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open Wild Wacky Multiverse Adventure RP

Skylord Nexus

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The Multiverse. Realm upon realm of endless possibilities; worlds where nature grows, untouched by the brutal hand of man, where as others are ravaged by machines and chocked in smog. From worlds with the smallest of differences too vastly different fundamental rules and people. All living unaware for the most part, except a certain few, who either through great genius or "divine" intervention have grown to claim these worlds as part of greater empires though most have no idea of this and carry on with their normal day to day lives, unaware of the- 

*Kicks wall down*

Ok listen up! This lovely block of text is all nice and stuff, but it's way to philosophical. Hi, I'm your narrator and while this is nice filler on my part I think we want to get down to the nitty gritty of this. Firstly for most of you this whole multiverse thing will probably be a surprise to most of you. Secondly this is gonna get wild, and wacky, it will also be an adventure in the multiverse, unfortunately we still have no better name so we're gonna have to roll with that. But most of all I'm sure your all wondering where you fit into this, yes?

Allow me to set the scene: For all of our heroes... villains... people yes, that works well. For all of you people, the last thing you remember was a normal day, you did your normal things, in you normal universe. You now wake up on a metal floor, with metal walls, and a metal roof, a metal room some might say. As you regain consciousness you see people around you, some look how you would describe as normal, others...not so. Like that person to you left, super strange, am I right? This room as no door, or lights and yet is light, seeming to slightly glow from all angles... Welp, looks like you're all stuck in there for now, guess you should start making friends, or resort to cannibalism, that's also an option. Anyway, this is the exciting way your adventure begins, how invigorating!



​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Sabir Heyeck, 3055 AD, The Grand City of Earth, 11:23 PM.

Eighty mph is pretty damn fast for a motorcycle, but she beat even me to it, that girl was insane. I never expected a politician to be a fighter but this chick just happened to be a three time death race champion, a fact that I discovered too late, but just in time to realize that stupid ass mistake while she popped a cap into my teammate from point blank and escaped with her chromed cycle.

And now where were we? Playing the suicide version of cat and mouse on a highway that wasn’t exactly empty. One slip to the right and you would get crushed like an ant by the automated tankers, one to the left and you were going to be pounded into paste by the traffic. I wasn’t an amateur when it came to two wheelers though, and by some miracle managed to tail her with my work vehicle, an AMRTEK branded black moto, nowhere near as flashy as her chromed YLMIR but it did the job like a champ as I pushed it to speeds not suitable for this road.

This was getting too insane for my tastes, it was honestly even worse than that one time when a shark tiger  had escaped AMRTEK’s scientific zoo into the sewers and I had to hunt it down. At least the thing ripped me a new one instead of running away like a chicken and leading us both into an absolutely certain and unnegotiable death.

Slowly I released my right hand from the handlebar, slowing my speed as I did so. It was the stupidest thing I had done so far, but there was surely no other way. I guided my gloved hand to touch the SMG stored on my back, guessing that she would be far away when I had it on the ready so I could only make an educated guess and say that I had exactly one chance at this and nothing more.

It was probably quite a sight to behold, a dude with a skull flashing in neons on his helmet riding the company motorcycle at suicide speeds while holding an SMG like a sword, trying to shoddily guide his steed from crashing into vehicles going sixty mph in the opposite direction. I just wanted to laugh even if I was staring death straight into the eye as I lifted the gun, aiming it at the fleeing gal.

I emptied the whole magazine into her direction, several civilian vehicles getting their share in the process. The recoil was plenty harder than I expected, making my hand elevate wildly as the bike started wobbling dangerously, and to no one’s particular surprise, it took me about three seconds to lose control of it completely.

 There as I flew across the skies, having crashed against a vehicle that was speeding of all things, I couldn’t help but cross my fingers for the short few seconds it lasted and think of things. How were the ex-wife and kids? How was Tommy doing? How was that dude doing, the one who got capped by this fine lady who I was having a mobile date with this fine night? All questions I couldn’t figure out answers for before I collided with the concrete, my equipment clattering as I rolled to side, eventually hitting the road railing. At least now I was safely on the side of the road and not looking like an emptied bottle of toothpaste in the middle.

I rose up, taking my merry time with it as my joints hurt like damn. The helmet didn’t scream about anything so nothing was most likely on the “You are going to expire in five minutes, please voice record your testament to grant all of your possessions to AMRTEK corporation. Thank you for your service.” side of things. As I was stretching my aching back, I noticed something ahead. The damn politician. I hastily went into the “Oh crap!” mode and did a swift three sixty scan, finding my SMG lying on the side of the road as well. I ran up to it, picked it up and reloaded it, proceeding to make a beeline to her without too much of a thought put into it.

She was in a bad shape to put it lightly, having somehow crawled her way from the traffic. She was bruised from head to toe and was currently attempting to climb up the railing using only her hands. Her attempts were cut short, however, when I smacked her hands off the railings using the butt of my smg. As she collapsed against the concrete I didn’t hesitate with pleasantries and pressed my combat boot against her stomach, taking careful aim at her forehead.

“Wha…what’s yo-your problem? Just can’t let a…a fine lady go?” She managed to force out a chuckle in between the heavy breaths that she was taking, looking at my visor without a blink, a fearless smirk plastered on her face. It made me loosen up my hold of her for a second, mostly out of the genuine surprise that she treated this as no bigger deal than doing business at the local supermarket. It shouldn’t have been surprising, especially now that I knew for a fact that she was a three time death race champion. I swiftly regained my posture, bringing the barrel even closer to her head as I let the automated violation notices against AMRTEK play out in their usual monotone, artificial female voice.

 I didn’t like that I sounded like some company mascot robot chick, never did, and so I decided to just screw it and disabled the voice, now speaking in my very own, gruff and pleasantly manly sounding voice this time. “Look, I don’t know who you are or what you did to get us both into this predicament, but AMRTEK is tired with your crap. You have climbed so far up in its doo-doo list that it’s time to…you know, wipe the slate clean.” The image on my visor turned from a trippy skull to a simple, green smiley face, indicating that I indeed did not have anything against her myself. That’s what I always was like, doing all the dirty stuff but still wanting to stay away from the big picture. Hey, it was between AMRTEK and her, not her and me.

Only answer she gave me was a smile, not a gentle one, but much rather that “Oh really?” kind of sarcastic deal. She thought I was stupid or something, standing here, stating the obvious and all, but what could I have done differently? It was all in the protocol.

She closed her eyes, knowing full well that her game was played. I merely huffed, taking a quick look around me for henchmen that would rush in with the sole intention of mugging me but there was nothing, merely civilian cars passing by at high speeds like tin cans from a factory conveyor belt. I returned my visor to face her closed, expectant eyes. Well, a gentleman does not leave a lady waiting, does he now? I did the final adjustment with the aim, exhaled and squeezed the trigger.

Before I could even see the muzzle flash something strange happened: I was swallowed by blinding light, followed by a sensation of weightlessness which did, however, swiftly vanish when I felt the gravity taking a hold of me once again. I crashed against a hard surface, most likely metal of some sort. Rising up was not as easy as last time around as my joints had not been given any rest since the last incident.

An empty, metal room with a glow of some sort, how pleasant. It seemed like I was the only one here for now, unless I was surrounded by a squadful of troopers using their camos. Snapping my thermal vision on and off I came to the conclusion that I was indeed alone here and relaxed a little. Maybe it was a stupid move, but believe it or not, these kind of situations were quite common in my line of work. I placed the SMG in its respective spot on my back and collapsed onto the floor, now lazily sitting against the wall. Some authorities probably would come soon and interrogate me. All I would have to do is show my AMRTEK papers and I was free to go.

I got nothing else but to sit there, fiddling together my thumbs with a smiley face being displayed on my helmets visor, only one thought in mind. “That chick is one lucky creature. Was she wearing a rabbits paw or something under that shirt?”

Edited by Crewman
  • Brohoof 1

They say you can't outrun destiny. I say that they just didn't have a fast enough car.

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Steven wasn't really liking his bed this morning. Usually it was soft and comfortable and formed right to his body after sleeping on it for all this time. Now it decided to be hard and..metallic? That wasn't right, his bed wasn't made of metal. It was made of bed stuff. Okay it had those springs in it, but it wasn't all metal like this felt like. His blanket was a bit funny too, and it was breathing. 

That woke him up real quick. Steven let out a yelp as he woke up to see a slumbering blond girl draped over his chest, drooling onto his yellow pajamas. His frightened noise intensified as he looked around the massive room that seemed to be ambiently lit from no discernable source. Rosepetals made of energy snaked up from his bare feet and enveloped him in a protective bubble out of instinct as he pressed his sphere against the door. 

Meanwhile the sleeping blond girl had found herself rudely interrupted from her sleep by her own bed. She pushed herself off the floor with bleary eyes as she tried to make sense of the world around her. She was still in her blue nightgown and socks, instinctively clasping onto her wand as she lifted herself off the floor. It took her a moment to register that she was not in her room and there was some bubble boy in front of her. Instantly she jolted awake like she had twelve cups of coffee and pointed her wand directly at him. 

"Whoa there buster! Who are you and where are we right now! This better not be a trick from Toffee or i swear I'll Narwhal you straight up side your noggin!" 

"I don't know! I just woke up here a second ago! I'm still in my banana pajamas here!" 

"Ragnarok, those two are talking over there, I don't know if I know how to handle all of this talking." came a muffled voice from the ground behind them. The person talking didn't even bother to move their face from the ground as they spoke, making it hard for them to be understood. 

"Quiet Crona, you're supposed to be acting unconscious until we assess the situation"  That darker voice was not muffled though, making it an eerie juxtaposition between the nearly whiny immature voice of the face down teen and the gruffer deeper voice coming from that same body.  

Both Steven and the girl let out a yelp at that as they jumped away from the other laying on the ground. It was hard to tell if they were a boy or a girl, but they were wearing a long black dress that fit to their lanky body. Like a marionette they lifted off the ground, their body flopping about like they was hanging from strings as he looked at the two of them. Their hair was pink and looked like it had been in a losing battle with a pair of scissors, and they didn't have eyebrows. Their eyes looked especially sad and confused as their gaze kept darting back and forth nervously, giving them a slightly eerie aura about them. 

"That one is a girl. I don't know how to talk to girls. I don't know how to handle being in a metal room either. Where are the doors? You would think there would be doors if we got in here somehow. I don't know if I can handle a room that didn't have doors." 

 "I think the girl is a witch. Maybe she knows Medusa." Another voice came from inside Crona's body, a gruffer one that clearly was not their own voice at all. It was far too different and masculine to be something they could produce. 

"Okay, bubble pajama boy, what's your name?" Star asked as she changed her aim from Steven to the kid with two voices. Steven gulped and pressed against his pink bubble as he responded.

"I'm Steven, Steven Universe. A...and who are you two?" 

"I think the one in the bubble is talking to me Ragnarok. Why is he in a bubble? I don't know how to deal with people in bubbles, it's Weird." Voiced the black clad person, growing more fidgety and agitated looking by the second as their eyes continued to dart around nervously. 

"I'm Star Butterfly, Princess of Mewni, and it seems like we all have been kidnapped. By who? I have no clue..." She looked around the room at all the strange faces "...but whoever did it didn't just kidnap us. They kidnapped a whole bunch of people." 

"Maybe they want us to fight to the death. Crona, I bet we could eat a whole bunch of souls if we get them now while they are unconscious!" 

"She didn't say to eat anyone's souls yet though. We aren't supposed to eat people's souls when she doesn't say to eat them. That's against the rules. You know that Ragnarok." Their eyes kept jittering about as Crona said this, gripping their thin arm even harder as their body began to contort in weird ways. They did not seem to be mentally stable at all. 

Star and Steven tensed up at that creepily casual exchange. On instinct Steven rolled his bubble over to Star and enveloped her in it. She did not protest at all to being behind a protective barrier from the person who was talking to himself about eating people's souls. 

Edited by Buck Testa
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Techno was having a dream about going through a long tunnel that night. He then woke up with a shock to see that he was in a completely unknown world and he was still wearing his massive cape plus he was also wearing a white woolly toga. He then got up to look around...


TU: Uhh... What a strange morning this is as I just don't recognise this place like if I'm in another universe. It might of been one of those experiments I did in my lab the other day if I did any that is. It's just my past memory is getting jumbled up from whatever is in the air of this place. Even my system is a little glitchy but it's trying to adapt to the environment so it should be all good in a few minutes to a few hours. Plus even the beings here seem different though I'll need to look into them later along the line when I can.


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Claws dug into the wood table slowly dragging back as a chuckle emitted from the person sitting there "It seems you three have a death wish, you bother me as I'm eating...tossed my food off the table...and you wont shut up." a black whip like scaled tail began to wrap around the back left leg of his chair, lucky for him his white leather trench coat covered the action. Closing his orange eyes he could feel his blood boil from anger.

One of the men clad in black scale armor and holding a war hammer in his massive hands let out a mighty laugh "Death wish? Three of us vs nothing more then a wanna be dragon. Lucky for us the bounty on your head said Alive or Dead lucky us we got to you before the others trust me there was a line from here to the kingdom wanting to get ahold of you." as he could see the other close his eyes he twitched some as he motioned one of the others to attack from behind

Another man stood behind the man in the chair, he were a set of black leather armor a pair of daggers on either hip along with a bow on his back. The moment he was motioned to he grabbed a nearby Chair smashing it against the man's back, wood pieces fell to the floor as he chuckled "Look at that Fellows big man with his words but, seems to be out like a light now."

Sitting there he seemed to be off in his own little world, speaking to himself inside his head ~Now if I go out of town through the west, about 32 kilometers there should be another village. If the info was true one will be there.~ the moment the chair hit his back he sat there eyes still closed energy crackled around his fingers ~I should make it by nightfall even if I waste my time skinning these people.~ grabbing the round table in a firm grasp he stood fast lifting the round table like a toy twisting to his right slamming it into the man with the war hammer sending him backwards "From the smell of you three, you have had a few battles however...I've had hundreds against  dragons...people..armies." his tail whipped backwards slamming the chair into the man with the daggers "My name is Rouen Blackrose and will be the last name you hear before death." moving his left hand up he brushed aside his white with black and red tip hair back "That's two..where is the third?" his eyes scanned before landing on a woman who was in a set of black robes, a light blue hem along the bottom of the cloak that went up the front of the robes. "There."

Before he could do anything against her the woman put her hands out as icy winds swirled through the tavern before ice began to form on Rouen, freezing his legs in place as the woman rolled her eyes "I told you we should of just did that, freeze him then you two could kill him easier." she walked slowly past the man with the daggers on the floor who was beginning to get up. The man with the war hammer was up now "Now then you two think you can hit him a bit harder?"

"Ice mage...you do realize that I can get out of this right?" His mouth began to smoke some before he looked at his frozen legs, flames came out of his maw thawing him out as the man with the warhammer swung at him. Grabbing it with his bare hand he looked him in the eyes "Should of used this first when I was in my own little world...ignoring you insects." before he could do anything he felt a stinging pain in his said as a dagger sliced through his side "PEST." it seemed the three of them were good as a team, have to dispose of one of them so it breaks their team focus and have to reform a plan. More wind pushed him backwards towards the door as he growled...his eyesight though began to get hazy some "Po..ison?" as he stood there he felt all air leave his body as well heard a few cracks of bone as the war hammer made impact sending him flying back busting through the door. However when he hit the ground it wasnt dirt that greeted him it was metal

Sliding back along the floor he used his claws to stop sitting up he was seeing red as he yelled out "MAGE WHERE DID YOU SEND ME?!" he had blood dripping from his chin as he slowly made his way to his feet, looking at the others in the room he was unsure what to make of it, a child with another in a pink bubble...likely a shield. Another four were in the room, moving his head to the side he cracked his neck "Before that poison takes me to sleepy land till it's out of my system...one of you are going to tell me where those bounty hunters are so I can kill them."

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Crona's head was spinning. So many new voices. So many new souls. It was overwhelming for him to deal with. His eyes darted around at all the new faces, trying to comprehend what he was seeing while trying not to panic. Some of them weren't even human looking, while others looked normal but had weird souls. It all left him confused and bewildered. What was even stranger was there was no souls outside of this room to speak of. No matter where he looked, all he saw was the souls in this room only. Even when his mother concealed her witches soul she still showed up as a normal human to his senses. This was different. It was like they were alone, floating in space or on an entirely empty planet. That unnerved him more than anything else. 

"CRONA! Get your head out of your butt and contact Medusa to get us out of here!" Ragnarok yelled at him from inside his body. It looked on the outside like the young teen was an exceptional ventriloquist who was throwing his voice, but it was his blood literally yelling at him. 

"She isn't here. I don't see her soul anywhere at all. All I see are these weird souls and that is it. Where did all the other souls go? I don't know how to handle being in a world with only a few souls in it. That doesn't make any sense." 

Steven meanwhile was looking between Crona and the angry scaled cat thing on the other side of the room. It was yelling at the rest of the people and itching for a fight. While it intimidated Steven, the girl was looking at the monstrous thing with an additude. 

"Hey Scaley Puss! Nobody knows why we are here, so go get some catnip or something and chill out!" 

"What are you doing!" Steven whisper screamed at the princess, gesturing frantically at her not to provoke the dragon cat thing. 

"Relax bubble boy, I fight monsters ALL the time. All they need is a good pop to the snout and they run off to their own reality like usual." She sounded so flippant and confident about it that it annoyed Steven greatly. 

"I fight monsters too! However you need to not act like a...like a... big Dummy around them!" His face flushed at how his voice echoed in the bubble. He thought he was too harsh to Star, but she just regarded him like a cute angry puppy. 

"You're adorable. Now please, open the bubble. I have a dragokitty to house train." She said that last part with what she thought was an intimidating voice, but sounded kind of amusing at the same time. Steven sighed and opened it up for her, bringing it down from around himself as well. He walked over to Crona while she marched over to the cat. 

While Steven couldn't see souls like Crona, he had the power to feel others emotions, and Crona was emitting extremely strong emotional energies. He could feel himself tearing up just being in proximity to the teen, feeling the pain and confusion not only for this situation, but for his entire life. He also could feel how aggressive yet equally scared Ragnarok inside of him was. He hadn't noticed it before, but there was definitely someone else inside of the teen. 

"You have someone in you too. I see two souls inside you." Crona said as he cocked his head to the side, darting his eyes to the ground as he backed away from Stevens approach "The pink lady soul...she seems nice..." 

"You...see my mom?" Steven asked, instinctively looking over his shoulder and around his body for where his mom could be. 

"She's inside you, like Ragnarok. But she can't talk like Ragnarok can. She's just kinda there."

"Ha! Your mom's inside you! That's stupid." The deeper voice jeered out from inside of Crona's body, angering Steven. He stomped his bare foot on the floor, denting the metal as he pointed to Crona's Chest. 

"HEY YOU! Come out here and say that about my mom!" he looked up at Crona apologetically in the face "Sorry, I know that's not you." 

Crona blushed at that, but Ragnarok was all to eager to oblige him. What Steven wasn't anticipating was just how painful it would be for Ragnarok to come out of Crona. The pink haired teen doubled over and began to groan and scream in pain as their back started to ripple. 

Meanwhile Star had finished marching over to the Cat and stood before him, she raised her hand up and gestured for him. "Come at me kitty, I'm gonna train you so hard the only place you'll be able to got to the bathroom is your litter box!" @Arid_Blitz

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Sabir Heyeck, Locked up

I didn't need to wait long for what I initially thought were the authorities coming in to interrogate. As I shut down the B grade action movie playing on the inside of my visor, my vision returning, I saw not men in vests and shock batons, but a bunch of...kids or something, all piled up in a corner. They were all wearing the stupidest costumes, something that my daughter would have sketched on paper. Why were they locked up, a fashion crime? Nah, more like fashion victims. As they started to squirm around, I shook my head in some form of fatherly disappointment, the neon green smiley on my helmet turning into nothing but three dots of the same color. 

I didn't need to do anything but turn my head slightly to the left and I was met with another sight of a similar nature, now instead of kids there was an equal amount of what seemed to be grown women laying in a pile, clearly not there by will. I gave it a quick chuckle under my breath and snapped a couple of images of both piles, deciding to save them into my helmets hard drive for later tomfoolery. Hadn't even spoken to no one but already winning. But then there was this, animal that was standing apart from everyone else, not on four, not six, but two legs. I hadn't even taken anything recently, how was this possible...where was I again? Now, I don't usually panic, but this was starting to feel like a bad fever dream on steroids.

I slowly rose up, hands only slightly shaking in the confused sensations of "What the heck", still managing to somewhat hold my sanity in one piece. The equipment gave away its normal plastic groaning as I moved my right arm to my pistol holster, keeping my hand there as I scanned the people sharing the cell with me, seemingly as concerned by all of this as me. I was going to ask loud and clear about it, without sparing on the choice words but got cut off by the cat man who was now basically taunting everyone. I swiftly moved my head to the left, noticing the kids doing some inexplicable stuff. This almost caught my attention, but then I noticed the little girl with a toy in her hands, walking straight at the cat, looking more than a little aggravated by him. "Don't do it you stupid..." I thought, tightening my grip of the pistol, situations like this were too familiar to me. 

The game was already on though, the little girl with a toy wand was going to get herself killed and start a crapstorm spanning the whole room and its inhabitants. 


Edited by Gabriel

They say you can't outrun destiny. I say that they just didn't have a fast enough car.

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@Skylord Nexus @Buck Testa @Gabriel @Techno Universal @Lektra Bolt


Standing there his eyes looked over the area fully, breathing heavily from the warhammer hitting and breaking a few ribs. Wiping the blood from his chin he could see everyone in the room was confused however there was one calling him scaly kitty and to house train him. "Right...so if I give you a coin little girl you go buy something pretty with it. Maybe a better outfit?" she got up to him and claimed something about a litter box, his mind was elsewhere about the poison flowing in his system his breathing got heavier "Damn...that stuff is pretty potent." he was now accessing the room around him the bubble boy was now talking to someone who had two voices. Must be a demon inside and they havent merged yet. There was a person with a helmet covering his face he took in a deep breath through his nostrils "Two males besides myself five women but, one of them has a peculiar scent." he looked at the apparent female with no scent of male or female from.

The moment his eyes went back to the little girl in front of him holding out her arm he finally snapped back into reality...no telling who here would be the first to try and kill him. Might as well set the bar "Listen here child I have no qualms destroying you." he took in a deep breath through his nose, smoke emitted from his mouth as he brought his head back "EVERYONE DIE." he began to breathe out but instead of flames smoke came out. ~Damn I bet that poison is making me weaker then I thought. No fire breathe so I better just.~ his tail went up then smacked into the ground sending out a loud thud through the room. He planted himself as he brought both arms up, she was pretty small so he would have to either aim down or do a hard upper cut. His left hand clenched hard enough to send his talons into his flesh "I'm going to MAKE you tell me where we are and WHY that mage sent me here."

Moving his upper torso into the attack his right foot arched up onto the toes some as he was bracing himself with his left. Right arm up in a boxer like stance in case she tried to counter attack...but a little beggar girl do anything?

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@Lektra Bolt @Buck Testa @Arid_Blitz @Gabriel @Skylord Nexus


In a presumably bright flash of light above them something, or soemone materialized.

And them presumably fell onto the floor. Smacking it hard. 

Sprawled out onto the floor, holding a combination dufflebag/ rolling suit case, was soemone in an ornate silvery cape. One with a dark reddish purple looking symbol that appeared to be cat ears, narrow eyes, whiskers and claws in a tribal pattern. 

The woman in said cape began to groan. 

"I don't remember there being a chair spot involved..." she muffled into the floor as she slowly got to a standing position. 

The new comer was wearing what appeared to be a white and black outfit w/ reddish purple highlights. Thick shoulder pads held her cape, resting above what looked like a cross between a tac vest and the robes of the stereotypical konoichi ninja. Short skirt on the front w/ a waste coat around the back. Somethign draped aroudn the side though. Was that a tail?  Black tights or leggings led down to white knee pads, shin guards and boots, bearing the same logo on her cape and chest. Black sleeves that led to white gauntlets and clawed gloves which rubbed the side of a comically large helmet. Half looked like a very cutely designed cat face, but the other looked more like a cat skull, airbrushed in the dia de los muertos art style. The helmet appeared to wobble as she stood up. Around each shoulder, and her waist were what appeared to be wide leather straps, w/ big metal plates in the middle, and smaller ones on the sides. 

"I'm okay!...I'm okay! Meant to do that! Whatever 'that' was! Uhhhh...." she looked around. Turning her big head from side to side. Then slowly waddling her way around to look at the entire room. 

"Crap. I must be concussed. Cause I'm int he middle of a-" she began counting, pointing at each person as she did so.  "Nine. Nine person free for all/ battle royal. Unless one of them is the ref. Then it's an 8 person tag.  But there's 5 women. And 3? Three guys I think? An inter-gender match? Involving participants that aren't me?" she looked to Steven. "And we have a mini-estrella." she then looked to the cat man. "And someone taking their fursona into the ring. Now that's dedication to character. Must be a AAA show. Better try and clear the air and see which team I'm on and who's legal. Make for a nice improve comedy spot for the fans."

She cleared her throat. 


"¡Oye! ¿En qué equipo estoy nuevamente? ¡Creo que me golpeé la cabeza con fuerza y no recuerdo!"

  • Brohoof 2

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@Skylord Nexus @Buck Testa  @Lektra Bolt @Gabriel @Denim&Venom

His focus was on the one in front of him, this annoying child who would dare try and "Tame" Him would soon be a mere smear on the wall. His hit missed it's intended target, a powerful rush of air would of washed over the newcomer as he felt something smack against his cheek his eyes seemed to glaze over as his body went back slamming into the wall before falling face first onto the metal floor with a thud. He was out cold from the poison as well the hit, as he laid there his body emitted intense heat as his body was dealing with the poison in his system. As he laid there his mind was trying to figure out stuff about what was going on in the room and how to get home

He was just here in his mind as he spoke to himself to figure stuff out "This is not good, if they dont kill me by the time I'm back up I should figure out a way to explain what happened." he wasn't the kind of person to allow a person to disrespect him get by however, that woman that hit him in the face.."That woman is strong..even with my own strength she simple out does me in every way. Perhaps I should blame the poison on what happened. If they are indeed unsure how we got here, perhaps I should stick with them to find a way back." how to get back? Where was he though? He was in a tavern in the middle of a fight before he was hit through a door. He was outside just ten minutes before hand so...there was no metal room..no people that looked like these people.

"Jaiden is as well not here, he told me last week I would go on a very long journey that would take a bit to get back. I thought he meant going to that town for the dragon." now he was wondering if he would even get back to see Jaiden again



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Star saw it all in her head on how it would go down. The Cat would swing at her, and then she'd show off her fancy cool moves and slam that kitty into the ground, maybe freezing it in ice or shocking that monster a bit. Hell maybe she'd cover him in a tsunami of Syrup, it was really down to what string of words jumped out of her mouth first. The dragon cat thing swung down at her, and she watched the blow coming with a big smirk on her face, ready to swivel and use that wounded felines momentum against him and really bring the hurt on him. Dozens upon dozens of cool and awesome ways she could end this quick little brawl could practically be seen reflected in her eyes as she stared down the beast, moving her arms up in that split second, ready to judo flip him over her shoulder like Marco showed her....

@Lektra Bolt

And just like that a red headed woman rushed in and knocked the kitty out before whisking Star straight into the air with a comical yelp issuing out of her mouth in surprise. This flying lady was strong, really strong. Stronger than her dad strong. In the brief time she was in her arm like a kid, utterly bewildered by the turn of events, she couldn't help but notice her body was hard as steel. Star would probably break her hand trying to punch a woman like this. Even Mina would have a rough time with her, and she was MINA. Still, Star couldn't help feel a bit indignant at being rescued. Sure, to the average person she looked like some kid in her bed clothes picking a fight with a monster, but she had things under control! 

"Hey I coulda taken that gu...." She started, about to complain to her rescuer about how she was more than capable enough to take on the pussy cat over there, and then she heard her speak and say that she could call her Star. Slowly any indignation melted off of the princesses face as her hands went to her heart marked cheeks, letting out a nearly silent squee as she happily flipped out. 

"Oh MY Gosh, no way! Your names Star too? Well I mean your name is Starfire and Star is just a nickname but I mean COME ON, what is the odds of two stars showing up in the same weird metal room huh?! Also you are like really built." She said that last part in a gruff whisper as she poked the woman's arm, widening her eyes at how sturdy she was. This was before she realized she was being weird and snapped her self to attention, "I am Princess Star Butterfly, Thank you for the help back there, though I could have totally taken him just saying. Cat boy looked like he was ready to fall over as it was Hahaha.... I don't know why I'm still talking this whole situation's got me weird and confused AND THERE'S a NEW ONE!" 


Star pointed as she said that, trying to direct Starfire's and the others attention to the luchador who flashed into the room. She recognized the language the wrestler was speaking too and let out a gasp. 

"Oh gosh I know that language, that's a human one called Spanish! Jeeze I wish Marco was here, he'd know what she was saying. Who is putting all of us in here anyway!" She looked up at the high metal ceiling and shook her fist at it, "Come on out ya goof! Who do ya think you are kidnapping people like that!" 


@Denim&Venom @Lektra Bolt @Skylord Nexus @Gabriel

Meanwhile Steven was backing away from Crona as they groaned and doubled over. They looked like they were in great pain as their back rippled and boiled beneath their tight fitting black dress. Their voice was filled with distress and agony as he gritted their teeth and planted a hand against the metal wall for support. All at once, black liquid erupted from their back with a resounding scream of agony that filled the room. Their screaming continued as they gripped their pink hair, their eyes screwing around inside their skull as they dug their fingers into their jagged pink hair. 

The black liquid began to form and harden into a heavily muscular body with a strange head that looked almost masked on top. It hung out of Crona's body like a Genie from a lamp, flexing and twisting itself in odd angles as it coiled around the small teen, getting its face close to an extremely alarmed Steven. He had never seen anything quite so scary in his whole life, and that's saying something. The closest thing he could compare this thing to were those gem experiments at the hospital. The thought alone sent chills down his spine as he fought his own body from collapsing in panic. 

Crona wasn't screaming anymore, but they looked submissive to Ragnarok as his white, glovelike hand gripped onto their pink head with one hand and pointed at Steven with the other. His face looked like it had a gigantic white X on it, made of the same white stuff his faux gloves were, and his eyes were bulged and had two black X's instead of irises. It wasn't natural at all for something this large to be hiding inside of Crona's body, but there it was. 



Steven gripped his yellow pajama shirt for stability before hardening his face and resolve. He shoved his relatively small hand forward, pointing directly at Ragnarok as he yelled at him. 


"Here that Crona? He thinks I'm hurting ya."

"Ragnarok, people are staring, I don't know how to handle people staring like that. People are just popping into the room at random and its really confusing. I don't know how people are getting into this room without doors. How can a room not have doors, It doesn't make any sense." As Crona talked in his nervous voice, Ragnarok openly played with the teen's face. He smooshed and prodded their features as Crona kept on talking, their voice occasionally getting muffled by all the attention. 


"Yeah, it really doesn't make sense. Hey red head!" Ragnarok yelled pointing at Starfire " Army Boy!" he continued, shifting his pointing at the armored man, "Princess pajamas, Spanish wrestling chick who just popped in, any of you know where we even are? Answers would be LOVELY right about now!" 


Edited by Buck Testa
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Sabir Heyeck, Locked up

I tightened my grip of the holster as I observed the girl simply walking towards our little cat daemon, tensing my muscles to react in a moments notice not if, but when the crap started getting flung all across the cell. Just as I guessed, once she was close enough, the cat didn't hesitate and began its rage induced attack on her. When it did so, an audible *click* was heard as I released the pistol from its holster, pulling it to take the shot and put the thing out of its misery and probably save the dumb girl in the process as well. Before I could do anything, however, I saw something strange moving in the corner of my eye.

It lasted for mere seconds, but it was just about enough to make me reel back until I hit the metal wall behind me, dropping the pistol onto the ground with a loud clank. "Hrn..." I grunted as I stared at the girl wearing apparel that reminded me of those 'swimsuits' I had been seeing in the Sunlight Soda ads pestering the city streets and whatnot. She had just flown, like...like some superman...woman, or something. There was no such technology, I was sure of it, and the girl? Not too phased at all, nor was anyone else in the room, at least compared to me. I was suddenly feeling very lonely in a small cell filled to the brim with people. What was this? Why was everyone okay with this? How was she so strong, seeing that the cat had been floored with no effort? I could feel my hands starting to shake a little as I contemplated whether I should go crazy right now or instantly. 

What were they doing now, some kind of a friendship chat? "Hnk..." I let out another grunt as I felt the anxiety crawling up from my legs like snakes to their victim. None of them were normal, they were like freaking cartoon characters, the whole lot of them. My hands were noticeably shaking, especially now that a girl wearing the weirdest outfit he had ever seen busted in, instantly proceeding to mess with his mind by setting up some sort of an act and speaking in a language I couldn't understand a word of, all while not looking too concerned about the current predicament either. It was all like some girl's puppet theater and I, along with mister kitty cat over there, were not part of it.

"Hrnnnn..." I grunted painfully, almost sounding sleepy as I probed my chest armor, searching for something like a dying man, and after only a second of patting I found it. My shaky fingers fiddled around with the pocket located at the level of my heart, pulling out a stained pack of cigarettes from it. It was something I didn't like doing in the public around people, but heavens forbid, none of these were people here. My heart was racing more rapidly by the second as I pulled out a cigarette with my uncontrollably shaky hand, making few others drop onto the floor in the process. I didn't care about the chatter around me, actually listening to these things would probably just make matters even worse.

My actions were interrupted by shouting, someone even kind enough to call me an "Army Boy" rather than the usual "Murderer" or "Psycho" that most rolled with. I slowly turned my head to the direction of the voice, which turned out to be a big, no, huge mistake. I let out a distressed yelp as the image on my visor turned from three simple dots to a huge exclamation mark of the same color, brightly flashing at a rapid pace. I hugged the wall with my back as I took shaky steps away from the monstrosity looking at me in a humored way, some sort of a parasite growing from the kid below it, eyes nothing but buttons, its mere appearance screaming malicious intent, heck, I didn't even know what it had just asked but my heart was beating out of my chest as my muscles tensed so much that it hurt, my blood rushing so fast that I felt like rivers were running through me. This was not an AMRTEK quarantine, this was a dream, a freaking nightmare. 

If nothing happened this very second, I was going to grab a grenade from my belt and pull the pin, screw this place and everyone in it.

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They say you can't outrun destiny. I say that they just didn't have a fast enough car.

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@Lektra Bolt @Buck Testa @Gabriel @Arid_Blitz @Skylord Nexus 

"English. I am hearing a lot of English right now. AAA is usually not willing to have so many gaijin in one match. Maybe I'm not in Mexico? Not really hearing a crowd, so either this match is really dead, or it's an empty arena brawl. Now that I look around, I don't think I've ever seen any of these competitors around. At least, not where I've worked. Maybe it's not AAA? Am I at some random indy show? How may hot dogs/ churros was I promised to show up here? I really hope I didn't owe anyone any favors. Or at least that I'm owed one in return. Crap, do I still have my green card on me?" 

So many questions ran through the luchadora's mind, as she observed either a young woman or a mini-estrella square up to El Panther, whom looked like he was about to tear blondie short stack a new one until a fiery red head super-man punched him into the wall, before grabbing the smaller one and.... flying? Flying back to a neutral corner. 

"Good sell job by cat dude. He looks like a rudo. I'm guessing he, dress dude, and the dead shot cosplay are all on the same team. But other mini-estrella is... is he wearing pajama's? What kind of a gimmick is that? Maybe he's a manager? So... this could be a 6 person tag instead. Meaning, I think I'm with the group over there. They look more like the traditional tecnicos. And I didn't see all of that but did she fly? I thinks he flew. But I can't be 100% sure."

Her thoughts were paused when she felt someone approaching. She turned around and saw the red head come over and place an arm around her, addressing her as a friend, telling her that there are no teams. That they were all as confused as she was. And asking if she could speak English and offering to translate if not. All the while leading her to the corner with the other 3 girls.

"Umm, yeah? Yeah I can speak English?" 

"No teams? A battle royal then? But if so, she's being pretty cordial about it." 

"Okay hold on I can't see worth a damn with this thing." The luchadora twisted her comically large head one way, then the other, and with little effort, popped it off. She set the head piece aside, revealing... another mask. This one however was more stream lined. Magenta outlined large, blank silvery eyes. Same color as the small nose and long, curved horizontal slash marks across her cheeks in pairs of three and the small triangle in the middle where her nose would be. A pair of triangular flaps adorned the top and sides of her head. Behind the mask an long lack pony tail with a silver streak tapered down. 

Unmasked, yet still masked, she looked around for the first time. "Oh jeeze, it's worse than I thought. I'm in Canada, aren't I?" 

But forget that s:mellow:t. Cause here comes mongo a big black dude pulling out of and having his way with a scrawny white boy. 

The woman in spandex rubbed her eyes and did a double take. 

"Either soembody's special effects team really upped their budget, or somebody spiked my Tim Horton's last night."

She found herself in the spotlight when she was addressed by the inky interloper.

"Okay, you're live and on the mic! Say something intelligent!" 

"Is that a Jojo's reference?" 





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@Arid_Blitz @Lektra Bolt @Buck Testa @Gabriel @Denim&Venom

It would be at this point when everyone in the room would notice something very strange, firstly a claw would extend out of no where and grab the grenades that Sabir had, as if hearing his fought before retracting back into the wall as if it had never been there, secondly a smaller arm with a syringe lowered down from the celling and injected Rouen with the presumable effect to wake him up, and lastly that the ambient light that seemed to just exist in the room began to change, first the light would change to a vibrant green colour and would envelope the room in it's sickly light for but I second before swirling into a swarm and forming into a face at the front of the room, leaving an eerie darkness in the rest. This face six parts and was obviously robotic because I mean lets be honest, if someone organic had a face what was in six it would be very worrying, but anyway, four of the parts seemed to make up make up the centre or it's face, creating gaps that seemed akin to facial features, a single large piece made up the chin and sides of it's head and finally an egg shaped piece of metal which seemed to glow with energy floated above all else.


"Anyway, I would like to thank you for the useful data you have provided, however survivors or these experiments are not required, please feel free to die at your earliest convenience..." The image then went blank, leaving the room in pitch black for but a minute before the image came back up. "I apologies for the perhaps  unnerving display just there, it would seem I had neglected to rearrange my flash cards since the last time I have carried out these experiments. This fact however is besides the point and it is advised that you not focus on the information you have had revealed to you as it may have both a mental and physical effect on your performance." The mechanical face then took a few minutes to survey the room seeming to focus on certain individuals such as Sabir, Kos-Mos ,and Ragnarok before continuing "You may address me as you see fit, though Overseer is preferred, you have been brought here from your respective dimensions in order to preform some experiments, it is advised that if any of you do have the ability to switch dimensions that you do not as you will be bought back and a price will be payed. I will now take any questions you may have before the tests begin." The overseer then hovered there, it's emotionless face staring at those beneath it.

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@Lektra Bolt @Arid_Blitz @Gabriel @Denim&Venom @Skylord Nexus

"Do you hear that Crona? We're in another dimension. How crazy is that?" Ragnarok loudly whispered to Crona as he comically shifted between looking at his Meister and the green floating head in the room, although he had a hard time seeing Crona. The pink haired teen meanwhile was quivering in their boots looking up at the face, so overcome with anxiety that they didn't even know how to say how they didn't know how to handle it right now. 

This hadn't been the first hologram that Steven had ever seen, but it didn't unnerve him any less. This was an entirely different threat than the Diamond Authority. This was something from another dimension. He didn't even know other dimensions existed outside of movies. Now he found out he could just be plucked from his home reality at a moment's notice and maybe never see his family again. The floating head said he could die there, that it didn't even matter if he lived or not. He wanted to look around for support, but with the room being so dark save for the floating head he couldn't see anyone. He couldn't help but tear up at the thought of never seeing his family again. 

Star meanwhile was looking at this Green head with nothing but flippant disdain. 

"You think you're SOOOO clever just cause you grabbed a few randos from other dimensions and stuffed them into a metal box like those Earth Sardines? Pu LEASE, Mewni has been hopping dimensions since before I was born." 

Star began to light up the room with her own glow. Her body began to emit golden light as she floated up into the air. Her hair was now sticking up in two massive braids.Large twin horns grew from her head and slightly curved in the air. Massive golden butterfly wings radiated golden energy as they lightly fluttered about as she floated up to the green holograms eye level. Even her clothes had changed, morphed from her night gown into an ornamental golden dress with a large heart at its front. Stranger still was she had six arms now instead of her usual two, and looked even more alien as a result. She lifted her wand high as she began to chant, her voice slightly warped as she stared down the Hologram. 


She pointed her wand behind her, so the Hologram could see a dark window open up to reveal a hellish dimension where a red headed demigod named Heckapoo resided. She turned around and gawked at the window between realities and saw Star in her Mewni form behind it. Most would have a hard time seeing Heckapoo at this angle, but for those who could she had an extremely poofy shoulderless yellow dress, stark white skin, two golden jagged horns and a small black crown on top of her dauntingly thick head of red hair that flared outwards even further than her royal dress did. Though her eyes were normally heavily lidded and had the appearance of boredom, she was quite wide eyed and shocked at the moment. 

"Star?! Is that you? what are you doing?" 

"Hiya Heckapoo!" Star said flippantly in her normal voice, waving at her with a few of her arms before moving aside to show her the floating head. "We got ourselves a rogue dimension hopper who thinks he can kidnap people from other realities and do "experiments" on them." She made a show of making quotation marks with the fingers on all six of her hands to emphasize the amount of over it she was,  " I can't quite leave right now cause I don't know what he has up his sleeve, but definitely get the High Commission on finding out where this guys dimension is so we can throw him in a dungeon or something. Also tell Tom and Marco I'm okay. Thank yooou~" 

"Right away. You're messing with the wrong people...what's his name?"

"He wants us to call him *The Overseer* " Star waved her hands about comically as she said this, emphasizing how ludicrous this situation was.

"PPFFT! What a dorky name! Ha! Anyway you hang tight girl, we'll figure out where you are in a jiffy. Don't let us keep you from trouncing this nerd before we get there though."

"Thanks!" With that the spell faded and Star directed her attention back at the Hologram. "See that Overseer. Now my whole dimension AND allied dimensions are going to be told about your little Experiments, and we ALL can hop dimensions. Your days are numbered buddy. So fiddle away with your little experiments, I'll be happy to talk about them after you are in my dungeon where you belong." 

She also knew that she could use this spell to find where this Overseer really was, and in order to protect her ability to do so in the future, she silently casted a spell that kept her wand firmly in her hand at all times. Even if her wand were to be teleported out, she'd be teleported right along with it. She was not going to lose her wand again like she had with Ludo. She was happy that she took to sleeping with her wand despite what her mom said. Radiation was far less important as being armed and prepared. 

Steven meanwhile was just staring up at Star like she was a righteous angel, his eyes forming stars as he looked upwards at her. 

Edited by Buck Testa
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@Skylord Nexus @Buck Testa @Gabriel @Lektra Bolt @Denim&Venom

As he laid there something pricked his skin, the formula injected into him seemed to speed up his recovery process as he woke up. Slowly his eyes opened as a groan left him "Ughh...the hell." a pain was shooting through him, stemming from his jaw. Pushing up off the floor he sat up coughing a bit his mind was more settled then before when rage and poison was shooting through him earlier. As he got to a sitting position his eyes saw a green light taking up the middle of the room, was it magic? A demon? No...it was an illusion of some sort, his tail whipped back and forth behind him before moving up around his waist resting it in his lap. He wasnt taking in what the illusion was speaking of as his nose caught another smell...another person seemed to be in the room.

His eyes looked to see a person with a mask on. He could tell by their scent they were a woman, his eyes suddenly went to see the girl from earlier in the air with extra arms it seemed and demon horns. It was now clear why she didn't fear him, demons were very strong however their magic was something even he feared somewhat, not being a full dragon their magic could affect him and tear him apart if need be. Slowly he stood up, she opened a...rift to speak with another demon? No it was more perhaps a demigod or god? Great he attacked someone with ties with the other world, his mind raced with what she could be capable of. Six arms..each probably capable to control an element, or even if not they were able to perform magic so he would be shredded like paper if she chose to.

"Damnit." he said softly to himself walking towards Star even though she was in the air, his tail swished behind him he was irritated that he would have to demean himself for his own self preservation however she may be able to return him. She spoke of dimensions, perhaps she meant planes "This is another plane." he stood there looking up at her. Raising his right arm he placed it over his chest and went down to his left knee "Demon girl Forgive my previous attack...poison rushed through my veins and was in a fight before brought to this plane. I Rouen Blackrose Swear my allegiance to you, for all I wish is to return to my plane of existence. It is what I desire and have nothing to offer other then my allegiance." he felt like a fool doing this but, if it meant he would leave this plane he would defile himself and work with a demon..

Edited by Arid_Blitz
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@Lektra Bolt @Arid_Blitz @Gabriel @Buck Testa @Skylord Nexus

"At first I thought I had been sent through time and space to another universe. Forces beyond my ability to reason having manipulated the forces of natural law against me to send my corporeal being across the vast endless realms of the grander cosmos. But then-"

"Wow. Wooooow. Y'know for a supposedly almighty mad scientist or supreme AI, you sure do have a crappy special effects budget. Good gawd man, where did you get your holo-projector from? Was Universal Studios having a rummage sale or something? Bought it second hand off the Terminator ride from the 90s? I mean, who are you trying to fool? You look like reject concept art from the Reboot series. I've seen better graphics on my Atari Jaguar. And the whole sociopathic mad scientist thing was soooooo last decade. Surprise numb skull! Saints Row beat you too it! And Portal before that. And Postal before that. And half life too if you think about it. ?You are just... just a recycled list of cliches aren't you? Aren't you?

Who are you trying to fool with this experiment nonsense?  I've seen reality TV shows w/ more convincing dynamic plots than this sketchy set up! Random personalities inside of a metal room? What fan fiction prompt gave you that bright idea? This is so paint by the numbers it has to be staged some how. There's no way that this dumb of an encounter can be plotted out by any rational entity capable of it. This random of a group, this absurd a sample size, to study what? There is no way rationality or the scientific method can apply to this. 

So in soem way shape or form, what's going on right now is too ridiculous and too stupid to be going on, and I'm just waiting for to call an end to it, cause we are not playing your gamer. That's not how this works."

Finished, the bespandexed raconteur inhaled for the first time since spaeking, sat down, arms and legs crossed, and waited for the inevitable. 


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@Lektra Bolt @Arid_Blitz @Gabriel @Buck Testa @Denim&Venom

The Overseer just stared at Star and the portal she opened, not seeming to care, though to be fair he didn't really seem like the most expressive guy when it came to emotions, nor did it seem to care when Star sassed it, seemingly ignoring her or at least not retorting to her. The great metal face did however change focus to Starfire as she questioned him " As I have stated previously, I am the Overseer. My primary directive is to test and record the results of beings who have been bought to this place and to transfer the data to my storage system at which point it is removed. You are currently in the Elysium scientific research facility level two-hundred and forty-five, are current location is Dimension 213453-098473 Alpha, approximately five-thousand sectors from imperial jurisdiction." The face then finally turned to the girl wo was throwing references "Please do note that I did not once describe myself as an almighty scientist, or supreme AI. Although I am reminded to tell you all that to any participants who survive: There will be cake, tasty cake."

The Overseer then went back to looking at no one in particular "I shall now assume that all relevant questions have been asked, due to this fact the test shall now begin, the first test shall be a 'warm-up' to increase adrenalin levels and to gage your combat prowess. Please save anymore questions for the break in-between this test and the last, assuming any of you survive." The hologram then dispersed, once again allowing the room to give off it's seemingly natural glow. This peace however would be short lived as nine turrets came out of the walls, three on the north face which aimed at Star, Starfire, and Kos-Mos, three on the west wall which aimed at Rouen, Shion and Steven, and three on the east wall which aimed at Sabir, Crona, and Akane. These turrets all began firing purple lasers at that their respective targets at a rate of about one every second.


Edited by Skylord Nexus
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​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Crona's eyes dilated as they stared up at Star. Her soul had been surprisingly large before, brimming with strange positive energy. After she had transformed however, it had become utterly massive and radiated what felt like pure magic. It was like she had been steeped in concentrated magic, whatever that would look like. They could feel it as intensely as if their mother Medusa had performed soul release. Except this was notably more powerful. Her new form only confirmed what they were reading. The shining gold aura, the six arms, her wings and horns; All of it attributed to the awe they were feeling. 

"Crona, snap out of it. We can't be slacking now. She looks like our ticket out of here. Look that cat thing has the right idea." 


Ragnarok turned Crona's head forcefully to look at the cat swearing its fealty to her. They wouldn't mind doing that too. They already worked for Medusa and Medusa so it wouldn't be that big of a difference. Once they get back to their home reality then it would be back to business as usual. 

While Crona was contemplating their options, Steven felt elated that Star had a means of contacting the outside world. They weren't trapped here after all. At least not permanently. That happy feeling ended up triggering his floating ability, which he decided to capitalize and use to kick off the ground and drift towards the glowing Star Butterfly. He wasn't anywhere near as adapt at sustained floating as she was, and he ended up waving his arms and legs around to stabilize himself beside her, looking almost like he was standing at the edge of a building and almost lost his balance. It looked pretty comical in his yellow pajamas and his focused, determined expression on his face. 

"You swear Loyalty to me?" Star asked Rouen as he knelt before her, she pondered it for a brief second before nodding "Yeah sure why not. You don't seem that bad. It'd be nice to have a kitty around the house. Oh hey bubble boy! You can float too?" She took notice of Steven floating beside her at that last sentence. He blushed and scratched the back of his head a bit in embarrassment. People in Beach city and even the gems didn't really have much reaction to his abilities, so this was a change of pace for him. He also wasn't entirely fond of the nickname, but he couldn't quite summon the courage to tell the shining alien looking girl that. 

"Heh, yeah, um...so what are we gonna do about this hologram guy?' He asked sheepishly, feeling shy for some strange reason. 

She made a limp wristed hand gesture at Steven while a few of her arms went to her hip, "Don't worry about it, we'll be fine.... Wait did he say what universe this was?" 

Star had been so distracted by all the ambient noise and talking in the room that she only caught the last part of the Overseers conversation to Starfire. She snapped her fingers in frustration at that. 

"What does 5000 sectors from imperial jurisdiction even mean!? Why do you sciency dimensions always need to make dimension hopping sound so boring." She rubbed her face with several hands in frustration at that. She could only hope someone who was paying more attention had taken note of exactly where he said they were. If she had that random string of numbers she could feed it to Heckapoo or her parents and see if they can make heads or tails of it. Steven felt bad that he hadn't quite been paying attention to the conversation either. 

At the talk of combat testing, the hands on her face dragged off to reveal a frightfully deadpan expression. She was not in the mood for any of this Hologram's shenanigans. Steven and Ragnarok tensed as the turrets popped out of the walls and aimed at every single one of them. Wordlessly ragnarok started to glow and materialized into Crona's hands as a large black sword, while Steven threw his arm forward and summoned his shield, Thrusting himself in front of Star to protect her from the turrets aimed their way. He didn't even think about it, it was just a knee jerk reaction. One that Star found rather adorable. 

"Daaww thank you, I love your shield! It's all pink and has a little rose pattern on it. So cute." She said in a voice similar to how you would talk to a puppy or a young kid, messing up his hair with one of her hands like one would do to a little sibling. It made him feel a bit embarrassed and flushed. That went away when the Turrets started charging up their lasers to begin firing. Star however had other plans in mind. All six of her arms extended out like a hindu goddess as her voice became warped and her wand started to glow. 

'Yeah NO..." 

@Arid_Blitz @Denim&Venom @Lektra Bolt @Skylord Nexus @Gabriel

A shockwave of magical energy emitted out of the wand and weaved through the crowd towards every single turret. The chaotic power warped and morphed the weapons before they even lobbed off their first laser bullets, which had ended up turning into purple butterflies. Like out of a scene of a cartoon made during an acid trip, each one became different colorful creatures. One came off of the wall and became a baby elephant with skin that just changed color and texture on a dime. Another became a frolicing deer that some how grew patches of yellow flowers wherever it pranced despite the room being metal. Still others couldn't be readily identified and looked like amalgamations of creatures that somehow still functioned. Star hadn't casted any particular spell, she just let her raw magic decide what it was going to do when it touched the turrets. She didn't much care as long as they were disabled. The only thing left of them were loose technology from where they were connected. . 

"If that's the best you got you're gonna have a rough morning holoman."  She crossed two of her arms and put a third of them on her hip as she said that. 


"...Crona we are swearing loyalty to her too." 



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@Lektra Bolt @Denim&Venom @Arid_Blitz @Gabriel @Buck Testa

As Star creature-fied the turrets the ever so faint sound of two people shouting in unison could be heard, both going "Dear God!". A few seconds later an archway melted out of the wall, showing the way into another room. The room it's self was circular with a raised platform in the middle, a single, large button on top of it from it.

At the point when everyone entered the room, the image of the Overseer would once again appear, this time however not leaving the room in darkness "It has been decided that due to the show of ability from the one of you, the next forty-eight tests would be too easy and would not yield any useful data, due to this I have been instructed to move you onto the final test. In this test your trust in one another will be tested as it involved all of you. As you can see, in this room there is a button. In order to complete the test track you must hit the button, however a number of you cannot hit the button, if any of these individuals, or "kills" touch the button you will all die, except for the "kills" who pressed the button. As you can therefore surmise, you need someone who is not one of these individuals, if these "safes" press the button you all live. The only other way you can all live is if the number of "safes" pressing the button outnumbers the number of "kills" pressing the button. Now the "kills" know who they are and have been offered items of interest to them if they kill the rest of you so they may not be inclined to say whether or not they are a "kill". You have no time limit for this exercise, you may begin." With that the image faded away, and the arch everyone entered through would seal, leaving them along with the button. 

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@Lektra Bolt @Gabriel @Arid_Blitz @Denim&Venom @Buck Testa

As Kos-Mos pressed the button, a beam of red light shot up from it as the raised platform and button sank into the floor, leaving the beam of light shooting upwards. The room then became dark as the image of the Overseer appeared, now highlighted an ominous shade of red created from the button, the giant holographic head gazed down on all of them like ants and began talking in his unemotional voice "Congratulations on passing the final test. I am also informed to congratulate you on your 'unorthodox' way of completing the two tests and I would like to thank you for the useful data you have provided, however survivors or these experiments are not required, please feel free to die at your earliest convenience." at that the overseer disappeared, the only light in the room not coming from the beam of red. After a moment four large tubes would extend into the room and begin to fill the room with a dark green gas, this gas quickly filled the entirety of the room like water would a cup. This would quickly become evident to be neurotoxin, that upon inhalation swiftly killed all living things in the room.

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Sabir Heyeck, Locked up

I had been silent the entire time during this stupidity unfolding upon me…us. I was used to being the rat in someone else’s lab but this was stupid, no, insane. I didn’t even care about what happened to the turrets, it didn’t matter, not anymore. Nothing made sense so I had just silently accepted it, closing my eyes from any and all silly gimmicks these freaks would pull out of their sleeves. I had merely crossed my arms and leaned against the wall, deciding to just power down my visor and listen to some music in the pleasant darkness that followed. I was done with this crap, period.

Fate, however, decided against this as a small, green block of text appeared to decorate the inside of my visor, kindly letting me know of the increasing percentage of neurotoxin mixed with the air that I was currently breathing. I stared at the text for a good few seconds, slowly fading the music away as a cold drop of sweat ran down on my forehead. What was it this time? These magic pixies were supposed to be able to take care of anything. I let the visor turn itself back on, and as my vision returned, so did the adrenaline levels that I had just managed to get over without tearing anything. The room was green of that filth.

A quite appropriate “What the…” was heard from my mouth as the familiar green exclamation mark found its way onto my helmet. “Who pressed the god damn- ack..” the oxygen compressors were now compressing the neurotoxin into its purified form, making me collapse onto the ground swiftly.

I squirmed on the floor, hitting my helmet in order to get it off but my panicked movements did next to nothing. The exclamation mark turned from green to red as I coughed and gasped, and a rather monotone sounding female voice was heard soon after. “This unit is going to expire in T-minus five seconds. Please use proper equipment while disposing of the carcass; blood toxin level has exceeded the biohazard limits, currently standing at eighty three percent.”

My vision started to blur. It was really no good at all because I was now basically breathing the toxin and nothing else, and before I could show the world one, last middle finger, my nervous system betrayed me. I stopped squirming as my body went entirely limp, a corresponding red text that read “expired” soon finding its way onto my visor.


I suddenly came to, my sight slowly presenting itself back to my eyes. My body was tingling like crazy for some reason as well. I turned my head to view the center of the room, and to no great surprise, I saw the chick with a blue hairdo prancing across the room like she was on a field of sunflowers. “Er…wha…what…” I started, less concerned about the girl and more about the fact that my hands were covered in some glowing nonsense that was entering inside and out of all things imaginable.

I patted my hands together, trying to swipe it off, my pace steadily increasing as I started to squirm around once again when I realized that I was in fact entirely covered in it. After rolling around the floor for a minute like I was on fire I also added yelling to the mix, random get it off’s and damn you all’s being heard from the inside of my helmet. Eventually I rose up, hugging the metal wall all the while patting my body like trying to put out a fire.

I soon caught the blue hair again among the panic, laughing with friends of hers like it was some stupid sleepover or something. The “expired” text turned into a green, very angry looking smiley face as the systems got restored. I suddenly completely disregarded the stuff floating around the room and my body as I started taking steps towards them, blood boiling a little too much to continue giving two jacks about the pixie dust that, at least thus far, had not disintegrated me or melted me into a puddle of goo.

“Hey you!” I shouted, voice distorted by the helmet thanks to it being but 67% restored feature wise. “What is so fricking funny?” I pointed a leather gloved finger at them, though mainly at the blue hair as I marched towards them, and hitting my helmet in order to return its full vocal capabilities I continued my ranting. “No, scratch that. You seem to be so awfully fine with this place that you probably know what’s going on…no…you have to know what’s going on! Dancing like an idiot while we others choke like shark tigers in water!” I shouted as I marched even closer, soon in a touching range. “So speak the hell up! Before I pop a cap into you, you…” I pointed at the supergirl looking chick and the smart looking chick. “...and most importantly you.” I hissed as I pointed at the one with the blue hair, my other hand starting to reach for a pistol in case they had a problem.

Edited by Gabriel
  • Brohoof 2

They say you can't outrun destiny. I say that they just didn't have a fast enough car.

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@Skylord Nexus@Gabriel @Arid_Blitz @Buck Testa @Lektra Bolt 

The great Reina de Las Tigres looked around at the futuristic laser pointers poiniently pointed at her point in space time. 

"Something tells me I should move. Cause one of those is gonna hit me in the eye and it's gonna start tearing and it's gonna get my mask wet and I'm gonna be seeign spots for a few days. Those spots. Those color changing blobs that you see with eyes open and closed. That you can see in your dreams. You blink and they're still there. Flashing like a gif on Geocities, or an old neon sign inside of an unintentionally retro shopping mall, or like that one time you bought a boot leg Super Famicom. It's just there. Switching between smokey green and purple haze. And it just bugs you with no end in sight. You start seeing things like fairy god mother Shiva talking to Lady Satan, who is also the devil, through a hole in the wall, arguing w/ what looks like an unused asset from the Reboot franchise. Then you'll need prescription eye droplets to fix the damage. And those'll sting. But the droplets make things blurry and weird, so you start to see what looks like cheesy futuristic laser turrets turning into something off a remake of The Yellow Submarine if it were directed by Ang Lee.

... drugs could explain so much right now. I don't do them. They're for losers. But maybe I've been drugged, as uncomfortable a thought that might be. But I usually have an inkling with those situations. Not here. So maybe I'm just really, really concussed. Again. Botched a spot. Landed on the concrete. Like that time I tried to nail a diving moonsault, slipped on the outside mats and cracked the back of my dome on the guard rail. But even that didn't give me what amounts to all of this!" she thought as she looked about. 

A hole in the wall had been opened leading to another room. And mega mind had reappeared in there. She saw everyone leaving and followed so she wouldn't be kept out of the loop. She got in just before the hole sealed up. "Um, why did we come in here again?" 

She listened again as they were given instructions on who was supposed to push the button and who wasn't. 

"Kay, so a deduction game. There are ways of figuring this out. I could use a bit of a brain teaser challenge. Piece of-"

Then the over committed cosplayer from *insert name of locally dubbed PlayStation exclusive JRPG here* went and pushed the button. 


But then BFH returned and said they had all passed. 

"Kill joy. I wanted to figure this whole thing out." 

And then said they could die.

"Kill joy. Does he have to be a sore looser about it?  Really playing up the theatrics here w/ all this fart gas. Aaaaand evryone is fainting. They are really committed to this. Or it's actually poisonous. but then again I'm not getting that vibe." 

Reina took a big whiff of the stuff. *cough cough!* "Not pleasant, but not as bad as everyone is making it out to be." she stared as half the party was now on the floor. "Okay, overselling much?" 

But then she saw Otaku cosplay disperse the fart gas w/ a shiny cloud of sparkles. And everyone began to get up after that. And then she saw the sprinkles. And started feeling tingly. 



Edited by Denim&Venom
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  • 3 weeks later...

@Lektra Bolt @Denim&Venom @Buck Testa @Arid_Blitz @Gabriel

ensuing the events that had transpired the look on the Overseer's face was perhaps the most emotional the group would have ever seen it, with the gaps between it's metal pieces representing  it's eyes and mouth being noticeable wider, most likely in surprise, and for the first time he addressed the beings he had taken with some form of emotion "Well... this is rather awkward isn't it?... I was really banking on most of you being dead but that idea's gone to shit." It was at that moment another voice could be heard from beyond the hologram, this was rather refined and well spoken "Um sir? if I may? what about the act you we... 'portraying'" With a sigh the large metal face responded "Well honestly at this point it's all more trouble than it's worth, I kind of need to talk to then otherwise they will likely escape and cause god nose what trouble." The face then turned to Kos-mos "If you so insist on speaking face to face then so be it, I don't really have a choice." with that a small rectangular hole melted from the wall, showing a long dark corridor "Of course you could still kill each other, it would be rather convenient. 

  • Brohoof 1

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Sabir Heyeck, 50th Test Room

The angry smiley face did nothing but glared at the blue haired woman in front of me, the index finger of my right hand raising to the direction of the flying one in a gesture that very clearly said “Shut it” before crossing my arms. She was flying for peeve’s sake, probably even wasn’t real, and I sure as heck didn’t take advice from hallucinations.

The next minute was spent quietly as I listened to them ramble on and on about how smart they were and how they had punked the “Overseer” or whatever the heck that punchable green face pretended to be. Cool and good, punk his arse for forty eight tests more and I might begin to appreciate the work. However, after the brown haired one started speaking, I smelled the burned fumes of bullshit right there. I let her speak in peace about the…Nan…Nano-Nana….Nanaotech or something and how truly wonderful it was supposed to be. I really didn’t pay all the science-y stuff too much mind, but once she mentioned how I should be down on my knees, oh did I get angry.

And then there was this…android? Things meant to kill living entities don't work on her? Yeah right, and the pots of gold at the end of the rainbow were real as well. I politely let the smug lady finish scurrying off behind her unconvincing bodyguard before raising my hands to the sides, the image on my visor turning into those standard three green dots.

“First of all, that’s not an android.” I started politely, heavy breathing still very much apparent as I tried to stifle a chuckle. “Androids are stupid robots, like this.” I continued as I started walking to the side in the most fake robot walk anyone could have possibly imagined, my helmet scrambling my voice to sound like a generic robot to go with it. “Code one three four five six processed, commencing bathroom cleaning cycle, beep boop bap.” And after a few robot dance moves with my hands I stopped, again crossing them in front of my magazine packed chest. “Second of all, robots are freaking cannon fodder…” I exclaimed, my voice returning to normal as I tilted my head to the side, inspecting the supposed machine. “…nor do they look that real.” Honestly, it would have been more believable that she was another freak show escapee like the one that was currently flying above our heads because this whole android thing was the worst excuse I had ever heard.

Suddenly I threw my hands to the side again, the sheer anger from the brown hairs statement slowly becoming too much to handle, a happy green smiley face deceivingly appearing on my visor as I leaned back a little in a friendly gesture. “But hey, who am I to judge. We can argue about this all day but…if you are so damn sure of yourself I can-” as suddenly as I had made the previous gesture, I unholstered the pistol on my right hip, grabbed the "androids" shoulder with my left hand, aimed the pistol at her forehead and squeezed the trigger, the resulting loud noise booming across the room as the metallic clink of the cartridge casing hitting the floor was heard right after.

  • Brohoof 2

They say you can't outrun destiny. I say that they just didn't have a fast enough car.

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