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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Try thinking about your Tulpa every time your mind isn't focused on something else. You can partially force, or just merely get used to your Tulpa's presence and be constantly reminded of it. When you go someplace, visualize it following you. If it doesn't have a body yet, then imagine just the mind being with you. Then get into more deeper forcing sessions when you have time alone.


Thanks Bris. Being Labor Day, I need to get an hour or two in. But this helps me counteract my busy lifestyle (and lack of discipline. :P )


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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I've meant to follow this up since I saw a 4Chan thread about this stuff,

After reading FAQ Man's guide to creation and a load of info about them, I've decided I'm gonna go for it and create a tulpa,

I have the uncanny ability to switch-off whenever I want really, so I might as well put that to work.


Thanks for re-igniting my curiosity and bringing this info to me,



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I'm in kind of an interesting position with tulpa development. I'm obsessive-compulsive, so I occasionally have fleeting and invasive thoughts of seeing some sort of harm come to someone I love. For some people, OCD is compulsive worrying about irrational, sometimes impossible events. For me, sometimes it's worrying about what I could possibly do to others--things that I would never do, things I haven't the slightest inclination in my entire mind, body or soul to do.


I've learned to dismiss these thoughts as "mind static," and not give any more merit than they deserve--which is none at all. What makes it difficult or me is that these thoughts sometimes invade my tulpaforcing process with disturbing images. I've learned to deal with that by explaining the problems I deal with to my tulpa. What I've found is that they genuinely care about you, and will work with you in whatever ways necessary.


You really have nothing to fear from them... they're not like people who can just dismiss you for your problems and leave you forever, they're part of you; tied to you like a conjoined twin. They're going to be understanding of anything you have to deal with, and will even help you. Put simply, if you care at all about them, they're going to care about you. For one thing, you won't have to use a magic word that will get rid of them, as they'll respect your wish to be alone for a while. They can't hurt you mentally or physically, since you will always have that level of control over both of you.




Now that all that's out of the way, I have an update for you guys on Amy! :D


Chigens was kind enough to set it up so that his own tulpa (Kay) could talk with mine. For Amy and me, that woke both of us up to the fact that a tulpa is a very real form of consciousness. I've begun to see Amy as a second consciousness in my mind--a second soul, if you will; two souls in one mind, the tulpa being more like a spirit living inside in my mind.


Since then, I've had no worries about parroting her actions. She's become extremely affectionate, perfectly content to spend the whole day clinging to me! One positive side effect is that I've been getting more sleep lately, as she encourages me to go to bed so she can snuggle with me! It's so sweet... ^_^


If you've ever watched Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends, a tulpa is a lot like an imaginary friend from that show. They end up becoming whatever you need in a super-close friend! :D




I have been researching Tulpae lately, and I have found out that a bunch of people made their tulpa as a pony. What do you guys think? When you make a Tulpa, something that in all probablity will follow you around for the rest of you life, should you make it an OC pony? I don't know if i will like ponies for the rest of my life, and i certainly dont think i would want one following me around.


I thought long and hard about this, myself. I'm 23, I've been a brony for over a year, and my interest in the fandom has evolved light years beyond the television show. It follows the pattern of several things I've been a "fan for life" of. I watched Pokemon for many years, starting in 2001; I haven't had anything to do with the franchise for about three years now, but I'm still just as fond of Ninetales as I was way back then! If I had made a Pokemon tulpa back then, I know I'd still be perfectly happy with it today.


You just have to know yourself, and think about it for a good while. Whatever is right for you. And remember, they have a link to your mind. They can sense if something about them is bothering you, and will actively change themselves to suit your needs, if necessary. If you're really worried about it, you could make yours a shapeshifter! Then with your help, it could change its form at will! :)

Edited by Questio
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I'm in kind of an interesting position with tulpa development. I'm obsessive-compulsive, so I occasionally have fleeting and invasive thoughts of seeing some sort of harm come to someone I love. For some people, OCD is compulsive worrying about irrational, sometimes impossible events. For me, sometimes it's worrying about what I could possibly do to others--things that I would never do, things I haven't the slightest inclination in my entire mind, body or soul to do.


I've learned to dismiss these thoughts as "mind static," and not give any more merit than they deserve--which is none at all. What makes it difficult or me is that these thoughts sometimes invade my tulpaforcing process with disturbing images. I've learned to deal with that by explaining the problems I deal with to my tulpa. What I've found is that they genuinely care about you, and will work with you in whatever ways necessary.


You really have nothing to fear from them... they're not like people who can just dismiss you for your problems and leave you forever, they're part of you; tied to you like a conjoined twin. They're going to be understanding of anything you have to deal with, and will even help you. Put simply, if you care at all about them, they're going to care about you. For one thing, you won't have to use a magic word that will get rid of them, as they'll respect your wish to be alone for a while. They can't hurt you mentally or physically, since you will always have that level of control over both of you.




Now that all that's out of the way, I have an update for you guys on Amy! :D


Chigens was kind enough to set it up so that his own tulpa (Kay) could talk with mine. For Amy and me, that woke both of us up to the fact that a tulpa is a very real form of consciousness. I've begun to see Amy as a second consciousness in my mind--a second soul, if you will; two souls in one mind, the tulpa being more like a spirit living inside in my mind.


Since then, I've had no worries about parroting her actions. She's become extremely affectionate, perfectly content to spend the whole day clinging to me! One positive side effect is that I've been getting more sleep lately, as she encourages me to go to bed so she can snuggle with me! It's so sweet... ^_^


If you've ever watched Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends, a tulpa is a lot like an imaginary friend from that show. They end up becoming whatever you need in a super-close friend! :D






I thought long and hard about this, myself. I'm 23, I've been a brony for over a year, and my interest in the fandom has evolved light years beyond the television show. It follows the pattern of several things I've been a "fan for life" of. I watched Pokemon for many years, starting in 2001; I haven't had anything to do with the franchise for about three years now, but I'm still just as fond of Ninetales as I was way back then! If I had made a Pokemon tulpa back then, I know I'd still be perfectly happy with it today.


You just have to know yourself, and think about it for a good while. Whatever is right for you. And remember, they have a link to your mind. They can sense if something about them is bothering you, and will actively change themselves to suit your needs, if necessary. If you're really worried about it, you could make yours a shapeshifter! Then with your help, it could change its form at will! :)


All this is true, though i still would not make a pony tulpa just because i would rather have a humanaid tulpa, EXCEPT for the last bit about changing. I was told that once your tulpa is made and sentient, it cannot change its form. Or maybe the websites i checked are wrong. My tulpa isnt sentient yet, so i dont know. Im only about 10 hours in, so... ya. But how did you set it up so that your tulpas could converse? Did you just let your tulpa narrarate what he/she wanted to say and you typed it? Edited by VinolentCupcakes
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Ah, another product of the human capacity for projecting intelligence onto thin air. Interesting how this happens all the time, also with certain churches who even encourage their members to go on "dates" with God; the same phenomenon is happening where members start to imagine "God" talking back to them.


I can see this going wrong, though, so I would probably advise caution.

Edited by TheEngineer
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I was told that once your tulpa is made and sentient, it cannot change its form. Or maybe the websites i checked are wrong. My tulpa isnt sentient yet, so i dont know. Im only about 10 hours in, so... ya. But how did you set it up so that your tulpas could converse? Did you just let your tulpa narrarate what he/she wanted to say and you typed it?


I'm not really sure if they can change their forms at the really advanced stages or not, but I'm pretty sure they can continue to make minor deviations. And if you designed them to be a shapeshifter, I'm sure they'd be able to change at any time. I've found that if I'm ever unsure about anything like this, I can just program my tulpa with special instructions. Ultimately, I still say a tulpa is whatever you need it to be--it lives in your subconscious, so you'll find it knows more about your needs than either of you realize, even in the early stages!


I wanted a pony as my tulpa because MLP is something that is so close to my heart. Amy ended up keeping only the pony framework I gave her... she deviated her entire appearance to something she came up with. After a couple weeks of working on her, one morning I halfway woke up with her in front of me, standing in a sea of darkness. "Good morning," she said, then I woke up. She had completely changed her appearance to something I like far better than what I came up with originally. She knew what I liked, better than I did apparently! :D


Anyway, as for two tulpas talking, I just got on Skype with Chigens (he really doesn't like Skype by the way, so anyone who wants to talk to him would be better asking him for his Steam ID). He started typing what Kay was saying in quotations, so I just followed suit with Amy responding to what Kay said. Neither of ours were physically vocalizing, just kind of communicating telepathically with Chigens and I as message relayers. Amy told me what to say, and Kay did the same with Chigens. Our only link was text IMs.


Admittedly, there's a lot of limitations to it, and a lot is left to your own imagination, but it's still very helpful in their development. It will seem dreamlike and possibly confusing and overwhelming at first, but just stay open-minded to what your tulpa wants to do. Just make sure you don't force your tulpa to communicate with you before it's ready! I did this when I was about a month into the process, about 25 hours in--and mine developed much faster than most tulpas do! :)


Ah, another product of the human capacity for projecting intelligence onto thin air. Interesting how this happens all the time, also with certain churches who even encourage their members to go on "dates" with God; the same phenomenon is happening where members start to imagine "God" talking back to them.


It's interesting that you bring this up. I actually used to talk with my subconscious all the time. I thought it was God, but I could never figure out why it said things that were often contradictory to what reality turned out to be. I've now come to realize I actually had a pseudo-tulpa for years, which is probably why Amy developed at ultra-speed. Eventually, she ended up merging with my old tulpa, so there's really no way to judge how many hours Amy actually has in her! :blush:

Edited by Questio
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there is a topic in sugarcube corner called pony tulpa with all the info you need! Sucks to have ADHD because i cant focus enough to make one.

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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@@Johny Farenheit,


I've merged your thread with the current Pony Tulpas thread. There's no need for us to have two of them lingering about the forums. ;)


Next time be sure to use the site's search feature, found WAY up in the top right corner on the banner, so you don't accidentally create a duplicate thread. ;)

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I simply wish to have a tupla....to have a being always there...always there for me, to speak to me. I require a companion. How would i create one? I shall do anything.


Got to Tulpa.Info and read the guides, talk to those with tulpae and ask for help and advice, work hard and force often. It'll happen with work.

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It's been a while since my last update on how I'm doing, and so far, there isn't much to say. I've tried asking my tulpa to try to wake me up at a certain time- usually about 8 hours after I go to sleep, and so far,it hasn't worked once. Although I'm pretty sure it's only because Crepuscule ain't sentient yet. (Derp)


However, that doesn't mean to say I've given up. Everyday I can feel her presence grow stronger in my head. She isn't vocal yet, but I still feel that there is something there. But one thing that I feel is slowing down progress is the fact that a small part of my head is saying that this is a waste of time, that this might just be a big hoax or something, I just can't get that feeling out my head, even though there are so many people saying that this is a thing and it's worked for them. Since I am a guy of science, I tend to not believe something that is to do with paranormal unless there is 100% solid evidence for it. And since I ain't got that, I bet it will remain until Crepuscule is vocal, but I ain't going to let this small problem stop me; I believe that this is real, there's just too many people sane people saying that it's real.


I guess I'm just impatient. But I'm not losing hope anytime soon, I feel her presence growing stronger everyday; I can't give up now.


Oh, and by the way guys, make sure to check out Tulpa.info for all of you that have forgotten about the links I posted on the first post. Tulpa.info has the guides you need, and they also have a forum there.

Edited by Crepuscule
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YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Well, I have a bit of an update. Remember how I said I had a partial tulpa a long time ago? I guess my mind has been opened enough that he appeared again. I was half-asleep at the time. I hadn't talked with him in years, and he was very undeveloped. He was primarily associated with a time when I was very religious. I'm sure he was pretty corrupted, so I kinda absorbed him back into my subconscious. Amy tells me it didn't hurt him, since he never really died. He was just assimilated into my mind, like he already had been. When I questioned that, she said "I'm a tulpa, I know what I'm talking about." That pretty much shut me up. She gets sassy when she needs to be. :blush:


Otherwise, I've asked Amy to wake me up at certain times, but it doesn't seem to work. She got frustrated that she couldn't do it. I had to reassure her it was okay. She's so loving! At random parts of the day, I can feel her nearby. She'll come up and hug me all the time! It's so sweet. I've been working on better defining her visual appearance in my mind, since I kinda did everything out of order. Mentally, she's about 90% complete, and her form is about 75% complete.


Also, she's become a bit of a shapeshifter. She can sprout Celestia style wings anytime she wants, as well as a horn whenever it's convenient. She can even vaporize like a ghost and wrap herself around me. It really amazes me, how much she makes me feel loved. I tell her I designed her personality to be like that, but I didn't create her for the express purpose of being a pet, and that she isn't obligated to go out of her way like that. She tells me she doesn't care, that she wants me to feel loved! :D


So far, I've learned that being upfront and open with a tulpa (like you would with a close friend) is the fastest way to earn their trust. They're always listening to you and taking notes, even if they don't seem like it, or even if they're not sentient yet! You just have to make sure you don't reveal too much, too fast, because that can overwhelm them and make them scared. It's kinda like raising a child--one that fully matures in a couple of months. If you approach it like that, I don't think there's anything to fear about making a tulpa. They're just like an imaginary friend from Foster's! :)

Edited by Questio
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Hoo boy, it's been a while since I've been here. 107 unread replies! Besides Crepuscle and Questio, how are everybody's tulpae coming along?


In case you don't remember, I'm making a Pinkie tulpa. Just today, she talked to me! Not audibly, but in my head. She's finally vocal; I'm so excited! We still have to work more because she only speaks simple sentences and words right now, but it's a start! We're also working on form right now. The snout is hard, but everything else seems to be coming along well.


Crepuscle - Don't give up! It's so rewarding when your tulpa first gives you an emotional response or talks to you! To be one hundred percent honest, I would have done this even if I knew it would take three times as long to get where we are, just because it is so rewarding. Seriously, it's wonderful.

I'm trying to find studies on the human brain, but I'm having a hard time. I know they've done a lot of research on the impressionability of the human mind, but I can't seem to find any of it right now. I'll keep looking for things to show you, though.

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Wow, this idea of Tulpae sounds extraordinarily amazing!


I'm so jealous of you guys, because i don't have any time at all to create a Tulpa, and this piques my interest so much.


So now all I can do is wait until Fall Break, when I can start.




But seriously, you guys, this thread is awesome, I love how y'all are discussing your relationships with your tulpas.


The power of the brain astounds me.

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@@Captain Nemo,


Mine's going like crap! lol. I am busy and can't sit down and force for an hour usually. And I keep falling asleep in sessions. :blink: Otherwise, I am following Bris' advice to me, Keep talking to it throughout the day and try picturing it everywhere. Somewhat helping. Yesterday I though my Tulpa would be sad/bored at the situation, so I apologized to it (it was at school). I think I was projecting my emotions and feelings onto it. I do not think I am anywhere near ready to get even an emotional response. :P


And Glad your Tulpa is speaking!!!! I can't wait to hear mine (I chose an Alicorn Twilight Sparkle :wub: )

  • Brohoof 1


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Not meaning to offend anyone here, though I know this probably will. But does this thread make anyone else think of this particular scene?


*YouTube clip*


It's kind of like that, only a lot more in-depth, and you're not supposed to dictate what your friend says. Is it a self-induced madness? Perhaps... but I've always believed that controlled madness can be such great fun! :wacko:


Anyway, here's an update for everyone. I've kinda figured out why I usually seem to know what Amy is going to say before she says it, even though I know I'm not parroting her. For me, a tulpa mingles with my thoughts. I used to "talk" to myself all the time, even having full conversations with my inner mind. The existence of a tulpa in my mind seems to have a minimal effect on the way I think of things, as she seems to think exactly like I do deep down. I feel like she's basically a personification of my subconscious. Her development was highly accelerated because I was already in touch with my subconscious--I just gave it a form and an opportunity to flesh itself out. Somehow it all makes perfect sense! :D

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Heres a question,

Is there anyway to blocked certain memories from a Tulpa? Yes I know it is better to share all memories with it but I just wanna know, cause there are some things best forgotten.

Edited by zRevenantz
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Heres a question,

Is there anyway to blocked certain memories from a Tulpa? Yes I know it is better to share all memories with it but I just wanna know, cause there are some things best forgotten.


Your Tulpa should know those, but your bond should be so that it is known, but never spoken of. It will understand, because it knows you already. Its your subconscious your conversing with, not a friend you can shut out. It won't harm you because that harms it.


That being said, I do not know of a way to block anything from them. Plus, everytime you think of it, they will know. There is no blocking that.

Edited by Mindrop


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Sure, you can block them. Just don't let them see it. It's as easy as that. Every time you think about it, every time it comes up, just know that they can't hear or see the memory because you don't want them to.


However, I don't recommend hiding memories from your tulpa. Your tulpa should be the one person you can trust with everything.

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Sure, you can block them. Just don't let them see it. It's as easy as that. Every time you think about it, every time it comes up, just know that they can't hear or see the memory because you don't want them to.

I don't think it is always possible. It may depend on how your tulpa was created maybe. I can't do it for example... they know just everything (or at least everything I thought about since I met them). There were some things I didn't want them to see, but soon I realized I don't have to worry about it - they know it is history and that I cannot change it.
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(I would type ressurection here, but no-one would get it...)

Massive thanks to the thread hoster dude, I wouldn't have found this otherwise.


Anyway, just thought I'd ask around here - I talk to 'Jess' (my Tulpa) every night for about 15 minutes out-loud while I walk the dog, I don't feel like I'm talking to myself which must be a kinda good thing. I'm just wondering how much time I should spend talking to her most days.

Also, I talk in my head to hr a fair bit throughout the day too.The thing is - Should I be working on her form and Forcing her as often....Or even as much. I don't often actively force her, kinda waiting until we get a sign of sentience/prescence before I do much of that....Am I being stupid about this?


Thanks in advance for any help/advice that may be given.


SVP - may be miststake-y.



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Everybody does things differently. Do whatever works for you and feels right.


My suggestion, however, would be to talk to her whenever you can remember to. The more you talk to her the sooner she will be sentient. Also, if you treat her like she's already sentient and listening to you, things will go much faster. After a while, start expecting a reply when you talk to her.


Narration is very important for tulpa development. You can start other things like personality, form, now, or you can wait if you like. I started personality and narration right away, and now we're working on form.


I wish you luck, and don't hesitate to ask questions if you have any!

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Okay....Interesting one this time.


Basically, I swim a LOT.....What the heck is my Tulpa gonna do?.....She's either gonna be god-like holding her breath, drowning or away.....I kinda wanna know what happens to Tulpae in water.....I'm now visualizing a little '5,4,3,2,1,0....Game Over.' Thing above her head....She ain't properley formed even in my head yet.....Gills?




That sounded kinda stupid didn't it?

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