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Would you rather...?

Phoenix Wright

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I'm in the mood for pancakes, so I will cook.





See canon FlutterDash




PinkieCord (Pinkie and Discord)


Note: which ever one you pick, the other two now hate each other.

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I'm not really a big fan of shippings (let alone some of the other "fan created things", if you catch my drift). Time to inee-menee-minee-moe this bitch. Apperently, PinkieCord is my choice.


Would you rather:

Be stranded in the desert?


Be stranded on a giant ice glacier?

Edited by AustralianFries
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@, Erm, what? I think you may have responded to a WYR on the wrong page. No worries, I've done that before xD Just go back and edit it. When you click the topic link, make sure that you are on the latest page. 


Buy a car from a 16 year old.


Would you rather:

Own a space shuttle for personal use?


Own a time machine for personal use BUT with the time machine you have to follow a bunch of space-time laws.

Edited by AustralianFries
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Time machine.I wouldn't mind following every rule if it meant I can meet Tesla in person.


Would you rather have your favorite pony come live with you,but with the consequence of said pony not liking you much


Would you rather have a tulpa of your favorite pony that you have to constantly interact with in public,making you seem like a crazy man/woman-child?

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pony live with me, i would just admire them from afar 


(also i was replying to znex post on this page,not sure what your getting at) either way love the avatar.





wear a wrist watch




carry a pocket watch

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Oh good God two of these in a row... Again, no suicide option? Uhg. According to the Eeny-meeny-miny-moe gods: Rebecca Black's "Friday".


Would you rather:

Be a musician for the rest of your life?


Be a writer for the rest of your life?

Edited by AustralianFries
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Applejack; I would imagine it would be hard for Fluttershy to live with you when you're more or less a stranger to her  :(

Uhhhh, more hard questions. Prince


WYR live with Rarity or Zecora for a week?

Edited by Znex
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