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Your OC as a cat?


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***This is closed on Weekends***

I draw them in my sketchbook at school, and I'm not allowed to take it out of the classroom. Sure I can sneak it home but I would rather not risk getting in trouble. Since there is no school in weekends, I can only draw them from Monday to Friday.


I can't draw ponies right now, just cats mostly. I would love to draw your OC as one.

this is how my art looks like, but yours will be more digital looking, and not on paper. I used to have a lot of art like that but most of it is lost somewhere on my extremely disorganized laptop.



this is what I mean by more digital



Edited by EchoOfCanada95

princess luna signature.png

signature made by Daybreaker!

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This looks like fun, I'm up for it. :)

If possible I'd like to be a bigger sort of cat, like a Persian, Himalayan, or a Maine Coon, and an expression like this :mustache:

That look you get when your father can't decide if he's more confused or dissapointed in you sort of expression.


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Hey there EchoOfCanada! 

She isn't my character of course, but would you try drawing Twilight Sparkle as a cat? I'd like to see that. :)

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Could you do my Diamond?


Also, a lightsaber with a purple blade would be much appreciated if you can!

Edited by Powerhaus

“And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!”

-King Dice

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Aaaa that's adorable, thank you EchoOfCanada! ^ ^

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know it is closed right now, but I will drop a request. Can you draw my OC Dust Shot? A more slim cat if possible, and maybe a wrench in his mouth. Thanks!


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