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If right wingers are inbred, are left wingers on AIDS


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Its some classical insult either in SJW england or parts of USA culture of left wingers. Though i wonder which is worse, have a deformed child... or deformed lives. Since the most sex crazy people tends to be liberals in terms of sexuality is like playing video games, watching movies etc (which is not abuse btw), i dont mean normal ones, i just mean the gays "male gays" (lesbians is the safest actually)since anal sex has most likely to get AIDS/HIV than any other forms. Right wingers usually dont consider this as a hobby and are more apathetic if anything they just keep it to themself.

But yeah, i am just wondering your views?

Edited by Yashiru
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I have no idea why anyone would label you like that just because of you political views. I personally find it pretty ridiculous that some people actually are able to say something like this out loud.

My view of this whole thing is that it doesnt need to exist  seriously people need to freaking chill out. The political discussions these days are WAAY too heated and people go overboard pretty quickly. Also I dont think something like this helps to resolve that issue any further so its better just drop it all together as it doesnt really serve much of a purpose anyway.

Edited by Oono Akira
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It's only because of the left's propaganda to suggest that if someone is 'right wing', ie, anyone who doesn't agree with them - are idiot, ignorant hayseeds from the deep south. The AIDs thing I've never heard of...that doesn't even make sense. To suggest that gays and lesbians are left wing by default is another obvious non-sequitur. In any case, they are both stereotypes in order to cause knee-jerk suspicion of another's views.

  • Brohoof 1
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I see no valid topics of discussion here given the thread is based on stereotypes born out of human spite and hatred. While I do not want to believe this thread was created to bash either of political sides, I will not let it continue and escalate, what is unavoidable given its contents.



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