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I am so sick of the background ponies!(except DJ Pon-3)


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I don't think DJ Pon-3 is underrated because she doesn't get enough praise, I think she's underrated because most fans prefer Muffin or Dr. Hooves. Dr. Hooves is literally one of the blandest/most selfish ponies in the show. In Slice of Life, he takes Muffin to his house, gets distracted with Muffin, and then when Muffin reminds him of why they were there, he just leaves to go GET HIS SUIT TAILORED! Muffin, however, is not innocent either. Muffin was made popular because... an eye glitch that a FEW people saw. Her character doesn't amount to anything other than she's clumsy, and she likes muffins. Her first appearance was so bad, Hasbro and DHX pulled her from the show entirely. I will admit, every since Slice of Life, her character has been getting better and better, to the point that I was almost starting to think "Hey, maybe she isn't so overrated after all." And then the holiday special came out. And she was back to the way she was in season 1. They ruined her, and now she's back to square 1. Hasbro apparently knows that DJ Pon-3 is better because they made two music videos for her, in one of the EQG shorts(I think it's the one where Fluttershy tries out for coal miner number 2), she was one of the ending choices, and she appears occasionally from time to time to take her deserved spot in the spotlight, for instance, helping the main 7 in Rainbow Rocks defeat the Dazzlings.

Muffin is a really bad character.  She has no personality, and I dare someone to come up with 5 different things that define her.  She's not the blandest or boring-est character ever, and by no means is she the worst character.  It's just. . . . the fans. Oh great StarClan, the fans! The reason this piece of "Ooh, look, Hasbro put my favorite character that I like for a really stupid reason up on the screen as that really tiny pixel over there!  Take all of my money and time!" is even popular is pretty stupid. Her story is the animators messed up and her eyes went wonky for a few seconds in one scene of the first episode, and a few people who were eagle-eyed looking for bugs pointed this out and BOOM! Muffin was popular.  Her NAME is based off some gibberish that may or may not have actually been Muffin's. All of the background ponies have this problem of they aren't really characters that the audience knows, only a percentage has hopped onto the Brony train and looked at memes and fan art online. The only two background ponies I actually like are DJ Pon-3 and Lyra Heartstrings, and the only reason I like Lyra is that she's really sweet and seems like a really nice pony who would have been one of the best characters in the show if she hadn't been planned to only be a background pony.  According to Hasbro and the official MLP website, the only background pony who's even a character is DJ Pon-3, so Muffin has absolutely no reason to be as popular as she is, because they ruined her in the holiday special and turned her back into her season 1 self! So overrated. And the worst part is, if Muffin so much as flashes across the screen while flying, her fans will go "Oh my gosh it's best pony!" Why did you ruin her, Hasbro? I was actually starting to consider her to be not overrated and then you made her go through a time travel machine back to her season 1 self and be the most annoying mail pony ever!!!

Episode 100 was awful. It was just Hasbro jingling keys(Mainly Muffin, but the rest of the background six definitely are offenders of this too) in front of the Brony's faces.

I absolutely refuse to call Muffin "Derpy" when her cannon name is Muffin and not Derpy. Also, yes, I know that it was at one point Derpy but it isn't anymore.

Edited by Dawn-Sunlight
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34 minutes ago, CloudMistDragon said:

Be careful what you wish for, because it just might come true...


You'll never have to worry about the background characters again since the show is ending soon, didn't you get the news? :nom:

G    O    D    L    Y  opinions in turn get  G    O    D    L    Y  responses such as these. :laugh:

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Her name used to be Derpy and then Hasbro fixed her because apparently her design was a an animation mistake. However it's already to late and people raged "Save Derpy" compaign.

Dr Whoves  is just "hey that pony is a Doctor. Doctor Who? Exactly" I swear he stashed TARDIS somewhere because otherwise this pony is the most boring background pony that ever was :yuck::-P

Yeah I agree DJ is underutilized or something because she became dull and boring pony who just plays music in background, and that it. No backstory, no nothing, no lesbian love interests. And she had always been a mute. Sorry people who think she just never talks.

Edited by R.D.Dash
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I have never been a big fan of the popular background characters in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I always thought that the personalities and characteristics given to them by fans were sorta stupid. Let me be clear, I realize that most traits/stories given to these characters are not canon. For example, Lyra Heartstrings being obsessed with humans... I don’t find that cute or charming at all. The fan works that come out about it, in my opinion, are annoying to watch. It also annoys me when some fans still go on about how Vinyl Scratch must be voiced by the YouTube user Nowacking. I haven’t heard anything from Nowacking awhile but I never thought that she should voice Vinyl Scratch. I honestly don’t mind whoever will voice her if she’s voiced at all. 

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7 hours ago, Dawn-Sunlight said:




I don't think DJ Pon-3 is underrated because she doesn't get enough praise, I think she's underrated because most fans prefer Muffin or Dr. Hooves. Dr. Hooves is literally one of the blandest/most selfish ponies in the show. In Slice of Life, he takes Muffin to his house, gets distracted with Muffin, and then when Muffin reminds him of why they were there, he just leaves to go GET HIS SUIT TAILORED! Muffin, however, is not innocent either. Muffin was made popular because... an eye glitch that a FEW people saw. Her character doesn't amount to anything other than she's clumsy, and she likes muffins. Her first appearance was so bad, Hasbro and DHX pulled her from the show entirely. I will admit, every since Slice of Life, her character has been getting better and better, to the point that I was almost starting to think "Hey, maybe she isn't so overrated after all." And then the holiday special came out. And she was back to the way she was in season 1. They ruined her, and now she's back to square 1. Hasbro apparently knows that DJ Pon-3 is better because they made two music videos for her, in one of the EQG shorts(I think it's the one where Fluttershy tries out for coal miner number 2), she was one of the ending choices, and she appears occasionally from time to time to take her deserved spot in the spotlight, for instance, helping the main 7 in Rainbow Rocks defeat the Dazzlings.

Muffin is a really bad character.  She has no personality, and I dare someone to come up with 5 different things that define her.  She's not the blandest or boring-est character ever, and by no means is she the worst character.  It's just. . . . the fans. Oh great StarClan, the fans! The reason this piece of "Ooh, look, Hasbro put my favorite character that I like for a really stupid reason up on the screen as that really tiny pixel over there!  Take all of my money and time!" is even popular is pretty stupid. Her story is the animators messed up and her eyes went wonky for a few seconds in one scene of the first episode, and a few people who were eagle-eyed looking for bugs pointed this out and BOOM! Muffin was popular.  Her NAME is based off some gibberish that may or may not have actually been Muffin's. All of the background ponies have this problem of they aren't really characters that the audience knows, only a percentage has hopped onto the Brony train and looked at memes and fan art online. The only two background ponies I actually like are DJ Pon-3 and Lyra Heartstrings, and the only reason I like Lyra is that she's really sweet and seems like a really nice pony who would have been one of the best characters in the show if she hadn't been planned to only be a background pony.  According to Hasbro and the official MLP website, the only background pony who's even a character is DJ Pon-3, so Muffin has absolutely no reason to be as popular as she is, because they ruined her in the holiday special and turned her back into her season 1 self! So overrated. And the worst part is, if Muffin so much as flashes across the screen while flying, her fans will go "Oh my gosh it's best pony!" Why did you ruin her, Hasbro? I was actually starting to consider her to be not overrated and then you made her go through a time travel machine back to her season 1 self and be the most annoying mail pony ever!!!

Episode 100 was awful. It was just Hasbro jingling keys(Mainly Muffin, but the rest of the background six definitely are offenders of this too) in front of the Brony's faces.

I absolutely refuse to call Muffin "Derpy" when her cannon name is Muffin and not Derpy.



Wow! That's a lot of angst to let lose on the LAST SEASON. Personally? I thought the 100th episode to be really fun.

Edited by cuteycindyhoney
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2 hours ago, The Historian said:

Someone's taking a kid's cartoon a wee bit too seriously methinks. Take a chill pill, OP, and just enjoy the cute, colorful ponies.

I was kinda thinking along those lines myself.

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Also, here is something to think about. DJ Pon3 aka Vinyl Scratch, actually started out as an OC, and because she was a fan favorite, she was sometimes featured shortly in episodes and in the Equestria Girls movies. Technically she isn't a background pony.

As for Derpy aka Muffins, everyone save for the angry soccer moms who have way too much time on their hands when they aren't screwing guys, loved her. To a lot of us, she showed that it was okay to be different, and spawned one of the most loved (and one of my favorite fan songs) "Great to be Different". There are also many other good animations explaining Derpy's cutie mark, which resembled a disability, which is why she is walleyed and clumsy. 

And as for Dr. Whooves, well he started out as a pony called Time Turner. who would keep watch over an over sized hour glass. And because his mane style was similar to the hairstyle of David Tennant, who portrayed the Tenth Doctor in the Doctor Who series, fans started to liken him to the Doctor, and it just stuck. 

And for the 100th Episode, well that's exactly what it was. Yes, it was pandering to the older fans of the show, by inserting references to characters from television series and even movies that were definitely geared towards a much, much older audience. How-ever, it was also a celebration of how far the series has come and in a way, a thank you to the fans. For I am sure, that without the older fans, the show would have ran its course a long time ago and would have just been another kids show made to sell toys. Yet, because of the attention that the older fans has given the show, all the merchandise, the fan animations, the music, the fanart, the comics, everything, the show was able to go on for much longer. 

Now, a lot of the 'side' characters you are referring to, including Derpy and the Doctor, have only really had maybe one or two speaking roles, and otherwise, only appeared as silent background characters due to the copy paste of background characters for crowds and the such. It is a typical thing to do, just look at the crowds in say Rocksmith. 

So, in all, it is because of the fans of the show, which you profess to be, that these characters have been shown a lot of love, so, maybe think before you type, do some research.

Also, one more thing.. Sunset Shimmer is effectively a 'side' character, as she isn't even considered part of the main group in either the series or the Equestria Girls movies. 

Edited by Lady Moonspell
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16 minutes ago, Lady Moonspell said:

Also, here is something to think about. DJ Pon3 aka Vinyl Scratch, actually started out as an OC, and because she was a fan favorite, she was sometimes featured shortly in episodes and in the Equestria Girls movies. Technically she isn't a background pony.

Could I get a source on that, please?

18 minutes ago, Lady Moonspell said:

So, in all, it is because of the fans of the show, which you profess to be, that these characters have been shown a lot of love, so, maybe think before you type, do some research

How does this affect OP's point in any way? The characters doesn't get less shit just because the intentions behind them were good. 


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2 minutes ago, Black Sabbath said:

Could I get a source on that, please?

How does this affect OP's point in any way? The characters doesn't get less shit just because the intentions behind them were good. 


1. I may have been wrong, it is something that I had heard or read a while ago
2. It affects them, because I was explaining that it wasn't because of the show that these characters were, to their opinion, over rated and used, but because of how the fans love them.

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@CloudMistDragon: I have heard the news many times, it was stated literally in the trailers.

@cuteycindyhoney: The reason I'm doing this on the last season is because I didn't have an account before now, as I'm fairly new to this.  Also, I'm glad you were able to follow this episode, but how is someone who has never interacted with the online community going to follow this?

@The Historian: I'm not the one who made these character's backstories or the one who decided to put them in the show all in one episode with no build up.  I'm just the one who looked at these poorly written characters and wrote my opinions about them in my spare time because I felt like it.

@Lady Moonspell: I actually did do research on these ponies to find out what their origins were, thank you very much.  I'm sorry if I wasn't clear that these ponies weren't overrated because of the show, but because of the fans, which was my intent.

Also, just something that's not related in any way, how come you refer to me as OP?  Is it something that is related to being a new pony on this website?

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