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Are most brony's lives uneventful and feel left out?

Nightfall Veilwing

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Am I the only brony around here that feels like they barely have any activity and participation in the brony community, outside of forums and art sites?

I've been in the brony community for the past 4 years, and never have I been to a brony con, gathered a few brony friends to spend some times together, etc. Seems like a lot of other bronies/pegasisters get to do these things (like Silver Quill, Lightning Bliss, Dr. Wolf, etc.), while the rest of us do nothing.

How does everypony else seem to go to every con that pops up but us, right? The most annoying thing about cons is that they seem to be in random-ass locations each year. That alone reduced that chances of the aaverage brony going. I'm unable to go to cons I wanna go to (namely, furry and brony cons) because:

A. I'm low on money.

B. I don't have any transportation.

C. My emotionally abusive mothers doesn't want me to go for some reason.

D. The locations for the cons each year is too random!

Am I the only one who feels left out and late to the party, metaphorically? I mean, I feel like I'm running out of time to do the MLP-themed activities that I had planned for the past couple years. And what makes this all worse is that I don't know any bronies/pegasisters IRL. Am I the only brony who feels left out? :(

I have several project in mind, but I'm currently unable to do them, and I don't to cancel them. But I'm currently stuck where I am now. What am I (and the rest of us) have to do to get some action, huh? The brony community is in it's prime, and who knows how long it'll last?

How do you feel about your life as a brony? Do you gather some brony friends and do stuff? Or do you do nothing because you're unable to?

Even though I have more friends as a brony than before I become one, I feel more alone and friendless than I ever did before. My life is going nowheres and ticking away while I'm unable to do anything about it. I'm on a short time limit already. What am gonna do? :(

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It took me a long time to admit to myself I was a Brony, four years in fact. I never thought I'd know anyone else who likes the show, but thanks to my local Brony group I've not only found like minded people to discuss the show with, but have also become good friends with them too. Not just that, reviewing MLP episodes on YouTube and analysing it has effectively kept my channel alive... if I hadn't done that, I might've stopped my sole creative endeavour. So as you can see, the show has helped me socially and creatively, I can't really complain.

I try my hardest to do what I can to be part of this community, and I'm pleased with my place... even though I still feel quite alone too. then again, the feeling that I get knowing I AM part of it removes that stigma quite fast as it gives me so much purpose.


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Until I started posting on pony forums I never had much contact with the Brony community and I still can't really afford to go to cons. I've missed out on a lot of opportunities and it often makes me feel like a lot of one-time experiences are passing me by, but the fact is, there's a huge world out there and the fandom will continue in ways that you'll be able to participate in. It takes patience when you're not in the position to do anything about it and it seems to take forever before you get your chance, but we're not going anywhere. Trust me.

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  • 6 months later...

I haven't had the opportunity to go to a Brony Con. Unless one comes decently close to Portland or Seattle, I don't think I'd be able to. But I still go to Anime Cons when I can and there you can usually find a Brony clutch.


Magical-Loyal-Generous SPIKE IS HARMONY  -Honest-Humorous-Kind

*~Semper Vincit Mortem~*



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Is it? I haven't researched lately. My job keeps me very busy with odd hours so I just assumed that one wouldn't come 'round and I never went looking. No one but myself to blame for that then! Thanks for the info!


Magical-Loyal-Generous SPIKE IS HARMONY  -Honest-Humorous-Kind

*~Semper Vincit Mortem~*



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I’ve always wanted to go to a brony convention, but my family is so huge, there’s always someone celebrating something every day, and when there’s nothing to do, im either at school or at work. I also want to tell my parents i want to go, but i always think that they’ll just laugh and say that it’s stupid and full of wierdos. I want to explain how i really want to go, but my mother was a law school undergraduate, so she can argue with you to the point to where she’ll make you think you’re wrong, EVERY FREAKING TIME. That and you can never chsnge their minds about anything, ESPECIALLY anout things that I like in particular, but when my little brother wants a $900 motherboard for his computer, they dont even give it a second thought. And they tell me they love me more than him. 

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  • 6 months later...

Perhaps I am mistaken, but my impression is that Bronydom as a whole has been shrinking. The peak of the fandom has already passed; the number of ambitious fan-made MLP projects has declined (the last one that comes to mind is DuoCartoonist's The Moon Rises from two years ago), more people seem to leave Bronydom than become a part of it, and the show is to end at season 9 (if I understood that correctly). Though even if I am incorrect in my perception of the state of Bronydom, it has been fairly rare for me to encounter other Bronies as I do think it is safer to assume that Bronydom is now (or always has been) a relatively small fandom especially if you were to compare it to Otakus as an example. I never seriously tried to find other Bronies beyond internet contact though.

According to Google trends in USA, the peak of the search for brony, mlp and other related terms seem to have peaked from about 2013 to 2015 and has been steadily declining.

Pony Art Thread

Brony since ~25 July of 2011.

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2 minutes ago, Luna the Great of all the Russias said:

Perhaps I am mistaken, but my impression is that Bronydom as a whole has been shrinking. The peak of the fandom has already passed; the number of ambitious fan-made MLP projects has declined (the last one that comes to mind is DuoCartoonist's The Moon Rises from two years ago), more people seem to leave Bronydom than become a part of it, and the show is to end at season 9 (if I understood that correctly). Though even if I am incorrect in my perception of the state of Bronydom, it has been fairly rare for me to encounter other Bronies as I do think it is safer to assume that Bronydom is now (or always has been) a relatively small fandom especially if you were to compare it to Otakus as an example. I never seriously tried to find other Bronies beyond internet contact though.

According to Google trends in USA, the peak of the search for brony, mlp and other related terms seem to have peaked from about 2013 to 2015 and has been steadily declining.

I do hope that the brony community/fandom will still be around, even when G4 is over. I also wonder if the brony community will reach a new peak when G5 comes.

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Yeah, I have a close friend who's a brony, but he's not so much of a "real brony". More like one of those random guys that just like MLP and that's all. And I haven't been to a Brony con either no matter how many times I wanted to but... that's why I have this place to chat with other bronies!


Tell me this isn't the cutest thing you've seen all day?

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I'm stuck at home most of the time since I don't have a car of my own nor can I drive. I can only get out when I'm invited by my mother or sister. So I don't even have regular RL friends, much less brony friends. And there will never be a day when I go to a convention, even if it's in my area, because we need all the money we can get being a family of 6.

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20 minutes ago, Millennium Shadow said:

I do hope that the brony community/fandom will still be around, even when G4 is over. I also wonder if the brony community will reach a new peak when G5 comes.

If G5 deserves it; even if it does not meet the quality of that of G4, I hope it would be good enough to keep me interested in the series.

Pony Art Thread

Brony since ~25 July of 2011.

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  • 4 months later...

The forums are really the only place I can keep in touch with the brony community. All my irl brony/pegasister friends have moved away and lost touch with me, a couple of them don't even consider themselves bronies/pegasisters anymore. 

And cons? I've never been to a pony con yet simply because the locations are so random and I just haven't been able to afford the trip yet. 

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