all I can say is...I’m sorry.”


“To Where and Back Again”

Starlight: “They don’t really know how much I’ve changed. What’s worse, maybe I haven't changed as much as I think I have!” (BINGO)


Starlight: (prevents Discord from using magic) “Maybe we should come up with a plan first?

Discord: “a what?”

Trixie: “you know, we think up the best way to do something BEFORE you actually do it.”


Starlight: “without magic, I have no idea.”


Starlight: “Without magic, I-”

Trixie: Starlight. You got us this far with just my illusions and Discord’s annoying personality. You don’t NEED magic to figure out what to do next.. I know you’re afraid to be in charge, but you are REALLY good at it. LISTEN to your best friend.”


Starlight: “we defeated the changelings with no magic at all, they found a new leader, and they’re all kinda good now.”

Luna: “Well done, Starlight Glimmer. It seems as though you’ve learned a great deal since we last spoke.”



“All Bottled Up”

Spike: “You ok?”

Starlight: “I will be. Once I cast a spell to contain my anger in this bottle.”

Spike: “ ….wait, what?”

Starlight: “Do you see this storm cloud? This has never happened before! All this magical energy has to go somewhere! And if I’m not using it to fight a magical duel or bend my friends’ wills to obey my every command-!!!”

Spike: “Ha. I remember that.”

Starlight: “The point is….I don’t know what my magic’s going to do...so I’m hoping if I bottle up my anger, I won’t do who knows what to Trixie.”

Spike: “are you sure that’s a good idea?”


Starlight: “I did a spell, bottled up my anger, but when the bottle broke, it infected these three. I’m really sorry. I used magic so I wouldn’t use magic. I should’ve guessed that would backfire.”


Trixie: “Quick! Do you have a spell to make the spa ponies forget that the map table was there?”

Starlight: “Haven’t you learned anything about using magic to solve your problems?”

Trixie: “No. If we learned that lesson, how would we ever have fun?”



"A Royal Problem"

Starlight: “Enough!” (proceeds to magically switch Celestia and Luna’s cutie marks) “There! Now you’ll know exactly what it’s like to be each other.” (nervous smile and gulp)

Celestia: “What have you done?!”

Starlight: I...went with my gut?

Luna: Switch our cutie marks back this instant!

Starlight: “My apologies, your majesties, but I can’t. Even if I wanted to. This spell lasts 24 hours. I-it may have been...extreme, but, uh, I...think it’s still a good idea…?” (nervous/ lying smile)

Luna: (glare)

Celestia: (glare) “what?”


Twlight: “You switched their cutie marks?! The actual princesses’ cutie marks?!”

Starlight: “Ugh, I thought we went over this! It was the right call!….I hope….”

Twilight: (hyperventilates)


Starlight: “He’s gonna think I’m nuts!”

Twilight: “He’s not the only one.”


Starlight: “Going with my gut was the wrong call! I was supposed to bring you two closer together, but I’ve only driven you apart!”


Starlight: “This is all my fault. I never should’ve gone on this mission. Now Equestria is doomed!”


Starlight: (in tears) “What was I thinking? I’m never going with my gut again!”


Celestia: “It was the right call, going with your gut.”

Luna: “The map was wise to send you, Starlight. Nopony else would’ve been so bold to do what you did.”

Starlight: “That’s a nice way of saying I came dangerously close to messing everything up.”

Celestia. “It was just what we needed. The experience has made us closer than ever.”


Pairing the element of Honesty who holds morals in high regard, with a brutally blunt pony who needs honesty in her life, as regards to morals, could be just what Starlight needs. Applejack has been seen being brutally honest, but learning to be respectful of others’ feelings at the same time; she has been seen also at the opposite end of the spectrum, holding off on telling the truth in order to make others’ feel better. But honesty is what Glimmer needs, as she’s most often seen blatantly LYING to others and herself, and compromising morals left and right when it comes to magic. I would enjoy seeing AJ take a stance on magic bans with Starlight, as she did with Twilight during winter wrap-up, and getting Glimmer to THINK about the consequences before she uses magic on a whim, and how, like Twilight had her magic screwups in the past when she used it on impulse to solve a problem (Winter wrap-up, Bats!, Swarm of the Century, Lesson Zero), the same is said for SG (The Cutie re-mark, All Bottled Up, Every Little Thing She does, A Royal Problem). Is putting SG in the care of AJ the best possible thing to develop her character in the right direction?

Edited by Nightmare Muffin
  • Brohoof 2

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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She just needs to get over her reliance on magic to solve all of her problems along with not losing control of a situation where the previous statement happens.

  • Brohoof 1


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I think that it would be really smart to pair Applejack and Starlight.


There was a little interaction with her and Starlight in that one episode I cant remember the name of. 

She was on her farm and she made big mac talk really fast with magic. then Applejack was like "STAPH IT RIGHT NOW!"


Sadly, it seems the writers are reluctant to have any interaction between the mane cast and starlight. Which is sloppy imo

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33 minutes ago, Ganondorf8 said:

She just needs to get over her reliance on magic to solve all of her problems along with not losing control of a situation where the previous statement happens.

she's an awful lot like Twilight, who used to do the exact same thing during the first few seasons. And AJ was the first one to put her hoof down and tell her to shtap dat shit, back in WWU. Writers need to do that with SG. AJ is the only sensible pony who doesn't take that magic shenanigans bullspit.

17 minutes ago, Firedog said:

I think that it would be really smart to pair Applejack and Starlight.


There was a little interaction with her and Starlight in that one episode I cant remember the name of. 

She was on her farm and she made big mac talk really fast with magic. then Applejack was like "STAPH IT RIGHT NOW!"


Sadly, it seems the writers are reluctant to have any interaction between the mane cast and starlight. Which is sloppy imo

That episode you're thinking of was "No Second Prances". one of her earlier episodes where she used magic on impulse...and is still doing it. =_= AJ needs to lay down the law.

Have Starlight spend a week working on the farm or something, no magic. She was supposed to learn that in "To where and back again", but it didn't stick, as we can see. =_=; Guess having a magical changeling throne take your magic away didn't drive any sense into her skull. AJ's the only one who can. Sensible earth pony.

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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I would improve Starlight's character by having her no longer use powerful magic on ponies without their consent, and give her interactions with members of the mane 6 outside of Twilight.

  • Brohoof 1


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6 minutes ago, K.Rool Addict said:

Whatever they do, DON'T give her wings >.<

I don't see what that has to do with anything, but I hope they don't

12 minutes ago, Jeric said:

Put my thoughts on this right here in the original topic

I agree with pairing her with other characters. 

its the RIGHT characters that thy have to pair her with. Maude was a good choice, because she can possibly bring out her inner "beauty", like rocks, but Trixie....ehhhhhh......


she NEEDS a take-no-shit, use-no-magic pony like AJ

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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15 hours ago, Nightmare Muffin said:

she's an awful lot like Twilight, who used to do the exact same thing during the first few seasons. And AJ was the first one to put her hoof down and tell her to shtap dat shit, back in WWU. Writers need to do that with SG. AJ is the only sensible pony who doesn't take that magic shenanigans bullspit.

She was initially designed to be another clone of Twilight but became a Sunset clone and eventually her own character, so it makes sense that she would be acting in a manner similar to what Twilight was like during the early episodes. Applejack doesn't really associate with Starlight all that much so having her say something wouldn't really work but perhaps someone else might be willing to instead.

  • Brohoof 1


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Have you talked to AJ about this? I mean she already has to baby sit Big Mac and his love shenanigans, Apple Bloom and her CMC shenanigans. Granny Smith and her Granny shenanigans, and Pinkie and her party shenanigans....  Balancing all that with her normal work.. not sure she has room on her plate for any OP Magic shenanigans.


  • Brohoof 1


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12 minutes ago, GrimGrimoire said:

Granny Smith and her Granny shenanigans

I want this to be an episode. I imagine Granny as a roadrunner type character and AJ as Wile E Coyote! 

Add in Starlight so she can have impulsively given Granny Speed Force powers and we will have ... what ... 12 new threads just from that! 

  • Brohoof 2



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1 hour ago, Ganondorf8 said:

She was initially designed to be another clone of Twilight but became a Sunset clone and eventually her own character, so it makes sense that she would be acting in a manner similar to what Twilight was like during the early episodes. Applejack doesn't really associate with Starlight all that much so having her say something wouldn't really work but perhaps someone else might be willing to instead.

Sunset was designed as a Twilight clone, just not purple. Starlight seemed to be an attempt at trying the same idea as Sunset, including the parts that mirror Twilight, but without making the show be dependent on the movies. While superficially she's very similar to Twilight, they are actually very different psychologically.

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1 hour ago, Ganondox said:

While superficially she's very similar to Twilight, they are actually very different psychologically.



And before someone says anything, that gif is not a medical concern, I ran it in PEAT like I used to do as an Admin. 


Back to Starlight ... The second Gannon is right to dispute the other Gannon. Starlight is about as different from Twilight as I am from Yellow Diamond or Batbrony. We have some similarities, including tastes in media, and a genial disposition. We are all possessed of advanced degrees, and all have worked on staff. We have similar approaches to philosophy, but different interpretations. 

We apply what we learn in very different ways, and we communicate in different ways (I am far more apt to be salty and snarky that either Batbrony or Yellow Diamond). 

While SG and TS are both studious and gifted with magic, how they approach study is drastically different, and you can see this in their reactions. Twilight gets almost giddy at new information, regardless of who she is with and she loves to share it, while Starlight seems to have a almost typical approach to academia. She learns for improvement of the craft more than for the sake of learning itself. 

Starlight internalizes far more often than Twilight (this has actually been a plot point several times in the show), while Twi's particular neurotic moments of stress are rarely hidden or suppressed (Twi is more comfortable expressing her thoughts). 

Starlight's frustrations are emoted as anger, rage, or a defeated submission to her circumstances (again think to two episodes this season involving her and bed flops). She is not intellectually confused with friendships as much as she knows what to say in a broad sense, and understands the situation, but struggles to find the exact social cue to communicate it ... making her more blunt. 

And Starlight is a snarky little pone who is prone to go with her instict over analysis. (A common complaint among some). That makes her the OPPOSITE of Twilight in one huge way! This isn't even nuanced, though the root cause behind these traits leads to some facinating discussions. 

Interestingly, but expected, Starlight is more apt to tell Twilight what she is thinking than any other character. 

Starlight is no more a clone of Twilight than Granny is a clone of Bulk Biceps. 



  • Brohoof 3



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3 hours ago, GrimGrimoire said:


Have you talked to AJ about this? I mean she already has to baby sit Big Mac and his love shenanigans, Apple Bloom and her CMC shenanigans. Granny Smith and her Granny shenanigans, and Pinkie and her party shenanigans....  Balancing all that with her normal work.. not sure she has room on her plate for any OP Magic shenanigans.


I think Big Mac is old enough not to need his little sister holding his hoof is his relationship matters. And AB doesn't need her sister hovering either. Granny is also fine without constant attention.  

I don't even know what Pinkie has to do with anything. 

  • Brohoof 1

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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9 minutes ago, Nightmare Muffin said:

I don't even know what Pinkie has to do with anything.

They are all relatives (possibly).

10 minutes ago, Nightmare Muffin said:

not to need holding hoof...

doesn't need hovering...

fine without constant attention...



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8 hours ago, Ganondox said:

Sunset was designed as a Twilight clone, just not purple. Starlight seemed to be an attempt at trying the same idea as Sunset, including the parts that mirror Twilight, but without making the show be dependent on the movies. While superficially she's very similar to Twilight, they are actually very different psychologically.

Hence why I said she became her own character. These days, Starlight suffers from an inferiority complex with regards to how she relies on magic. Whenever she feels stressed out when something isn't working, she uses magic in hopes of solving the problem. This is similar to what Twilight once did yet Starlight goes much further in that she goes through a psychological phase until the problem is resolved. This is her biggest weakness and yet it's also her biggest charm.


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4 minutes ago, Ganondorf8 said:

Hence why I said she became her own character. These days, Starlight suffers from an inferiority complex with regards to how she relies on magic. Whenever she feels stressed out when something isn't working, she uses magic in hopes of solving the problem. This is similar to what Twilight once did yet Starlight goes much further in that she goes through a psychological phase until the problem is resolved. This is her biggest weakness and yet it's also her biggest charm.

Its not a charm if she's using other ponies as guinea pigs in the process. Big Mac, the mane 6,  Bulk, Granny Smith, the friggin pricesses. Its not okay. 

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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11 hours ago, Nightmare Muffin said:

Its not a charm if she's using other ponies as guinea pigs in the process. Big Mac, the mane 6,  Bulk, Granny Smith, the friggin pricesses. Its not okay. 

To be fair, Bulk and Granny smith was an accident. She had bottled up her "anger" or magic or whatever and thought it was only going to effect herself not others.


She COULD'VE used a spell on trixie but she didn't, which is showing some restraint.



Also about the princess one:


She did initially feel it was the right decision. Then later she had doubts, then it was proven to be the right decision.

But I suppose it was impulsive, that might have been needed though considering the 20 minute timeline.


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Trixie is a really awesome friend, but i think she might have bad influences on Starlight (the end of All Bottled Up). Maud might be the most relatable friend that Starlight ever had but she's weirdo like Starlight so i dont think she will give Starlight good advices about using magic restraints (she is the one who accidentally help villain-Starlight in the first place lol). Sunburst is just passionate about magics so he will encourage her using magics... and Twilight just mentally torture Starlight in her Friendship Cave, not helping either.

AJ is an interesting choice. Let see, she was angry at Starlight when she cast spells on her brother but went easy on Starlight when Starlight cast mind control spell on AJ HERSELF and her friends (Rainbow and Pinkie are only one who pissed at Starlight so hard). Unless Starlight touch her family or ruin some traditions, AJ may not reliable as you think. 

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20 hours ago, FirePuppy said:

All she's done is make errors in trying to fix problems. I don't even know if her dreams will ever come true as long as she keeps doing this.

my point exactly. All the more reason why she needs Applejack, rather than Twilight as a teacher, don't you think? Bad associations spoil useful habits, and Twilight (and Trixie), as far as magic is concerned is most certainly a bad association.

i swear, its like the writers are setting her up to fail on purpose.

Edited by Nightmare Muffin

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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On 5/25/2017 at 11:41 AM, Firedog said:

also another one I thought of that could work would be Rainbow Dash. She "layed down the law" with zepher breeze or however you spell his name.


Being the element of loyalty she could def. teach her not to do dat stuff.

she seemed more annoyed by him, if anything, and barely restraining her tolerance toward him. I wouldn't say she laid down the law with him. She yelled at Starlight in "Every little thing she does", at the end, but still, I think AJ could be a better role model for her to not use her magic.

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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Starlight's wonky characterization makes a little more sense if you place some of her S7 episodes during her Redemption Montage at the end of Season Five and during Season 6

As far as I'm concerned, none of her episodes actually take place during Season 7's time period and are building up to her saving of Equestria at the end of Season 6

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4 hours ago, The Nth Doctor said:

Starlight's wonky characterization makes a little more sense if you place some of her S7 episodes during her Redemption Montage at the end of Season Five and during Season 6

As far as I'm concerned, none of her episodes actually take place during Season 7's time period and are building up to her saving of Equestria at the end of Season 6

I guess? But even so- its airing that way, which makes it seem like she really has learned nothing at all.

  • Brohoof 1

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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