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open [RP] The War For Equestria - The Musical!

General Solar Magus

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Alexandria had been wondering the lands, and was wondering where to go next. She then opens her map to see where the nearest town was and smiled as there was one nearby. Pulling the hood of her cloak up so as to reveal her broken horn, she sheathes her sword as she was also sharpening the blade and gets up, then looking around herself to make sure she wasn't being watched and starts trotting towards the town.

Upon arriving, she looks around to see a crowd of ponies around what looked like a stage. Trotting over to one of them, she taps them gently on the shoulder "Excuse me, but could you please tell me what is going on? I have not seen this kind of hustle and bustle in a long time" she says softly to the pony.

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"Ara Ara"

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13 minutes ago, General Solar Magus said:

@rolle, @Der Kerzenwaechter, @Celestial Flight, @Once In A Blue Moon, @C. Thunder Dash, @Star48955, @Techno Universal, @Maple Bat.


Applejack says: "The Griffon Kingdom you say. I hear they were recently in a war with Equestria a few month ago. I hope you weren't affected by it."

She continues as she trots along: "Anyway, have you any family and friends comin' to the festival with ya. I see your not with any pony at the moment."

She extends her hoof and offers an apple pie with a smile.


Meanwhile in Canterlot behind the stage:

The stage manager arrives. He was a teal earth pony with purple eyes and mane, and he was wearing a fancy purple suit and his mane had a combover.

He walks to the center of the backstage and looks at his clipboard. He makes an announcement to the performers and says: "All right everypony, I see you are preparing for your turns during the stage performances, but first we must get you all singed in on the register. The remainder of the performers are beginning to show up and we need to make sure that everypony knows when they are going to perform after who and what your ques are going to be from our presenter to do what."

Other ponies behind stage included Countess Coloratura, Rebellion the girl band, Big Blues Joe, and Sapphire Shores among others.

@Techno Universal @Star48955  @Der Kerzenwaechter (Morph) 

Suddenly the attention among travelling ponies in the area was drawn to something nearby. Ponies were talking about how they couldn't believe who it was.

Their attention was focused on a nearby carriage dotted in the most beautiful fashion by gems and the most exquisite designer cloths. The carriage itself was even being pulled by a very well groomed Manticore. 

The ponies were claiming that is was Rarity, the element of Generosity and the owner of the biggest fashion empire in Equestria. She is the second wealthiest pony in the land after the combined wealth of the Flim Flam brothers.

The gathering crowd forces the carriage to stop, and what seems to be a male fashion pony climb out and he says:

"I know your excited everypony, but please. Miss Rarity is bust and must get to the festival on time as she  has important business."

The crowd got into an uproar of excitement when the fashion pony accidentally confirmed that it was indeed Rarity herself. The crowd didn't move from it's spot.

@Der Kerzenwaechter (Wavecrash)

As Wavecrash watched the Seaponies pass by, it became clear that some of the Seaponies were not interested in staying in the river.

Three young Unicorn Seaponies broke away from the pack and even managed to get past the escort unnoticed. They used their magic to fly above the ground and seemed to be playing a game. They noticed Wavecrash watching from afar and then began flying his way.

Upon arrival one of them asked him: "Hello sir, what's your name? I've never seen a pony before besides that marching bunch of boring soldiers over there" he said as he pointed at them.

The other two which were a boy and a girl were snickering at Wavecrash since they arrived.

Pinkie says to Maple: "Well I'm so happy we finally did meet Male." she gives a big smile while tilting her head ever so slightly.

Pinkie noticed Maples fangs "Oooh, I like your fangs, but I....." she raises and lower her eyebrows a few times ".... got better ones!" she said as she used the cotton candies cone and plastic spoon as fake teeth. "I bet you can't bite through stuff like I can" she stands up in an intimidating pose, and then returns to her smilely self a few seconds after.

She turns to Woody "Your mom and dad do talk about you a lot. I've heard all the stories from your first words to the days you learned to use your powers to.... oh wait I shoudn't talk about that" she laughs nervously.

Pinkie Pie somehow then manages to grab one of each four of their claws/hoofs and pulls them to a nearby food stand. "Here, try a Pinkie Pie specialty cupcake" she offers. The grown up Pound and Pumpkin of the cake family were busy manning the stand. 



Meanwhile on a Canterlot Castle balcony:

Celestia: "Are you sure about this?" she said in a concerned manner.

Starlight Glimmer: "Yes princess, we've done the research, ran the numbers, and double and triple checked everything at the tower. There is nothing wrong." she reassures Celestia.

"You know our research could be a lot more detailed and useful if you give us more information." she explains.

Celestia: "It's quite alright. Thank you Starlight Glimmer. You and your co-workers at the Tower of Magic have been of great help to me."

Starlight Glimmer smiles and leaves. Starlight feels a little suspicious as she walks out.

Celestia looks out the window: "I truly hope she is right." she sighs.

She raises her head in confidence. "I started this, I took the chance, and I am ready for it. Whenever it happens, I am ready."

An adviser comes through the door.

"Princess, you are soon due to give the launching speech for the festival. "

Celestia: "Ahh yes, then let us go."

They both leave the balcony.

Techno then immediately ran over to Rarity in excitement...


TU: My goodness it's you Rarity darling! Literally one of the ponies who I'm based on is here and it's you! Anyways you probably remember me Rarity from when we were doing fation designing together during one of my holiday breaks!

  • Brohoof 1


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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7 hours ago, General Solar Magus said:

Applejack says: "The Griffon Kingdom you say. I hear they were recently in a war with Equestria a few month ago. I hope you weren't affected by it."

She continues as she trots along: "Anyway, have you any family and friends comin' to the festival with ya. I see your not with any pony at the moment."

She extends her hoof and offers an apple pie with a smile.

"Well...my friend Thundy will be at the festival...that's about it..." Chelsea stated managing to hold in a couple tears from briefly remembering her parents. 

Meanwhile Thundy waited for Chelsea patiently.  

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((OOC: @Techno Universal We haven't seen Rarity, we just know she's inside the wagon.))

Moon placed a hoof on her neck absentmindedly, but quickly put it down when she realized what she was doing. She shook her head quickly.

Don't get used to it. You need to figure this out soon.

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On 11/9/2017 at 3:17 AM, General Solar Magus said:

@Der Kerzenwaechter (Wavecrash)

As Wavecrash watched the Seaponies pass by, it became clear that some of the Seaponies were not interested in staying in the river.

Three young Unicorn Seaponies broke away from the pack and even managed to get past the escort unnoticed. They used their magic to fly above the ground and seemed to be playing a game. They noticed Wavecrash watching from afar and then began flying his way.

Upon arrival one of them asked him: "Hello sir, what's your name? I've never seen a pony before besides that marching bunch of boring soldiers over there" he said as he pointed at them.

The other two which were a boy and a girl were snickering at Wavecrash since they arrived.

"O-oh, hello."

Wavecrash was rather unused to talking to others. With other ponies he would usually just brush them off, but these seaponies, he was more interested in.

"My name is Wavecrash Trifold. A-and yours?"

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On 11/9/2017 at 2:17 AM, General Solar Magus said:

Pinkie says to Maple: "Well I'm so happy we finally did meet Male." she gives a big smile while tilting her head ever so slightly.

Pinkie noticed Maples fangs "Oooh, I like your fangs, but I....." she raises and lower her eyebrows a few times ".... got better ones!" she said as she used the cotton candies cone and plastic spoon as fake teeth. "I bet you can't bite through stuff like I can" she stands up in an intimidating pose, and then returns to her smilely self a few seconds after.

She turns to Woody "Your mom and dad do talk about you a lot. I've heard all the stories from your first words to the days you learned to use your powers to.... oh wait I shoudn't talk about that" she laughs nervously.

Pinkie Pie somehow then manages to grab one of each four of their claws/hoofs and pulls them to a nearby food stand. "Here, try a Pinkie Pie specialty cupcake" she offers. The grown up Pound and Pumpkin of the cake family were busy manning the stand. 


Maple chucked. Pinkie was the first pony she'd ever met that wasn't scared of the fangs. In fact, pinkie joked about them so that kinda showed comfort in them, Something she really liked others doing. "You really do know how to make a pony feel welcome huh pinkie?"

Fluttershy looked at Maple "It's what she really loves doing. That and throwing parties for others of course." After Fluttershy said that The group got dragged over to the stand that was beside Pinkie.

Woody was the first to react he didn't say anything about how pinkie managed that. He didn't have much room himself since he was a being of chaos himself "Alright I'll try one." He produced a small leather bag and set a few Bits on the stand. Woody looked at Pound and Pumpkin He did recognize them at first But when he recognized them his face lit up "Pound! Pumpkin! Wow, you two grew quite well since I last saw you... When was it I saw you?"

Discord laughed "I remember you talking about them one time when you came home from school. I think you said you went over to Sugercube with your friends and met those two... You were 9 I think." He reminded him " There was a reason you liked the two but I can't say I remember Why."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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On 10 November 2017 at 7:36 AM, Star48955 said:

((OOC: @Techno Universal We haven't seen Rarity, we just know she's inside the wagon.))

Moon placed a hoof on her neck absentmindedly, but quickly put it down when she realized what she was doing. She shook her head quickly.

Don't get used to it. You need to figure this out soon.

Techno then noticed Moon there and he then tuned to her...


TU: Ohh and also Moon Rarity is probably going to love our massive capes! Plus our capes are  even like flags in a way except that their attached to our necks and not to a pole!

  • Brohoof 1


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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5 hours ago, Der Kerzenwaechter said:


On 09/11/2017 at 10:26 AM, )o( Dream Walker )o( said:

Alexandria had been wondering the lands, and was wondering where to go next. She then opens her map to see where the nearest town was and smiled as there was one nearby. Pulling the hood of her cloak up so as to reveal her broken horn, she sheathes her sword as she was also sharpening the blade and gets up, then looking around herself to make sure she wasn't being watched and starts trotting towards the town.

Upon arriving, she looks around to see a crowd of ponies around what looked like a stage. Trotting over to one of them, she taps them gently on the shoulder "Excuse me, but could you please tell me what is going on? I have not seen this kind of hustle and bustle in a long time" she says softly to the pony.

The pony speaks in turn to Alexandria.

"Oh hi. Nice to meet you." The orange female pony says with a friendly but calm tone of voice. "You must not get around much. Ponies all over Equestria have been talking about the 25th annual Friendship Festival for the past half year. This years festival is in celebration of the state of Seaquestria who are having their first turn at being the focus of the festival, so it's a pretty big deal."

She looks back at stand she was waiting in line for. She then seems to have forgotten something and faces Alexandria again: "Oh, and by the way my name is Sunset Shimmer". She smiles kindly.

On 09/11/2017 at 6:02 PM, C. Thunder Dash said:

"Well...my friend Thundy will be at the festival...that's about it..." Chelsea stated managing to hold in a couple tears from briefly remembering her parents. 

Meanwhile Thundy waited for Chelsea patiently.  

Applejack: "Well I'm glad to hear you got company today. This aint one of those of those days you don't wanna be sharing with your own herd. My whole familty is here today, well except for my little sister caus she's away in Manehatten."

She notices the tears.

"Hey, whats wrong sugarcube? You got something you need to talk about? I'm aaall ears". She twitches her ears with a smile.

On 09/11/2017 at 10:36 PM, Star48955 said:

((OOC: @Techno Universal We haven't seen Rarity, we just know she's inside the wagon.))

Moon placed a hoof on her neck absentmindedly, but quickly put it down when she realized what she was doing. She shook her head quickly.

Don't get used to it. You need to figure this out soon.

@Techno Universal

The crowd continued to show no signs whatsoever of moving and even began to grow a little bit.

TheI male fashion pony turned around, tilted his head into the carriage, and seemed to be talking to somepony. 

The crowd grew silent and seemed to chitter in talk as they watched.

A few moments later, no other pony than miss Rarity herself climbed out of the carriage.

The crowd buts into excitement and then stopped again ad Rarity began to speak: "Hello everypony. I'mvery glad to meet you all. I would have asked that you not block my carriage, but we are all tired from travel so I believe it is time for a break anyway." She then says: "SoHello who would like a mid-morning picknick before we carry on?"

The crown simultaniously agreed and within moments every pony with Rarity included took out their travel blankets and had started snacking from there suppy boxes to saddles to baskets. Quant conversation was everywhere and a small hooffull of about 7 ponies were chatting to Rarity and her friend by her exquisitly designed blanket.

5 hours ago, Der Kerzenwaechter said:

"O-oh, hello."

Wavecrash was rather unused to talking to others. With other ponies he would usually just brush them off, but these seaponies, he was more interested in.

"My name is Wavecrash Trifold. A-and yours?"

"We are from the Pearl family. My name is Rough Pearl. My brother over there is Pluto and my sisters name is Pebble."

Pebble Pearl then says: "You wanna come play with us? We're not aloud to be out of the pack, but it's okay if we just keep up with them while they go to Canterlot".

Rough then says excitedly: "Have you been to Canterlot mister? What's it like? Is it big?" he then rambles to his brother about something softly so Wavecrash doesn't hear.

4 hours ago, Maple Bat said:

Maple chucked. Pinkie was the first pony she'd ever met that wasn't scared of the fangs. In fact, pinkie joked about them so that kinda showed comfort in them, Something she really liked others doing. "You really do know how to make a pony feel welcome huh pinkie?"

Fluttershy looked at Maple "It's what she really loves doing. That and throwing parties for others of course." After Fluttershy said that The group got dragged over to the stand that was beside Pinkie.

Woody was the first to react he didn't say anything about how pinkie managed that. He didn't have much room himself since he was a being of chaos himself "Alright I'll try one." He produced a small leather bag and set a few Bits on the stand. Woody looked at Pound and Pumpkin He did recognize them at first But when he recognized them his face lit up "Pound! Pumpkin! Wow, you two grew quite well since I last saw you... When was it I saw you?"

Discord laughed "I remember you talking about them one time when you came home from school. I think you said you went over to Sugercube with your friends and met those two... You were 9 I think." He reminded him " There was a reason you liked the two but I can't say I remember Why."

Pinkipie says to Maple: "Yes, I digeriDO." She then miraculously pulls a digeridoo from the air and starts playing it for a while. For a moment she even seems a little serene.

She then says to Fluttershy: "Yup, but I didn't plan this megaparty, not this year. Twighlight did the whole shindig this time." She speaks to the whole group "Ooh, but if you guys would like I am throwing a party after the party party with Rarity at her Carousel Boutique tonight if you wanna come."

Pound Cake says in response to Woody: "Hi Woody, yes it's been a while. Last time we saw you, we were still in little school. Now me and Pumpkin are out of highschool and saving money to go to Canterlot University next year. It's gonna be awesome." They both smile.

Pinkie Pie picks up a cupcake with her tongue and eats it in one bite during all the chatter.

Celestia does not look happy about this. I wonder what's on her mind ........ (check my 'about me' for more ;))


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3 minutes ago, General Solar Magus said:

The pony speaks in turn to Alexandria.

"Oh hi. Nice to meet you." The orange female pony says with a friendly but calm tone of voice. "You must not get around much. Ponies all over Equestria have been talking about the 25th annual Friendship Festival for the past half year. This years festival is in celebration of the state of Seaquestria who are having their first turn at being the focus of the festival, so it's a pretty big deal."

She looks back at stand she was waiting in line for. She then seems to have forgotten something and faces Alexandria again: "Oh, and by the way my name is Sunset Shimmer". She smiles kindly.

Applejack: "Well I'm glad to hear you got company today. This aint one of those of those days you don't wanna be sharing with your own herd. My whole familty is here today, well except for my little sister caus she's away in Manehatten."

She notices the tears.

"Hey, whats wrong sugarcube? You got something you need to talk about? I'm aaall ears". She twitches her ears with a smile.

@Techno Universal

The crowd continued to show no signs whatsoever of moving and even began to grow a little bit.

TheI male fashion pony turned around, tilted his head into the carriage, and seemed to be talking to somepony. 

The crowd grew silent and seemed to chitter in talk as they watched.

A few moments later, no other pony than miss Rarity herself climbed out of the carriage.

The crowd buts into excitement and then stopped again ad Rarity began to speak: "Hello everypony. I'mvery glad to meet you all. I would have asked that you not block my carriage, but we are all tired from travel so I believe it is time for a break anyway." She then says: "SoHello who would like a mid-morning picknick before we carry on?"

The crown simultaniously agreed and within moments every pony with Rarity included took out their travel blankets and had started snacking from there suppy boxes to saddles to baskets. Quant conversation was everywhere and a small hooffull of about 7 ponies were chatting to Rarity and her friend by her exquisitly designed blanket.

"We are from the Pearl family. My name is Rough Pearl. My brother over there is Pluto and my sisters name is Pebble."

Pebble Pearl then says: "You wanna come play with us? We're not aloud to be out of the pack, but it's okay if we just keep up with them while they go to Canterlot".

Rough then says excitedly: "Have you been to Canterlot mister? What's it like? Is it big?" he then rambles to his brother about something softly so Wavecrash doesn't hear.

Pinkipie says to Maple: "Yes, I digeriDO." She then miraculously pulls a digeridoo from the air and starts playing it for a while. For a moment she even seems a little serene.

She then says to Fluttershy: "Yup, but I didn't plan this megaparty l, not this year. Twighlight did the whole shindig this time." She speaks to the whole group "Ooh, but if you guys would like I am throwing a party after the party party with Rarity at her Carousel Boutique tonight of you wanna come."

Pound Cake says: "Hi Woody, yes it's been a while. Last time we saw you, we were still in little school. Now me and Pumpkin are out of highschool and saving money to go to Canterlot University next year. It's gonna be awesome." They both smile.

Pinkie Pie picks up a cupcake with her tongue and eats it in one bite during all the chatter.

Techno then sat down with Rarity and wrapped his cape around her...


TU: So yes Rarity my cape is massive but it's also extremely soft and cuddly! Though I'm guessing you would love to have a massive cape that's like mine but with your own design! 

  • Brohoof 1


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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On 11/7/2017 at 11:27 PM, General Solar Magus said:

As the guard walked with Heathlife out of the doorway, another guard approaches Heathlife and this one was a Bat pony. 

The Batpony guard said: "We have been given orders by Princess Celestia to take you to the Friendship Festival." 

He takes out a scroll and reads it.

"Dear Heathlife,

I cannot allow you to be separated from the rest of your kind like how you have been for so long.

You must learn other things than what you do from your spells, theories, and questions.

You must come to understand that something can be learned from everything and even the small things can teach.

I believe you can benefit from this, so please enjoy the festival at my request. I am trusting you to stay with the guards and behave yourself during this day.


He puts the scroll away.

Come on follow us. The festival is this way.


Heathlife sighed and looked at the bat pony '...That insufferable... little...' he dismissed the thought as he decided it was worthless. Thus, his calm face and mind returned. As he followed the guards he noticed the whole town was more lively than usual, most likely the festival's work. He was quickly led through the city since people parted way from the guards, staring at him... How annoying. Those inferior ponies who can't even cultivate their own talents, how annoying... They didn't even know who he was, even though he is certainly the most worthy of being known inside of Canterlot, even today. However, now wasn't the time. Soon they arrived at a place where the guards stopped, Heathlife wasn't too sure, but, they were here.The two of them had talked along the way, but, Heathlife paid no mind, they're beneath him.

  • Brohoof 1

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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( Techno, what of Morph? I made a post involving him turning into a cape as he lept onto Techno, but you have not responded to that in any way. )


"Er... sure, play what?" Wavecrash asked Pebble. 

"And I... I haven't bene to Canterlot before, but I think it's big if everypony's going to fit in there..."

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On 8 November 2017 at 4:23 PM, Der Kerzenwaechter said:

Wavecrash Trifold watched the passing seaponies with muted interest. He made sure not to get in their way. He respected them in a way he did not respect his fellow ponies. These were a peoples who know of the sea's glory. He wished he knew them better. Perhaps he would become acquainted with them during the party. That possibility was one of the main reasons he wished to attend this event.

Morph gaily trotted about Canterlot as the event began. It was always amazing to see so many different ponies who did so many different things, like all of Equestria smushed into one place for a day! Just now, he saw somepony messing around with capes a lot. Morph got a funny idea. He ran up to Techno, jumped towards him, and turned himself into a dark green cape, landing on him.

(Sorry I didn't notice this! :) )

Techno then noticed the massive green cape that he was now wearing...


TU: Ohh I wonder where that cape came from!? Anyways I really like it and I need to snuggle with it!


Techno then started to snuggle his head into the green cape...

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Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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4 minutes ago, Der Kerzenwaechter said:

Morph was quite glad both as he saw the famous pony Rarity appearing, and that Techno enjoyed his presence.

Techno then sensed that the green cape was actually a magical being...


TU: Ohh I can really sense that your a magical being in the form of a massive green cape there! Anyways I'm Techno and you seriously are really nice to snuggle with!


Techno's cape and the green cape then started fluttering around behind Techno as if there was wind but it was actually Techno's system doing it..


TU: Though maybe it feels very regal and amazing to be seemingly flowing in the wind there! Even though it's my system that's doing it!

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Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Just now, Der Kerzenwaechter said:

Morph couldn't help but be surprised as Techno recognized him as not being just a cape. He felt excited as his system began to make it like he was flowing in the wind. He agreed that it felt very regal.

TU: So really I'm one of the best independent spell developers in all of equestria so it's quite logical that I would be able to sense you there from my years of experience! Though I'm feeling that you might be feeling a little excited there plus I guess we both feel really regal and royal now! Anyways if you want you could just talk to me through my mind!


Techno then closed his eyes as he was enjoying the sensation of the capes flowing in the wind with his system...

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Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Just now, Der Kerzenwaechter said:

Oh, talk to you through your mind? Cool! Nice to meet you, Techno!

TU: Yeah it's seriously amazing to have you here with me! Though I'm feeling that maybe you're like a companion to me like it would be amazing to have a cape like you as a companion! Plus with you with me maybe I could take a closer inspection of you in my lab so I can figure out how to create objects with intelligence like you! 

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Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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3 minutes ago, Der Kerzenwaechter said:

That sounds real cool! And, oh, I'm not just a cape, I can turn into what I want, as long as it's not too big!

You think you'd be able to clone me or something?

TU: Yeah I'll love to try and clone you when I can but that's currently out of my ability right now! But I probably will be able to clone you after a few days of spell development and research on the subject!

  • Brohoof 1


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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2 minutes ago, Der Kerzenwaechter said:

Okay, cool! You know, if you need me to be anything else you need, just tell me!

TU: Yeah like maybe you could change your cape design to like a blue cape with a purple boarder outline! Like it would really just suit me and my colour scheme better and you could even feel free to have my cutie mark on you if you want!



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1 minute ago, Der Kerzenwaechter said:

Sure thing!

With that, Morph changes so that he looks as Techno specified - blue with a purple border, with his cutie mark on him.

Techno then snuggled into Morph some more...


TU: Now you seriously look perfect on me! And of course you're literally the nicest thing to snuggle with!

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Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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