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open [RP] The War For Equestria - The Musical!

General Solar Magus

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On 11/18/2017 at 2:07 AM, Dream Walker said:

@General Solar Magus

Alexandria chuckles and shakes her head "I don't really know if I am said princess or not, all I do know though, is that there was an incident at some point which had caused me to lose a fair few of my memories, some of which are about my past" she explains as she tilts her head a little at the explanation of the festival and chuckles as she then listens and shakes her head in amusement "Sounds like a big mess waiting to happen if you ask me, all those political delegates in one area" she then sighs and then sees the military pony approaching them.

@General Solar Magus @Once In A Blue Moon

As Sunset Shimmer explains what Alexandria's mercenary band was needed for, she tilts her head once more and flicks her ears "So let me get this right, miss Shimmer. You are willing to pay gems and a magic scroll simply for some extra hooves?" she whinnies in some amusement and nickers "Do forgive my trepidation, but I sense that there is a lot more to it, than just some extra hooves" she eyes Sunset up and down, and though Alexandria's horn was broken, she still had a good sense of good or bad magic and for some reason, she couldn't quite place it on Sunset. She shakes her head "Before I accept the contract, I need to know more details. Mercenaries we may be, but we are not without heart or conscience If it involves harming innocent ponies, then I must refuse." 


On 11/18/2017 at 10:38 PM, Once In A Blue Moon said:

@General Solar Magus @)o( Dream Walker )o(

Napier frowned, unimpressed by Sunset's repose and sharing Alexandria's scepticism. 

"General Napier Flight," he answered, "And if you need a few helping hooves, then I'm sure there are plenty of ponies willing to help for a round or two of drinks, or even just a musical number. Security concerns should be reported to the Guard," he added, adding the faintest hint of a warning tone to his final statement. She seemed a little on edge, so putting on a little pressure might reveal something interesting - or cause her to panic and lash out.

She turns to Napier and speaks to him with disdain.

Sunset Shimmer: "A general. Interesting."

She looks at his uniform.

"General Napier Flight. What would a member of the military and a general no less be doing here among the commoners? Princess Celestia has been so mother like and controlling over the military that it has doubled in size in the last ten years, and nopony knows why. I don't expect you are here for no reason, the army is always busy these days." she clearly show distrust in the army.

"Mr Flight, just because I am doing something the military knows nothing of, doesn't make me a bad pony. You need not be concerned. If you wish to hear then fine, I have nothing to hide." she looks at Napier for a second longer.

She then speaks to both of them.

"Anyway, to answer your question Alexandria, I am currently involved in an archaeological dig below the city. Me and associates of mine have discovered an ancient site that predates the city and possibly the two sisters themselves. While we may have discovered the site, we have found no way to get in as it is protected by a powerful magical barrier, and we are busy searching for a way in. There are many artifacts buried in the rocks and sand around this underground site with markings that suggested to us that a door will open if we put them in specific positions around the site. We are unfortunately low on hoofs and there are far too many artifacts for us to arrange them into every possible combination, and so this is is why I ask for help."

She pauses for a moment.

"I  must let you know that this dig is very important to me and my cohorts, and that is why we are willing to pay such a great deal for the help. Our project has a great deal of funding from a generous benefactor and associate of sorts, but not enough participants. The famous archaeologist/geologist Maud Pie and her team didn't want to help us, ...."

She pauses: "... which we were kinda counting on."

She asks politely: "So would you be willing to help us? If the deal doesn't suit you, I can sweeten it if you want."

On 11/19/2017 at 2:42 AM, rolle said:

Heathlife looked up at the pony and said "Its Heathlife, and I don't own the bench, so go right on ahead." he said as he levitated the coin satchel he had put on the bench closer to him. He then decided to respond to the first conversational topic "Also, It's completely normal for a pony who has never been to a festival or a party for that matter. To be lost in what to do, although, I guess you wouldn't know about that." he sighed "Its funny, ever since the accident, fewer and fewer ponies know about me. I even heard my name was removed from most new magical education books. Like I became a taboo in the magic society... Those fools." he said with a cold and almost disdainful tone. He then quickly added "Oh, wait, excuse my manners. May I hear your name?"

She sits on the bench.

"My name is Maud. A pleasure to meet you." she extend her hoof slowly with a devoid facial expression.

She responds to Heathlife's comment: "Well, I have had my fair share of being a social outcast. I'm not exactly the 'overt' type." she gestures with her hooves.

"Ponies find me difficult to talk to because of my small range of interests."

"For example, did you know that there is a giant underground cavern several kilometers below the surface that stretches from Poniville to Manehatten and even under the ocean? There are a lot of minerals found embedded in the walls of the cavern from Iron to Silver and others. See?" she looks back at Heathlife.

She responds again: "Your name was taken out of education books. Why is that? Did you do something wrong?"

On 11/18/2017 at 5:24 AM, C. Thunder Dash said:

@General Solar Magus

"See ya...and Thundy's my friend." Chelsea said as she started to walk slowly off to find Thundy. 

Meanwhile, Thundy was sitting on a bench near the concert stage humming a tune to himself. 

A red unicorn pony with a big and flowing black mane is on the opposite side of the street looking at both of them. His horn is glowing but nothing seems to be happening from Chelsea and Thundy's perspectives.

He averts his eyes whenever one of them looks at him.

On 11/19/2017 at 8:58 AM, Maple Bat said:

(To let you know Maple and her family were there but Maple went to go get her armor and Bow. Which are both in canterlot castle forgot to put castle, whoops)

"Are you both sure I can? What if they thought I was able to but I'm not..." Woody took a deep breath "No... I've been practicing for this... I can do it. You guys haven't heard my singing since we first met... It was pretty bad back then but I've gotten a lot better." Woody smiled at the two trying to forget about it for now, and levitated some bits to them "Let me get one of those Cupcakes pinkie talked about, and Pumpkin, Maple once hit a timberwolf on the edge of evergreen while she was about... 35 meters from it? But what was really impressive was that she did it hanging upside down from her tail in the tree line."


Maple backed up and was angry, she hated magic like that mostly because it seemed like a simple way to solve problems like 'how to get her into a secluded ally'. "Why do you want it? More importantly, Why would I tell you?" Maple moved her left back hoof backward and her front right forward, Lowering closer to the ground, assuming a battle stance " My weapon isn't a collectible. It's a tool I'm using to keep Equestria... You know all of us safe. So you're not taking it!" Maple would have to wait for the unicorns to attack her first in order to maintain her personal honor. After all, they could've been empty threats.

(Alright, was just making sure ;). Ahh it is in the castle, okay thanks for the info :))

Pound says to Woody: "Of course you can, stop knocking yourself Woody."

Pumpkin says to Woody: "Yeah, you can do it. Your gonna be awesome."

Pumpkin then responds to Woody's comment: "Wow, that is seriously amazing. I don't think I'll ever be that good. Even though she is around my age, there is no way I could catch up to something like that. She sounds seriously gifted though. She must be very disciplined in training."

The blue unicorn speaks to Maple: "Why we want it is none of your concern, so don't bother asking again."
The dark-blue unicorn then says: "Oh yes, why would you tell us?" they say sarcastically. "Why? Because this is not a request little girl."
Blue: "And don't let the though cross your mind that you are getting out of this. We still need you anyway. Only you can use the bow, so we need you to be using it if we want the spell to work."
Dark-Blue: "Indeed."
Dark-Blue responds to Maples comment: "You defend Equestria for what? So that it can just get into trouble again a few months afterwards? You have no idea how naive you are. Saving the world takes a lot more than hitting things really hard."
Blue: "Anyway, about that bow......"
The blue unicorn then tries to fire a bolt of energy aimed directly at Maple's head.

On 11/19/2017 at 5:31 AM, Der Kerzenwaechter said:

Morph felt rather surprised and a bit embarassed as Rarity grabbed him. He couldn't find the words to say anything more through Techno's magic.

At first, Wavecrash backs up in surprise reflexively as water in dumped on his head. When he realizes the game afoot, he smirks. 

"You can't get away from my splashing!"

He runs after them, and when they're closer to the seapony escort, he used his magic to splash some water at them, hoping to tag one with the quick splash.

Morph fell especially silent as this sudden imposition was levied on him. Well, I guess I'll go wherever the one wearing me is going, he thought. Seems pretty big and sudden though.

@Star48955 @Techno Universal @Der Kerzenwaechter(Morph)

Rarity: "I'm not so sure about this. I feel the need to go and tell my friends about this. The elements of Harmony can help solves this issue. Please don't do anything brash miss Shinning."

Bright Shinning: "I cannot promise that Rarity, my time is short."

Rarity says to the other fashion pony and the driver of the carriage: "I must go warn my friends as quickly as possible. Lets get a move on, post hast!!" She speaks to the ponies around the carriage: "Please, everypony make space for the carriage, I must leave immediately." Rarity and the fashion pony rush back into the carriage.

The crowd moves out of they as best it can.

The carriage begins to travel towards the city as fast as it can.


Bright Shinning turns to Moonlight, Techno, and Wavecrash.

Bright Shinning: "Then it is decided. Let us go, we have little time."

She casts a spell that summons a platform of light below their hooves, and makes it lift up into the air. She gears it in the direction of the escort and the Seaponies.


A few moments later they arrive at the river in front of the thousands of Seaponies, their King, and their 6000 troop Equestrian escort. Bright sets the platform upon the ground on the side of the river, and flies above the river in front of the Seaponies and their king.

In order to get the attention of the thousands of travelling ponies and Seaponies, Bright Shinning conjured a massive flash of light that is almost blinding to the eyes .

She then casts a spell that unleashes a blast of energy. The blast causes the front ranks of the escorts to loose their balance and fall over, and causes the river water to push the Seaponies including the convoy with their King several meters back.


@Der Kerzenwaechter (Wavecrash).

The three children become outright knocked over by the blast. They begin to cry and hurry towards the other Seaponies in the water.


Bright Shinning casts another spell that allows her to amplify her voice. She then speaks to the entire collection of beings below her: "Greetings dwellers of Seaquestria and soldiers of Equestria. I am Bright Shinning, Priestess of the White Fields! I cannot allow you to reach the city of Cantelot. I have seen the future and you will all be in grave danger if go there! Please, for the sake of your lives, turn back now!" she urges with great importance.

"If you refuse to turn back, then I will make you!!" she assumes an aggressive aerial stance by widening her wings as far as she can. She is now levitating herself in the air with her magic.

The soldiers of the escort seem on edge. Their commanding officers are already ordering them into formations just in case.

 The King of the Seaponies exits his convoy, and jumps into the river water. He then speaks to Bright Shinning. "Priestess, I am King Rip Tide of Seaquestria. My people have long awaited a chance to sea the Capital of the grant nation of Equestria that they have called their own for so many years. We will arrive in Canterlot whether you like it or not." 

Bright Shinning: "Please reconsider, this is your final warning." Her eyes begin to glow white.

The King Rip Tide speaks again: "I will not allow some superstitious fortuneteller to get in the way of my peoples bonding with Equestria. This day is too important to us".

Bright Shinning speak: "Well then so be it....."

She is preparing to attack.

(Alright guys, we have reached the first major encounter of the story). 

(@Star48955@Techno Universal@Der Kerzenwaechter[Wavecrash and Morph], all of your characters are now presented with a choice. You guys can choose to fight alongside Bright Shinning if you believe what she is saying about saving the Seaponies from some big disaster that could come later, or you can choose to fight alongside King Rip Tide and the escort of 6'000 Equestrian soldiers to help the Seaponies reach Canterlot for the festival. Announce which side you choose to join in your next post, and I will launch the battle in my next post. Choose wisely ;)).

Celestia does not look happy about this. I wonder what's on her mind ........ (check my 'about me' for more ;))


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1 minute ago, General Solar Magus said:

Pound says to Woody: "Of course you can, stop knocking yourself Woody."

Pumpkin says to Woody: "Yeah, you can do it. Your gonna be awesome."

Pumpkin then responds to Woody's comment: "Wow, that is seriously amazing. I don't think I'll ever be that good. Even though she is around my age, there is no way I could catch up to something like that. She sounds seriously gifted though. She must be very disciplined in training."

The blue unicorn speaks to Maple: "Why we want it is none of your concern, so don't bother asking again."
The dark-blue unicorn then says: "Oh yes, why would you tell us?" they say sarcastically. "Why? Because this is not a request little girl."
Blue: "And don't let the though cross your mind that you are getting out of this. We still need you anyway. Only you can use the bow, so we need you to be using it if we want the spell to work."
Dark-Blue: "Indeed."
Dark-Blue responds to Maples comment: "You defend Equestria for what? So that it can just get into trouble again a few months afterwards? You have no idea how naive you are. Saving the world takes a lot more than hitting things really hard."
Blue: "Anyway, about that bow......"
The blue unicorn fires a bolt of energy aimed directly at Maple's head.

"Thanks, guys. It means a lot that you think I can do it." Woody replied smiling "I'll do my best... And Maple?" His smile faded a bit about this particular memory " Yea... 2 years of pure absolute training both with her bow, with a spear and when she's unarmed... Really showing itself there..." He shook himself out of it. " Well anyways... I think I best be heading to the stage... I do need to practice a bit and Warm-up. Catch ya later."


Discord, after seeing Woody head to the stage decided to not head with him "Fluttershy? Perhaps we should go find your friends... I'm just getting a bad vibe now... Woody will be safe on his own. No one messes with our family after all."

"Well... I can't say Pinkie's comments didn't concern me too." Fluttershy admited "But nothing has happened yet. I think Pinkie might have been talking about something small. Though perhaps if it's bugging you so much We should find Twilight and ask her about what the plans for defense were. After the events that happened with the storm king Twilight wouldn't let something like that happen again." Fluttershy smiled to discord softly trying to assure him that everything is alright, at least for now it was.

Discord smiled in return "That idea sounds the most solid. Where was she again?"


Maple dodged the bolt of energy. Once it passed her wings opened and she rushed the attacker flying up to them she rotated in the air landing just in front of them and bucking the blue unicorn with her back legs. Maple's glance shifted the dark-blue one, She looked at them for a second before hitting them upwards so they'd land on their back. "I don't care how often I have to fight. I keep Equestria safe for those who can't do what I do." Maple said pinning the dark-blue unicorn down with her hoof " Now... About that spell..."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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2 hours ago, General Solar Magus said:

A red unicorn pony with a big and flowing black mane is on the opposite side of the street looking at both of them. His horn is glowing but nothing seems to be happening from Chelsea and Thundy's perspectives.

He averts his eyes whenever one of them looks at him.

Chelsea happened to look over at the red unicorn. "Hm? I wonder what's up with him?" Chelsea asked as she slowly began to make her way to the unicorn. Thundy turned and noticed Chelsea who was walking towards the red unicorn. "Chelsea!" Thundy called out. Chelsea turned and saw Thundy. "Oh! Hey Thundy!" She called back. "I don't if you should be interacting with that unicorn...I just have a bad feeling about him..." Thundy said flying over to Chelsea. 

  • Brohoof 1
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5 hours ago, General Solar Magus said:


She turns to Napier and speaks to him with disdain.

Sunset Shimmer: "A general. Interesting."

She looks at his uniform.

"General Napier Flight. What would a member of the military and a general no less be doing here among the commoners? Princess Celestia has been so mother like and controlling over the military that it has doubled in size in the last ten years, and nopony knows why. I don't expect you are here for no reason, the army is always busy these days." she clearly show distrust in the army.

"Mr Flight, just because I am doing something the military knows nothing of, doesn't make me a bad pony. You need not be concerned. If you wish to hear then fine, I have nothing to hide." she looks at Napier for a second longer.

She then speaks to both of them.

"Anyway, to answer your question Alexandria, I am currently involved in an archaeological dig below the city. Me and associates of mine have discovered an ancient site that predates the city and possibly the two sisters themselves. While we may have discovered the site, we have found no way to get in as it is protected by a powerful magical barrier, and we are busy searching for a way in. There are many artifacts buried in the rocks and sand around this underground site with markings that suggested to us that a door will open if we put them in specific positions around the site. We are unfortunately low on hoofs and there are far too many artifacts for us to arrange them into every possible combination, and so this is is why I ask for help."

She pauses for a moment.

"I  must let you know that this dig is very important to me and my cohorts, and that is why we are willing to pay such a great deal for the help. Our project has a great deal of funding from a generous benefactor and associate of sorts, but not enough participants. The famous archaeologist/geologist Maud Pie and her team didn't want to help us, ...."

She pauses: "... which we were kinda counting on."

She asks politely: "So would you be willing to help us? If the deal doesn't suit you, I can sweeten it if you want."

She sits on the bench.

"My name is Maud. A pleasure to meet you." she extend her hoof slowly with a devoid facial expression.

She responds to Heathlife's comment: "Well, I have had my fair share of being a social outcast. I'm not exactly the 'overt' type." she gestures with her hooves.

"Ponies find me difficult to talk to because of my small range of interests."

"For example, did you know that there is a giant underground cavern several kilometers below the surface that stretches from Poniville to Manehatten and even under the ocean? There are a lot of minerals found embedded in the walls of the cavern from Iron to Silver and others. See?" she looks back at Heathlife.

She responds again: "Your name was taken out of education books. Why is that? Did you do something wrong?"

A red unicorn pony with a big and flowing black mane is on the opposite side of the street looking at both of them. His horn is glowing but nothing seems to be happening from Chelsea and Thundy's perspectives.

He averts his eyes whenever one of them looks at him.

(Alright, was just making sure ;). Ahh it is in the castle, okay thanks for the info :))

Pound says to Woody: "Of course you can, stop knocking yourself Woody."

Pumpkin says to Woody: "Yeah, you can do it. Your gonna be awesome."

Pumpkin then responds to Woody's comment: "Wow, that is seriously amazing. I don't think I'll ever be that good. Even though she is around my age, there is no way I could catch up to something like that. She sounds seriously gifted though. She must be very disciplined in training."

The blue unicorn speaks to Maple: "Why we want it is none of your concern, so don't bother asking again."
The dark-blue unicorn then says: "Oh yes, why would you tell us?" they say sarcastically. "Why? Because this is not a request little girl."
Blue: "And don't let the though cross your mind that you are getting out of this. We still need you anyway. Only you can use the bow, so we need you to be using it if we want the spell to work."
Dark-Blue: "Indeed."
Dark-Blue responds to Maples comment: "You defend Equestria for what? So that it can just get into trouble again a few months afterwards? You have no idea how naive you are. Saving the world takes a lot more than hitting things really hard."
Blue: "Anyway, about that bow......"
The blue unicorn then tries to fire a bolt of energy aimed directly at Maple's head.

@Star48955 @Techno Universal @Der Kerzenwaechter(Morph)

Rarity: "I'm not so sure about this. I feel the need to go and tell my friends about this. The elements of Harmony can help solves this issue. Please don't do anything brash miss Shinning."

Bright Shinning: "I cannot promise that Rarity, my time is short."

Rarity says to the other fashion pony and the driver of the carriage: "I must go warn my friends as quickly as possible. Lets get a move on, post hast!!" She speaks to the ponies around the carriage: "Please, everypony make space for the carriage, I must leave immediately." Rarity and the fashion pony rush back into the carriage.

The crowd moves out of they as best it can.

The carriage begins to travel towards the city as fast as it can.


Bright Shinning turns to Moonlight, Techno, and Wavecrash.

Bright Shinning: "Then it is decided. Let us go, we have little time."

She casts a spell that summons a platform of light below their hooves, and makes it lift up into the air. She gears it in the direction of the escort and the Seaponies.


A few moments later they arrive at the river in front of the thousands of Seaponies, their King, and their 6000 troop Equestrian escort. Bright sets the platform upon the ground on the side of the river, and flies above the river in front of the Seaponies and their king.

In order to get the attention of the thousands of travelling ponies and Seaponies, Bright Shinning conjured a massive flash of light that is almost blinding to the eyes .

She then casts a spell that unleashes a blast of energy. The blast causes the front ranks of the escorts to loose their balance and fall over, and causes the river water to push the Seaponies including the convoy with their King several meters back.


@Der Kerzenwaechter (Wavecrash).

The three children become outright knocked over by the blast. They begin to cry and hurry towards the other Seaponies in the water.


Bright Shinning casts another spell that allows her to amplify her voice. She then speaks to the entire collection of beings below her: "Greetings dwellers of Seaquestria and soldiers of Equestria. I am Bright Shinning, Priestess of the White Fields! I cannot allow you to reach the city of Cantelot. I have seen the future and you will all be in grave danger if go there! Please, for the sake of your lives, turn back now!" she urges with great importance.

"If you refuse to turn back, then I will make you!!" she assumes an aggressive aerial stance by widening her wings as far as she can. She is now levitating herself in the air with her magic.

The soldiers of the escort seem on edge. Their commanding officers are already ordering them into formations just in case.

 The King of the Seaponies exits his convoy, and jumps into the river water. He then speaks to Bright Shinning. "Priestess, I am King Rip Tide of Seaquestria. My people have long awaited a chance to sea the Capital of the grant nation of Equestria that they have called their own for so many years. We will arrive in Canterlot whether you like it or not." 

Bright Shinning: "Please reconsider, this is your final warning." Her eyes begin to glow white.

The King Rip Tide speaks again: "I will not allow some superstitious fortuneteller to get in the way of my peoples bonding with Equestria. This day is too important to us".

Bright Shinning speak: "Well then so be it....."

She is preparing to attack.

(Alright guys, we have reached the first major encounter of the story). 

(@Star48955@Techno Universal@Der Kerzenwaechter[Wavecrash and Morph], all of your characters are now presented with a choice. You guys can choose to fight alongside Bright Shinning if you believe what she is saying about saving the Seaponies from some big disaster that could come later, or you can choose to fight alongside King Rip Tide and the escort of 6'000 Equestrian soldiers to help the Seaponies reach Canterlot for the festival. Announce which side you choose to join in your next post, and I will launch the battle in my next post. Choose wisely ;)).

Techno's system then made Bright's cape huge and it was now five meters long and it then caused something to click in Techno. He then released that he could very likely stop the major disaster in Cantralot if it were to happen and now Techno was admireing Bright's massive cape as it was flowing behind him with his magic. Techno then flew between Bright and the sea ponies and he shouted out to Bright...


TU: To be honest I just realised that we could likely stop the disaster ourselves instead of doing this Bright! Listen we might as well let them through to Cantralot and we can stop whatever is to happen! Though your cape is really becoming mesmerising now because of it's new massive size!

  • Brohoof 1


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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((OOC: I should've thought about this earlier, but I have a question. How rare are alicorns at this point in time?))


Moon had followed closely behind Bright Shining, but she stopped on the edges of the river. Her eyes widened when Bright began attacking the seaponies.

What is she doing?! If she really wants to help, she shouldn't be doing this. Unless what she saw was so horrible that...

Moon frowned as she came to a decision. She spread her wings out and sped towards the priestess.

I need to try and figure out what she saw, and help her without attacking anypony.

  • Brohoof 1
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5 hours ago, General Solar Magus said:

She sits on the bench.

"My name is Maud. A pleasure to meet you." she extend her hoof slowly with a devoid facial expression.

She responds to Heathlife's comment: "Well, I have had my fair share of being a social outcast. I'm not exactly the 'overt' type." she gestures with her hooves.

"Ponies find me difficult to talk to because of my small range of interests."

"For example, did you know that there is a giant underground cavern several kilometers below the surface that stretches from Poniville to Manehatten and even under the ocean? There are a lot of minerals found embedded in the walls of the cavern from Iron to Silver and others. See?" she looks back at Heathlife.

She responds again: "Your name was taken out of education books. Why is that? Did you do something wrong?"


Heathlife nodded when she said her name but didn't shake her hoof as if he didn't know common pony manners. He then listened to her talk and decided to answer her question first "Well, I kind of almost blew Canterlot up. Although, them trying to suppress my spell out of fear didn't help." he started speaking pridefully at first, but then his tone changed to a disdainful one. Then he added "I was casting a big spell, in hindsight, I should have done it outside Canterlot, where no one could stop me. Didn't expect them to fire offensive spells at me though." he paused and then coughed "I guess I should tell it slowly so you can keep up..."

He breathed in and out "So, as I said. I was casting a big spell, I designed it myself. It would open a rift into the magical realm, allowing all of us to have an endless amount of magic. Imagine how grand we could become. But, in the middle of me casting the spell, the entire magic society of Canterlot noticed the shift in magical energies. They were alarmed, probably thought some creature of the unknown was summoned. They barged into my tower, five of them?" he questioned himself, unsure, but, he continued "Let's say five of them. They saw me opening a rift through our dimension and were terrified, so, what is the best thing to do? Ask the person? Look at his notes on the ground detailing every single thing? No, it's to cast lethal-grade magic at them. But, the magical pressure from the rift was too great, so their magic was pushed away by it."

He took a moment to remember the next part "And I sure say it was an impressive rift, offered up my cutie mark, my two eyes, several different timelines of myself and I never do remember the last thing. Probably not important... Either way, due to them casting their magic, my magic was slowly being undone. So, I had to forcefully close the rift, or it'd expand, absorbing the entire mountain we are on... And probably open a gateway to some horrifying place. But, to continue, forcefully closing rifts... Isn't easy, and coupling that with the fact that this rift held the magical potential of... well, almost everything. One could say it rebounded. Which meant that all that magical pressure was released into my body, and as soon as that rift closed fully, the magic of those Magic Society fools hit me, which, due to my own expertise in controlling magical energies... Didn't kill me. The damage they caused to the rebound made it easier for me. But, all of the things I offered up in exchange kind of came crashing towards me... Quite a bit distorted. I fused with the different 'me's assuming my current form, my cutie mark returned... But changed, my eyes came back one changed color, and my mind was left in a vegetative state."

He looked at her "But, as you obviously can see, I managed to wake myself up." he then seemed as if he had just remembered something and said "You said there was an underground cave underneath Canterlot? Stretching throughout almost? That surely doesn't sound like a natural forming geological formation to me. And you said it had valuable minerals stoved away in its walls? Even gemstones and such? I'd be interested in going someday, my final thesis paper was after all of the storing of complex magical formations inside gems. Studied my theories all from Onyx to diamonds to sapphires and I think I managed to get some red beryl."

He rubbed the top of his head as he said "Now when I think about it, might have been my final magic theory, which is more right than whatever they were doing. That might have gotten them to cut my name out. I basically called Starswirl the Bearded a blind fool after all." 

  • Brohoof 1

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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@General Solar Magus

Alexandria then chuckles lowly and shakes her head "well then, in that case, so long as there's no trespassing or innocence being harmed, I'm in" she says as she then digs around her saddlebags, finding a quill, some ink and her contract, she reads it over and smiles, putting down that the payment will be in gems and a magic scroll before showing it to Sunset to sign. "Now miss Shimmer, tell me more of the area of the dig site and the type of artifacts we will be helping you dig up, and ultimately, who is your benefactor? Perhaps I know them" she says softly, still hiding her face under her hood.

@Once In A Blue Moon

Alexandria, while awaiting for Sunset's answers, she turns her attention to Napier "ah General Napier, I thought I had recognized you, it has been quite a while" she says softly, blinking rapidly from under he hood as some more memories begin returning to her. She shakes her head and smiles "Miss Shimmer here was just telling me of a archaeological dig she and her cohorts have uncovered but cannot get into" she says "Now, she has told me that is guarded by a powerful magical ward, which means that there is either something either concealed in there that the original builders have wanted kept concealed or..they are trying to keep intruders out. And I know you have been known to safeguard some of these sort of digs, what do you think it could be?" she asks him with a smile from under her hood, as another memory enters her memory, but it was a little fuzzy.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@General Solar Magus @Dream Walker

On 20/11/2017 at 0:25 PM, General Solar Magus said:

She turns to Napier and speaks to him with disdain.

Sunset Shimmer: "A general. Interesting."

She looks at his uniform.

"General Napier Flight. What would a member of the military and a general no less be doing here among the commoners? Princess Celestia has been so mother like and controlling over the military that it has doubled in size in the last ten years, and nopony knows why. I don't expect you are here for no reason, the army is always busy these days." she clearly show distrust in the army.

Napier's face slid into a long-practiced neutral expression as 'Miss Shimmer' made clear her views on a topic important to her in a manner protected by freedom of speech laws. In a remarkably brief and controlled manner, which was a pleasant surprise. 'Mr Flight' nearly got a response, but he ground his teeth and kept quiet.

When she moved on to her motive for hiring Alexandria, however, his ears perked up. Miss Shimmer didn't seem the type to beg for government funding, or organised enough to be awarded it even if she did, so that left the question of who this 'generous benefactor' was. Any self-respecting mage would be down there in person, whilst wealthy historians were practically unheard of. Merchants didn't go in for this kind of thing, which presumably just left the more eccentric members of the nobility or a foreign donor. Flight's idle musings were cut short by Alexandria's response.

20 hours ago, Dream Walker said:

Alexandria, while awaiting for Sunset's answers, she turns her attention to Napier "ah General Napier, I thought I had recognized you, it has been quite a while"

"I don't believe that we have been formally introduced," he said, offering a hoof, "Though I believe we were both at Breaktooth Ridge. A pleasure to meet you in at less chaotic time," he looked past her at Sunset, "And I don't believe that I have been introduced to your new employer either."

"As to the dig site, I couldn't say. Although," he added, with a slightly conspiratorial tone, "It does sound like Miss Maud Pie has some idea what's down there - or simply couldn't come to an agreement with Miss Shimmer," he looked over at Sunset, watching her reaction.

  • Brohoof 1

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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( Morph's side: Whichever side Techno is on. Which seems to be trying to stop the fight? I'm not 100% sure.

Wavecrash's side: The seaponies' )

Wavecrash backed up a moment in surprise as Bright made the dramatic entrance. Seeing that violence brewing, he braced himself, ready to launch attacks if the fighting begins.

  • Brohoof 1


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Thousands of ponies are gathered in city square watching the stage in anticipation for the big announcement of the festival launch.

Twighlight Sparkle and Princess Celestia are on stage ready to give speeches when they receive their ques. 


Meanwhile, on the edge of the crowd.

Pinkie Pie: "It is now time for the 25th annual Friendship festival to officially launch at this time of 9:30AM".

Pinkie seems to be talking into a microphone, and is facing a pony with a camera who is trying to take photo's of princess Twighlight Sparkle on stage.

Photographer pony: "Pinkie Pie, what are you doing? Your in my shot."

Pinkie Pie: "I got a big story for all you viewers out their about all the super fantastic things you can do here at the festival this year in Canterlot, but first the weather."

Rainbow Dash happened to be nearby, and Pinkie grabs her front leg and pulls her in view of the camera.

Pinkie Pie: "So Rainbow Dash, I hear you and the Wonderbolts had the skies cleared today to make way for a big airshow? Am I right?" she gestures her eyes and moves the microphone in front of Dashie.

Rainbow Dash: "That's right Pinkie, the air show is gonna be a little later this morning, and it's gonna be totally awesome! We practiced really hard on this one."

She looks at and smiles at the camera.

"So don't miss it" She winks at the camera.

Pinkie: "Who are you talking to Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash: "Uhhhh...."

Photographer pony: "Pinkie!"

Pinkie Pie looks at the camera: "We'll be back after this commercial break. Beeeeeeeeeeeeep." she walks backwards out of the camera's shot.


Back on stage.

Princess Celestia walks up to the podium first.

Celestia: "Greetings everypony and welcome to this magnificent event. Before I hand over to it's host of the event, I would just like to say a few important words." 

"Equestria has come so very far since it's earliest days. Over the course of an ancient history up until now, we have not only grown into a great nation, but we have now become an enduring land of countless nations. Equestria is greater and stronger than it has even been before, and because of our lands influence more than half of the planet lives in beautiful and harmonious peace under our flag. As you all know today is a day that represents the bonding of all parts of Equestria, and the sharing of the beauty of what makes those parts great as well as how they make Equestria greater together. I couldn't be more proud to say that we now live in the very world forged by the ambitious dreams of our ancestors."

"And without further ado I would like to briefly hand over to a very well known singer in Equestria who can help us signify this moment. You know her as Countess Ra Ra." Celestia walks off.

The crowd cheers.

Lights are turned on and are shinning on Ra Ra on a platform at the end of the stage.

The crowd falls to silence.

She and backup singers are about to perform.

As the song concludes, countess Ra Ra and her team bow and leave the stage.

Twighlight then walks up to the podium.

Twighlight Sparkle: "Thank you countess Ra Ra."

She then speaks to the crowd.

"Hello everypony. It is now finally time to launch the 25th annual Friendship Festival. Get yourselves ready for a wonderful day filled plenty of things to do and see from the concert, to the many various stands, the games and rides, the science exhibition, the pools of course and a lot more.

"This years Friendship Festival is representing the nation of Seaquestria. King Rip Tide and thousands of seaponies will be arriving in Canterlot soon to join us in celebration of their home and lives. Coming with them is a convoy carrying what the Seaponies claim to be a gift for the capital state of Canterlot as a thanks to all of Equestria and appreciation for the unity we all share."

"I will personally announce the arrival of the Seaponies later today, but until then, everypony enjoy the party!"

"The 25th annual friendship festival is now officially launched!"

Party cannons around the city go off.

"Have fun everypony, and I'll see you in the pools."

She winks and walks off.

The entire city cheers.


After Twighlights speech ended, Vinyl Scratch removes the record for countess Ra Ra's performance, and gets ready for the next song. She tosses the old record backwards and stylishly bucks it into a nearby case. She then begins playing the next record:

Ponies all over the city begin dancing and diving into pools.


On 20/11/2017 at 3:48 PM, Maple Bat said:

"Thanks, guys. It means a lot that you think I can do it." Woody replied smiling "I'll do my best... And Maple?" His smile faded a bit about this particular memory " Yea... 2 years of pure absolute training both with her bow, with a spear and when she's unarmed... Really showing itself there..." He shook himself out of it. " Well anyways... I think I best be heading to the stage... I do need to practice a bit and Warm-up. Catch ya later."


Discord, after seeing Woody head to the stage decided to not head with him "Fluttershy? Perhaps we should go find your friends... I'm just getting a bad vibe now... Woody will be safe on his own. No one messes with our family after all."

"Well... I can't say Pinkie's comments didn't concern me too." Fluttershy admited "But nothing has happened yet. I think Pinkie might have been talking about something small. Though perhaps if it's bugging you so much We should find Twilight and ask her about what the plans for defense were. After the events that happened with the storm king Twilight wouldn't let something like that happen again." Fluttershy smiled to discord softly trying to assure him that everything is alright, at least for now it was.

Discord smiled in return "That idea sounds the most solid. Where was she again?"


Maple dodged the bolt of energy. Once it passed her wings opened and she rushed the attacker flying up to them she rotated in the air landing just in front of them and bucking the blue unicorn with her back legs. Maple's glance shifted the dark-blue one, She looked at them for a second before hitting them upwards so they'd land on their back. "I don't care how often I have to fight. I keep Equestria safe for those who can't do what I do." Maple said pinning the dark-blue unicorn down with her hoof " Now... About that spell..."

Pound and Pumpkin: "Bye Woody. Good luck!"


Starlight Glimmer happens to be walking by Fluttershy and Discord.

Starlight Glimmer: "Hi Discord. Hi Fluttershy. How are you two? I overheard you're looking for Twighlight. She's currently a little busy with organizing the event and such, but if you want I can take you to her if it's urgent. I've got a VIP pass since I'm presenting at the Tower of Magic Science expo later."



The Blue unicorn lost consciousness after Maple's buck, and collapses to the ground.

The dark-blue unicorn hits the ground with an "Mpff".

She ignores Maples mention on the spell.

They then say: "I am no enemy of Equestria. I want the land to be safe too, but sometimes keeping it safe is more complicated for others. I knew you wouldn't understand. Soldiers are so stubborn."

The unicorn grins.

"Perhaps it would be better to show you...."

Her horn begins to glow but it fussles out.

"Daaa" she says in frustration.


Suddenly, the floor collapses below their hooves and all three fall through, landing in a small underground cave.

Before a pile of rocks above them fall upon their heads, the three of them are levitated out of the way by a black Earth pony using a magic staff.

The male Earth pony waves the staff, casting a spell that wakes up the unconscious blue unicorn.

They are all still being levitated.

He then speaks to the two other ponies with anger: "Are you two that useless that you can't follow basic orders! I told you to bring her underground straight away so that nopony tries to follow you!!"

He speaks to Maple: "I am sorry for my goons incompetence."

They say: "We are not goons''


He continues to speak to Maple: "Once again I apologize. If you were to fight real members of our group," he looks at them and rolls his eyes. "...it would be a far more worthy fight for some pony of your skill. Anyway, now that you are down here we may as well take you with us as planned."

He waves the wand which fixes the hole in the roof, and lets down all three of them.

He says: "Don't bother trying to attack me. Even if you win, you have no way out without me as only I know how to use the staff. Now that that is settled, could you please follow me Maple."

He uses the staff a last time to great a hole in a nearby underground wall. The hoel reveals a path leading downwards, deeper under the ground.

The goons follow him.

He looks back at Maple: "Come on."


On 20/11/2017 at 5:21 PM, C. Thunder Dash said:

Chelsea happened to look over at the red unicorn. "Hm? I wonder what's up with him?" Chelsea asked as she slowly began to make her way to the unicorn. Thundy turned and noticed Chelsea who was walking towards the red unicorn. "Chelsea!" Thundy called out. Chelsea turned and saw Thundy. "Oh! Hey Thundy!" She called back. "I don't if you should be interacting with that unicorn...I just have a bad feeling about him..." Thundy said flying over to Chelsea. 

The red male unicorn walks up to them and speaks to them:

"I apologize for my nosy eyes. I have just never seen a Griffon before. Is that what you are? I'm not very experienced in this sort of thing."

He smiles.

"It's nice to meet you two. What are your names? You can just call me Red."


On 20/11/2017 at 11:37 PM, rolle said:

Heathlife nodded when she said her name but didn't shake her hoof as if he didn't know common pony manners. He then listened to her talk and decided to answer her question first "Well, I kind of almost blew Canterlot up. Although, them trying to suppress my spell out of fear didn't help." he started speaking pridefully at first, but then his tone changed to a disdainful one. Then he added "I was casting a big spell, in hindsight, I should have done it outside Canterlot, where no one could stop me. Didn't expect them to fire offensive spells at me though." he paused and then coughed "I guess I should tell it slowly so you can keep up..."

He breathed in and out "So, as I said. I was casting a big spell, I designed it myself. It would open a rift into the magical realm, allowing all of us to have an endless amount of magic. Imagine how grand we could become. But, in the middle of me casting the spell, the entire magic society of Canterlot noticed the shift in magical energies. They were alarmed, probably thought some creature of the unknown was summoned. They barged into my tower, five of them?" he questioned himself, unsure, but, he continued "Let's say five of them. They saw me opening a rift through our dimension and were terrified, so, what is the best thing to do? Ask the person? Look at his notes on the ground detailing every single thing? No, it's to cast lethal-grade magic at them. But, the magical pressure from the rift was too great, so their magic was pushed away by it."

He took a moment to remember the next part "And I sure say it was an impressive rift, offered up my cutie mark, my two eyes, several different timelines of myself and I never do remember the last thing. Probably not important... Either way, due to them casting their magic, my magic was slowly being undone. So, I had to forcefully close the rift, or it'd expand, absorbing the entire mountain we are on... And probably open a gateway to some horrifying place. But, to continue, forcefully closing rifts... Isn't easy, and coupling that with the fact that this rift held the magical potential of... well, almost everything. One could say it rebounded. Which meant that all that magical pressure was released into my body, and as soon as that rift closed fully, the magic of those Magic Society fools hit me, which, due to my own expertise in controlling magical energies... Didn't kill me. The damage they caused to the rebound made it easier for me. But, all of the things I offered up in exchange kind of came crashing towards me... Quite a bit distorted. I fused with the different 'me's assuming my current form, my cutie mark returned... But changed, my eyes came back one changed color, and my mind was left in a vegetative state."

He looked at her "But, as you obviously can see, I managed to wake myself up." he then seemed as if he had just remembered something and said "You said there was an underground cave underneath Canterlot? Stretching throughout almost? That surely doesn't sound like a natural forming geological formation to me. And you said it had valuable minerals stoved away in its walls? Even gemstones and such? I'd be interested in going someday, my final thesis paper was after all of the storing of complex magical formations inside gems. Studied my theories all from Onyx to diamonds to sapphires and I think I managed to get some red beryl."

He rubbed the top of his head as he said "Now when I think about it, might have been my final magic theory, which is more right than whatever they were doing. That might have gotten them to cut my name out. I basically called Starswirl the Bearded a blind fool after all." 

Maud pulls her hoof back. "It's okay, shaking isn't something I do too much of either."

She responds to his first set of speech: "No no, I understand. You don't have to go slow. You were doing something that was dangerous, and some concerned ponies tried to stop you."

"Endless magic, huh. You really think Equestria is ready for that sort of thing?"

"I don't think any pony would have instinctively read your notes after seeing the rift. Incentive to read them would come them knowing something about it, but they didn't seem to. They did the instinctive thing."

"Sounds like you got hit pretty hard from the result of all that."

She responds to his question with her usual tone of voice: "Yeah, the cave is almost like an underground canyon. I'm researching how it's even possible for it to have formed the way it did. I'm a geologist among other rock related professions. The idea that an underground area big enough to fit dozens of copies of Canterlot and still with extra space is amazing. All the way from Poniville to the ground under the Seapony kingdom, it's just, wow. Yeah, my mining team have found so many different kinds of minerals down there. That place could easily become the biggest mine in the world, but for now access is strictly given to me and my team, and a seapony team on the other side for research purposes. You could come down with us in the future. We do have plans to open the underground canyon for public viewing once we've set up a safe entry point and finished our research."

"Why did you call Starswirl a fool? He's a genius. He's even doing a presentation at the science expo later today."


On 21/11/2017 at 3:32 AM, Dream Walker said:

@General Solar Magus

Alexandria then chuckles lowly and shakes her head "well then, in that case, so long as there's no trespassing or innocence being harmed, I'm in" she says as she then digs around her saddlebags, finding a quill, some ink and her contract, she reads it over and smiles, putting down that the payment will be in gems and a magic scroll before showing it to Sunset to sign. "Now miss Shimmer, tell me more of the area of the dig site and the type of artifacts we will be helping you dig up, and ultimately, who is your benefactor? Perhaps I know them" she says softly, still hiding her face under her hood.

@Once In A Blue Moon

Alexandria, while awaiting for Sunset's answers, she turns her attention to Napier "ah General Napier, I thought I had recognized you, it has been quite a while" she says softly, blinking rapidly from under he hood as some more memories begin returning to her. She shakes her head and smiles "Miss Shimmer here was just telling me of a archaeological dig she and her cohorts have uncovered but cannot get into" she says "Now, she has told me that is guarded by a powerful magical ward, which means that there is either something either concealed in there that the original builders have wanted kept concealed or..they are trying to keep intruders out. And I know you have been known to safeguard some of these sort of digs, what do you think it could be?" she asks him with a smile from under her hood, as another memory enters her memory, but it was a little fuzzy.

Sunset Shimmer: "No trespassing what so ever" she smiles and signs the contract.

She answers Alexandria's questions: "The dig site is relatively deep underground form here, we have an entrance at the edge of the city just inside the border wall. From there I can lead you directly downwards to the site. The artifacts you will be helping us move are very ancient and predate pony civilization. The discovery of the site was a huge finding since it's not even a part of pony history. Some pony else built it long ago. Some of the artifacts are made of a materials that me and my team don't even recognize. "

She hesitates.

"Our benefactor prefers to remain unnamed. Not even I know their name, but they have shown clear interest in helping us out through letters and generous packages. They want us to contact them with a return message if we find anything."

Sunset Shimmer says to Alexandria: "So when ever you are ready to go to the site, let me know and I'll show you the way."

Sunset is almost at the front of the line she is in.

On 21/11/2017 at 11:56 PM, Once In A Blue Moon said:

@General Solar Magus @Dream Walker

Napier's face slid into a long-practiced neutral expression as 'Miss Shimmer' made clear her views on a topic important to her in a manner protected by freedom of speech laws. In a remarkably brief and controlled manner, which was a pleasant surprise. 'Mr Flight' nearly got a response, but he ground his teeth and kept quiet.

When she moved on to her motive for hiring Alexandria, however, his ears perked up. Miss Shimmer didn't seem the type to beg for government funding, or organised enough to be awarded it even if she did, so that left the question of who this 'generous benefactor' was. Any self-respecting mage would be down there in person, whilst wealthy historians were practically unheard of. Merchants didn't go in for this kind of thing, which presumably just left the more eccentric members of the nobility or a foreign donor. Flight's idle musings were cut short by Alexandria's response.

"I don't believe that we have been formally introduced," he said, offering a hoof, "Though I believe we were both at Breaktooth Ridge. A pleasure to meet you in at less chaotic time," he looked past her at Sunset, "And I don't believe that I have been introduced to your new employer either."

"As to the dig site, I couldn't say. Although," he added, with a slightly conspiratorial tone, "It does sound like Miss Maud Pie has some idea what's down there - or simply couldn't come to an agreement with Miss Shimmer," he looked over at Sunset, watching her reaction.

A very small part of her mouth on the side of her lips gave a small smile as she subtelly noticed Napier's irritation. 

She reacts to Napiers words on Maud with simple conversation: "Maud know's somewhat of what is down in the site, but we did not tell her everything as she never fully agreed to work with us. It was saddening to see that she disagreed, but we have been making compromises since then without her. She's been busy with her own dig under Poniville I hear."

She then says to Napier: "If you would like to come too then I don't mind it, as this is a big opportunity for any pony to see, but just don't touch the artifacts when we get there. That is, if you decide to come with us."

She smiles innocently.


@Techno Universal @Star48955 @Der Kerzenwaechter





-Bright Shinning, Priestess of the White Fields:

A confident and mighty angelic being with the powers to command light and energy, and read the future. Through her necklace, she is granted immortality from age and much physical pain. In combat she is capable of conjuring powerful beams of light, shields of light, as well as create blinding flashes of light at will. She can also create powerful blasts of energy, empower her wings with greater strength through that energy, and she can cast an assortment of classic unicorn spells despite being a Pegasus.

Bright Shinning's battle song:

-Crystal Moonlight:

A gifted magic user who's powers became greatly amplified through a magical amulet that merged with her horn. They result of the merging turned her from a unicorn into the strong Alicorn that she is today.


-King Rip Tide: 

The grand leader of the Seaponies, King Rip Tide is an accomplished reformist and a skilled military leader as proven by his successful battles in defense against the Dragon lands. He is a leader with a reputation for being a great protector. Armed with his Triton that allows him to command the waters around him as well as his military leadership skills, he makes for a very formidable opponent.

-6000 Equestrian solider army:

A legion of classically trained Equestrian troops with a devotion to the protection of Equestria and it's interests.

-Techno Universal:

A unicorn pony with powerful magical abilities who knows a complex assortment of spells that can be used for many purposes. Being a pony who studies and researches magic, he knows many in's and out's of it, and knows how to use it well.

Tehcno's battle song:


-Wavecrash Trifold

A unicorn with a great love for the sea. Wavecrash Trifold is a highly skilled magic user who specializes in powerful water magic, allowing him to command the tides of the Seas with great influence as he so wishes.

-Morph Objective:

A pony with mastery over a very unusual and not very often used form of pony magic, Shape shifting. He can shapeshift into anything from inanimate objects, to dangerous animals, to pretty much anything else he wants to.


Battles balance of power: Even


Battle rules:
-The battle shall carry over the course of a few posts (or more if it ends up going that way).

-The battle must be completed if all participating role player OC's are to continue in the story.


-The Win conditions for Bright Shinning's team is to fight until King Rip Tides agrees to turn back to Seaquestria, or until the Equestrian army is completely defeated and he is forced to leave. 

- The only specific Loose condition for Bright Shinnings team is that if the Seapony convoy with the artifact inside is destroyed, then that is an automatic defeat. Bright Shinning will avoid attacking it for unknown reasons.


-The Win conditions for King Rip Tides team is to try and knock Bright Shinning unconscious, or to kill her if necessary.

-King Rips Tides team may not use the convoy as a shield or tool to make Bright Shinning attack it by accident, thereby intentionally triggering her loose condition. This is cheating.


- Knockouts or defeats of player OC's do not count in Win or Loose conditions.

-The one thousand seapony citizens are not involved in the battle and are back up down the river behind the convoy and the army.


Battle notes:

-The smaller the Equestrian army is at the end of the battle (if it survives), the more difficult a later battle in chapter 3 will be.


- A Victory for Bright Shinning will allow her to help against her predicted threat later on.

-The Defeat of King Rip Tide will result in Seaquestria relinquishing its position as part of Equestria, and will result in political annoyance with them that can affect a later story arch. This will also make Sequestria more vulnerable to attacks form the currently hostile Dragon lands as a result of no support from Equestria.


- A Victory for King Rip Tide will allow him to bring the artifact to Canterlot.

-The Defeat of Bright Shinning will result in her greatly feared prediction of the future possibly coming true. That is, the immanent danger of the Seaponies and their King travelling to Canterlot.


- If King Rip Tide is to die in the battle, then Seaquestria will suffer a large moral blow, and the lack of his leadership will make defending Seaquestria from the Dragons more difficult no matter who wins the conflict. His death will not stop the artifact from being taken to Canterlot if his side wins.

-If Bright Shinning is to die, then she will not be able to help predict future battles and events that may occur.


....and without further ado....

The battle  begins:



Bright Shinning makes the first move.

She uses her energy abilities to amplify the size of her wings to such an extent that a single gust from them could blow any pony clean off of the ground instantly.

She then makes an air dive directly towards King Rip Tide.

A contingent of troops prepares their bows to fire at Bright Shinning.


  • Brohoof 1

Celestia does not look happy about this. I wonder what's on her mind ........ (check my 'about me' for more ;))


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13 hours ago, General Solar Magus said:

The red stallion unicorn walks up to them and speaks to them:

"I apologize for my nosy eyes. I have just never seen a Griffon before. Is that what you are? I'm not very experienced in this sort of thing."

He smiles.

"It's nice to meet you two. What are your names? You can just call me Red."

"I'm Chelsea." Chelsea stated. "

"And I'm Thundy." Thundy stated. 

"You're correct that we're griffons, but not purebreed..." Chelsea said revealing her pony ears. Thundy revealed his too, even though they were more wispy and pointy. "So...are you here for the festival?" Chelsea asked as she heard the music from a distance. Thundy gathered some electricity and made his watch appear on his wrist. He checked the time. "Good, still got time." He said to himself. 

  • Brohoof 1
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On 11/23/2017 at 4:58 AM, General Solar Magus said:

Pound and Pumpkin: "Bye Woody. Good luck!"


Starlight Glimmer happens to be walking by Fluttershy and Discord.

Starlight Glimmer: "Hi Discord. Hi Fluttershy. How are you two? I overheard you're looking for Twighlight. She's currently a little busy with organizing the event and such, but if you want I can take you to her if it's urgent. I've got a VIP pass since I'm presenting at the Tower of Magic Science expo later."



The Blue unicorn lost consciousness after Maple's buck, and collapses to the ground.

The dark-blue unicorn hits the ground with an "Mpff".

She ignores Maples mention on the spell.

They then say: "I am no enemy of Equestria. I want the land to be safe too, but sometimes keeping it safe is more complicated for others. I knew you wouldn't understand. Soldiers are so stubborn."

The unicorn grins.

"Perhaps it would be better to show you...."

Her horn begins to glow but it fussles out.

"Daaa" she says in frustration.


Suddenly, the floor collapses below their hooves and all three fall through, landing in a small underground cave.

Before a pile of rocks above them fall upon their heads, the three of them are levitated out of the way by a black Earth pony using a magic staff.

The male Earth pony waves the staff, casting a spell that wakes up the unconscious blue unicorn.

They are all still being levitated.

He then speaks to the two other ponies with anger: "Are you two that useless that you can't follow basic orders! I told you to bring her underground straight away so that nopony tries to follow you!!"

He speaks to Maple: "I am sorry for my goons incompetence."

They say: "We are not goons''


He continues to speak to Maple: "Once again I apologize. If you were to fight real members of our group," he looks at them and rolls his eyes. "...it would be a far more worthy fight for some pony of your skill. Anyway, now that you are down here we may as well take you with us as planned."

He waves the wand which fixes the hole in the roof, and lets down all three of them.

He says: "Don't bother trying to attack me. Even if you win, you have no way out without me as only I know how to use the staff. Now that that is settled, could you please follow me Maple."

He uses the staff a last time to great a hole in a nearby underground wall. The hoel reveals a path leading downwards, deeper under the ground.

The goons follow him.

He looks back at Maple: "Come on."

Fluttershy looked at Starlight. " Oh. Discord here thought that. Maybe Twilight should uhh... double check the def-" She was interrupted up Discord

"Actually we'd like to speak with Twilight. Oh, I bet she does need a while off those silly papers. That can be oh so dreadfully boring" Discord snapped and a desk showed up with a lot of paper on it he snapped again and the paper started folding itself into butterflies "So basically yes... It is urgent.I just get a bad feeling. "


Maple sighed and started to follow but after a little of following, she grew suspicious... I mean she had no right to attack them nor should she, given that that staff was her only way out of this hole... or... was it  Don't be stupid Maple it's been 4 years since you tried to use magic and you know what happened that time... Then again... look at these ponies... they don't want to help equestria... If they did they'd have approched you like normal ponies... So let them get a little hurt... Maple closed her eyes and focused her energy outward. The only problem was this would take her some time... She didn't have a reliable source to channel her energy from so she could do it slowly or quickly but it would hurt. While focusing she followed the other two ponies but if she was faced they'd see a slight red trail coming from her left eye.

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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On 24 November 2017 at 3:39 AM, Der Kerzenwaechter said:

@Techno Universal

Morph thought/mentally spoke to Techno:

This is happening! This is really happening, whatever this is! Techno, you want me to turn into anything?

Wavecrash grimaced as the battle appeared to be starting. Without hesitation, he blasted columns of water up at Bright's wings, to knock her to the side.

( @General Solar Magus Okay I actually thought Techno was an alicorn but maybe you might of just made a bit of a writing mistake in your last reply! :) )


TU: Well really Morph I was thinking that you could still be like an intelligent weapon in your cape form there! Like you could probably move around like that to wrap yourself around the enemies and capture them while I'm wearing you like this plus you could even maybe even suffocate them like that!


Techno then looked up at Bright's cape that was now massive because of Techno's system making it bigger earlier. Techno was now getting attracted to it as the massive white cape was flowing in the wind. Techno then flew up to it and started playing around with it as it fluttered in the wind...


TU: I just can't resist!



Edited by Techno Universal
  • Brohoof 1


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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On 23/11/2017 at 10:58 AM, General Solar Magus said:

That is, if you decide to come with us."

She smiles innocently.

"Unfortunately I have an appointment to make, Miss Shimmer, so I must regrettably decline your kind offer. Still, I'm sure that I will enjoy seeing your finds displayed at the Royal Canterlot Museum in due course," he answered, giving her a small smile.

@Dream Walker

"Miss Alexandria, a pleasure. Miss Shimmer... likewise," Flight paused just long enough for it to be noticeable, still holding the small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, before leaving the two of them to hammer out the fine print of their contract. Having seen enough for the time being, he headed to the castle to meet Captain Nimbus, and to prepare for his meeting with Celestia.

  • Brohoof 1

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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On 11/23/2017 at 11:58 AM, General Solar Magus said:

Maud pulls her hoof back. "It's okay, shaking isn't something I do too much of either."

She responds to his first set of speech: "No no, I understand. You don't have to go slow. You were doing something that was dangerous, and some concerned ponies tried to stop you."

"Endless magic, huh. You really think Equestria is ready for that sort of thing?"

"I don't think any pony would have instinctively read your notes after seeing the rift. Incentive to read them would come them knowing something about it, but they didn't seem to. They did the instinctive thing."

"Sounds like you got hit pretty hard from the result of all that."

She responds to his question with her usual tone of voice: "Yeah, the cave is almost like an underground canyon. I'm researching how it's even possible for it to have formed the way it did. I'm a geologist among other rock related professions. The idea that an underground area big enough to fit dozens of copies of Canterlot and still with extra space is amazing. All the way from Poniville to the ground under the Seapony kingdom, it's just, wow. Yeah, my mining team have found so many different kinds of minerals down there. That place could easily become the biggest mine in the world, but for now access is strictly given to me and my team, and a seapony team on the other side for research purposes. You could come down with us in the future. We do have plans to open the underground canyon for public viewing once we've set up a safe entry point and finished our research."

"Why did you call Starswirl a fool? He's a genius. He's even doing a presentation at the science expo later today."


Heathlife seemed to faze out a little bit about the hoof shake thing, but, he listened to everything Maud said, he then replied to the question if they were ready "I would have free control of it, I'm not naive. Besides, if anyone got out of hand I would just have to sever their connection to the rift. Then they'd lose the power." he then had nothing to comment about on the notes thing, it all depended on if they were panicking or not. The difference was insignificant however, he did, however, respond to the next part "Well, it isn't that bad. After all, it is me." he smiled a bit before returning to his neutral expression, which didn't change throughout her explanation. He responded to the part about him coming with them "I'd be delighted, it would surely be helpful in my researches. However, I am quite tower-bound." 

He heard the part about Starswirl having an expo and decided to answer as to why "While he is a genius, he is a foolish one. Believing himself to be superior to everyone, even me. Although, he has certainly improved in that regard. The last thing I did in the magic society was proving one of his theories was wrong." his eyes started to fill with anger before he shrugged it off, it was beneath him after all... He decided to say something else instead  "Well..." he stood up "Is there anything you want in the stalls? As payment for the information, I dislike not returning such favors. Besides, if I return to the tower with this satchel" he levitated the satchel to him "I'll just get another row of letters."

  • Brohoof 1

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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@Once In A Blue Moon

Alexandria nods "Likewise General, and before you leave, we were both indeed at Broken Ridge and I got to see first hoof your leadership skills, and if I may say so, the military and guard could really use more leaders like yourself" she says before watching him leave and shakes her head and returning her attention towards Sunset Shimmer.

@General Solar Magus

"Now, miss Shimmer, with that out of the way, let's see what other information we can gather about this dig" Alexandria says and smiles a little "Do you have any maps of the dig and any surrounding areas?" she asks, looking around herself, it would seem her mercenary band members have gotten themselves involved with helping set up the festival and she chuckles "This contract will be good, the guys have been complaining about being bored, so what can you tell me? Any history to the area that is known?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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((OOC: I think you didn't fully understand my last post. Moon isn't on either side. She's trying to figure out more of whats going on, so if you want you might be able to convince her to join a specific side. That goes for everypony.))

Moon flapped her wings as she neared Bright Shining. She stopped a few hooves away from the priestess. "Bright Shining! I must speak with you."

  • Brohoof 1
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4 hours ago, Der Kerzenwaechter said:

( @Techno Universal Did Techno's tech give Morph any movement capability? Morph isn't able to move around on his own when an object. )

(Yeah I think the magic that is naturally been emitted off Techno would give Morph those movement abilities. :) )


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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The troops that ready'd their bows fired a volley of several hundred arrows at Bright Shinning.

She stops her dive and focuses on dodging the arrows.

On 26/11/2017 at 8:38 AM, Techno Universal said:

( @General Solar Magus Okay I actually thought Techno was an alicorn but maybe you might of just made a bit of a writing mistake in your last reply! :) )


TU: Well really Morph I was thinking that you could still be like an intelligent weapon in your cape form there! Like you could probably move around like that to wrap yourself around the enemies and capture them while I'm wearing you like this plus you could even maybe even suffocate them like that!


Techno then looked up at Bright's cape that was now massive because of Techno's system making it bigger earlier. Techno was now getting attracted to it as the massive white cape was flowing in the wind. Techno then flew up to it and started playing around with it as it fluttered in the wind...


TU: I just can't resist!



Among all the activity, a portion of the arrow barrage flew straight at Techno just as Bright began dodging the arrows.

On 27/11/2017 at 10:41 PM, Star48955 said:

((OOC: I think you didn't fully understand my last post. Moon isn't on either side. She's trying to figure out more of whats going on, so if you want you might be able to convince her to join a specific side. That goes for everypony.))

Moon flapped her wings as she neared Bright Shining. She stopped a few hooves away from the priestess. "Bright Shining! I must speak with you."

Not a single one hit her as she gracefully and strategically avoided them all. She even protected Moon from a portion of the volley with a light shield.

However, she was thrown off her course in order to dodge the arrows and was stopped from reaching Rip Tide.

She responded after dodging: "What is it Moon?"

On 23/11/2017 at 6:39 PM, Der Kerzenwaechter said:

@Techno Universal

Morph thought/mentally spoke to Techno:

This is happening! This is really happening, whatever this is! Techno, you want me to turn into anything?

Wavecrash grimaced as the battle appeared to be starting. Without hesitation, he blasted columns of water up at Bright's wings, to knock her to the side.

As Bright Shinning just finished dodging the arrows one of Wavecrash's water columns managed to hit her left wing also stopping her from talking to Moon, and she spiraled downwards toward the heart of the soldiers on the left bank of the river.

Before crashing she pulled herself up and unleashed a blast of air powered by her wings knocking several hundred troops out of the way, clearing herself a landing zone.

As she landed, the troops now surrounding her prepared their spears and poised to charge at her.

Bright Shinning said to Moon up in the air: "Moon. Come to my side. Let us stand back to back, and you can speak to me as you wish while we fight."


On 24/11/2017 at 2:33 AM, C. Thunder Dash said:

"I'm Chelsea." Chelsea stated. "

"And I'm Thundy." Thundy stated. 

"You're correct that we're griffons, but not purebreed..." Chelsea said revealing her pony ears. Thundy revealed his too, even though they were more wispy and pointy. "So...are you here for the festival?" Chelsea asked as she heard the music from a distance. Thundy gathered some electricity and made his watch appear on his wrist. He checked the time. "Good, still got time." He said to himself. 

The Red pony said: "A mix breed Griffon. Well, that is something I have never heard of before. You two must be the only of your kind. How fascinating." he seems a little on the posh side.

"Indeed, I am here for the festival. I wouldn't miss is for the world" he smiles.

"Personally, I myself am here for the Science expo later today. I am very interested to see what Starlight and her team from the Tower of Magic have come up with this time." he seems excited. "They truly are a brilliant bunch those Ponies. One day I want to be a part of their team." he smiles.

He looks left and right. "Between you and me, I found out that those ponies have managed to invent a teleporter that can take you to anyplace in all of Equestria. I hear that it can even take you to other dimensions." he thinks to himself for a few seconds.

"You know, I know some ponies who are involved in the expo and they are going to let me see the portal before it is revealed during one of its pre-show test runs. They said that I can bring friends, and since I have no one to bring, I'd be honored if you two would come with me if you would like :). It would also be a chance for me to chat more to you about your interesting heritage."

He smiles.


On 24/11/2017 at 0:26 PM, Maple Bat said:

Fluttershy looked at Starlight. " Oh. Discord here thought that. Maybe Twilight should uhh... double check the def-" She was interrupted up Discord

"Actually we'd like to speak with Twilight. Oh, I bet she does need a while off those silly papers. That can be oh so dreadfully boring" Discord snapped and a desk showed up with a lot of paper on it he snapped again and the paper started folding itself into butterflies "So basically yes... It is urgent.I just get a bad feeling. "


Maple sighed and started to follow but after a little of following, she grew suspicious... I mean she had no right to attack them nor should she, given that that staff was her only way out of this hole... or... was it  Don't be stupid Maple it's been 4 years since you tried to use magic and you know what happened that time... Then again... look at these ponies... they don't want to help equestria... If they did they'd have approched you like normal ponies... So let them get a little hurt... Maple closed her eyes and focused her energy outward. The only problem was this would take her some time... She didn't have a reliable source to channel her energy from so she could do it slowly or quickly but it would hurt. While focusing she followed the other two ponies but if she was faced they'd see a slight red trail coming from her left eye.

Starlight Glimmer: "Oh, that's quite alright Discord. I'll see if I can't find Twighlight for your two." she smiles.

"I should be able to help you find her pretty easily. Check out this sweet new invention." she opens her saddle bag and pulls out a cone shaped device.

She casts a small activation spell on it. "We're still working on getting a simple On button for these things." she smiles a little embarrassed.

It turns on. She speaks next to it. "Hi team, Starlight here. Discord and Fluttershy urgently seek to speak with Princess Twightlight. If you see her let her know. Thank you."

Its fizzles out. "Dang contraption. Well I think it still worked. Basically what it did was send my message to the minds of everypony that have what I call a 'listening' spell on them. So this means that everypony in my team for the expo now knows. They'll send Twighlight your way if they see her." she smiles.


"You says you've got a bad feeling? Well, whatever it is I'm sure it's nothing." she seems a little bit nervous.

"Canterlot is the safest place in all of Equestria. You two shouldn't be so worried, just enjoy yourselves. A festival like this doesn't happen often you know." she smiles.

"Well, I best be off. Hopefully you'll run into Twighlight. Tell her I said hi."

Starlight walks away in the direction of the Castle.



Black pony: "What was that? Did you say something Maple? You've been awfully quiet back there."

Blue pony: "Yeah, whats up?"

Black pony: "Sit tight all of you, we are almost there."

He blasts a hole in another wall, revealing a spiral step way downwards.

"No more digging, it's just walking from here. Lets go."



On 26/11/2017 at 5:34 PM, Once In A Blue Moon said:

"Unfortunately I have an appointment to make, Miss Shimmer, so I must regrettably decline your kind offer. Still, I'm sure that I will enjoy seeing your finds displayed at the Royal Canterlot Museum in due course," he answered, giving her a small smile.

@Dream Walker

"Miss Alexandria, a pleasure. Miss Shimmer... likewise," Flight paused just long enough for it to be noticeable, still holding the small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, before leaving the two of them to hammer out the fine print of their contract. Having seen enough for the time being, he headed to the castle to meet Captain Nimbus, and to prepare for his meeting with Celestia.


Sunset Shimmer: "Okay then General. A museum? Well if I do find something of interest then yes of course, but the magical properties of many of the items link them to the site so it would be best as far as I know to keep them there. At least for the time being. Anyway, bye bye General."  she gives another distrustful look to the military figure.


A soldier in the Canterlot Castle royal guard uniform shows up and approaches General Napier Flight: "General, your meeting with Celestia is drawing closer. I believe it is time to head to the Castle sir."

On 27/11/2017 at 3:16 AM, Dream Walker said:

@Once In A Blue Moon

Alexandria nods "Likewise General, and before you leave, we were both indeed at Broken Ridge and I got to see first hoof your leadership skills, and if I may say so, the military and guard could really use more leaders like yourself" she says before watching him leave and shakes her head and returning her attention towards Sunset Shimmer.

@General Solar Magus

"Now, miss Shimmer, with that out of the way, let's see what other information we can gather about this dig" Alexandria says and smiles a little "Do you have any maps of the dig and any surrounding areas?" she asks, looking around herself, it would seem her mercenary band members have gotten themselves involved with helping set up the festival and she chuckles "This contract will be good, the guys have been complaining about being bored, so what can you tell me? Any history to the area that is known?"

Sunset Shimmer has finally gotten to the front of the line she is in. "Ahh finally."

"One please." she asks the pony behind the stand.

She was buying a Daring Do book.

"You would like to know more about the dig. Well, I'll tell you on the way. Lets get started walking to the entrance."

As they begin walking, she speaks "so yes I do have a map of the site. We dug many tunnels around it, under it and over it, and we have found that it is square in shape and about two floors tall. It is also roughly the size of 3 and half city blocks in width."

"By the way, you say your mercenary band is around in the festival. Would you be able to gather them at the entrance before we go in, within say the next half hour?"


On 26/11/2017 at 8:13 PM, rolle said:

Heathlife seemed to faze out a little bit about the hoof shake thing, but, he listened to everything Maud said, he then replied to the question if they were ready "I would have free control of it, I'm not naive. Besides, if anyone got out of hand I would just have to sever their connection to the rift. Then they'd lose the power." he then had nothing to comment about on the notes thing, it all depended on if they were panicking or not. The difference was insignificant however, he did, however, respond to the next part "Well, it isn't that bad. After all, it is me." he smiled a bit before returning to his neutral expression, which didn't change throughout her explanation. He responded to the part about him coming with them "I'd be delighted, it would surely be helpful in my researches. However, I am quite tower-bound." 

He heard the part about Starswirl having an expo and decided to answer as to why "While he is a genius, he is a foolish one. Believing himself to be superior to everyone, even me. Although, he has certainly improved in that regard. The last thing I did in the magic society was proving one of his theories was wrong." his eyes started to fill with anger before he shrugged it off, it was beneath him after all... He decided to say something else instead  "Well..." he stood up "Is there anything you want in the stalls? As payment for the information, I dislike not returning such favors. Besides, if I return to the tower with this satchel" he levitated the satchel to him "I'll just get another row of letters."

"Sever their connection? Isn't that too much control for you specifically? Shouldn't this source of energy be more accessible to all?"

Maud looks in front of her. 

"You seem like a pretty tough pony. There are so many more of them nowadays then there used to be. Alicorns popping up everywhere, super charged unicorns, and mix breeds of a lot of kinds. Equestria really is going somewhere, but I wonder where?"

Maud looks back at Heathlife.

"I'm glad you'd be delighted. I can't wait to show it to other ponies" Maud almost cracks a smile but her face drops to her normal stare quickly.


Maud watches as Heathlife stands up.

"You don't have to buy me anything in exchange. I was just sharing my interests, it wasn't a favor at all." Maud smiles....


She waits for him to finish responding to her current comments.


Seconds after he finishes, Heathlife receives a swift and sudden blow to the back of his head. He falls unconscious as he is watching Maud.

Celestia does not look happy about this. I wonder what's on her mind ........ (check my 'about me' for more ;))


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@General Solar Magus

"Square you say?" Alexandria says "Hmm, sounds a lot like it could be similar to the pyramids of Somnambula." she says and nods as she touches her amulet, and almost instantly, the rest of her band excused themselves from what they were doing and had gathered at the entrance. "We tend to travel a lot, so if it is either the same as the pyramids or even similar, then there could be some very, very ancient curse like magic on it" she looks to the other mare "Trust me, those curses you hear about in the stories and that aren't all fake, even the ones in that Daring Do book you have there, a lot of it is actually history with a bit of a twist to make it more interesting" she explains.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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10 minutes ago, General Solar Magus said:

The troops that ready'd their bows fired a volley of several hundred arrows at Bright Shinning.

She stops her dive and focuses on dodging the arrows.

Among all the activity, a portion of the arrow barrage flew straight at Techno just as Bright began dodging the arrows.

Not a single one hit her as she gracefully and strategically avoided them all. She even protected Moon from a portion of the volley with a light shield.

However, she was thrown off her course in order to dodge the arrows and was stopped from reaching Rip Tide.

She responded after dodging: "What is it Moon?"

As Bright Shinning just finished dodging the arrows one of Wavecrash's water columns managed to hit her left wing also stopping her from talking to Moon, and she spiraled downwards toward the heart of the soldiers on the left bank of the river.

Before crashing she pulled herself up and unleashed a blast of air powered by her wings knocking several hundred troops out of the way, clearing herself a landing zone.

As she landed, the troops now surrounding her prepared their spears and poised to charge at her.

Bright Shinning said to Moon up in the air: "Moon. Come to my side. Let us stand back to back, and you can speak to me as you wish while we fight."


The Red pony said: "A mix breed Griffon. Well, that is something I have never heard of before. You two must be the only of your kind. How fascinating." he seems a little on the posh side.

"Indeed, I am here for the festival. I wouldn't miss is for the world" he smiles.

"Personally, I myself am here for the Science expo later today. I am very interested to see what Starlight and her team from the Tower of Magic have come up with this time." he seems excited. "They truly are a brilliant bunch those Ponies. One day I want to be a part of their team." he smiles.

He looks left and right. "Between you and me, I found out that those ponies have managed to invent a teleporter that can take you to anyplace in all of Equestria. I hear that it can even take you to other dimensions." he thinks to himself for a few seconds.

"You know, I know some ponies who are involved in the expo and they are going to let me see the portal before it is revealed during one of its pre-show test runs. They said that I can bring friends, and since I have no one to bring, I'd be honored if you two would come with me if you would like :). It would also be a chance for me to chat more to you about your interesting heritage."

He smiles.


Starlight Glimmer: "Oh, that's quite alright Discord. I'll see if I can't find Twighlight for your two." she smiles.

"I should be able to help you find her pretty easily. Check out this sweet new invention." she opens her saddle bag and pulls out a cone shaped device.

She casts a small activation spell on it. "We're still working on getting a simple On button for these things." she smiles a little embarrassed.

It turns on. She speaks next to it. "Hi team, Starlight here. Discord and Fluttershy urgently seek to speak with Princess Twightlight. If you see her let her know. Thank you."

Its fizzles out. "Dang contraception. Well I think it still worked. Basically what it did was send my message to the minds of everypony that have what I call a 'listening' spell on them. So this means that everypony in my team for the expo now knows. They'll send Twighlight your way if they see her." she smiles.


"You says you've got a bad feeling? Well, whatever it is I'm sure it's nothing." she seems a little bit nervous.

"Canterlot is the safest place in all of Equestria. You two shouldn't be so worried, just enjoy yourselves. A festival like this doesn't happen often you know." she smiles.

"Well, I best be off. Hopefully you'll run into Twighlight. Tell her I said hi."

Starlight walks away in the direction of the Castle.



Black pony: "What was that? Did you say something Maple? You've been awfully quiet back there."

Blue pony: "Yeah, whats up?"

Black pony: "Sit tight all of you, we are almost there."

He blasts a hole in another wall, revealing a spiral step way downwards.

"No more digging, it's just walking from here. Lets go."




Sunset Shimmer: "Okay then General. A museum? Well if I do find something of interest then yes of course, but the magical properties of many of the items link them to the site so it would be best as far as I know to keep them there. At least for the time being. Anyway, bye bye General."  she gives another distrustful look to the military figure.


A soldier in the Canterlot Castle royal guard uniform shows up and approaches General Napier Flight: "General, your meeting with Celestia is drawing closer. I believe it is time to head to the Castle sir."

Sunset Shimmer has finally gotten to the front of the line she is in. "Ahh finally."

"One please." she asks the pony behind the stand.

She was buying a Daring Do book.

"You would like to know more about the dig. Well, I'll tell you on the way. Lets get started walking to the entrance."

As they begin walking, she speaks "so yes I do have a map of the site. We dug many tunnels around it, under it and over it, and we have found that it is square in shape and about two floors tall. It is also roughly the size of 3 and half city blocks in width."

"By the way, you say your mercenary band is around in the festival. Would you be able to gather them at the entrance before we go in, within say the next half hour?"


"Sever their connection? Isn't that too much control for you specifically? Shouldn't this source of energy be more accessible to all?"

Maud looks in front of her. 

"You seem like a pretty tough pony. There are so many more of them nowadays then there used to be. Alicorns popping up everywhere, super charged unicorns, and mix breeds of a lot of kinds. Equestria really is going somewhere, but I wonder where?"

Maud looks back at Heathlife.

"I'm glad you'd be delighted. I can't wait to show it to other ponies" Maud almost cracks a smile but her face drops to her normal stare quickly.


Maud watches as Heathlife stands up.

"You don't have to buy me anything in exchange. I was just sharing my interests, it wasn't a favor at all." Maud smiles....


She waits for him to finish responding to her current comments.


Seconds after he finishes, Heathlife receives a swift and sudden blow to the back of his head. He falls unconscious as he is watching Maud.

Techno had rolled himself up in Bright's cape so Bright was pulling him along with her. Techno was quite quick to notice the arrows heading for him so he tried deflecting them with his magic...


TU: Uhh this is so annoying with the arrows plus I'm now stuck to you Bright by your cape!


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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3 hours ago, General Solar Magus said:

The Red pony said: "A mix breed Griffon. Well, that is something I have never heard of before. You two must be the only of your kind. How fascinating." he seems a little on the posh side.

"Indeed, I am here for the festival. I wouldn't miss is for the world" he smiles.

"Personally, I myself am here for the Science expo later today. I am very interested to see what Starlight and her team from the Tower of Magic have come up with this time." he seems excited. "They truly are a brilliant bunch those Ponies. One day I want to be a part of their team." he smiles.

He looks left and right. "Between you and me, I found out that those ponies have managed to invent a teleporter that can take you to anyplace in all of Equestria. I hear that it can even take you to other dimensions." he thinks to himself for a few seconds.

"You know, I know some ponies who are involved in the expo and they are going to let me see the portal before it is revealed during one of its pre-show test runs. They said that I can bring friends, and since I have no one to bring, I'd be honored if you two would come with me if you would like :). It would also be a chance for me to chat more to you about your interesting heritage."

He smiles.


"Now that is very interesting. But...I do have a concern about the portal...like...what if it gets into the wrong hands? Is it fully protected? Is there a way that our route won't deviate by someone or somepony who interferes?" Thundy asked intrugued. 

"Thundy does have a point, but...traveling via portal doesn't sound half-bad...but...considering we both have abilities..." Chelsea said, then stopped. 

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On 11/29/2017 at 0:25 PM, General Solar Magus said:

"Sever their connection? Isn't that too much control for you specifically? Shouldn't this source of energy be more accessible to all?"

Maud looks in front of her. 

"You seem like a pretty tough pony. There are so many more of them nowadays then there used to be. Alicorns popping up everywhere, super charged unicorns, and mix breeds of a lot of kinds. Equestria really is going somewhere, but I wonder where?"

Maud looks back at Heathlife.

"I'm glad you'd be delighted. I can't wait to show it to other ponies" Maud almost cracks a smile but her face drops to her normal stare quickly.


Maud watches as Heathlife stands up.

"You don't have to buy me anything in exchange. I was just sharing my interests, it wasn't a favor at all." Maud smiles....


She waits for him to finish responding to her current comments.


Seconds after he finishes, Heathlife receives a swift and sudden blow to the back of his head. He falls unconscious as he is watching Maud.

Heathlife chuckled at first and almost had tears form in his eyes "No, it isn't too much control. Originally the spell would only give me the magic. So, for them to even get to use it at all is a privilege." he would be embarrassed at the next statement if it wasn't for his arrogant nature "Well, it's me. But, you're not too bad at stones. The best I've met at least... And I doubt we can see into the future, even then, see into it with accuracy. So, I wouldn't know." he nodded once when she said he'd be delighted. She then rejected his offer and he replied with "No, really. If not as a favor, as a gift. I don't really like sweets and have no need for any material goods."

Heathlife was about to say something before he felt a hard hit on the back of his head, he felt his consciousness slowly lose control, he struggled to regain control as he was being dragged into his subconscious mind. He cursed inwardly and yelled into his mind  '...WHO? I'll kill them... I'll kill her for not warning me... Stupid brats... I'll... annihil- he then felt his mind being absorbed into his subconscious making him lose consciousness.

Edited by rolle

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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