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What's your zombie plan?


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I personally have a zombie plan that also doubles as my collapse of society plan and nuclear survival plan.


Step 1.) Get Out Of Dodge(G.O.O.D) plan: If time is permitted pack essentials first which include Ammunition, MRE's, Winter weather gear,radio, Canned food, bicycle, and gasoline. Then if time still permits pack Items you would like to have but are unnecessary(books, generator, extra clothes). After everything is loaded get the hell out of town.


If time is short pack 1 backpack and 1 duffel bag with primary and secondary firearms and as many MRE's and as much of my ammo as I can carry. Throw bags and bicycle in car and get the hell out of town.


Step 2.) Head to nowhere: Move as far away from urban areas as possible and be wary of other travels. Avoid major highways and interstates and try to stay on back roads when possible.


Step 3.) Survive: depending on the time of year hunt as you need to in order to stay alive. Save packaged food for when game is scarce or while traveling. Listen to the radio twice a day through headphones so not to create to much noise. If part of a group fortify an area preferably an already existing structure. If alone stay on the move and never drop your guard.


Step 4.) Find society OR create your own: Use your radio to monitor emergency broadcasts if still running. If you hear of a safe haven be cautious investigate from a distance before you walk into some kind of trap. If there are no safe havens left make one.



Everyone has a plan but is your plan good enough. The zombie apocalypse may be highly unlikely, but that doesn't mean that today's society that depends on so many things from so many far away places won't one day collapse. In a world where the insurance an insurance policy comes from the end of a gun those who are not prepared may suffer.


If the world ends all that will matter are the three b's: Beans,Beds, and Bullets

  • Brohoof 3

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Form a team, yeah, live someplace to cold for zombies.

I am, by any practical definition of the words, foolproof, and incapable of error.

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First of all, get as far out of Equestria as possible. The population is too high there, and the virus would quickly spread. Second of all, take cover preferably with Pegasus (to hunt for food and other survivors) and unicorns (for protection). Make sure you have Pinkie Pie with you, for her twitchie sense would come quite in handy. After that, have Pegasus fly in daily searching over Canterlot in search of supplies, survivors, and maybe a living Alicorn. Set up a stable base and go from there. Edited by Ice


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Buy a crapload of supplies to last me about a year. (food and whatnot)

At the same time,have a group of people(20 or so who want to survive) create an underground base.

Somehow acquire electricity,lighting,heating,and water underground.

Live off supplies in our small community for years. When food runs out,it's kickass time.



Awesome sig by ProjectRKA!

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I live in a big city with no way of escaping without getting bogged down in traffic.

I'm screwed so I'll just kill as many as I can.



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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I hope we're talking about those slow, stiff and mentally disabled types of zombies. If they have any ability to actually think, I'll consider myself (un)dead. But I'm not going down without a fight - I'm gonna have some fun with those things. Well, as much fun as a flamethrower, blunt/ sharp objects and discarded vehicles of the converted allow.


Well actually, that's more of a last resort than what I would do. I'd probably just hide somewhere. Only move by night, only move alone. Hmm... zombies can't swim can they? Because a boat would be one way. Live out on an island until winter passes and see if they all froze to death. Then pillage what I can and-...uh...hmm. Not sure where I'd go from there.


Tell the truth maybe it would be easier to just get down with the sickness.

Edited by Sweetie Belle


Quando omni flunkus moritati

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I think my friends and I thought of a plan a while back that went like this:


1. Rob a grocery store while the epidemic is still in the early stages. (food, water, etc.)

2. Find some source of weaponry. (I don't remember this part that well.)

3. Get to the (western US) coast and fashion a make-shift raft before the zombies take over the country.

4. Somehow raft to hawaii, where the zombies are least likely to reach.

5. Live in HAWAII for the rest of our lives.


Do I exist?

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4 words.






Could you possible find a way to not waste ammunition that could save another more motivated survivors life... I hear that if you fall onto your head from 7 stories up you have no chance of becoming a zombie... I don't mean this as an insult it's just the fact that ammo would eventually become scarce and wasting it on yourself seems wrong to me.
  • Brohoof 1

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This is a rough outline of my plan, everything is liable to changing depending on how the apocalypse goes. I.E: All electricity is gone, zombies arn't the slow and lumbering kind, where I am, ect. Lastly, the food supply thing would probably be 10x harder for me since I have a severe allergy to milk, anything soy, wheat, many vegtables, flour, eggs, that sort of thing.

Now then...


First I go home, stuff I need is there. If parents are alive, follow what they have. If they're zombies/got nothing, suggest my plan.


The school I go to has real rifles (But firing pin is gone, and barrels full of cement), I'd break in and grab one, incase I need it to threaten someone for supplys (Sorry world, I promise I'll just loot people that look like a waste of supplys to me). I guess I should mention the school is across the street from my house.


Now for food I'd bring as many cans of food I could. (It's a good thing my family saves ALL the shoping bags we get from grocerys) Also we have 3 cabinets with ALOT of food cans.


For weapons, I could still use the rifle as a 10 pound, 1 meter beating stick. We also have a hammer and 3 kitchen knives. Theres also a firestation down my street, if the firemen left with supplies (wouldn't blame em) we would still look around for whats left. If they're still there, rememeber the rifle? I'd just take the AX.


Now car space is not an issue, my parents deliver truckloads of newspapers, so I/we have a selection of 3 trucks to choose from. We'd probably pay attention to gas usage. Grab keys, head north.


Last is, again, the north (Oh yeah, I'd pack the heavy winter jackets I have, and we have bikes, so bring that too).


I know I'm missing alot of other needed things, not to mention current deadly flaws, but again, rough outline. However one thing is cirtain, my failsafe is suicide by gun. Look, I know you said it was a waste of a bullet, but one of my fears is a painful death, and the last way I want to die is by getting scratched to death by zombies. I imagine that hurts... alot.

Edited by RedvsYellow327
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Pfft Zombies, please.


We've got Redbacks, Funnel-Webs, Blue-ringed octopuses, Taipans, Tiger-snakes, Box jellyfishes, Great White Sharks, Stonefishes, as well as those poison things that live in a shells that spike you when you pick them up.


Come at me Zombies.

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 1 year later...

Zombies ah, well more then likely try and not get eaten.. lol yeah I know good idea right?


Anyway more then likely build a base out of my home and try to find others.


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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I know this sounds crazy and everyone criticizes me for it, but my plan is just: get bit. I don't think the humans would be able to beat the zombies in the end, so I would rather join the winning team early on. Also, being a zombie, I think, would be fun.


What fun is there in making sense?


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I don't really have a zombie plan. (There's an article that did a study on why a zombie apocalypse wouldn't work and why it wouldn't last long but I forgot where it was.)

If there was a zombie apocalypse, I'd probably just join them. Yeah it'd be scary. But, you know, if I'm gonna die, why not go down while nomming on some brains? :3

I refuse to let go until you're impressed.
I refuse to let go until I'm depressed.
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