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open MLP Magic Academy RP (closed)


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@JCKane @reader8363,

The stallion paused at the Head mare's disbelief and realized just how believable story was. In fact, it could have easily been entirely the unicorn's fault. Perhaps he was doing himself a disservice stepping in. The pegasus could be a first year. If that was true then the Head mare would know, and the only pony that could take the blame would be the unicorn. This confliction gave the stallion a visual pause as he broke eye-contact, but he soon recovered, 'If I'm this far in, backing down would just make things worse for me,'  "That is... unless you can explain the sudden disappearance of my ingredients then I'm afraid that's the best explanation we have."

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@JCKane @Loud Opinion
Merx nodded and said, "That might be the possibility but with magic and potion ingredients, who can actually know. It happened fast that I was barely able to get the guitar out."

@Alex Van Gamer
Lil nodded and said, "That's right, we're new to this school. If Pollu wasn't nervous about almost everything, she would have done something else, but we didn't know that we had to demonstrate where we are on talent."

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As they parted from the hug, Dynamo smiled and appreciated her kind words. "Thank you and I really appreciate it. I don't know what Cosmic's issues are, but he's a pony who will never change." He shook his head, but chose to ignore the bully for the time being. "Just wanted to let you know that the feeling is mutual. If you ever need somepony to talk to, or if you have something on your mind, then let me know. You're my friend and I'm here to help my friends out to the best of my abilities." He says as they decided to get back on topic. Right now, he had made a friend and they were still helping Dynamo out with the Academy tour. "You've got that right. I'm guessing the dorm rooms are located outside the campus? That, or they are in another part of the Academy?"

@Alex Van Gamer

Cosmic heartily chuckles while shaking his head. "I'm only kidding, or am I?" He raised his eyebrows a couple of times to emphasize his brand of humor. He nods in agreement, but he couldn't help, but shudder at the mentioning of the Head Mare. "Now that's a pony who rules with an iron fist. I'm all about causing trouble and mischief, but I'm smart enough to avoid her wrath. Still...she does see us as talented and top class. So, we can possibly have that as an advantage." He says while bouncing ideas around with his partner in crime. The neon green unicorn leans against the wall, as Heidi went on to explain what her goals were and why she was here. He could almost feel the shock wave as she slammed her hoof to the ground. He raised an eyebrow and huffs. "Sounds to me like you have problems with the folks. Don't you know that cloud walking spell? Even a spell that lets you fly. It can show that you have more talent than that annoying brother of yours." He tapped his back hoof on the ground, while trying to think of a solution. His eyes widened as he felt an idea was beginning to form in his mind. "Why don't you learn those spells? They aren't that difficult and once you do, it'll prove to your father that you are more capable to run that company." He grins wickedly at the idea. "Maybe I can even help you. Who knows? It'll give me a reason to learn more spells in the process." He pushed off from the wall as he made his way back over to Heidi. "However, is that all? Is there anything that you don't like at this school? A certain pony or group that you want to take down a peg or two?"

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Midnight left the gymnasium and was shocked by the display he had seen. He then continued to the cafeteria to find something to eat to his luck all he found was a vending machine. He said I guess that will have to do. He walked away with his chips grimacing as he ate them. He was use to canterlot like food not typical vending machine food. He kept on walking back to his room. He got back to his room and fell asleep a soon as his head hit the pillow.

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@Dynamo Pad

Solar nods at Dynamo's responses before getting abck to the tour, "Well, it depends on how you look at it, I guess," Solar spout said, "It's all one big building, but their's a courtyard in the middle of the building.  Which you can either take that or the halls of the building to reach the dorms.  But let's walk and talk." She said as she began to walk.

@reader8363 @Loud Opinion

The Head Mare listened to what they had to say before her sharp stare turned to Shadow Flare, "So, is this true?" She asked.

Shadow Flare was put into a position now... she was touched that the others were standing up for what she did... but, could she just lie like that?  Wasn't Honesty one of the Elements of Harmony?  Then again, the other two ponies, could very well get in more trouble if she told the truth... She wouldn't want that... so slowly she nodded her head, not trusting herself to speak.

Sunshine Daisy keeps her gaze on Shadow Flare for a moment longer after the nod.  She then turned to the other two ponies.

"Very well then," Sunshine Daisy said sternly, "For punishment, Merx, your guitar will be taken away from you until you can learn to properly handle it.  This includes any instruments you may have brought with you.  If you require the instrument for your learning, including the talent classes, you may come to my office to collect it, but you will return it after said classes are done.  Being bored does not count as required for learning."

She didn't even stop to let Merx properly react before turning her attention to Gold Dust, "As for you, One week's detention starting today," The Head Mare continued, "You should know better than to be caring around such combustible ingredients without proper care.  You are not a first year after all.  So you will report to my office after your classes are over for the day to find how you will spending your detention.  We'll discuss your Saturday and Sunday Detentions later."


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The Stallion let his head fall back in relief only to realize he wasn't out of the woods yet and let out a small groan to feign disappointment. This wasn't the first time dealing with a higher authority, and though he wasn't as smooth as his friend Silver, his family was powerful and wealthy allowing him more than enough occasions to learn to face powerful ponies without falter. He had been spared from the worst. Sunshine's sentence had arrived, but if he wasn't careful, his lies could easily be in vain. "Yes, Head mare. I'll try to be more responsible in the future," the Stallion replied as he craned his head low to stare at the ground.

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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Dynamo nods as Solar explained the layout of the entire building. "That's good to know. I guess in case somepony is late, then they can take a quicker way to get to the classrooms." He says while speaking his thoughts out loud. He nods as they begin to walk and get a better idea of the area. "Hmm...what else is there to talk about? I mean, we have talked about our talents, and where we are from. How about something simple? What's your favorite color? I have a bunch of favorites ranging from red, blue, orange and black, but I would have to go with purple as my favorite color."

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@Dynamo Pad

"Purple's an interesting color," Solar Pad said as she continued to walk down the hall, "Though I have to say my favorite Color is Ocean Blue... for obvious reasons." She said with a smile.


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Dynamo smiled as they continued to walk down the hall. "Glad you approve of my preferences/taste in favorite colors. Also, Ocean Blue is a pretty nice color. It's pretty fitting since it has Ocean in the name." He says and looks at her with a smirk. "Are you sure it's not your favorite because I might be an Ocean Blue color?" He chuckles aloud and gives her a smirk. "I'm only kidding and sorry about that. I get my sense of humor from my dad." He says while trying to think of another question to ask. "Hmm...are there things that you dislike and/or fears? Also is there anything that you'd like to know from me?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Solar Spout giggled at Dynamo's accusation, "Well, I do like the color of the ocean," She said as she looked at him for the slight tease he made, "And the color looks good on you."

Solar then frowns slightly at the next question, "Well," She said, "... Spiders.  I don't like spiders!  Their icky!"

She paused slightly as she thought of something to ask him, "Oh, what's your favorite video game?"


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Dynamo nodded in agreement with Solar's statement. "The ocean does have a really nice color. Even the fish and everything in the ocean is so majestic, colorful and so beautiful." He blushes slightly at her response to his teasing. "Oh, well uh, t-thank you. I'm glad you think so. If I can be honest, I think you look pretty cute in my opinion." He smiles sheepishly while running a hoof through his mane. 

He shudders at the mention of her fear and quickly nods. "Thank you! I just can't stand those things. Just the sight of one freaks me out. One time my mom wanted to watch a movie with me. I think the movie was Pinkie Pool, but I'm not too sure. Still, she thought she saw a spider in the bed and I flipped out. I got out of bed and nearly ran through the door." He shook his head and slightly chuckled. "What my mom saw was just a plain old fuzz from her blanket. She said she had never seen me run so fast before."

He placed a hoof under his chin as she asked about his favorite game. "Hmm...my favorite game, huh? If it's an online game, then I would have to go with Overwatch. I really like the different play styles of each hero. The game can be really competitive, but it's a lot of fun. However, if we are talking about non online game, then I would have to go with the Kingdom Hearts series. I really love how they can mix different characters from different universes into one game. I really do like the combat and the story is pretty interesting to look into, as well. I remember you mentioning that you liked to play some multiplayer type of games. What are some games that you like to play from time to time?" 

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@Dynamo Pad

"It is beautiful isn't it," Solar spout said at the remark, "Why I enjoy swimming so much!  Well one of the reasons."  She smiled at his compliment, "Why thank you," She said not realizing it may have been more than a compliment. 

She then giggled at the spider incident, "Those crafty Spiders! I think they trick people by running by disappearing and leaving fuzz in their place."

She then listened to him reply to his favorite games before smiling at his question," Well, I don't got the biggest collection," She said, "But I have Minecraft, A few Pony-o games like Pony-o party and Pony-o kart.  Even Played some Skyrim."


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"It really is. Whenever I go swimming, I feel like I'm one with the ocean, if that makes sense." He chuckles before smiling. "Just the quietness, the beauty and mystery is what makes the ocean a vast place. It's always fun swimming with friends, but it's a cool place to explore and all that. You're welcome, as well." He says while nodding at her thanks.

Dynamo's eyes widen at Solar's possible theory. "That would explain so much, but still leaves so many questions! I mean, my mom wasn't feeling well at that time, but what if it was more than that. What if it was a fuzz, but then seeing those things would be scarier." He shook his head at the thought while shuddering. "I don't even want to think about it. Spiders freak me out and will freak me out for the rest of my life. I'm just glad I'm not the only one, who has that fear." He says while frowning slightly. "Although, I do have a fear of failure. I know everyone hates to fail, but I always feel like I'll fail and then all my friends and loved ones will leave me. Thinking that I'm a failure and that I'll always fail and let them down." He says while looking at her and giving an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry about that. It's funny, you know? You're one of the few that I've ever told that about. I've told my parents and they told me never to worry about that. While it's true, I just can't help, but have that at the back of my mind. I guess it's just a force of habit."

He smiled happily at her choice of games. "I've tried getting into Minecraft, but it never really caught my attention. I love the Pony-o games. My favorite party game would probably be Pony-o 3. I would always play as Yoshi since he's my favorite from the cast of characters. I've heard of Skyrim, but I never got a chance to play it. I might have to get that game and see what it's all about." He says as was thinking about another question. "You said the color of the ocean is one of the reasons why you like it so much? Are there any other reasons as to why you love the ocean and swimming?"

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@Dynamo Pad

Solar Spout smiled at his description of the ocean and understood exactly what he was talking about.  She giggled at his comments over her theory before telling him about his other fear.

"Oh, I know a little bit about that," Solar Spout said, "Well, it may not be the exact same, but I do fear sometimes that no matter what I do... I just won't be able to get my mother's full approval." She said then stopped… she didn't mean to tell him that but there it was out there.  He mentioned the games and she smiled before he asked about the ocean.

"Well, I just can't explain it," She said, "I mean you hit the nail on the head before about it's quietness and beauty.  But it just calls to me.  Like I belong there... it's just hard to explain really."


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Dynamo continued to walk with Solar, as she explained how her fear was somewhat similar, but still pretty different. He continued to walk, but stopped as he didn't hear her footsteps were following his own. He looked back and he could almost see a vulnerable look in her eyes. He frowns and nods while turning to face her. "I guess I'm not the only one who has something to fear inside." He walked over to Solar and places a comforting hoof upon her shoulders. "I'm really glad that you told me. I think I can understand how you feel about that. You see, it's the same way when it comes to Cosmic." Seeing the confused look in her eyes, he couldn't help in chuckling a little. "I know it sounds crazy, but back then, he was somewhat nice. I met him a long time ago in school and we seemed to have a good understanding. We hung out, had laughs and everything. Pretty soon, he changed and he wasn't the same Cosmic that I knew. It was as if he showed everyone his true colors and became a bully because of his true self." He shook his head slowly as the memories came back to him. "It's sad, to be honest. I looked up to him and wanted to be like him. He was like a brother to me, but I guess he could never understand. To him, he looks into the past and I guess I can't change that. He and his clan wanted to force other down a path they didn't want to follow. I was glad I was able to stand up to him and gain my cutie mark. Although, there are times I think that he can change and be the pony he was before."

He shrugged his shoulders and got back on track. "I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to go off topic, but I understand how you feel. I know you'll be able to get the approval of your mother. You're kind, friendly, sweet, caring, funny, smart and all around a great pony. I know we just met and became friends, but I believe that you have a lot of talent and potential. No matter what happens, just remember that you're my friend and I'll always have your back." He smiles softly at her, while looking at her with kindness and warmth in his eyes. "Hey, let's keep walking. We still have to find the dorms and everything." He chuckles as he begins walking through the hallways with her, once more.

He nods at her explanation on belonging when it comes to the ocean. "It kind of is difficult to explain, but at the same time, it isn't. It's the same way when it comes to myself and video games. The lights, the sounds, the characters, the story and everything. Sometimes I feel as if I belong in video games, or it just calls to me. I feel as if I lose track of time while playing games. Being able to relate to characters that don't even exist. I know it sounds silly or crazy, but I feel as if there's a way to get to the gaming world. The arcade owner back in Fillydelphia gave me a book that has some crazy spells, but I could never understand why he gave a book like that to me. I hope that one day I'll figure out the reason, but I haven't looked into it, at the moment." He shook his head and chuckles once more. Giving the mare next to him an apologetic look. "Again, I'm really sorry about that. I have a bad habit of getting off topic. Still, just like when it comes to you and the ocean. I feel the same way when it comes to video games." He says while grinning happily. 

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@Dynamo Pad

Solar Spout smiled at him sharing his stories with him.  It was rather nice of him to do so, "Oh you don't have to apologies for getting off topic," She said with a smile, "And it's very sweet of you for your kind words about me.. Just, I don't know... My mother expects one thing of me... and I'm not even sure I'm capable of doing that.... I want her to appreciate the pony that I am... and not the Pony she wants me to be."  Again Solar drifts off as she has never really told anypone this.  But it was nice to finally have someone to talk to about it.


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Dynamo smiled and nods at her remark. "That's good to hear and thanks for letting me know. I sometimes go explain something to full detail, so that way, everypony knows what's going on. That, and then things don't become confusing later on. My parents were never a fan of that and always wanted me to get to the point." He chuckles, before calming down and smiles kindly. "I only say those sweet words because they are true. I understand how you feel. Sometimes, I feel as if I have to live up to some expectation. When it comes to games, it's always about winning and losing, instead of having fun." He noticed the sad expression on her face. He frowned and wondered what he could do to help his friend. He grinned slightly as he remembered being told something once. "I think you should be yourself. The pony that I'm talking to now is true and is not something she's supposed to be. You don't have to live up to your mom's expectations. She thinks that everyone is supposed to be this elite status and is stern and such. I don't know much, but my old teacher told me this." He cleared his throat and tried to imitate his teacher's voice. "When it comes to playing games, always remember this. Always stay true to yourself and never meet one's expectations. Instead, meet your own. If you have a dream, then seize it! Never let anypony tell you to go down their path. Your mark is your destiny. Your destiny is your truth. Your truth is your happiness."

He grins while feeling nostalgic, before getting back on topic. "What he meant was, always be yourself. Never strive and become what one forces you to be. If they can't be happy with what you become, then it's their loss. They're missing out on seeing an amazing pony like you shine." He pulls Solar into a tight, yet comforting embrace. "I know you're capable of greatness, Solar. Your mother is family and she should appreciate what you want to be. Just remember this." He pulls back from the hug and looks her in the eyes. "You're my friend. I'll always support your decision. If your mom doesn't understand, then I will. Friends look out for one another and I'll always be here, if you ever need to talk about anything, okay? That's my promise and I'll never go back on my promise to a friend." He was glad to see that Solar and he could connect on certain things, but he felt sad that she was going through a lot. He didn't know why he said what he said, but he knew he wanted to make his friend be happy and to be true to themselves.


Edited by Dynamo Pad
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