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1 hour ago, Maple Bat said:

@WiiGuy2014 @Techno Universal @dosey doe

Hearing Maple's voice again caused Woody to go tense he looked at C.Will suddenly and looked down. " It... Helped before but... can... Can you avoid doing that... Now that we're going to all go looking for her it might become problematic if anypony else finds out what's happened to her... Maple has... Rivals who might go looking for her since well I'm sure she's hurt somewhere otherwise she'd have come home. I'm not going to make you stop though..." Woody brushed a paw through his mane, the gray streak in it standing out as he did so... There was a bit more gray than the last time the Wills saw him, probably due to him worrying so much "I do have something I could give you Will. " Woody put a paw to his chest, and a heart formed in his paw. A physical manifestation of his Love. He tossed to the Wills with a smile. "Mr. Techno? Would you like something?"

C. Will blushed strongly. "Sorry Woody, I didn't mean to make you feel bad. Still, this heart you gave me is thoughtful. Will, could you hold on to this for me?"

U. Will switched out and put the heart in his vest for safe-keeping. "Sure, Changeling. And Woody, I'll keep the thing about Maple having rivals in mind."


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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"Aww, thanks so much!" said Wish as she stuck the flower in her mane. In return, she plucked an orchid from among the flowers growing around her hooves, and offered it to Woody. "Best friends!"


By now, Force's train had arrived, and she was in the process of boarding. This being Canterlot, there were many ponies disembarking, and just a few getting on with her. She chose a seat about two thirds of the way to the front of her car, and sat by the window. The car was not too packed, so she set her bags on the empty seat next to her.

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@dosey doe @WiiGuy2014 @Techno Universal

Woody thought about Technos for a moment. He was then distracted by Wish giving him a flower, He took it with a very happy smile crossing his face. Seeing what the mare did with her flower, and him not seeing that before he followed suit, Placing the flower between his ear and deer horn. The color of the flower had reminded Woody of something and he snapped as it popped into his head "Oh, Mr. Techno! I have something I could give you!" Woody opened his, larger than most, wings and flew inot his room, taking a homemade silk scarf out of a drawer, it was mostly yellow but had a pink mixed in. The draconequus flew back into the main room after a very short time offering the scarf to Techno "Mom made this for me a few years back when I was planning on going to Celestia's school. I ended up learning more magic on my own so that was canceled. Plus... It doesn't fit me it would but I started to stand up and the darn thing won't stay on." Woody, who was still air born, leaned back from his sitting-esq pose looked at Wish once again "Do you need someone to walk you home? I need to get out of the house anyway."


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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52 minutes ago, Maple Bat said:

@dosey doe @WiiGuy2014 @Techno Universal

Woody thought about Technos for a moment. He was then distracted by Wish giving him a flower, He took it with a very happy smile crossing his face. Seeing what the mare did with her flower, and him not seeing that before he followed suit, Placing the flower between his ear and deer horn. The color of the flower had reminded Woody of something and he snapped as it popped into his head "Oh, Mr. Techno! I have something I could give you!" Woody opened his, larger than most, wings and flew inot his room, taking a homemade silk scarf out of a drawer, it was mostly yellow but had a pink mixed in. The draconequus flew back into the main room after a very short time offering the scarf to Techno "Mom made this for me a few years back when I was planning on going to Celestia's school. I ended up learning more magic on my own so that was canceled. Plus... It doesn't fit me it would but I started to stand up and the darn thing won't stay on." Woody, who was still air born, leaned back from his sitting-esq pose looked at Wish once again "Do you need someone to walk you home? I need to get out of the house anyway."

Techno then smiled as he took the scarf and tied it around his neck securely with a long portion of the scarf hanging loosely from his neck. Techno then snuggled his head into the scarf...


TU: Ohh I absolutely love this! It fits perfectly plus it’s extremely long so it would look amazing when fluttering around in strong winds! Seriously thanks Woody! :)


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Moon poked the pile of fabric, before picking it up with her hoof. She struggled a bit at first, as she was used to using her magic, before managing to complete the task. As it unrolled from it's balled up state, it was revealed to be a worn out black hooded cloak, with a few tears here and there. Moon muttered something under her breath as she fastened the garment. "Knew I should've...told me so many times...Storm...would've been for the best..." She sighed, examining it. "I'll have to buy a new one. Definitely not looking forward to that...Anyway." She turned to the cave entrance, a new look of determination upon her face as she trotted out of it, looking for all the world like a normal unicorn mare, albeit an unusually colored one.

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@Maple Bat @dosey doe

There were two stallions standing at either side of the main entrance to the tower, both wearing clean suits and ties, clearly acting as subtle guards.  They glanced at Nova as he and Maple Bat exited, a bit surprised at having to look UP at a pony for a change.  With his cloak hiding his wings and cutie mark, Nova simply appeared as a tall unicorn.  Hopefully, nopony in Canterlot would sense otherwise.

Picking a direction, he starting off walking down the street, Maple following closely.  His eyes moved about the various ponies as they went about their business, studying them.

"They look so content, don't they?" he asked Maple.  "Not a care in the world.  I wonder if everypony in Equestria is so carefree.  It's amazing that no one has been able to take over yet, wouldn't you think?"





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@dosey doe @WiiGuy2014 @Techno Universal

Woody smiled the one fang catching the light making it gleam off his smile "Glad you love it Mr. Techno! With that said You should head home and gather things, you might need. This will be a little adventure for all of us! Speaking of which... I actually should get some water and stuff... If we get info on her location I'm going to head there. Hopefully, you'll all come with me if that time comes... I'm sure you will Mr. Will. I mean you've been such a great friend to me already. I thank you so much for everything you've done for me." Woody quickly, but carefully lifted the wills into a hug. He was in a really good mood, So he felt it necessary to make everypony else feel the way he did. When he was sad it was the opposite.


@nx9100  @dosey doe

Maple, after she and Nova traveled out, kept giving intense glares to ponies who even looked at her funny which was a good number of ponies. Hearing what Nova said she scoffed "Believe me without the elements of harmony or royal guards doing all the work there would've been somepony else on that throne. Most ponies learned for 'Tia... Learned to do nothing if somepony else can do it." After that last line, Maple let a scowl cross her face, she hated how true she perceived the line to be. She was the... now Ex-head of the Nightguard. And the competence of said soldiers was... well they did more than the average pony... most of the time.


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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1 hour ago, Maple Bat said:

@dosey doe @WiiGuy2014 @Techno Universal

Woody smiled the one fang catching the light making it gleam off his smile "Glad you love it Mr. Techno! With that said You should head home and gather things, you might need. This will be a little adventure for all of us! Speaking of which... I actually should get some water and stuff... If we get info on her location I'm going to head there. Hopefully, you'll all come with me if that time comes... I'm sure you will Mr. Will. I mean you've been such a great friend to me already. I thank you so much for everything you've done for me." Woody quickly, but carefully lifted the wills into a hug. He was in a really good mood, So he felt it necessary to make everypony else feel the way he did. When he was sad it was the opposite.


@nx9100  @dosey doe

Maple, after she and Nova traveled out, kept giving intense glares to ponies who even looked at her funny which was a good number of ponies. Hearing what Nova said she scoffed "Believe me without the elements of harmony or royal guards doing all the work there would've been somepony else on that throne. Most ponies learned for 'Tia... Learned to do nothing if somepony else can do it." After that last line, Maple let a scowl cross her face, she hated how true she perceived the line to be. She was the... now Ex-head of the Nightguard. And the competence of said soldiers was... well they did more than the average pony... most of the time.

TU: Well honestly Woody Celestia did teach me how to use a pocket dimension as my own personal storage room so I’ve technically already got all my stuff with me! So whenever I need something I just quickly open a portal to the pocket dimension and grab what I need!


Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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@Maple Bat @dosey doe

Nova grinned as he glanced back at Maple.  "Do I detect a hint of resentment in your voice?" he asked with a chuckle.  "Didn't care much for all this...'harmony' and 'friendship'?"  He waved a hoof around while speaking.  "I don't blame you.  I can almost taste it in the air.  It's so... repulsive..."





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5 hours ago, Maple Bat said:

@dosey doe @WiiGuy2014 @Techno Universal

Woody smiled the one fang catching the light making it gleam off his smile "Glad you love it Mr. Techno! With that said You should head home and gather things, you might need. This will be a little adventure for all of us! Speaking of which... I actually should get some water and stuff... If we get info on her location I'm going to head there. Hopefully, you'll all come with me if that time comes... I'm sure you will Mr. Will. I mean you've been such a great friend to me already. I thank you so much for everything you've done for me." Woody quickly, but carefully lifted the wills into a hug. He was in a really good mood, So he felt it necessary to make everypony else feel the way he did. When he was sad it was the opposite.

As Woody picked up Will, they shifted so that both Unicorn and Changeling were physically out. 

"You're welcome, Woody." They said with a smile and a gentle pat on his back.

"As you know," U. Will said. "Most Disney objects I can conjure up with my Unicorn Magic give me most of the tools I use from swords to books. So I don't need to carry much."

"And all the love I would need come from my Unicorn soulmate" said C. Will "So I personally don't need to worry about rations"

"Well, we're ready whenever you are" The Wills said.


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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"I just need to pick up a few things from home, if that's okay," said Wish. "Of course I'd be happy if you came along, Woody. It was nice meeting everypony. Are we going to meet up at the train station, then?"

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@WiiGuy2014 @dosey doe @Techno Universal

Woody smiled at all this, he felt overwhelmed with a mix of happiness and acceptance. "Alright good to know two of you are good to head out... Meeting at the train station would be good, Then we can all head to canterlot by flying, with me helping Ms. Song," Woody looked back to her his same silly smile beaming on his face. "So... where do you live?"



"It's not really that I didn't care for it... More of... Friendship didn't care for me." She stomped a hoof, signifying that she wasn't exactly going into detail about it. "Most of my resentment falls upon a certain princess..."


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Maple Bat @dosey doe

Nova nodded as they continued on, watching all the so-called 'high society' ponies trotting along around them.  All completely oblivious to who was standing in their midst.  "The sun-witch has much to answer for," he told Maple.  "From banishing our moon goddess and later imprisoning her in the false-princess.... plus any number of infractions against her supposed 'subjects'."  His eyes lifted to gaze upon the royal towers in the distance.  "All that power, and she doesn't even use it...  what a waste."





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"Oh, from here you just take a right at the fountain and it's three blocks down. It's the yellow one with the flowers and the windows and the door," said Wish, narrowing it down to every house in the neighborhood.

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@dosey doe

The Canterlot Train Station was a crowded as always, leaving Starshine to have to push her way through the ponies as they exited the train.  Finally, a clear path presented itself, and she was able to board.  The train was just about to leave, and as she was one of the last to climb on, most of the seats had been filled.  Moving through the coach, she noticed a light-purple mare with a blond mane sitting by a window.  The seat in front of her was the last empty one, so Starshine set her saddlebag down on it.  "Excuse me," she said in a soft voice, "is this seat taken?"





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"Nope! Make yourself comfy," said Force, and introduced herself - as
Lightheart, of course.

After introductions were done, she asked Starshine, "So, are you headed to Ponyville too?" She produced some snacks for them out of her saddlebags.

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@dosey doe

"Thank you," Starshine said, taking the snack offering.  "And yes, I'm going to visit with a... special friend."  She blushed a bit.  "He lives there, and my work has kept me away from him for a while.  We're both looking forward to seeing each other again."  She munched on some of the snacks.  "MMmm....."

Edited by nx9100





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@dosey doe

Woody could barely tell the houses apart, He scratched his head with a paw. He tried to look like he understood where she lived to avoid being rude but... He couldn't really tell the difference... "Sorry, Ms. Song... I can't really tell.. Why don't you just lead me to it." He smiled trying to be a bit more polite he worried that Wish was going to get upset with him. It had happened with a few Scared, and Angry points before "I'm sure it's quite the lovely place! "

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Oh, how nice to see old friends after time apart. I'm just sight-seeing myself. I've heard that Princess Celestia spends more time in Ponyville than anywhere else other than Canterlot!" Force said, and crunched a saltine.

"Dr yr knr irf shr hrs a vrsrt plrnnd anrtrm srrn?"

"Oh, there it is!" Wish said after a minute. The home had a massive welcome mat out front with the words "MAKE A WISH!" embroidered on it in fancy pink script. The exclamation point was dotted with a heart.

"Oh, um, right. Maybe I should've mentioned that."

  • Brohoof 1
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@dosey doe

Starshine shook her head.  "I'm sorry, but I don't know," she replied.  "I've seen her there before, always visiting with Princess Twilight about some important matter or some such."  She thought about it as the train started moving.  "I usually see Twilight and her friends around town, and would suggest introducing yourself, but they are away at the moment.  An important royal visit to Saddle Arabia, I believe."





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@dosey doe

"Huh, Surprised I didn't see that," Woody said with a chuckle He read it again, he felt really warm inside after he did, a smile crossed his muzzle to confirm that. "I was right. It's quite the place. I'll just wait out here while you get what you need. I certainly don't want to intrude. I need to practice singing anyways." Woody did seem out of it since he hadn't done too much for the past weeks he'd only started to sing when he used magic and he didn't do that a lot. He sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes looking up to the sky singing softly to himself the tune was lighthearted and beautiful.



" All that power and she relies on other ponies to do almost everything for her, it's pathetic. I always wondered if 'Tia's power was truly just a tale. " Maple waved a hoof off handily at her own comment scanning anypony near the two to see if they were listening or giving them odd looks, not that somepony would be caught staring at her. She didn't have a reputation for violence but she looked like she was ready to start a fight due to appearance.


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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@Maple Bat

Nova nodded in agreement.  "I too have after wondered if the Adepts' tales of her power were overblown," he said.  "I mean, how else could the Changelings almost take over?  Or even Discord, for that matter?"  He looked up and the sun above them, refusing to squint his eyes in the bright light.  "We are left with two possibilities.  Either her power is far less than is believed, or," his cobalt eyes focused on her own, "she really IS as powerful as they say, and she's been letting others do her work for her.  Perhaps her powers, while strong, have limits.  Or else she just enjoys watching others do her work for her."  

By now, their walk had taken them closer to the castle itself, and they past a squad of Royal Guards on patrol.  Nova watched them out of the corner of his eye, but they didn't give the two outsiders a second glance.





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