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general media Favorite genres of fiction


Favorite genres of fiction  

18 users have voted

  1. 1. What are your favorite genres of fiction?

    • Slice of Life
    • Comedy
    • Drama
    • Romance
    • Action
    • Adventure
    • Thriller
    • Mystery
    • Crime
    • Historical
    • Western
    • Horror
    • Fantasy
    • Science Fiction?
    • Other

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I pick action,adventure, historical, fantasy and sci-fi

Action- Superheroes are action.

Adventure- do like what to explore, like you in a story and being on adventure.

Historical- Like history, depend on history like world war or some history in Britain

Fantasy- something to do with Unicorns/Pegacron

Sci-Fi- If it something like Doctor Who and Star Wars.

Proud British Brony

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Considering that my favorite writers are Pratchett, S. King, Martin and Sheckley, that I grew up reading Harry Potter and Martian Chronicles, and that I'm currently rereading the whole Witcher series, my picks are obvious: fantasy, sci-fi, thriller and adventure.

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I picked Sci-Fi and Crime, but I also like Alternate History (which I guess could be considered part of the Historical genre) and have read a fair share of HP Lovecraft.

Sci-Fi- I think the fact that I ran through the entire Star Trek franchise last year says enough here, even with the fact I have a compilation (done by Isaac Asimov. Yes, that one, obviously) of 1930's Sci-Fi  stories in my house I read from time to time.

Crime- I've read at least half of Agatha Christie's novels, and I've watched plenty of crime shows. Heck, I was watching Forensic Files when I was 8 or 9 years old. In fact, at one time I wanted to be an investigator. Though after hearing what I'd need to do, I changed my mind.

Alternate History- Haven't read any books, but watch a lot of YouTube videos on the subject. I find the whole genre very fascinating. In fact, over the past couple of days I've been binging Timeless (it sort of is about Alternate History, so it is relevant to a degree).

As for HP Lovecraft stories, I used to have a copy of the Necronomicon (not the book in the stories, but a compilation of the stories) lying around, but I let somebody else have it, as I'd read all of the stories and was a bit jaded of them at the time anyways.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Adventure, historical, fantasy and science-fiction. Best is if all of them get combined.

Alex, Alex! You're walking away from history! History! Did Chris Columbus say he wanted to stay home? No! What if the Wright Brothers thought that only birds should fly? And did Galoka think that the Yulus were too ugly to save? -- Centauri to Alex Rogan; "The Last Starfighter" (1984)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Most of my favorites are Science fiction and Adventure, but I like Fantasy and Slice of life. There are good examples of every genre but these are the most prevalent in my personal lineup. It would be nice if there were more Horror titles that were done right rather than cheap jump-scare movies and slashers. It's like the overlooked and underappreciated genre. I'd love to see a new classic horror story.

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