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private Everfree Dark Tournament RP

Literally Snails

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9 hours ago, Unicorncob said:

Jade sighed with relief as she sat on the bed, the soft fabric feeling like heaven on her aching hooves. "Thank you," she muttered, still struggling to stay sat up with how little energy she had left.

Her ear flicked up and she looked to see Shining Armour barge through the door and bark something about the next team.

"This couldn't have waited until we've rested?" she growled crabbily. Perhaps she picked up more from Tricis than she thought.

Dynamo glanced over to Jade and weakly nodded his head at her gratitude. "You're welcome, Jade." He was surprised slightly at his captain's response towards Shining Armor, but he couldn't blame her. Looking to everyone, it seemed as though everyone was exhausted from their fights. They would all be used to their fights in time, but it still wouldn't be any easier.


1 hour ago, Literally Snails said:

@Dynamo Pad@reader8363 @dragon4111 @Snow Frostflame

"That's just the thing," Shining Armor said, "You're fighting again tomorrow. There are two more matches today, Team Tsunami versus the Shadow beasts, and Team Crimos versus team Cleave, but the team you're up against tomorrow already won their round in the time it took you to get back to the hotel room! We don't have a lot of time before you fight again tomorrow afternoon, but we lucked out on one thing. The next team you'll be fighting was very easy for me to research."

He placed the scrolls down on the coffee table in the center of the couches. "Team Lockdown is your next opponent, and their team is made up entirely of criminals serving a life sentence or worse. If they win this tournament, they're set free! But that's not the worst part. This is a rough bunch. I had contacts from Canterlot pull all their files and I had to warn you as soon as I could."

Dynamo narrowed his eyes in annoyance as he heard that they were fighting again tomorrow. "Oh, come on. We just got through our matches and now we have another match so soon? None of the teams can get a day of rest, so we can prepare any strategies!? Not only that, but how are we supposed to get our strength back for tomorrow? I don't think a day of rest can help that much." He sighed in annoyance. Just then, a thought had crossed his mind. "Hey, Shining Armor? Here's something I want to know. Is this the work or the tournament committee, or is this how the tournament usually works?" He asks, but was shocked at the revelation of the other team had won already. "They won as soon as we made it back to the hotel? How tough are these guys? What are they trying to do? See if they can beat Team Rokata's fast victory the other day?" He asks, while wondering what kind of fighters this team was.

He was given his answer as Shining Armor placed the scrolls on the center of the couches. Dynamo leaned forward to get a good look of the files for each team member. He grimaced slightly as he learned what the team was made up of. "These guys sound like a wholesome bunch. What kind of style do they have when they fight? That, or do they fight in a certain way? For example, do they have one on one fights, or do they fight differently from other teams?" He wondered as Shining Armor continued his explanation.

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@Literally Snails

@Dynamo Pad

Draco sighed and said to Dynamo "Kid you ever work a job that requires you to be traveling? judging by that reaction you haven't," he stated as he sat down as he looked at the scrolls with some professionalism. "Sometimes you have to get your rest when you can," Draco stated as he saw the ice maker nearly draw his blade. "Seriously Relax will you?" Draco asked the ice maker with a serious look on his face. "Honestly whatever tragedy you had in your past get over it,"


@Snow Frostflame

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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14 minutes ago, dragon4111 said:

@Literally Snails

@Dynamo Pad

Draco sighed and said to Dynamo "Kid you ever work a job that requires you to be traveling? judging by that reaction you haven't," he stated as he sat down as he looked at the scrolls with some professionalism. "Sometimes you have to get your rest when you can," Draco stated as he saw the ice maker nearly draw his blade. "Seriously Relax will you?" Draco asked the ice maker with a serious look on his face. "Honestly whatever tragedy you had in your past get over it,"


@Snow Frostflame

Dynamo's ears perked as he heard Draco was addressing him. "Yes, I have actually. My job is both working at a gaming arcade and traveling to compete in tournaments. Competing in tournaments has me traveling to far off locations. Most of the time, the competitions allow their competitors to rest and prepare for the next day. I only assumed that the tournament has been out to get us." He didn't want to argue, but he at least had to defend himself without causing a problem. 'He doesn't know me. While I don't know him either, he could at least try to get to know me. Only then, would he understand where I'm coming from.' He wanted to clench a fist, but chose not to. He didn't want to make Draco or anyone else think that he got to the blue unicorn.

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22 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:

"Oh, come on. We just got through our matches and now we have another match so soon? None of the teams can get a day of rest, so we can prepare any strategies!? Not only that, but how are we supposed to get our strength back for tomorrow? I don't think a day of rest can help that much."


"Has it occurred to you yet that the powers that be aren't interested in making this fair for you?" Tricis asked. "You're not gonna get anywhere by complaining. We've still got a day till the next fight."

22 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:

"Hey, Shining Armor? Here's something I want to know. Is this the work or the tournament committee, or is this how the tournament usually works?"

"No, Tricis is right. This year's competition is different. They've already changed the schedule after your fight with Tatterhoof to make sure you had the second fight tomorrow. you were supposed to get a longer time to rest, but there isn't much I can do about that now." Shining Armor explained.

22 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:

"They won as soon as we made it back to the hotel? How tough are these guys? What are they trying to do? See if they can beat Team Rokata's fast victory the other day?"

"It seems like a lot of the teams are mismatched this year. It's shaping up to be the most competitive Dark Tournament in recent memory." Tricis commented.

22 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:

"These guys sound like a wholesome bunch. What kind of style do they have when they fight? That, or do they fight in a certain way? For example, do they have one on one fights, or do they fight differently from other teams?"


"Alright Pad, slow down! All I know is what's in their criminal records." Shining Armor explained.

@dragon4111 @Unicorncob @Snow Frostflame @reader8363

Shining Armor placed the scrolls on the table and picked up only the first one. He unwrapped it and reviewed its contents.

"Alright, you three can pick fights after this meeting," Tricis said to Pad, Draco and Snow. "We've got a rare opportunity to know our opponents before we fight them."

Shining Armor placed the opened scroll on the table. There was a head picture on the file of a green unicorn with heavy facial piercings bellow his eyes, on his cheeks and ears and on his lips. The piercings were made of gold, steel, and zinc and were of various sizes and shapes, and his ears had large hoop piercings with smaller rings looped inside the hoops. "This one's name is Patchwork, age 34." Shining Armor explained. "Believe it or not, this guy used to be a surgeon. Had a pretty good record too. Until two years ago when he started losing an alarming amount of patients. Turned out he was doing some 'experimental procedures' as he called it. Medical malpractice is what the courts called it, and the charges were upgraded to murder when he all but confessed that he knew the risks and didn't inform his patients. The problem is that they never found out the nature of those procedures or what he was trying to accomplish, but he only did it to his unicorn patients, and it seemed like he was trying to experiment with them."

Edited by Literally Snails
  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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43 minutes ago, Literally Snails said:

"Has it occurred to you yet that the powers that be aren't interested in making this fair for you?" Tricis asked. "You're not gonna get anywhere by complaining. We've still got a day till the next fight."

"No, Tricis is right. This year's competition is different. They've already changed the schedule after your fight with Tatterhoof to make sure you had the second fight tomorrow. you were supposed to get a longer time to rest, but there isn't much I can do about that now." Shining Armor explained.

"It seems like a lot of the teams are mismatched this year. It's shaping up to be the most competitive Dark Tournament in recent memory." Tricis commented.

"Alright Pad, slow down! All I know is what's in their criminal records." Shining Armor explained.

@dragon4111 @Unicorncob @Snow Frostflame @reader8363

Shining Armor placed the scrolls on the table and picked up only the first one. He unwrapped it and reviewed its contents.

"Alright, you three can pick fights after this meeting," Tricis said to Pad, Draco and Snow. "We've got a rare opportunity to know our opponents before we fight them."

Shining Armor placed the opened scroll on the table. There was a head picture on the file of a green unicorn with heavy facial piercings bellow his eyes, on his cheeks and ears and on his lips. The piercings were made of gold, steel, and zinc and were of various sizes and shapes, and his ears had large hoop piercings with smaller rings looped inside the hoops. "This one's name is Patchwork, age 34." Shining Armor explained. "Believe it or not, this guy used to be a surgeon. Had a pretty good record too. Until two years ago when he started losing an alarming amount of patients. Turned out he was doing some 'experimental procedures' as he called it. Medical malpractice is what the courts called it, and the charges were upgraded to murder when he all but confessed that he knew the risks and didn't inform his patients. The problem is that they never found out the nature of those procedures or what he was trying to accomplish, but he only did it to his unicorn patients, and it seemed like he was trying to experiment with them."

Dynamo didn't really know what else to say except to sigh and nod in acknowledgement. He just wanted to look out for the well being of the team. He knew he was tired, so he hoped he would be ready for tomorrow. Seeing Rose and the others look tired only seemed logical in his thought process. He raised an eyebrow at Shining Armor's mention of getting a longer break. "So, I guess we just have to live with what we got? I guess this tournament has it's own rules, so anything can happen." He nodded in agreement to Tricis' mention of mismatched teams. Some teams looked strong, while some were diamonds in the rough. He could only hope that he and the others would be able to keep moving forward. He winced as Shining Armor told him to ease up on the questions. He couldn't help in wanting to know everything he could. He was tired, but he wanted to be prepared as much as he could. 'It doesn't help that I want to make up for my loss. Everyone else got a win, but I feel like I'm the weak link of the team.' He closed his eyes to try and drown out the doubt in his mind. He took a deep breath and sighed softly. 'Hopefully I can redeem myself tomorrow. It doesn't help that I can't ask Tricis for help. I doubt she would given what just happened moments ago.' He thought as he looked towards the ground. 'I don't even know if I'll be able to use that trick Ray used earlier. I guess I would have to wing it.' 

The blue unicorn looked back up as Shining Armor explained one of the members to the team. He felt a little sickened by this guy. He assumed it was because of what got him to where he is today. That, or the fact that he only did these experiments. "I hope I can clear from that guy. I don't need any experimentation on me. It doesn't help that my horn is curved and no like a regular unicorn's horn. This guy might have a field day tomorrow." He mumbled quietly to himself.

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1 hour ago, Literally Snails said:

Shining Armor placed the opened scroll on the table. There was a head picture on the file of a green unicorn with heavy facial piercings bellow his eyes, on his cheeks and ears and on his lips. The piercings were made of gold, steel, and zinc and were of various sizes and shapes, and his ears had large hoop piercings with smaller rings looped inside the hoops. "This one's name is Patchwork, age 34." Shining Armor explained. "Believe it or not, this guy used to be a surgeon. Had a pretty good record too. Until two years ago when he started losing an alarming amount of patients. Turned out he was doing some 'experimental procedures' as he called it. Medical malpractice is what the courts called it, and the charges were upgraded to murder when he all but confessed that he knew the risks and didn't inform his patients. The problem is that they never found out the nature of those procedures or what he was trying to accomplish, but he only did it to his unicorn patients, and it seemed like he was trying to experiment with them."

Jade leaned over to look at the scroll and listened to Shining's explanation on the next team. They definitely seemed like a tough bunch.

"Unicorn patients?" she repeated. "I imagine his fighting style will incorporate magic in some fashion then."

She kept looking at the rest of the opponents. "What about the others?"

1 hour ago, Literally Snails said:

"No, Tricis is right. This year's competition is different. They've already changed the schedule after your fight with Tatterhoof to make sure you had the second fight tomorrow. you were supposed to get a longer time to rest, but there isn't much I can do about that now." Shining Armor explained.

Something about that didn't sit right with Jade. When she was feeling better and had time to herself, she'd have to think that over.

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Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rose slid the knife back in and went to sneak out of the room. With it being convicts, there could be a chance that she or her dad put away, plus she wanted to get more practice for the next match, to avoid the same ending 

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@Unicorncob @reader8363 @Dynamo Pad @dragon4111 @Snow Frostflame

Shining Armor picked up another scroll and opened it. "I'm just gonna go through these quickly. You can have time to discuss after." He said. He placed the document on the table. This time there was a yellow pegasus mare with short black hair. "Zerra Stormstride. Age twenty-three. Taken in for attempted assassination of Prince Blueblood, and that's just what she was caught for. My guess is she had a successful but short career before that."

He opened the next scroll. This next pony was a brown earth pony who looked more like a typical thug with heavy scarring on the left side of his face. "Garnethoof. Age thirty one. Now this one's your run-of-the-mill crook. It'll be easier to list the laws that he hasn't broken on his record. Nine counts of murder including one bounty hunter. Some connection to organized crime, though they didnt step in to help him during his trial."

The next document showed a rather ghoulish looking pegasus with sallow cheeks, yellowed teeth and black tattoos under his eyes. "This one was harder to get information on. He was arrested in griffonstone and they're not very forthcoming with sharing information with us. The official charge was domestic terrorism, apparently, he was making some kind of chemical weapon, but that's just the charge. He's a mystery. Don't even have a name."

The last file was a young looking tan pegasus with red hair. "Cumulus Daybreak, or as he's better known by the less cute nickname, the butcher of Trottingham. Age twenty-four. This one's their captain. Forty counts murder, countless aggravated assaults. He was serving nine life sentences. Thing is, some people see this guy as a hero. All of his murder victims were connected to a crime family in Trottingham called the Fallen Hooves. Claims he's never killed an innocent, but that defense didn't exactly work when he was caught."

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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35 minutes ago, Literally Snails said:

Shining Armor picked up another scroll and opened it. "I'm just gonna go through these quickly. You can have time to discuss after." He said. He placed the document on the table. This time there was a yellow pegasus mare with short black hair. "Zerra Stormstride. Age twenty-three. Taken in for attempted assassination of Prince Blueblood, and that's just what she was caught for. My guess is she had a successful but short career before that."

He opened the next scroll. This next pony was a brown earth pony who looked more like a typical thug with heavy scarring on the left side of his face. "Garnethoof. Age thirty one. Now this one's your run-of-the-mill crook. It'll be easier to list the laws that he hasn't broken on his record. Nine counts of murder including one bounty hunter. Some connection to organized crime, though they didnt step in to help him during his trial."

The next document showed a rather ghoulish looking pegasus with sallow cheeks, yellowed teeth and black tattoos under his eyes. "This one was harder to get information on. He was arrested in griffonstone and they're not very forthcoming with sharing information with us. The official charge was domestic terrorism, apparently, he was making some kind of chemical weapon, but that's just the charge. He's a mystery. Don't even have a name."

The last file was a young looking tan pegasus with red hair. "Cumulus Daybreak, or as he's better known by the less cute nickname, the butcher of Trottingham. Age twenty-four. This one's their captain. Forty counts murder, countless aggravated assaults. He was serving nine life sentences. Thing is, some people see this guy as a hero. All of his murder victims were connected to a crime family in Trottingham called the Fallen Hooves. Claims he's never killed an innocent, but that defense didn't exactly work when he was caught."

Jade read the documents and frowned as she listened to Shining. "A lot of Pegasi," she muttered, giving her wings a small, self-conscious flutter.

She tapped her hoof on the photo of Cumulus. "I'm assuming he's their captain?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@Literally Snails

Draco looked at the files as he tapped his hoof. His eyes had no emotion. He looked through each of them with a critical eye. "Hmm," he stated as he started to plan. "Pegasi like me are extremely attached to our wings. So cut them off and you'll have them grounded," Draco stated simply as he crossed his hoofs over his chest leaning back.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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7 hours ago, Literally Snails said:

@Unicorncob @reader8363 @Dynamo Pad @dragon4111 @Snow Frostflame

Shining Armor picked up another scroll and opened it. "I'm just gonna go through these quickly. You can have time to discuss after." He said. He placed the document on the table. This time there was a yellow pegasus mare with short black hair. "Zerra Stormstride. Age twenty-three. Taken in for attempted assassination of Prince Blueblood, and that's just what she was caught for. My guess is she had a successful but short career before that."

He opened the next scroll. This next pony was a brown earth pony who looked more like a typical thug with heavy scarring on the left side of his face. "Garnethoof. Age thirty one. Now this one's your run-of-the-mill crook. It'll be easier to list the laws that he hasn't broken on his record. Nine counts of murder including one bounty hunter. Some connection to organized crime, though they didnt step in to help him during his trial."

The next document showed a rather ghoulish looking pegasus with sallow cheeks, yellowed teeth and black tattoos under his eyes. "This one was harder to get information on. He was arrested in griffonstone and they're not very forthcoming with sharing information with us. The official charge was domestic terrorism, apparently, he was making some kind of chemical weapon, but that's just the charge. He's a mystery. Don't even have a name."

The last file was a young looking tan pegasus with red hair. "Cumulus Daybreak, or as he's better known by the less cute nickname, the butcher of Trottingham. Age twenty-four. This one's their captain. Forty counts murder, countless aggravated assaults. He was serving nine life sentences. Thing is, some people see this guy as a hero. All of his murder victims were connected to a crime family in Trottingham called the Fallen Hooves. Claims he's never killed an innocent, but that defense didn't exactly work when he was caught."

Dynamo looked through the files as Shining Armor explained each pony on the team. He held back a laugh at the mentioning of targeting Prince Blueblood. He knew that Blueblood was next in line to the throne, but he was surprised that someone was out to get Blueblood. Each one of them sounded simple from what their crimes were about. "Cumulus sounds like an interesting case. I can see why some ponies would call this guy a hero. However, that shouldn't take away with what he did."

6 hours ago, Unicorncob said:

Jade read the documents and frowned as she listened to Shining. "A lot of Pegasi," she muttered, giving her wings a small, self-conscious flutter.

As Jade had made that statement of the team consisting of mostly Pegasus ponies, Dynamo had to agree with her on that. "I wonder if there's any significance towards that. Maybe the team owner or someone was looking for the best of the best?" 

43 minutes ago, dragon4111 said:

@Literally Snails

Draco looked at the files as he tapped his hoof. His eyes had no emotion. He looked through each of them with a critical eye. "Hmm," he stated as he started to plan. "Pegasi like me are extremely attached to our wings. So cut them off and you'll have them grounded," Draco stated simply as he crossed his hoofs over his chest leaning back.

Dynamo looked to Draco as he went over his plan to the team. "That makes sense when you put it that way. Although, these guys seem very handy when it comes to their field of work and expertise. They didn't get their reputation for nothing. They might be skilled with a weapon or have something going for them." He raised a hoof in defense and gave Draco an apologetic look. "I think your idea is a good plan. I just think that if we tried that, then they'll be onto us if we go for that plan a second time. We just need something that can give us an advantage." He placed a hoof to his chin to think of something that could help them out. 

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@Literally Snails @Dynamo Pad

"Then blind them first then cut off their wings," Draco stated simply as he looked at the other team. "that's what I plan on doing," Draco stated with a grin on his face. It was a cold grin not like one of his cocky grins.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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4 hours ago, dragon4111 said:

Draco looked at the files as he tapped his hoof. His eyes had no emotion. He looked through each of them with a critical eye. "Hmm," he stated as he started to plan. "Pegasi like me are extremely attached to our wings. So cut them off and you'll have them grounded," Draco stated simply as he crossed his hoofs over his chest leaning back.


2 hours ago, dragon4111 said:

"Then blind them first then cut off their wings," Draco stated simply as he looked at the other team. "that's what I plan on doing," Draco stated with a grin on his face. It was a cold grin not like one of his cocky grins.

Jade began to feel grateful that Draco was on her team, because she didn't think she liked how eager he was to cut off a fellow Pegasus's wings.

"If it truly comes down to it, perhaps," she muttered.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@Unicorncob @reader8363 @Dynamo Pad @dragon4111

Frostflame turns to O'Mally "I was arrogant like you once" Frostflame lifts up his hat and stares into his eyes, before looking back at the table. "Criminals you say" he goes over the scrolls. "How could a ragtag bunch of convicts possibly be stronger than literal demons." Frostflame thought to himself.

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5 hours ago, Snow Frostflame said:

@Unicorncob @reader8363 @Dynamo Pad @dragon4111

Frostflame turns to O'Mally "I was arrogant like you once" Frostflame lifts up his hat and stares into his eyes, before looking back at the table. "Criminals you say" he goes over the scrolls. "How could a ragtag bunch of convicts possibly be stronger than literal demons." Frostflame thought to himself.

"Probably the same way you just did," Tricis commented.

11 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:

As Jade had made that statement of the team consisting of mostly Pegasus ponies, Dynamo had to agree with her on that. "I wonder if there's any significance towards that. Maybe the team owner or someone was looking for the best of the best?" 

Shining Armor clapped his hooves together in a sudden realization. "Oh, that's right! I forgot to mention something about their team. Their owner is Big Shot. He's a tournament committee member and the second highest shareholder in the tournament. He's got a lot of connections too. That's probably how he was able to build a team like this."

7 hours ago, reader8363 said:

@Snow Frostflame @Dynamo Pad @dragon4111 @Unicorncob

Rose flinched at the list was left the room quickly that the door slammed behind her. Leaping down the stairs, she couldn't get her mind off Zerra, her father told her about catching her, so she might be either wary about her or pissed. She landed on the lobby floor and took off.


"Well, she left in a hurry..." Shining Armor said, confused.

@Unicorncob@dragon4111 @Arid_Blitz

 "There's a bit of information she might have wanted to stay around for," Tricis added. "The fight with the Shadow Beasts versus team Tsunami is already underway. Hell, with the way things are going now, it might already be over. But we can still watch Team Crimos fight Team Cleave. We might even make it to the arena to watch."

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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1 hour ago, Literally Snails said:

Shining Armor clapped his hooves together in a sudden realization. "Oh, that's right! I forgot to mention something about their team. Their owner is Big Shot. He's a tournament committee member and the second highest shareholder in the tournament. He's got a lot of connections too. That's probably how he was able to build a team like this."

Jade narrowed her eyes at this new information. "That explains why we're fighting them so soon, even with our still recovering."

And then her eyes widened as she realised something.

"The hostile audience, a battle against a team of Yokai, our next fight being so soon, and our next opponent's owner is a pony in power in the arena. I think somepony wants rid of us."


1 hour ago, Literally Snails said:

"There's a bit of information she might have wanted to stay around for," Tricis added. "The fight with the Shadow Beasts versus team Tsunami is already underway. Hell, with the way things are going now, it might already be over. But we can still watch Team Crimos fight Team Cleave. We might even make it to the arena to watch."

She gave her legs a small move. They still hurt, but some rest was helping. "I suppose it would help if we better learned our potential next opponents."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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12 hours ago, dragon4111 said:

@Literally Snails @Dynamo Pad

"Then blind them first then cut off their wings," Draco stated simply as he looked at the other team. "that's what I plan on doing," Draco stated with a grin on his face. It was a cold grin not like one of his cocky grins.

Dynamo felt a chill running down his spine from Draco's response. He noticed the cold grin and chose not to say anything. 'What's his problem? It's like he pulled a complete 180 and is acting the way he's been since we got back.' He remembered he thought he had heard something from Frostflame, while they talked about Draco. 'I guess I'll have to keep an eye on this guy. Something just doesn't sit right.' He nods as he looked to Draco. "I'll keep that idea in mind. If I have to resort to doing something like that, then I'll use some magic to stun the opponent." He heard the door to their hotel room slam shut and he looked up to see what had just happened. He soon noticed that Rose wasn't with them and wondered why did she leave in a hurry.

1 hour ago, Literally Snails said:

Shining Armor clapped his hooves together in a sudden realization. "Oh, that's right! I forgot to mention something about their team. Their owner is Big Shot. He's a tournament committee member and the second highest shareholder in the tournament. He's got a lot of connections too. That's probably how he was able to build a team like this."

"Well, she left in a hurry..." Shining Armor said, confused.

@Unicorncob@dragon4111 @Arid_Blitz

 "There's a bit of information she might have wanted to stay around for," Tricis added. "The fight with the Shadow Beasts versus team Tsunami is already underway. Hell, with the way things are going now, it might already be over. But we can still watch Team Crimos fight Team Cleave. We might even make it to the arena to watch."

Dynamo was brought out of his train of thought as Shining grabbed their attention. As he listened to the name of the team's owner, the blue unicorn raised an eyebrow. "Big Shot? Why does that name sound familiar?" He asks as Shining Armor continued to explain the team owner. "It makes sense that he would hire some of the best criminals for a team like that. Given that he's the second highest shareholder and having a lot of connections." He says as Tricis explained the other matches that were going on. "I'd be up to go and watch the other matches. It gives us an idea on who we might fight later on. That, and we get to see how each team works." He shrugged his shoulders as he got out of his chair. "Maybe we can think up a few strategies, so we'll be prepared."

38 minutes ago, Unicorncob said:

Jade narrowed her eyes at this new information. "That explains why we're fighting them so soon, even with our still recovering."

And then her eyes widened as she realised something.

"The hostile audience, a battle against a team of Yokai, our next fight being so soon, and our next opponent's owner is a pony in power in the arena. I think somepony wants rid of us."

The blue unicorn looked to Jade and his eyes widened in surprise. "I guess my train of thought earlier wasn't too far off. Although, that does bring up the question. Who's the one that wants to get rid of us?" He closed his eyes, while placing a hoof to his chin to think of the teams they've seen so far. He opened his eyes and turned his attention back to the others. "Do you think it's someone, who's a big shareholder? It's just like Shining Armor had said. Someone with a huge sum of money would bribe the committee to get us to lose. Do you think it would be this Big Shot fellow?" He asks while turning to Shining Armor and Tricis. 

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@Snow Frostflame

Draco slowly looked to Frostflame his eyes cold as ice. He'll say this "really now? arrogant you say?" he chuckled then laughed a cold mirthless laugh. "Cut off your horn, powerless, cut off your hoof so you don't draw your blade," Draco stated as he leaned back into his chair. "I plan on ending my fight with who ever I get sent against quickly," Draco stated simply. "And they are murderers I will have no pity for them," he stated simply as he looked over his gauntlets. He pressed a button on them revealing obsidian glass talons.

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A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@dragon4111 @Unicorncob @reader8363 @Dynamo Pad

"Is that so, then tell me why are you on the verge of getting hot coffee with a literal demon" He said turning around, staring down Draco "O'Mally I knew you were arrogant, but ignorance is something I'd expect from someone far from your skill. She is our enemy and will be until this tournament is over, afterwards she can have your soul for all I care." He turns back around "Or maybe you'll wise up, and live long enough to enjoy your time. But enough with this, we need to prepare ourselves for our next fight. I feel they won't be as merciful with their freedom on the line."

  • Brohoof 1


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@dragon4111 @Snow Frostflame 

Tricis watched Snow and Draco bicker while taking a long sip of her tea. She placed the cup back on the table and waited for Snow to finish talking.

@Unicorncob @Dynamo Pad @reader8363

"You all have several hours tomorrow morning before your next round starts. I was planning on taking the five of you out to work on controlling your powers in that time," She said, "But since the two of you can't stand each other, I'll only take out Dynamo, Rose and Jade. The two of you, I think, would better spend your time together."

"Um, Tricis," Shining attempted to interject, but Tricis raised a hoof and continued talking.

"Yes, I think the two of you should have a bit of a sparring match tomorrow in the forest with no rules or oversight. You'll either come out a better team or only one of you will come back. Either way we can finally stop wasting our time with this bickering."

"Tricis, the match between Crimos and Cleave will be starting soon." Shining Armor said. 

Tricis looked back at him and nodded. "Right, I almost forgot." She got up and started walking out of the room. "Those of you who want to watch the fight in the arena, follow me."

  • Brohoof 3


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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48 minutes ago, Literally Snails said:

"You all have several hours tomorrow morning before your next round starts. I was planning on taking the five of you out to work on controlling your powers in that time," She said, "But since the two of you can't stand each other, I'll only take out Dynamo, Rose and Jade. The two of you, I think, would better spend your time together."

"Um, Tricis," Shining attempted to interject, but Tricis raised a hoof and continued talking.

"Yes, I think the two of you should have a bit of a sparring match tomorrow in the forest with no rules or oversight. You'll either come out a better team or only one of you will come back. Either way we can finally stop wasting our time with this bickering."

"Tricis, the match between Crimos and Cleave will be starting soon." Shining Armor said. 

Tricis looked back at him and nodded. "Right, I almost forgot." She got up and started walking out of the room. "Those of you who want to watch the fight in the arena, follow me."

@Unicorncob @Snow Frostflame @reader8363 @dragon4111

Dynamo watched in silence as Frostflame and Draco argued with each other. He felt it was necessary to break up the argument, but he felt that would do more harm than good. He decided to wait things out, until they calmed down. He breathed a sigh of relief as Tricis had spoken up to dissolve the argument. His eyes widened slightly at the mentioning of getting training. 'Did she just read my mind?' He thought as he turned his attention over to the coach. "Uh, coach? You said you were going to help us control our powers. Is there any training plans you had in mind for each of us?" He asks as he wondered what kind of training he would get. He hoped that whatever the training was, he would make up for his earlier match. He wanted to contribute to the team and this would be the first step.

The blue unicorn hadn't said a word as Tricis devised a suitable punishment for Snowflame and Draco. 'Hopefully this spar won't last that long. We all need to work together and be at the stadium.' He thought as he hoped that this spar would end calmly. "I'll join in going to the arena. Maybe we can find Rose and tell her what's the plan for today and tomorrow." He stretched, before making his way towards the door. He soon stopped as he turned back to Jade. He wanted to ask Frostflame and Draco, but decided against it. He knew the two of them would be at odds with each other and knew they needed to cool off. "Did you want to go see the next match, Jade? If so, then do you need some help getting to the stadium?" He asks as he was still concerned for her well being. He knew she could take care of herself, but that didn't stop the blue unicorn for caring about a friend. 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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1 hour ago, dragon4111 said:

Draco slowly looked to Frostflame his eyes cold as ice. He'll say this "really now? arrogant you say?" he chuckled then laughed a cold mirthless laugh. "Cut off your horn, powerless, cut off your hoof so you don't draw your blade," Draco stated as he leaned back into his chair. "I plan on ending my fight with who ever I get sent against quickly," Draco stated simply. "And they are murderers I will have no pity for them," he stated simply as he looked over his gauntlets. He pressed a button on them revealing obsidian glass talons.


1 hour ago, Snow Frostflame said:

"Is that so, then tell me why are you on the verge of getting hot coffee with a literal demon" He said turning around, staring down Draco "O'Mally I knew you were arrogant, but ignorance is something I'd expect from someone far from your skill. She is our enemy and will be until this tournament is over, afterwards she can have your soul for all I care." He turns back around "Or maybe you'll wise up, and live long enough to enjoy your time. But enough with this, we need to prepare ourselves for our next fight. I feel they won't be as merciful with their freedom on the line."

Jade just rolled her eyes as Draco and Frostflame continued to bicker. She had no idea ponies could keep arguing for this long, but she hoped that some sparring would beat it out of them.


47 minutes ago, Literally Snails said:

"You all have several hours tomorrow morning before your next round starts. I was planning on taking the five of you out to work on controlling your powers in that time," She said, "But since the two of you can't stand each other, I'll only take out Dynamo, Rose and Jade. The two of you, I think, would better spend your time together."

She looked to Tricis and bowed her head right away, without question. "Yes, Master Tricis."


48 minutes ago, Literally Snails said:

"Those of you who want to watch the fight in the arena, follow me."

She grunted as she got off the bed. Her legs were feeling a little better, but it was still awkward to move. "We should study our future opponents, should we have the chance to face them."

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Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Once Rose was away from the hotel and the arena, she surrounded the area in a barrier of shadows and started to practice with a shadow clone of her, seeing if she can beat it before her magic runs out and it dissipates. 

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@Arid_Blitz @reader8363 @Unicorncob @Snow Frostflame @Dynamo Pad


"Alright, fans, it's the final matchup of the preliminaries!" Topaz announced to a full stadium of fans. She was standing in the center of the ring with one hoof raised high. "Three teams shave been gruesomely eliminated so far and only one more team can advance to the next round!" She pointed to the large doors on the left side of the stadium, and they slowly started to open. "In this corner, we have Team Cleave!"

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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