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What do you think of the art in the comics?


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Like the title says, what do you think about the art style in the comics? Personally, I usually like it, except for the artwork of one artist, Jay Fosgitt. I'm really not a fan of the super-deformed way in which he draws the ponies (strangely most non-ponies he draws look fine) and I feel the amount of time they spend on two hooves in those issues is really not in sync with the rest of the comics, to the point where it just takes me out of the issue altogether. Does anyone else have an artist with a style that just takes you out of the story?

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He was at Ciderfest and I thought he did a pretty good job.  He drew all of the kids as ponies, as well as myself and I liked the work.  He also talked about the creative process and restrictions that were put on him, which was really interesting.  Like the first time he drew Daring Do, he put her whip in her hand, but it is supposed to go in her mouth.  I pointed out the error on the figure that my roommate has.

And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit.-- The Tick


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Hit or miss depending on the artist. Some are like Brenda Hickey, Andy Price, and Amy Mebberson are always great, some like Jay Fosgitt, Agnes Garbroska(sp?) and Tony Flecces is 50/50, as are minor/one-time artists

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I generally like. Granted it usually depends on the artist. For me, god-tier tends to be Andy Price, Tony Fleeces, and Brendy Hickey; with the other been hit or miss. In any case, when you give Sombra is most epic pose & such, you are god-tier. Period.


  • Brohoof 3

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On 2017-11-23 at 5:52 PM, PathfinderCS said:

I generally like. Granted it usually depends on the artist. For me, god-tier tends to be Andy Price, Tony Fleeces, and Brendy Hickey; with the other been hit or miss. In any case, when you give Sombra is most epic pose & such, you are god-tier. Period.


I remember that shot. All it needed was this BGM:

Edited by Castle Bleck
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I usually like it, but it's a bit hit or miss with me. I like Jay's art, but only in more laid-back, slice of life stories. His work on Issue 29 (main series) was really cute, vibrant and bouncy, but when he tried to draw an action scene in the Guardians of Harmony one-shot annual, it just fell flat. It was to cute to take seriously, which is a shame because seeing Giant Spike vs Chrysalis under, say, Andy Price, would've been freaking metal.

Brenda's art is great too. Very colorful and bright, matches the show very well too. She does great expressions and draws one very adorable Fluttershy. Katie's art is really nice too, versatile as well. Her art in the holiday special made that comic way better then it would've been. Very bouncy and energetic. Overall though, Andy's gotta be my favorite artist. Maybe it's nostalgia because The Return of Queen Chrysalis was one of the first comics I ever read, but his art is rocking. Great detail, lighting, expressions and just rocks at drawing detailed shots of characters being evil or badass. 

Agnes art is really sweet too. Has a chalk-like aesthetic to it which compliments the colorful nature of the show. It's just a shame that most the comics she tends to draw for tend to be average to below average IMHO.

I loved Ben Bates work in Micro-Series #7. It had a slightly anime/manga look to it without compromising the style of MLP and had a really cool, colorful-but-rough touch to it. Only problem is he seemed to struggle with expressions, the ponies kind of looked weird in a couple shots with awkward facial expressions. Did he do anymore work outside of that issue? I haven't spotted his artwork in any other comic as of yet.

Amy's art is probably the most middle of the road to me. She doesn't do anything wrong, really, but very few panels drawn by her just stand out as really cool scenes. Which is a bit of a bummer because I really like most of the comics she draws for.

I don't dislike Tony's art, but it feels kind of cheap in comparison of the others. I think it's the faces, they don't always look right. His work on Ponies of Dark Water and the Guardians of Harmony one-shot had this weird thing where the lighting in some shots looked more like cheap gradient effects rather then drawings, but looked fine in other shots. 

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  • 1 month later...

Andy Price because I like the facial expressions he does when it comes to the funny parts. Especially for the more reserved characters like Luna and Celestia and the times with the angry red eyes.

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Each artist has his or her own unique style, so to lump it all together as "the art of the comics" would be to oversimplify the question.  I like some art from the comics, but other art, less so.  Ok, I actually like most art from the comics.  I like Price's style for comedic moments but less so for serious moments, though overall I find his style appealing.  I like Garbowska's vibrant colour palette, but Brenda Hickey's style is show-accurate and I like that too.  I've loved Tony Fleece's art at times.  I think he's best suited to comics with darker tones.  As for Jay Fosgitt, he's become somewhat of a swear word for me when an issue concept sounds amazing but I find out he's doing the art.  It tends to be used in the context "oh, Jay Fosgitt".  

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  • 2 years later...

Overall, it's alright. Some artist have really good work which is on par with the show style. Main one being Andy Price. It's always fun to look at the comics he draws, even if the comic itself is bad. Although others, mainly Jay Fosgitt, are not so good. Even if a comic concept is good, it's sorta hard to look at. His style just looks so deformed and weird to me. So again, the comic art is alright. Some look good, and some look bad. Not as consistent as the show's style, obviously.

"Here we are, don't turn away now, We are the warriors that built this town" - Imagine Dragons

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  • 9 months later...

I don't want to say that Jay Fosgit's art is always bad. Sure, some stuff like the Starlight and Twilight Friends Forever issue look really bad, but I think he has done some good stuff. I think the Rainbow and Fluttershy Friends Forever looks good.

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