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ooc OOC Deep Science 1x1 with Blitz Boom

Illiad Easle

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@Blitz Boom

On 11/3/2020 at 3:54 PM, Blitz Boom said:

So someone more average, who would be able to help around?

That would be best given the story I have planned, more outlandish characters would attract quite a bit of attention.

On 11/3/2020 at 3:54 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Though what sort of requirement would there be?

Really so long as they aren't insane, trying to bring down the ship, or out to murder everyone.

On 11/3/2020 at 3:54 PM, Blitz Boom said:

And how many might it be?

I was thinking no more than five active players with no more than ten active characters, no more then five at the start (The second five can come in later like the first group did)

So if you want to have more than one or a close knit pair I'm all for it.

On 11/3/2020 at 3:54 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Such as a changeling with no control over her transformation powers (she were broken early out of her egg as she were being converted, which messed with her. Uncertain if she just lacks the instinct and training, or literally can't control it)

If anything I'd call her a truer form of changeling, especially if her transformations are based on her mood/motivation/situation, literally wearing her emotions on her sleeve. But you are free to play her as you like. If you go with her lacking control we could have her learn to gain some control over time.

On 11/3/2020 at 3:54 PM, Blitz Boom said:

and her companion, whom are a blind creature Briar. I could have a lot to say of his kind, but in essence, I sometimes have fun making my own sort of races that I think fit, and he's part of a kind of nature-based creature, in the shape of a pony.

Sounds good, the project is especially keen on picking up more unique individuals as they are starting to suspect that they are jumping between dimensions. As such unique races can be approved so long as they are not too outlandish.

On 11/3/2020 at 3:54 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Meant I could get your view on draconequui, and races that are not seen in the general cannon.

I'm going to say no to draconequui as we've already got one aboard and he intends to be the only one. Plus they are often capable of too much to be considered fair.

Other races however I'm all for so long as, again, they aren't too outlandish.

On 11/3/2020 at 3:54 PM, Blitz Boom said:

As you have for example Selena, I assume there are a certain degree of creativity one is allowed, if it can be explained, and does not carry an inherent Mary Sue like, OP quality to it, but is is good to know where limits goes. :) Also, some of the special cases of my chars, exist solely because of my own draconequui interfering. She's very into mutating and evolving things, from plant life to inanimate objects, and creatures already up and running. Including a shark she needed for another purpose, and turned into a higher sentient, near-pony creature.

That's a good way to put it. I have no qualms with allowing the races caused by this draconequis, but she herself no. The crew would never go near anything that looks like a draconequis.

On 11/3/2020 at 3:54 PM, Blitz Boom said:

I also have ponies of varied ages, so is there a particular age that'd be better, just in case? Never hurts to know, as your idea so far sounds enticing. :) Seems like something worth prepping for.

Old enough to understand basic politics, young enough to survive in the wasteland. I'm not opposed to children side characters.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

Hmm... So average to special, long as they maintain at least a sensible degree of normality, and doesn't look too crazy? Alright... I have some ideas then. Let me start though, by showing the two I mentioned.

Though before I do that, worry not, I were not gonna include any draconequui. As you say, they can do a lot, and even though my own is limited (Silver or pure iron will make her powers turn against her, then drain her for a while after bashing her around, and she can only create, but not destroy), I understand the need to have them not be a major presence. Quite frankly, even if I used her as a reference point for other characters, as she have some connection to a few of them, I honestly think Discord killed her, for getting in his way, as she does not care to destroy anymore, since the first time she were killed off, and later ressurected. Though I suppose, *sealed off* are more accurate. Her fellow draconequui did not like one who kept destroying everything around her, including their toys and playthings, so they got rid of her. Who exactly I have left vague, but Discord would likely be the strongest, and most likely to do so then, and later on, kill or seal her off again. It's also why she's weaker than most other draconequui, with only a focus on biology tampering, more than chaos. She's technically only half a draconequui, with the dark side still sealed off somewhere else.

Quite frankly, I don't really see draconequui as being able to die per se. Their forms destroyed, and their powers sealed most definitely, and I can see some point in there being a case for their energy slowly coalescing into a new creature over time, unless sealed away to keep the energies from releasing. Yet it seems odd to me that a thing as crucial as chaos can die, when it is needed to keep order in check. Though what do I know? Perhaps Karma is in control of said energy, and when order have finally started to catch up, it will once again set in process the rebirthing of a new vessel of chaos. Though eh, different interpretations and all that. ^^

Anyway, I went on a tangent. Here's the chars:


This here, is Brittle Buzz, 16 years old. A scared, uncertain changeling, with no idea how to control her transformation powers. An unknown creature broke her out of her cocoon before she had been fully converted, like the rest of her former town had been, after it were sacked, and now functions as the hive's secret base (all of this before the crisis, of course).

Also, I know changelings doesn't usually have hair or tails, but she's incomplete, and whenever she reverts to her *baseline*, this is how she looks. She usually have to calm down for that to happen. Also, her horn isn't broen, but the creator I used for my first few chars were not too amazing, so a few things one have to imagine. Including a proper changeling horn, and the holes in her exoskeleton. :D

Somehow, she were found by a travelling freak circus, who saw her as a strange oddity they could use, as the regions they traversed in Equestria didn't openly have any changelings. As such, they locked her in a cage, and after they found out that emotional highs made her change involuntarily, they started to take her into chained off areas, and used whatever tactics they could to scare her into performing with random transformations.  Usually that involved throwing things after her, and scared the living tar out of her. She were just a monster after all, and t hey did well in making sure the audience didn't see her as anything else. Instead just laughing, even as she kept shaking and crying, living off whatever scraps of emotion she were able to drain between the scares of hits.

Essentially, her life were a living hell for about two years, before the other char I will show afterwards, found her. He ran across this circus by chance, and as he passes for a regular pony unless closely inspected, he could wander freely. Folks were more interested in the freaks after all.

He however, went to the back after the show, beat the tar out of the owners, and set Brittle free. Last she heard him say before he went outside to make a distraction to cover for her escape, where that she should return home. He didn't know that she had no memory of her life before becoming a changeling, and as such, she were mainly clueless as she ran away, and kept running until she could no longer hear any creature talking anymore.

She spent about a year on the road, only entering small towns late at night, when everyone were sleeping, to try and get some stray emotions to eat. She'd also rummage through trash to try and find something she could use, which is where she found the grey bow she's wearing. It's tattered, and not the prettiest, but it is the only thing she feels like she owns, so she does hers to keep it safe.

One day, she were getting desperately hungry before night fell, as she hadn't found a town in days, and ended up going into the town of Ponyville during daytime, hiding under a crate to try and pass on. She were caught, and as the town didn't exactly have a good view on changelings, she were not given an impression that helped her get past the view of equines, as the only other ponies she knew of, were the laughing audience, and owners who hurt her. It were really just some words about what she were doing there, in a suspicious tone, but her mind magnified it and she ran out of town. She were chased by the pony, wanting to try and figure out what were going on, Brittle thought she were being chased, and randomly transformed, which replaced her legs with flippers, and caused her to flail on the ground, begging for mercy. That's when Briar randomly came across the place, and tried to mediate some semblance of calm between them.


This, is Briar Trapjaw. An updated image from the one I used before the app I showed you. :) He is about 25 years old, and his kind lives on average about one and a half times as long as a regular equine, if old age is what gets them.

He's what is referred to, as an Evergrown. A race with a short history, spanning only around 600 years, before the crisis, with the first reported cases coming from a vast jungle, that one day suddenly sprouted in the midst of a desert, far south from Equestria. Though in the years following, they were found in other places too, including primarily Equestria, and a few nearby countries with fertile dirt, and always around large, magical trees, where they build their villages around.

They're made entirely of plant matter, with their hides usually being bark and moss, with straw-like hair, random vegetation growth, depending on the tribe and sub species, and root like hooves. The flower they all have in their hair, are the source of their magic, like unicorns have, and are nature based. It can function like telekinesis, but is weaker than the raw arcane power of unicorns, and as such, in an even fight, a unicorn would beat them handily. They also have a rather special ability running through them, yet that will be covered in the history following this. So will why Briar have sharp teeth, despite his kind normally having normal flat ones, more suitable for eating vegetables.

Back in the day, they were very social, and as a young race, curious to interact with the world around them. As they were close in looks with ponies, that were the race they connected with the most, and for a time, things went well. The two had no issues living in harmony, and especially the earth ponies welcomed them favorably, as it were shown that they had a skill for making plants grow, since the *blood* that ran through them, are actually a highly nutrient packed fertilizer, that can cause plants to grow incredibly fast. A drop alone, could cause a seed to sprout into a full grown corn cob plant, with ripe cobs on the stilks. As the Evergrown had little to offer otherwise, they were willing to drain small portions and trade with the ponies, in exchange for knowledge, and varied goods. Though only minor portions, as much like with blood, they'd die if they lost too much.

This would end being the downfall of their relation. Some ponies became too greedy, and wanted to make a mint selling this fertilizer, or to simply grow their fields better than any of their neighbors. As such, some evergrown began to get kidnapped and drained to a husk, while the black market and some greedy farmers, got well off from their deaths. Princess Celestia, and leaders of other countries they were well established in, attempted to mend fences with the obviously outraged tribes, but their trust had been broken, and soon enough, they all retracted to their villages, shrouded them off in illusions, and separated themselves fully from the lives of the Equines. As few had been allowed into their villages to begin with, it weren't many who could even point to where to start looking for them again, and the ones who tried, or had been in their towns when they fled from equine society, were never heard from again. Some were killed, and others were merely told they could never leave, which means there is a few family lines of equines within a few select tribes. Before the crisis.

That is their backstory though, and it took place centuries before the crisis. Whoever is left now, will have had no chance but to run away from their villages, carrying what seeds from the great trees they could, and huddle with the ponies, hoping to survive both them, and the war. Those who remains are praying to the earth mother that one day, it will be over, and they can regrow their kind once more. Though on the plus side, they're getting along better with the other races now. Necessity to work together can do wonders, and their ability can come in great handy when there is a need for food. Long as a balance is struck, of course. :) 

As for Briar, he's from the epicenter far down south, where the first tree one bloomed (Yes, my draconequui made them. No, they are not aware, and have never had contact with her. Frankly, she have long since forgotten). There, they have three sub species of evergrown:

The Lotus Casters, who are the ones they have that are strongest in magic, and also have the biggest flowers. They are seen as the higher ups, and general leaders of their kind. New one who are born like this, are raised up as leaders and general *nobility*.

Vinemasters. They're known by the outgrowths on their back, which hides long tendril like vines within their hides, that they use to move things around with. Think a little like Doctor Octopus, except the arms are vines, and the grippers are sturdy, leathery flower petals. These are usually their builders, who tend to work on keeping their town intact and flourishing.

Simmerbarks: The muscle of the tribe. Thicker bark, larger in size, and with tough outgrowths on their hooves to hit hard and mercilessly, if need be. They are their protectors, and deal with any perceived threat. Be it within, or outside of the village.

However, there is also a rare chance, that when one of them grow from the great trees, (parents add a fertilized seed to the trees, which then gets absorbed, and in time, a pod will fall from the tree, containing their offspring), it will be a mutated variant. Carnivorous and blind, these mutations are dubbed Snaproots, and they are considered the lowest of their society. Usually the parents disown them instantly when they are seen, and they are thrown into the pit along with the rest of them, where they go through the days, desperately seeking out any sliver of sunlight that comes their ways, and snap at the few meals headed down their way.

They are treated as such, so that in time, when one of the others in town comes to pick one up to use as a menial worker, or servant (more or less a slave), they will be eager to follow, and do whatever they can to please their owners, so that they are not returned. So too were it with Briar, who is a mutated Vinemaster, and as such, can work like one. One of their bulder leaders picked him out, and set him to do hard, grueling work day in and day out, with no complaining from Briar's side. Though to try and incentivize him to work harder, the master that picked him, would on occasions, compliment him on a job well done, if he worked exceedingly hard, and even gave him a name. Something that were rare for their kind, as they were seen more as things, than members of their society.

In time, the master died, and one of the lotus casters, took over Briar. She stood tall in town, and proclaimed Briar as her property, stripped him of his name, and loudly proclaimed that if anyone referred to her thing as an individual again, they would be punished. As he had gotten used to have some sort of personality, he grew bold, and struck her in the head with one of his vines, causing her to tumble down from the balcony, and towards the ground. She were saved though, sad as that were.

She wanted him to be burned to his very core for daring to hurt her, but the Groth Mother, who lead them, proclaimed that they would not stoop to such savagery. Instead, Briar had several colored rings grafted into his legs and tied around his neck, before he were exiled. As they saw the outside world as a violent, dangerous place, it were seen as the harshest punishment one could give their own kind, and the circles would mark him as a criminal, if he ever tried to return.

He'd stumble out of the jungle and around areas for a while, before one day, running across an elderly stallion, who took pity of the confused, scared predatory creature, and took him in. Over the next few years, he'd teach Briar how to behave, build his confidence, and vastly increased his vocabulary. As the pony had once been a higher up from Equestria, who tired of city life, the words Briar have learned from him, does tend to come off as rather high society because of it, though with a kind nature to it. Unless he have to warn others off.

Eventually, the old pony died, and Briar made his way into the world to explore, after burying his friend, in as traditional a way for Equines as he were able to.

Years later, after crossing into the lands of Equestria, he'd stumble upon the circus, release Brittle, and in time, meet her again. Though when he did, he found her clinging to him, begging him to not leave her again. When she managed to slowly tell him what had gone on, and how she did not remember her former life, nor had any home to run to, he embraced her, and swore that he would keep her safe, and never leave her again. At the point of the crisis, he would have maintained that oath for two years.

Brittle is far worse than Void ever were. She can barely talk above a whisper, she walks with her head held low to the floor when others address her, and look up at them like a scared dog, expecting to be beaten. She also rarely veers far from Briar's side, who does his work as her protector, and tried his best to slowly make her able to see that there are good in the world, and build her confidence, as his once had been. Though he is soft spoken and kind, his large, razor-sharp teeth and vines, can work well in being both intimidating, and effective to fight with, if need be. And though he cannot see, he moves mostly fluently around regardless, as he can feel out the world around him, and guide himself by that feeling, and sounds. Though he have issues registering plates of metal, unless they are creaking, or the wind hits them from a good direction, so he does at times hit his head on shop signs.

I know it seemed like he have eyes, but there are only eyelids. If he opened up, there is literally just a blank, green surface, and no sockets. There's no hope of him seeing like others do.

Also, he does not eat ponies or the like. He have sworn that he will not eat higher sentient beings, even if he does need proteins, and will voluntarily rather starve, than even nibble on the carcass of say, a pony. As for the vines, they are spread around his body when inside, and when he extends them, the varied smaller vines, intertwine to make a sturdy, bigger one. Sorta like a braid, I suppose.

And a last point I just remembered, the cape is there to hide the two flower buds on his back (one on each side) that the vines are connected to. He figures the sharp teeth already puts others off, and he does what he can to hide both features if he just wanders around, experiencing things. It causes less questions, though if some start getting close, and asking questions, he is more than happy to answer any they may have. He figures the more knows of his kind, the better the chance of one day, having them return to the world they cut themselves off from.



Well then, this got wordy, but figured they were hard to make meaning off, if they did not have some of their backstory. And lo and behold, suddenly I had typed out most of it. xD

But I suppose, when it comes to made up races, I had to put some explaining behind them. Evergrown are an idea that is based somewhat around the concept of dryads, with me making a (to me) sensible story about why they would not have been seen in the world before this. That being that they are thought of to no longer be around by most, as they are in hiding, after a sad tale. Something which at least made sense to me, as ponies are herbivores, and some of them aren't nice creatures. Sadly only takes a few rotten apples, to spoil it for everyone, and they didn't know better at the time. They believed they had to hide away, to survive, and couldn't trust ponies anymore.

Any questions you're free to fire off. Might as well deal with issues with them in advance, if they are to be used later on. :) Ah, and before I forget, it is only the tribe in the jungle that practice this variation of slavery. All of their kind's magical trees can rarely produce a mutant like the Snaproots, but in other towns he have since been to, he finds they show them compassion, and find ways to make them integral to the society. Such as pest controllers, as they need more protein, and as such, can deal with troublesome insects far better, whilst also feeding themselves.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

That's quite the background!

12 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Quite frankly, I don't really see draconequui as being able to die per se. Their forms destroyed, and their powers sealed most definitely, and I can see some point in there being a case for their energy slowly coalescing into a new creature over time, unless sealed away to keep the energies from releasing.

My canon is that draconequui are not born, but rather manifest similar to alicorns, though by that same logic you could say there are born draconequui and manifested draconequui. The most powerful of both are the manifested kind, who's to say Discord was pretending to be Grogar, maybe he was Grogar before he became Discord? Similarly, the draconequus on the Æther was an earth pony before he became Fury.

The way I see it, their motivating force (Chaos, Fury, Etc) would move on to manifest another when their previous host is destroyed or unable to continue.

Given you've made yours a bit less powerful, she could be a natural born draconequus. 

12 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

An unknown creature broke her out of her cocoon before she had been fully converted, like the rest of her former town had been, after it were sacked

This is the only concern I have with your characters. I am personally opposed to the idea that changelings transform other creatures into changelings. Capture them and drain them yes, that makes sense, but converting them just makes another mouth to feed and removes a source of food.

You can just as easily say that she was born a changeling, her cocoon being damaged when her hive was attacked, and so she came out malformed.

This isn't a big issue, and we could say that she comes from a universe where that does happen, but it makes me sad to think of that as a possibility.

I'm a big fan of Briar, he'll be popular on the Æther if he can increase crop yield by even a small amount. They'll of course keep him safe, they more than anyone recognize that he produces an invaluable resource and as such sound be protected to ensure he can continue producing. He'll be in a similar situation to the pair of llama whose coats are naturally impervious to magic, so they are regularly shorn so their coats can line the outer panels of the project, and in return they get most anything they want and need, including extra space in their quarters.

I could see them working out well, the changelings on board would certainly take interest in Brittle, and Briar's ability would ensure that likely the both of them would have certain privileges on the project.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

3 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

My canon is that draconequui are not born, but rather manifest similar to alicorns, though by that same logic you could say there are born draconequui and manifested draconequui. The most powerful of both are the manifested kind, who's to say Discord was pretending to be Grogar, maybe he was Grogar before he became Discord? Similarly, the draconequus on the Æther was an earth pony before he became Fury.

The way I see it, their motivating force (Chaos, Fury, Etc) would move on to manifest another when their previous host is destroyed or unable to continue.

Given you've made yours a bit less powerful, she could be a natural born draconequus. 

Well, mine did manifest after a massive forest fire, the first time around. This is also one of the reasons why her original form, were looking like a myriad of animals, stitched/melted together into a relatively small, somewhat humanoid pixie form, with extra wings and tails.

Still, she may well have just hatched in the forest while it went on, and they are completely unrelated. She were just a massive nuisance bent on destruction and creating anew from the ashes back then, and were take out because of it. The part with her destruction are gone now though, along with her memory of that time, and the one who ensured she returned for his own purposes made sure that she were raised into a far more jovial, happy creature, to avoid her becoming a threat eventually. She can stillcreate, and viruses are biology. You do the math on why it's best she were taught morality. :) As much as one of them can be, anyway.

Though if truly surprised, she tend to have a fraction of a second, where she may feel the beginning of a surge, but it dies before she even really feels it. I have fun with her at times, as she's not an all powerful being, and the fairy weaknesses fits well with her former looks. One more reason why for a draconequui, she's rather weak. A properly made road sign could beat her. :P

Also fun to have her split up, or body parts she loses starting to evolve into weird creatures, she refers to as her children, but be that as it may. Anomaly were more used as an example, and I'm rambling again. xD Far as ai can see, we're pretty much on the same page about how to think of their kind. If Discord were Grogar though? I dunno, but an interesting thought, which questions what happened to change him.

3 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

You can just as easily say that she was born a changeling, her cocoon being damaged when her hive was attacked, and so she came out malformed.

I never really watched the show, beyond the songs. So when I went iver Wiki about changelings, there were mentions of changelings converting those they drained completely, though I'll be honest: Over the years, I've started to wonder what sense there is in that. A waste of resources, for a set of beings who are already having issues with potential starvation for larger hives. And what, they would want to add more mouths to feed, while also taking away prey? It does seem odd.

...Meh, who cares? The bio for her is old, and still need me to put the info into a new one when I can be bothered, so I'm retconning it. Brittle is now a deformed, natural born changeling, who just thinks she's converted, as she have heard some of the scary stories ponies tells about their kind, and that makes her believe that is why she have traits like a very equine looking mane and tail, as well as a half wasp wing on her flank. It just makes more sense to her that she used to be a pony, and her memory of it is just gone, rather than a damaged egg caused her to get a sort of transformation into her baseline form.

As for her age... Eh, damaged eggs might take a while to hatch. We could say that her egg were stolen as a trophy, and when it eventually hatched, and she had grown quite mature within the cocoon, she were sold off. Or stolen again. Either or.

Real changelings could tell her differently about what she is, but she's already terrified of most other beings, traverses into towns only at night, and hides away from others if at all possible. She's never seen one.

There, sorted. :D

As for Briar, I'm happy that one seems alright. Were kind of afraid there'd be something wrong with the concept of his kind, or him himself that were going to be brought up. Good to see that apparently, the Evergrown are a reasonable creation to work with, that makes at least enough sense. :)

Three things though:

1. Much like with blood, there are ways to increase his natural production of this fertilizer, and it will regenerate by itself naturally, as much the same rate as regular blood. So taking *blood samples* won't kill him. Just make him a bit woozy if it's a relatively big one.

2. Evergrown are more flammable than regular beings, but can regrow to an extend over time, long as the burns are not too deep. If a fire makes it to their core, they'll die from it. Things such as the vines on Briar's back can also regrow, but it is a long progress. We're talking months, not minutes or hours. They're plants, not Wolverine. :)

3. Briar is more than happy to help take his part of the workload, so he won't be slacking off much, if his help is needed. He's rather dutiful, and takes pride in showing that he is an asset to the team. And if need be, he'll work twice as hard to cover for Brittle, as she's not that fast, nor efficient, due to her mental state.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle

I have never played twister, as I've spent most of my life as a fat kid, then fat adult, before it got under control, so my physique were not for that sort of games. I'm just going with what google said, and trying to feint my way through it. :)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

15 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

there were mentions of changelings converting those they drained completely,

Well, I suppose I wasn't entirely truthful, there are ways in which a pony could be converted into a changeling in my canon, but the process is very costly (Even more costly than making a queen) and typically reserved for very special occasions. As of this point in my canon only three ponies are designated as receiving the transformation, all becoming changeling kings as a result: Lord Rasputin Stalliongrad, First Consul Trojan Horse, and potentially Daxter Blackwater.

15 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

We could say that her egg were stolen as a trophy, and when it eventually hatched, and she had grown quite mature within the cocoon, she were sold off. Or stolen again. Either or.

Changelings do mature very quickly compared to ponies, so that isn't too much of a stretch. So long as her cocoon were an oddity that many showered with varying emotions, perhaps as a display item in a traveling fair or museum? Then it sounds pretty reasonable.

15 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Three things though:

Good to know, I can see him fitting in well after his rescue.

If you have a pair of other players in mind, I wouldn't mind getting it started.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

I'll try and pop it in on my OOC thread later on, and see if there's someone who's interested. I can't make any promises though, but we'll see. :)


Actually... What am I supposed to put the setting as for them? Discord betrayed everyone, and opened the gates of Tartarus, whereupon he started a war on the planet. Most of the Equestrian beings were either slaughtered, or banished to the human world early on (the mane six and princesses among the banished ones) to stop there from being resistance, as his army build momentum.

The setting we find ourselves in, are trying to escape from the Ponyville area, where the spawn from Tartarus are roaring through and trying to get the survivors, as those who remain are running for dear life. Soon after the start, a mysterious organisation will pick them up, and offer them a choice: Stay and likely die, or come along, take their part of the duties, and traverse into the multiverse, until the banishment spell ends. A twenty year journey, starting with a choice, as the world begins to burn around them, in what will years later, once Discord have been defeated for good, and the gates to Tartarus once again closed, be known as The Crisis.

I feel like this is very roughyl baselining it, but uuh... Maybe I should direct some folks here instead, and they can ask you about it? The setting is yours, so I think you could explain it better with ease. :)

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle

And sorry for forgetting the Grey part. Long day yesterday, and barely finished before bed. I were knackered. I'll sort them this time. :)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

18 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

And sorry for forgetting the Grey part. Long day yesterday, and barely finished before bed. I were knackered. I'll sort them this time.

No worries! I didn't know if you wanted it to be more of a side arc or just a passing thing.

19 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Actually... What am I supposed to put the setting as for them?

Life had been perfect, picturesque, Princess Sparkle had been recently coronated and a number of nations had united in a new era of peace. Even nations that had long stood as rivals to Equestria were embracing diplomacy. Everyone was happy,

Except one.

Discord secretly bound Hercules and Cerberus, the two guards of Tartarus, and opened the gates, allowing the spawn of Tartarus, ponies and others who had been tormented to the point of being husks of their former selves, to spill forth on the world. He further recruited leaders from among the worst in society to lead his armies, promising they would rule over what remained when anarchy was restored.

At first Equestria fought back the spawn well, then Discord openly betrayed Celestia, casting her paralyzed body into a river of lava. That very day the Elements of Harmony went missing, and Canterlot fell.

Five years later, you and a few others have survived the Spawn, evaded their notice as well as the notice of those loyal to Discord. Your group has been successful thus far, but not this time. While crossing an open plain your group was spotted by a herd of Spawn.


That leads into the prompt I gave you, where you're running and get the escape chance offered by the surprise helicopter. No one in Equestria knows that the missing ponies were sent to earth, and they don't know at the outset that there is multiverse hopping.

19 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Maybe I should direct some folks here instead, and they can ask you about it?

That is also a good idea. Or, if they're interested, I can make a new OOC thread dedicated to that.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

I'll address more things later, but for now, before I forget, here is the translator I used for the draconic. https://www.thuum.org/translator.php :)


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle

14 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

No worries! I didn't know if you wanted it to be more of a side arc or just a passing thing.

I have plans for her, and others who are currently roaming the city, who are far better at blending in than she is. To what end? Well, you'll see after enough time have passed in RP time. :)

14 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

That is also a good idea. Or, if they're interested, I can make a new OOC thread dedicated to that.

Your setting is set up way better than mine. And I think an OOC for it would be best. That way, others on the forum could also see it, and poke about it if they were interested. It'd give us some time to see what sort of interest we might get for it. :)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle

There, popped it into the thread.


Though I'd still suggest setting up the OOC rather soon. Easier to point them at that, in the long run. :)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Once someone shows interest I'll put it up. I'm thinking a three person minimum to run it, so once we find someone we can see if there's another who wants to join.

Also, there's more posts in your OOC than I've ever posted. That's quite the feat!

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle

It's run for like, 6 years though, so hardly surprising. Not too many in the OOC these days, but with the pandemic and all, I don't blame folks for maybe not having the mind for this as much as in the past. :)

I was just happy the day we surpassed the Walking Dead MLP variant thread to be the biggest one in that section. It was a glorious day. :)

Also, still think the OOC needs to be up before some interest are there. You will only get eyes from one angle like this, whereas if you set up the OOC thread, there will be more eyes on it, from several parts of the site. Right now, you're sorta putting all your eggs in one basket with this.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle

Well, you wanted to attract attention of a good RP'er, and you got it. Widdershins is a phenomenal RP'er if he gets into something, but he will bring up inconsistencies with the show, and try to ask you to reason things he finds goes against them too much. It's a matter of quality control from his side, far as I can tell, but he's a good RP'er. :)

He's also completely loco, but that can be a delightful thing too, to break up the norm a tad.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle

Nah, Widders tend to like things gets down and detailed, and you weren't rude. Just clearly stating your side of the argument. Might be a bit before he responds, but he's solid, if he gets convinced that the thread is good. Long as there is direction. A bit of trouble with that in my thread, as my thread's direction is basically to just goof around, and see what happens. :)


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Illiad Easle

Sorry for not posting much these days by the way. I'm late on getting my B12 injection, so I'm really drowsy these days. Getting a shot tomorrow finally, so hopefully I can soon get back into things. :)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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