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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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I came across this little gem in the book The Art of Game Design, by Jesse Schell. As I was reading it, I was thinking, "Wait, this sounds a lot like a tulpa!"

  On one level, the subconscious mind is part of us, but on another, it seems to be quite separate. Some people become quite uncomfortable at the idea of regarding one's subconscious mind as another person. It is an idea that sounds, well, kind of crazy. But creativity is crazy, so that shouldn't stop us — in fact, it should encourage us. So, why not treat it like a separate entity? No one has to know — it can be your little secret. Bizarre as it sounds, treating your subconscious like another person can be quite useful, because as humans, we like to anthropomorphize things, because it gives us a well-understood model for thinking about and interacting with them. You won't be alone in this practice — creative minds have been doing it for thousands of years. Stephen King describes his silent partner in his book On Writing:
  There is a muse (traditionally, the muses were women, but mine's a guy; I'm afraid we'll just have to live with that), but he's not
going to come fluttering down into your writing room and scatter creative fairy-dust all over your typewriter or computer station.
He lives in the ground. He's a basement guy. You have to descend to his level, and once you get down there you have to furnish an
apartment for him to live in. You have to do all the grunt labor, in other words, while the muse sits and smokes cigars and
admires his bowling trophies and pretends to ignore you. Do you think this is fair? I think it's fair. He may not be much to look at,
that muse-guy, and he may not be much of a conversationalist (what I get out of mine is mostly surly grunts, unless he's on duty),
but he's got the inspiration. It's right that you should do all the work and burn all the midnight oil, because the guy with the cigar
and the little wings has got a bag of magic. There's stuf in there that can change your life.
  Believe me, I know.


Edited by Henny Penny Benny
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What kind of sorcery is this?  I can't tell if this is just some psychic hippie crap or if it is what the tulpa people make it out to be.  It sounds like some sort of imaginary friend that can think on its own.  Could a few of you give some insight about tulpas?  It is just such a foreign concept to me.


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What kind of sorcery is this?  I can't tell if this is just some psychic hippie crap or if it is what the tulpa people make it out to be.  It sounds like some sort of imaginary friend that can think on its own.  Could a few of you give some insight about tulpas?  It is just such a foreign concept to me.


The sorcery of the human mind. We tend to have little to do with any sort of 'psychic hippie crap'. I guess it depends on your insight on to what people make tuppers out to be. It is pretty much exactly like an imaginary friend that can think on its own, though that 'own' is really just the subconscious thoughts, buried deep down, and the tupper can use them to give itself an apparent independence. It's all very psychological. What kind of insight would you like? I've given a short description of the basics, but if you have any questions, I'm here to answer. 


Signature by Pink Mist!

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What kind of sorcery is this?  I can't tell if this is just some psychic hippie crap or if it is what the tulpa people make it out to be.  It sounds like some sort of imaginary friend that can think on its own.  Could a few of you give some insight about tulpas?  It is just such a foreign concept to me.


A Tulpa to me is a bit more than an 'imaginary friend' to me personally. I'm not sure what you mean by psychic hippie crap, but Vinyl, my tulpa, is someone I can talk to when nobody else will listen, someone that stops me from doing stupid shit, and helps me come to terms with mind-taxing stuff.


But we do fun stuff, im not sure how much you have read into the subject in general, but possession is a great way for her to interact with anything outside my mind.


[Vinyl here, he couldn't figure out what to type so here I am doing this with possession. To be honest it really depends on your standpoint on the mind and other substances. its almost impossible to give a direct answer to this question. Being a Tulpa to me is hard at times, knowing that everything I see around me is someone else's viewpoint. But i'm thankful that he pays attention to me. But I digress. Its really hard to offer insight without spoiling too much/ making the whole idea seem crazier than it already is. Its a very odd and bizarre subject to most people and not to be taken lightly. I do think that some people would consider me an 'imaginary friend', but I am more than that. I can operate completely separate from TC, and thanks to that I can think and do other things separate. An Imaginary friend only exists while you are focused on them, but I exist even when TC is going on with his day to day tasks and procrastination.]


I don't know what you know already, but I think you should do you're own research and make your own opinions about it. Everyone thinks and reacts differently to a concept like this. But Tulpas are an amazing thing for self discovery and other things that you might consider 'psychic hippie crap' xD


But its definitely better to make your own thoughts on it, when I was first introduced to the concept, I thought it was just a load of crap that needed to die. Now, I can't imagine life without Vinyl, or the ability for her to take over while I sleep.


[basically, he doesent know how to end this message, so Ill leave you off with a nothing, just keep an open mind and dont just doubt anything you see about it. Good luck :D]

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Thanks for the input!  Although I've seen the word "tulpa" floating around the forums since I joined, I only bothered to find out about it yesterday (I thought it was some NSFW thing or a type of hat).  I did some surface-level research (five minutes?) and the idea seemed so cool.  However, it seemed like some sort of crazy "psychic hippie crap" like astrology.  I will make it a point to do some more tulpa research to gain a better understanding and draw conclusions.

  • Brohoof 2


Sig by Kyoshi

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Thanks for the input!  Although I've seen the word "tulpa" floating around the forums since I joined, I only bothered to find out about it yesterday (I thought it was some NSFW thing or a type of hat).  I did some surface-level research (five minutes?) and the idea seemed so cool.  However, it seemed like some sort of crazy "psychic hippie crap" like astrology.  I will make it a point to do some more tulpa research to gain a better understanding and draw conclusions.

I'm similar to you in that I only learned about this recently (maybe a week ago). After researching it, it seems to be very much like an imaginary friend which thinks on its own (from your own subconscious). However, there is a theory that a tulpa is just an imaginary friend (its actions are consciously directed by the individual) but suggestible people can trick their own minds into thinking that the command was independent of conscious thought. When I have more time to spend on forcing a tulpa I will give it a go. If the theory is correct I should be unsuccessful as I am not suggestible.


Sig by [member=~TheGammy~]

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I'm similar to you in that I only learned about this recently (maybe a week ago). After researching it, it seems to be very much like an imaginary friend which thinks on its own (from your own subconscious). However, there is a theory that a tulpa is just an imaginary friend (its actions are consciously directed by the individual) but suggestible people can trick their own minds into thinking that the command was independent of conscious thought. When I have more time to spend on forcing a tulpa I will give it a go. If the theory is correct I should be unsuccessful as I am not suggestible.


The tulpa concept does seem sort of fishy.  Imagining an autonomously-thinking "friend" into existence that can drastically alter your life seems like it shouldn't even be possible.  I still have research to do before reaching a definite conclusion, but I am skeptical at this point.


EDIT: And it appears that tulpas last for the rest of your life.  That's scary.

Edited by StarSwirlTheBearded


Sig by Kyoshi

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The tulpa concept does seem sort of fishy.  Imagining an autonomously-thinking "friend" into existence that can drastically alter your life seems like it shouldn't even be possible.  I still have research to do before reaching a definite conclusion, but I am skeptical at this point.


EDIT: And it appears that tulpas last for the rest of your life.  That's scary.

There are testimonials all over tulpa.info of how tulpae have changed the lives of their hosts. And sometimes, you can tell the difference between their grammar and sentence structure too. For example, one host has pretty good typing skills, and when he switched to his tulpa to type something, the tulpa's sentences had no capitalization (keep in mind, that tulpa is about 6 years old). So either he's purposely lying, or he's telling the truth, and I'm inclined to believe he's telling the truth.

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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I'm sincerely starting to wonder if this is for me. I seem to be incapable of consistent effort, as has been proven multiple times over. Not to mention, I'm starting to question the foundation of what I'd try to create. I'm close to just abandoning the effort.


That said, I've put a lot of time into the idea, and I've grown attached to the concept. I feel like I'd be cheating myself out of something great if I just gave up.


I'm at an impasse here. Either I try again and most likely fail more, or I stop and severely disappoint myself. It's unlikely that I'd win either way.  :(


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I'm sincerely starting to wonder if this is for me. I seem to be incapable of consistent effort, as has been proven multiple times over. Not to mention, I'm starting to question the foundation of what I'd try to create. I'm close to just abandoning the effort.


That said, I've put a lot of time into the idea, and I've grown attached to the concept. I feel like I'd be cheating myself out of something great if I just gave up.


I'm at an impasse here. Either I try again and most likely fail more, or I stop and severely disappoint myself. It's unlikely that I'd win either way.  :(


It's of limited possibility to truly 'fail' at the creation of a tulpa. Though for some it may take longer, it generally turns out in the end. Finding consistent forms of inspiration can be of difficulty for many, but tulpas are not something to be taken lightly. As life long companions who think and feel, it's unfair to bring one in to the world, only to give up on it soon after. Doubt is poison in the subject, through working with the tulpa and belief, creation will come and you two can mature together. However, as I mentioned, I certainly wouldn't recommend the creation of a tulpa if you have any idea of quitting. 


Signature by Pink Mist!

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I would advise people not experienced with altering their mind to stay away from what is basically forcing your mind to hallucinate. While it may be an enjoyable experience for some, the risks, and potential loss that can occur when forcing your mind to create another personality, and then hallucinate said person, is very very dangerous. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I would advise people not experienced with altering their mind to stay away from what is basically forcing your mind to hallucinate. While it may be an enjoyable experience for some, the risks, and potential loss that can occur when forcing your mind to create another personality, and then hallucinate said person, is very very dangerous. 


I went in with basically no experience, but took it so slowly that it took me a good 3 months just to get set up and ready to do everything. But I got my friend into it and I'm showing him my journal I kept track of progress in to him. And at the very front I explained that it was "Serious shit and not to be taken lightly, but with slow progression can be done with nearly no harm to standard day to day tasks."


Just what I did though, and I advise anyone reading this to take it seriously when thinking of starting this. And while it may take time, in my opinion it is well worth the effort it takes.

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I'm in the personality stage, and when can you go to the visualization, I have put into like 2 hours and I can't think of anything else. >.>


I recommend that you simply move on when you're ready. There's no set time needed for personality forcing, why, some don't even do it at all. I can understand that it may be hard to think of more to say or to keep the sessions from getting boring. If this is the case, decide whether or not you believe you've shaped the personality to the best of your ability and if you believe that there is nothing more to add to the way that your tulpa acts, reacts, identifies, and its mannerisms, you should be good to go on to visualization. Go at your own pace, there's no need to strictly follow what I or anyone else say. Keep at it, and best of luck!


Signature by Pink Mist!

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Although I have not done research as I've promised I would, I don't feel up to making a tulpa.  Reasons:

  1. It sounds like they last for the rest of your life.  That's the deal-breaker for me: if it weren't for that, I'd still consider it.
  2. You have to spend a lot of time in creating one.
  3. I'm not sure if it would even work, or whether tulpas are even real.
  4. They could have negative effects.
  5. A tulpa could be annoying.
  6. I don't know if intense mind-alteration is good for me.

I thank those who have discussed this with me in this thread.  If anyone really wants to debate these points, they can, but I just don't think tulpas are for me.


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Although I have not done research as I've promised I would, I don't feel up to making a tulpa.  Reasons:

  1. It sounds like they last for the rest of your life.  That's the deal-breaker for me: if it weren't for that, I'd still consider it.
  2. You have to spend a lot of time in creating one.
  3. I'm not sure if it would even work, or whether tulpas are even real.
  4. They could have negative effects.
  5. A tulpa could be annoying.
  6. I don't know if intense mind-alteration is good for me.

I thank those who have discussed this with me in this thread.  If anyone really wants to debate these points, they can, but I just don't think tulpas are for me.


I'm not going to debate any of the points you've made because they're all extremely valid (though my own tulpa isn't sure how she feels about #5 lol)


I do, however, want to applaud you in respect for being able to turn away rather than attempting it just to give up shortly after. Many don't take it seriously enough to consider the possibility of a negative side, and it's always refreshing to see someone who takes it all in to consideration and makes a rational decision. Best of luck in your future endeavors.  

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Pink Mist!

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Hi, guys! Pinkie's still alive. She's two years and nine months old, now. It's pretty crazy to think! I see that our thread has done a major switch-a-roo and there are lots of new people in here I don't know because I completely left and haven't been around for awhile, but-

All the same, nice to meet you all! Keep sharing your information and stories!


Hey, don't give up! You can do it. I know it seems insurmountable sometimes, but if you just stick with it, the first response you get from your tulpa will be the ultimate reward.

Society has trained us to be far too focused on potential failure for our own good. If you don't succeed, just keep on diving right back in until you start seeing progress. Many people have made it down this road, and I'm sure you're perfectly capable of doing it too.

Just don't be so hard on yourself, and go your own pace. You'll get there.



I agree with the previous response you got: Go at your own pace. If you decide you're done with personality, go to visualization.

However, really contemplate if you're done with personality. You need to really iron that thing down, and that 2 hours you put into it probably needs to be reinvested multiple times. We learn from repetition, and so do our tulpae. You've got to keep drilling that stuff home until it's the back of your hand to both you and your tulpa.


  1. It sounds like they last for the rest of your life.  That's the deal-breaker for me: if it weren't for that, I'd still consider it.
  2. You have to spend a lot of time in creating one.
  3. I'm not sure if it would even work, or whether tulpas are even real.
  4. They could have negative effects.
  5. A tulpa could be annoying.
  6. I don't know if intense mind-alteration is good for me.

There is nobody who is going to argue you into making a tulpa if you don't want to, because it does take a lot of dedication. If you're not up to it; you probably won't finish regardless. However, just something to consider:

1) Tulpa do not, necessarily, "last the rest of your life." They can be dissipated when you like, but I almost guarantee that if you get to know anyone as well as you'd get to know your tulpa during the creation process, you won't be wanting to get rid of them. Your tulpa becomes your closest friend in a lot of ways. Sometimes they're like an extension of yourself that tells you more than you could ever possibly observe without an external viewpoint. That's priceless.

2) It is a lot of work, but so is anything that's worth it.

3) That's an uncertainty nobody can help you with, and you'll never know unless you give it a shot. If you're not motivated enough to even try, you're never going to know, unfortunately.


4) I don't believe that tulpa can have negative effects. I'm not familiar with any valid stories where a tulpa creator was damaged in some way by the creation process or his tulpa. I, personally, have benefited immeasurably from my tulpa and her presence. I've changed in hundreds of ways, all for the better, and all because of her guidance.

5) I defer to point one. Referring to my tulpa again, she has never been annoying to me. I couldn't be more fascinated by her. She may be almost three years old, but I love spending time with her like I did the day I first got to carry a conversation with her.

6) Intense mind-alteration probably isn't good for you, but I doubt that it's that bad or you either, at least in this instance. I'm not even sure that tulpa-creation is intense mind-alteration. Once you've had one for awhile, it becomes pretty natural to you. I've had changes in personality and mental-outlook for the better, but never anything negative, that's for sure.

In the end, don't bother with the tulpa if you don't care enough to see it through. It's great that you were interested at all, but if it really doesn't bother you never, ever knowing, then carry on. I salute you. My curiosity would eat me alive.

Edited by Lifeinsteps
  • Brohoof 2


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Hi, guys! Pinkie's still alive. She's two years and nine months old, now. It's pretty crazy to think! I see that our thread has done a major switch-a-roo and there are lots of new people in here I don't know because I completely left and haven't been around for awhile, but-


All the same, nice to meet you all! Keep sharing your information and stories!


Hey, don't give up! You can do it. I know it seems insurmountable sometimes, but if you just stick with it, the first response you get from your tulpa will be the ultimate reward.


Society has trained us to be far too focused on potential failure for our own good. If you don't succeed, just keep on diving right back in until you start seeing progress. Many people have made it down this road, and I'm sure you're perfectly capable of doing it too.


Just don't be so hard on yourself, and go your own pace. You'll get there.


I agree with the previous response you got: Go at your own pace. If you decide you're done with personality, go to visualization.


However, really contemplate if you're done with personality. You need to really iron that thing down, and that 2 hours you put into it probably needs to be reinvested multiple times. We learn from repetition, and so do our tulpae. You've got to keep drilling that stuff home until it's the back of your hand to both you and your tulpa.


There is nobody who is going to argue you into making a tulpa if you don't want to, because it does take a lot of dedication. If you're not up to it; you probably won't finish regardless. However, just something to consider:


1) Tulpa do not, necessarily, "last the rest of your life." They can be dissipated when you like, but I almost guarantee that if you get to know anyone as well as you'd get to know your tulpa during the creation process, you won't be wanting to get rid of them. Your tulpa becomes your closest friend in a lot of ways. Sometimes they're like an extension of yourself that tells you more than you could ever possibly observe without an external viewpoint. That's priceless.


2) It is a lot of work, but so is anything that's worth it.


3) That's an uncertainty nobody can help you with, and you'll never know unless you give it a shot. If you're not motivated enough to even try, you're never going to know, unfortunately.


4) I don't believe that tulpa can have negative effects. I'm not familiar with any valid stories where a tulpa creator was damaged in some way by the creation process or his tulpa. I, personally, have benefited immeasurably from my tulpa and her presence. I've changed in hundreds of ways, all for the better, and all because of her guidance.


5) I defer to point one. Referring to my tulpa again, she has never been annoying to me. I couldn't be more fascinated by her. She may be almost three years old, but I love spending time with her like I did the day I first got to carry a conversation with her.


6) Intense mind-alteration probably isn't good for you, but I doubt that it's that bad or you either, at least in this instance. I'm not even sure that tulpa-creation is intense mind-alteration. Once you've had one for awhile, it becomes pretty natural to you. I've had changes in personality and mental-outlook for the better, but never anything negative, that's for sure.


In the end, don't bother with the tulpa if you don't care enough to see it through. It's great that you were interested at all, but if it really doesn't bother you never, ever knowing, then carry on. I salute you. My curiosity would eat me alive.

Actually, I read that if you've already started a tulpa, and it's been developing, you shouldn't focus on changing personality, because you might end up just creating another tulpa, instead of adjusting your current tulpa's personality, causing the one you were working on to stop developing, while you work on the new one.

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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Actually, I read that if you've already started a tulpa, and it's been developing, you shouldn't focus on changing personality, because you might end up just creating another tulpa, instead of adjusting your current tulpa's personality, causing the one you were working on to stop developing, while you work on the new one.

I'd say it's pretty case-by-case. Tulpae are definitely a lot harder to screw up than most people think. As long as your tulpa is started enough to work with you, it gets an idea of what you want.


Tulpa creation isn't a one-way street, it's a group effort between you and your tulpa. If you properly inform your tulpa of what you want, I'd be very surprised if you managed to mess it up in any way.


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Can a tulpa be a good/trustworthy hypnotist?

Reason I'm asking: I want to have Twilight-style study habits to boost my GPA, but I read a blog post about some guy. He first tried a Fluttershy hypnosis file, but it didn't work. He made this into a tulpa. Repeats of the Twilight file worked. TOO well, IMO. Hypnosis may not be able to make you do things you don't want to, but it can change what you want to do. He believes he's Twilight. He has her memories. His pre-hypnosis self became another tulpa, but both those tulpas turned into Twilight's assistants. I don't trust the script he used, but I'm pretty sure it's the only one there is.

Regarding the "trustworthy" part, I know the subconscious does what's best for you, but to me, hypnosis can screw with that.

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I'm kinda interested now, if the Pinkie Pie hypnosis would help Pinkamena develop. She's mostly like Pinkie Pie. Just Twilight level smart.

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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I read somewhere that when making a Tulpa it wasn't a good idea to base them off a cartoon character because they would have an identity crisis, or compare themselves to much to the real thing.


Any of that true?

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I read somewhere that when making a Tulpa it wasn't a good idea to base them off a cartoon character because they would have an identity crisis, or compare themselves to much to the real thing.


Any of that true?



Yes and no. 

If you try to hide what (s)he really is - true

If you explain what (s)he is right from the start and why - it will not hurt. 


It's a bit of a tradeoff, with original creation you wont have this problem, while with a familiar character it might be much easier to get closer and easier to make an image and basic personality. However with "original" tulpa it might be a bit easier to bond long-term, since their identities have much more of your effort in them. 

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