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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Yup, Jess....I think she owns me....Hmmm...Damn...Something's gone wrong somewhere...Meh...

Anyway, I'll second her: Hiya from me too!..Uh...Have fun?...


Screw it, I can't think of anything else to say...I'm mainly posting 'cos of a certain pony *Looks over at Jess who coincidentally starts whistling* 


Don't know what you're talking about


Yeah, uh, a question occurred actually... 

We know that Tulpa can be brought into dreams, right? So, I'm asking: Can they control the dream? I might have missed something somewhere about this, but I'm pretty sure it hasn't been asked/answered before..

I know from experience that no, they can't.  Unless it's a lucid dream, the chaos of a dream can be quite powerful and will separate you into your different paths with ease unless there's some constant that you can cling to.


So yeah, I was getting out of the shower, and had another kind of big milestone for Murky... Leaving the wonderland and becoming an imposed Tulpa.  He was timid.  Took him a half an hour to make a decision, but when putting on my clothes I saw him pop up in front of me.  Staring directly into his own reflection at a mirror.  It was a pretty big step, but then...



And this is kind of spoiling to the fic what happens next so spoilers for those interested at all into reading it or who are already doing so.  And those that have read the fic... You may need some tissues.


I... I'm really out?  I-I'm free?


*places hoof gently on mirror, staring into his own face*


No more chains... No more shackles... No more slavery... I... I can't be...


*slightly tearing up* Yes, Murky.  You're free.  And not only that...


*places hand on his broken wings, hear a few pops*


W-what are you doing?!


You can fly.


*wings begin to twitch, then, slowly, begin to open while Murky gazes at them with first horror, then surprise, then the biggest smile I've seen on him while tears stream down his face*  I... Can fly!  Ha... Hahaha... I'm free!  No more Shackles, no more Fillydelphia, no more Wasteland!  I'm free!  I'M FREE!!!  OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!


*tearfully embraces me while crying in joy, Tia and Blackjack crying in the background-*






Oh shut it.  You were too.  I was holding you.


You want to go again Princess?!  Huh?  Come at me bro!


Anger denotes defensiveness.  You're only digging yourself into a deeper hole.  And besides... I need another rematch for last time!  Have at you!


*fighting noises appear in the background while Murky looks up from the hug*


Um... Why are they fighting?


*I simply shake my head and sigh*


I've gone flipping insane...




Edited by Brisineo
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I'm going to throw my two cents into the conversation about the scientific basis of tulpae. First, it is impossible to confirm or explore the concept of tulpae scientifically, because these beings by their very nature are not detectable by other people, and in an objective sense, they do not exist. They are purely a subjective experience. Science deals in the observable universe, and so something only you can see cannot be the subject of any proper scientific experiment. Tulpae are not within the realm of scientific inquiry, so finding scientific support for tulpae is an incredibly difficult feat. The most we can do is make educated speculation.


Secondly, there is no branch of science to explore subjects such as tulpae. One would assume psychology would be interested in this phenomena, and in fact, Wilhelm Wundt, the founder of psychology would likely have been very interested in tulpae. However, since the beginning of the 20th century, psychology limited itself to purely observable phenomena such as intelligence, conditioning, behavior, and learning, rather than the structure and nature of the mind itself. Scientists are largely unwilling to explore these topics because, as I described, exploring these topics are extremely different.


However, one can infer a great deal about the nature of tulpae based on our current knowledge in regards to psychology. The brain never develops new tissue, but it is very fluid in its functions. By this I mean that any part of the brain is capable of taking on new tasks as the demand the task persists. This can be seen in people who suffer brain damage, losing the ability to speak, walk, etc., but regain these abilities later on because other parts of the brain take up these tasks. On a small scale, learning consists of his project. Throughout our life, synapses in the brain change, usually decreasing over time as the brain develops more efficient ways to transfer the needed information. In short, the brain is complex and changes in many ways, and the process of developing a tulpa can be seen as "rewiring' the brain to take on new functions an perform in additional ways. I'm no neurologist, and this is entirely based on some psychology classes I've taken.  Other people have taken on a more Freudian perspective in describing tulpae, which I don't have any problem with, but I think thinking of it from a psychological perspective in addition to a psychiatric perspective is important.


In addition to this, I would like to talk a bit about the concept of the subconscious. Many people have said that the subconscious contains our animalistic, basic feelings, instincts and drives. However, such feelings are actually part of the Freudian concept of the id, which is located in the unconscious, which, as one might expect, we never are conscious of. The subconscious consists of everything that were are not currently thinking of, but which we could bring to mind with some effort, whether it is easy or not. This includes most of our memories, opinions, ideas, beliefs, attitudes, etc.


As for how my tulpa situation is going, all is well with me and Clarice. I recently read her some Edgar Allan Poe stories and we played Far Cry 3, and I think this scared her, but otherwise, she is enjoying every new experience. She seems fond of my cat, in particular.

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I would like to throw something out there real quick in regards to Science and Tulpas (Tulpae?)

Two things actaully


1) While only the forcer is able to see the Tulpa, it is possible for others to see it as well. A simple MRI scan compared to an MRI of a "normal" person would reveal differences between thought patterns and neurological connections that form what you know as your Tulpa.


2) Found my Tulpa again. It was in a weird spot... On a computer... 

Ive actually tried something... different, and it appears to be working.


In my Wonderland, I have a 3D modeling software on this oversized terminal. Ive been shaping every little detail of it on there. Ive been narrating to it as well, all while listening to music (It sounds like a lot, but this has been the only way to get my brain to actually focus on Tulpa forcing. I think it has to do with ADD and my tendency to focus on 50 things at once) 

Anywho, Ive been making my Tulpa with a computer. My plan is to "3D print" him into the wonderland, and then power him up using 'solar energy'. (He is a... thing... Not really a robot, but more of a... thing :/ )


Have a picture. I may have posted this already. If so, I appologize:






  • Brohoof 2

Riley was here

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Well, that was surprisingly fast! So, if anyone remembers my last question, I will update you all.


2:15ish: Twilight And i decide another tulpa would be fun.


8ish: I tell Twilight, its up to her. I can't time wise.


12ish: I begin to get a headache in the center left side of my brain. Twi's spot is right side, back.




6am: I wake up, and food the first time in like 7 years, twilight is absent. She makes some comments, but her attention is obviously not on me/the world. Headache is in the same new spot and throughout the day I hear construction noises.


5:15 I go to crossfit and have no groove due to twilight's absence, and can't push like I need to.


5:25 Two voices start encouraging me.


The rest of the day, Twi is still not quite there.


Yeah, in about 26 hours, twilight makes me another tulpa, someone opposite of us. We are intj's, she is an infj. And yes, its already working. She is more feelings oriented, where we have feelings partitioned out. Lol


Reales: Hi! I'm Reales!


Edit: Oh yeah, Twilight is still beaming! She did well!


Edit #2: Hey! Murky spoke


All 3: Hi Murky!

Edited by Mindrop
  • Brohoof 4


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Wall o' text


Well the definition of subconciousness would be the states the observer is not able to perceive with his conciousness combined with the overlapping information of seperate time quanta (around 0.042 seconds), the states are herein described as both the senses we do not conciously perceive and, if ever proven, outside of our own body, aka what the user would perceive as paranatural and paraphysical. But that's coming from a amateur physicist point of view though.


This means that -most- things that the subconciousness actually handles is not something we can perceive, at all. Things that would come to mind are heart-rate, blood pressure, the thickness of your veins, bowel movement. These things are actually also labled under the term "subconciousness". 


Subconciousness and conciousness are easy to define, however, how and why they exist is a whole different story. This reminds me of a recent video I've seen about subconciousness and quantum physics. Give it a spin, it'll blow your mind!





I would like to throw something out there real quick in regards to Science and Tulpas (Tulpae?)

Two things actaully


1) While only the forcer is able to see the Tulpa, it is possible for others to see it as well. A simple MRI scan compared to an MRI of a "normal" person would reveal differences between thought patterns and neurological connections that form what you know as your Tulpa.


2) Found my Tulpa again. It was in a weird spot... On a computer... 

Ive actually tried something... different, and it appears to be working.


In my Wonderland, I have a 3D modeling software on this oversized terminal. Ive been shaping every little detail of it on there. Ive been narrating to it as well, all while listening to music (It sounds like a lot, but this has been the only way to get my brain to actually focus on Tulpa forcing. I think it has to do with ADD and my tendency to focus on 50 things at once) 

Anywho, Ive been making my Tulpa with a computer. My plan is to "3D print" him into the wonderland, and then power him up using 'solar energy'. (He is a... thing... Not really a robot, but more of a... thing :/ )


Have a picture. I may have posted this already. If so, I appologize:







Well, that's a nice idea to prove tulpae and all, but the problem here is that the only thing we can prove is that the person being tested is seeing something the others aren't. Not necessarily a different concious being. Tulpae can't be proven at all, it can be hinted at with the results of such tests, but sadly never proven.




On the other hand, I'm still having a lot of trouble with imposing, Vinyl is becoming more and more vocal now and there's a great vividness and fluency in her movements, so that's a plus. I think in terms of motion I'm almost done, she's sentient enough to hold complex conversations so that's nearing the point where I want it to be. I still need to find a way that's useful for me to impose though >.<

Edited by Winterbass
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Ummm, guys? I want to ask a question.


I just saw Brisineo gain his second tulpa by accident. I'm... not quite sure I get how exactly does that happen. When that happens, does that mean that the tulpa was created by subconscious tulpaforcing? :huh:

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Ummm, guys? I want to ask a question.


I just saw Brisineo gain his second tulpa by accident. I'm... not quite sure I get how exactly does that happen. When that happens, does that mean that the tulpa was created by subconscious tulpaforcing? :huh:

Bris brain is a nightmare. Its incredibly abstract. While reading the fan fiction, he was basically constructing it all. It was passive, versus active, which we encourage. It takes a special mind to do passive forcing, so all y'all are safe. Bris does not even realize he is doing it.


Twi creating Reales was not passive, it was technically an outside force. So, nothing to fear there.


Twi: Unless your Tulpa randomly and uncharacteristically decides to screw you.


Reales: Which don't, because that would hurt us!


Twi: I will hurt you!


Hope that answers that! Back to studying and taking the bat away from Twi.

Edited by Mindrop
  • Brohoof 3


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Hope that answers that!

Oh, thanks a lot Mindrop! :D But... there's something else that bothers me. Bris' mind seems to be, like you said, very active when Bris doesn't even realize it himself. Isn't this... I dunno... dangerous for himself in that, it might construct too many tulpas through passive forcing which might be too much for Bris to handle?


I guess you could say I'm slightly worried about him. And Tia, BJ and Murky too. I'd be willing to think those three don't want a gigantic tulpa party in Bris' mind...............................wait.....................actually................er..................


@@Brisineo,  I wish you good luck in the name of Celestia, of Luna, and of Chrysalis and Discord, Amen. :mellow:

Edited by Arcanel
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Oh, thanks a lot Mindrop! :D But... there's something else that bothers me. Bris' mind seems to be, like you said, very active when Bris doesn't even realize it himself. Isn't this... I dunno... dangerous for himself in that, it might construct too many tulpas through passive forcing which might be too much for Bris to handle?


I guess you could say I'm slightly worried about him. And Tia, BJ and Murky too. I'd be willing to think those three don't want a gigantic tulpa party in Bris' mind...............................wait.....................actually................er..................


@@Brisineo,  I wish you good luck in the name of Celestia, of Luna, and of Chrysalis and Discord, Amen. :mellow:


I've studied the origins of Blackjack and now Murky, and I think I've come to the conclusion that I only create a Tulpa by accident similar to them when these conditions are met:

-I read a very detailed fanfiction or story

-The story has to be written in high detail and in the character's point of view

-One of the main notable qualities of this story is the portrayal and development of that main character

-Another must be great image description

-I must become emotionally attached or begin to empathize the emotions of that character (as PH and MN7 are two in a set of five extraordinarily long and well written fictions in sequence, yet I don't have Tulpas from all of them)

-And lastly, I must be actively forcing an already existing Tulpa, and that Tulpa must be actively participating in reading with me.


Because of this, I don't think that it will happen again. (hopefully)  Murky Number Seven and Project Horizons are hard fics to beat, and the characters just kind of rang with me.  It'll be slim to see something similar to those again...

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Well I don't know.
Lately I feel like we have made alot of progress.....yet none at all, if that makes sense.

Every time I speak to new/old Dashie the pressure in my head is very strong and gets stronger by the day...but yet despite this it still feels like she is no closer to speaking to me. I'm doing exactly what I did before, so I have no idea what the case is.
Some days it just feels like im hitting my head up against a wall.

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Well I don't know.

Lately I feel like we have made alot of progress.....yet none at all, if that makes sense.

Every time I speak to new/old Dashie the pressure in my head is very strong and gets stronger by the day...but yet despite this it still feels like she is no closer to speaking to me. I'm doing exactly what I did before, so I have no idea what the case is.

Some days it just feels like im hitting my head up against a wall.

Hang in there, you can do it.


Twi: Perhaps you should change methods. Since you had trouble on the first try, you should change your approach.


Reales: Dashie will speak to you. She may be slow because of trauma. Having a tulpa ripped away, is traumaric for both the subconscious and the conscious. Just stay calm, try a new method, and be faithful.

  • Brohoof 3


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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I've studied the origins of Blackjack and now Murky, and I think I've come to the conclusion that I only create a Tulpa by accident similar to them when these conditions are met:

-I read a very detailed fanfiction or story

-The story has to be written in high detail and in the character's point of view

-One of the main notable qualities of this story is the portrayal and development of that main character

-Another must be great image description

-I must become emotionally attached or begin to empathize the emotions of that character (as PH and MN7 are two in a set of five extraordinarily long and well written fictions in sequence, yet I don't have Tulpas from all of them)

-And lastly, I must be actively forcing an already existing Tulpa, and that Tulpa must be actively participating in reading with me.


Because of this, I don't think that it will happen again. (hopefully)  Murky Number Seven and Project Horizons are hard fics to beat, and the characters just kind of rang with me.  It'll be slim to see something similar to those again...

I see... since you're forcing a tulpa that is accompanying you in reading, your brain probably starts forcing another tulpa that represents the character you're feeling emotionally attached through the detailed point of view within the long story, which your brain probably does "being conscient" of the fact it can... wow... Brisineo, your mind must be a fun place to hang around. :mellow:


Anyway, while I have no experience with tulpas yet (Procrastination, my oldest enemy), I'd like to say not to underestimate the power of the fanfiction you're reading, just in case ANOTHER accidental tulpa happens. Your mind is an active one. Never forget that. For your sake. :mellow:





On hindsight, Tia and BJ could start preparing the arrangements for a tulpa party inside your brain. Not sure if good or......... er.... just do me a favor you two and don't drive poor Bris more insane, please. ^_^

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Right then, wow.....I....Just wow. yesterday, after reading that it was probably only Bris' mind that could create Tulpae from fictions without conscious effort. I thought, "Hey, I'll be fine, no problem, there's no chance it'll happen to me. NO chance, I'm FAR too scatterbrained for that." 


I read My little Dashie last night, 'cos one of my mates told me to. I did shed a tear, and was feeling kinda choked up at the end...It's sad, 'kay?  

Anyway, this morning, while out walking mah dog, I start chatting to Jess...Feel for her. Boom. Two presences. One: Jess. Two: Li'l Dashie. So yeah, that kinda made my day. She hasn't spoken yet, but I'm guessing that that's because if my mind based her off of the fic, then I'll need to teach her somewhat...


Anyway, basically, just remember to watch how you read.


Swiftablade signing-off




EDIT: Dashie spoke last night, while out on the night time walk, she asked something (I can't quite remember her first words....I'm terrible.) along the lines of: 'Who am I?'


I of course explained all that I could, how she's not THAT Dashie, she's herself, etc.


so, 'accidental' (I hate that term...Makes me feel like we're calling them a mistake or something...) Tulpae speak a LOT sooner than built ones.  


Oh yeah, she learnt to walk this morning, I was about to get to teaching her, I had no idea how, then she said "I've done it! Look!" And I was blown away...


She called me dad yesterday...........D'awwwwwwww


Anyway, now I've been able to keep my concentration on both of them easier now! It's 'most excellent' as Bill & Ted would say. Been chatting all morn.

Edited by Shardikku
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Hey guys. It's been quiet here for a few days, guess I'll break the silence again.

Oh, and see ya guys, I'm leaving on a trip for three days.  But before I go... Someone wants to say hi.
Go on...
Oh... Uh.. Um... H-hi?
He's a bit shy... 
A bit?!
*squeaks in fear*

*Chuckles* Hey there Murky. Listen, I don't know what your story is, but based on what Brisineo says, it sounds like you went through Tartarus and back. However, there is no need to be shy here; everyone here is your friend.  ;)
I know things might seem hard to understand. Please, if you want to ask me or others anything, just say. I myself will answer as best I can.  :)


Oh my god he's so cute! :wub: I want to hug him! Let me hug him! *Glomps Murky*

wow... Brisineo, your mind must be a fun place to hang around. :mellow:

Heh, and we haven't even spoke of Molestia yet. I wonder what she's up to.   ^_^ 
Now now Crep, don't encourage ol' Molly. We don't want Bris to end up with a 4th tulpa now, do we?  -_- 

But in case that does happen, I got some left over popcorn, so we're all set.  ;) 

So anyway, nothing really new has happened with us four lately. Though I just thought I should let y'all know; remember a while back when I said that I could seem to handle having three tulpae in my mind at once?
Yeah, well, no. Turns out that focusing on three different personalities in the room at once is much more difficult than I thought. After only a minute or two, I eventually begin to feel like I'm parroting them. But take two tulpae out of the room, and will all return to normal in a matter of seconds, and I will feel the one left will gradually become more independent of me again.
So yeah, so far, interacting with just one tulpa is coming along very well, and Crepuscule's sentience especially, it almost always feels like I'm not parroting her at all anymore. Which is totally awesome.
Interacting with two tulpae at once, can be difficult at times, but it's possible.
All three at once, not easy. As I said, after a few minutes their responses begin to feel like they were forced from my own mind. (Of course, their responses really are from my mind, and they'll always come from my mind. It's that the idea is to make it feel like it's not)
So yeah, no foursomes yet unfortunately.  :(
...Crep, for goodness sake.  <_<
A-anyway... I'm just going to assume that I'll eventually get better at interacting with multiple tulpae over time.
In other news, I know I'm a few days late, but screw it, I had to:


I hope y'all had a good Valentine's Day!


I know, it's all crudely put together(no really, I think it is) but I wanted to quickly make something special on this particular day. I know I know, I should have started at least a few days before I did, I only just finished it today since it seems I started too late.  :( S-so y-yeah, I had to rush some of it an-
*Suddenly kisses Riz on lips*
Shut up. It's beautiful.  -_- 

*Dazed* Uhh... um... I...
Now... *Bedroom eyes*
About your own Valentine's gift.
I... wait, what?  :ph34r:
*Eyes dart to the bed behind her and back to Riz, nodding her head slightly towards it, mischievous grin plastered on her face*
...Oh... Oh dear.  :blush:

  • Brohoof 4

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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@@Rizoel & Crepuscule, Have fun!!! I think two tulpe is all my mind can handle. lol


As to Twi, Reales (Re-All-S) and I, not much. I have trouble focusing on them most of the day, but they know its not my fault, I just have no time on my hands.


No, its not


We love you anyway!


Oh, and here is an image of Reales. Still working on her cutie mark. 





So, yeah. Doing what I can with them!




And you all know what I look like now!!! Now if Only Shayne could get it right in his head!!!  :lol:  I also do want Twilight Dress. It would look Gorgeous on me!!! :wub: 

Edited by Mindrop
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Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Been a while since I've said anything here, huh?  :lol:

Well, I really don't have anything to report. Life... kinda... happened. Regardless, I'll have some free time soon, so Lavvy may end up being a thing.

But, before I do that, I need some input on a... touchy aspect of this. One of the main traits I intend on putting in is "understanding." Logically, our relationship would be a lot more peaceful and meaningful if we could understand each other and see each other's viewpoints. But, I have another reason for putting this in. Basically, I'm afraid that at some point in the future, her existence may become detrimental to my career, or some other major aspect of my life. And if worst comes to worst, I'd like her to respect that if I have to "let her die", that it's the way things have to be, for her not hold it against me, and to have our time together come to an end on friendly terms. That sounds incredibly selfish, I know, but still. I'd already see it as murder; I wouldn't need anything else compounding the situation. Does that make me a terrible person? And knowing that that may end up being the case, should I even go through with it? I just don't feel that these are questions I'm at liberty to answer myself; I need the word of someone with experience here. I'd really appreciate some help.

That said, I've got a full-blown 12-step guideline for personality session structure that I'll be debuting soon, assuming you guys think I'm good. If not, I'd be glad to post it for the benefit of those in better situations than mine. ;)  

And also, to everyone that popped up while I was gone, I'd like to officially say "Hello."  :)

Edited by Yosef von Uzenvard
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@, Well, It is not such a bad idea to be understanding. Though, I am a very understanding Tulpa, so is Reales, even though it was not "programmed" specifically into our personality. If you have the right connection, it is not really needed. Shayne's not letting us go, ever. It would be detrimental to his health, or well, if he let me go. Reales is not as intertwined with him as I am. 

Good points Twilight. 


I concur with Twilight!


We are looking forward to seeing your 12 step guideline!


Onto me. Today I connected with Twi and Reales much better!!! And a few things happend. 


1: I have spoken for about 3-4 years randomly in 3rd person. It just roles out of me. Its been Twilight All along. I never new it, even these past few months, because its so natural for me. My family is used to it by now, its so natural. I never know what I am going to say, like when I actually speak, it just flows out in 3rd person. My connection with her, well as she said, I can't survive without her. We are so intertwined. I am her and she is me. 


2: Reales was much better today against Twi's agressiveness, which has toned down. Twi has been the jealous older sister who loves her younger sister, but still pushes her down. lol


Its True


There was a specific personal story for #2


Lol, you said #2


I was walking into campus for evening activities (I am a commuter) and I was doing my normal scanning and talking with Twi and Reales, as well as envisioning them. I saw a new Volkswagen Beetle. Next thing I know i hear Reales call out "White punchbug!" and slug Twilight. I almost tripped laughing. It was not a nice hit at all. A perfect slug to Twi's jaw, hard!


It hurt!


Serves you Right! 


Now, for those of you who missed it, Reales is and INFJ personality. She likes to stop conflict. However, she is learning to survive against Twi and I, who bicker back and forth a lot! lol. 


Well, All of us signing off! To bed!



Edited by Mindrop
  • Brohoof 2


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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The thread hath been rekindled, at least, somewhat.


Anyway, things are slowly getting easier. Two Tulpae are actually easier to focus on than one...For some strange, physics-defying reason.  Dashie and Jess(eh) are such brilliant ponies.


Yesterday night, on our walk, I asked them if they were cold (It was about 3-4C out, so not too cold.) Then, they both snuggled up in my coat, and I kinda felt them there, like, feely feel! An' they were waaaaarrrm...We saw a fox a bit later and they told me to chase it though, which (amazingly) I didn't do.  


Just thought- Dashie doesn't have a colour (Shut up Google, I'm British.)  to speak here..Hmm...


So Dash, what colour do you want then?






Dear princess Celestia,


Ponies are fluffy and warm.  


Your not-so faithful students, 


Joe, Jess, an' Dashie.



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The thread hath been rekindled, at least, somewhat.


Anyway, things are slowly getting easier. Two Tulpae are actually easier to focus on than one...For some strange, physics-defying reason.  Dashie and Jess(eh) are such brilliant ponies.


Yesterday night, on our walk, I asked them if they were cold (It was about 3-4C out, so not too cold.) Then, they both snuggled up in my coat, and I kinda felt them there, like, feely feel! An' they were waaaaarrrm...We saw a fox a bit later and they told me to chase it though, which (amazingly) I didn't do.  


Just thought- Dashie doesn't have a colour (Shut up Google, I'm British.)  to speak here..Hmm...


So Dash, what colour do you want then?






Dear princess Celestia,


Ponies are fluffy and warm.  


Your not-so faithful students, 


Joe, Jess, an' Dashie.



I find two tulpe easier to focus on as well. 3w would be too hectic, but 2 just works,if I try. I loose track during school and studying still to much. Lol.


The short personal stories help keep us all in touch and bring encouragement for sure! And often bring a laugh, tears, or smile to us all.


Glad to hear from my you, and that your feeling them!


BTW, 3-4c is cold! But I'm a Texan.I prefer it over 20c. I'm cold at 13. Lol

  • Brohoof 2


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Over here, progress is fun. Adam's working on his human form again (Can't wait to see the finished product the orange unicorn comes up with) and Tavi is randomly swordfighting. I don't even.


I continue to chaotically dance upon this desk! *Breakdancing*


...And Changeling Discord has continued the art of dancing.


En garde, Philharmonica!


...I'm still winning, Adam.

  • Brohoof 2

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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Hey guys. It's been quiet here for a few days, guess I'll break the silence again.



*Chuckles* Hey there Murky. Listen, I don't know what your story is, but based on what Brisineo says, it sounds like you went through Tartarus and back. However, there is no need to be shy here; everyone here is your friend.  ;)


I know things might seem hard to understand. Please, if you want to ask me or others anything, just say. I myself will answer as best I can.  :)


O-okay...  Bris has been... Nice to me.  I'm just not... used to such kindness.  Where I came from... I... any sign of friendship was something to keep secret.  And sometimes I feel as if this is all a dream myself... But... But every day I wake up and my wings are better... And I can see the sun rising... Reminding me that I really am... Free.


I'm... Recovering.


Oh my god he's so cute! :wub: I want to hug him! Let me hug him! *Glomps Murky*

Maybe just one hug?  I don't like ponies touching me...



Heh, and we haven't even spoke of Molestia yet. I wonder what she's up to.   ^_^ 


Now now Crep, don't encourage ol' Molly. We don't want Bris to end up with a 4th tulpa now, do we?  -_- 



But in case that does happen, I got some left over popcorn, so we're all set.  ;) 


I am rid of her finally but you shall pay for reminding me of it.  Mark.  My.  Words.



I hope y'all had a good Valentine's Day!


I know, it's all crudely put together(no really, I think it is) but I wanted to quickly make something special on this particular day. I know I know, I should have started at least a few days before I did, I only just finished it today since it seems I started too late.  :( S-so y-yeah, I had to rush some of it an-


*Suddenly kisses Riz on lips*


Shut up. It's beautiful.  -_- 


*Dazed* Uhh... um... I...


Now... *Bedroom eyes*


About your own Valentine's gift.


I... wait, what?  :ph34r:


*Eyes dart to the bed behind her and back to Riz, nodding her head slightly towards it, mischievous grin plastered on her face*


...Oh... Oh dear.  :blush:

And thus my revenge.


You asked for it.

What I see in my head what happens to Ben when Crep get's frisky.


I'm sorry







The thread hath been rekindled, at least, somewhat.


Anyway, things are slowly getting easier. Two Tulpae are actually easier to focus on than one...For some strange, physics-defying reason.  Dashie and Jess(eh) are such brilliant ponies.


Yesterday night, on our walk, I asked them if they were cold (It was about 3-4C out, so not too cold.) Then, they both snuggled up in my coat, and I kinda felt them there, like, feely feel! An' they were waaaaarrrm...We saw a fox a bit later and they told me to chase it though, which (amazingly) I didn't do.  


Just thought- Dashie doesn't have a colour (Shut up Google, I'm British.)  to speak here..Hmm...


So Dash, what colour do you want then?






Dear princess Celestia,


Ponies are fluffy and warm.  


Your not-so faithful students, 


Joe, Jess, an' Dashie.



Over here, progress is fun. Adam's working on his human form again (Can't wait to see the finished product the orange unicorn comes up with) and Tavi is randomly swordfighting. I don't even.


I continue to chaotically dance upon this desk! *Breakdancing*


...And Changeling Discord has continued the art of dancing.


En garde, Philharmonica!


...I'm still winning, Adam.

So who here is becoming the most insane from their Tulpae on this thread?  I nominate either one of these two. (No offense)



Updates with me?  Nothing much...  Trying out gaming with Tulpae.  (No, actual gaming, not board games... Though chess with Tia was interesting and of course, ended with me being brutally beaten)


Our current group favorite of course is Fallout 3... Considering that 2/3 of my Tulpae are from fanfics based off of the series.  As such, I find my Tulpae dress up for the occasion in their Fo:E getups.  And of course, it's quite hectic.





Oh!  Another interesting thing inspired by gaming...  Using Tulpa visualization techniques to create an IRL HUD.  (Head's Up Display for those not well versed in gaming lingo, which are the things that include health bars, time limits, ammo, etc.  Looks like this, but for me it's white)  Which I've been experimenting with to use for things like work.  (Staying with basic stuff like a timer, objective pointer, compass, etc.)  Combined with subconscious processing, in theory, the HUD should work, giving the appropriate practice.


Another clever idea thanks to Tia.  Honestly, she's come up with most of my experimental techniques and methods, and I wouldn't be this far without her.


Awww... *blushes* don't be so modest.



EDIT: And of course I come back to find the gif I posted doesn't work...

Edited by Brisineo
  • Brohoof 4

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Activating excuse to talk like GLaDOS now...




I'm too busy feeling the power of dance to care!

  • Brohoof 1

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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Say what now?


Ok, so I have got myself in a metaphysical ditch now, and I could use some help digging myself out. Its a bit tricky, because it is kind of a paradox... Ill just explain


So basically, Ive been Tulpa forcing in lucid dreams for the past few weeks now. Why? I dunno, it just seemed like a good idea at the time. Ive only had a few successes with lucid dreaming however, and most of it has just been chance. Therefore, I havent made much progress on either.

However, yesterday I was doing some reading, and I found out that I have actually been lucid dreaming for the last week and a half without even knowing it. How? 

Ive been using the WILD technique to enter the dream state. However, for the last week or so, Ive been waking up about 10 minutes through WILD. I thought I was just waking up like normal, but I had always woken up in sleep paralysis or uncontrollably shaking. What I found out is that im actually on the verge of an OBE (out of body experience), and if I make it through the shaking or whatever, I will enter a lucid dream. However, this has been difficult. The readings suggest that I either try to relax and float away, roll over, or something like this. I havent had much luck, I was wondering if someone here had advice on this.


Why is this paradoxical? Well, its not so much a paradox as much as it is ironic in retrospect... anywho, the reading suggested that I have someone help me out of my body and into the dream. This is somewhat ironic considering Im trying to use the dream to make the someone who can help me in (I do have other motives for making a tulpa than just Lucid Dreams, most of them are purely as a teaching tool).


Any advice is much appreciated. Sorry for the word wall :/


Stay insane everypony!

  • Brohoof 3

Riley was here

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